% Name: Anderson Silva % Date: March 10, 1999 % ================================ % A graph that will be used for a % Depth First Search Algorithm % Knowledge Base. % ================================ % linked/2 % A nodes and its children linked(a, [b,c,d]). linked(b, [e,f]). linked(c, [g,h]). linked(d, [i,j]). linked(e, [k,l]). linked(f, [l,m]). linked(g, [n]). linked(h, [o,p]). linked(i, [p,q]). linked(j, [r]). linked(k, [s]). linked(l, [t]). linked(m, []). linked(n, []). linked(o, []). linked(p, [u]). linked(q, []). linked(r, []). linked(s, []). linked(t, []). linked(u, []). % arc/2 % A rule that checks to see if % there is an arc between two given nodes. arc(X,Y):- linked(X,L), member(Y,L).