7.2.5 Adding Site Specific Freelance Registry Keys

Following is an example for adding site specific Freelance registry keys to pre-populate the Mountpoints and Symlinks in the fake root.afs volume.

Columns that are unspecified should be left empty.

We create a new feature and component to hold the new registry keys.

'Feature' table:

(new row) Feature : 'feaFreelanceKeys' Feature Parent : 'feaClient' Display : 0 Level : 30 Attributes : 10

'Component' table:

(new row) Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys' ComponentId : '{4E3B3CBF4-9AE7-40C3-7B09-C48CF842C583}' Directory : 'TARGETDIR' Attributes : 4 KeyPath : 'reg_freekey0'

'FeatureComponents' table:

(new row) Feature : 'feaFreelanceKeys' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

'Registry' table:

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey0' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey1' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance' Name : '0' Value : 'athena.mit.edu#athena.mit.edu:root.cell.' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey2' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance' Name : '1' Value : '.athena.mit.edu%athena.mit.edu:root.cell.' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey3' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey4' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks' Name : '0' Value : 'athena:athena.mit.edu.' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

(new row) Registry : 'reg_freekey5' Root : 2 Key : 'SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks' Name : '1' Value : '.athena:.athena.mit.edu.' Component : 'rcm_FreelanceKeys'

The example adds a read-only mountpoint to the athena.mit.edu cell's root.afs volume as well as a read-write mountpoint. Aliases are also provided using symlinks.