install help

From: Brad Masiowski (
Date: Sat Oct 28 2000 - 04:13:25 CEST


    MuLINUX seems like an excellent system. I wish I could get it
loaded on my computer. I am using the muLINUX boot root diskette. It
boots then runs LILO and gives a boot: prompt. If left alone it
defaults to start mulinux and eventually does a reboot. This is where
the problems begin. It gives an "Error 0x02" then tries the reboot once
again. This repeats until the system is turned off.

    What is an "Error 0x02"? What can I do to fix it?

    I have tried to put all of the required files into a local (DOS)
directory and then run boot.bat. That doesn't work either.

    Perhaps I am too dense, but I can't understand the install process
from the docs.
Maybe the rumoured new FAQ will help.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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