From: ZooT aLLures (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 10:09:03 CEST
>Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:31:11 +0100
> Michele Andreoli <> Re: RS232
>On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 02:46:27PM +0100, Kautzmann Gerd wrote:
>> Are there any resources or programms that could show me how to programm for
>> a RS232 Interface ( not programming a driver, just using a driver ) in 'C'
>> under (mu) LINUX ?
>The subject is covered in the howto called SerialProgramming or PortIOProgramming.
>Anyway, to exchange characters via serial port in Linux is very
>simple to do.
>Method 1)
>It is only matter to open the special device /dev/ttyS0 (COM1)
>or /dev/ttyS1 (COM2):
> int fd;
> fd = open("/dev/ttyS0",O_RDWR)
>Only to program the parallel port is more easy that that
>You can explore the blocking and not-blocking IO with the parametri O_BLOCK, or
>The was a lot of ioctl() able to set parity, echo features, etc.
>After that, you read character with read(fd, buffer, n) and write with
>In the mulinux.tgz there is a sources/ directory. You can explore the
>file miterm.c, a standalone application able to talk with modems.
>I think, a good starting point.
>Method 2)
>As alternative, you can load the PERL addon and use perl. Very easy
>to use.
>Open the serial line:
> sysopen(fd,"/dev/ttyS0",2);รน
>After that, you can write with:
> syswrite(fd,string,length_len);
>and read with:
> sysread(fd, string, n)
>Both methods do not requires special libraries or special include files,
>so the muLinux environment suffices.
>Method 3)
>A further method, that skip the kernel driver, is to face directly with
>IO ports, memory mapped. This is specially useful for parallel port, because
>doesn't requires synchonization:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <asm/io.h>
>As first stage you must gain privilegs with
> iopl(3);
>After that, you can read a byte from the port with
> port=0x378 ( parallel port)
> c=inb(port)
>and write a byte with:
> outb(byte,port);
>Method 4)
>You can access the IO port using the /dev/port special device. It is a kernel
>facility. If you read the n-th byte in this special file, you are really
>reading the n-th cell in the IO memory mapped area.
>You can get a byte using the muLinux "poke" command.
>Example: poke /dev/port 10 read the byte 10.
>I hope this useful for you.
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