From: Stephen Isard (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 14:37:18 CEST
Frouin Jean-Michel (Tahiti) wrote:
> Someone have experience of libretto ?
> Its a chips tech 65550 screen and i want to configure X with it ...
You have downloaded the X11 addon and done 'setup -f X11', yes?
Have you done 'setup -f xf86'?
What happens when you run 'startx'? If it doesn't work, what does the
log file in /var/log/startx.log say?
If you want SVGA instead of just VGA, there is an SVGA server in the NS1
addon. However, I'm not sure what version of XFree86 it is. According
to XFree86 documentation I have seen, you want version 3.3 or later for
ct65550. You can get a version 3.5 server from
(that's all one line, in case the mailer wraps it).
Stephen Isard
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