This is @l_prefix@, an RPM-based OpenPKG software package hierarchy. This filesystem area contains software which was automatically installed through OpenPKG RPM packages from Short OpenPKG RPM query command summary: $ @l_prefix@/bin/openpkg rpm -qa (q)uery list of (a)ll installed packages $ @l_prefix@/bin/openpkg rpm -qi (q)uery (i)nformation about package $ @l_prefix@/bin/openpkg rpm -qlv (q)uery (v)erbose (l)ist of installed files of package Use "eval `@l_prefix@/etc/rc --eval all env`" from within a user's Bourne (Again) Shell startup script (.profile or .bashrc) in order to activate this hierarchy and all of its packages. In case of any questions or problems post to the OpenPKG project user support mailing list . For more details about OpenPKG visit