FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 2005-06-21 OpenPKG Foundation e.V. established to support OpenPKG, the unique cross-platform multi-instance Unix software packaging solution. -- Munich, DE -- 2005-06-21 -- After five months of efforts, the Open Source software project OpenPKG is proud to announce the establishment of the OpenPKG Foundation e.V., a nonprofit organization providing the ideational, financial, material and manned support of OpenPKG. "We have done so much for so long with so little. We are now qualified to do anything with nothing." -- adapted from Larry Wall ABOUT OPENPKG For years OpenPKG has been the undisputed world leading instrument for deployment and maintenance of Open Source Unix software when administration crosses platform boundaries. The unique OpenPKG architecture leverages proven technologies like Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) and OSSP and GNU components to establish a unified software administration environment, independent of the underlying Unix operating system. As of June 2005, OpenPKG consists of over 86000 lines of polished package specifications, resulting in over 880 freely available individual Unix software packages. HISTORY OF THE OPENPKG PROJECT The Open Source software project OpenPKG was founded in 2000 by Ralf S. Engelschall and first released to the public in January 2002. Today OpenPKG is a mature technology in production use. It is maintained and improved by its original developers and volunteer contributors. The project expects to receive valuable contributions and support from the community behind the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. in order to maintain leadership and expand to a larger audience. The equipment to run the project is sponsored by Ralf S. Engelschall and Thomas Lotterer and hosting is sponsored by SpaceNet since late 2004. HISTORY OF THE OPENPKG FOUNDATION The OpenPKG Foundation e.V. is a nonprofit organization with the dedicated goal of supporting the OpenPKG project. The idea to organize the social network of OpenPKG was born by Ralf S. Engelschall and Thomas Lotterer in January 2005. A month later, on 2005-02-09, the nine founders Herbert Schmid, Manuel Hendel, Peter Kajinski, Richard Maier, Thomas Lotterer, Ralf S. Engelschall, Torsten Homeyer, Christoph Schug and Michael Schloh von Bennewitz kicked off the Foundation. Official registration under German law was completed on 2005-03-18. Today the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. counts seventeen members and is open for more to join. Hosting of the Foundation's equipment is also sponsored by SpaceNet since late 2004. MORE INFORMATION OpenPKG Project OpenPKG Foundation e.V. +49-172-8986801 (CET)