This is popper version 1.831beta with some simple modifications to allow it to compile under Linux. I also added support for shadow passwords and the MMDF mail system. If anything breaks, don't complain to the authors--it's my fault. Since some of the resolver code changed in libc-4.6.27, it probably won't compile using older libs (I used libc-4.6.27 with gcc-2.6.3). It shouldn't be too difficult to fix if you want to have a go at it, tho. I included the diffs for my changes against the original sources, which can be had at in /pub. You should just be able to type `make', but most people will want to tweak the CFLAGS in the Makefile, since mine are a little indulgent. If it compiles with no errors, type `make install' to put things in their place. After everything is where it should be, you will want to add a couple of lines to the /etc/inetd.conf file: pop-2 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.popper pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.popper ... and to the /etc/services file (if they aren't already there): pop-2 109/tcp pop-3 110/tcp ... and to the syslog.conf: local0.notice;local0.debug /usr/adm/POPlog Then kill and restart the syslogd and send the inetd a HUP signal, like so: kill -HUP `ps ax| fgrep inetd| fgrep -v fgrep |cut -d\ -f1` (or just type `ps', look for the PID, and type `kill -HUP ' ;-). and you're ready to go. Enjoy, Joshua Cowan