$ bugreporter Welcome to the submit bug report module! The user has stored credentials. Connecting to Novell's Bugzilla... If you don't know which package you want to file a bug to, you can use the susebugreport aid command to get some help. Which is the package you want to file a report against? If you are not sure, you can just type the beginning of the name and use a '*' to invoke globbing. Also, you can type '?' to start the aid_user module that helps finding the correct package name. Package name (or '?'): python-bugzilla Package selected: python-bugzilla Please enter the bug summary (should be short!) --> Attachment not working in python-bugzilla Summary entered: Attachment not working in python-bugzilla Looking for similar existing bug reports... Please check if your bug duplicates one of these: (if so, select it) 1. (#685842) 'Python 2.7 breaks python-bugzilla' [n]ext page [r]eturn (select nothing) Answer--> 1 You have selected bug #685842 with the summary "Python 2.7 breaks python-bugzilla". You can contribute to it at this URL: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=685842