ZLIBC - Uncompressing C Library (For Linux and SunOs) by Alain Knaff, 1993, 1994, 1995 Zlibc is a library patch that allows executables to uncompress the datafiles that they need on the fly. No kernel patch, no recompilation of these executables and no recompilation of the libraries is needed. To use this module, define the environment variable LD_ELF_PRELOAD to point to the object. Example (sh syntax): LD_ELF_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/linuxaout-uncompress.o export LD_ELF_PRELOAD or (csh syntax): setenv LD_ELF_PRELOAD /usr/local/lib/linuxaout-uncompress.o You might want to put these lines in your .profile or .cshrc in order to have the uncompressing functions available all the time. Consult the manpages in /usr/man/man3/zlibc.so.3 and /usr/man/man5/zlibrc.5 The whole package is available from ftp.imag.fr://pub/Linux/ZLIBC/zlibc/ This archive will only work with elf compiled binaries and *only* if you have compiled the binaries while libc.so link was exists in your system (otherwise gcc will use static libc.a instead and zlibc will be unable to exchange some system calls)