!!! Listings zum Artikel !!! Funkenschlag: SPARQL -- Anfragesprache für RDF-Daten !!! von Stefan Minter und Bastian Spanneberg !!! iX 1/08, S. 134 !!! Listing 1: Simple Anfrage/Ergebnis PREFIX dc: SELECT ?urheber WHERE { ?urheber . } !!! Linie ziehen http://www.example.org/staffid/85740 !!! Listing 2: Komplexere Anfrage/Ergebnis PREFIX smwCat: PREFIX smwProp: PREFIX rdf: SELECT ?city ?country ?population ?geoLocation WHERE { ?city rdf:type smwCat:City. ?city smwProp:Located_in ?country. ?city smwProp:Population ?population. ?city smwProp:Coordinates ?geoLocation. } !!! Linie ziehen http://ontoworld.org/wiki/Special:URIResolver/Berlin http://ontoworld.org/wiki/Special:URIResolver/Germany 3391407 52°31'0?N, 13°24'0?E ... !!! Listing 3: UNION SELECT ?subject ?ingoingPredicate ?outgoingPredicate ?object WHERE { { ?subject ?ingoingPredicate . } UNION { ?outgoingPredicate ?object. } } !!! Linie ziehen true !!! Listing 4: ASK PREFIX smwCat: PREFIX smwProp: PREFIX rdf: ASK { ?city rdf:type smwCat:City. ?city smwProp:Population ?population. FILTER ( ?population > 1000000 ) } !!! Listing 5: CONSTRUCT PREFIX smwCat: PREFIX smwProp: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX ex: CONSTRUCT { ?city rdf:type ex:Stadt. ?city ex:istTeilVon ?country. ?city ex:hatEinwohnerZahl ?population. } WHERE { ?city rdf:type smwCat:City. ?city smwProp:Located_in ?country. ?city smwProp:Population ?population. } !!! Listing 6: DESCRIBE PREFIX smwCat: PREFIX rdf: DESCRIBE ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type smwCat:City. } !!! Listing 7: Joseki-Konfiguration @prefix swivt: . @prefix smwCat: . @prefix wiki: . @prefix obowl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix : . @prefix owl: . wiki:Halle_-28Saale-29 a swivt:Subject , smwCat:City ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label "Halle (Saale)" ; wiki:Property-3AAdjacent_to wiki:Saale ; wiki:Property-3AArea-23m-C2-B2 "135000000"^^ ; wiki:Property-3ALocated_in wiki:Germany , wiki:Saxony-2DAnhalt ; wiki:Property-3APopulation "240000"^^ ; swivt:page . ... !!! Listing 8: joseki-config.ttl ## This file is written in N3 / Turtle @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix module: . @prefix joseki: . @prefix ja: . ## About this configuration <> rdfs:label "Joseki Configuration File" . ## About this server [] rdf:type joseki:Server ; joseki:initialization [ module:implementation [ module:className ; rdfs:label "Example initializer" ; ] ] ; . ## Service 1 - SPARQL processor for the ontoworld dataset [] rdf:type joseki:Service ; rdfs:label "SPARQL service for the ontoworld model" ; joseki:serviceRef "books" ; joseki:dataset _:ix ; joseki:processor joseki:ProcessorSPARQL_FixedDS ; . ## Datasets _:ix rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ; ja:defaultGraph _:ixModel ; rdfs:label "DBMS iX Dataset" ; . ## Models _:ixModel rdf:type ja:RDBModel ; rdfs:label "iX SPARQL" ; ja:connection [ ja:dbType "MySQL" ; ja:dbURL "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jena" ; ja:dbUser "dbUser" ; ja:dbPassword "dbPassword" ; ja:dbClass "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ; ] ; ja:modelName "ix" . ## Processors joseki:ProcessorSPARQL_FixedDS rdfs:label "SPARQL processor for fixed datasets" ; rdf:type joseki:Processor ; module:implementation joseki:ImplSPARQL ; # This processor does not accept queries with FROM/FROM NAMED joseki:allowExplicitDataset "false"^^xsd:boolean ; joseki:allowWebLoading "false"^^xsd:boolean ; joseki:lockingPolicy joseki:lockingPolicyMRSW ; . joseki:ImplSPARQL rdf:type joseki:ServiceImpl ; module:className .