Index of /pub/misc/gutenberg/1/3/1/0/13103/13103-h/images/

001 Queen Victoria.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:29               91976
002 Claremont.jpg                                  03-Aug-2004 18:29               32455
003 The Coronation of Queen Victoria.jpg           03-Aug-2004 18:29               64920
004 Kensington Palace.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               24042
005 Duchess of Kent.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:29               60333
006 Elizabeth Fry.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:29               37452
007 Rowland Hill.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:29               26912
008 Father Mathew.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:29               28536
009 George Stephenson.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               42683
010 Wheatstone.jpg                                 03-Aug-2004 18:29               36685
011 St James's Palace.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               18774
012 Prince Albert.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:29               18695
013 The Queen in her Wedding Dress.jpg             03-Aug-2004 18:29               40099
014 Sir Robert Peel.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:29               23336
015 Daniel O'Connell.jpg                           03-Aug-2004 18:29               32619
016 Richard Cobden.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:29               21277
017 John Bright.jpg                                03-Aug-2004 18:29               31639
018 Lord John Russell.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               21478
019 Thomas Chalmers.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:29               21447
020 John Henry Newman.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               18329
021 Balmoral.jpg                                   03-Aug-2004 18:29               31892
022 Buckingham Palace.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:29               17310
023 Napoleon III.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:29               28650
024 The Crystal Palace 1851.jpg                    03-Aug-2004 18:29               15583
025 Lord Ashley.jpg                                03-Aug-2004 18:29               41260
026 Earl of Derby.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:29               18212
027 Duke of Wellington.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:29               30644
028 Florence Nightingale.jpg                       03-Aug-2004 18:29               28453
029 Lord Canning.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:29               24541
030 Sir Colin Campbell.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:29               34047
031 Henry Havelock.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:29               16054
032 Sir John Lawrence.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               37544
033 Windsor Castle.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               16561
034 Prince Frederick William.jpg                   03-Aug-2004 18:30               26234
035 Princess Royal.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               27050
036 Charles Kingsley.jpg                           03-Aug-2004 18:30               18054
037 Lord Palmerston.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               22097
038 Abraham Lincoln and his Son.jpg                03-Aug-2004 18:30               42025
039 Princess Alice.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               31831
040 The Mausoleum.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:30               23429
041 Dr Norman Macleod.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               17693
042 Prince of Wales.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               16169
043 Princess of Wales.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               12625
044 Osborne House.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:30               19942
045 Sir Robert Napier.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               31188
046 Mr Gladstone.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:30               36969
047 Lord Beaconsfield.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               16671
048 Lord Salisbury.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               31486
049 General Gordon.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               38140
050 Duke of Albany.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               13402
051 Duchess of Albany.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               15776
052 Sydney Heads.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:30               25451
053 Robert Southey.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               12303
054 William Wordsworth.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:30                5959
055 Alfred Tennyson.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               19853
056 Robert Browning.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               17408
057 Charles Dickens.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               18927
058 W M Thackeray.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:30               15975
059 Charlotte Bronte.jpg                           03-Aug-2004 18:30               15241
060 Lord Macaulay.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:30               24118
061 Thomas Carlyle.jpg                             03-Aug-2004 18:30               36297
062 William Whewell, DD.jpg                        03-Aug-2004 18:30               16735
063 Sir David Brewster.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:30               13804
064 Sir James Y Simpson.jpg                        03-Aug-2004 18:30               16014
065 Michael Faraday.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:30               39311
066 David Livingstone.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               15236
067 Sir John Franklin.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               20478
068 John Ruskin.jpg                                03-Aug-2004 18:30               18368
069 Dean Stanley.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:30               18131
070 I was sick, and ye visited me.jpg              03-Aug-2004 18:30               49378
071 Duke of Connaught.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:30               32308
072 The Imperial Institute.jpg                     03-Aug-2004 18:30               52547
073 Duke of Clarence.jpg                           03-Aug-2004 18:30               27020
074 Duke of York.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:30               39195
075 Duchess of York.jpg                            03-Aug-2004 18:31               35123
076 Princess Henry of Battenberg.jpg               03-Aug-2004 18:31               19711
077 Prince Henry of Battenberg.jpg                 03-Aug-2004 18:31               20451
078 The Czarina of Russia.jpg                      03-Aug-2004 18:31               23231
079 H M Stanley.jpg                                03-Aug-2004 18:31               34924
080 Dr Fridtjof Nansen.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:31               22792
081 Miss Kingsley.jpg                              03-Aug-2004 18:31               23629
082 J M Barrie.jpg                                 03-Aug-2004 18:31               11372
083 Richard Jefferies.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:31               12240
084 Rev J G Wood.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:31               23366
085 Dean Church.jpg                                03-Aug-2004 18:31               27997
086 Professor Huxley.jpg                           03-Aug-2004 18:31               24259
087 Professor Tyndall.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:31               36627
088 C H Spurgeon.jpg                               03-Aug-2004 18:31               12423
089 Dr Horatius Bonar.jpg                          03-Aug-2004 18:31               13177
090 Sir J E Millais, PRA.jpg                       03-Aug-2004 18:31               22509
091 Sir Frederick Leighton, PRA.jpg                03-Aug-2004 18:31               20506
092 Wesley preaching on his father's tomb.jpg      03-Aug-2004 18:31               27270
093 Group of Presidents 1.jpg                      03-Aug-2004 18:31               42469
094 Centenary Meeting at Manchester.jpg            03-Aug-2004 18:31               35939
095 Wesleyan Centenary Hall.jpg                    03-Aug-2004 18:31               28147
096 Group of Presidents 2.jpg                      03-Aug-2004 18:31               44502
097 Sir Charles Lycett.jpg                         03-Aug-2004 18:31               28535
098 The Methodist Settlement, Bermondsey, Londo..> 03-Aug-2004 18:31               47730
099 Theological Institution, Richmond.jpg          03-Aug-2004 18:31               35550
101 Theological Institution, Didsbury.jpg          03-Aug-2004 18:31               44634
102 Theological Institution, Headingly.jpg         03-Aug-2004 18:31               33469
103 Theological Institution, Handsworth.jpg        03-Aug-2004 18:31               23725
104 Kingswood School, Bath.jpg                     03-Aug-2004 18:31               36943
105 The North House, Leys School, Cambridge.jpg    03-Aug-2004 18:31               37283
106 Queen's College, Taunton.jpg                   03-Aug-2004 18:31               36589
107 Wesley College, Sheffield.jpg                  03-Aug-2004 18:31               37194
108 Children's Home, Bolton.jpg                    03-Aug-2004 18:31               42275
109 Westminster Training College.jpg               03-Aug-2004 18:31               60713
110 Group of Presidents 3.jpg                      03-Aug-2004 18:31               22693