The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Gate to Cæsar, by William C. Collar This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The Gate to Cæsar Author: William C. Collar Release Date: August 9, 2009 [EBook #29645] Language: Latin Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE GATE TO CÆSAR *** Produced by Louise Hope, Ted Garvin and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at [This e-text includes characters that require UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding: āēīōū ĀĒĪŌŪ [vowels with macron or “long” mark] ĕĭŏ [vowels with breve or “short” mark: very rare] If any of these characters do not display properly--in particular, if the diacritic does not appear directly above the letter--or if the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, make sure your text reader’s “character set” or “file encoding” is set to Unicode (UTF-8). You may also need to change the default font. As a last resort, use the Latin-1 version of the file instead. As explained in the editor’s Introductory Note, readings are given in two forms. For this e-text, line breaks and numbers were retained in the simplified version for use with the Notes. In the unchanged version, each chapter is a single paragraph, with the page-and-line range given in brackets at the end of each chapter. To reduce visual clutter, some _italic_ and +boldface+ markup has been simplified or omitted.] The GATE TO CÆSAR by WILLIAM C. COLLAR, A.M. Head Master Roxbury Latin School BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1895 Copyright, 1891, By William C. Collar. All Rights Reserved. Typography by J. S. Cushing & Co., Boston, U.S.A. Presswork by Ginn & Co., Boston, U.S.A. PREFACE. The recent discovery of a work of Aristotle has interested and delighted the whole learned world; but one may venture to say that if, instead, a book had been found written in the best period of the Latin language for the amusement or instruction of youth, by some Roman De Foe, or Goldsmith, or Lamb, or Burnett, there would be ten times the reason for rejoicing. Unhappily there is no likelihood that we shall ever congratulate ourselves on such a “find,” for probably no such work ever existed. What a misfortune that it did not occur to Cicero to divert himself in some leisure hour by writing a story for Roman youth! Millions of boys and girls in these later ages would have had good reason to bless his name. Cæsar could have done it; but to him, too, the gods denied such an inspiration, and we must suffer for it. Seeing that he had composed a treatise on Latin Grammar, one almost wonders that a mind so original and fertile should not have conceived the idea of adapting his Gallic War, or some part of it, to the powers and comprehension of youth. What measureless gratitude would he not have won from unborn generations of schoolmasters, who have now to struggle desperately and often unavailingly to make clear to their pupils the meaning of his intricate periods, and untwist the strands of his knotty syntax! Cæsar is a difficult author. Some parts of his Gallic War are as hard, or nearly as hard, as any prose Latin that has come down to us. Yet it has somehow strangely enough become the fashion to read that work first in a Latin course. My own conviction is that for young learners a year’s reading in easier Latin is not too much before taking up the less difficult books of the Gallic War. Even then the transition to Cæsar comes with something of a shock; for the learner is soon and often brought face to face with sentences that seem to him of most bewildering intricacy, however they may, as commentators sometimes remark, beautifully illustrate most important principles of Latin order and construction. There is a sentence in the second book, by no means the most difficult one to be found, that extends through eighteen lines,--that is, something more than half a page,--containing twenty-one distinct ideas, and having the verb separated from its subject by ninety-four words. I know no more disheartening task than that of undertaking to carry a class unprepared in age and knowledge of the language through Cæsar’s Gallic War. Yet it is precisely this disheartening task that thousands of teachers are set to do, or set themselves to do, every year. The results are often dismal enough. Teachers are blamed, they blame themselves, they blame their pupils. Pupils may sometimes be stupid, teachers may lack knowledge of the language and the subject, but the fault may also lie wholly with the author or with the Latin language itself; if with the latter, there is no help. Latin, it must be confessed, is an exceedingly difficult language to learn. All the more reason then why, in attacking it, every unnecessary obstacle should be removed. We should make our approaches with caution and skill; we should take it, if possible, _aperto latere_. We should not begin with a difficult work; or if, in the dearth of Latin suited to the juvenile mind, this is deemed unavoidable, common sense suggests the query, _why not remove provisionally[1] from the text those more intricate parts that discourage the learner and bar the way of progress_? [Footnote 1: It is presumed that the learner will subsequently read the complete text.] Cæsar knew how to write his own language well; but he wrote for men, he wrote with compression and in haste, and there are passages in his works that are tough reading for a good Latin scholar. It is the fashion to praise Cæsar’s lucidity; but brevity and haste are not conducive to lucidity. “Ther nys no werkman, what so ever he be, That may bothe werke wel, and hastily. This wol be doon at leyser parfitly.” For my part I confess that I sometimes find him obscure. Moreover, when I am in doubt as to his meaning and appeal to the commentators, I find that they generally disagree and sometimes quarrel about the sense. Therefore to put young learners to reading Cæsar as his text stands, bristling with difficulties, before they have acquired anything more than a meagre vocabulary and gained a modicum of insight by some practice in reading easier Latin, is to set them at a task harder than that which Pharaoh set the Israelites. I am of the opinion that, even when a fair working vocabulary has been acquired through some previous reading, there is no book of the Gallic War that does not require a certain degree of simplification to bring it to the level of the powers of young boys and girls. It is this conviction born of long observation of the vexation of spirit, discouragement, and waste of time by pupils in wrestling with difficulties that inevitably floor them, that has prompted me to put my hand to this work, which, slight as it may seem, has cost me the leisure of many months. But I shall feel repaid tenfold, if, through this little book, boys and girls are enabled to read Cæsar with less waste of time, more easily, with fresher interest, and added sense of power; if, in other words, it proves in reality what it is in name, a Gate to Cæsar. A few words will be sufficient to explain the principle on which I have simplified Cæsar’s text, the amount of excision, and the degree of change. It would have been a comparatively easy task to simplify the text by the mere process of omission, never deviating from the _ipsissima verba_ of the author by so much as the change of a mode or tense. One could do this and still string together the _disjecta membra_ of the text into something like a connected narrative. But that would be to preserve the integrity of the words at the expense of everything else,--inner relation, structure, style, spirit. Or the simplification might be effected by a virtual rewriting of the text, by amplification rather than suppression, coupled with changes in the collocation of words, where the arrangement seemed to obscure the meaning and perplex the learner. My purpose and plan differed essentially from both these methods. My aim has been, first, to keep the narrative intact; second, to retain as much of the text as was consistent with the effort to disburden it of its greater difficulties; third, to make the fewest practicable changes in what was retained, save the modification of some verb forms, and the occasional rendering of indirect into direct discourse; fourth, very rarely to change the position of a word; finally, never to insert a word, except now and then to supply a form plainly understood, or to introduce some connective, like _et_, _tum_, _itaque_, _autem_, _ergo_, _postremo_. As to the amount of excision, I find that I have omitted almost exactly one-fifth of Cæsar’s text. If the beginner in Cæsar reads the simplified text and concurrently turns the Exercises into Latin, laying firm hold of the grammatical principles selected for illustration, I believe he will find the remaining difficulties of the original text not beyond his scope. I should even hope that he would then read with something of the joy of conscious power. If the reading of the texts and the writing of the Exercises should require more time than is usually spent on the second book of Cæsar, which, however, I doubt, I believe subsequent progress would still be rapid and satisfactory enough to amount to a net gain and saving of time. It has seemed best to mark long vowels, except the vowels of final syllables and of monosyllables, the rules for which can be readily learned. I have, however, marked a few monosyllables, as a constant reminder to teachers who find their old pronunciation clinging to certain words. We used to say _hĭs_, _sĭc_, _nŏn_, _quĭn_, _hŏc_. These words, therefore, I have marked. On the other hand, one is in no danger of saying _dĕ_, _hĭ_, _sĭ_, _prŏ_, for old habit would not mislead. I take pleasure in acknowledging my obligations to Mr. Alfred G. Rolfe for several useful criticisms, and to Miss Caroline Ober Stone for valuable corrections and for carefully reading the proof-sheets as far as the vocabularies. To Mr. Clarence W. Gleason I am specially indebted. But for his timely and generous aid in preparing both vocabularies, the publication of this book must have been very considerably delayed. WILLIAM C. COLLAR. SEACONNET, July 25, 1891. CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory Note x Simplified Text 1-22 Complete Text 23-41 Notes on Both Texts 43-71 Exercises on Simplified Text 73-88 Vocabulary 89-123 Etymological Vocabulary 125-141 NOTE ON THE USE OF THE BOOK. The Simplified Text and the Exercises based upon it are of the first importance. The _viva voce_ translation of the Exercises, followed by the writing of them, will illustrate and help to implant in the memory the most important principles of syntax met with in the text. Let the teacher insist upon thorough work here, and he may safely omit other syntactical instruction. But little power of reading Latin can be gained without making the acquisition of a working vocabulary a distinct object. The Latin synonyms and the Etymological Vocabulary may be made useful agents to that end. If the words added to each chapter are read aloud, reviewed, and compared where backward references are made, the learner will acquire a useful stock of synonyms easily, naturally, and with small expenditure of time. It is often easier to retain in mind a number of words, grouped according to some principle of similarity or contrast, than a single word with nothing to hook it to the memory. For this reason it is recommended that the Etymological Vocabulary be often pressed into the service. Suppose, for example, the word _conspectus_ occurs in the lesson. If the teacher will turn to page 138 and have the ten words read out under the root SPEC, he will multiply several times the chances that this particular word will be remembered on its next occurrence. He will have done much more. He will have increased the chances that nine other words will be lodged in the memory; and to each one a fresh interest will be added by its being seen in relation, not as an isolated, and therefore barren, fact. The first vocabulary may be used for comparing in the text the different meanings and uses of the same word. It is through such comparisons that one gets at the heart and spirit of the language, while cultivating at the same time a mental habit of great value. Having read the Simplified Text, the learner should be well equipped for wrestling with the difficulties that remain in the unchanged text, for he is already familiar with the thought and the language. Comparison of the two texts by the teacher, so far as time permits, may now be made to illustrate important principles, as of indirect discourse, which are here and there discussed in the notes. CÆSAR’S GALLIC WAR BOOK II. B.C. 57; A.U.C. 697. THE BELGIAN LEAGUE DEFEATED. SIMPLIFIED TEXT. _The Belgæ form a league against the Romans._ 1. Cum esset Caesar in citeriōre Gallia, crēbri ad eum rūmōres adferēbantur. Litteris item Labiēni certior fīēbat omnes Belgas contra populum Rōmānum coniūrāre obsidēsque inter se dare. Coniūrandi hae erant causae: prīmum verēbantur ne ad se exercitus noster addūcerētur; 5 deinde ab nōnnūllis Gallis sollicitābantur. Hi Germānos diūtius in Gallia versāri nōluerant et populi Rōmāni exercitum hiemāre atque inveterāscere in Gallia moleste ferēbant. Nōnnūlli mōbilitāte et levitāte animi novis imperiis studēbant. Ab nōnnūllis etiam sollicitābantur, 10 quod in Gallia a potentiōribus atque iis qui ad condūcendos homines facultātes habēbant, vulgo rēgna occupābantur; qui minus facile eam rem imperio nostro cōnsequi poterant. +crēber+, _frequens_. +vereor+, _timeo_. +deinde+, _tum_. +versor+: _maneo_, _sum_. +moleste+, _graviter_. +studeo+, _cupio_. _Cæsar levies two legions and marches against them._ 2. Hīs nūntiis litterīsque commōtus est Caesar. Duas legiōnes in citeriōre Gallia novas cōnscrīpsit. In interiōrem Galliam qui hās legiōnes dēdūceret Q. Pedium lēgātum mīsit. Ipse, cum prīmum pābuli cōpia esse inciperet, ad exercitum vēnit. Senones fīnitimi Belgis 5 erant. Ea quae apud Belgas geruntur cōgnōscunt Caesaremque de hīs rēbus certiōrem faciunt. Hi cōnstanter omnes nūntiāvērunt manus cōgi, exercitum in ūnum locum condūci. Tum vēro nōn dubitāvit Caesar quīn ad eos proficīscerētur. Itaque castra movet diēbusque circiter 10 quīndecim ad fīnes Belgārum pervenit. +nūntius+, _rūmor_. +fīnitimus+: _vīcīnus_, _propīnquus_. +gero+: _ago_, _facio_. +cōgo+, _conligo_. +condūco+, _conligo_. +pervenio+, _accēdo_. _The Remi at once show the white feather._ 3. Eo de imprōvīso celeriterque vēnit Caesar. Rēmi ad eum lēgātos Iccium et Andocumborium mīsērunt, qui dīxērunt se omnia in fidem atque in potestātem populi Rōmāni permittere. “Rēmi neque cum Belgis reliquis cōnsēnsērunt neque contra populum Rōmānum coniūrāvērunt. 5 Parāti sunt obsides dare et Caesaris imperāta facere et eum oppidis recipere et frūmento cēterīsque rēbus iuvāre. Reliqui omnes Belgae in armis sunt. Germāni, qui cis Rhēnum incolunt, sēse cum hīs coniūnxērunt. Tantus est eōrum omnium furor ut ne Suessiōnes quidem 10 dēterrēre possint Rēmi. Suessiōnes frātres Rēmōrum cōnsanguineīque sunt eōdemque iūre et īsdem lēgibus ūtuntur. Ūnum imperium ūnumque magistrātum cum iis habent.” +de imprōvīso+: _subito_, _repente_. +permitto+, _dēdo_. +cōnsentio+: _coniūro_, _me coniungo_. +dēterreo+, _dissuādeo_. _Cæsar learns the number of the enemy’s forces._ 4. Cum ab hīs quaereret quae cīvitātes quantaeque in armis essent et quid in bello possent, sīc reperiēbat: plērīque Belgae sunt orti ab Germānis Rhēnumque antīquitus trāducti ibi cōnsēdērunt, Gallōsque qui ea loca incolēbant expulērunt. Sōli fuērunt qui Teutonos Cimbrōsque 5 intra fīnes suos ingredi prohibuērunt. Qua ex re fīēbat ut māgnam sibi auctōritātem māgnōsque spīritus in re mīlitāri sūmerent. De numero eōrum omnia se habēre explōrāta Rēmi dīcēbant. Quantam quisque multitūdinem in commūni Belgārum concilio ad id bellum pollicitus 10 esset cōgnōverant. Plūrimum inter eos Bellovaci et virtūte et auctōritāte et hominum numero valēbant. Hi poterant cōnficere armāta mīlia centum; polliciti sunt ex eo numero ēlēcta sexāginta tōtīusque belli imperium sibi postulābant. Suessiōnes Rēmōrum erant fīnitimi; 15 lātissimos ferācissimōsque agros possidēbant. Apud eos fuit rēx nostra etiam memoria Divitiacus, tōtīus Galliae potentissimus, qui cum māgnae partis hārum regiōnum tum etiam Britanniae imperium obtinuit. Nunc erat rēx Galba; ad hunc propter iūstitiam prūdentiamque suam 20 belli summa dēlāta est. +quaero+, _interrogo_. +reperio+, _cōgnōsco_. +orior+, _nāscor_. +cōnsīdo+, _me colloco_. +spīritus+: _adrogantia_, _animi_. +explōro+, _cōgnōsco_. +valeo+, _possum_. +cōnficio+, _comparo_. +ferax+, _fertilis_. +summa+: _cūra_, _imperium_. _He takes hostages from the Remi and crosses the Axona._ 5. Caesar omnem senātum ad se convenīre prīncipumque līberos obsides ad se addūci iūssit. Quae omnia ab hīs dīligenter ad diem facta sunt. Ipse Divitiacum Aeduum māgno opere cohortātus est. Rei pūblicae interest manus hostium distinēri, ne cum tanta multitūdine ūno tempore 5 cōnflīgendum sit. Id fieri potest, si suas cōpias Aedui in fīnes Bellovacōrum intrōdūxerint et eōrum agros populāri coeperint. Hīs mandātis eum ab se dīmittit. Postea Caesar omnes Belgārum cōpias in ūnum locum coāctas ad se venīre vīdit neque iam longe abesse. Hōc ab iis 10 quōs mīserat explōrātōribus et ab Rēmis cōgnōvit. Tum flūmen Axonam exercitum trādūcere mātūrāvit atque ibi castra posuit. Quae res latus ūnum castrōrum rīpis flūminis mūniēbat et post eum quae essent tūta ab hostibus reddēbat. Commeātus etiam ab Rēmis reliquīsque cīvitātibus 15 sine perīculo portāri poterant. In eo flūmine pōns erat. Ibi praesidium pōnit et in altera parte flūminis Q. Titurium Sabīnum lēgātum cum sex cohortibus relīquit; castra in altitūdinem pedum XII vāllo fossāque duodēvīginti pedum mūnīre iubet. 20 +iubeo+, _impero_. +māgno opere+, _vehementer_. +interest+, _pertinet_. +distineo+, _dīvido_. +cōnflīgo+: _pūgno_, _dīmico_. +populor+, _vāsto_. +cōgo+, _condūco_, 2. +cōgnōsco+, _reperio_, 4. +mātūro+, _propero_. +commeātus+, _cibus_. _How the Belgæ lay siege to a town._ 6. Ab hīs castris oppidum Rēmōrum nōmine Bibrax aberat mīlia passuum octo. Id ex itinere māgno impetu Belgae oppūgnāre coepērunt. Aegre eo die sustentātum est. Gallōrum eadem atque Belgārum oppūgnātio est haec. Circumiecta multitūdine hominum tōtis moenibus 5 undique in mūrum lapides iaciunt. Ubi mūrus dēfēnsōribus nūdātus est, testūdine facta portas succēdunt mūrumque subruunt. Quod tum facile fīēbat. Nam cum tanta multitūdo lapides āc tēla cōnicerent, in mūro cōnsistendi potestas erat nūlli. Postrēmo fīnem oppūgnandi nox 10 fēcit. Tum Iccius Rēmus, qui oppido praefuerat, nūntium ad Caesarem mittit: nisi subsidium sibi submittātur, sēse diūtius sustinēre nōn posse. +tōtus+, _omnis_. +undique+, _ex omni parte_. +ubi+, _cum_. +nūdo+, _prīvo_. +succēdo+: _accēdo_, _subeo_. +subruo+, _suffodio_. +cōnsisto+, _sto_. +praesum+, _praefectus sum_. +subsidium+, _auxilium_. +sustineo+, _sustento_. _They abandon the siege and turn against Cæsar._ 7. Eo de media nocte Caesar Numidas et Crētas sagittārios et funditōres Baleāres subsidio oppidānis mittit; quōrum adventu hostibus spes potiundi oppidi discessit. Itaque paulisper apud oppidum morāti agrōsque Rēmōrum dēpopulāti ad castra Caesaris omnibus cōpiis contendērunt 5 et ab mīlibus passuum minus duōbus castra posuērunt; quae castra, ut fūmo atque īgnibus sīgnificābātur, amplius mīlibus passuum octo in lātitūdinem patēbant. +subsidium+, _auxilium_, 6. +potior+, _occupo_. +discēdo+, _abeo_. +paulisper+, _nōn diu_. +moror+, _cunctor_. +dēpopulor+, _vāsto_. +contendo+, _mātūro_, 5. +pateo+, _pertineo_. _Cæsar awaits the attack of the enemy._ 8. Caesar prīmo propter multitūdinem hostium et propter eximiam opīniōnem virtūtis proelio supersedēre statuit; cotīdie tamen quid hostis virtūte posset et quid nostri audērent perīclitābātur. Locus erat pro castris ad aciem īnstruendam nātūra opportūnus atque idōneus. Is 5 autem collis, ubi castra posita erant, paululum ex plānitie ēditus tantum adversus in lātitūdinem patēbat quantum loci acies īnstrūcta occupāre poterat. Atque ex utrāque parte lateris dēiectus habēbat, et in frōntem lēniter fastīgātus paulātim ad plānitiem redībat. Ab utrōque latere 10 ēius collis trānsversam fossam obdūxit circiter passuum quadringentōrum et ad extrēmas fossas castella cōnstituit ibique tormenta conlocāvit, ne hostes ab lateribus pūgnantes suos circumvenīre possent. Hōc facto duābus legiōnibus quās proxime cōnscrīpserat in castris relīctis, 15 reliquas sex legiōnes pro castris in acie cōnstituit. Hostes item suas cōpias ex castris ēductas īnstrūxerant. +eximius+: _excellens_, _ēgregius_. +opīnio+, _fāma_. +supersedeo+, _abstineo_. +perīclitor+: _tento_, _experior_. +idōneus+: _aptus_, _commodus_. +dēiectus+, _dēclīvitas_. +fastīgātus+, _adclīvis_. +conloco+, _pōno_. _Finally the enemy make a dash to cross the Axona._ 9. Palus erat nōn māgna inter nostrum atque hostium exercitum. Hanc si nostri trānsīrent hostes exspectābant. Interim proelio equestri inter duas acies contendēbātur. Ubi neutri trānseundae ēius palūdis initium faciunt, secundiōre equitum proelio nostris Caesar suos 5 in castra redūxit. Hostes prōtinus ex eo loco ad flūmen Axonam contendērunt, quod esse post nostra castra dēmōnstrātum est. Partem suārum cōpiārum trādūcere cōnāti sunt, ut castellum cui praeerat Q. Titurius lēgātus expūgnārent pontemque interscinderent; si minus potuissent, 10 ut agros Rēmōrum populārentur commeātūque nostros prohibērent. +initium+, _prīncipium_. +secundus+, _prōsperus_. +prōtinus+: _statim_, _extemplo_, _repente_, _subito_. +contendo+, _mātūro_, 7. +praesum+, _praefectus sum_, 6. +interscindo+, _abrumpo_. +commeātus+, _cibus_, 5. _A battle follows, the Belgæ are defeated and disperse._ 10. Caesar omnem equitātum et levis armātūrae Numidas, funditōres sagittāriōsque pontem trādūcit atque ad eos contendit. Ācriter in eo loco pūgnātum est. Hostes impedītos nostri in flūmine adgressi māgnum eōrum numerum occīdērunt. Prīmos qui trānsierant equitātu 5 circumventos interfēcērunt. Hostes, ubi de expūgnando oppido spem se fefellisse intellēxērunt neque nostros in locum inīquiōrem prōgredi vīdērunt atque ipsos res frūmentāria dēficere coepit, concilium convocāvērunt. Cōnstituērunt optimum esse domum suam quemque reverti. 10 Cōnstituērunt etiam ut quōrum in fīnes prīmum Rōmāni exercitum intrōdūxissent ad eos dēfendendos undique convenīrent. Quod eo cōnsilio fēcērunt, ut potius in suis quam in aliēnis fīnibus dēcertārent. Ad eam sententiam haec ratio eos dēdūxit, quod Divitiacum atque Aeduos 15 fīnibus Bellovacōrum adpropīnquāre cōgnōverant. Hīs persuādēri ut diūtius morārentur nōn poterat. +armātūra+, _arma_. +ācriter+, _vehementer_. +adgredior+, _adorior_. +occīdo+, _concīdo_. +prōgredior+: _prōcēdo_, _prōdeo_. +cōnstituo+, _statuo_. +revertor+, _redeo_. +dēcerto+: _pūgno_, _dīmico_. +sententia+, _cōnsilium_. +moror+, _cunctor_, 7. _They are pursued with awful slaughter._ 11. Ea re cōnstitūta, secunda vigilia māgno cum strepitu āc tumultu castris ēgressi, nūllo certo ōrdine neque imperio, fēcērunt ut cōnsimilis fugae profectio vidērētur. Hāc re statim Caesar per speculātōres cōgnita īnsidias veritus exercitum equitātumque castris continuit. Prīma 5 lūce omnem equitātum qui novissimum āgmen morārētur praemīsit. T. Labiēnum lēgātum cum legiōnibus tribus subsequi iūssit. Hi novissimos adorti et multa mīlia passuum prōsecūti māgnam multitūdinem eōrum fugientium concīdērunt. Ii ad quos ventum erat cōnsistēbant 10 fortiterque impetum nostrōrum sustinēbant; sed priōres, quod abesse a perīculo vidēbantur, exaudīto clāmōre perturbātis ōrdinibus omnes in fuga sibi praesidium pōnēbant. Ita sine ūllo perīculo māgnam eōrum multitūdinem nostri interfēcērunt sub occāsumque sōlis dēstitērunt sēque 15 in castra, ut erat imperātum, recēpērunt. +cōnstituo+, _statuo_, 10. +strepitus+: _clāmor_, _fremitus_. +cōnsimilis+, _persimilis_. +vereor+, _timeo_, 1. +moror+, _cunctor_, 7. +subsequor+: _prōsequor_, _īnsequor_. +adorior+, _adgredior_, 10. +concīdo+, _occīdo_, 10. +cōnsisto+, _sto_, 6. +sustineo+, _sustento_, 6. _A forced march and attack on Noviodunum. The town surrenders._ 12. Postrīdie ēius diēi Caesar in fīnes Suessiōnum exercitum dūxit et māgno itinere cōnfecto ad oppidum Noviodūnum contendit. Id ex itinere oppūgnāre cōnātus, quod vacuum ab dēfēnsōribus esse audiēbat, expūgnāre nōn potuit. Interim omnis ex fuga Suessiōnum multitūdo 5 in oppidum proxima nocte convēnit. Celeriter vīneis ad oppidum āctis, aggere iacto turribusque cōnstitūtis, māgnitūdine operum et celeritāte Rōmānōrum permōti sunt Suessiōnes. Itaque lēgātos ad Caesarem de dēditiōne mittunt et petentibus Rēmis ut cōnservārentur impetrant. 10 petrant. +cōnficio+, _perficio_. +contendo+, _propero_. +vacuus+: _carens_, _nūdus_. +interim+, _interea_. +ago+: _pello_, _dūco_, _traho_. +permoveo+, _commoveo_. +dēditio+, _trāditio_. +impetro+, _cōnsequor_. _The Bellovaci also submit at Cæsar’s approach._ 13. Caesar obsidibus acceptis armīsque omnibus ex oppido trāditis in dēditiōnem Suessiōnes accēpit exercitumque in Bellovacos dūxit. Qui cum se suaque omnia in oppidum Bratuspantium contulissent, atque ab eo oppido Caesar cum exercitu circiter mīlia passuum quīnque 5 abesset, omnes māiōres nātu ex oppido ēgressi manus ad Caesarem tendere et vōce sīgnificāre coepērunt sēse in ēius fidem āc potestātem venīre. Item, cum ad oppidum accessisset, pueri mulierēsque ex mūro passis manibus suo mōre pācem ab Rōmānis petiērunt. 10 +trādo+: _do_, _dēdo_. +me cōnfero+: _me recipio_, _eo_. +ēgredior+, _exeo_. +coepi+, _incēpi_. +pueri+, _līberi_. +pando+, _tendo_. +mōs+, _cōnsuētūdo_. +peto+, _ōro_. _Divitiacus pleads earnestly for the Bellovaci._ 14. Pro hīs Divitiacus facit verba: “Bellovaci omni tempore in fide atque amīcitia cīvitātis Aeduae fuērunt: impulsi a suis prīncipibus, qui dīcēbant Aeduos omnes indīgnitātes contumēliāsque perferre, ab Aeduis dēfēcērunt et populo Rōmāno bellum intulērunt. Ii qui ēius 5 cōnsili prīncipes fuērunt in Britanniam profūgērunt. Petunt nōn sōlum Bellovaci sed etiam pro hīs Aedui ut tua clēmentia āc mānsuētūdine in eos ūtāris. Quod si fēceris, Aeduōrum auctōritātem apud omnes Belgas amplificābis, quōrum auxiliis atque opibus, si qua bella 10 incidunt, sustentāre cōnsuērunt.” +impello+: _incito_, _indūco_. +contumēlia+, _iniūria_. +dēficio+: _dēsero_. +mānsuētūdo+, _lēnitas_. +auctōritas+, _grātia_. +amplifico+, _augeo_. +sustento+, _sustineo_, 6. +cōnsuēsco+, _soleo_. _The temperance, courage, and patriotism of the Nervii._ 15. Caesar honōris Divitiaci atque Aeduōrum causa sēse eos in fidem receptūrum et cōnservātūrum dīxit; quod erat cīvitas māgna inter Belgas auctōritāte, sexcentos obsides poposcit. Hīs trāditis omnibusque armis ex oppido conlātis, ab eo loco in fīnes Ambiānōrum pervēnit. 5 Eōrum fīnes Nervii attingēbant; quōrum de nātūra mōribusque Caesar cum quaereret, sīc reperiēbat: Nūllus aditus erat ad eos mercātōribus; nihil patiēbantur vīni reliquārumque rērum īnferri, quod iis rēbus relanguēscere animos et remitti virtūtem exīstimābant: 10 erant homines feri māgnaeque virtūtis; increpitābant atque incūsābant reliquos Belgas, qui se populo Rōmāno dēdidissent. +auctōritas+, _grātia_, 14. +posco+, _impero_. +cōnfero+, _cōgo_, 2. +attingo+, _contingo_. +aditus+, _accessus_. +patior+, _sino_. +relanguēsco+, _effēminor_. +remitto+, _minuo_. +incūso+, _accūso_. +dēdo+, _permitto_. _Encamped on the Sabis the Nervii await the coming of Cæsar._ 16. Cum per eōrum fīnes trīduum iter fēcisset, inveniēbat ex captīvis Sabim flūmen ab castris suis nōn amplius mīlia passuum x abesse. Trāns id flūmen omnes Nervii cōnsēderant adventumque ibi Rōmānōrum exspectābant. Exspectābantur etiam ab hīs Aduātucōrum cōpiae 5 atque erant in itinere. Mulieres quīque per aetātem ad pūgnam inūtiles vidērentur in eum locum coniēcerant, quo propter palūdes exercitui aditus nōn esset. +cōnsīdo+, _me colloco_, 4. +cōnicio+, _dēpōno_. +aditus+, 15. _They plan to attack Cæsar’s advance guard._ 17. Hīs rēbus cōgnitis explōrātōres centuriōnēsque praemittit qui locum idōneum castris dēligant. Cum ex dēditīciis Belgis reliquīsque Gallis complūres Caesarem secūti ūna iter facerent, quīdam ex hīs nocte ad Nervios pervēnērunt. Hīs dēmōnstrārunt inter singulas legiōnes 5 impedīmentōrum māgnum numerum intercēdere, neque esse quicquam negōti, cum prīma legio in castra vēnisset, hanc sub sarcinis adorīri; qua pulsa futūrum ut reliquae legiōnes contra cōnsistere nōn audērent. Nervii autem antīquitus, quo facilius fīnitimōrum equitātum impedīrent, 10 teneris arboribus incīsis atque īnflexis, crēbrīsque in lātitūdinem rāmis ēnātis, et rubis sentibusque interiectis, effēcerant ut īnstar mūri hae saepes mūnīmenta praebērent, quo nōn modo nōn intrāri sed ne perspici quidem posset. Hīs rēbus cum iter āgminis nostri impedīrētur, 15 nōn omittendum sibi cōnsilium Nervii exīstimāvērunt. +idōneus+: _aptus_, _commodus_, 8. +dēligo+, _ēligo_. +intercēdo+, _intervenio_. +sarcinae+: _impedīmenta_, _onera_. +adorior+, _adgredior_, 11. +cōnsisto+, _sto_, 6. +incīdo+, _accīdo_. +īnstar+: _fōrma_, _similitūdo_. +omitto+, _neglego_. +exīstimo+, _puto_. _The Roman camping-ground and the position of the enemy._ 18. Loci nātūra erat haec, quem locum nostri castris dēlēgerant. Collis ab summo acquāliter dēclīvis ad flūmen Sabim, quod supra nōmināvimus, vergēbat. Ab eo flūmine pari adclīvitāte collis nāscēbātur, ab superiōre parte silvestris ut nōn facile intrōrsus perspici posset. Intra 5 eas silvas hostes in occulto sēse continēbant; in aperto loco secundum flūmen paucae statiōnes equitum vidēbantur. Flūminis erat altitūdo pedum circiter trium. +summum+, _culmen_. +dēclīvis+, _prōclīvis_. +vergo+, _pertineo_. +nāscor+, _orior_, 4. +intrōrsus+, _intra_. +in occulto+, _abditus_. +statio+, _custōdia_. +circiter+, _ad_. _The plan of attack is skilfully carried out by the Nervii._ 19. Caesar equitātu praemīsso subsequēbātur omnibus cōpiis. Sed quod ad hostes adpropīnquābat, cōnsuētūdine sua sex legiōnes expedītas dūcēbat; post eas tōtīus exercitus impedīmenta conlocārat; inde duae legiōnes, quae proxime cōnscrīptae erant, tōtum āgmen claudēbant 5 praesidiōque impedīmentis erant. Equites nostri, cum funditōribus sagittāriīsque flūmen trānsgressi, cum hostium equitātu proelium commīsērunt. Illi se identidem in silvas ad suos recipiēbant āc rūrsus ex silva in nostros impetum faciēbant. Interim legiōnes sex, quae 10 prīmae vēnerant, opere dīmēnso castra mūnīre coepērunt. Ubi prīma impedīmenta nostri exercitus ab iis qui in silvis abditi latēbant vīsa sunt, subito omnibus cōpiis prōvolāvērunt impetumque in nostros equites fēcērunt. Hīs facile pulsis āc prōturbātis, incrēdibili celeritāte ad 15 flūmen dēcucurrērunt, ut paene ūno tempore ad silvas et in flūmine et iam in manibus nostris hostes vidērentur. Eādem autem celeritāte adverso colle ad nostra castra atque eos qui in opere occupāti erant contendērunt. +subsequor+, _prōsequor_, 11. +conloco+, _pōno_, 8. +trānsgredior+, _trānseo_. +identidem+, _iterum atque iterum_. +rūrsus+, _iterum_. +interim+, _interea_, 12. +dīmētior+, _mētior_. +lateo+, _me cēlo_. +prōvolo+, _prōruo_. +prōturbo+, _fugo_. +paene+, _fere_. +contendo+, _propero_, 7. _But the soldiers and lieutenants know what to do._ 20. Caesari omnia ūno tempore erant agenda: vēxillum prōpōnendum, sīgnum tuba dandum, ab opere revocandi mīlites, acies īnstruenda, mīlites cohortandi, sīgnum dandum. Quārum rērum māgnam partem temporis brevitas et successus hostium impediēbat. Sed erat subsidio 5 scientia atque ūsus mīlitum, quod superiōribus proeliis exercitāti, nōn minus commode ipsi sibi praescrībere quam ab aliis docēri poterant. Praeterea ab opere singulīsque legiōnibus singulos lēgātos Caesar discēdere vetuerat. Hi propter propīnquitātem et celeritātem 10 hostium nihil iam Caesaris imperium exspectābant, sed per se quae vidēbantur administrābant. +prōpōno+, _ostendo_. +successus+, _accessus_, 15. +subsidium+, _auxilium_, 6. +ūsus+, _experientia_. +exercitātus+, _perītus_. +commode+: _apte_, _bene_. +praescrībo+, _praecipio_. +veto+, _prohibeo_. +propīnquitas+, _vīcīnitas_. +administro+: _prōvideo_, _ago_. _Fighting begins before the soldiers can arm themselves._ 21. Caesar necessāriis rēbus imperātis ad cohortandos mīlites dēcucurrit et ad legiōnem decimam dēvēnit. Mīlites nōn longiōre ōrātiōne cohortātus quam uti suae prīstinae virtūtis memoriam retinērent neu perturbārentur animo hostiumque impetum fortiter sustinērent, 5 quod nōn longe hostes aberant, proeli committendi sīgnum dedit. Atque in alteram partem item cohortandi causa profectus pūgnantibus occurrit. Temporis tanta fuit exiguitas hostiumque tam parātus ad dīmicandum animus, ut nōn modo ad īnsīgnia adcommodanda, sed 10 etiam ad galeas induendas scūtīsque tegimenta dētrūdenda tempus dēfuerit. Quam in partem quisque ab opere cāsu dēvēnit quaeque prīma sīgna cōnspēxit, ad haec cōnstitit, ne in quaerendis suis pūgnandi tempus dīmitteret. +dēvenio+, _pervenio_. +prīstinus+: _vetus_, _antīquus_. +perturbo+, _commoveo_, 12. +sustineo+, _sustento_, 6. +occurro+, _incĭdo_. +exiguitas+, _brevitas_. +adcommodo+, _apto_. +induo+, _indūco_. +dētrūdo+, _dētraho_. +cāsu+, _fōrte_. +cōnspicio+, _cōnspicor_. +dīmitto+, _āmitto_. _All is confusion in the battle; the commander can do little._ 22. Īnstrūcto exercitu magis ut loci nātūra dēiectusque collis et necessitas temporis quam ut rei mīlitāris ratio atque ōrdo postulābat, fīēbat ut aliae legiōnes alia in parte hostibus resisterent; saepibus autem dēnsissimis, ut ante dēmōnstrāvimus, interiectis prōspectus impediēbātur, 5 ut neque certa subsidia conlocāri, neque ab ūno omnia imperia administrāri possent. Itaque in tanta rērum inīquitāte, fōrtūnae quoque ēventus varii sequēbantur. +dēiectus+, _dēclīvitas_, 8. +ratio+, _scientia_. +intericio+, _interpōno_. +administro+, _ago_, 20. +inīquitas+, _varietas_. +ēventus+, _cāsus_. _The battle seems to be going against Cæsar._ 23. Legiōnis nōnae et decimae mīlites, ut in sinistra parte acie cōnstiterant, Atrebates cursu āc lassitūdine exanimātos vulneribusque cōnfectos celeriter ex loco superiōre in flūmen compulērunt. Tum eos trānsīre cōnantes īnsecūti, gladiis māgnam partem eōrum 5 interfēcērunt. Ipsi trānsīre flūmen nōn dubitāvērunt et in locum inīquum prōgressi, hostes redintegrāto proelio in fugam cōniēcērunt. Item alia in parte dīversae duae legiōnes, ūndecima et octāva, ex loco superiōre in ipsis flūminis rīpis proeliābantur. At tōtis fere a frōnte et 10 ab sinistra parte nūdātis castris, omnes Nervii cōnfertissimo āgmine, duce Boduōgnāto, qui summam imperi tenēbat, ad eum locum contendērunt; quōrum pars aperto latere legiōnes circumvenīre, pars summum castrōrum locum petere coepit. 15 +lassitūdo+, _dēfatīgātio_. +cōnfectus+, _dēfessus_. +compello+, _ago_. +redintegro+, _renovo_. +cōnfertus+, _dēnsus_. +summa+, _cūra_, 4. +contendo+, _propero_, 12. +peto+, _accurro_. _It is beginning to look very dark for the Romans._ 24. Eōdem tempore equites nostri levisque armātūrae pedites, qui cum iis ūna fuerant, cum se in castra reciperent, hostibus occurrēbant āc rūrsus aliam in partem fugam petēbant; et cālōnes, praedandi causa ēgressi, cum respēxissent et hostes in nostris castris versāri 5 vīdissent, praecipites fugae sēse mandābant. Simul eōrum qui cum impedīmentis veniēbant clāmor fremitusque oriēbātur, aliīque aliam in partem perterriti ferēbantur. Quibus omnibus rēbus permōti sunt equites Trēveri, qui auxili causa ab cīvitāte ad Caesarem mīssi 10 vēnerant. Ergo cum multitūdine hostium castra complēri, legiōnes premi et paene circumventas tenēri, cālōnes, equites, funditōres in omnes partes fugere vīdissent, dēspērātis nostris rēbus, domum contendērunt atque Rōmānos pulsos superātōsque cīvitāti renūntiāvērunt. 15 +armātūra+, _arma_, 10. +me recipio+, _me cōnfero_, 13. +occurro+, _incĭdo_, 21. +ēgredior+, _exeo_, 13. +versor+, _sum occupātus_, 1. +mando+, _commendo_. +fremitus+, _strepitus_, 11. +orior+, _nāscor_, 4. +premo+, _urgeo_. +paene+, _fere_, 19. +pello+: _fugo_, _prōturbo_, 19. +supero+, _vinco_. _Will Cæsar’s coolness and courage save his army?_ 25. Caesar ab decimae legiōnis cohortātiōne ad dextrum cornu profectus suos urgēri et duodecimae legiōnis cōnfertos mīlites sibi ipsos ad pūgnam esse impedīmento vīdit. Quartae cohortis omnes centuriōnes occīsi sunt et, sīgnifero interfecto, sīgnum est āmīssum. Reliquārum 5 cohortium omnes fere centuriōnes aut vulnerāti aut occīsi sunt, in hīs prīmipīlus P. Sextius Baculus, fortissimus vir, multis gravibusque vulneribus cōnfectus ut iam se sustinēre nōn posset. Hīs rēbus reliquos esse tardiōres vīdit Caesar et nōnnullos dēserto proelio excēdere āc tēla 10 vītāre; hostes autem neque a fronte ex īnferiōre loco subeuntes intermittere et ab utrōque latere īnstāare, et rem esse in angusto, neque ūllum esse subsidium quod submitti posset. Tum vēro scūto ūni mīliti dētracto, quod ipse eo sine scūto vēnerat, in prīmam aciem prōcessit, 15 centuriōnibusque nōminātim appellātis, reliquos cohortātus mīlites sīgna īnferre et manipulos laxāre iūssit, quo facilius gladiis ūti possent. Cūius adventu spe inlāta mīlitibus āc redintegrāto animo paulum hostium impetus tardātus est. 20 +urgeo+, _premo_, 24. +cōnfertus+, _dēnsus_, 23. +sīgnifer+, _aquilifer_. +āmitto+, _dīmitto_, 21. +fere+, _paene_, 19. +cōnfectus+, _dēfessus_, 23. +excēdo+, _exeo_. +subeo+, _succēdo_. +intermitto+: _dēsino_, _dēsisto_. +īnsto+: _urgeo_, _premo_, 24. +dētraho+, _rapio_. +laxo+, _aperio_. +īnfero+ (2): _do_, _adfero_. +redintegro+, _renovo_, 23. _A shifting scene. Pull Romans, pull Nervii!_ 26. Caesar cum septimam legiōnem, quae iūxta cōnstiterat, item urgēri ab hoste vīdisset, tribūnos mīlitum monuit ut paulātim sēse legiōnes coniungerent. Quo facto, cum alius alii subsidium ferret, audācius resistere āc fortius pūgnāre coepērunt. Interim mīlites legiōnum 5 duārum, quae in novissimo āgmine praesidio impedīmentis fuerant, proelio nūntiāto cursu incitāto in summo colle ab hostibus cōnspiciēbantur; et T. Labiēnus castris hostium potītus decimam legiōnem subsidio nostris mīsit. Qui cum quo in loco res esset, quantōque in perīculo castra 10 et legiōnes et imperātor versārētur, cōgnōvissent, nihil ad celeritātem sibi reliqui fēcērunt. +iūxta+, _prope_. +cōnsisto+, 6. +urgeo+, 25. +paulātim+, _gradātim_. +interim+, _interea_, 12. +cōnspicio+, _video_. +potior+, _occupo_, 7. +versor+, _sum_, 1. +cōgnōsco+, _reperio_, 4. _In the fierce wrestle the brave Nervii go under._ 27. Hōrum adventu tanta rērum commūtātio est facta ut nostri, etiam qui vulneribus cōnfecti prōcubuissent, proelium redintegrārent; equites vēro, ut turpitūdinem fugae virtūte dēlērent, omnibus in locis pūgnae se legiōnāriis mīlitibus praeferrent. At hostes etiam in extrēma 5 spe salūtis māximam virtūtem praestitērunt; nam cum prīmi eōrum cecidissent, proximi iacentibus comitibus īnsistēbant atque ex eōrum corporibus pūgnābant; hīs dēiectis et coacervātis cadāveribus, cēteri ut ex tumulo tēla in nostros cōniciēbant et pīla intercepta remittēbant: 10 ut iūdicāri dēbēret nōn nēquīquam tantae virtūtis homines ausos esse trānsīre lātissimum flūmen, ascendere altissimas rīpas, subīre inīquissimum locum; quae facilia ex difficillimis animi māgnitūdo redēgerat. +prōcumbo+, _prōcido_. +turpitūdo+: _īgnōminia_, _īnfāmia_. +dēleo+, _exstinguo_. +extrēmus+, _ultimus_. +praesto+: _praebeo_, _ostento_. +iaceo+, _prōcumbo_. +coacervo+: _congero_, _cōgo_. +cadāver+, _corpus_. +nēquīquam+, _frūstra_. +redigo+, _facio_. _Why slay the poor remnant? Let them live._ 28. Hōc proelio facto et prope ad interneciōnem gente āc nōmine Nerviōrum redācto, māiōres nātu, quōs ūna cum pueris mulieribusque in palūdes cōniectos dīxerāmus, cōnsēnsu omnium qui supererant lēgātos ad Caesarem mīsērunt sēque ei dēdidērunt. Postea in commemoranda 5 cīvitātis calamitāte, ex sexcentis ad tres senātōres, ex hominum mīlibus LX vix ad quīngentos qui arma ferre possent, sēse redāctos esse dīxērunt. Quōs Caesar ut in miseros āc supplices ūsus misericordia vidērētur, 10 dīligentissime cōnservāvit suīsque fīnibus atque oppidis ūti iūssit et fīnitimis imperāvit ut ab iniūria et maleficio se suōsque prohibērent. +prope+, _paene_, 19. +internecio+, _interitus_. +redigo+, _redūco_. +puerī+, _līberi_, 13. +cōnicio+, _dēpōno_, 16. +dēdo+, _permitto_, 15. +commemoro+, _nārro_. +fīnitimus+, _vīcīnus_, 2. _The Aduatuci prepare to make a desperate resistance._ 29. Aduātuci, qui cum omnibus cōpiis auxilio Nerviis veniēbant, hāc pūgna nūntiāta ex itinere domum revertērunt; cūnctis oppidis castellīsque dēsertis sua omnia in ūnum oppidum ēgregie nātūra mūnītum contulērunt. Quod ex omnibus in circuitu partibus altissimas rūpes 5 dēspectūsque habēbat, sed ūna ex parte lēniter adclīvis aditus relinquēbātur; quem locum duplici altissimo mūro mūnierant; tum māgni ponderis saxa et praeacūtas trabes in mūro conlocābant. Ipsi erant ex Cimbris Teutonīsque prōgnāti, qui, cum iter in prōvinciam nostram atque 10 Ītaliam facerent, custōdiam ex suis āc praesidium sex mīlia hominum relīquērunt. Hi post eōrum obitum multos annos a fīnitimis exagitāti, cōnsēnsu eōrum omnium hunc sibi domicilio locum dēlēgērunt. +revertor+, _redeo_, 10. +cūnctus+, _omnis_. +ēgregie+: _optime_, _eximie_, 8. +dēspectus+, _prōspectus_. +lēniter+, _paulātim_. +aditus+, _accessus_, 15. +conloco+, _pōno_, 8. +prōgnātus+, _ortus_, 4. +obitus+, _interitus_, 28. +dēligo+, _ēligo_, 17. _From their walls they taunt the Romans._ 30. Āc prīmo adventu exercitus nostri crēbras ex oppido excursiōnes faciēbant parvulīsque proeliis cum nostris contendēbant; postea vāllo pedum XII in circuitu XV mīlium crēbrīsque castellis circummūnīti oppido sēse continēbant. Ubi vīneis āctis aggere exstrūcto turrim 5 procul cōnstitui vīdērunt, prīmum inrīdēre ex mūro atque increpitāre vōcibus coepērunt, quod tanta māchinātio ab tanto spatio īnstruerētur: quibusnam manibus aut quibus vīribus praesertim homines tantulae statūrae turrim tanti oneris in mūro sēse conlocāre cōnfīderent? 10 +adventus+, _accessus_, 15. +crēber+, _frequens_, 1. +excursio+, _ēruptio_. +cōnstituo+, _pōno_. +inrīdeo+, _dērīdeo_. +increpito+, _maledīco_. +tantulus+, _parvulus_. +onus+, _pondus_. _But soon they lose confidence and offer to surrender._ 31. Ubi vēro turrim movēri et adpropīnquāre moenibus vīdērunt, nova atque inūsitāta specie commōti lēgātos ad Caesarem de pāce mīsērunt, qui ad hunc modum locūti sunt: Aduātuci nōn exīstimant Rōmānos sine ope dīvīna bellum gerere, qui tantae altitūdinis māchinātiōnes tanta 5 celeritāte prōmovēre possint; itaque se suaque omnia eōrum potestāti permittunt. Ūnum petunt: si fōrte Caesar pro sua clēmentia āc mānsuētūdine statuerit Aduātucos esse cōnservandos, ne eos armis dēspoliet. Omnes fere fīnitimi sunt inimīci āc eōrum virtūti invident, 10 a quibus se dēfendere trāditis armis nōn poterunt. Sibi praestet, si in eum cāsum dēdūcantur, quamvis fōrtūnam a populo Rōmāno pati, quam ab inimīcis per cruciātum interfici. +novus+, _mīrus_. +inūsitātus+: _īnsolitus_, _novus_. +species+, _facies_. +modus+, _ratio_. +ops+, _auxilium_. +permitto+, _dēdo_, 15. +peto+, _ōro_, 13. +mānsuētūdo+, _lēnitas_, 14. +statuo+, _cōnstituo_, 10. +fere+, _paene_, 25. +cāsus+, _fātum_, 22. +dēdūco+, _redigo_, 28. _They must disarm, but are promised protection._ 32. Ad haec Caesar respondit: “Magis cōnsuētūdine mea quam merito vestro cīvitātem cōnservābo, si prius quam mūrum aries attigerit, vos dēdideritis: sed dēditiōnis nūlla est condicio nisi armis trāditis. Id quod in Nerviis fēci faciam fīnitimīsque imperābo ne quam iniūriam 5 dēditīciis populi Rōmāni īnferant.” Re nūntiāta ad suos, quae imperārentur facere dīxērunt. Armōrum tanta multitūdo de mūro in fossam quae erat ante oppidum iacta est, ut prope summam mūri aggerisque altitūdinem acervi eōrum adaequārent, et tamen circiter pars 10 tertia, ut postea perspectum est, cēlāta atque in oppido retenta est. Deinde portis patefactis eo die pāce sunt ūsi oppidāni. +prius quam+, _ante quam_. +dēditio+, _trāditio_, 12. +fīnitimus+, _vīcīnus_, 2. +īnfero+: _fero_, _facio_. +prope+, _paene_, 28. +circiter+, _ad_, 19. +perspicio+, _intellego_. +patefacio+, _aperio_. _A brave dash for freedom, but a terrible fate._ 33. Sub vesperum Caesar portas claudi mīlitēsque ex oppido exīre iūssit. Oppidāni cōnsilio ante inito, ut intellēctum est, quod dēditiōne facta nostros praesidia dēductūros aut dēnique indīligentius servātūros crēdiderant, tertia vigilia, qua minime arduus ad nostras mūnītiōnes 5 ascēnsus vidēbātur, omnibus cōpiis repentīno ex oppido ēruptiōnem fēcērunt. Celeriter, ut ante Caesar imperārat, īgnibus sīgnificātiōne facta ex proximis castellis eo concursum est. Ibi pūgnātum est ācriter ab hostibus in extrēma spe salūtis inīquo loco contra eos 10 qui ex vāllo turribusque tēla iacerent, cum in ūna virtūte omnis spes salūtis cōnsisteret. Occīsis ad hominum mīlibus quattuor reliqui in oppidum reiecti sunt. Postrīdie ēius diēi refrāctis portis, cum iam dēfenderet nēmo, atque intrōmīssis mīlitibus nostris sectiōnem ēius oppidi 15 ūniversam Caesar vendidit. Ab iis qui ēmerant capitum numerus ad eum relātus est mīlium quīnquāginta trium. +intellego+, _perspicio_, 32. +dēnique+, _saltem_. +indīligenter+, _neglegenter_. +arduus+, _difficilis_. +repentīnus+, _subitus_. +ēruptio+, _excursio_, 30. +sīgnificātio+, _sīgnum_. +inīquus+, _incommodus_. +ūniversus+, _tōtus_. +refero+, _renūntio_. _All the maritime nations submit to the Romans._ 34. Eōdem tempore a P. Crasso, quem cum legiōne ūna mīserat ad Venetos, Unellos, Osismos, Curiosolitas, Esuvios, Aulercos, Rēdones, quae sunt maritimae cīvitātes Ōceanumque attingunt, certior factus est omnes eas cīvitātes in diciōnem potestātemque populi Rōmāni esse 5 redāctas. +attingo+, _tango_. +dicio+, _imperium_. +redigo+, _pāco_. _Gaul lies crushed and bleeding. Rome rejoices and thanks the gods._ 35. Hīs rēbus gestis omni Gallia pācāta, tanta hūius belli ad barbaros opīnio perlāta est uti ab iis nātiōnibus quae trāns Rhēnum incolerent mitterentur lēgāti ad Caesarem, qui se obsides datūras, imperāta factūras pollicērentur. Quās lēgātiōnes Caesar, quod in Ītaliam Illyricumque 5 properābat, inita proxima aestāte ad se reverti iūssit. Ipse in Carnūtes, Andes Turonēsque, quae cīvitātes propīnquae hīs locis erant ubi bellum gesserat, legiōnibus in hībernācula dēductis, in Ītaliam profectus est. Ob eāsque res ex litteris Caesaris dies quīndecim 10 supplicātio dēcrēta est, quod ante id tempus accidit nūlli. +pāco+, _redigo_, 34. +opīnio+, _fāma_, 8. +propero+, _mātūro_, 5. +ineo+, _incipio_. +propīnquus+: _vīcīnus_, _fīnitimus_, 2. +accido+, _contingo_. C. IULI CAESARIS DE BELLO GALLICO _LIBER SECUNDUS._ B.C. 57; A.U.C. 697. THE BELGIAN LEAGUE DEFEATED. 1. Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia in hibernis, ita uti supra demonstravimus, crebri ad eum rumores adferebantur, litterisque item Labieni certior fiebat omnes Belgas, quam tertiam esse Galliae partem dixeramus, contra populum Romanum coniurare obsidesque inter se dare. Coniurandi has esse causas: primum quod vererentur ne omni pacata Gallia ad eos exercitus noster adduceretur; deinde quod ab nonnullis Gallis sollicitarentur,--partim qui, ut Germanos diutius in Gallia versari noluerant, ita populi Romani exercitum hiemare atque inveterascere in Gallia moleste ferebant; partim qui mobilitate et levitate animi novis imperiis studebant; ab nonnullis etiam, quod in Gallia a potentioribus atque iis qui ad conducendos homines facultates habebant, vulgo regna occupabantur, qui minus facile eam rem imperio nostro consequi poterant. [p. 23 l. 1-16] 2. His nuntiis litterisque commotus Caesar duas legiones in citeriore Gallia novas conscripsit, et inita aestate in interiorem Galliam qui deduceret Q. Pedium legatum misit. Ipse, cum primum pabuli copia esse inciperet, ad exercitum venit. Dat negotium Senonibus reliquisque Gallis, qui finitimi Belgis erant, uti ea quae apud eos gerantur cognoscant seque de his rebus certiorem faciant. Hi constanter omnes nuntiaverunt manus cogi, exercitum in unum locum conduci. Tum vero dubitandum non existimavit quin ad eos proficisceretur. Re frumentaria comparata castra movet diebusque circiter quindecim ad fines Belgarum pervenit. [p. 23 l. 17-20, p. 24 l. 1-8] 3. Eo cum de improviso celeriusque omni opinione venisset, Remi, qui proximi Galliae ex Belgis sunt, ad eum legatos Iccium et Andocumborium primos civitatis miserunt qui dicerent: ‘Se suaque omnia in fidem atque in potestatem populi Romani permittere, neque se cum Belgis reliquis consensisse neque contra populum Romanum coniurasse, paratosque esse et obsides dare et imperata facere et oppidis recipere et frumento ceterisque rebus iuvare; reliquos omnes Belgas in armis esse, Germanosque qui cis Rhenum incolant sese cum his coniunxisse, tantumque esse eorum omnium furorem ut ne Suessiones quidem, fratres consanguineosque suos, qui eodem iure et isdem legibus utantur, unum imperium unumque magistratum cum ipsis habeant, deterrere potuerint quin cum his consentirent.’ [p. 24 l. 9-23] 4. Cum ab his quaereret quae civitates quantaeque in armis essent et quid in bello possent, sic reperiebat: plerosque Belgas esse ortos ab Germanis Rhenumque antiquitus traductos propter loci fertilitatem ibi consedisse Gallosque qui ea loca incolerent expulisse, solosque esse qui patrum nostrorum memoria, omni Gallia vexata, Teutonos Cimbrosque intra fines suos ingredi prohibuerint; qua ex re fieri uti earum rerum memoria magnam sibi auctoritatem magnosque spiritus in re militari sumerent. De numero eorum omni se habere explorata Remi dicebant, proptera quod propinquitatibus adfinitatibusque coniuncti, quantam quisque multitudinem in communi Belgarum concilio ad id bellum pollicitus sit cognoverint. Plurimuni inter eos Bellovacos et virtute et auctoritate et hominum numero valere: hos posse conficere armata milia centum, pollicitos ex eo numero electa sexaginta, totiusque belli imperium sibi postulare. Suessiones suos esse finitimos: latissimos feracissimosque agros possidere. Apud eos fuisse regem nostra etiam memoria Divitiacum, totius Galliae potentissimum, qui cum magnae partis harum regionum tum etiam Britanniae imperium obtinuerit: nunc esse regem Galbam; ad hunc propter iustitiam prudentiamque suam totius belli summam omnium voluntate deferri: oppida habere numero XII, polliceri milia armata quinquaginta; totidem Nervios, qui maxime feri inter ipsos habeantur, longissimeque absint; quindecim milia Atrebates, Ambianos decem milia, Moriuos XXV milia, Menapios VII milia; Caletos X milia; Velocasses et Veromanduos totidem; Aduatucos decem et novem milia; Condrusos, Eburones, Caeroesos, Paemanos, qui uno nomine Germani appellantur, arbitrari ad XL milia. [p. 24 l. 24-32, p. 25 l. 1-23] 5. Caesar Remos cohortatus liberaliterque oratione prosecutus omnem senatum ad se convenire principumque liberos obsides ad se adduci iussit. Quae omnia ab his diligenter ad diem facta sunt. Ipse Divitiacum Aeduum magno opere cohortatus docet quanto opere rei publicae communisque salutis intersit man us hostium distineri, ne cum tanta multitudine uno tempore confligendum sit. Id fieri posse, si suas copias Aedui in fines Bellovacorum introduxeriut et eorum agros populari coeperint. His mandatis eum ab se dimittit. Postquam omnes Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vidit neque iam longe abesse ab iis quos miserat exploratoribus et ab Remis cognovit, flumen Axonam, quod est in extremis Remorum finibus, exercitum traducere maturavit atque ibi castra posuit. Quae res et latus unum castrorum ripis fluminis muniebat et post eum quae essent tuta ab hostibus reddebat, et commeatus ab Remis reliquisque civitatibus ut sine periculo ad eum portari posset efficiebat. In eo flumine pons erat. Ibi praesidium ponit et in altera parte fluminis Q. Titurium Sabinum legatum cum sex cohortibus relinquit. Castra in altitudinem pedum XII vallo fossaque duodeviginti pedum munire iubet. [p. 25 l. 24-32, p. 26 l. 1-14] 6. Ab his castris oppidum Remorum nomine Bibrax aberat milia passuum octo. Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae oppugnare coeperunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est. Gallorum eadem atque Belgarum oppugnatio est haec. Ubi circumiecta multitudine hominum totis moenibus undique in murum lapides iaci coepti sunt, murusque defensoribus nudatus est, testudine facta portas succedunt murumque subruunt. Quod tum facile fiebat. Nam cum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela conicerent, in muro consistendi potestas erat nulli. Cum finem oppugnandi nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, summa nobilitate et gratia inter suos, qui tum oppido praefuerat, unus ex iis qui legati de pace ad Caesarem venerant, nuntium ad eum mittit: nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse. [p. 26 l. 15-29] 7. Eo de media nocte Caesar isdem ducibus usus qui nuntii ab Iccio venerant, Numidas et Cretas sagittarios et funditores Baleares subsidio oppidanis mittit; quorum adventu et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi accessit, et hostibus eadem de causa spes potiundi oppidi discessit. Itaque paulisper apud oppidum morati agrosque Remorum depopulati, omnibus vicis aedificiisque quos adire potuerant incensis, ad castra Caesaris omnibus copiis contenderunt et ab milibus passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt; quae castra, ut fumo atque ignibus significabatur, amplius milibus passuum octo in latitudinem patebant. [p. 26 l. 30-32, p. 27 l. 1-9] 8. Caesar primo et propter multitudinem hostium et propter eximiam opinionem virtutis proelio supersedere statuit; cotidie tamen equestribus proeliis quid hostis virtute posset et quid nostri auderent periclitabatur. Ubi nostros non esse inferiores intellexit, loco pro castris ad aciem instruendam natura opportuno atque idoneo--quod is collis, ubi castra posita erant, paululum ex planitie editus tantum adversus in latitudinem patebat quantum loci acies instructa occupare poterat, atque ex utraque parte lateris deiectus habebat et in frontem leniter fastigatus paulatim ad planitiem redibat--ab utroque latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit circiter passuum quadringentorum et ad extremas fossas castella constituit ibique tormenta conlocavit, ne, cum aciem instruxisset, hostes, quod tantum multitudine poterant, ab lateribus pugnantes suos circumvenire possent. Hoc facto duabus legionibus quas proxime conscripserat in castris relictis, ut, si quo opus esset, subsidio duci possent, reliquas sex legiones pro castris in acie constituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castris eductas instruxerant. [p. 27 l. 10-30] 9. Palus erat non magna inter nostrum atque hostium exercitum. Hanc si nostri transirent hostes exspectabant; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret, ut impeditos adgrederentur, parati in armis erant. Interim proelio equestri inter duas acies contendebatur. Ubi neutri transeundi initium faciunt, secundiore equitum proelio nostris Caesar suos in castra reduxit. Hostes protinus ex eo loco ad flumen Axonam contenderunt, quod esse post nostra castra demonstratum est. Ibi vadis repertis partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio, ut, si possent, castellum cui praeerat Q. Titurius legatus expugnarent pontemque interscinderent; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usui ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros prohiberent. [p. 27 l. 31-32, p. 28 l. 1-13] 10. Caesar certior factus ab Titurio omnem equitatum et levis armaturae Numidas, funditores sagittariosque pontem traducit atque ad eos contendit. Acriter in eo loco pugnatum est. Hostes impeditos nostri in flumine adgressi magnum eorum numerum occiderunt: per eorum corpora reliquos audacissime transire conantes multitudine telorum reppulerunt; primos qui transierant equitatu circumventos interfecerunt. Hostes, ubi et de expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt neque nostros in locum iniquiorem progredi pugnandi causa viderunt, atque ipsos res frumentaria deficere coepit, concilio convocato constituerunt optimum esse domum suam quemque reverti, et, quorum in fines primum Romani exercitum introduxissent, ad eos defendendos undique convenirent, ut potius in suis quam in alienis finibus decertarent et domesticis copiis rei frumentariae uterentur. Ad eam sententiam cum reliquis causis haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, quod Divitiacum atque Aeduos finibus Bellovacorum adpropinquare cognoverant. His persuaderi ut diutis morarentur neque suis auxilium ferrent non poterat. [p. 28 l. 14-32, p. 29 l. 1-2] 11. Ea re constituta, secunda vigilia magno cum strepitu ac tumultu castris egressi, nullo certo ordine neque imperio, cum sibi quisque primum itineris locum peteret et domum pervenire properaret, fecerunt ut consimilis fugae profectio videretur. Hac re statim Caesar per speculatores cognita insidias veritus, quod qua de causa discederent nondum perspexerat, exercitum equitatumque castris continuit. Prima luce confirmata re ab exploratoribus omnem equitatum qui novissimum agmen moraretur praemisit. His Q. Pedium et L. Aurunculeium Cottam legatos praefecit; T. Labienum legatum cum legionibus tribus subsequi iussit. Hi novissimos adorti et multa milia passuum prosecuti magnam multitudinem eorum fugientium conciderunt, cum ab extremo agmine ad quos ventum erat consisterent fortiterque impetum nostrorum militum sustinerent; priores, quod abesse a periculo viderentur neque ulla necessitate neque imperio continerentur, exaudito clamore perturbatis ordinibus omnes in fuga sibi praesidium ponerent. Ita sine ullo periculo tantam eorum multitudinem nostri interfecerunt quantum fuit diei spatium, sub occasumque solis destiterunt, seque in castra, ut erat imperatum, receperunt. [p. 29 l. 3-25] 12. Postridie eius diei Caesar, priusquam se hostes ex terrore ac fuga reciperent, in fines Suessionum, qui proximi Remis erant, exercitum duxit et magno itinere confecto ad oppidum Noviodunum contendit. Id ex itinere oppugnare conatus, quod vacuum ab defensoribus esse audiebat, propter latitudinem fossae murique altitudinem paucis defendentibus expugnare non potuit. Castris munitis vineas agere quaeque ad oppugnandum usui erant comparare coepit. Interim omnis ex fuga Suessionum multitudo in oppidum proxima nocte convenit. Celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis, aggere iacto turribusque constitutis, magnitudine operum, quae neque viderant ante Galli neque audierant, et celeritate Romanorum permoti, legatos ad Caesarem de deditione mittunt et petentibus Remis ut conservarentur impetrant. [p. 29 l. 26-32, p. 30 l. 1-8] 13. Caesar obsidibus acceptis primis civitatis atque ipsius Galbae regis duobus filiis, armisque omnibus ex oppido traditis, in deditionem Suessiones accepit exercitumque in Bellovacos ducit. Qui cum se suaque omnia in oppidum Bratuspantium contulissent, atque ab eo oppido Caesar cum exercitu circiter milia passuum quinque abesset, omnes maiores natu ex oppido egressi manus ad Caesarem tendere et voce significare coeperunt sese in eius fidem ac potestatem venire neque contra populum Romanum armis contendere. Item, cum ad oppidum accessisset castraque ibi poneret, pueri mulieresque ex muro passis manibus suo more pacem ab Romanis petierunt. [p. 30 l. 9-20] 14. Pro his Divitiacus--nam post discessum Belgarum dimissis Aeduorum copiis ad eum reverterat--facit verba: Bellovacos omni tempore in fide atque amicitia civitatis Aeduae fuisse: impulsos a suis principibus, qui dicerent Aeduos ab Caesare in servitutem redactos omnes indignitates contumeliasque perferre, et ab Aeduis defecisse et populo Romano bellum intulisse. Qui eius consili principes fuissent, quod intellegerent quantam calamitatem civitati intulissent, in Britanniam profugisse. Petere non solum Bellovacos sed etiam pro his Aeduos ut sua clementia ac mansuetudine in eos utatur. Quod si fecerit, Aeduorum auctoritatem apud omnes Belgas amplificaturum, quorum auxiliis atque opibus, si qua bella inciderint, sustentare consuerint. [p. 30 l. 21-32, p. 31 l. 1-2] 15. Caesar honoris Divitiaci atque Aeduorum causa sese eos in fidem recepturum et conservaturum dixit; quod erat civitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate atque hominum multitudine praestabat, sexcentos obsides poposcit. His traditis omnibusque armis ex oppido conlatis, ab eo loco in fines Ambianorum pervenit, qui se suaque omnia sine mora dediderunt. Eorum fines Nervii attingebant; quorum de natura moribusque Caesar cum quaereret, sic reperiebat: Nullum aditum esse ad eos mercatoribus; nihil pati vini reliquarumque rerum inferri, quod iis rebus relanguescere animos eorum et remitti virtutem existimarent: esse homines feros magnaeque virtutis; increpitare atque incusare reliquos Belgas qui se populo Romano dedidissent patriamque virtutem proiecissent; confirmare sese neque legatos missuros neque ullam condicionem pacis accepturos. [p. 31 l. 3-18] 16. Cum per eorum fines triduum iter fecisset, inveniebat ex captivis Sabim flumen ab castris suis non amplius milia passuum X abesse: trans id flumen omnes Nervios consedisse adventumque ibi Romanorum exspectare una cum Atrebatis et Veromanduis finitimis suis, nam his utrisque persuaserant uti eandem belli fortunam experirentur; exspectari etiam ab his Aduatucorum copias atque esse in itinere; mulieres quique per aetatem ad pugnam inutiles viderentur in eum locum coniecisse, quo propter paludes exercitui aditus non esset. [p. 31 l. 19-28] 17. His rebus cognitis exploratores centurionesque praemittit qui locum idoneum castris deligant. Cum ex dediticiis Belgis reliquisque Gallis complures Caesarem secuti una iter facerent, quidam ex his, ut postea ex captivis cognitum est, eorum dierum consuetudine itineris nostri exercitus perspecta, nocte ad Nervios pervenerunt atque his demonstrarunt inter singulas legiones impedimentorum magnum numerum intercedere, neque esse quicquam negoti, cum prima legio in castra venisset, reliquaeque legiones magnum spatium abessent, hanc sub sarcinis adoriri; qua pulsa impedimentisque direptis futurum ut reliquae contra consistere non auderent. Adiuvabat etiam eorum consilium qui rem deferebant, quod Nervii antiquitus, cum equitatu nihil possent (neque enim ad hoc tempus ei rei student, sed quicquid possunt, pedestribus valent copiis) quo facilius finitimorum equitatum, si praedandi causa ad eos venissent, impedirent, teneris arboribus incisis atque inflexis, crebrisque in latitudinem ramis enatis, et rubis sentibusque interiectis, effecerant ut instar muri hae saepes munimenta praeberent, quo non modo non intrari sed ne perspici quidem posset. His rebus cum iter agminis nostri impediretur, non omittendum sibi consilium Nervii existimaverunt. [p. 31 l. 29-32, p. 32 l. 1-20] 18. Loci natura erat haec, quem locum nostri castris delegerant. Collis ab summo aequaliter declivis ad flumen Sabim, quod supra nominavimus, vergebat. Ab eo flumine pari adclivitate collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, passus circiter ducentos infimus apertus, ab superiore parte silvestris ut non facile introrsus perspici posset. Intra eas silvas hostes in occulto sese continebant; in aperto loco secundum flumen paucae stationes equitum videbantur. Fluminis erat altitudo pedum circiter trium. [p. 32 l. 21-30] 19. Caesar equitatu praemisso subsequebatur omnibus copiis; sed ratio ordoque agminis aliter se habebat ac Belgae ad Nervios detulerant. Nam quod ad hostes adpropinquabat, consuetudine sua Caesar sex legiones expeditas ducebat; post eas totius exercitus impedimenta conlocarat; inde duae legiones quae proxime conscriptae erant totum agmen claudebant praesidioque impedimentis erant. Equites nostri, cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgressi, cum hostium equitatu proelium commiserunt. Cum se illi identidem in silvas ad suos reciperent ac rursus ex silva in nostros impetum facerent, neque nostri longius quam quem ad finem porrecta loca aperta pertinebant cedentes insequi auderent, interim legiones sex, quae primae venerant, opere dimenso castra munire coeperunt. Ubi prima impedimenta nostri exercitus ab iis qui in silvis abditi latebant visa sunt, quod tempus inter eos committendi proeli convenerat, ut intra silvas aciem ordinesque constituerant atque ipsi sese confirmaverant, subito omnibus copiis provolaverunt impetumque in nostros equites fecerunt. His facile pulsis ac proturbatis, incredibili celeritate ad flumen decucurrerunt, ut paene uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine et iam in manibus nostris hostes viderentur. Eadem autem celeritate adverso colle ad nostra castra atque eos qui in opere occupati erant contenderunt. [p. 32 l. 31-32, p. 33 l. 1-23] 20. Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agenda: vexillum proponendum, quod erat insigne cum ad arma concurri oporteret, signum tuba dandum, ab opere revocandi milites, qui paulo longius aggeris petendi causa processerant arcessendi, acies instruenda, milites cohortandi, signum dandum. Quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et successus hostium impediebat. His difficultatibus duae res erant subsidio--scientia atque usus militum, quod superioribus proeliis exercitati, quid fieri oporteret non minus commode ipsi sibi praescribere quam ab aliis doceri poterant; et quod ab opere singulisque legionibus singulos legatos Caesar discedere nisi munitis castris vetuerat. Hi propter propinquitatem et celeritatem hostium nihil iam Caesaris imperium exspectabant, sed per se quae videbantur administrabant. [p. 33 l. 24-32, p. 34 l. 1-6] 21. Caesar necessariis rebus imperatis ad cohortandos milites quam in partem fors obtulit decucurrit et ad legionem decimam devenit. Milites non longiore oratione cohortatus quam uti suae pristinae virtutis memoriam retinerent neu perturbarentur animo hostiumque impetum fortiter sustinerent, quod non longius hostes aberant quam quo telum adici posset, proeli committendi signum dedit. Atque in alteram partem item cohortandi causa profectus pugnantibus occurrit. Temporis tanta fuit exiguitas hostiumque tam paratus ad dimicandum animus, ut non modo ad insignia adcommodanda, sed etiam ad galeas induendas scutisque tegimenta detrudenda tempus defuerit. Quam quisque ab opere in partem casu devenit quaeque prima signa conspexit, ad haec constitit, ne in quaerendis suis pugnandi tempus dimitteret. [p. 34 l. 7-22] 22. Instructo exercitu magis ut loci natura deiectusque collis et necessitas temporis quam ut rei militaris ratio atque ordo postulabat, cum diversis legionibus aliae alia in parte hostibus resisterent, saepibusque densissimis, ut ante demonstravimus, interiectis prospectus impediretur, neque certa subsidia conlocari, neque quid in quaque parte opus esset provideri, neque ab uno omnia imperia administrari poterant. Itaque in tanta rerum iniquitate, fortunae quoque eventus varii sequebantur. [p. 34 l. 23-31] 23. Legionis nonae et decimae milites, ut in sinistra parte acie constiterant, pilis emissis, cursu ac lassitudine exanimatos vulneribusque confectos Atrebates--nam his ea pars obvenerat--celeriter ex loco superiore in flumen compulerunt et transire conantes insecuti gladiis magnam partem eorum impeditam interfecerunt. Ipsi transire flumen non dubitaverunt, et in locum iniquum progressi, rursus resistentes hostes redintegrato proelio in fugam coniecerunt. Item alia in parte diversae duae legiones, undecima et octava, profligatis Veromanduis, quibuscum erant congressi, ex loco superiore in ipsis fluminis ripis proeliabantur. At totis fere a fronte et ab sinistra parte nudatis castris, cum in dextro cornu legio duodecima et non magno ab ea intervallo septima constitisset, omnes Nervii confertissimo agmine duce Boduognato qui summam imperi tenebat, ad eum locum contenderunt; quorum pars aperto latere legiones circumvenire, pars summum castrorum locum petere coepit. [p. 35 l. 1-18] 24. Eodem tempore equites nostri levisque armaturae pedites, qui cum iis una fuerant, quos primo hostium impetu pulsos dixeram, cum se in castra reciperent, adversis hostibus occurrebant ac rursus aliam in partem fugam petebant; et calones, qui ab decumana porta ac summo iugo collis nostros victores flumen transisse conspexerant, praedandi causa egressi, cum respexissent et hostes in nostris castris versari vidissent, praecipites fugae sese mandabant. Simul eorum qui cum impedimentis veniebant clamor fremitusque oriebatur, aliique aliam in partem perterriti ferebantur. Quibus omnibus rebus permoti equites Treveri, quorum inter Gallos virtutis opinio est singularis, qui auxili causa ab civitate ad Caesarem missi venerant, cum multitudine hostium castra compleri, legiones premi et paene circumventas teneri, calones, equites, funditores, Numidas, diversos dissipatosque in omnes partes fugere vidissent, desperatis nostris rebus domum contenderunt; Romanos pulsos superatosque, castris impedimentisque eorum hostes potitos civitati renuntiaverunt. [p. 35 l. 19-32, p. 36 l. 1-6] 25. Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus, ubi suos urgeri signisque in unum locum conlatis duodecimae legionis confertos milites sibi ipsos ad pugnam esse impedimento vidit--quartae cohortis omnibus centurionibus occisis signiferoque interfecto, signo amisso, reliquarum cohortium omnibus fere centurionibus aut vulneratis aut occisis, in his primipilo P. Sextio Baculo, fortissimo viro, multis gravibusque vulneribus confecto ut iam se sustinere non posset, reliquos esse tardiores, et nonnullos ab novissimis deserto proelio excedere ac tela vitare, hostes neque a fronte ex inferiore loco subeuntes intermittere et ab utroque latere instare, et rem esse in angusto vidit, neque ullum esse subsidium quod submitti posset--scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto, quod ipse eo sine scuto venerat, in primam aciem processit centurionibusque nominatim appellatis reliquos cohortatus milites signa inferre et manipulos laxare iussit, quo facilius gladiis uti possent. Cuius adventu spe inlata militibus ac redintegrato animo, cum pro se quisque in conspectu imperatoris etiam in extremis suis rebus operam navare cuperet, paulum hostium impetus tardatus est. [p. 36 l. 7-28] 26. Caesar cum septimam legionem, quae iuxta constiterat, item urgeri ab hoste vidisset, tribunes militum monuit ut paulatim sese legiones coniungerent et conversa signa in hostes inferrent. Quo facto, cum alius alii subsidium ferret, neque timerent ne aversi ab hoste circumvenirentur, audacius resistere ac fortius pugnare coeperunt. Interim milites legionum duarum, quae in novissimo agmine praesidio impedimentis fuerant, proelio nuntiato cursu incitato in summo colle ab hostibus conspiciebantur; et T. Labienus castris hostium potitus et ex loco superiore quae res in nostris castris gererentur conspicatus decimam legionem subsidio nostris misit. Qui cum ex equitum et calonum fuga, quo in loco res esset, quantoque in periculo et castra et legiones et imperator versaretur, cognovissent, nihil ad celeritatem sibi reliqui fecerunt. [p. 36 l. 29-32, p. 37 l. 1-12] 27. Horum adventu tanta rerum commutatio est facta ut nostri, etiam qui vulneribus confecti procubuissent, scutis innixi proelium redintegrarent; tum calones perterritos hostes conspicati etiam inermes armatis occurrerent; equites vero, ut turpitudinem fugae virtute delerent, omnibus in locis pugnae se legionariis militibus praeferrent. At hostes etiam in extrema spe salutis tantam virtutem praestiterunt ut, cum primi eorum cecidissent, proximi iacentibus insisterent atque ex eorum corporibus pugnarent; his deiectis et coacervatis cadaveribus, qui superessent ut ex tumulo tela in nostros conicerent et pila intercepta remitterent: ut non nequiquam tantae virtutis homines indicari deberet ausos esse transire latissimum flumen, ascendere altissimas ripas, subire iniquissimum locum; quae facilia ex difficillimis animi magnitudo redegerat. [p. 37 l. 13-28] 28. Hoc proelio facto et prope ad internecionem gente ac nomine Nerviorum redacto maiores natu, quos una cum pueris mulieribusque in aestuaria ac paludes coniectos dixeramus, hac pugna nuntiata, cum victoribus nihil impeditum, victis nihil tutum arbitrarentur, omnium qui supererant consensu legatos ad Caesarem miserunt seque ei dediderunt; et in commemoranda civitatis calamitate ex sexcentis ad tres senatores, ex hominum milibus LX vix ad quingentos qui arma ferre possent sese redactos esse dixerunt. Quos Caesar, ut in miseros ac supplices usus misericordia videretur, diligentissime conservavit suisque finibus atque oppidis uti iussit, et finitimis imperavit ut ab iniuria et maleficio se suosque prohiberent. [p. 37 l. 29-32, p. 38 l. 1-9] 29. Aduatuci, de quibus supra scripsimus, cum omnibus copiis auxilio Nerviis venirent, hac pugna nuntiata ex itinere domum reverterunt; cunctis oppidis castellisque desertis sua omnia in unum oppidum egregie natura munitum contulerunt. Quod cum ex omnibus in circuitu partibus altissimas rapes despectusque haberet, una ex parte leniter adclivis aditus in latitudinem non amplius ducentorum pedum relinquebatur; quem locum duplici altissimo muro munierant, tum magni ponderis saxa et praeacutas trabes in muro conlocabant. Ipsi erant ex Cimbris Teutonisque prognati, qui, cum iter in provinciam nostram atque Italiam facerent, iis impedimentis, quae secum agere ac portare non poterant, citra flumen Rhenum depositis custodiam ex suis ac praesidium sex milia hominum una reliquerunt. Hi post eorum obitum multos annos a finitimis exagitati, cum alias bellum inferrent, alias inlatum defenderent, consensu eorum omnium pace facta hunc sibi domicilio locum delegerunt. [p. 38 l. 10-27] 30. Ac primo adventu exercitus nostri crebras ex oppido excursiones faciebant parvulisque proeliis cum nostris contendebant; postea vallo pedum XII in circuitu XV milium crebrisque castellis circummuniti oppido sese continebant. Ubi vineis actis aggere exstructo turrim procul constitui viderunt, primum inridere ex muro atque increpitare vocibus, quod tanta machinatio ab tanto spatio instrueretur: quibusnam manibus aut quibus viribus praesertim homines tantulae staturae--nam plerumque hominibus Gallis prae magnitudine corporum suorum brevitas nostra contemptui est--tanti oneris turrim in muro sese conlocare confiderent? [p. 38 l. 28-32, p. 39 l. 1-7] 31. Ubi vero moveri et adpropinquare moenibus viderunt, nova atque inusitata specie commoti legates ad Caesarem de pace miserunt, qui ad hunc modum locuti: ‘Non existimare Romanos sine ope divina bellum gerere, qui tantae altitudinis machinationes tanta celeritate promovere possent; se suaque omnia eorum potestati permittere’ dixerunt. ‘Unum petere ac deprecari: si forte pro sua clementia ac mansuetudine, quam ipsi ab aliis audirent, statuisset Aduatucos esse conservandos, ne se armis despoliaret. Sibi omnes fere finitimos esse inimicos ac suae virtuti invidere; a quibus se defendere traditis armis non possent. Sibi praestare, si in eum casum deducerentur, quamvis fortunam a populo Romano pati, quam ab his per cruciatum interfici, inter quos dominari consuessent.’ [p. 39 l. 8-22] 32. Ad haec Caesar respondit: ‘Se magis consuetudine sua quam merito eorum civitatem conservaturum, si prius quam murum aries attigisset se dedidissent; sed deditionis nullam esse condicionem nisi armis traditis. Se id quod in Nerviis fecisset facturum finitimisque imperaturum, ne quam dediticiis populi Romani iniuriam inferrent.’ Re nuntiata ad suos, quae imperarentur facere dixerunt. Armorum magna multitudine de muro in fossam quae erat ante oppidum iacta sic ut prope summam muri aggerisque altitudinem acervi armorum adaequarent, et tamen circiter parte tertia, ut postea perspectum est, celata atque in oppido retenta, portis patefactis eo die pace sunt usi. [p. 39 l. 23-32, p. 40 l. 1-3] 33. Sub vesperum Caesar portas claudi militesque ex oppido exire iussit, ne quam noctu oppidani ab militibus iniuriam acciperent. Illi ante inito, ut intellectum est, consilio, quod deditione facta nostros praesidia deducturos aut denique indiligentius servaturos crediderant--partim cum iis quae retinuerant et celaverant armis, partim scutis ex cortice factis aut viminibus intextis, quae subito, ut temporis exiguitas postulabat, pellibus induxerant--tertia vigilia, qua minime arduus ad nostras munitiones ascensus videbatur, omnibus copiis repentino ex oppido eruptionem fecerunt. Celeriter, ut ante Caesar imperarat, ignibus significatione facta ex proximis castellis eo concursum est, pugnatumque ab hostibus ita acriter est ut a viris fortibus in extrema spe salutis iniquo loco contra eos qui ex vallo turribusque tela iacerent pugnari debuit, cum in una virtute omnis spes salutis consisteret. Occisis ad hominum milibus quattuor reliqui in oppidum reiecti sunt. Postridie eius diei refractis portis, cum iam defenderet nemo, atque intromissis militibus nostris sectionem eius oppidi universam Caesar vendidit. Ab iis qui emerant capitum numerus ad eum relatus est milium quinquaginta trium. [p. 40 l. 4-25] 34. Eodem tempore a P. Crasso, quem cum legione una miserat ad Venetos, Unellos, Osismos, Curiosolitas, Esuvios, Aulercos, Redones, quae sunt maritimae civitates Oceanumque attingunt, certior factus est omnes eas civitates in dicionem potestatemque populi Romani esse redactas. [p. 40 l. 26-31] 35. His rebus gestis omni Gallia pacata, tanta huius belli ad barbaros opinio perlata est uti ab iis nationibus, quae trans Rhenum incolerent mitterentur legati ad Caesarem, qui se obsides daturas, imperata facturas pollicerentur. Quas legationes Caesar, quod in Italiam Illyricumque properabat, inita proxima aestate ad se reverti iussit. Ipse in Carnutes, Andes Turonesque, quae civitates propinquae his locis erant ubi bellum gesserat, legionibus in hibernacula deductis, in Italiam profectus est. Ob easque res ex litteris Caesaris dies quindecim supplicatio decreta est, quod ante id tempus accidit nulli. [p. 41 l. 1-11] NOTES. INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--To translate Latin into English is to express the meaning of the Latin in English words and in English idiom. But the meaning must be discovered before it can be expressed. Discovering the sense is, therefore, a process preparatory to translation, but yet measurably distinct from it. For discovering the meaning, the golden rule is, _Take words and clauses in the order in which they stand_. If the first chapter of this book were rendered into English words exactly in the Latin order, the thought would be readily apprehended by any one quite unacquainted with Latin. Such a word for word rendering, mental or oral, is for the beginner a necessary preliminary to translation, but, I repeat, must not be confounded with translation. For that, the golden rule is, _Express the thought in pure English, without admixture of Latin idiom_. Notes under the heading CHAP. refer to the simplified text; those that follow, under the heading PAGE, supplement the former and refer to the unchanged text. The grammatical references are to the Latin Grammars of Allen & Greenough and Harkness. [Transcriber’s Note: In the printed text, the word “line” recurs at the beginning of each page. For this e-text, it is repeated at the beginning of each chapter instead. Page references are included for completeness.] CHAP. 1, line 2. +certior fīēbat+: _he was made more certain_ = _he was informed_. +fīēbat+: the passive of +facio+. Review the forms. 142; H. 294. 4. +Coniūrandi+: pronounce the _i_ of the second syllable like _y_. 5. +verēbantur+: the subject is +Belgae+, understood; supply the same subject for +sollicitābantur+. +ad se+: refers to the subject of +verēbantur+. 6. +Germānos+: subject-accusative of +versāri+; _that the Germans should remain_. 8. +exercitum+: subject-accusative of +hiemāre+ and +inveterāscere+. +inveterāscere+: _get a foothold_; but what is its primary meaning from its derivation? 10. +imperiis+: 227 e, 3; H. 385. 11. +iis+: supply mentally +ab+ before it. 13. +qui+: _and these_, referring to +potentiōres+, etc. +eam rem+: read again the preceding sentence, and you will see to what +eam rem+ refers. +imperio nostro+: _under our_ (i.e. Roman) _rule_. The ablative implies condition, and the meaning is, _if we should get the sovereignty_. 255, d, 4; H. 431, 2, (3). PAGE 23, 1. +ita uti+: _as_. 3. +Labiēni+: Cæsar’s lieutenant was now in the country of the Sequani. See a map of +Gallia+. 4. +quam+: _whose country_. We might expect +quos+ referring to +Belgas+, but the relative is made to agree with the predicate noun +partem+. 6. +has esse causas+: depending on +rūmōres adferēbantur+, like +Belgas ... coniūrāre+ and +obsides ... dare+. 272; H. 7. +omni ... Gallia+: all except their country. +pācāta+: the Romans, with cruel humor, called a country “pacified” when they had enslaved it. 8. +partim qui+: _some of whom_. 9. +ut ... ita+: _as ... so_. 11. +partim qui+: _others of whom_. 12. +ab nōnnūllis etiam+: these, then, are the third class by whom it is said, +Belgae sollicitābantur+: first, the conservative and patriotic; second, the restless and dissatisfied; third, the selfish and ambitious. CHAP. 2, line 2. +interiōrem Galliam+: _the interior of Gaul_; that is, Gaul beyond the Alps. Refer constantly to a map. 3. +qui ... dēdūceret+: +qui+ refers to +Q. Pedium+, and the clause +qui ... dēdūceret+ denotes purpose, _to lead_. 4. +Ipse+: supply +Caesar+. 6. +Ea+ = +eas res+, as shown by +rēbus+ following. 8. +manus cōgi+: _that parties of men were gathering_. The construction is the same as +Belgas ... coniūrāre+, in chap. 1. 9. +condūci+: _was mustering_; a very different meaning in chap. 1. +quīn ... proficīscerētur+: _to march_. What literally? PAGE 23, 18. +inita aestāte+: _when summer had begun_ = _at the beginning of summer_; marks the time of +dēdūceret+, not of +mīsit+. PAGE 24, 1. +Dat negōtium+: _he charges_. What literally? 2. +uti+ (same as +ut+) ... +cōgnōscant+: _to find out_; the clause depends on +dat negōtium+. 3. +se+: refers to Caesar. +certiōrem faciant+: compare the passive form in chap. 1. 5. +dubitandum+: in full the sentence would be, +Caesar dubitandum esse sibi nōn exīstimāvit+; and the word for word rendering, _Cæsar did not think an-obligation-of-hesitating to be to himself_. Translate, _he ought to hesitate_. CHAP. 3, line 1. +Eo+: that is, +ad fīnes Belgārum+. See the end of chap. 2. 3. +se ... permittere+: here +se+ is the subject-accusative of +permittere+. +in fidem+: _to the protection_. 6. +Caesaris imperāta facere+: _to do what Cæsar required_. Literally what? 7. +oppidis recipere+: in meaning = +in oppida recipere+. +cēteris+: not _other_, but _all other_. Their submission is abject. 9. +sēse+: not different from +se+. 10. +Suessiōnes+: the object of +dēterrēre+. 12. +iūre+: _constitution_. +īsdem+: oftener written +iīsdem+, 101, c. PAGE 24, 9. +omni opīniōne+: _than any one could expect_. 247, b; H. 417. 10. +ex Belgis+ = +Belgārum+, or +inter Belgas+. 12. +qui dīcerent+: compare +qui dēdūceret+, p. 23, l. 19, and note on simplified text. +se+: the object (with +sua omnia+ = _their all_) of +permittere+. Another +se+ must be mentally supplied as the subject of +permittere+. 18. +incolant+: why not +incolunt+, for it must be translated as if it were +incolunt+? Because the clause +qui ... incolant+ depends on the clause +Germānos ... coniūnxisse+. It is therefore _a dependent clause of indirect discourse_, and as such must have the subjunctive. Thoroughly master this, the most important principle of Latin syntax. Mark how the descriptive clause, +qui ... incolant+, _is framed into_ the main clause. +line+ 19. +furōrem+: the politic or cowardly Remi considered the love of liberty and independence of their brother Belgæ _blind passion_. 20. +qui ... ūtantur+: _though they ... enjoyed._ +qui+, then, must sometimes be rendered _though he, though they_, etc., but only when the subjunctive follows. 21. +ūtantur+: supply immediately following +atque+. 22. +ipsis+: refers to +Rēmi+. 23. +quīn ... cōnsentīrent+: _from ... uniting._ Compare +quīn ... proficīscerētur+, p. 24, l. 6, and note on simplified text. CHAP. 4, line 1. +quantae+: refers to extent of country and population. +in armis essent+: connect with +quae cīvitātes+: _what states were in arms, and how powerful they were_. 2. +quid in bello possent+: a literal translation, _what they could_ (do) _in war_, does not convey the meaning. Render, _what force they could bring into the field_. 4. +ibi+: +cis Rhēnum+. 6. +ex re+: equivalent to +ex causa+. 7. +fīēbat+: _it was coming about._ The Remi said, in direct discourse, +fit+; and below, +sūmant+. +spīritus+: means in the singular _air_, and is here used just as we use “airs,” in the phrase “to put on airs.” 8. +omnia ... explōrāta+: _full information_. 9. +Quantam quisque+: notice the order. +Quisque+ likes to stand after +quantus+, +quotus+, +se+, and +suus+; here it means _each nation_. 11. +Plūrimum ... valēbant+: about equivalent to +plūrimum poterant+, _had the most power_. 18. +cum ... tum+: _not only ... but also_. 19. +Britanniae+: “the first mention of Britain by a Roman author.” PAGE 24, 27. +propter fertilitātem+: to be connected with +cōnsēdisse+. 28. +incolerent+: why not +incolēbant+? See note on p. 24, l. 18, +qui ... incolant+. 29. +memoria+: _within the memory_; but two lines below, _because of the memory_. PAGE 25, 10. +nostra etiam memoria+: compare +patrum nostrōrum memoria+, p. 24, l. 29. 13. +obtinuerit+: _held_, not _obtained_, which is usually expressed by +adsecūtus est+, +cōnsecūtus est+, or +adeptus est+. 15. +omnium voluntāte+: _with the assent of all_. 23. +arbitrāri+: that is, +Rēmos arbitrāri+. CHAP. 5, line 2. +obsides+: _as hostages_, in apposition with +līberos+. What would have been the fate of these, if the chieftains had broken their pledges? 4. +Rēi pūblicae interest+: _it concerns the_ (Roman) _republic_. The real subject of +interest+, represented in English by _it_, is +manus hostium distinēri+. +manus+: the subject-accusative of +distinēri+, _to be kept from uniting_. 6. +ne ... cōnflīgendum sit+: _that it may not be necessary to fight_. 7. +intrōdūxerint+: the Roman way of speaking is: this can be done, if that _shall be done, or shall have been done_; hence the future perfect. But mark that such a future or future perfect is often best rendered by a present. 9. +coāctas ... venīre+: _having been assembled ... to be coming_ = _had assembled ... and were coming_. 10. +vīdit+ = +intellēxit+. +neque iam+ = +et iam nōn+. +iis+: take with +explōrātōribus+. 13. +quae res+: that is, his crossing the river and fixing his camp there. 14. +post eum quae essent+ = +ea quae post eum essent+, _his rear_. What should you expect in place of +eum+? +tūta+: goes with the whole expression, +post eum quae essent+. 16. +portāri+: _to be brought down the river to him_. 19. +in altitūdinem+: _to the height_. 20. +duodēvīginti pedum+: that is, +in lātitūdinem+, _in width_. PAGE 25, 24. +līberāliterque ōrātiōne prōsecūtus+: līberāliter means _in a generous or kindly manner_; +ōrātiōne+ indicates in what sense +prōsecūtus+ is to be taken, _accompanying with words_; finally, +prōsequor+ has its common meaning of _accompany_, but with the meaning unusually applied: Cæsar had encouraged the Remi, and he _accompanies the encouragement with kind words_. Translate, _Cæsar encouraging the Remi and adding kind words_. 29. +commūnis salūtis+: by the _common interests_ Cæsar means those of the Ædui and the Romans. 30. +cōnflīgendum sit+: compare +dubitandum (esse)+ p. 24, l. 5, and read the note. Here, as there, +sibi+, referring to Cæsar and the Ædui, must be mentally supplied, showing for whom the duty or necessity of action (hesitating, fighting) exists. 31. +Id fieri posse+: depends upon +docet+. To what does +id+ refer? PAGE 26, 1. +Postquam ... vīdit ... cōgnōvit, ... mātūrāvit+: _when he saw ... and found out_, (then) ... _he hastened_. 3. +neque ... cōgnōvit+: _and from those scouts_, etc., _found out that they_ (the Belgæ) _were now not far distant_. 8. +et+ connects +reddēbat+ and +efficiēbat+, which have the same subject, +quae res+. The order makes this sentence difficult. Cæsar might have written: +et efficiēbat ut commeātus ab Rēmis reliquīsque cīvitātibus sine perīculo ad eum portāri posset+. The order is so perplexed and perplexing because Cæsar wrote in haste, and because he began with the word which was uppermost in his mind, +commeātus+. CHAP. 6, line 2. +ex itinere+: _immediately after their march_. 3. +sustentātum est+: _the Remi held out._ What literally? 4. +Gallōrum ... oppūgnātio+: _the mode of attacking towns common to the Gauls and Belgæ_. 5. +tōtis moenibus+: dative, though by some thought to be an ablative, _all around the walls_. 228; H. 386, 2. 7. +testūdine facta+: _forming a testudo._ What the soldiers did was to lap their shields over their heads. 8. +cum+: _since._ What mode follows +cum+ in this sense? 11. +nūntium ... mittit+: one of the expressions that are followed by the accusative and infinitive; here, +sēse ... posse+. Compare in chapter 1, +certior fīēbat+, followed by +Belgas ... coniūrāre+; in chap. 4, +reperiēbat+, followed by +Belgas ortos esse+, in complete text. +Iccius Rēmus+: _Iccius, a Remian_. 13. +sēse+: subject-accusative of +posse+. PAGE 26, 19. +moenibus ... mūrum ... mūrus ... mūrum+: Cæsar’s haste in writing is often manifest. 20. +coepti sunt+: it may seem strange that the passive should be used instead of the active, +coepērunt+; but see 143, a; H. 297, 1. 22. +Quod+: how is a relative after a period often best rendered? For an example, see note on +qui+, chap. 1, l. 13, simplified text. 24. +nūlli+: mark the emphasis from the position. Many similar cases occur, notwithstanding A. & G., p. 389, Rem. +oppūgnandi+ = +oppūgnātiōnis+. 25. +summa nōbilitāte et grātia+: a descriptive ablative; _a man of the highest rank and popularity_. 26. +praefuerat+: render as if an imperfect. The meaning is, he had been placed in command and was then in command. +ex iis+: the same as +eōrum+. 27. +lēgāti+: _as envoy_. Compare the use of +obsides+ as an appositive, p. 25, l. 26. 28. +submittātur+: can you make out the force of the +sub+? CHAP. 7, line 2. +subsidio oppidānis+: _to aid the people in the town_. But what literally? For the construction, see 233, a; H. 390. 3. +quōrum adventu+: _in consequence of their coming_. 5. +contendērunt+: the subject is +hostes+, suggested by +hostībus+ in the preceding sentence. 6. +ab+: _distant, off, away_; so used chiefly with numerals. +ab mīlibus passuum minus duōbus+: a word for word rendering would be, _distant thousands of paces less than two_; that is, _less than two miles distant_. PAGE 26, 3. +neque ... cōgnōvit+: _and learned from those scouts whom he had sent and from the Remi that they were now not far distant_. 30. +īsdem ducibus+: _the same persons as guides._ Compare +qui lēgāti+, p. 26, l. 27, and note on simplified text. PAGE 27, 3. +apud oppidum+: +ad+ is more usual. 4. +agros ... dēpopulāti--vīcis aedificiīsque ... incēnsis+: literally, _having laid waste the fields--the villages and buildings having been burned_. Mark how the construction changes for want of a deponent verb in place of +incendo+. 9. +in lātitūdinem+: compare +in altitūdinem+, p. 26, l. 13. CHAP. 8, line 2. +eximiam ... virtūtis+: _their eminent reputation for valor_. 3. +quid virtūte posset+: _what their real eminence in valor was_. Compare +quid in bello possent+, chap. 4, l. 2. 7. +tantum ... patēbat quantum loci+: render as if +loci+ depended on +tantum+ instead of +quantum+, _extended over as much space as_. +adversus+: _facing the enemy_; +adversus+ an adjective, agreeing with +collis+. +in lātitūdinem+: _laterally._ Compare chap. 7, l. 8. 8. +ex utrāque parte lateris+ = +ex utrōque latere+: _on_, not _from_, _both sides_; so +ab+, below, l. 10. 10. +ad plānitiem redībat+: _gradually resumed_ (impf.) _a level_. Cæsar describes a hill over against the enemy, having steep sides, and a front only broad enough for his army when arranged for battle. In front the hill rose with a gentle ascent, and at the top blended with the plain. It is possible that +lēniter fastīgātus+ means, as the dictionaries define this passage and as many editors say, _gently sloping down_; in which case, +ad plānitiem redībat+ would mean _sank down gradually to the level at its base_. This attributes an improbable meaning to +fastīgātus+. 12. +extrēmas fossas+: _at the ends of the trenches_; compare in chap. 2, l. 2, +interiōrem Galliam+, _the interior of Gaul_. +castella+: there were, then, four. 17. +ēductas īnstrūxerant+: to make good English, render as if +ēductas+ were a verb followed by +et+; so, very often, when a perfect participle and verb are closely connected. PAGE 27, 10. +et ... et+: we do not say _both ... and_ so frequently as we find +et ... et+ in Latin; accordingly it will generally be found better to omit in translation the first +et+, and render the second _and also_. 11. +proelio ... proeliis+: _a decisive battle ... skirmishes_. 14. +loco+: ablative absolute, _as there was a place_. 21. +obdūxit+: Cæsar elsewhere commonly uses +perdūco+ of running a wall or trench. Why +obdūco+ here? Because the +fossae+ were dug _against_ the enemy, or to _cover his position_. 24. +cum ... īnstrūxisset+: Cæsar’s thought was, according to Latin idiom, _when I shall have drawn up_, +īnstrūxero+; but such a future perfect of direct speech becomes pluperfect subjunctive in narration, after a past tense in the principal clause. 24. +quod ... poterant+: _because they were so strong in numbers_. Find two other similar uses of +possum+. 27. +si quo opus esset+: _if there should be need of them anywhere_; not, _if there should be need of any thing_. 28. +subsidio+: in meaning and construction like +subsidio+, p. 26, l. 32. CHAP. 9, line 2. +si ... trānsīrent+: _to see if our men would cross this_ (+hanc+). 3. +contendēbātur+: _there was fighting._ Compare chap. 6, l. 3, +sustentātum est+. 4. +neutri+: _neither of the two armies_. 5. +secundiōre ... nostris+: _as the cavalry skirmish proved rather favorable to our men_. 9. +castellum+: read over again the last half of chap. 5. Cæsar makes no mention there of a +castellum+. 10. +potuissent+: the thought was, according to the Latin idiom, “if we shall not have been able” (+potuerimus+); but such a future perfect of direct speech becomes a pluperfect subjunctive in narration after a past tense. PAGE 28, 1. +nostri autem+, etc.: a difficult sentence; but treat it as directed in the Introductory Note, p. 43, only observing that +si+ has its usual meaning of _if_, and +impedītos+, _when they should get stuck fast_, agrees with +hostes+ understood. 2. +ut ... adgrederentur+: expresses the purpose of +parāti in armis erant+. 9. +eo cōnsilio+: _with this design_; explained by +ut castellum ... expūgnārent+. +possent+: they said to themselves, _if we shall be able_, +poterimus+; _but if we shall not have succeeded_, +si minus potuerimus+; hence +potuissent+, when related. See note on +īnstrūxisset+, p. 27, l. 24. 12. +nōbis ūsui+: compare +subsidio oppidānis+, p. 26, l. 32. CHAP. 10, line 3. +pūgnātum est+: contains its own subject, _there was fierce fighting_. See +contendēbātur+, chap. 9, l. 3, and note. 4. +impedītos+: _while they were struggling_. 6. +circumventos interfēcērunt+: _they surrounded and killed_. Read again the note on +ēductas īnstrūxerant+, chap. 8, l. 17. 7. +spem+: subject-accusative of +fefellisse+; but translate, _that they were disappointed in the hope_. +neque+: take the negative part with +prōgredi+. 8. +ipsos+: that is, +se ipsos+, namely, +hostes+. 10. +quemque+: subject-accusative of +reverti+. See also note on chap. 4, l. 9. 11. +quōrum ... ad eos+: you will very often find the relative clause preceding the antecedent. In almost all such cases the English way of speaking requires us to render the antecedent clause first. 13. +Quod+: _this_, referring to the last two sentences. +eo cōnsilio+: _with this design_, explained by the following clause. 16. +Hīs persuādēri+: depends on +nōn poterat+. Why did not Cæsar write, +Hi persuādēri ... nōn poterant+, since he means, _these could not be persuaded_? 230; H. 301, 1. PAGE 28, 19. +reliquos ... cōnantes+: _the rest ... while they were trying_. 21. +Hostes+: subject of +cōnstituērunt+, l. 25, while a pronoun referring to +hostes+ may be mentally supplied as subject of +intellēxērunt+ and +vīdērunt+. This sentence illustrates an important principle of Latin order, attention to which will be of great aid in translation. When the verb of the principal clause and that of the dependent clause have the same subject, it is commonly expressed in the principal, and left out in the dependent, clause. In English we do the opposite. We often begin with the dependent clause; the Latin _frames it into_ the principal clause. 21. +ubi+: repeat mentally with +vīdērunt+ and +coepit+. 28. +ad eos dēfendendos+: illustrates a very common way of expressing a purpose. CHAP. 11, line 1. +ea re+: that is, to disperse to their homes; chap. 10, l. 10. 2. +ēgressi+: the subject is +Belgae+, understood. 3. +cōnsimilis+: _altogether like._ What is the force of +con+? 4. +Caesar+: as the subject of +veritus+ and +continuit+, +Caesar+ seems strangely placed in the grip of the ablative absolute; but the position shows by whom the knowledge was got. _Caesar getting wind of this movement immediately through his spies_. 5. +veritus+: try always to render a participle so as to show its logical relation to the main verb, whether of time, cause, contrast, or what not; here, _because he feared_. +castris+: substantially equivalent to +in castris+. 6. +qui ... morārētur+: compare +qui dēdūceret+, chap. 2, l. 3, and note. 10. +ventum erat+: _they had come._ Compare +sustentātum est+, chap. 6, l. 3; +contendēbātur+, chap. 9, l. 3. 11. +priōres+: _those in advance_. 15. +sub+: _towards._ The idea of _place_ being transferred to that of time. PAGE 29, 5. +quisque+: see p. 25, l. 3, and note on simplified text. +prīmum itineris locum+: _the first place on the road_. 8. +qua ... discēderent+: following +quod ... perspēxerat+. 16. +cum ... cōnsisterent+: _since the enemy, at the very extremity of the rear, kept making a stand_. 18. +priōres+: +et+ understood; _while those in advance_. +quod+: carry on also into the next clause; _and because they were not held together_ (+continērentur+). 21. +sine ūllo perīculo+: two ways of expressing “without any” in this chapter; for above we have +nūllo certo ōrdine+, _without any definite order_. 23. +quantum ... spatium+: _how great a space of time_ (+diēi+) _there was_; that is (they killed as great a number) _as the length of the time allowed_. 24. +sēque in castra ... recēpērunt+: and they and their pitiless commander probably slept well that night. CHAP. 12, line 3. +ex itinere+: see chap. 6, l. 2, and note. +oppūgnāre+: means here _carry by assault_. 5. +omnis ... multitūdo+: notice that an adjective and a noun are often separated by words depending on the noun. Here +ex fuga+ from the position is almost equivalent to +fugientium+. 6. +vīneis+: wooden frames with sloping roof and covered with hides, to protect a number of besiegers. 7. +āctis+: from +ago+, _brought up_; the +vīneae+ were often moved on wheels. +aggere iacto+: _when earth had been thrown up for a mound_. This was done so that wooden towers could be brought up near the walls. 10. +ut cōnservārentur+: mark how often a dependent clause precedes the one on which it depends. Attention to this will often help in unravelling a long sentence. Now see +qui ... dēdūceret+, chap. 2, l. 3; +quid ... posset et ... audērent+, chap. 8, ll. 3, 4; +qui ... morārētur+, chap. 11, l. 6. PAGE 29, 32. +paucis dēfendentibus+: _though the defenders were few_. PAGE 30, 1. +Castris mūnītis+: _after making a fortified camp._ The first and most important thing, after selecting the site of a camp, was to intrench it. That may be all that is meant in this instance. +vīneas agere+: depends on +coepit+. +quaeque ... comparāre+: _and to get ready whatever_. 2. +ūsui+: compare +subsidio+, p. 26, l. 32. 5. +quae+: _the like of which_. CHAP. 13, line 1. +obsidibus acceptis+: _after receiving hostages_. +armis ... trāditis+: it was Cæsar’s practice to disarm his conquered enemies. 3. +Qui cum+: the relative is in the right place in Latin, but we cannot translate in this order. The natural place for both words is at the beginning of a clause; but when they come together, the relative takes precedence. 5. +circiter ... quīnque+: _only about five miles_. 6. +abesset+: governed by +cum+. +māiōres nātu+: _elders_; +seniōres+ would not do. 7. +sēse ... venīre+: _they surrendered to him unconditionally_. 9. +pueri+: _children_, as +homines+ often means _men and women_. PAGE 30, 9. +atque+: _and besides_, or _and in particular_. 17. +neque ... contendere+: _and that they were not in arms_. 20. +passis manibus+: pitiful! CHAP. 14, line 1. +facit verba+: _intercedes_. 2. +in fide ... fuērunt+: _have been faithful and friendly_. 4. +perferre+: _were enduring._ For the tense, see 336, A. 5. +ēius cōnsili prīncipes+: _the prime movers in this plan_: +prīncipes+ = +auctōres+, _authors_. 6. +in Britanniam profūgērunt+: as lately Boulanger and others have done. 8. +clēmentia+: said of one who has power to exercise the opposite, +sevēritas+, +crūdēlitas+. +mānsuētūdine+: said of one who is humane and gentle, opposed to +feritas+. 9. +fēceris ... amplificābis+: we say, ‘if you do this, you will add to’; in Latin, ‘if you shall have done this, you will add to.’ 10. +qua+: 105, d.; H. 190, 1. +si qua bella+, etc.: _by whose aid and resources they_ (the Ædui) _are accustomed to bear the burden of whatever wars befall them_. PAGE 30, 26. +perferre ... dēfēcisse+: _were enduring ... had revolted_. 28. +quod intellegerent+: _seeing_. 31. +sua+: emphatic; _his own_, that is, _his well-known_. 32. +quod si fēcerit+: _if he should do this_; the subjunctive of the future perfect, for which there is no separate form; hence the form of the perfect subjunctive is borrowed. If the tense is named by its form, it will be called _perfect subjunctive_; if by its meaning, _future perfect subjunctive_. PAGE 31, 1. +amplificātūrum (esse)+: the subject must be inferred from the subject of +fēcerit+. CHAP. 15, line 1. +honōris ... causa+: _out of regard to Divitiacus_. 3. +māgna ... auctōritāte+: _one of great influence_; a predicate ablative of description; such an ablative must always have a modifier, as here, +māgna+. The genitive may be used in the same way, as below, +māgnae virtūtis+. On the order, see note, chap. 12, l. 5. 6. +quōrum+, etc.: translate closely in the order of the Latin; _about their character and customs, Cæsar, on inquiry_; so, generally, do your best to keep close to the Latin order. Read again the Introductory Note, p. 43. 12. +qui ... dēdissent+: _for having surrendered_; what would be the meaning of +qui ... dēdiderant+? PAGE 31, 6. +hominum ... praestābat+: _was the most populous_; what is it literally? 12. +pati+: _that they permitted._ Supply +eos+, referring to +Nervii+, as the subject of +pati+, +esse+, +increpitāre+, and +cōnfirmāre+. 13. +quod ... exīstimārent+: observe in the simplified text +quod ... exīstimābant+; why the difference? 16. +qui ... dēdissent ... prōiēcissent+: _for having surrendered and renounced_; literally, _since they had surrendered_. 17. +sēse+: subject-accusative of +mīssūros+. CHAP. 16, line 1. +trīduum+: _for three days_, accusative of duration. 2. +Sabim+: now called the Sambre. 6. +quīque+: equivalent to +et eos qui+, _and all such as_. +per aetātem+: _by reason of their age_; that is, whether too old or too young. 7. +in eum locum ... quo+: _into a place to which._ The idea of the Latin fully expressed would be, _into a place of such a character_ (+eum+) _that to it_ (+quo+) _there would be no access for an army_. 319, 2 and note; H. 500, I. Compare +qui ... vidērentur+, immediately preceding. 8. +exercitui+: _for an army_, not necessarily, _for Cæsar’s army_. PAGE 31, 19. +Cum ... fēcisset+: a temporal +cum+ clause is not always best rendered by _when_, etc.: _after marching for three days_. 24. +hīs ... persuāserant+: observe on p. 29, l. 1, an example of the impersonal construction of +persuādeo+ in the passive: +hīs persuādēri ... nōn poterat+, _it was not possible for these to be persuaded_. 27. +cōniēcisse+: the verb implies hurried action, and so differs from +dēpōno+, which Cæsar uses in Book IV., 19, of putting women and children in a place of safety. CHAP. 17, line 2. +qui ... dēligant+: compare +qui dēdūceret+, chap. 2, l. 3, and note; +qui ... morārētur+, chap. 11, l. 6. +Cum+: _since._ See note on chap. 6, l. 8. 5. +dēmōnstrārunt+: shortened from +dēmōnstrāvērunt+, 128, a, 1; H. 235. +inter singulas+: _between each two_; the same mistake, “between each,” is common in English. 6. +neque ... negōti+: _and it was a matter of no difficulty at all_. 7. +cum ... vēnisset+: _when the first legion should reach the camping ground._ In the direct form, +vēnerit+, _shall have reached_; then regularly such a future perfect is changed to the pluperfect subjunctive in indirect discourse after a past tense. See note on chap 9, l. 10. 8. +sarcinis+: “Besides his arms, the Roman soldier carried stakes (+vālli+), used for the palisades of the camp, food and utensils, a saw, a spade, a chain for his prisoners, and other things. He was loaded like a mule.” --LONG. +qua pulsa+: _if this legion were beaten_. +futūrum (esse)+: depends on +dēmōnstrārunt+; _the result would be_. 9. +Nervii autem+: _now the Nervii._ +Nervii+ is the subject of +effēcerant+. This long sentence is not so difficult as it at first seems. Follow closely the Latin order to discover the sense, render +quo+ _in order that_, +effēcerant+ _had caused_, and +īnstar+ _like_. 11. +teneris ... ēnātis+: _by lopping the trees when young, and intertwining the branches which grew out thick in a lateral direction_; +ēnātis+ from +ēnāscor+. 12. +interiectis+: it does not appear possible to take this word in the sense given to it in the dictionaries, _thrown or stuffed in_. So Moberly translates, “by throwing in brambles and thorns for the present occasion.” But is it to be supposed that this was done everywhere? If not, how would the Nervii know where to do it? Moreover, what they had done was done +antīquitus+, _from of old_. Translate, therefore, _by planting among them_. 14. +quo nōn modo nōn ... sed ne ... quidem+: this formula, or (without second +nōn+) +nōn modo ... sed ne ... quidem+, is usually awkwardly rendered, _not only not, but not even_. Instead, translate as if the first member were complete in itself (suppressing +modo+), followed by _nay, nor even_, thus: _which it was not possible to pass through, nay, nor even see through_. 15. +Hīs rēbus+: _by these obstacles_. 16. +nōn ... cōnsilium+: _they ought not to disregard the advice_. PAGE 32, 4. +impedīmentōrum+: here, _baggage animals_; +impedīmentis+, below, _baggage_. 9. +Adiuvābat+: the subject is the long sentence following, +Nervii ... effēcerant+. Translate, _this circumstance favored the advice of those who reported the intelligence, that_ (+quod+). 10. +nihil ... possent+: compare +quid in bello possent+, p. 24, l. 25; +quid virtūte posset+, p. 27, l. 12. 11. +neque enim+: _and in fact ... not._ Observe that +enim+ here does not mean _for_. 12. +pedestribus valent cōpiis+: compare +virtūte ... valēre+, p. 25, l. 5. The ablative is ablative of means. 13. +ad eos+: that is, the Nervii. CHAP. 18, line 1. +quem locum+: _I mean the place which_. 3. +Ab eo flūmine+: that is, on the other side. 4. +pari adclīvitāte collis+: _a hill of similar upward slope_; a descriptive ablative. +ab superiōre parte+: _in the upper part._ +Ab+ not seldom means _on, in, at, by_, because the idea of removal (_from_) implies previous contact or nearness, and the latent idea is sometimes the most important. 5. +ut+: may be considered as referring to an +ita+ suppressed with +silvestris+; _so thickly wooded that_. +nōn ... posset+: _one could not easily see within._ Impersonal expressions, like +perspici potest+, are common in Latin. Mark the mode of translation. 7. +secundum+: _along_, properly _following_, from +sequor+. PAGE 32, 24. +adversus huic et contrārius+: _corresponding to this and right opposite_. 25. +passus ... apertus+: _clear of woods for about two hundred paces up from its base_. +īnfimus+: +ab īnferiōre parte+. CHAP. 19, line 1. +omnibus cōpiis+: Cæsar often uses +cum omnibus cōpiis+. 2. +cōnsuētūdine+: _according to custom_; just as frequently +ex cōnsuētūdine+. 4. +conlocārat+: for +conlocāverat+. See +dēmōnstrārunt+, chap. 17, l. 5, and note. 6. +praesidiōque impedīmentis+: compare +subsidio oppidānis+, chap. 7, l. 2, and note. 11. +opere dīmēnso+: _after laying out the work_; the expression refers to marking off the ground preparatory to trenching, making a rampart, etc. +castra mūnīre+: _to make a camp_. 17. +in manibus nostris+: _close upon us_. 18. +ad+: _towards_; repeat it mentally before +eos+. +adverso colle+: _straight up the hill_; literally, _with the hill before them_; so perhaps strictly neither an ablative absolute nor an ablative of the “way by which.” PAGE 32, 32. +ratio ōrdōque āgminis+: _the plan and the order of marching_. +aliter ... āc+: _otherwise than, different from what_; this strange idiom looks like an abridged, colloquial expression; probably it was, fully expressed, +aliter āc aliter+, _one way and another way_. The order of march was one way and the Belgæ had reported it another way. So I have heard a child say, “This is different and that is different,” meaning “this is different from that.” PAGE 33, 8. +cum+: _while_; to be repeated mentally with +facerent+. 10. +neque ... cēdentes īnsequi audērent+: _and while our men were hesitating to pursue them when they retreated_. +quem ad fīnem+: translate as if it were +ad fīnem ad quem+, _to the line to which the level, clear ground extended_. 15. +ut ... cōnfirmāverant+: _as they had arranged their order of battle and ranks within the woods, and as they had encouraged each other to do_. CHAP. 20, line 2. +sīgnum tuba dandum (erat)+: in order to call the men to take their places in the ranks. Some might not see the flag. 3. +sīgnum dandum+: this time the signal is for the charge, or perhaps to get ready for a charge. 5. +subsidio+: dative of end or service, but render as if a nominative, which might have been used, _a help_. 7. +commode+: modifies +praescrībere+. +ipsi sibi praescrībere ... poterant+: they could _direct themselves without any orders_ (+ipsi+). 11. +nihil+: _not ... at all_; stronger than +nōn+. 12. +per se+: _on their own responsibility_. +quae vidēbantur+: _whatever seemed best_. PAGE 33, 27. +qui+: does not refer to +mīlites+, but to +ii+ understood. +aggeris petendi causa+: _for the purpose of seeking materials for a rampart_. Mark the position of +causa+, always following the genitive depending on it. 30. +hīs difficultātibus+: _in this strait_; but the words are in the dative with +subsidio+. Find two other instances of this construction of two datives. 32. +quid fieri oportēret+: the object of +praescrībere+. CHAP. 21, line 1. +necessāriis rēbus imperātis+: when you meet with +res+, ask yourself exactly what it means, and then find a proper rendering. Translate, _after giving the necessary orders_. 4. +prīstinae+: this word is often used of what was formerly and still continues. +neu ... animo+: _and not lose presence of mind_. 6. +quod ... aberant+: gives the reason of the following, not the preceding, clause. 8. +pūgnantibus occurrit+: _he finds them fighting_. 8. +Temporis+: mark how the important word comes first. Take this sentence in thought almost without change in the order of the words, then translate. +tanta ... exiguitas+: _so great was the littleness_ = _such was the shortness_. Translate, _so short was the time_. 10. +īnsīgnia+: “the crests, feathers red and black, and other decorations which the soldiers had.... On the march the helmet was not carried on the head. The shields had leather coverings when they were not in use.” --LONG. 12. +Quam ... dēvēnit+: _to whatever part of the army each one happened to come_. +ab opere+: that is, making the camp; see chap. 19, l. 11. 13. +quaeque ... cōnspēxit+: _and whatever standards he caught sight of first_. PAGE 34, 13. +quo ... posset+: _whither a javelin could be hurled_ = _a javelin throw_. 19. +Quam ... in partem+: compare the second line of the chapter. +quisque+ seems oddly placed, but it is crowded out of the first place, where it would like to stand, by +quam+. CHAP. 22, line 2. +rei mīlitāris ... ōrdo+: _military science and arrangement_. 3. +fiēbat+: _the result was_. +aliae ... parte+: in this idiom the second part only of the thought is expressed. ‘_Other legions were fighting in another part_’ implies ‘some were fighting in one part of the field.’ So +claudus altero pede+, _lame in the other foot_, implies one foot sound. 5. +interiectis+: to be taken with +saepibus+. 6. +ut+: _so that_. +conlocāri+: depends on +possent+. 7. +in+: of reason, _because of_ or _owing to_. 8. +inīquitāte+: usually translated _unfavorable condition_, or by some similar phrase, and such is the common meaning of +inīquitas+; but the context shows that the meaning here is closer to the original sense, that of _unevenness_; hence we may translate, _owing to such inequality in the condition of things_. PAGE 34, 25. +cum+: _since_, governs +impedīrētur+ as well as +resisterent+. +dīversis legiōnibus+: +dīversus+ means _turned different ways, not with united line_; hence here, _disjoined_. Translate, _since, owing to the legions being separated_. 28. +neque certa subsidia+: here begins the statement of the result; +certa subsidia+: subject of +poterant+. +neque quid+, etc.: _nor was it possible to foresee what was needed everywhere_. After +prōvidēri+ supply mentally +poterat+, of which the whole preceding clause is the grammatical subject. CHAP. 23, line 1. +ut+: _since_. Would the mode of +cōnstiterant+ have been the same, if +cum+ had been used in place of +ut+? 2. +acie+: an old form of the genitive for +aciēi+. +Atrebates+: object of +compulērunt+. 6. +Ipsi+: refers to the subject of +interfēcērunt+; that is, +legiōnis nōnae et decimae mīlites+. 8. +dīversae+ = +aliae+; what should it mean from its derivation? 10. +a frōnte+: _along the front_. See chap. 18, l. 4, and note. 11. +ab sinistra parte+: _on the left_. Compare +ā frōnte+, preceding line, and +ab superiōre parte+, chap. 18, l. 4, and note. +nūdātis castris+: _as the camp was left unguarded_. 13. +aperto latere+: _on their_ (the legions’) _exposed flank_. 14. +summum ... locum+: _the summit occupied by the camp_; +castrōrum+ is a possessive genitive. PAGE 35, 3. +exanimātos ... cōnfectos+: _breathless and exhausted by wounds_. +hīs+: the ninth and tenth legions. 4. +ea pars+: that is, +ea pars hostium+. 5. +cōnantes+: accusative, agreeing with +Atrebates+ understood, or a pronoun referring to Atrebates. 8. +resistentes hostes+: object of +cōniēcērunt+. 16. +summam imperi+: _chief command_. CHAP. 24, line 2. +cum ... reciperent+: _as they were returning_. 5. +cum respēxissent+: _on looking back_. A +cum+ clause is not always best translated by a full clause. 6. +praecipites ... mandābant+: _ran away as fast as they could._ What literally? 7. +eōrum+: depends on +clāmor fremitusque+. 8. +ferēbantur+: _began to rush._ Observe the imperfects followed by perfects. The imperfect paints, the perfect describes. 10. +auxili causa+: _for the purpose of rendering aid_ = _as auxiliaries_. 11. +cum+: _since._ See note, chap. 6, l. 8. +complēri+: this and the following infinitives depend on +vīdissent+. 13. +vīdissent+: the subject is +equites Trēveri+. 14. +rēbus+: _fortunes._ How might a clause be substituted here in Latin for the ablative absolute? 15. +pulsos superātōsque+: supply +esse+. PAGE 35, 21. +pulsos+: supply +esse+. 22. +adversis hostibus occurrēbant+: _came straight against the enemy._ What literally? 23. +cālōnes ... āc summo iugo+: the +porta decumāna+ was the rear gate of the camp, opposite the +porta praetōria+. It appears from this passage that the place for the +cālōnes+ was at the back of the camp, and that in this instance the camp was partly on sloping ground. 30. +virtūtis opīnio+: _reputation for valor_. PAGE 36, 2. +dīversos dissipātōsque+: _running in different directions and scattered_. 5. +hostes+: subject-accusative of +potītos (esse)+. CHAP. 25, line 2. +suos urgēri+: _that his men were hard pressed_; the infinitive depends on +vīdit+. 3. +cōnfertos mīlites+: _that the soldiers by being crowded together_. +sibi ... impedīmento+: _hindered one another_. 8. +ut ... posset+: _so that he could no longer stand_. 9. +Hīs rēbus+: _for these reasons_. +tardiōres+: _were losing heart_. 12. +subeuntes intermittere+: _cease mounting the hill_. 12. +ab utrōque latere+: _on both flanks._ Compare +ab superiōre parte+, chap. 18, l. 4. 13. +rem ... angusto+: _that the situation was critical._ What literally? 14. +ūni+: a peculiar use of +ūnus+, quite equivalent to _a_; not to be imitated in writing Latin. 17. +sīgna ... iūssit+: _he ordered them to advance and at the same time to open out their ranks_. PAGE 36, 7. +Caesar+: subject of +prōcessit+, fifteen lines below. This first sentence extending through eighteen lines looks very formidable; but if it is taken in accordance with the Introductory Note, p. 43, the meaning will be evident. To translate the sentence is more difficult. In translating, repeat “_and saw_” before the words +quartae cohortis+, and render the ablative absolutes by clauses, thus: _and saw that all the captains of the fourth cohort were killed_. Then, +reliquos esse tardiōres+, _that the rest_ (in consequence) _were losing heart_. 8. +sīgnīsque ... conlātis+: _and since the standards were brought together._ Try constantly to make out the relation in thought expressed by participles; that is, whether the idea is that of time, _when, while_, etc.; of cause, _as, since_; of concession, _though, notwithstanding_; or of condition, accompanying circumstances, etc., to be variously rendered. 16. +ab novissimis+: _in the rear_. So below, l. 21. Compare +ab sinistra parte+, p. 35, l. 13. In both places in this chapter it would be easy to make the mistake of taking +ab+ in the sense of +ex+, as a substitute for the partitive genitive. 27. +operam nāvāre cuperet+: “_wished to do his best_.” What literally? CHAP. 26, line 3. +ut ... coniungerent+: _for the legions gradually to draw together_. 7. +proelio nūntiāto+: _on the report of the battle_. +cursu incitāto+: _quickening their speed._ The participle following is causal; they began to run because of the report of the battle. 10. +qui+: refers to +decimam legiōnem+. What is the grammatical irregularity, and how is it to be accounted for? +cum+: to be taken with +cōgnōvissent+. +quo in loco res esset+: _what the situation was._ What literally? Account for the subjunctive. 12. +nihil ... fēcērunt+: _left nothing undone in the way of speed_. What literally? +reliqui+: neuter of +reliquus+. A partitive genitive depending on +nihil+. Find a similar construction in chap. 15. PAGE 36, 31. +conversa sīgna+: the object of +īnferrent+, but most conveniently rendered as coördinate with it, _to face about and charge_. It is thought that by this movement the twelfth and the seventh legions formed a circle or a square. PAGE 37, 1. +neque timērent+: repeat +cum+ mentally from the preceding clause; _and since they_ (no longer) _feared_. +āversi+: literally, _being turned away_; translate, _from their rear being unguarded_. CHAP. 27, line 2. +vulneribus cōnfecti+: _badly wounded._ What literally? +prōcubuissent+: from +prōcumbo+. 3. +vēro+: emphasizes +equites+, but is better left untranslated; say, _while the cavalry_. 4. +se ... praeferrent+: _thrust themselves before_; a result clause, dependent on +tanta ... est facta+. 5. +in extrēma spe salūtis+: “_when all hope of saving themselves was at an end_.” Here a literal translation would be meaningless or misleading. 7. +proximi ... īnsistēbant+: _those nearest would stand upon their prostrate companions_. 8. +hīs deiēctis+: _when these_ (in turn) _were thrown down_. 10. +intercepta remittēbant+: _would catch and hurl back._ See +ēductas īnstrūxerant+, chap. 8, l. 17, and note. 11. +ut+, etc.: _so that one ought to judge that it was not without cause that men of such valor._ On +iūdicāre dēbēret+, compare +perspici posset+, chap. 18, l. 5, and note. 13. +quae ... difficillimis+: _things which, most difficult in themselves_. +facilia+: a predicate adjective with +redēgerat+. PAGE 37, 15. +innīxi+: from +innītor+, agrees with +nostri+. +perterritos+: supply +esse+; the subject-accusative is +hostes+. 16. +inermes+: agrees with +cālōnes+, _even though unarmed_. 23. +qui superessent+: _the survivors._ Supply +ii+ as antecedent of +qui+. +ut+: _as_. So used p. 34, l. 23. 24. +cōnicerent+: dependent on +tantam virtutem ... ut+; (so that) _those who survived_ (+qui superessent+) _kept hurling_. CHAP. 28, line 1. +prope+: modifies +ad+, not +redācto+. 2. +redācto+: see the last word of the preceding chapter. +māiōres nātu+: see chap. 13, l. 6, and note. 3. +pueris+: see chap. 13, l. 9, and note. 4. +cōnsēnsu ... supererant+: _with the consent of all the survivors_. 7. +vix ad+: _to barely_; for +ad vix+, as some say. 8. +in+: _towards_; +erga+ might have been used. 9. +vidērētur+: not _that he might seem_, but _that he might be seen_. 11. +se ... prohibērent+: _refrain and keep their dependents from_; +prohibēre+ is appropriate to +suos+, but hardly to +se+. PAGE 37, 31. +aestuāria+: “the country lying to the north (the modern Zealand) is low and marshy, cut up with tidewater inlets and bays.” --ALLEN & GREENOUGH. 32. +cum vīctōribus+, etc.: _since they thought there was no obstacle for the victors, no safety for the vanquished_. PAGE 38, 4. +mīlibus LX.+: they had promised fifty thousand; see chap. 4. It was natural that they should exaggerate their losses. CHAP. 29, line 1. +auxilio Nerviis+: compare +subsidio oppidānis+, chap. 7, l. 2, and note. Find other examples of this construction. 4. +ūnum oppidum+: supposed to be at the junction of the Sambre and Meuse. 5. +ex omnibus in circuitu partibus+: simply, _all round_. 9. +conlocābant+: there is a reading, +conlocārant+. If that is the true reading, +tum+ in the preceding line would mean _besides_. PAGE 38, 10. +cum+: _while._ Four lines below +cum+ means _though_. 16. +aditus ... pedum+: _an approach of two hundred feet in breadth, not more_; +pedum+ depends on +aditus+. 21. +iis impedīmentis+: take with +dēpositis+, two lines below. 22. +agere āc portāre+: _drive or carry_. 24. +ūna+: _with it_; that is, the plunder. 25. +cum alias+, etc.: _since they carried on now aggressive now defensive war._ What literally? CHAP. 30, line 1. +prīmo adventu+ = +cum prīmum advēnisset+, _as soon as our army had got there_. 3. +pedum XII.+: that is, +in altitūdinem+, which is expressed, chap. 5, l. 19. 4. +oppido+: might have been +in oppido+. Cf. +castris+, chap. 11, l. 5. 5. +vīneis āctis+: +āctis+ from +ago+; see chap. 12, l. 6, and note. +aggere exstrūcto+: an embankment of timber, stones, and earth was begun at a distance from the walls of a town, wide enough to roll one or more towers upon, and was carried forward by soldiers working under the shelter of the +vīneae+ up to the defensive works. 6. +cōnstitui+: _being raised_. 7. +ab tanto spatio+: _so far away._ Compare +ab mīlibus+, chap. 7, l. 6, and note. 8. +quibusnam manibus+: _with what hands, pray_; +nam+ added for emphasis, to point their sarcasm. 10. +conlocāre+: strangely used for +conlocātūros (esse)+. The Aduatuci may have thought that the Romans intended to hoist the tower upon their wall, or they may have been joking. Which is more likely? PAGE 39, 5. +hominibus ... contemptui+: another pair of datives. Find other examples. The Italians of the present time do not strike one as conspicuously shorter than the Germans. +māgnitūdine+: being contrasted with +brevitas+, is used in the sense of +altitūdine+. CHAP. 31, line 1. +movēri+: _moving._ This word here has suggested a change of +conlocāre+, in the last line of the preceding chapter, to +mōtūros+, a very plausible conjecture, but it spoils the joke of the Aduatuci. 5. +qui+: _since they._ Compare +qui ... dēdidissent+, chap. 15, l. 12, and note. 8. +pro sua clēmentia+: _according to his well-known clemency_. See chap. 14, l. 8, and note. What did they think of his clemency when he sold 53,000 of them into slavery? 11. +trāditis armis+ = +si arma trādidissent+, _if they should surrender their arms_. 13. +per cruciātum interfici+: _to be tortured to death._ What literally? PAGE 39, 16. +statuisset+: not _had decided_, but _should decide_. No mistake is oftener made by beginners than in the rendering of a pluperfect subjunctive of indirect discourse representing a future perfect of direct discourse. Such a subjunctive is to be rendered by the auxiliary _should_, not _had_. To tell whether a pluperfect subjunctive represents a future perfect, think what form a speaker’s words would take, remembering that the Romans commonly used the future or future perfect of things really future, while we very often use the present. CHAP. 32, line 1. +cōnsuētūdine+: ablative of cause. 3. +aries+: “a long, strong beam of wood, furnished with an iron head in the form of a ram’s head. It was suspended from a framework by a strong chain or ropes, and worked by men, who drove it against the wall.” --LONG. 4. +in Nerviis+: _in the case of the Nervii_; a common meaning of +in+ with names of persons. 5. +ne quam ... īnferant+: _not to do any harm to those who had surrendered to the Roman people_. 7. +facere+: one would expect the future with subject-accusative, +se factūros (esse)+. Compare +conlocāre+, for +conlocātūros esse+, chap. 30, l. 10. 9. +prope ... adaequārent+: _came up almost to the very top_; +summam+ with +altitūdinem+. What literally? 12. +pāce sunt ūsi+ = +conquiēvērunt+, _kept quiet_. CHAP. 33, line 3. +nostros+: _our commanders_, subject-accusative of +dēductūros+ and +servātūros (esse)+. +praesidia+: men stationed in the +castella+; see below. 4. +dēductūros ... servātūros+: observe how frequently +esse+ is omitted with the future participle. +dēnique+: _at any rate._ What is its usual meaning? 5. +tertia vigilia+: the Romans divided the night into four equal divisions, watches, of about three hours each. 9. +eo concursum est+: _the soldiers hurried thither._ What literally? Find similar constructions in chaps. 6, 9, 10, 11. 10. +in extrēma spe salūtis+: compare chap. 27, l. 5, and note. The context shows, however, that the meaning is not quite the same here. Translate, _as their last chance of saving themselves_. 14. +nēmo+: observe the emphasis from its position. Compare in English, “Silver and gold have I none.” +nēmo+ and +nūllus+ are often so placed. Cf. +nūlli+, chap. 6, l. 10. 16. +ab iis qui ēmerant+ = +ab emptōribus+: _by the purchasers_, who were the +mercātōres+, traders who followed the army as hungry sharks follow a ship. +capitum+: we say “souls.” It depends on +quīnquāginta trium+. 17. +quīnquāginta trium+: 53,000 captives, probably chained in gangs and sent to be sold in the Province and in Italy; a source of great gain to the general. PAGE 40, 4. +mīlites ... mīlitibus+: another evidence of haste. See p. 26, l. 19, and note. 5. +ne quam ... iniūriam+: see p. 39, l. 28, and note. 9. +iis+: with +armis+. Observe the order of the words. 10. +vīminibus intextis+: repeat mentally +ex+ before these words. Some supply +factis+. 16. +pūgnātumque+, etc.: translate as if +hostibus+ and +viris+ were subjects. 17. +ut ... dēbuit+: _as brave men ought to fight._ What literally? 18. +iacerent+: the subjunctive shows that the remark is a general one. The indicative would have a limiting force. The difference can hardly be brought out in translation. In the former case we may render, _against men who could throw_; in the latter, _against those who were throwing_. 20. +ad+ = +circiter+. CHAP. 34, line 2. +mīserat+: _had sent_, that is, before the defeat of the Aduatuci. 5. +diciōnem+: _under the sway_; in some texts, +in dēditiōnem+. If that reading is correct, the meaning would be, _were brought to surrender_. CHAP. 35, line 1. +pācāta+: see p. 23, l. 7, and note. 4. +qui ... pollicērentur+: compare p. 23, l. 19, +qui ... dēdūceret+; p. 29, l. 12, +qui ... morārētur+; p. 31, l. 30, +qui ... dēligant+. 6. +inita proxima aestāte+: see p. 23, l. 18, and note. 10. +ex litteris+: _in consequence of the letters_. 11. +supplicātio+: a public, religious festival of thanksgiving, decreed by the senate. “The fifteen days’ rejoicing marks the constant fear of the Gauls which had haunted the Romans ever since the ‘dies Alliensis.’ Kraner remarks that the longest ‘supplicatio’ till this had been one of twelve days, for Pompeius’ success against Mithridates.” --MOBERLY. +nūlli+: see p. 40, l. 22; also p. 26, l. 24, and note. EXERCISES ON SIMPLIFIED TEXT. The references are to the Grammars of Allen and Greenough, and Harkness. The learner is expected, before writing the Exercises, to review the Latin text, and find therein and commit to memory illustrations of the grammatical principles selected. CHAPTER I. 1. Indirect Discourse: 336, 1 and 2; H. 523 and I. 2. +Cum+ Temporal with Subjunctive: 325; H. 521, II. and 2. 3. Subjunctive after Verbs of Fearing: 331, f.; H. 498, III. 1. Cæsar was in hither Gaul. 2. Reports were brought into hither Gaul. 3. While Labienus was in Gaul, the Belgæ made a league.[1] 4. A report is brought that[2] the Belgæ are conspiring. 5. They are afraid that our army is coming[3] against them. 6. They are vexed[4] that our army remains in Gaul. 7. Cæsar feared that the Belgæ were conspiring. 8. Letters kept coming,[5] while they were conspiring. [NOTES.-- 1. made a league: one word in Latin. 2. Be careful about the _that_ clause in this and the following sentence. Recall the text to memory and mentally apply the rules. 3. is coming: use +venio+. 4. are vexed: in Latin one of the expressions, like +rūmōres adferēbantur+, requiring the accusative and infinitive. 5. kept coming: one word in Latin.] CHAPTER II. 1. Relative Clauses of Purpose: 317, 2 and N.; H. 497, I. 2. Accus. and Infin. of Indirect Discourse: 336, 1 and 2; H. 523 and I. 1. In hither Gaul there[1] were two legions. 2. Two new legions Cæsar levies. 3. The two new legions are sent into the interior of Gaul. 4. Cæsar sends his lieutenant to lead[2] them.[3] 5. Pedius was sent to lead the new legions. 6. The Senones report that the Belgians are gathering.[4] 7. The Senones informed Cæsar about the Belgians. [NOTES.-- 1. there: omit. 2. to lead; do not express a purpose in Latin by the infinitive. 3. them: +eas+. 4. are gathering: a passive form in Latin, because the sense is, _are being collected together_.] CHAPTER III. 1. Ablative of Means: 248, 8, c; H. 420. 2. Ablative with +potior+, +ūtor+, etc.: 249; H. 421, I. 3. Accus. and Infin. of Indirect Discourse: 336, 2; H. 523, I. 1. Cæsar came unexpectedly to the borders of the Remi. 2. The Remi said they had not combined[1] against the Roman people. 3. They said they were ready to give hostages. 4. All the rest of the Belgæ[2] had joined[3] with the Germans. 5. They aided Cæsar with corn and other[4] things. 6. The Remi and their[5] kinsmen enjoy the same laws. [NOTES.-- 1. they had not combined: _themselves not to have combined_. 2. of the Belgæ: not the genitive. 3. had joined: in Latin, _had joined themselves_, if you use +coniungo+. 4. +aliis+. 5. their: omit.] CHAPTER IV. 1. Indirect Questions: 334; H. 529, 1. 2. Substantive Clauses of Result: 332; H. 501. 1. Whence[1] did very many of the Belgæ[2] spring? 2. Cæsar asked whence very many of the Belgæ sprung. 3. What states are in arms? 4. Cæsar asked what states were in arms. 5. While Divitiacus was king, he was most powerful. 6. From Galba’s foresight and justice it results that he is a powerful king. 7. From the valor of the Bellovaci it came about that they demanded the management[3] of the war. [NOTES.-- 1. Whence: +unde+. 2. of the Belgæ: not the genitive. 3. management: +summa+.] CHAPTER V. 1. +Interest+ with Gen. of Person: 222; H. 406, III. 2. Infin. with Subject-Accus. as Subject: 270; H. 538. 3. Infin. with Subject-Accus. as Object: 272 and Rem.; H. 534. 1. The children of the leading men are brought to Cæsar as hostages. 2. He orders all the children to be brought to him.[1] 3. It concerns Cæsar for[2] the senate to come to him. 4. It concerns Divitiacus to send the forces of the Ædui. 5. Cæsar sees that[3] the forces of the Belgæ are hastening. 6. He learns that the Axona is not far away. 7. This river he crossed[4] and protected his camp by means of its banks. [NOTES.-- 1. him: in Latin, _himself_. 2. for: not to be expressed in Latin. 3. that: be careful about _that_-clauses. 4. he crossed: use +trānseo+.] CHAPTER VI. 1. Ablative of Separation: 243; H. 413. 2. +Cum+ Causal with Subjunctive: 326; H. 517. 3. Ablative Absolute: 255 and Note on p. 262; H. 431. 1. The enemy formed a testudo and advanced close to[1] the wall. 2. The enemy having hurled stones[2] made a testudo. 3. Since there were so many,[3] they undermined the wall. 4. They easily cleared the walls of soldiers. 5. The Belgæ having cleared the wall made an attack.[4] 6. Having made an attack[5] they threw missiles against the wall. 7. Since the missiles were many, no one was able to stand on the wall. [NOTES.-- 1. advanced close to: one word in Latin. 2. having hurled stones: say, _stones having been hurled_. Why? 3. so many: +tot+. 4. attack: use +impetus+. 5. having made an attack: not +impetum facti+.] CHAPTER VII. 1. Ablative of Cause: 245; H. 416. 2. Perfect Participles of Deponents: 135, b.; H. 231, 2. 1. At midnight archers and slingers were sent by Cæsar to the town. 2. On account of the assistance of the archers and slingers, the people in the town[1] had good hopes. 3. The enemy had no hope of taking[2] the town, because of the coming of Cæsar’s soldiers. 4. Cæsar, delaying[3] a little while, sent aid to Iccius. 5. The enemy, after laying waste the fields, hastened against Cæsar’s camp. [NOTES.-- 1. people in the town: one word in Latin. 2. of taking: +expūgnandi+. 3. delaying: not present participle.] CHAPTER VIII. 1. Indirect Questions: 334; H. 529, I. 2. Partitive Genitive: 216; H. 396, IV. 1. What can the enemy do by their valor? 2. Cæsar tries what the valor of the enemy is capable of.[1] 3. How much do our men dare? 4. Cæsar makes trial of the daring[2] of his men. 5. How much space can Cæsar’s army occupy? 6. Cæsar explains[3] over how much space the hill extended in front. [NOTES.-- 1. is capable of: _can_. 2. the daring of, etc.: recast the sentence mentally before translating, thus: _Cæsar makes trial what his men dare_. 3. explains: +docet+.] CHAPTER IX. 1. Clauses of Purpose: 317 and 1; H. 497, II. 2. The Gerundive: 113, d, 2 and 296; H. 544, I. 1. He begins to[1] cross the river. 2. They began to lead their forces across. 3. They lead their forces over in order to take the redoubt. 4. Cæsar has shown that the river was behind him.[2] 5. They will cross so as to lay waste the lands of the Remi. [NOTES.-- 1. He begins to: _makes a beginning of_. 2. him: should it be +eum+ or +se+?] CHAPTER X. 1. Passive of Intransitive Verbs: 230; H. 301, 1. 2. Accusative of Limit: 258, b and N. 1; H. 380, II. 2. 3. Substantive Clauses of Purpose: 331 and N. 1; H. 498. 1. Those of the Belgæ who were not killed returned home. 2. They resolve to fight in their own territories. 3. They decide that it is best[1] to lead over their army. 4. Divitiacus cannot be persuaded[2] to advance to an unfavorable place. 5. The Ædui were persuaded to return to their homes. 6. The enemy advancing into the river were surrounded. [NOTES.-- 1. that it is best: _it to be best_. 2. recast the clause, before trying to turn it into Latin.] CHAPTER XI. 1. Ablative of Time: 256; H. 429. 2. Perfect Participles: 290, d. 1 and 2; H. 550, N. 4. 1. On the departure of the enemy Cæsar sent ahead all his cavalry. 2. At sunset the three legions returned[1] into camp. 3. In the second watch they attacked the enemy’s rear. 4. The Belgæ, fearing[2] an attack, set out at daybreak. 5. The spies, having seen[3] the fugitives, bring back word.[4] 6. Cæsar, after keeping his soldiers in camp, ordered Labienus to set out. [NOTES.-- 1. returned: two words in Latin. 2. fearing: the participle +veritus+ does not usually denote time _prior_ to that of the main verb in the sentence, like most perfect participles, but the same time. 3. having seen: do not say +vīsi+. 4. bring back word: use +renūntio+.] CHAPTER XII. 1. Ablative of Cause, 245; H. 413. 2. Ablative Absolute: 255 and Note on p. 262; H. 431. 1. Cæsar could not take the town on account of the great number[1] of the Suessiones. 2. Owing to[2] the works of the Romans, their “vineæ” and towers, the Suessiones send envoys.[3] 3. The next day Cæsar made a forced march and[4] tried to take the town. 4. The townsmen,[5] making a surrender, got their request.[6] 5. Because of their surrender they got their request. 6. The surrender made, they were spared. [NOTES.-- 1. great number: one word in Latin. 2. Owing to: like “on account of,” not separately expressed in Latin. 3. envoys: use +lēgātus+. 4. made a forced march and: a different turn in Latin. 5. townsmen: use +oppidānus+. 6. got their request: one word.] CHAPTER XIII. 1. +Cum+ Temporal with Subjunctive: 325; H. 521, II. 2. 2. Constructions with +peto+: 239, c. N. 1; H. 374, 2, N. 4. 1. When the arms had been given up,[1] the elders came forth. 2. All the elders came out of Bratuspantium and begged Cæsar for peace.[2] 3. Cæsar, when he had received their submission, asked the men for their[3] arms. 4. According to their[4] custom they stretched out their hands and asked the Romans for peace. [NOTES.-- 1. Render this clause in two ways: first by two words, then by a full clause. So each of the three following sentences contains a clause to be rendered in two ways. 2. Cæsar for peace: quite otherwise in Latin. 3. their: omit. 4. their: is this to be expressed by +eōrum+?] CHAPTER XIV. 1. Ablative of Means: 248, 8, c; H. 420. 2. Ablative with +ūtor+, etc.: 249; H. 421, I. 1. Divitiacus intercedes for the conquered Belgæ. 2. Divitiacus begs that Cæsar will show[1] clemency. 3. Cæsar will exercise kindness toward the Belgæ. 4. By the help of the Belgæ the Ædui sustain wars. 5. Divitiacus says the chiefs had fled to[2] Britain. 6. If you show[3] clemency, you will increase our influence. 7. Whatever[4] war befalls, by means of their[5] resources we shall be able to hold out. [NOTES.-- 1. will show: not the future in Latin. 2. to: not +ad+. 3. show: not well rendered by present indicative. 4. whatever: _if any_. 5. their: +eōrum+.] CHAPTER XV. 1. Partitive Genitive: 216; H. 396, IV. 2. Ablative of Quality: 251; H. 419, II. 3. Causal Relative Sentences: 320, e; H. 517. 1. The territories of the Nervii border on the Ambiani. 2. The Nervii blame the Ambiani for having surrendered.[1] 3. The Nervii have[2] great influence among the Belgæ. 4. They use no wine, because it weakens[3] character. 5. Those men think minds lose energy through wine. [NOTES.-- 1. for having surrendered: turn by a relative clause. 2. have: say _are_ (men) _of_. 3. because it weakens: a relative clause with subjunctive, to indicate their view, as distinguished from a statement of fact.] CHAPTER XVI. 1. Comparative +amplius+, etc.: 247, c.; H. 417, N. 2. 2. Accusative of Time and Space: 256 and 257; H. 379. 1. The Nervii were distant a three days’ march. 2. Cæsar finds out that they are ten miles distant. 3. He learns from prisoners what the Nervii are doing.[1] 4. They have taken a position more than five miles from the Sambre. 5. He learns from prisoners that he[2] is waited for by the Nervii. [NOTES.-- 1. are doing: be careful about the mode. 2. that he: _himself_.] CHAPTER XVII. 1. Use of +quisquam+: 202, c.; H. 457. 2. Relative Clauses of Purpose: 317; H. 497, I. 3. Substitutes for Partitive Gen.: 216, c.; H. 397, N. 3. 1. Certain of the Belgæ went by night to the camp of the Nervii. 2. Cæsar says that certain men went[1] to the Nervii. 3. Many of the prisoners found out about the legions. 4. They were sent to their friends to report[2] the matter. 5. To lop trees is a matter[3] of no difficulty at all. 6. Men were sent ahead to select[4] a suitable place. [NOTES.-- 1. went: _to have gone_. 2. to report: not the infinitive. 3. matter, etc.: recast, before trying to turn into Latin. 4. to select: try two ways.] CHAPTER XVIII. 1. Descriptive Ablative: 251; H. 419, II. 2. Clauses of Result: 319; H. 500, I. and II. 1. Along the river Sambre were trees[1] of great height.[2] 2. Among these trees the Nervii keep themselves hidden. 3. So[3] close together[4] were these trees that the Romans could not see through. 4. The river is of such depth that men can cross. 5. On the open ground are pickets of great courage. [NOTES.-- 1. trees: +arbor+, fem. 2. height: the same word that means _depth_. 3. So: +ita+. 4. close together: +crēber+.] CHAPTER XIX. 1. Dative of Service: 233 a; H. 390. 2. Imperfect of Repeated Action: 277; H. 469, II. 3. Ablative of Manner: 248 and Rem.; H. 419, III. 1. The cavalry of the enemy kept making attacks. 2. They would attack our horsemen with great courage. 3. These horsemen had been sent ahead by Cæsar as a protection to the camp. 4. Again and again did the enemy pour forward from the woods, where they had hidden. 5. The slingers and archers helped[1] the horsemen. 6. With great speed they would run as far as[2] the woods. 7. With wonderful bravery they engage in battle with the Nervii. [NOTES.-- 1. helped: two words in Latin. 2. as far as: +ad+, or +usque ad+.] CHAPTER XX. 1. The Gerundive: 113, d.; H. 234. 2. Dative of Apparent Agent: 232; H. 388. 3. Ablative of Agent with +ā+ or +ab+: 246; H. 415, I. 1. The soldiers are directed[1] by Cæsar. 2. The soldiers must be directed by Cæsar. 3. The flag was displayed by the soldiers. 4. The flag had to be displayed by the soldiers. 5. Experience is often helpful[2] to soldiers. 6. The work is hindered by[3] the near approach[4] of the enemy. [NOTES.-- 1. are directed: use +doceo+. 2. helpful: turn by a noun. 3. by the near approach: why not +ā+ or +ab+? 4. near approach: one word.] CHAPTER XXI. 1. Ablative of Gerundive with Prepositions: 301; H. 544, 2. 2. Gerundive Construction instead of Gerund: 296; H. 544, 1. 3. Purpose expressed by Gerundive: 318 and b; H. 544, 2, N. 2. 1. In looking for his shield a soldier lost time. 2. Time is wanting for putting on a helmet. 3. Seeing[1] the standards, each one went forward. 4. A line was drawn up[2] to resist[3] the enemy’s charge. 5. Cæsar encouraged the tenth legion for the purpose of strengthening[4] their courage. [NOTES.-- 1. seeing: not the gerundive. 2. A line was drawn up: see chap. xx. 3. resist: +sustineo+. 4. strengthening: use +cōnfīrmo+.] CHAPTER XXII. Clauses of Result with +ut (ut nōn)+: 319; H. 500, II. 1. So dense was the hedge that it obstructed the view. 2. The result was that no legion could execute orders. 3. One legion opposes the foe in one part, another in another. CHAPTER XXIII. 1. Place to which: 258; H. 380, I. 2. Place from which: 258; H. 412, I. 3. Place in which: 258, 4, and 260, b.; H. 425, 1. 1. The Roman soldiers drive the enemy, exhausted by wounds, into an unfavorable place. 2. They followed them up from the left part of the line. 3. As they attempted[1] to cross the river, a great part of them were put to the sword. 4. In another part many of the Belgians were killed. 5. On the front the Belgæ pushed for the camp. 6. But at last they were put to flight. [NOTE.-- 1. attempted: recast the sentence and express _as they attempted_ by a participle referring to _a great part_.] CHAPTER XXIV. 1. Position of +causa+ with genitive: 245, c. 2. Temporal Clauses with +cum+: 325; H. 521, II. 2. 1. The Romans see that the horsemen are scared. 2. Horsemen were coming to Cæsar to render aid. 3. When the camp-followers had gone out for the purpose of plundering, they saw that our men were fleeing. 4. Seeing the slingers flee,[1] they fled themselves.[2] [NOTES.-- 1. flee, _to flee_. 2. themselves: use +ipse+.] CHAPTER XXV. 1. Ablative Absolute: 255 and a.; H. 431, 4. 2. Perfect Participles of Deponents: 290, d.; H. 195, 2. 3. Substitutes for Perf. Act. Partc.: 290, d. 2; H. 550, N. 4. 1. Cæsar saw that the soldiers of the twelfth legion were hard pushed. 2. Cæsar, seeing[1] the soldiers of the twelfth legion hard pushed, went to the right wing. 3. As[2] all the standard-bearers were wounded, the standards were lost. 4. Then Cæsar snatched a shield from a soldier. 5. The soldiers renewed their courage and delayed[3] the enemy’s attack. [NOTES.-- 1. seeing: not well rendered +videns+; try casting into a clause--first with +ubi+, then with +cum+. 2. As ... wounded: use a participial construction. 3. renewed and delayed: it is better not to turn into Latin by coördinate verbs.] CHAPTER XXVI. 1. Partitive Genitive: 216; H. 397. 2. Indirect Questions: 334; H. 529, I. & II. 3. Dative of Service and of Object: 233 and a.; H. 390. 1. One was sent for assistance to another.[1] 2. The soldiers of two legions guarded the baggage.[2] 3. He saw in how great peril the camp was. 4. They will leave nothing undone[3] in point of courage. 5. He will report to me in what state the army is. 6. He saw that the tenth was fighting very bravely. [NOTES.-- 1. another: bring the two forms of +alius+ together. 2. guarded the baggage: make a different turn. 3. leave nothing undone: a strange Latin idiom.] CHAPTER XXVII. 1. Temporal Clauses with +cum+: 325; H. 521, 2. 2. Clauses of Result with +ut (ut nōn)+: 319; H. 500, II. 3. Clauses of Purpose with +ut (ne, ut ne)+: 317; H. 497, II. 1. So great is the courage of the Nervii that they fight from the heaps of corpses. 2. Ascending[1] very high banks, they displayed the greatest courage. 3. They dared to cross a wide stream in order to renew the fight. 4. The cavalry, to wipe out[2] their disgrace, advance even into a disadvantageous position. 5. The greatness of their spirit rendered difficult things easy. [NOTES.-- 1. ascending: turn by a clause with +cum+. 2. To wipe out: not the infinitive.] CHAPTER XXVIII. 1. Ablative of Separation: 243; H. 413. 2. Substitutes for Partitive Genitive: 216, c; H. 397, N. 3. 3. Substantive Clauses of Purpose with +ut (ne)+: 331; H. 498. 1. Of five hundred senators, three were left. 2. Out of forty (+quadrāginta+) thousand men, four hundred were able to bear arms. 3. Cæsar will keep their[1] neighbors from doing[2] harm. 4. The name and nation of the Nervii are reduced[3] almost to destruction. 5. He orders the neighboring people to refrain from doing harm to the Nervii.[4] [NOTES.-- 1. their: not +suus+. 2. doing: omit. 3. reduced: participle used as an adjective in the neuter plural. 4. Nervii: genitive.] CHAPTER XXIX. 1. Limit of Motion: 258 and b; H. 380 and 2. 2. Accusative of Duration of Time: 256; H. 379. 3. Locative Ablative with Preps.: 260, b; H. 425, I. 1. They carry all their property into one town. 2. During two days they hold out very bravely. 3. For many years they were harassed by the Gauls. 4. On two sides they have high rocks; on another, a wall. 5. Leaving six thousand men this side[1] the Rhine, they return[2] home. [NOTES.-- 1. this side: +cis+. 2. return: commonly +revertor+ in the present, +reverti+ in the perfect.] CHAPTER XXX. 1. Ablative of Time _when_: 256; H. 429. 2. Imperfect of Repeated Action: 277; H. 469, II. 3. Perfect of Completed Action: 279; H. 471, I. and 6. 1. On the day of our arrival frequent sallies were made by the enemy from the town. 2. During the first days they taunted us from the walls. 3. At a distance the soldiers made an “agger” and a tower. 4. Then the Aduatuci began to jeer.[1] 5. Can[2] men of such little stature place a tower on our wall? [NOTES.-- 1. jeer: two words in Latin. 2. begin with +num+.] CHAPTER XXXI. 1. Causal Relative Clauses: 320, e; H. 517. 2. Dative with certain Intrans. Verbs: 227; H. 385. 3. Future Conditions less vivid: 307, b; H. 509, N. 1. 1. They surrender to Cæsar, since he is so powerful.[1] 2. The envoys say the enemy are jealous of their[2] valor. 3. It is better to endure death than slavery. 4. If Cæsar should rob the Aduatuci of their arms,[3] they would be killed. 5. Their enemies would kill them, if they should surrender their arms. 6. It is better to persuade them to give up their arms. [NOTES.-- 1. is so powerful: _can so much_ (+tantum+). 2. their: express by the proper form of +suus+. 3. of their arms: not the genitive.] CHAPTER XXXII. 1. Ablative of Cause: 245; H. 416. 2. Clauses of Result with +ut (ut nōn)+: 319; H. 500, II. 3. Substantive Clauses of Purpose with +ut (nē)+: 331; H. 498. 1. They order the people to deliver up their arms. 2. Through Cæsar’s orders, no wrong will be inflicted. 3. Cæsar spared, according to his custom, those who had surrendered.[1] 4. Cæsar orders the neighbors of the Nervii not to harm them.[2] 5. There is so great a quantity of arms in the town that a third part is concealed. [NOTES.-- 1. those who had surrendered: one word in Latin. 2. them: dative.] CHAPTER XXXIII. 1. Causal Clauses with +cum+: 326; H. 517. 2. Ablative Absolute: 255 and a; H. 431, 4. 3. Pass. of Intrans. Verbs used impersonally: 230; H. 465, 1. 1. [1]The Aduatuci fought very spiritedly. 2. [1]Thither hasten all the forces of the town. 3. After the shutting[2] of the gates, the townsmen formed a plan. 4. Since they had been driven back, they no longer[3] defended themselves. 5. Now[4] that the town was occupied, the booty was sold. [NOTES.-- 1. Use the passive construction. 2. After the shutting: turn in two ways. 3. no longer: +nōn iam+. 4. Now that the town was occupied: turn in two ways.] CHAPTER XXXIV. 1. Ablative of Agent with +ā (ab)+: 246; H. 415, I. 2. Accus. and Infin. of Indirect Discourse: 330, 2; H. 523, I. 1. All the maritime states were subdued by Cæsar. 2. Cæsar says that the maritime states have been reduced. 3. At this time P. Crassus had been sent with one legion. 4. Crassus informs Cæsar that one legion has been sent to the Veneti. 5. The Veneti, to whom one legion had been sent, border on the ocean. CHAPTER XXXV. 1. Relative Clauses of Purpose: 317, 2; H. 497, I. 2. Verbs of Promising, Hoping, etc.: 380, f.; 535, II. 3. Dative with Certain Adjectives: 234, a; H. 391, I. 1. The embassies promised to return[1] the next summer. 2. Near the Rhine were many nations of barbarians. 3. These barbarians promised to do Cæsar’s bidding. 4. The barbarians send men to give[2] hostages. 5. So great was the joy[3] that a thanksgiving was decreed. [NOTES.-- 1. to return: in the Latin idiom, _themselves to be going to return_. 2. to give: put in two ways. 3. joy: +gaudium+.] VOCABULARY. If the learner, as often as he refers to this vocabulary for the meaning of a word, will glance over the group of words given in the Etymological Vocabulary under the same root, he will find his knowledge of the relations and meaning of words, and consequently his power to read Latin, rapidly increase. +Ā+ or +Ab (abs)+, prep. w. abl. [APA-], _from, away from_, 6, 13, 18, 24, 25; _at the hands of_, 31, 33; _away, at a distance of_, 1, 30; _in, on, at_, 23, 25; _by_, 1, 5, 9, etc. +Ab·dō+, 3, -didī, -ditum [2 DA-], _put away; hide_, 19. +Ab·sum+, -esse, āfuī [ES-], _be away from_, 11; _be distant_, 4, 5, 6, 13, 10, 17, 21; with ā or ab and abl. +Āc+, see +At·que+. +Ac·cēdō (adc-)+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go towards, approach_, 13, w. ad and acc.; _arise, increase in_, 7, with dat. +Ac·cidō (adc-)+, 3, -cidī, -- [CAD-], _fall to_ or _towards; befall, happen_, 35; w. dat. Cf. incidō, ēveniō. +Ac·cipiō (adc-)+, 3, -cēpī, -ceptum [CAP-], _take to one’s self; accept_, 15; _receive_, 13; _suffer_, 33. +Acervus+, -ī, M. [1 AC-], _thing brought to a point; pile, heap_, 32. +Aciēs+, ēī- (-e, 23), F. [1 AC-], _edge; line of battle, army_, 8, 9, 19, 20, 23, 25. +Ācr·iter+, adv. [1 AC-], _sharply; fiercely, desperately_, 10, 33. +Ad+, prep. w. acc., _to, towards_, 8, 13, 28, etc.; _up to_, 17; _near_, 4, 19, 21, 33; _for_, 1, 4, 8, 21, etc.; _after, according to_, 31. +Ad·aequō+, 1 [IC-, AIC-], _make equal to, equal_, 32. +Ad·clīvis (acc-)+, -e, adj. [CLĪ-], _sloping upward_, 29. Cf. dēclīvis. +Ad·clīvitās (acc-)+, -ātis, F. [CLĪ-], _upward slope, rise_, 18. Cf. dēclīvitās, dēiectus. +Ad·com·modō (acconm-)+, 1 [2 MA-, MAD-], _fit_ or _adapt to; put on_, 21. Cf. induō. +Ad·dūcō+, 3, -dūxī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead_ or _bring to_, 5; _lead up_, 1; w. ad and acc. +Ad·eō+, -īre, -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go to; reach, get at_, 7. +Ad·ferō (aff-)+, -ferre, attulī, allātum [1 FER-], _bring_ or _carry to_, 1. +Ad·fīnitās (aff-)+, -ātis, F. [2 FID-], _relationship by marriage_, 4. Cf. propīnquitās. +Ad·gredior (agg-)+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _go to, approach; attack_, 9, 10. Cf. adorior. +Ad·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _throw to_ or _against; hurl, cast_, 21. +Ad·itus+, -ūs, M. [1 I-, AI-], _going to, approach_, 16, 29; _access, admittance_, 15. +Ad·iuvō+, 1, -iūvī, -iūtum [DIV-, DI-, DIAV-], _help, aid_, 17. +Ad·ministrō+, 1 [2 MAN-, MI-], _put the hand to; attend to_, 20, 22. +Ad·orior+, 4, -ortus [OL-, OR-], _rise up against; attack_, 11, 17. Cf. adgredior. +Ad·propīnquō (app-)+, 1 [PARC-, PLEC-], _come near to, approach_, 10, 31, w. dat.; 19, w. ad and acc. Cf. subeō, succēdō. +Aduātucī+, -ōrum, M., _tribe, originally German, in Belgian Gaul, on left bank of the Maas_, 4, 16, 29, 31. +Ad·ventus+, -ūs, M. [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _coming to_ or _drawing near; approach, arrival_, 7, 16, 25, 27, 30. Cf. successus, aditus. +Ad·versus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of advertō) [VERT-], _turned to_ or _towards; opposite, in the face_, 8, 18, 24; adversō colle, _up hill_, 19; w. dat. +Aedi·ficium+, -ī, N. [AID-; FAC-], _building_, 7. +Aeduī+, -ōrum, M., _powerful Celtic people between upper courses of Loire and Seine_, 5, 10, 14, 15. +Aeduus+, -a, -um, adj., _Aeduan_, 5, 14. +Aegrē+, adv., _with regret_ or _displeasure; barely, with difficulty_, 6. +Aequāl·iter+, adv. [IC-, AIC-], _evenly_, 18. +Aestās+, -ātis, F. [AID-], _burning season; summer_, 2, 35. +Aestuārium+, -ī, N. [AID-], _pertaining to rolling; inlet, sea-marsh_, 28. +Aetās+, -ātis, F. [1 I-, AI-], _age, old age_, 16. +Ager+, -grī, M. [AG-], _cultivated land; land, field_, 4, 5, 7, 9. +Ag·ger+, -eris, M. [GER-], _that which is brought to a place_, i.e. _materials for a mound_, 20; _mound, rampart_, 12, 30, 32. +Āgmen+, -inis, N. [AG-], _that which is set in motion; marching column_, 11, 17, 19, 23, 26. +Agō+, 3, ēgī, āctum [AG-], _put in motion; bring up_, 12, 30; _take along_, 29; _carry on, do_, 20. +Aliās+, adv. (acc. pl. F. of alius) [2 AL- (ALI-)], _at another time_; aliās ... aliās, _at one time ... at another_, 29. +Aliēnus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 AL-, (ALI-)], _belonging to another, another’s_, 10. +Al·iter+, adv. [2 AL-], _otherwise, in another manner_, 19. +Alius+, -a, -ud, adj., gen. alīus [2 AL- (ALI-)], _other, another, different_, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 31. +Alter+, -era, -erum, adj., gen. -ius [2 AL-], _other (of two)_, 5, 21; alter ... alter, _the one ... the other_. +Altitūdō+, -inis, F. [1 AL-], _elevation, height_, 5, 12, 18, 31, 32. +Altus+, -a, -um, adj. [1 AL-], _become great by nourishment; lofty, high_, 27, 29. +Ambiānī+, -ōrum, M., _Belgian tribe near modern Amiens_, 4, 15. +Amīcitia+, -ae, F. [AM-], _friendship_, 14. +Ā·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _let go from one’s self; lose_, 25. +Ampli·ficō+, 1 [PLE-, PLO-; FAC-], _make larger, increase_, 14. +Am·plius+, adv. (N. compar. of amplus) [ambi-; PLE-, PLO-], _more_, 7, 16, 29. +Andocumborius+, -ī, M., _man of high rank among the Remi_, 3. +Andēs+, -ium, M., _tribe of Gaul north of the Loire, modern Anjou_, 35. +Angustus+, -a, -um, adj., _contracted; narrow, difficult_; +in angustō+, _in a critical state_, 25. +Animus+, -ī, M. [AN-], _soul; mind, feelings_, 21; _spirit, courage_, 15, 21, 25, 27; _character_, 1. +Annus+, -ī, M., _that which goes round; year_, 29. +Ante+, [ANT-], _before_; as adv., = anteā, _before, formerly_, 12, 22, 33; as prep. w. acc., _before_ (of time), 35; (of place), 32. +Antīquitus+, adv. [ANT-], _from ancient times; in olden times_, 4; _from of old_, 17. +A·pertus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of aperiō) [2 PAR-, POR-], _without covering; open, unobstructed_, 18, 19; _uncovered, exposed_, 23. +Ap·pellō (adp-)+, 1 [PAL-, PEL-], _bring one’s self to a person; accost, address_, 25; _call_, 4. +Ap·ud+, prep. w. acc. [APA-], _near, among_, 2, 4, 7, 14. +Ar·bitror+, 1 [BA-, VA-], _be a hearer_ or _spectator, think, suppose, believe_, 4, 28; w. acc. and inf. +Arbor+, -oris, F. [1 AL-, AR-], _tree_, 17. +Ar·cessō+, 3, -īvī, -ītum [CAD-], _cause to come to; summon, send for_, 20. +Arduus+, -a, -um, adj. [1 AL-, AR-, strengthened to ARDH-], _steep_, 33. +Ariēs+, -etis, M., _battering-ram_, 32. +Arma+, -ōrum, N. [AR-], _things adapted; arms, weapons_, 3, 4, 9, 13, etc. +Armātūra+, -ae, F. [AR-], _arming; equipment_, 10, 24. +Armō+, 1 [AR-], _furnish with arms; arm, equip_, 4, 27. +A·scendō (adsc-)+, 3, -dī, -scēnsum [SCAND-], _mount up, climb_, 27. +A·scēnsus (adsc-)+, -ūs, M. [SCAND-], _ascending; ascent, way up_, 33. +At+, conj., _but, on the other hand_, 23, 27. +At·que+ (before vowels and consonants), +āc+ (before consonants only), _and also, and especially, and_, 3, 5, 6, etc.; _as_, 6; _than_, 19. Cf. et and -que. +Atrebatēs+, -um, M., _Belgian people in the region of modern Arras_, 4, 16, 23. +At·tingō (adt-)+, 3, -tigī, -tāctum, [TAG-], _touch against; approach, reach_, 32; _border upon_, 15, 34. +Auctōritās+, -ātis, F. [AVG-], _power, standing, influence_, 4, 14, 15. +Audāc·ter+, adv. [1 AV-], _boldly_, 10, 26. +Audeō+, 2, ausus [1 AV-], _venture, dare_, 8, 17, 19, 27; w. complementary infin. +Audiō+, 4 [2 AV-], _listen to; hear, hear about_, 12, 31, w. acc.; 12, w. acc. and infin. +Aulercī+, -ōrum, M., _tribe in Bretagne and Normandy_, 34. +Aurunculēius+, -ī, M., _L. A. Cotta, lieutenant of Cæsar_, 11. +Au·t+, conj. [2 TA-], _or_ (excluding the other), 30, 33; aut ... aut, _either ... or_, 25. +Au·tem+, postpositive conj. [2 TA-], _but, on the other hand_, 9; _moreover_, 19. +Auxilium+, -ī, N. [AVG-], _aid, support, assistance_, 10, 24, 29; pl. _auxiliary forces_, 14. Cf. subsidium. +Ā·vertō+, 3, -tī, -sum [VERT-], _turn away from_. Aversī, see note, 26. +Axona+, -ae, F., _river in country of the Belgæ_, 5, 9. B. +Baculus+, -ī, M., P. Sextius B., _centurion_, 25. +Baleāris+, -e, adj., _Balearic, of the Balearic Islands_, 7. +Barbarus+, -a, -um, adj., _foreign, non-Roman_, 35. +Belgae+, -ārum, M., _collective name of tribes living in the country bounded by the Seine, Marne, Moselle, Rhine, and the ocean_, 1, 2, 3, following. +Bellovacī+, -ōrum, M., _strongest tribe of the Belgæ, north of the Seine and on right bank of the Oise and Somme_, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14. +Bellum+, -ī, N. [DVA-, DVI-], _contest between two; war_, 4, 9, 14, 16, 29, 31, 35. +Bibrax+, -ctis, F. (N.?), _town of the Remi_, 6. +Boduōgnātus+, -ī, M., _leader of the Nervii_, 23. +Bratuspantium+, -ī, N., _chief town of the Bellovaci_, 13. +Brevitās+, -ātis, F., _shortness, brevity_, 20, 30. Cf. exiguitās. +Britannia+, -ae, F., _Britain_, 4, 14. C. +Cadāver+, -eris, N. [CAD-], _that which falls down dead; dead body_, 27. +Cadō+, 3, cecidī, cāsum [CAD-], _fall_, 27. +Caeroesī+, -ōrum, M., _German tribe in Belgian Gaul_, 4. +Caesar+, -aris, M., _Gaius Julius Cæsar, conqueror of Gaul and author of the Commentaries_, 1, 2, 5, etc. +Calamitās+, -ātis, F. [SCAL-], _injury, disaster_, 14, 28. +Caletī+, -ōrum (-ēs, -um), M., _tribe in Normandy, on the Seine_, 4. +Cālō+, -ōnis, M., _groom, soldier’s servant_, 24, 26, 27. +Captīvus+, -a, -um, adj. [CAP-], _taken prisoner; captive_, 16, 17. +Caput+, -itis, N. [CAP-], _head; individual, person_, 33. +Carnūtēs+, -um, M., _important Gallic tribe between the Loire and Seine rivers_, 35. +Castellum+, -ī, N. dim. [SCAD-, CAD-], _redoubt, stronghold_, 8, 9, 29, 30, 33. +Castra+, -ōrum, N. [SCAD-, CAD-], _camp_, 2, 5, 6, etc. +Cāsus+, -ūs, M. [CAD-], _falling; happening; chance_, 21; _misfortune_, 31. +Causa+, -ae, F. [CAV-], _cause, reason_, 1, 7, 10, 11; causā, used like prep. post-positive, _for the sake of, for the purpose of_, 10, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24. +Cēdō+, 3, cessī, cessum [CAD-], _go; fall back; give way, retreat_, 19. +Celeritās+, -ātis, F. [CEL-], _swiftness, quickness_, 12, 19, 20, 26, 31. +Celer·iter+, adv. [CEL-], _swiftly, quickly, promptly_, 3, 12, 23, 33. +Cēlō+, 1 [2 CAL-, SCAL-], _hide, conceal_, 32, 33. +Centum+, num. adj. indeclin. [CEN-], _hundred_, 4. +Centuriō+, -ōnis, M. [CEN-], _commander of a century, centurion, captain_, 17, 25. +Certus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 CER-, CRE-], _determined; definite_, 11; _certain, regular_, 22; certiōrem facere, _inform_, 1, 2, 10, 34; w. acc. and infin. +Cēterī+, -ōrum, pl. adj. [CA-, CI-], _the others, rest_, 3. Cf. reliquī. +Cīmbrī+, -ōrum, M., _German tribe which invaded Gaul and the Province in the second century_, 4, 29. +Circi·ter+, adv. [CVR-, CIR-; 1 I-], _going in a circle; about, not far from_, 2, 8, 13, 18, 32. +Circu·itus+, -ūs, M. [CVR-, CIR-; 1 I-], _going in a circle; circumference_, 29, 30. +Circum-+, prep. w. acc. [CVR-, CIR-], _around, about_; here only in composition. +Circum·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _throw around; place around_, 6. +Circum·mūniō+, 4, [2 MV-], _wall up around; blockade_, 30. +Circum·veniō+, 4, -vēnī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come around; surround, outflank_, 8, 10, 23, 24, 26. +Cis+, prep. w. acc. [CA-, CI-], _on this side, this side of_, 3. +Citerior+, -us, -ōris, adj. [CA-, CI-], _more on this side; hither, nearer_, 1, 2. +Citrā+, prep. w. acc. [CA-, CI-], _on this side, this side of_, 29. Cf. cis. +Cīvitās+, -ātis, F., _citizenship; community_, 3, 4, 5, etc. +Clāmor+, -ōris, M. [1 CAL-], _loud call; shouting_, 11, 24. +Claudō+, 3, -sī, -sum, _shut, close_, 33; _close, bring up_, 19. +Clē·mentia+, -ae, F. [CLĪ-; 1 MAN-, MEN-], _indulgent disposition; gentleness, mildness_, 14, 31. +Co·acervō+, 1 [1 AC-], _heap up_, 27. +Co·epī+, -isse, -ptus (defective verb, with tenses from present stem lacking) [AP-, OP-], _have begun, began_, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 19, 23, 20. +Cō·gnōscō+, 3, -gnōvī, -gnitum [GNA-, GNO-], _understand thoroughly; perceive, learn, ascertain_, 2, 5, 11, 17, w. acc. and inf.; 4, 26, w. indir. question; plperf. _knew_, 10. +Cō·gō+, 3, -ēgī, -āctum [AG-], _drive together, compel; gather, rally_, 2, 5. Cf. condūcō. +Co·hors+, -hortis, F., _multitude enclosed; cohort_, 5, 25. +Co·hortātiō+, -ōnis, F., _cheering on, urging, encouraging, appeal to_, 25. +Co·hortor+, 1, _cheer on, urge, call upon_, 5, 20, 21, 25, w. acc.; 21 foll. by clause w. ut. +Collis+, -is, M., _hill_, 8, 18, 19, 22. +Com·meātus (conm-)+, -ūs, M., _going to and fro; train of supplies, provisions_, 5, 9. +Com·ĕs+, -itis, M., _comrade_. +Com·memorō (conm-)+, 1 [1 SMAR-, MAR-], _keep in mind; mention, relate_, 28. +Com·mittō (conm-)+, 3, -mīsī, mīssum [MIT-], _cause to go together; join_, 19, 21. +Com·modē (conm-)+, adv. [2 MA-, MAD-], _duly, aptly; easily, advantageously_, 20. +Com·moveō (conm-)+, 2, -mōvī, -mōtum [1 MV-, MOV-], _move violently; startle, alarm, make anxious_, 2, 31. +Com·mūnis (conm-)+, -e, adj. [2 MV-], _serving together; common, general_, 4, 5. +Com·mūtātiō (conm-)+, -ōnis, F. [1 MV-, MOV-], _change_, 27. +Com·parō (conp-)+, 1 [2 PAR-, POR-], _bring_ or _put together; get ready, provide, procure_, 2, 12. +Com·pellō (conp-)+, 3, -pulī, -pulsum [PAL-, PEL-], _drive together, gather; drive in a body, rout_, 23. +Com·pleō (conp-)+, 2, -ēvī, -ētum [PLE-, PLO-], _fill completely; fill_, 24. +Com·plūrēs (conp-)+, -a (-ia), gen. -ium, adj. [PLE-, PLO-, PLV-], _several together, a large number_, 17. +Con-+, for +scom-+ = +cum+ [SEC-], _with, together_; in composition, denoting completeness or union; sometimes intensive. +Con·cīdō+, 3, -cīdī, -cīsum [2 SAC-, SEC-, SCĪD-], _cut up entirely; cut to pieces, destroy_, 11. +Con·cilium+, -ī, N. [1 CAL-], _that which is called together; meeting, assembly_, 4, 10. +Con·currō+, 3, -currī or -cucurrī, -cursum [CEL-, CER-], _run together; hurry, rally, gather_, 20, 33. +Con·diciō+, -ōnis, F., [DĪC-, DIC-], _talking together; agreement, stipulation, terms_, 15, 32. +Condrūsī+, -ōrum, M., _Belgic tribe on the Meuse_, 4. +Con·dūcō+, 3, -dūxī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead together; collect, muster_, 2; _hire_, 1. +Cōn·ferō+, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum [1 FER-], _bring_ or _bear together; gather, collect_, 15, 25, 29; with reflex. pronoun, _betake one’s self, go_, 13. +Cōn·fertus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of cōn·ferciō), _pressed together; compact, in close array_, 23; _crowded together_, 25. +Cōn·ficiō+, 3, -fēcī, -fectum [FAC-], _make completely; perform, accomplish_, 12; _raise, put in the field_, 4; _exhaust, wear out_, 23, 25, 27. +Cōn·fīdō+, 3, -fīsus sum [1 FID-, FĪD-] _trust entirely; believe, trust firmly_, 30, w. acc. and infin. +Cōn·fīrmō+, 1 [2 FER-], _make firm; give assurance, pledge one’s self_, 15, w. acc. and infin.; _encourage, reassure_, 19; _confirm_, 11. +Cōn·flīgō+, 3, -xī, -ctum [FLAG-, FLIG-], _strike_ or _dash together; contend, fight_, 5; w. cum and abl. +Con·gredior+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _step together; meet, have an engagement with, fight_, 23. Cf. cōnflīgō, pūgnō. +Cōn·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _throw together; hurl_, 6, 27; _drive, rout_, 23; _place hastily_, 16, 28. Cf. compellō. +Con·iungō+, 3, -iūnxī, -iūnctum [IV-, IVG-], _draw together, join_, 3, 4, 26. +Con·iūrō+, 1 [IV-, IVG-], _swear together; make a sworn agreement, conspire_, 1, 3. +Con·locō (coll-)+, 1, _place, station, set_, 8, 19, 22, 29, 30. +Cōnor+, 1, _undertake, attempt_, 9, 10, 12, 23. +Cōn·sanguineus+, -a, -um, adj., _possessing the same blood; kindred_, 3. +Cōn·scrībō+, 3, -psi, -ptum [SCARP-], _write together_ (in a list); _enroll, enlist_, 2, 8, 19. +Cōn·sēnsus+, -ūs, M. [SENT-], _agreement, harmony, concerted action_, 28, 29. +Cōn·sentiō+, 4, -sēnsī, -sēnsum [SENT-], _feel with_, 3; _join hands (with), make common cause with_, 3; w. cum and abl. +Cōn-sequor+, 3, -secūtus [SEC-], _follow thoroughly; attain, obtain_, 1. +Cōn·servō+, 1 [SAL-, SER-], _keep thoroughly; preserve, save, spare_, 12, 15, 28, 31, 32. +Cōn·sīdō+, 3, -sēdī, -sessum [SED-, SID-], _sit down together; settle, take position_, 4, 16. +Cōn·silium+, -ī, N., _consultation; design, plan of action_, 9, 14, 33; _advice, suggestion_, 17. +Cōn·similis+, -e, adj., [2 SA-, SIM-], _altogether like, quite similar_, 11; w. dat. +Cōn·sistō+, 3, -stitī, -- [STA-], _make stand; take position, stand_, 6, 23, 26; _make a stand, rally_, 11, 17, 21; _depend upon, be based on_, 33. +Cōn·spectus+, -ūs, M. [SPEC-], _view, sight_, 25. +Cōn·spiciō+, 3, -spēxī, -spectum [SPEC-], _look at with attention; behold, catch sight of, see_, 21, 26, w. acc.; 24, w. acc. and infin. +Cōn·spicor+, 1 [SPEC-], _get a sight of, espy, observe_, 26, 27. Cf. cōnspiciō. +Cōn·stanter+, adv. [STA-], _standing firm; uniformly_, 2. +Cōn·stituō+, 3, -uī, -ūtum [STA-], _place together; determine, appoint_, fix, 11; _set up, place_, 12, 30; _station_, 8, 19; _decide_, 10, w. acc. and infin. Cf. statuō. +Cōn·suēscō+, 3, -suēvī, -suētum [SOVO-, SVO-], _accustom; become accustomed_; pf. _be accustomed_ (= solēre), 14, 31. +Cōn·suētūdō+, -inis, F. [SOVO-, SVO-], _custom, habit_, 17, 19, 32. Cf. mōs. +Con·temptus+, -ūs, M. [TEM-], _scorn, contempt_, 30. +Con·tendō+, 3, -dī, -ntum [1 TA-, TEN-], _strain with all one’s might; march, push on, hasten_, 7, 9, 10, 12, 19, 23, 24; _struggle, contend_, 9, 13, 30. +Con·tineō+, 2, -uī, -tentum [1 TA-, TEN-], _hold_ or _keep together; restrain, hold back_, 11; _keep_, 11, 18, 30. +Con·trā+, adv. [SEC-], _against, on the other hand_, 17; as prep., w. acc., 1, 3, 13, 33. +Con·trārius+, -a, -um, adj. [SEC-], _situated over against, opposite_, 18; w. dat. +Con·tumēlia+, -ae, F. [TEM-], _great swelling; disgrace, insult_, 14. +Con·vēniō+, 4, -vēnī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come together, meet_, 5, 10, 12; impersonal, _be agreed upon_, 19. +Convertō+, 3, -tī, -sum [VERT-], _wholly turn; turn around, turn, direct_, 26. +Con·vocō+, 1 [VOC-], _call together, summon_, 10. +C·ōpia+, -ae, F. [AP-, OP-], _ability; ample supply, supply_, 2; pl., _resources, supplies_, 10; _forces, troops_, 5, 7, 8, etc. +Cornū+, -ūs, N. [CAR-], _horn; wing of an army_, 23, 25. +Corpus+, -oris, N. [1 CER-, CRE-], _what is made; body_, 30; _corpse_, 10, 27. +Cortex+, -icis, M. and F. [CAR-], _part that splits off; bark_, 33. +Cotī·diē+, adv. [CA-; DIV-, DI-], _on every day; daily, regularly_, 8. +Cotta+, -ae, M., _L. Arunculeius, one of Cæsar’s lieutenants_, 11. +Crassus+, -ī, M., _P. Licinius, one of Cæsar’s lieutenants_, 34. +Crēber+, -bra, -brum, adj. [1 CER-, CRE-], _made to increase; thick, numerous, frequent_, 1, 17, 30. +Crēdō+, 3, -didī, -ditum [CRAT-; 2 DA-], _put trust in; believe_, 33, w. acc. and infin. Cf. cōnfīdō. +Crēs+, -ētis, M., _Cretan_, 7. +Cruciātus+, -ūs, M. [CVR-, CIR-], _torture_, 31. +Cum+, prep. w. abl. [SEC-], _with, in company with, together with_, 3, 10, 13, etc.; _at same time with_, 5, 7, 16; _with, provided with_, 11, 33. +Cum+, conj. [CA-, CI-], temporal, _when_, 1, 4, 6, 8, following; cum prīmum, _as soon as_, 2; causal, _as, since_, 11, 17, 22, etc.; concessive, _although, while_, 29; cum ... tum, _both ... and_, 4. +C·ūnctus+, -a, -um, adj. [IV-, IVG-], _all together; all, entire_, 29. +Cupiō+, 3, -īvī, -ītum, _desire eagerly, be eager_, 25. +Curiosolitēs+, -um, M. (acc. -ēs, ās), _people of Armoric Gaul_, 34. +Cursus+, -ūs, M. [CEL-, CER-], _running, speed_, 23, 26. +Custōdia+, -ae, F. [SCV-, CV-], _guard-keeping; guard, protection_, 29. D. +Dē+, prep. w. abl., _from; down from_, 32; of time, _in, about_, 7; _for, on account of_, 7; _for, about, concerning_, 2, 4, 6, etc. +Dē·beō+ [for dehibeō], 2, -uī, -itum [HAB-], _have from_; impersonal, _owe, ought_, 27, 33. +Decem+, num. adj. indecl. [DEC-], _ten_, 4. +Dē·cernō+, 3, -crēvī, -crētum [2 CER-, CRE-], _decide; decide upon, decree_, 35. +Dē·certō+, 1 [2 CER-], _fight a decisive battle_, 10. Cf. conflīgō, congredior, dīmicō, pūgnō. +Decimus+, -a, -um, adj. [DEC-], _tenth_, 21, 23, 25, 26. +Dē·clīvis+, -e, adj. [CLĪ-], _inclining down-hill, sloping_, 18. +Decumānus (deci-)+, -a, -um, adj. [DEC-], _of the tenth cohort_, in the phrase, decumāna porta, _rear gate_, 24, main entrance to a Roman camp. +Dē·currō+, 3, -cucurrī or -currī, -cursum [CEL-, CER-], _run down_, 19, 21. +Dē·ditīcius+, -a, -um, adj. [1 DA-], _one who has surrendered_; as noun, M., _prisoner of war_, 17; _subjects_, 32. +Dē·ditiō+, -ōnis, F. [1 DA-], _giving one’s self up; surrender_, 12, 13, 32, 33. +Dē·dō+, 3, -didī, -ditum [1 DA-], _give up_ or _away; surrender_, 15, 28, 32. +Dē·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead away, bring off_, 2, 33, 35; _bring (to)_, 10, 31. Cf. redigō. +Dē·fendō+, 3, -dī, -fēnsum [FEN-, FEND-], _thrust away; repel_, 29; _defend_, 10, 12, 31, 33. +Dē·fēnsiō+, -ōnis, F. [FEN-, FEND-], _protection, defence_, 7. +Dē·fēnsor+, -ōris, M. [FEN-, FEND-], _defender_, 6, 12. +Dē·ferō+, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum [1 FER-], _bear_ or _bring away; bear, report_, 17, 19; _bestow_, 4; w. ad and acc. +Dē·ficiō+, 3, -fēcī, -fectum [FAC-], _make from; give out, fail_, 10; _revolt (from), forsake, desert_, 14; w. ab and abl. +Dē·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _hurl down; drive away, dislodge_, 27. +Dē·iectus+, -ūs, M. [IA-, IAC-], _slope, declivity_, 8, 22. Cf. dēclīvis, adclīvis. +De·inde+, adv. [2 I-], _from here; thereupon, then, in the next place_, 1. +Dē·leō+, 2, -ēvī, -ētum [LI-], _wipe out, destroy_, 27. +Dē·ligō+, 3, -lēgī, -lēctum [1 LEG-, LIG-], _choose out; choose, select_, 17, 18, 29. Cf. ēlīgō. +Dē·mōnstrō+, 1 [1 MAN-, MEN-], _point out, explain, mention_, 1, 9, 22; w. acc. and infin., 17. +Dēnique+, adv., _and thereupon, finally; at any rate, at least_, 33. +Dēnsus+, -a, -um, adj., _thick, dense, close_, 22. +Dē·pōnō+, 3, -posuī, -positum [1 SA-, SI-], _put aside_ or _down; lay aside, place in safety_, 29. +Dē·populor+, 1 [SCAL-, SPOL-], _lay waste, ravage_, 7. +Dē·precor+, 1 [PREC-], _avert by praying; petition against, pray to be spared_, 31. +Dē·serō+, 3, -uī, -tum [1 SER-, SVAR-], _undo, sever connection with; abandon, desert_, 25, 29. +Dē·sistō+, 3, -stitī, -- [STA-], _remove from; cease, stop_, 11. +Dē·spectus+, -ūs, M. [SPEC-], _looking down upon; opportunity for distant views, prospect_, 29. +Dē·spērō+, 1 [SPA-, PA-], _give up hope; despair of_, 24. +Dē·spoliō+, 1 [SCAL-, SPOL-], _rob, deprive_, 31; w. acc. and abl. +Dē·sum+, -esse, -fuī [ES-], _be away; be lacking, fail_, 21. Cf. dēficiō. +Dē·terreō+, 2, -uī, -itum [TER-, TERS-], _frighten from; prevent, deter_, 3. +Dē·trahō+, 3, -xī, -ctum, _drag from; take from, remove_, 25. +Dē·trūdō+, 3, -sī, -sum, _thrust away; remove_, 21. Cf. dētrahō. +Dē·veniō+, 4, -vēnī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come down into; come to, reach_, 21; w. prep. and acc. Cf. adpropīnquō. +Dexter+, -tra, -trum, adj, _right, on the right hand_, 23, 25. (+Diciō+), -ōnis, F., no nom. [DIC-, DĪC-], _sway, control_, 34. +Dīcō+, 3, -xī, -ctum [DĪC-, DIC-], _point out by speaking; say, state, mention_, 1, 3, 4, etc.; w. acc. and infin. +Diēs+, -ēī, M. and F. [DIV-, DI-], _day_, 2, 5, 6, etc. +Dif·ficilis (disf-)+, -e, adj. [FAC-], _not to be done; difficult, hard_, 27. +Dif·ficultās (disf-)+, -ātis, F. [FAC-], _difficulty, strait, trouble_, 20. +Dī·ligen·ter+, adv. [1 LEG-, LIG-], _attentively, scrupulously, with painstaking_, 5, 28. +Dī·mētior+, 4, -mēnsus [1 MA-, MAN-], _measure off; stake off, lay out, survey_, 19. +Dī·micō+, 1, _move rapidly back and forth; fight, contend_, 21. Cf. cōnfligō, congredior, contendō. +Dī·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, mīssum [MIT-], _send out in different directions, despatch_, 5, 14, 21. +Dī·ripiō+, 3, -uī, -reptum [RAP-, RVP-], _tear in pieces; sack, plunder_, 17. +Dis·cēdō+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go apart; go away, depart_, 7, 11, 20. +Dis·cessus+, -ūs, M. [CAD-], _departure, withdrawal_, 14. +Dis·sipō+, 1, _scatter, break up_, 24. +Dis·tineō+, 2, -uī, -tentum [1 TA-, TEN-], _keep apart; prevent union of, separate_, 5. +Diū+, adv. [DIV-, DI-], _by day; for a long time, long_; compar. diūtius, 1, 6, 10. +Dī·versus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of dīvertō) [VERT-], _turned away from; facing in different directions_, 22; _different_, 23; _separated_, 24. +Dīvīnus+, -a, -um, adj. [DIV-, DI-], _of the gods, divine_, 31. +Divitiacus+, -ī, M., _leader of the Ædui, brother of Dumnorix_, 5, 10, 14, 15; _chieftain of the Suessiones_, 4. +Dō+, dare, dedī, datum [1 DA-], _give_, 2, 3, 20, 21, 35; inter sē, _exchange_, 1. +Doceō+, 2, -uī, -ctum [DIC-, DAC- (DOC-)], _show, teach, explain_, 5, 20. +Domesticus+, -a, -um, adj. [DOM-], _of home, native, own_, 10. +Domi·cilium+, -ī, N. [DOM-; 2 CAL-, SCAL-], _dwelling-place_, 29. +Dominor+, 1, _lord it, be master_, 31. +Domus+, -ūs, F. [DOM-], _home_, 10, 11, 24, 29. +Du·bitō+, 1 [DVA-; BA-], _go to and fro; doubt, hesitate_, 2, 23. +Du·centī+, -ae, -a, num. adj. [DVA-, DVI-; CEN-], _two hundred_, 18, 29. +Dūcō+, 3, -xī, ductum [DVC-], _lead, conduct_, 8, 12, 13, 19. +Dum+ [for dium], adv. [DIV-, DI-], _while_. +Duo+, -ae, -o, num. adj. [DVA-, DVI-], _two_, 2, 7, 8, 9, etc. +Duo·decimus+, -a, -um, adj. [DVA-, DVI-; DEC-], _twelfth_, 23, 25. +Duo·dē·vīgintī+, num. adj. indecl. [DVA-, DVI-], _eighteen_, 5. +Du·plex+, -icis, adj. [DVA-; PARC-, PLEC-], _twofold, double_, 29. +Dux+, -cis, M. [DVC-], _leader_, 23; _guide_, 7. E. +Ē+ or +Ex+, prep. w. abl., _from, out of_, 3, 6, 13, etc.; _after_, 6; _on_, 8; _in consequence of_, 35. +Eburōnēs+, -um, M., _Belgian people near the Rhine_, 4. +Ē·ditus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of ēdō) [1 DA-], _set forth; elevated, rising_, 8. +Ē·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead out, lead forth_, 8. +Ef·ficiō (ecf-)+, 3, -fēcī, -fectum [FAC-], _work out; bring about, effect_, 5, 17; w. ut and subj. +Ē·gredior+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _go out; sally forth_, 24; _depart from, go forth_, 11, 13. +Ē·gregiē+, adv., _out of the flock; remarkably, excellently_, 29. +Ē·ligō+, 3, -lēgī, -lēctum [1 LEG-, LIG-], _choose out; pick from, choose_, 4. Cf. dēligo. +Ē·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _send out; hurl, let fly_, 23. +Emō+, 3, ēmī, ēmptum [EM-], _take in exchange; buy_, 33. +Ē·nāscor+, 3, -nātus [GEN-, GN-, GNA-], _grow out, spring up; sprout forth_, 17. +Enim+, co-ord. conj., post-positive, _for, in fact_, 17. Cf. nam. +Eō+, adv. (old dat. or abl. N. of is) [2 I-], _there, thither_, 3, 5, 25, 33. +Equĕs+, -itis, M., [2 AC-], _horseman, cavalry-man, knight_, 9, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27. +Equester+, -tris, -tre, adj. [2 AC-], _of horsemen, cavalry_, 8, 9. +Equitātus+, -ūs, M. [2 AC-], _riding; cavalry_, 10, 11, 17, 19. +Ergō+, _because of; therefore_. +Ē·ruptiō+, -ōnis, F. [RAP-, RVP-], _bursting forth; sally_, 33. +Esuviī+, -ōrum, M., _people in Normandy_, 34. +Et+, co-ord. conj. _and_, 1, 2, 3, etc.; et ... et, _both ... and_, 3, 4, 5, etc. +Et·iam+, adv. and conj. _and now; also_, 1, 4, 14, 16, 17, 21; _even, still_, 4, 25, 27. +Ē·ventus+, -ūs, M. [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _coming forth; outcome, issue, result_, 22. +Ex+, see +Ē+. +Ex·agitō+, 1 [AG-], _disturb, harass_, 29. +Ex·animō+, 1 [AN-], _deprive of life; make breathless_, 23. +Ex·audiō+, 4 [2 AV-], _hear distinctly; hear from a distance_, 11. +Ex·cēdō+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go out; withdraw, go away_, 25. +Ex·cursiō+, -ōnis, F. [CEL-, CER-], _running forth; sally_, 30. Cf. ēruptiō. +Ex·eō+, -īre, -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go out; withdraw_, 33. Cf. excēdō. +Ex·ercitō+, 1 [ARC-] _(drive out of the enclosure), keep busy; train, drill_, 20. +Ex·ercitus+, -ūs, M. [ARC-], _trained body of men; army_, 1, 2, 5, etc. +Ex·iguitās+, -ātis, F., _scantiness, shortness_, 21, 33. +Ex·imius+, -a, -um [EM-], _taken out from; eminent, excellent, high_, 8. +Ex·istīmō+, 1, _judge, value; judge, think, believe_, 2, 15, 17, 31; w. acc. and infin. +Ex·pedītus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of expediō) [PED-], _unencumbered, in light marching order_, 19. +Ex·pellō+, 3, -pulī, -pulsum [PAL-, PEL-], _drive out, banish_, 4. +Ex·perior+, 4, -pertus [1 PAR-, PER-], _try thoroughly; test, try_, 16. +Ex·plōrātor+, -ōris, M. [PLV- (PLOV-)], _searcher out; scout, spy_, 5, 11, 17. Cf. speculātor. +Ex·plōrō+, 1 [PLV- (PLOV-)], _search out; try to find out, reconnoitre_, 4. +Ex·pūgnō+, 1 [PAC-, PAG-, PVG-], _take by storm; take_, 9, 10, 12. +Ex-spectō+, 1 [SPEC-], _look out for greatly; wait for, await_, 9, 16, 20. +Ex·struō+, 3, -strūxī, -strūctum [STRV-], _pile up thoroughly; erect, construct_, 30. +Extrēmus+, -a, -um, adj., _furthest; most distant, extreme_, 5, 8, 25; _last_, 11, 27, 33. F. +Facile+, adv. [FAC-], _easily_, 1, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25. +Facilis+, -e, adj. [FAC-], _able to be done; easy_, 27. +Faciō+, 3, fēcī, factum; pass. fīō, fĭerī, factus [FAC-], _do, perform_, 3, 5, 6, etc.; _make_, 1, 2, 6, etc.; _cause, bring about_, 4, 11. See certus. +Facultās+, -ātis, F. [FAC-], _power of doing; opportunity_; pl. _resources, facilities_, 1. +Fallō+, 3, fefellī, falsum, _cause to stumble; deceive_, 10. +Fastīgātus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of fastīgō), _brought to a point; sloping_, 8. Cf. adclīvis, dēclīvis. +Ferāx+, -ācis, adj. [1 FER-], _apt to bear; fertile_, 4. +Ferē+, adv. [2 FER-, FRE-], _nearly, almost_, 23, 25, 31. +Ferō+, ferre, tulī, lātum [1 FER-], _bear, bring, carry_, 10, 26, 28; _bear, endure_, 1, w. acc. and infin.; _rush_ (in pass.), 24. +Fertilitās+, -ātis, F. [1 FER-], _fruitfulness, fertility_, 4. +Ferus+, -a, -um, adj., _wild, fierce, ferocious_, 4, 15. +Fidēs+, fidē (rare), F. [1 FID-], _trust, confidence; protection_, 3, 13, 14, 15. +Fīlius+, -ī, M., _son_, 13. +Fīnis+, -is, M. [2 FID-], _dividing thing; end, limit_, 6, 19; pl. _land, territory_, 2, 4, 5, etc. +Fīnitimus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 FID-], _bordering upon; neighboring_, 2; pl. _neighbors_, 4, 16, 17, 28, 29, 31. +Fīō+, fĭerī, _factus, be made, become_, see +faciō+. +Flūmen+, -inis, N., _that which flows; river_, 5, 9, 10, etc. +Fōrs+, fōrte, nom. and abl. only, F. [1 FER-], _that which brings; chance_, 21. +Fōrte+, adv., abl. of fōrs, _by chance; perhaps_, 31. +Fortis+, -e, adj. [2 FER-], _courageous, brave, stout-hearted_, 25, 33. +Fort·iter+, adv. [2 FER-], _bravely, gallantly_, 11, 21, 26. +Fōrtūna+, -ae, F. [1 FER-], _fortune_, 16, 22, 31. +Fossa+, -ae, F., _thing dug; ditch_, 5, 8, 12, 32. +Frāter+, -tris, M., _brother_, 3. +Fremitus+, -ūs, M., _dull roar; din, noise_, 24. Cf. strepitus. +Frōns+, -ntis, F. [FVR-, FERV-], _brow; front_, 8, 23, 25. +Frūmentārius+, -a, -um, adj. [1 FVG-, FRVG-], _of grain_; w. res, _grain supply_, 2, 10. +Frūmentum+, -ī, N. [1 FVG-, FRVG-], _thing eaten; corn, grain_, 3. +Fuga+, -ae, F. [2 FVG-], _fleeing; flight, rout_, 11, 12, 23, 24, 26, 27. +Fugiō+, 3, fūgī, -- [2 FVG-], _flee, fly_, 11, 24. +Fūmus+, -ī, M., _rushing thing; smoke_, 7. +Funditor+, -ōris, M., _slinger_, 7, 10, 19, 24. +Furor+, -ōris, M. [FVR-], _raging; blind passion, madness_, 3. G. +Galba+, -ae, M., _king of the Suessiones_, 4, 13. +Galea+, -ae, F. [2 CAL-, SCAL-], _covering; helmet_, 21. +Gallia+, -ae, F., _Gaul_, 1, 2, 3, 4, 35. +Gallus+, -ī, M., _a Gaul_, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 17, 24, 30. +Gēns+, gentis, F., _what is begotten; race, tribe_, 28. +Germānī+, -ōrum, M., _Germans_, 1, 3, 4. +Gerō+, 3, gessī, gestum [GER-], _bear; carry on, go on with_, 9, 31, 35; pass., _be carried on, take place_, 2, 26; rēs gestae, _operations, campaigns_, 35. +Gladius+, -ī, M. [CEL-, CER-], _sword_, 23, 25. +Grātia+, -ae, F., _favor, popularity, influence_, 6. +Gravis+, -e, adj., _heavy; severe, serious_, 25. H. +Habeō+, 2 [HAB-], _grasp; have, possess_, 1, 3, 4, 8, 29; with reflex pronoun, _be_, 19. +Hībernācula+, -ōrum, N. [HĪM-], _winter quarters_, 35. +Hībernus+, -a, -um, adj. [HĪM-], _belonging to winter_; hīberna (castra), _winter quarters_, 1. +Hī·c+, haec, hōc, demonstr. pron. [CA-, CI-], _this, this of mine_, 1, 2, 4, etc.; _he, she, it_, 3, 4, 9, etc. +Hiemō+, 1 [HĪM-], _pass the winter_, 1. +Homō+, -inis, M. [HAM-], _man, person_, 1, 4, 6, 15, 27, etc. +Honōs (honor)+, -ōris, M., _honor, distinction_, 15. +Hostis+, -is, M., _one who hurts; enemy_, 5, 7, 8, 9, etc. I. +Iaceō+, 2, -ui, -- [IA-, IAC-], _be thrown; lie_, 27. +Iaciō+, 3, iēcī, iactum [IA-, IAC-], _hurl, throw_, 6, 32, 33; _throw up, construct_, 12. +Iam+, adv., _at this_ or _that time; now_, 19; neque iam, _and no longer_, 5, 20, 25, 33. +Ibī+, adv. [2 I-], _in that place, there_, 4, 5, 8, etc. +Iccius+, -ī, M., _Belgian of high rank_, 3, 6, 7. +Ī·dem+, eadem, idem, determ. pron. [2 I-; 3 DA-], _the very; same_, 3, 6, 7, 16, etc. +Iden·t·idem+, adv. [2 I-], _very same; again and again_, 19. +I·dōneus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 I-], _fit; suitable_, 8, 17. +Īgnis+, -is, M. [AG-], _fire; camp-fire_, 7; _signal-fire, beacon_, 33. +Ille+, -a, -ud, gen. illīus, demonstr. pron. [ANA-], _that; that one, the former_, 9, 33; _latter_, 19. +Illyricum+, -ī, N., _coastland on eastern side of upper Adriatic_, 35. +Im·pedīmentum (inp-)+, -ī, N. [PED-], _thing entangling; hindrance_, 25; pl., _baggage_, 17, 24, 29; _baggage-train, pack-animals_, 17, 19, 24, 26. Cf. sarcina. +Im·pediō (inp-)+, 4 [PED-], _get the feet in, entangle; hinder, embarrass, make difficult_, 9, 10, 17, 20, 22, 23, 28. +Im·pellō (inp-)+, 3, -pulī, -pulsum [PAL-, PEL-, PVL-], _drive on; incite, influence_, 14. +Im·perātor (inp-)+, -ōris, M. [2 PAR-, POR-], _commander_ (in chief), 25, 26. +Im·perātum+, -ī, N., _command_, 3, 35. +Im·perium (inp-)+, -ī, N. [2 PAR-, POR-], _command, order_, 1, 20, 22; _chief command, authority_, 4, 23; _power, control_, 1, 3, 11. +Im·perō (inp-)+, 1 [2 PAR-, POR-], _put a command upon; impose upon, command_, 3, 21, 28, 32, 35; _direct, dictate_, 11, 33; w. dat. and subjunctive w. ut. +Im·petrō (inp-)+, 1 [POT-], _accomplish; obtain, succeed in obtaining a request_, 12; w. ut and subjunctive. +Im·petus (inp-)+, -ūs, M. [PET-], _onset, attack, charge_, 11, 19, 21, 24, 25; _fury, violence_, 6. +Im·prō·vīsus (inp-)+, -a, -um, adj. [VID-], _not foreseen_; dē imprōvīsō, _unexpectedly, without notice_, 3. +In+, prep. w. acc. and abl. [ANA-], _into, to_, 2, 3, 5; _in_, 5, 8, 29, etc.; _in, within, on_, 1, 2, 8, etc.; _upon, over_, 5, 29, 30; _among_, 25; _in the case of_, 32. +In·cendō+, 3, -dī, -cēnsum, _put fire in; set on fire_, 7. +In·cĭdō+, 3, -cĭdī, -- [CAD-], _fall into; happen, occur_, 14. Cf. accĭdō, ēveniō. +In·cīdō+, 3, -cīdī, -cīsum [2 SAC-, SEC-, SCĪD-, CĪD-], _cut into, notch_, 17. +In·cipiō+, 3, -cēpī, -ceptum [CAP-], _take in hand; begin_, 2; w. compl. infin. +In·citō+, 1 [CI-], _set in rapid motion; urge on, hurry, hasten_, 26. Cf. impellō. +In·colō+, 3, -uī, -- _inhabit, live in_, 4; _live, dwell_, 3, 35. +In·crē·dibilis+, -e, adj. [CRAT-; 2 DA-], _not to be believed; marvellous, incredible_, 19. +In·crepitō+, 1, --, --, _make noise against; upbraid, taunt, abuse_, 15, 30. +In·cūsō+, 1 [CAV-], _make charges against, accuse, rebuke_, 15. +Inde+, adv. [2 I-], _from that; then, next_, 19. +In·dīgnitās+, -ātis, F., _unworthiness; outrage, insult_, 14. +In·dī·ligen·ter+, adv. [1 LEG-, LIG-], _carelessly, listlessly_, 33. +In·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead into; draw on, cover_, 33. +Ind·uō+, 3, -uī, -ūtum, _put into; put on_, 21. +In·eō+, -īre, -īvī and -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go into; enter upon, undertake_, 33; _begin_, 2, 35. +In·ermis+, -e, adj. [AR-], _without armor; unarmed_, 27. +Īnferior+, -ius, adj. (compar. of īnferus), _lower_, 25; _inferior_, 8. +Īnfimus+, -a, -um, adj. (superl. of above), _lowest; lowest part of, bottom_, 18. +Īn·ferō+, -ferre, -tulī, illātum (inlatum) [1 FER-], _bring into; make upon, wage_, 14, 29; _inspire in_, 25; _bring upon, cause, inflict_, 14, 32; _carry forward, advance_, 25, 26; _bring in, import_, 15; w. acc., or acc. and dat. +Īn·flectō+, 3, -flēxī, -flexum, _bend, bend down_, 17. +In·gredior+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _go into, enter_, 4. +In·imīcus+, -a, -um, adj. [AM-], _not friendly; hostile_, 31. Cf. hostis. +In·īquitās+, -ātis, F. [IC-, AIC-], _unevenness, inequality_, 22. +In·īquus+, -a, -um, adj. [IC-, AIC-], _not equal; uneven, unfavorable_, 10, 23, 27, 33. +In·itium+, -ī, N. [1 I-], _entering upon; beginning_, 9; w. partit. gen. +In·iūria+, -ae, F. [IV-, IVG-], _thing done contrary to justice; wrong, injury, violence_, 28, 32, 33. +In·nītor+, 3, -nīxus, _lean upon, prop one’s self on_, 27. +In·rīdeō (irr-)+, 2, -rīsī, -rīsum, _laugh in ridicule; laugh at, mock_, 30. +Īn·sequor+, 3, -secūtus [SEC-], _follow close upon; follow up, pursue_, 19, 23. +Īn·sidiae+, -ārum, F. [SED-, SID-], _taking a position at; stratagem, trap, snare_, 11. +Īn·sīgne+, -is, N. [3 SAC-], _distinctive mark; sign, signal_, 20; _ornament, crest_, 21. +Īn·sistō+, 3, -stitī, -- [STA-], _set one’s self on; take a stand on_, 27; w. dat. +Īn·star+, indecl., N., _image_; used as pred. adj., _like, in form of_, 17; w. gen. +Īn·stō+, 1, -stitī, -statūrus [STA-], _stand upon; press forward_, 25. +Īn·struō+, 3, -strūxī, -strūctum [STRV-], _build into; arrange, draw up_, 8, 20, 22; _build, erect_, 30. +Intel·legō (interl-)+, 3, -lēxī, -lēctum [1 LEG-], _choose between; understand, be aware, know, find out_, 8, 10, 33; w. acc. and infin.; 14, w. indir. quest. +Inter+, prep. w. acc. [ANA-], _in the midst; between_, 9, 17; _among_, 1, 4, 6, 15, 19, 24, 31. +Inter·cēdō+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go between; be between, move between_, 17. +Inter·cipiō+, 3, -cēpī, -ceptum [CAP-], _take between; intercept_, 27. +Inter·eā+, adv. [ANA-; 2 I-] _between these things; in the meantime, meanwhile_. +Inter·ficiō+, 3, -fēcī, -fectum [FAC-], _make to be between, break in pieces; kill, put to death_, 10, 11, 23, 25, 31. Cf. concīdō, occīdō. +Inter·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _hurl between; place_ or _plant among_, 17; pass., _intervene_, 22. +Inter·im+, adv. [ANA-; 2 I-], _in the meantime, meanwhile_, 9, 12, 19, 26. +Interior+, -ius, adj., compar. of obsolete interus [ANA-], _inner, interior of_, 2. +Inter·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _make go apart; discontinue, cease_, 25. +Inter·neciō+, -ōnis, F. [1 NEC-, NOC-], _complete destruction, annihilation_, 28. +Inter·scindō+, 3, -scidī, -scissum [2 SAC-, SEC-, SCĪD-], _separate by splitting; cut down, hew away, demolish_, 9. +Inter·sum+, -esse, -fuī [ES-], _be between; be the concern of, concern_, 5; w. gen. of price. +Inter·vāllum+, -ī, N. [1 VEL-, VAL-], _space between stakes of a palisade; distance, interval_, 23. Cf. spatium. +In·texō+, 3, -uī, -xtum [TEC-, TAX-], _weave in; plait_, 33. +Intrā+, prep. w. acc. [ANA-], _on the inside; within_, 4, 18, 19. +Intrō+, 1 [ANA-], _enter, penetrate_, 17. +Intrō·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead in, bring in_, 5, 10. +Intrō·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _cause to go within; let in, admit_, 33. +Intr·ōrsus+, adv. [VERT-], _towards the inside; into the interior, within_, 18. +In·ūsitātus+, -a, -um, adj. [1 AV-], _unusual, strange_, 31. +In·ūtilis+, -e, adj. [1 AV-], _useless; unserviceable, incapable_, 16; w. ad and acc. +In·veniō+, 4, -venī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come upon; find, learn_, 16; w. acc. and infin. Cf. cōgnōscō. +In·veterāscō+, 3, -āvī, -- [VET-], _become of long standing; gain a permanent foothold_, 1. +In·videō+, 2, -vīdī, -vīsum [VID-], _look towards; be jealous of, envy_, 31. +I·pse+, -a, -um (gen. ipsīus), intensive pron. [2 I-; 3 SA-], _person_ or _thing mentioned; self_, 3, 4, 5, etc.; sometimes conveniently rendered _he, they (the latter)_, 2, 20, 29. +Is+, ea, id, determ. pron. [2 I-], _person_ or _thing mentioned; he, that, this_, 1, 2, 3, etc.; akin to talis, foll. by subj. clause, 9, 16. +Ita+, adv. [2 I-], _in the way stated; so, thus_, 11, 33; w. ut, _in the way that, just as, as_, 1. +Ītalia+, -ae, F., _Italy_, 29, 35. +Ita·que+, conj. [2 I-; CA-, CI-], _and so; therefore_, 7, 22. +Item+, adv. [2 I-], _even so; so, likewise_, 1, 8, 13, 21, 23, 26. +Iter+, itineris, N. [1 I-], _going; march, route, line of march, road_, 6, 11, 12, 16, 17, 29. +Iubeō+, 2, iūssī, iūssum [IV-, IVG-], _order, command, bid_, 5, 11, 25, 28, 33, 35; w. acc. and infin. +Iū·dicō+, 1 [IV-, IVG-; DIC-], _declare what is law; judge, suppose, think_, 27. +Iugum+, -ī, N. [IV-, IVG-], _joining; ridge, chain of hills_, 24. +Iūs+, iūris, N. [IV-, IVG-], _thing binding; constitution, law_, 3. +Iūstitia+, -ae, F. [IV-, IVG-], _uprightness, justice, fairness_, 4. +Iuvō+, 1, iūvī, iūtum [DIV-, DI-, DIAV-], _delight; help, assist_, 3. +Iūxtā+, adv. [IV-, IVG-], _closely joined; close by, near at hand_, 26. L. +L.+, _prænomen Lucius_, 11. +Labiēnus+, -ī, M., _Titus Labienus, most eminent of Cæsar’s lieutenants_, 1, 11, 26. +Lapis+, -idis, M., _stone_, 6. +Lassitūdō+, -inis, F. [LAG-], _faintness, exhaustion_, 23. +Lateō+, 2, -uī, --, _lie hidden; be concealed_, 19. +Lātitūdō+, -inis, F. [STER-, STRA-, STLA-], _breadth; width, expanse, extent_, 7, 8, 12, 29; _lateral direction_, 17. +Lātus+, -a, -um, adj. [STER-, STRA-, STLA-], _extended; broad, wide_, 4, 27. +Latus+, -eris, N. [PLAT-], _thing extending; side, flank_, 5, 8, 23, 25. +Laxō+, 1 [LAG], _loose; change to open order, widen_, 25. +Lēgātiō+, -ōnis, F. [3 LEG-], _embassy, legation_, 35. +Lēgātus+, -ī, M. [3 LEG-], _envoy_, 6, 12, 15, 28, 31, 35; _lieutenant_, 2, 5, 9, 11, 20. +Legiō+, -ōnis, F. [1 LEG-], _levying; largest military division, consisting of 10 cohorts; legion_, 2, 8, 17, etc. +Legiōnārius+, -a, -um, adj. [1 LEG-], _belonging to a legion; legionary_, 27. +Lēn·iter+, adv. [1 I-], _gently, moderately_, 8, 29. +Levis+, -e, adj. [2 LEG-], _lightly moving; light_, 10, 24. +Levitās+, -ātis, F. [2 LEG-], _lightness; inconstancy, fickleness_, 1. +Lēx+, lēgis, F. [3 LEG-], _thing read; written law, law_, 3. Cf. iūs. +Līberāl·iter+, adv. [LIB-; 1 I-], _generously, graciously_, 5. +Līberī+, -erōrum, M. [LIB-], _those who do as they desire, free persons; children (of free parents)_, 5. +Littera+, -ae, F. [LI-], _written character_; pl., _letter, letters; despatch, despatches_, 1, 2, 35. +Locus+, -ī, M., _that placed or situated; place, point, position, situation_, 2, 4, 5, etc.; _state, condition_, 26; pl., +loca+, -ōrum, N., _region, section, tract_, 4, 19. +Longē+, adv. [2 LEG-], _in length; far, at a distance_, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21. +Longus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 LEG-], _long, lengthy_, 21. +Loquor+, 3, locūtus, _speak, talk_, 31. +Lūx+, lūcis, F., _that which shines; light, dawn, daylight_, 11. M. +Māchinātiō+, -ōnis, F., _contrivance, engine, machine_, 30, 31. +Magis+, adv. [MAC-, MAG-], _in a higher degree; more_, 22, 32. +Magistrātus+, -ūs, M. [MAC-, MAG-], _magistracy, ruler_, 3. +Māgnitūdō+, -inis, F. [MAC-, MAG-], _greatness, size, height_, 12, 27, 30. +Māgnus+, -a, -um, adj. [MAC-, MAG-], _increased; great_, 4, 5, 6, etc. +Māior+, -ius, adj., compar. of above, _greater_; māior nātū, _elder_, 13, 28. +Male·ficium+, -ī, N. [MAL-; FAC-], _evil-doing; outrage, hostile act_, 28. Cf. iniūria, indīgnitās. +Man·dō+, 1 [1 MA-, MAN-; 2 DA-], _put into one’s hands; give in charge, enjoin, order_, 5; _entrust, consign_, 24; w. acc. and dat. +Mani·pulus+, -ī, M. [1 MA-, MAN-; PLE-, PLV-], _thing filling the hand; (subdivision of a cohort), company, maniple_, 25. +Mān·suētūdō+, -inis, F. [1 MA-, MAN-; SOVO-, SVO-], _tameness; gentleness, kindness_, 14, 31. Cf. clēmentia. +Manus+, -ūs, F. [1 MA-, MAN-], _measuring thing; hand_, 13, 19, 30; _band, force_, 2, 5. +Maritimus (-umus)+, -a, -um, adj., _of the sea; on the coast, maritime_, 34. +Mātūrō+, 1, make ripe; _hasten, make haste_, 5. Cf. contendō. +Māximē+, adv., superl. of magis, q.v.; _most, very_, 4. +Medius+, -a, -um, adj., _in the middle; middle of_, 7. +Memoria+, -ae, F. [1 SMAR-, MAR-], _faculty of remembering; recollection, memory_, 4, 21. +Menapiī+, -ōrum, M., _Gallic tribe between the Meuse and Scheld_, 4. +Mercātor+, -ōris, M. [2 SMAR-, MER-], _trader_, 15. +Meritum+, -ī, N. [2 SMAR-, MER-], _thing deserved; deserts, merit_, 32. +Mīles+, -itis, M. [MĪL-], _one of the thousand; soldier_, 11, 20, 21, etc. +Mīlitāris+, -e, adj. [MĪL-], _of soldiers; pertaining to war, military_, 4, 22. +Mīlle+, pl. mīlia or mīllia, num. adj. [MĪL-], _large number associated; thousand_, 4, 6, 7, etc. +Minimē+, adv., superl. of minus, _least_, 33. +Minor+, -us, adj. [2 MAN-, MI-], _smaller_; minus, N., as adv., _less_, 1, 7, 20; _not_ (= nōn), 9. +Miser+, -era, -erum, adj. [MIS-], _wretched, miserable_, 28. +Miseri·cordia+, -ae, F. [MIS-], _heart-pity; pity, compassion_, 28. +Mittō+, 3, mīsī, mīssum [MIT-], _let go; send, despatch_, 2, 3, 5, etc. +Mōbilitās+, -ātis, F. [1 MV-, MOV-], _ability to be moved, agility; fickleness, inconstancy_, 1. Opp. to stabilitās. Cf. levitās. +Modo+, adv. [2 MA-, MAD-], _in a measure; only, merely_, 17, 21. +Modus+, -ī, M. [2 MA-, MAD-], _measuring thing; manner, fashion_, 31. +Moenia+, -ium, N. [2 MV-], _things that ward off; walls, city walls_, 6, 31. +Molestē+, adv. [MAC-, MAG-], _in a troublesome manner_; molestē ferre, _be annoyed or vexed_, 1; w. acc. and infin. +Moneō+, 2 [1 MAN-, MEN-], _cause to think; direct_, 26; w. acc., foll. by clause w. ut. +Mora+, -ae, F. [1 SMAR-, MAR-], _stopping, delay_, 15. +Morinī+, -ōrum, M., _tribe of Belgæ on Channel, near Calais_, 4. +Moror+, 1 [1 SMAR-, MAR-], _linger, tarry, delay_, 7, 10, 11. +Mōs+, mōris, M. [1 MA-, MAN-], _will; custom, manner_, 13, 15. Cf. cōnsuētūdō. +Moveō+, 2, mōvī, mōtum [1 MV-, MOV-], _set in motion; move_, 2, 31. +Mulier+, -eris, F. [MAL-], _woman, female_, 13, 16, 28. +Multitūdō+, -inis, F., _large number, body_, 4, 5, 6, etc.; _quantity, number_, 10, 32. +Multus+, -a, -um, adj., _much_, pl. _many_, 11, 25, 29. +Mūnīmentum+, -ī, N. [2 MV-], _means of defence; fortification, defence_, 17. +Mūniō+, 4 [2 MV-], _wall; fortify, erect defences about, protect, make_, (castra), 5, 12, 19, 20, 29. +Mūnītiō+, -ōnis, F. [2 MV-], _fortifying; fortification, works_, 33. +Mūrus+, -ī, M. [2 MV-], _encircling thing; wall, city wall_, 6, 12, 13, 17, 29, 30, 32. Cf. moenia. N. +Nam+, co-ord. conj. [GNA-], _for_, 6, 14, 16, 19, 23, 30; as enclitic, quisnam, _really, pray_, 30. Cf. the postpositive enim. +Nāscor+, 3, nātus [GEN-, GNA-], _be born; begin, arise_, 18. +Nātiō+, -ōnis, F. [GEN-, GNA-], _birth; race, people_, 35. Cf. populus, gēns. +Nātūra+, -ae, F. [GEN-, GNA-], _birth; nature, character_, 8, 15, 18, 22, 29. (+Nātus+, -ūs), only abl. sing., M. [GEN-, GNA-], _birth_, 13, 28. +Nāvō+, 1 [GNA-, GNO-], _perform with knowledge and zeal; do one’s best, exert one’s self_, 25. +Nē+, adv. and conj. [NA-], _no_; adv., _not_, 3, 17; conj., _that not, lest_ (after expressions involving fear), 1, 5, 8, etc. +Necessārius+, -a, -um, adj. [2 NEC-], _unavoidable; pressing, urgent_, 21. +Necessitās+, -ātis, F. [2 NEC-], _unavoidableness; necessity, compulsion_, 11; _urgency_, 22. +Neg·ōtium+, -ī, N., [1 AV-], _not leisure; business, task_, 2; _trouble, difficulty_, 17. +Nē·mō+, --, dat. nēminī, abl. wanting, M. and F. [HAM-], _no man; nobody, no one_, 33. +Ne·que+ or +nec+, adv. [NA-; CA-, CI-], _and not, and so not_, 3, 5, 10, etc.; neque ... neque, _neither ... nor_, 11, 12, 15, 25. +Nē·quī·quam+, adv. [CA-, CI-], _not in any way; to no purpose, in vain_, 27. +Nerviī+, -ōrum, M., _most warlike tribe of the Belgæ_, 4, 15, 16, etc. +Neuter+, -tra, -trum, gen. -trīus, adj. [CA-, CI-], _neither (of two)_, 9. +Nē·ve+ or +neu+, conj. [NA-], _and not; and that not_, 21. +Nihil+, indecl., N. [NA-], _nothing_, 15, 26, 28; as adv., _not at all_, 17, 20. +Ni·si+, conj. [NA-; SOVO-, SVO-], _if not, unless, except_, 6, 20, 32. +Nōbilitās+, -ātis, F. [GNA-, GNO-], _being known; high birth_, 6. +Noctū+, adv. [1 NEC-, NOC-], _by night_, 33. +Nōlō+, nōlle, nōluī, --, [VOL-], _not wish; be unwilling_, 1. +Nōmen+, -inis, N. [GNA-, GNO-], _means of knowing; name_, 4, 6, 28. +Nōminātim+, adv. [GNA-, GNO-], _by name, expressly_, 25. +Nōminō+, 1 [GNA-, GNO-], _name, mention_, 18. +Nōn+, adv. [NA-; 2 I-], _not one; not_, 2, 6, 8, etc. +Nōn·dum+, adv. [NA-; DIV-], _not yet_, 11. +Nōn·nūllus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 I-], _not none; some_, 1, 25. +Nōnūs+, -a, -um, adj., _ninth_, 23. +Nōs+, nostrum, pl. of ego, pron. [NV-], _we_, 9. +Noster+, -stra, -strum, poss. pron. [NV-], _our, ours_, 1, 4, 8, etc. +Novem+, num. adj., indecl., _nine_, 4. +Noviodūnum+, -ī, N., _chief town of Suessiones_, 12. +Novus+, -a, -um, adj. [NV-], _new, fresh_, 1, 2; _strange, novel_, 31; superl., _last, in the rear_, 11, 25, 26. +Nox+, -ctis, F. [1 NEC-, NOC-], _night_, 6, 7, 12, 17. +Nūdō+, 1, _make bare; bare, strip_, 6; _leave unguarded_, 23. +N·ūllus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 I-], _not any; none, no_, 11, 15, 32; as dat. of nēmō, _no one_, 6, 35. +Numerus+, -ī, M., _distributed thing; number, amount, numbers_, 4, 10, 17, 33. +Numida+, -ae, M., _Numidian_, 7, 10, 24. +Nun·c+, adv. [NV-; CA-, CI-], _now, at the present time_, 4. +Nūntiō+, 1 [NV-], _announce, report_, 2, 26, 28, 29, 32. +Nūntius+, -ī, M. [NV-], _person_ or _thing newly come; messenger_, 1; _message, news_, 2, 6; w. acc. and infin. O. +Ob+, prep. w. acc. [APA-], _towards; on account of_, 35. +Ob·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead towards; extend, construct_, 8. +Ob·itus+ (-ūs), M. [1 I-], _going to; destruction_, 29. Cf. interneciō. +Ob·sĕs+, -idis, M. and F. [SED-], _one staying in a place; hostage_, 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 35. +Ob·tineō+, 2, -uī, -tentum [1 TA-, TEN-], _lay hold of; have possession of, hold_, 4. +Ob·veniō+, 4, -vēnī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come in the way of; come against, meet_, 23; w. dat. +Oc·cāsus (obc-)+, -ūs, M. [CAD-], _going down; setting_, 11. +Oc·cīdō (obc-)+, 3, -cīdī, -cīsum [2 SAC-, SCĪD-, CĪD-], _strike against; kill, slay_, 10, 25, 33. +Oc·cultus (obc-)+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of occulō) [2 CAL-], _covered over; hidden, secret_, 18. +Oc·cupō (obc-)+, 1 [CAP-], _take hold of; cover, occupy_, 8; _take possession of, hold_, 1; pass., _be engaged, occupy one’s self_, 19. +Oc·currō (obc-)+, 3, -currī, -cursum [CEL-, CER-], _run towards; fall in with, meet; come against_, 21, 24, 27. Cf. obveniō. +Ōceanus+, -ī, M., _ocean, Atlantic_, 34. +Octāvus+, -a, -um, adj., _eighth_, 23. +Octō+, num. adj., indecl., _eight_, 6, 7. +Of·ferō (obf-)+, -ferre, obtulī, oblātum [1 FER-], _bring towards; offer, bear, carry_, 21. +O·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _let go; neglect, leave untried_, 17. +Omnis+, -e, adj. [AP-, OP-], _every, all, entire_, 1, 2, 3, etc. +Onus+, -eris, N. [AN-], _burden; bulk, weight_, 30. +Opera+, -ae, F. [AP-, OP-], _working; work, service_, 25. +Opīniō+, -ōnis, F. [AP-, OP-], _thinking; impression, idea, expectation_, 8, 35; _reputation_, 8, 24. +O·portet+, 2, -uit, --, impers. [2 PAR-, POR-], _is necessary; must, ought_, 20; w. pass. infin. or acc. and infin. +Op·pidānus (obp-)+, -a, -um, adj. [PED-], _of a town_; as noun, M., _townsman, inhabitant of a town (other than Rome)_, 7, 33. +Op·pidum (obp-)+, -ī, N. [PED-], _on the ground; town_, 3, 4, 6, etc. Cf. urbs; vīcus. +Op·portūnus (obp-)+, -a, -um, adj. [1 PAR-, PER-], _of what is opposite the harbor; suitable, convenient_, 8. Cf idōneus. +Op·pūgnātiō (obp-)+, -ōnis, F. [PAC-, PVG-], _act of assaulting; mode of attack, assault_, 6. +Op·pūgnō+, 1 [PAC-, PVG-], _fight against; attack, storm_, 6; _carry by assault_, 12. (+Ops+), opis, F. (no nom. or dat. sing.) [AP-, OP-], _obtaining thing; help, aid_, 31; pl., _resources_, 14. +Optimus+, -a, -um, adj. used as superl. of bonus [AP-, OP-], _best_, 10. +Opus+, -eris, N. [AP-, OP-], _obtaining thing; work, siege-work_, 12, 19, 20, 21; quantō opere, _how greatly_, māgnō opere, _very much_, 5. +Opus+, indecl. N. (really same word as above) [AP-, OP-], w. est, _is necessary, is needed_, 8, 22. +Ōrātiō+, -ōnis, F., _speaking; address, speech, words_, 5, 21. +Ōrdō+, -inis, M. [OL-, OR-], _weaving; succession, order_, 11, 19, 22; _rank, line_, 11, 19. +Orior+, 4, ortus [OL-, OR-], _bestir one’s self; arise, be raised_, 24; _be descended from_, 4. +Osismī+, -ōrum, M., _people of Gaul (in Brittany)_, 34. P. +P.+, abbrev. of Publius, 25, 34. +Pābulum+, -ī, N. [PA-], _thing affecting feeding; fodder, forage_, 2. +Pācō+, 1 [PAC-], _bring to peace; subdue_, 1, 35. +Paemanī+, -ōrum, M., _German tribe of the Belgæ_, 4. +Paene+, adv., _nearly, almost_, 10, 24. +Palūs+, -ūdis, F., _thing having wet clay; marsh, swamp, morass_, 9, 10, 28. +Pandō+, 3, -dī, passum [2 PAT-, PAD-], _cause to go; spread out, extend_, 13. +Pār+, paris, adj. [1 PAR-, PER-], _equal_, 18. +Parātus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of parō) [2 PAR-, POR-], _brought; made ready, ready, prepared_, 3, 9, 21; w. infin. or expression of purpose. +Pars+, partis, F. [2 PAR-, POR-], _that cut; part, portion_, 1, 4, 9, etc.; _quarter, direction_, 21, 24, 29; _point, side_, 5, 8, 22. +Partim+, adv. (acc. of Pars) [2 PAR-, POR-], _by a dividing; partly_, 1, 33. +Parvulus+, -a, -um, dim. adj. [PAV-], _very small; slight, unimportant_, 30. +Passus+, -ūs, M. [1 PAT-], _going; double pace, step, pace_, 8, 18; mīlia passuum, _mile_ (= 5000 feet), 6, 7, 11, 13, 16. +Pate·faciō+, 3, -fēcī, -factum [2 PAT-; FAC-], _make open; open, throw open_, 32. +Pateō+, 2, -uī, -- [2 PAT-], _stand open; be open, spread out, extend_, 7, 8. +Pater+, -tris, M. [PA-], _accomplisher of protecting or nourishing; father_, 4. +Patior+, 3, passus, _suffer, endure_, 31; _suffer, allow_, 15. +Patrius+, -a, -um, adj. [PA-], _of a father; of one’s ancestors, ancestral_, 15. +Paucus+, -a, -um, adj. [PAV-], _made to cease_; pl. only, _few_, 18; as substantive, _a few, small number_, 12. +Paulātim+, adv. [PAV-], _by little and little; gradually, gently_, 8, 26. +Paulis·per+, adv. [PAV-; 1 PAR-], _for a short time_, 7. +Paulō+, adv. (abl. N. of paulus) [PAV-], _by a little; a little_, 20. +Paululum+, dim. adv. [PAV-], _very little; very slightly_, 8. +Paulum+, adv. (acc. N. of paulus) [PAV-], _a little_, 25. +Pāx+, pācis, F. [PAC-], _binding thing; peace_, 6, 13, 15, 29, 31, 32. +Pedĕs+, -itis, M. [PED-], _one that goes on foot; foot-soldier_, 24. +Pedester+, -tris, -tre, adj. [PED-], _of infantry, infantry_, 17. +Pedius+, -ī, M., _Quintus Pedius_, Cæsar’s nephew, and lieutenant under him, 2, 11. +Pellis+, -is, F. [PLE-], _hide, skin_, 33. +Pellō+, 3, pepulī, pulsum [PAL-, PEL-], _cause to move; drive, dislodge_, 24; _rout, defeat_, 17, 19, 24. +Per+, prep. w. acc. [1 PAR-, PER-], _through; by, by means of_, 11, 20, 31; _on account of_, 16; _through, by way of_, 16; _over_, 10. +Per·ferō+, -ferre, -tulī, -lātum [1 FER-], _carry through; bear, endure_, 14; _bear, spread among_, 35. +Perīclitor+, 1 [1 PAR-, PER-], _test; prove, make trial_, 8. +Perīculum+, -ī, N. [1 PAR-, PER-], _means of trying, trial; danger, peril_, 5, 11, 26. +Per·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _let through; yield, give up_, 3, 31; w. acc. and dat. +Per·moveō+, 2, -mōvī, -mōtum [1 MV-, MOV-], _stir up thoroughly; disturb, alarm_, 12, 24. +Per·spiciō+, 3, -spēxī, -spectum [SPEC-], _see through_, 17, 18; _perceive clearly, find out, ascertain_, 11, 17, 32. +Per·suādeō+, 2, -sī, -sum, _thoroughly advise; prevail upon, persuade_, 10, 16; w. dat. and subjunctive w. ut. +Per·terreō+, 2 [TER-], _thoroughly frighten; demoralize, render panic-stricken_, 24, 27. Cf. perturbō. +Per·tineō+, 2, -uī, -- [1 TA-, TEN-], _thoroughly hold; extend to_, 19. +Per·turbō+, 1 [TVR-], _throw into utter confusion; disconcert, alarm_, 11, 21. Cf. permoveō. +Per·veniō+, 4, -vēnī, -ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come quite to; reach, arrive at_, 2, 11, 15, 17. +Pēs+, pedis, M. [PED-], _going thing; foot_, 5, 18, 29, 30. +Petō+, 3, -īvī and -iī, -ītum [PET-], _fall upon; seek_, 20, 24; _aim at, make for_, 11, 23; _seek, make request, ask_, 12, 14, w. ut and subjunct.; _ask, beg_, 13, 31, w. acc. +Pīlum+, -ī, N. [PIS-], _crushing thing; heavy javelin_, 23, 27. +Plānitiēs+ (-ēī), F. [PLAT-], _flatness; level stretch of country, plain_, 8. +Plērum·que+, adv. (acc. N. of plērusque), _for the most part, generally_, 30. +Plērus·que+, -raque, -rumque, adj. [PLE-; CA-, CI-], _larger part of; most of_, 4. +Plūrimus+, -a, -um, adj. (used as superl. of multus) [PLE-, PLO-, PLV-], _most_; acc. N. as adv., _most_, 4. +Pol·liceor+, 2 [LIC-, LIQV-], _offer very much; offer, promise_, 4, 35. +Pondus+, -eris, N., _weighing thing; weight, bulk_, 29. Cf. onus. +Pōnō+ [for portsinō], 3, posuī, positum [1 SA-, SI-], _let down; place, establish, pitch_, 5, 7, 8, 13; _place, base on_, 11. +Pōns+, pontis, M. [1 PAT-], _means of going; bridge_, 5, 9, 10. +Populor+, 1 [SCAL-, SPOL-], _pour out people; lay waste, ravage, raid_, 5, 9. Cf. dēpopulor, vāstō. +Populus+, -ī, M. [PLE-, PLO-], _the many; people, nation_, 1, 3, 13, etc. Cf. gēns. +Por·rēctus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of porrigō) [REG-, RIG-], _stretched out, stretched forward_, 19. +Porta+, -ae, F. [1 PAR-, POR-], _thing passed through; gate_, 6, 24, 32, 33. +Portō+, 1 [1 PAR-, POR-], _bear along, carry, convey_, 5, 29. +Poscō+, 3, poposcī, -- [PREC-] _ask for urgently; demand, request_, 15. Cf. petō. +Pos·sideō+, 2, -sēdī, -sessum [SED-], _have and hold, possess_, 4. +Pos·sum+, posse, potuī [POT-], _be able, can_, 1, 3, 4, etc.; _amount to, be influential_ or _powerful_, 4, 8. +Post+, prep. w. acc. [POS-], _behind; after_, 14, 29; _behind_, 5, 9, 19. +Post·eā+, adv. [POS-; 2 I-], _after this; afterwards_, 17, 30, 32. +Post·quam+, conj. [POS-; CA-], _after that; after, as soon as, when_, 5. +Postrēmō+, _at last, finally_. +Postrī·diē+, adv. (contr. from posterō diē) [POS-; DIV-, DI-], _on the day after_, 12, 33; w. gen. +Postulō+, 1 [PREC-], _ask, demand, require_, 4, 22, 33. Cf. poscō. +Potēns+, -entis, adj. [POT-], _able, mighty, powerful_, 1, 4. +Potestās+, -ātis, F. [POT-], _ability; power, control_, 3, 31, 34; _power, ability_, 6. +Potior+, 4 [POT-], _become master of; get control of, gain_, 7, 24, 26; w. abl. +Potius+, adv. (compar.) [POT-], _rather, preferably_, 10; foll. by quam. +Prae+, prep. w. abl. [PRO-, PRI-, PRAE-], _before; in comparison with_, 30. +Prae·acūtus+, -a, -um, adj. [1 AC-], _sharpened in front; pointed, sharpened at the point_, 29. +Prae·beō+ [for praehibeō], 2 [HAB-], _hold forth; furnish, afford_, 17. +Prae·ceps+, -ipitis, adj. [CAP-], _head foremost; headlong, in haste_, 24. +Prae·dor+ [for praehedor], 1, _make booty; plunder, raid_, 17, 24. +Prae·ferō+, -ferre, -tūlī, -lātum [1 FER-], _bear before; place before, thrust forward, outdo_, 27; w. acc. and dat. +Prae·ficiō+, 3, -fēcī, -fectum [FAC-], _place over; put at the head of, place in command of_, 11; w. acc. and dat. +Prae·mittō+, 3, -mīsi, -mīssum [MIT-], _send before; send in advance_, 11, 17, 19. +Prae·scrībō+, 3, -psī, -ptum [SCARP-, SCALP-], _write before; dictate, prescribe, direct_, 20; w. dat. and indir. question. +Prae·sertim+, adv. [1 SER-, SVAR-], _by an arranging before; especially, particularly_, 30. +Prae·sidium+, -ī, N. [SED-], _sitting before; guard, defence, support_, 5, 19, 26, 29, 33; _protection, safety_, 11. +Prae·stō+, 1, -stitī, -- [STA-], _stand before; excel_, 15; _put forth, exhibit_, 27; _be preferable, be better_ (impers.), 31. +Prae·sum+, -esse, -fuī [ES-], _be before; be in charge of, command_, 6, 9; w. dat. +Praeter·eā+, _in addition_. +Premō+, 3, pressī, pressum, _press; push closely, press hard_, 24. +Prīmi·pīlus+, -ī, M. [PRO-, PRI-; PIS-], _first centurion of the triarii_, 25. +Prīmō+, adv. [PRO-], _at first_, 8. +Prīmum+, adv. (acc. N. of prīmus) [PRO-, PRI-], _first thing; first, in the first place_, 1, 10, 30; cum prīmum, _as soon as_, 2. +Prīmus+, -a, -um, adj. [PRO-, PRI-], _first, foremost_, 10, 11, 17, etc.; as noun, M., _chief, leading man_, 3, 13. +Prīn·ceps+, -ipis, adj. [PRO-, PRI-; CAP-], _taking first place_; as noun, _leader, chief_, 5, 14. Cf. prīmus. +Prior+, -ius, gen. -ōris, adj. [PRO-, PRI-], _former; those preceding, men in front_, 11. Opp. novissimī. +Prīs·tinus+, -a, -um, adj. [PRO-, PRI-; 1 TA-, TEN-] _former; former, old time_, 21. +Prius+, adv. (acc. N. of prior) [PRO-, PRI-], _earlier, sooner_, 32; foll. by quam. +Prius·quam+, adv., conj. (= prius quam) [PRO-, PRI-; CA-], _sooner than, before_, 12; w. subj. Cf. prius quam, 32. +Prō+, prep. w. abl. [PRO-, PRI-], _before; in front of, before_, 8; _in behalf of_, 14; _in proportion to, to the best of one’s ability_, 25; _in accordance with, agreeably to_, 31. +Prō·cēdō+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go forward; advance, proceed_, 20, 25. +Pro·cul+, adv. [CEL-], _driven forward; at a distance, afar off_, 30. +Prō·cumbō+, 3, -cubuī, -cubitum, _bend forwards; fall forward, sink to the ground_, 27. +Proelior+, 1, _fight, contend_, 23. Cf. dīmicō, congredior. +Proelium+, -ī, N., _fighting, fight_, 23, 25, 26, 27; _skirmish, engagement, battle_, 8, 9, 20, 21, 28, 30. +Pro·fectiō+, -ōnis, F. [FAC-], _going away; setting out, departure_, 11. +Pro·ficīscor+, 3, -fectus [FAC-], _begin to go forward; set out, go, march_, 2, 21, 25, 35. +Prō·flīgō+, 1 [FLAG-, FLIG-], _strike to the ground; rout, defeat_, 23. Cf. pellō, cōniciō. +Pro·fugiō+, 3, -fūgī, -- [2 FVG-], _flee before; flee for refuge, escape_, 14. +Prō·gnātus+, -a, -um, adj. [GEN-, GN-, GNA-], _born, descended, sprung from_, 29. +Prō·gredior+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _go forward; advance, proceed_, 10, 23. Cf. prōcēdō. +Pro·hibeō+, 2 [HAB-], _hold before; hinder, prevent_, 4, w. acc. and infin.; _keep from, cut off_, 9, 28, w. acc. and abl. +Prō·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _cast forward; give up, abandon, renounce_, 15. +Prō·moveō+, 2, -mōvī, -mōtum [1 MV-, MOV-], _move forward, advance_, 31. +Prope+, adv. [PARC-, PLEC-], _near; nearly, almost_, 28, 32. +Pro·perō+, 1 [2 PAR-, POR-], _hasten, make haste_, 11, 35. +Propīnquitās+, -ātis, F. [PARC-, PLEC-], _nearness, proximity_, 20; _family connection, kinship_, 4. Cf. adfīnitās. +Propīnquus+, -a, -um, adj. [PARC-, PLEC-], _being near; near, close, adjacent_, 35, w. dat. +Prō·pōnō+, 3, -posuī, -positum [1 SA-, SI-], _place before; put forth, expose to view, display_, 20. +Prop·ter+, prep. w. acc. [PARC-, PLEC-], _near; on account of_, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. +Propter·eā+, adv. [PARC-, PLEC-], _on account of that_; foll. by quod, _for the reason (that), because_, 4; foll. by indic. +Prō·pūgnō+, 1 [PAC-, PAG-, PVG-], _fight before; fight in defence, make defensive sallies_, 7. +Prō·sequor+, 3, -secūtus [SEC-], _follow onward; pursue, follow after_, 11; _follow, address_, 5. +Prō·spectus+, -ūs, M. [SPEC-], _forward look; out-look, distant view, prospect_, 22. +Prō·tinus+, adv. [1 TA-, TEN-], _before one’s self; at once, immediately_, 9. +Prō·turbō+, 1 [TVR-], _drive forward; drive off, frighten away_, 19. Cf. pellō. +Prō·videō+, 2, -vīdī, -vīsum [VID-], _see before; look out, see, attend to_, 22. +Prō·vincia+, -ae, F. [VIC-], _territory acquired by conquest; province_, 29. +Prō·volō+, 1, -āvī, --, _fly forth; hasten forth, hurry forward_, 19. +Proximē+, adv., superl. of prope [PARC-, PLEC-], _nearest; most recently, last_, 8, 19. +Proximus+, -a, -um, adj. (superl. of propior, no pos.) [PARC-, PLEC-], _nearest, closest_, 3, 12, 33; _next, following_, 27, (of time) 12, 35. +Prū·dentia+ (for prō·videntia), -ae, F. [VID-], _seeing before; foresight, wisdom, prudence_, 4. +Pūblicus+, -a, -um, adj. [PLE-, PLO-], _belonging to the people_; w. rēs, _republic, state, government_, 5. +Puer+, -erī, M., _one begotten; boy, child_, 13, 28. +Pūgna+, -ae, F. [PAC-, PAG-, PVG-], _thrusting thing; fight, battle_, 16, 25, 28, 29. Cf. proelium. +Pūgnō+, 1 [PAC-, PAG-, PVG-], _fight, contend_, 8, 10, 21, 26, 27, 33. Cf. congredior, contendō, dīmicō, proelior. Q. +Q.+, abbrev. for +Quīntus+, 2, 5, 9, 11. +Quā+, adv. (abl. F. of quī) [CA-], _on which side; at what point, where_, 33. +Quadrin·gentī+, -ae, -a, num. adj. [CEN-], _four hundred_, 8. +Quaerō+, 3, -sīvī, -sītum, _seek; ask, enquire, make enquiry_, 4, 15; _look for, seek, try to find_, 21. Cf. petō. +Quam+, adv. (acc. of quī) [CA-], _in what manner; than_, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31, 32. Cf. āc (19). +Quam·vīs+, adv. [CA-; VOL-], _as you will; as much as you like, any-so-ever, any_, 31. +Quantus+, -a, -um, adj. [CA-], _how great, how many_, 4, 5, 14, 26, in indir. quest.; _as great as, as much as_, 8, 11. Cf. tantus. +Quartus+, -a, -um, adj., _fourth_, 25. +Quattuor+, num. adj., indecl., _four_, 33. +Que+, enclitic conj. [CA-, CI-], _and_, 1, 2, 3, etc. Joins kindred expressions; sometimes couples a sentence to a preceding one. Cf. et, atque. +Quī+, quae, quod, rel. and adj. pron. [CA-, CI-], _who, which, what, that_, 1, 2, 3, etc. +Quī·dam+, quaedam, quoddam, indef. pron. [CA-, CI-; 3 DA-], _certain one, some one_, 17. +Qui·dem+, adv. [CA-, CI-; 3 DA-], _certainly_; nē ... quidem, enclosing emphatic word or expression, _not even_, 3, 17. +Quī·n+, conj. w. subj. [CA-, CI-; NA-], _by which not; but that, that, from_, 2, 3. +Quī·nam (quis-)+, quae-, quod-, interrog. pron. [CA-, CI-], _for who? who, which, what, pray? what in the world?_ 30. +Quīn·decim+, num. adj., indecl. [DEC-], _fifteen_, 2, 4, 30, 35. +Quīn·gentī+, -ae, -a, num. adj. [CEN-], _five hundred_, 28. +Quīnquā·gintā+, num. adj., indecl., _fifty_, 4, 33. +Quīnque+, num. adj., indecl., _five_. +Quis+, quae, quid? interrog. pron. [CA-, CI-], _who? which? what?_ 4, 8, 11, etc. Indef. after sī and nē, _any one, any_, 8, 14, 32, 33. +Quis·quam+, --, quicquam (quidq-), indef. pron. [CA-, CI-], _any, any at all_, 17; in negative clauses. +Quis·que+, quae-, quid- (quod-), indef. pron. [CA-, CI-], _each, each one, every_, 4, 10, 11, 21, 22, 25. +Quis·quis+, --, quicquid (quidq-) or quodquod, indef. rel. pron. [CA-, CI-], _whatever, whatsoever, everything which_, 17. +Quō+, rel. adv. (dat. and abl. of quī) [CA-, CI-], _in what place_; (dat. use) _where, whither_, 16 17, 21; conj. (rel. adv.), = ut eō, _by which, so that, that_, 25. +Quod+, conj. (acc. N. of qui) [CA-, CI-], _that; in that, because_, 1, 4, 10, etc.; _the fact that_, 17. +Quo·que+, adv. [CA-, CI-], _also, too, as well_, 10, 22; placed after word to be emphasized. R. +Rāmus+, -ī, M., _growing thing; branch_, 17. +Ratiō+, -ōnis, F. [RA-], _reckoning; consideration_, 10; _plan, method, system_, 19, 22. +Re-, Red-+, _back, away_, in comp. only. +Re·cipiō+, 3, -cēpī, -ceptum [CAP-], _take back; admit, receive_, 3, 15; with reflex. pron., _recover_, 12; _betake one’s self, retreat, go_, 11, 19, 24. Cf. sē cōnferre. +Red·dō+, 3, -didī, -ditum [1 DA-], _give back; render_, 5. +Red·eō+, -īre, -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go back; recede, decline, slope away_, 8. +Red·igō+, 3, -ēgī, -āctum [AG-], _drive back; bring down, reduce_, 14, 28, 34; _render_, 27. Cf. reddō. +Red·in·tegrō+, 1 [TAG-], _make whole again; renew, restore_, 23, 25, 27. +Rēdonēs+, -um, M., _tribe of Brittany_, 34. +Re·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead back_, 9. +Re·ferō+, -ferre, rettulī, -lātum [1 FER-], _bear back; report, announce_, 33. Cf. adferō, renūntiō. +Re·fringō+, 3, -frēgī, -frāctum, _break back; break open, tear open_, 33. +Regiō+, -ōnis, F. [REG-], _directing, direction; region, district, locality, country_, 4. +Rēgnum+, -ī, N. [REG-], _that which rules; power, control_, 1. +Rē·iciō+, 3, -iēcī, -iectum [IA-, IAC-], _hurl back; throw back, drive back_, 33. +Re·languēscō+, 3, -guī, -- [LAG-], _lose energy, be weakened_, 15. +Re·linquō+, 3, -līquī, -līctum [LIC-, LIQV-] _leave behind, leave_, 5, 8, 29. +Re·liquus+, -a, -um, adj. [LIC-, LIQV-], _remaining; other, rest of_, 2, 3, 5, etc.; as noun, M., _the rest, the others_, 10, 25. +Rēmī+, -ōrum, M., _people of Belgium on the Axona_, 3, 4, 5, etc. +Re·mittō+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _send back; hurl back, return_, 27; _relax, weaken_, 15. +Rēmus+, -ī, M., _a Remian_, 6. +Re·nūntiō+, 1 [NV-], _bring back word; announce, report_, 24; w. dat. and acc. and infin. Cf. adferō, referō. +Re·pellō+, 3, reppulī, -pulsum [PAL-, PEL-, PVL-], _drive back, repulse_, 10. Cf. rēiciō. +Repentīnō+, adv. (abl. of repentīnus), _suddenly_, 33. +Re·periō+, 4, repperī, -pertum [2 PAR-, POR-], _produce again; find, find out, ascertain_, 9; w. acc. and infin., 4, 15. +Rēs+, reī, F. [RA-], _thing spoken of; thing, circumstance, matter, affair, business, fact_, 1, 2, 3, etc.; rēs frūmentāria, _grain-supply, provisions_, 2; rēs pūblica, _state, republic_, 5. +Re·sistō+, 3, -stitī, -- [STA-], _stand back; hold one’s ground, maintain one’s position, resist_, 22, 23, 26. +Re·spiciō+, 3, -spēxī, -spectum [SPEC-], _look back, look behind one_, 24. +Re·spondeō+, 2, -ndī, -spōnsum, _promise in return; reply, answer_, 32. +Re·tineō+, 2, -uī, -tentum [1 TA-, TEN-], _keep back; keep up, maintain_, 21; _keep back, reserve_, 32, 33. +Re·vertor+, 3, -versus (active in perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect: reverti, reverteram, revertero) [VERT-], _turn back; return, go back_, 10, 14, 29, 35. +Re·vocō+, 1 (VOC-, VAG-), _call back, summon_, 20. +Rēx+, rēgis, M. [REG-], _ruler; king, chieftain_, 4, 13. +Rhēnus+, -ī, M., _the Rhine_, 3, 4, 29, 35. +Rīpa+, -ae, F., _bank, river-bank_, 5, 23, 27. +Rōmānus+, -a, -um, adj., _Roman_, 1, 3, etc.; as noun, M., _Roman_, 10, 12, 13, etc. +Rubus+, -ī, M., _red-colored thing; bramble_, 17. +Rūmor+, -ōris, M., _sounding; report, rumor_, 1. +Rūpēs+, -is, F. [RAP-, RVP-], _broken thing; cliff, steep rock_, 29. +R·ūrsus+, adv. [VERT-], _turned back; again, back again_, 19, 23, 24. S. +Sabīnus+, -ī, M., _Q. Titurius Sabinus, lieutenant of Cæsar_, 5. +Sabis+, -is, M., _river Sambre in country of Nervii_, 16, 18. +Saepēs+, -is, F. [1 SAC-, SAG-], _hedge_, 17, 22. +Sagittārius+, -ī, M. [1 SAC-, SAG-], _of an arrow; archer, bowman_, 7, 10, 19. +Salūs+, -ūtis, F. [SAL-, SER-], _being well; preservation, salvation, safety_, 27, 33; _well-being, welfare_, 5. +Sarcinae+, -ārum, F., _bundle; luggage, personal baggage_, 17. +Saxum+, -ī, N. [2 SAC-, SEC-], _fragment of rock; rock, stone_, 29. +Scientia+, -ae, F. [2 SAC-, SEC-, SCI-], _knowing; knowledge_, 20. +Scrībō+, 3, -psī, -ptum [SCARP-, SCALP-], _scratch; write, give an account_, 29. +Scūtum+, -ī, N. [SCV-, CV-], _covering thing; shield_, 21, 25, 27, 33. +Sectiō+, -ōnis, F. [2 SAC-, SEC-], _cutting; lot of booty, booty_, 33. +Secundum+, prep. w. acc. (acc. N. of secundus) [SEC-], _following; in the direction of, along_, 18. +Secundus+, -a, -um, adj. [SEC-], _following; second_, 11; _successful, favorable_, 9. +Sed+, co-ord. conj., adversative [SOVO-, SVO-], _apart from; but_, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 32. +Senātor+, -ōris, M. [SEN-], _old man; elder, senator_, 28. +Senātus+, -ūs, M. [SEN-], _office of an old man; council, senate_, 5. +Senonēs+, -um, M., _tribe on upper Seine_, 2. +Sententia+, -ae, F. [SENT-], _thinking; opinion, view_, 10. +Sentēs+, -ium, M., _thorns, briars, brambles_, 17. +Septimus+, -a, -um, adj., _seventh_, 23, 26. +Sequor+, 3, secūtus [SEC-], _follow; go along, accompany_, 17; _follow, result_, 22. +Servitūs+, -ūtis, F. [1 SER-, SVAR-], _slavery, servitude, subjection_, 14. +Servō+, 1 [SAL-, SER-], _save; keep, maintain_, 33. +Sex+, num. adj., indecl., _six_, 5, 8, 19, 29. +Sexāgintā+, num. adj., indecl., _sixty_, 4. +Sex·centī+, -ae, -a, num. adj. [CEN-], _six hundred_, 15, 28. +Sī+, conj. [SOVO-, SVO-], _if, in case_, 5, 8, 9, etc.; _to see if, whether_, 9, w. indir. question. +Sī·c+, adv. [3 SA-; CA-, CI-], _in this manner; so, in such a manner_, 32; _in following manner, as follows_, 4, 15. +Sīgni·fer+, -erī, M. [3 SAC-; 1 FER-], _standard-bearer, ensign_, 25. +Sīgni·ficātiō+, -ōnis, F. [3 SAC-; FAC-], _pointing out; announcement, signal_, 33. +Sīgni·ficō+, 1 [3 SAC-; FAC-], _show by signs; indicate, show_, 7; _announce, make known_, 13; w. acc. and infin. +Sīgnum+, -ī, N. [3 SAC-], _mark; signal, sign_, 20, 21; _military standard, ensign_, 21, 25, 26; -- convertere, _face about, wheel_, 26; -- īnferre, _advance to attack, charge_, 25; ad -- cōnsistere, _rally round the standards_, 21. +Silva+, -ae, F. [2 SER-, SVAL-], _wood, forest_, 18, 19. +Silvestris+, -e, adj. [2 SER-, SVAL-], _of a wood; wooded_, 18. +Simul+, adv. [2 SA-, SIM-], _together; at the same time_, 24. +Si·ne+, prep. w. abl. [SOVO-], _without_, 5, 11, 15, 25, 31. +Singulāris+, -e, adj. [2 SA-, SEM-, SIM-], _one by one; remarkable, extraordinary_, 24. Cf. eximius. +Singulī+, -ae, -a, distrib. num. adj. [2 SA-, SEM-, SIM-], _one to each; one at a time, separate, single_, 17, 20. +Sinister+, -tra, -trum, adj. left, _on the left_, 23. +Sōl+, -is, M. [2 SER-, SVAL-], _sun_, 11. +Solli·citō+, 1 [SAL-; CI-], _move violently; stir up, instigate, incite_, 1. +Sōlum+, adv. (acc. N. of sōlus) [SAL-, SER-], _alone, only_, 14. +Sōlus+, -a, -um, adj. [SAL-, SER-], _alone, only, sole_, 4. +Spatium+, -ī, N., [SPA-, PA-], _race-course; space, distance_, 17, 30; _extent, time_, 11. +Speciēs+, -iēī, F. [SPEC-], _seeing; sight, form, appearance_, 31. +Speculātor+, -ōris, M. [SPEC-], _searcher; scout, spy_, 11. Cf. explōrātor. +Spēs+, -eī, F. [SPA, PA-], _hope, expectation_, 7, 25, 27, 33. +Spīritus+, -ūs, M., _breathing; feeling, pride, haughtiness_, 4. +Statim+, adv. [STA-], _in standing; at once, immediately_, 11. Cf. prōtinus. +Statiō+, -ōnis, F. [STA-], _standing; guard, out-post, picket_, 18. +Statuō+, 3, -uī, -ūtum [STA-], _make stand; fix, determine, decide_, 8, 31. +Statūra+, -ae, F. [STA-], _standing upright; stature, size_, 30. +Strepitus+, -ūs, M., _clashing, clatter, noise, din_, 11. Cf. clāmor, fremitus. +Studeō+, 2, -uī, -- [SPA-, PA-], _be eager; strive after, be bent upon, desire_, 1; _devote one’s self to, pay attention to_, 17; w. dat. +Studium+, -ī, N. [SPA-, PA-], _zeal, eagerness, enthusiasm_, 7. +Sub+, prep. w. abl. and acc., _under, beneath_, 17; _near to, toward_, 11, 33. +Sub·eō+, -īre, -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go under; go near, approach closely, come up_, 25, 27. Cf. adpropīnquō, succēdō. +Sub·itō+, adv. (abl. of subitus) [1 I-], _by coming on stealthily; suddenly, unexpectedly_, 19; _hastily, offhand_, 33. Cf. repentīnō. +Sub·mittō (summ-)+, 3, -mīsī, -mīssum [MIT-], _send below; send to aid, despatch, send_, 6, 25; w. dat. +Sub·ruō (surr-)+, 3, -ruī, -rutum, _tear down below; undermine, dig under_, 6. +Sub·sequor+, 3, -secūtus [SEC-], _follow closely, pursue_, 11, 19. +Sub·sidium+, -ī, N. [SED-], _sitting behind; reserve forces, reserves_, 22, 25; _aid, assistance, help_, 6, 7, 8, 20, 26. Cf. auxilium. +Suc·cēdō (subc-)+, 3, -cessī, -cessum [CAD-], _go below; draw near, approach closely_, 6. Cf. subeō, adpropīnquō. +Suc·cessus (subc-)+, -ūs, M. [CAD-], _going below; advance, close approach_, 20. +Suessiōnēs+, -um, M., _German tribe north of the Marne_, 3, 4, 12, 13. +Suī+, sibi, sē (sēsē), reflex. pron. referring to subject or speaker, [SOVO-, SVO-], _self; of himself, of themselves_, etc., 1, 2, 3, etc. +Sum+, esse, fuī [ES-], _be; exist, be_, 1, 2, 3, etc. +Summa+, -ae, F. (f. of summus, sc. rēs), _highest (thing); chief control, general management_, 4, 23. +Summus+, -a, -um, adj. (superl. of superus), _highest, greatest, topmost_, 6, 23, 24, 32; _highest part, summit, top_, 18, 26. +Sū·mō+, 3, -mpsī, -mptum [EM-], _take, claim, assume_, 4. +Superior+, -ius, gen. -ōris, adj. compar. of superus, _higher, upper_, 18, 23, 26; _preceding, former, past_, 20. Cf. altior; prīstinus. +Superō+, 1, _go over; defeat, vanquish_, 24. Cf. vincō. +Super·sedeō+, 2, -sēdī, -sessum [SED-], _sit over; refrain from, omit, postpone_, 8; w. abl. +Super·sum+, -esse, -fuī [ES-], _be above; remain, survive_, 27, 28. +Sup·plex (subpl-)+, -icis, adj. [PARC-, PLEC-], _folding the knees beneath; suppliant, beseeching_, 28. +Sup·plicātiō (subpl-)+, -ōnis, F. [PARC-, PLEC-], _kneeling down; thanksgiving_, 35. +Suprā+, adv., _on upper side; above, before_, 1, 18, 29. +Sus·tentō+, 1 [1 TA-, TEN-], _keep holding up; hold out, maintain one’s self_, 6, 14. +Sus·tineō+, 2, -uī, -tentum [1 TA-, TEN-], _hold up under; withstand, sustain_, 11, 21; with reflex. pron., _hold out_, 6; _keep upright, stand up_, 25. +Suus+, -a, -um, poss. adj. [SOVO-, SVO-], _of himself, his own, their own_, etc., 3, 4, 5, etc.; as noun, M., _their (his) countrymen, friends_, 6, 8, 9, etc.; N., _property, possessions_, 3, 13, 29. T. +T.+, praenomen _Titus, T. Labienus_, 11, 26. +Tam+, adv. [2 TA-], _so far; so, to such a degree_, 21. +Tamen+, adv. [2 TA-], _in so far; still, however; nevertheless_ 8, 32. +Tantulus+, -a, -um, dim. adj. [2 TA-], _so small; so trifling_, 30. Cf. parvulus. +Tantus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 TA-], _of such size; so great, so much_, 3, 5, 6, etc. +Tardō+, 1, _make slow, retard, check_, 25. +Tardus+, -a, -um, adj., _slow (weary, exhausted)_, 25. +Tegimenta (tegu-)+, -ōrum, N., _means of covering; covering, cover_, 21. +Tēlum+, -ī, N. [TEC-], _missile, weapon, javelin_, 6, 10, 21, 25, 27, 33. +Tempus+, -oris, N. [1 TA-, TEN-], _time_ (in general), 5, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24, 33, 34; _moment_, 19; _time, period, day_, 17, 35; _emergency, crisis_, 22. +Tendō+, 3, tetendī, tentum (tēnsum) [1 TA-, TEN-], _stretch; stretch out, extend_, 13. Cf. pandō. +Teneō+, 2, -uī, -- [1 TA-, TEN-], _hold, have_, 23; _hold, surround_, 24. +Tener+, -era, -erum, adj. [1 TA-, TEN-], _tender, young_, 17. +Terror+, -ōris, M. [TER-, TERS-], _frightening; great fear, fright, panic_, 12. +Tertius+, -a, -um, adj., _third_, 1, 32, 33. +Testūdō+, -inis, F., _having a shell; tortoise, bulwark of shields_, 6. +Teutonī+, -ōrum (-ēs, -um), M., _German tribe_, 4, 29. +Timeō+, 2, -uī, --, _fear, be afraid, entertain fears_, 26, w. nē followed by subjunctive. +Titurius+, -ī, M., _Q. Titurius Sabinus, lieutenant of Cæsar’s_, 5, 9, 10. +Titus+, -ī, M., _praenomen of Labienus, Cæsar’s lieutenant_, 11, 26. +Tormentum+, -ī, N. [TARC- (TARP-), TREP-], _thing twisted; machine of war, engine for hurling_, 8. +Tot·idem+, adj., indecl. [2 TA-; 3 DA], _just as many, same number of_, 4. +Tōtus+, -a, -um, gen. totīus, adj. [TV-, TO-], _increased; whole, entire_, 4, 6, 19, 23. +Trabs+, trabis, F. [TARC- (TARP-), TREP-], _beam, timber_, 29. +Trā·dō+, 3, -didī, -ditum [1 DA-], _give over; hand over, give up, surrender_, 13, 15, 31, 32. +Trā·dūcō+, 3, -xī, -ductum [DVC-], _lead over; lead across, bring over_, 4, 5, 9, 10. +Trāns+, prep. w. acc., _across, over, beyond_, 16, 35. +Trāns·eō+, -īre, -iī, -itum [1 I-], _go over; go across, cross_, 9, 10, 23, 24, 27. +Trāns·gredior+, 3, -gressus [GRAD-], _go over; go across, cross_, 19. Cf. trānseō. +Trāns·versus+, -a, -um, adj. [VERT-], _turned across; crosswise, at right angles, oblique_, 8. +Trēs+, tria, gen. -ium, num. adj., _three_, 11, 18, 28, 33. +Trēverī+, -ōrum, M., _Celtic tribe on the Moselle_, 24. +Tribūnus+, -ī, M., _tribune_, 26. +Trī·duum+, -ī, N. [DIV-, DI-, DIAV-], _three days’ time_, 16. +Tuba+, -ae, F., _trumpet_, 20. +Tum+, adv. [2 TA-], _then, at that time_, 2, 6; _then, in addition, further_, 27, 29; cum ... tum, _both ... and_, 4. +Tumultus+, -ūs, M. [TV-, TVM-], _swelling; confusion, uproar, noise_, 11. Cf. strepitus. +Tumulus+, -ī, M. [TV-, TVM-] _swelling up; mound, hillock, hill_, 27. +Turonēs+, -um (-ī, -ōrum), M., _tribe of Gaul on Loire_, 35. +Turpitūdō+, -inis, F. [TARC- (TARP-), TREP-], _ugliness; disgrace, dishonor_, 27. +Turris+, -is, F. [TVR-], _tower_, 12, 30, 33. +Tūtus+, -a, -um, adj. (P. of tueor), _well guarded; safe, secure_, 5, 28. U. +Ubi+, rel. adv. [CA-, CI-], _in which place; where_, 8, 35; _when, as soon as_, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19, 25, 30, 31. +Ūllus+, -a, -um, gen. ūllīus, dim. adj. [2 I-], _any one (at all), any_, 11, 15, 25; w. negative expression. +Ūnā+, adv. (abl. F. of ūnus) [2 I-], _in one and the same place; at the same time, together_, 16, 17, 24, 28, 29; foll. by cum and abl. +Ūn·decimus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 I-; DEC-], _eleventh_, 23. +Undi·que+, adv. [CA-, CI-], _whencesoever; from every quarter, from all sides_, 6, 10. +Uneīlī+, -ōrum, M., _tribe in Normandy_, 34. +Ūni·versus+, -a, -um, adj. [2 I-; VERT-], _turned into one; whole, all, in a mass_, 33. +Unus+, -a, -um, gen. -īus, num. adj. [2 I-], _one_, 2, 5, 6, 29, 31, 34; _one, one and the same_, 3, 5, 19, 20; _common, one alone_, 4, 22; _alone, only_, 33; _a_, 25. +Urgeō+, 2, ursī, -- [VERG-, VRG-], _press, press hard_, 25, 26. +Ūsus+, -ūs, M. [1 AV-], _using; practice, experience_, 20; _use, advantage_, 9, 12. +Ut+ or +Utī+, conj. [CA-, CI-], _in what manner; as_, 1, 7, 11, etc., w. indic.; _in order that, that, to_, 2, 8, 9, etc.; _that, so that_, 3, 4, 5, etc. +Uter·que+, -traque, -trumque, gen. utrīusque, pron. [CA-, CI-], _both one and the other; each of two, both_, 8, 16, 25. +Ūtor+, 3, ūsus [1 AV-], _use, make use of, employ, have_, 3, 7, 10, 25, 28; _use, practise_, 14, 28; _enjoy, maintain_, 32; w. abl. V. +Vacuus+, -a, -um, adj., _empty, clear, free, unoccupied_; w. ab and abl., 12. +Vadum+, -ī, N. [BA-, VA-], _place through which one can go; ford, crossing_, 9. +Valeō+, 2, -uī, -itūrus, _be strong, have influence_, 4, 17. +Vāllum+, -ī, N. [1 VEL-, VAL-], _earthen wall; earth-works, rampart_, 5, 30, 33. +Varius+, -a, -um, adj., _spotted; changing, different_, 22. +Vāstō+, 1, _make empty; lay waste, ravage_. Cf. populor, dēpopulor. +Velocassēs+, -um, M., _one of the minor Belgian tribes_, 4. +Vēn·dō+, 3, -didī (-ditum) [1 DA-], _place for sale; sell_, 33. +Venellī+, see +Unellī+. +Venetī+, -ōrum, M., _tribe of Bretagne_, 34. +Veniō+, 4, vēnī, ventum [BA-, VA-, VEN-], _come, approach_, 2, 3, 5, etc. +Verbum+, -ī, N. [VER-], _that spoken; word, discourse, intercession_, 14. +Vereor+, 2 [1 VEL-, VER-], _feel awe; fear, be afraid_, 11. +Vergō+, 3, --, -- [VERG-], _bend, incline_, 18. +Vērō+, adv. (abl. N. of vērus) [VER-], _in truth, in fact, but, however_, 2, 27, 31. +Veromanduī+, -ōrum, M., _Gallic tribe in modern Picardy_, 4, 16, 23. +Versō+, 1 [VERT-], _keep turning_; pass., _be engaged in, be occupied about_, 24; _dwell, remain, be_, 1. +Vesper+, -erī or -eris, M., _evening, nightfall_, 33. +Vester+, -tra, -trum, _your, yours_. +Vetō+, 1, -uī, -itum [VET-], _leave in old state; advise against, forbid_, 20. +Vēxillum+, -ī, N. [VAG-, VEH-], _military ensign, banner, flag_, 20. +Vēxō+, 1 [VAG-, VEH-], _keep carrying; harass, overrun_, 4. +Vīctor+, -ōris, M. [VIC-], _conqueror, victor_, 28; in appos. _conquering, victorious_, 24. +Vīcus+, -ī, M., _row of houses; village, hamlet_, 7. +Videō+, 2, vīdī, vīsum [VID-], _see, perceive_, 12, 19; _see, know_, 5, 10, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, w. acc. and infin.; pass., _seem, appear_, 11, 16, 18, 28, 33; _seem good, seem best_, 20. +Vigilia+, -ae, F., _being awake; watch, night-watch_, 11, 33. +Vīmen+, -inis, N. [VI-, VIC-], _means of binding; willow, withe, wicker-work_, 33. +Vincō+, 3, vīcī, vīctum [VIC-], _conquer, defeat_, 28. Cf. superō. +Vīnea+, -ae, F. [VI-, VIC-], _shelter for vines; covered shed, movable shelter_, 12, 30. +Vīnum+, -ī, N. [VI-, VIC-], _wine_, 15. +Vir+, virī, M., _male, man_, 25, 33. +Virtūs+, -ūtis, F., _manhood; bravery, valor_, 4, 8, 15, 21, 24, 27, 31, 33. +Vīs+, vim, vī, F., _strength, power_, 30. +Vītō+, 1, _shun, try to escape, avoid_, 25. +Vix+, adv. [VIC-], _with effort; barely, scarcely, hardly_, 28. +Voluntās+, -ātis, F. [VOL-], _will, wish, desire_, 4. +Vōx+, vōcis, F. [VOC], _that which calls out; voice, utterance_, 13, 30. +Vulgō (volgō)+, adv. (abl. of vulgus) [VERG-, VALG-], _among the people; generally, commonly_, 1. +Vulnerō+, 1 [2 VEL-, VOL-], _wound, injure_, 25. +Vulnus+, -eris, N. [2 VEL-, VOL-], _wound, hurt_, 23, 25, 27. ETYMOLOGICAL VOCABULARY. The relation in meaning of some words in certain groups to the root is sometimes obscure or even impossible to be traced with absolute certainty. Sometimes the relation is obscured by the omission in this vocabulary of an interlinking word, because it does not occur in the text. Let us take an example close at hand, the root AID- and the noun +aestuārium+. The notion “inlet” seems very remote from the notion “burn.” But +aestuārium+ is formed from +aestus+ (for _aedtus_), the first meaning of which is _the raging of fire, waves or billows of heat_. As we might expect, a secondary meaning is, _the raging of water, waves, billows_, in the proper sense. From the force of the suffix +-ārium+, +aestuārium+ should mean a _sea-marsh_, or _a tract overflowed at high tide_; and from this the notion “inlet,” the place through which the tide rushes, comes naturally enough. The following roots, with their meanings, have been mostly taken from the excellent Elementary Latin Dictionary of Dr. Charlton T. Lewis. 1. AC-, sharp, pierce. +Aciēs+, edge, line of battle. +Prae·acūtus+, sharpened at the point. +Ācr·iter+, sharply. +Acervus+, heap. +Co·acervō+, heap up. 2. AC-, swift. +Equĕs+, horseman. +Equester+, of horsemen. +Equitātus+, cavalry. AG-, drive. +Agō+, drive, lead. +Cō·gō+ [for _con·agō_], drive together, compel. +Red·igō+, drive back, reduce. +Ager+, land. +Āgmen+, marching column. +Īgnis+, fire. +Ex·agitō+, harass. AID-, burn. +Aedi·ficium+ [from _aedēs, hearth_], building. +Aestās+ [for _aid·tās_], summer. +Aestuārium+ [for _aid·t-_], inlet. 1. AL-, AR-, feed, grow, raise. +Altus+, high. +Altitūdō+, height. +Arduus+, steep. +Arbor+, tree. 2. AL- (ALI-), other, strange. +Alius+, other. +Aliās+, at some other time. +Aliēnus+, another’s. +Al·iter+, other-wise. +Alter+, the other (of two). AM-, love. +Amīcus+, friend. +Amīcitia+, friendship. +In·imīcus+, unfriendly, hostile. AN-, breathe. +Animus+, spirit. +Ex·animō+, make breathless. +Onus+ (as the cause of panting), weight. ANA-, pronominal stem, third person. +In+, in, into. +Inter+, between. +Inter·eā+, meanwhile. +Inter·im+, meanwhile. +Interior+ [compar. of obs. _interus_], inner. +Intrā+, within. +Intrō+, enter. +?Ille+ [old form _ollus_, from _onolus_], that one. ANT-, before, against. +Ante+, before, formerly. +Antīquitus+, of old. AP-, OP-, lay hold of work, help. (+Ops+), aid. +Opus+, work. +Opera+, exertion, service. +C·ōpia+ [for _com·opia_], supply. +Co·epī+ [for _com·apiō_], begin. +Optimus+, best. +Omnis+ [for _apnis_], all. +Opīniō+, impression. APA-, _away, from_. +Ab+, from, by. +Ap·ud+, among. +Ob+, against. AR-, fit. +Armō+, arm. +Arma+, arms. +Armātūra+, equipment. +In·ermis+, unarmed. ARC-, shut in, keep off. +Ex·ercitus+, army. +Ex·ercitātus+, trained. 1. AV-, mark, desire, delight. +Audeō+, dare. +Audāc·ter+, boldly. +Ūtor+ [for _avtor_], use. +Ūsus+, use, experience. +In·ūsitātus+, unusual. +In·ūtilis+, useless. +Neg·ōtium+ [for _nec·avtium_], business. 2. AV-, mark, notice. +Audiō+, hear. +Ex·audiō+, overhear. AVG-, grow. +Auctōritās+, power. +Auxilium+, aid. BA-, VA-, VEN-, go. +Ar·bitror+ [for _ad·batror_], believe. +Du·bitō+, doubt, hesitate. +Vadum+, ford. +Veniō+, come. +Ad·ventus+, arrival. +Circum·veniō+, outflank. +Con·veniō+, meet. +Dē·veniō+, come to. +Ē·ventus+, outcome. +In·veniō+, find. +Ob·veniō+, fall in with. +Per·veniō+, arrive at. CA-, CI-, pronominal stem, _who_. +Quī+, who. +Quī·dam+, a certain one. +Qui·dem+, certainly. +Quīn+ [for _quī·nē_], but that. +Quā+, where. +Quō+, whither. +Quod+, because. +Quis+, who? +Quī·nam+, who, pray? +Quis·quam+, any. +Nē·quī·quam+, in vain. +Quis·quis+, whoever. +Quis·que+, each one. +Quo·que+, also. +Cum (quom)+, when. +Quam+, than. +Quam·vīs+, how-so-ever. +Post·quam+, after. +Prius·quam+, sooner than. +Quantus+, how great. +Que+, and. +Ita·que+, and so. +Ne·que+, and not. +Ubi+ [for _quō·bi_], where. +Undi·que+ [for _cunde·que_], from all sides. +Cēterī+, the others. +Cis+, this side of. +Citerior+, hither. +Citrā+, this side of. +Ut+ or +Utī+ [for _cutī_ or _quotī_], as, in order that. +Uter·que+ [for _quoter·que_], each. +Ne·uter+, neither. +Cotī·diē+, daily. +Hī·c+ [for _hī·ce_], this. +Nun·c+ [for _num·ce_], now. +Sī·c+ [for _sī·ce_], so. CAD-, fall. +Cadō+, fall. +Ac·cidō (adc-)+, befall. +In·cidō+, happen. +Cadāver+, dead body. +Cāsus+, happening. +Oc·cāsus (obc-)+, setting. +Cēdō+, give way. +Ac·cēdō (adc-)+, approach. +Dis·cēdō+, depart. +Dis·cessus+, departure. +Ex·cēdō+, withdraw from. +Inter·cēdō+, intervene. +Prō·cēdō+, advance. +Suc·cēdō (subc-)+, approach. +Suc·cessus (subc-)+, close approach. +Ar·cessō+ [for _ad·cēdsō_], summon. 1. CAL-, CAR-, call. +Con·cilium+, meeting. +Clāmor+, shouting. 2. CAL-, SCAL-, cover, hide. +Oc·cultus (obc-)+, hidden. +Galea+, helmet. +Domi·cilium+, dwelling-place. +Cēlō+, hide. CAP-, take, hold. +Ac·cipiō (adc-)+, receive. +In·cipiō+, begin. +Inter·cipiō+, intercept. +Re·cipiō+, receive. +Captīvus+, captive. +Oc·cupō (obc-)+, take into possession. +Caput+, head. +Prae·ceps+, headlong. +Prīn·ceps+, leader. CAR-, SCAR-, hard, scrape. +Cortex+, bark. +Cornū+, horn, wing. CAV-, watch. +Causa+, cause. +In·cūsō+, accuse. CEL-, CER-, strike, drive. +Gladius+ [for _cladius_], sword. +Celeritās+, swiftness. +Celer·iter+, swiftly. +Pro·cul+, at a distance. +Cursus+, running. +Con·currō+, run together. +Dē·currō+, run down. +Oc·currō (obc-)+, meet. +Ex·cursiō+, sally. CEN-, hundred. +Centum+, hundred. +Centuriō+, centurion. +Du·centī+, two hundred. +Quadrin·gentī+, four hundred. +Quīn·gentī+, five hundred. +Sex·centī+, six hundred. 1. CER-, CRE-, make. +Crēber+, numerous. +Corpus+, body. 2. CER-, CRE-, part. +Dē·cernō+, decide upon. +Dē·certō+, fight decisively. +Certus+, sure. CI-, rouse. +In·citō+, urge on. +Solli·citō (sōli-)+, stir up. CLĪ-, lean. +Clē·mentia+, mildness. +Ad·clīvis (acc-)+, sloping upward. +Ad·clīvitās (acc-)+, upward slope. +Dē·clīvis+, sloping downward. CRAT-, faith. +Crē·do+, [for _crat·dō_], believe. +In·crē·dibilis+ [for _in·crat·dibilis_], incredible. CVR-, CIR-, curve. +Circum+, around. +Circi·ter+, about. +Circu·itus+, circumference. +Cruciātus+, torture. 1. DA-, give. +Dō+, give. +Dē·dō+, give up. +Dē·ditīcius+, one who has surrendered. +Dē·ditiō+, surrender. +Ē·ditus+ [P. of _ē·dō_], rising. +Red·dō+, give back. +Trā·dō+ [for _trāns·dō_], give over. +Vēn·dō+ [for _vēnum·dō_], sell. 2. DA-, put. +Ab·dō+, hide. +Crē·dō+, believe. +In·crē·dibilis+, incredible. +Man·dō+, commission. 3. DA-, pronominal stem, third person. +Ī·dem+, the same. +Quī·dam+, a certain one. +Qui·dem+, indeed. +Tot·idem+, just as many. DEC-, ten. +Decem+, ten. +Decimus+, tenth. +Decumānus (deci-)+, of the tenth (cohort), in the phrase, _porta decumāna_, the main entrance to a Roman camp. +Ūn·decimus+, eleventh. +Duo·decimus+, twelfth. +Quīn·decim+, fifteen. DĪC-, DIC- (DAC-), show, point. +Dīcō+, say. +Doceō+, teach. +Iū·dicō+, judge. (+Diciō+), control. +Con·diciō+, condition. DIV-, DI-, DIAV-, shine. +Dīvīnus+, divine. +Diēs+, day. +Cotī·diē+, daily. +Postrī·diē+ [for _posterō diē_), next day. +Trī·duum+, three days’ time. +Dum+ [for _dium_], while. +Nōn·dum+, not yet. +Diū+, for a long time. +Iuvō+, [for _diuvō_], aid. +Ad·iuvō+, aid. DOM-, build. +Domus+, home. +Domi·cilium+, dwelling-place. +Domesticus+, of home. DVA-, DVI-, apart, two. +Duo+, two. +Duo·decimus+, twelfth. +Duo·dē·vīgintī+, eighteen. +Du·bitō+, doubt, hesitate. +Du·centī+, two hundred. +Du·plex+, two-fold. +Bellum+ [for _duellum_], war. DVC-, lead. +Dux+, leader. +Dūcō+, lead. +Ad·dūcō+, bring to. +Con·dūcō+, gather. +Dē·dūcō+, lead off. +Ē·dūcō+, lead out. +In·dūcō+, cover. +Intrō·dūcō+, lead in. +Ob·dūcō+, extend. +Re·dūcō+, lead back. +Trā·dūcō+ [for _trāns·dūcō_], lead across. EM-, take. +Emō+, buy. +Ex·imius+, excellent. +Sū·mō+ [for _sub·imō_], take. ES-, be, live. +Sum+ [for _esum_], be. +Ab·sum+, be away. +Dē·sum+, be lacking. +Inter·sum+, be between. +Prae·sum+, command. +Super·sum+, survive. FAC-, put, make. +Faciō+, do. +Fīō+, passive of _faciō_, become. +Cōn·ficiō+, accomplish, wear out. +Dē·ficiō+, fail. +Ef·ficiō+, bring about. +Inter·ficiō+, kill. +Pate·faciō+, throw open. +Prae·ficiō+, place in command. +Pro·ficīscor+, put one’s self forward, set out. +Pro·fectiō+, setting out. +Facilis+, easy. +Facile+, easily. +Aedi·ficium+, building. +Ampli·ficō+, enlarge. +Dif·ficilis (disf-)+, difficult. +Dif·ficultās (disf-)+, difficulty. +Facultās+, opportunity. +Male·ficium+, outrage. +Sīgni·ficō+, announce. +Sīgni·ficātiō+, signal. FEN-, FEND-, strike. +Dē·fendō+, ward off, defend. +Dē·fēnsiō+, defence. +Dē·fēnsor+, defender. 1. FER-, bear. +Ferō+, bear. +Ad·ferō (aff-)+, bring to. +Cōn·ferō+, bring together. +Dē·ferō+, carry. +Īn·ferō+, bring upon. +Of·ferō (obf-)+, carry. +Per·ferō+, endure. +Prae·ferō+, place before, out-do. +Re·ferō+, bring back. +Fertilitās+, fertility. +Ferāx+, fertile. +Fōrs+, chance. +Fōrtūna+, fortune. +Sīgni·fer+, standard-bearer. 2. FER-, FRE-, hold, fix. +Ferē+, almost. +Cōn·fīrmō+, give assurance, reassure. +Fortis+ [for _forctis_], brave. +Fort·iter+, bravely. 1. FID-, FĪD-, bind, trust. +Fidēs+, faith. +Cōn·fīdō+, trust. 2. FID-, split. +Fīnis+ [for _fidnis_], limit. +Fīnitimus+, neighboring. +Ad·fīnitās+, connection by marriage. FLAG-, FLIG-, strike. +Cōn·flīgō+, contend with. +Prō·flīgō+, defeat. 1. FVG-, FRVG-, use, enjoy. +Frūmentum+ [for _frūgimentum_], grain. +Frūmentārius+, of grain. 2. FVG-, bend, flee. +Fuga+, flight. +Fugiō+, flee. +Pro·fugiō+, flee. FVR-, FERV-, rage, swell. +Furor+, frenzy. +?Frōns+, front. GEN-, GN-, GNA-, beget. +Nāscor (gn-)+, arise. +Ē·nāscor+, grow out. +Nātus+, birth. +Nātiō+, nation. +Nātūra+, nature. +Prō·gnātus+, sprung from. GER-, carry. +Gerō+, carry on. +Ag·ger (adg-)+, mound. GNA-, GNO-, know. +Nam+, for. +Nāvō+ [for _gnāvō_], perform with knowledge and zeal. +Cō·gnōscō+, learn. +Nōbilitās+, high birth. +Nōmen+, name. +Nōminātim+, by name. +Nōminō+, mention. GRAD-, walk. +Ad·gredior (agg-)+, attack. +Con·gredior+, meet. +Ē·gredior+, go from. +In·gredior+, enter. +Prō·gredior+, advance. +Trāns·gredior+, cross. HAB-, have. +Habeō+, have. +Dē·beō+ [for _de·hibeō_], owe to. +Prae·beō+ [for _prae·hibeō_], furnish. +Pro·hibeō+, restrain. HAM-, man. +Homō+, man. +Nē·mō+ [for _ne·homō_], nobody. HĪM-, cold. +Hiemō+, pass the winter. +Hībernus+ [for _hiemernus_], of winter. +Hībernācula+, winter quarters. 1. I-, AI-, go. +Ad·eō+, approach. +Ad·itus+, approach. +Circu·itus+ [for _circum·itus_], circumference. +Ex·eō+, go forth, set out. +In·eō+, enter upon. +In·itium+, beginning. +Ob·itus+, destruction. +Red·eō+, return. +Sub·eō+, approach closely. +Sub·itō+, suddenly. +Trāns·eō+, cross. +Iter+, route. +Aetās+ [for _aevitās_], age. From +iter+ is the _adv., ending -iter_ or _-ter_, as in _aequāl·iter_ for _aequale·iter, al·iter, audāc·ter, celer·iter, circi·ter, diligent·(t)er, fort·iter, lēn·iter, in·diligent·(t)er_. 2. I-, AI-, pronominal stem, third person, demonstrative. +Is+, this one. +Eō+, there. +Inter·eā+, meanwhile. +Inter·im+, meanwhile. +Post·eā+, afterwards. +Propter·eā+, for the reason (that). +Ī·dem+, the same. +Iden·t·idem+ [for _idem·et·idem_], again and again. +I·pse+, self. +Ibī+, there. +Inde+, thence. +De·inde+, thereupon. +Ita+, thus. +Ita·que+, therefore. +Item+, likewise. +?I·dōneus+, suitable. +Ūnus+ [for _oenus_], one. +Ūnā+, together. +Ūni·versus+, all. +Ūn·decimus+, eleventh. +Ūllus+ [for _ūnulus_], any. +Nūllus+ [for _ne·ūnulus_], none. +Nōn·nūllus+, some. +Nōn+ [_ne·oenum (ūnum)_], not. +Nōn·dum+, not yet. IA-, IAC-, go, send. +Iaciō+, throw. +Ad·iciō+, hurl. +Circum·iciō+, place around. +Cōn·iciō+, hurl. +Dē·iciō+, throw down from. +Dē·iectus+, slope. +Inter·iciō+, place between. +Prō·iciō+, hurl. +Re·iciō+, hurl back. +Iaceō+, lie. IC-, AIC-, like. +Aequāl·iter+, evenly. +Ad·aequō+, equal. +In·īquus+, unfavorable. +In·īquitās+, inequality. IV-, IVG-, bind, yoke. +Iugum+, ridge. +Con·iungō+, join together. +Cūnctus+ [for _cōn·iūnctus_], all. +Iūs+, right. +Iūstitia+, justice. +Con·iūrō+, conspire. +In·iūria+, wrong. +Iū·dicō+, judge. +Iubeō+, order. +Iūxtā+ [for _iūgistā_], close by. LAG-, loose. +Re·languēscō+, lose energy. +Lassitūdō+, exhaustion. +Laxō+, widen. 1. LEG-, LIG-, gather. +Dē·ligō+, choose. +Dī·ligen·ter+ [for _dis·ligent·ter_], scrupulously. +In·dī·ligen·ter+, carelessly. +Ē·ligō+, choose. +Intel·legō+, understand. +Legiō+, legion. +Legiōnārius+, of a legion. 2. LEG-, run, spring. +Levis+ [for _legvis_], light. +Levitās+, lightness. +Longus+, long. +Longē+, far. 3. LEG-, lie, be fixed. +Lēx+, law. +Lēgātus+, envoy. +Lēgātiō+, embassy. LI-, pour, smear. +Littera+, written character. +Dē·leō+, destroy. LIB-, desire. +Līberī+, children (the free). +Līberāl·iter+, generously. LIC-, LIQV-, let, leave. +Pol·liceor+ [for _prō·liceor_], promise. +Re·linquō+, leave behind. +Re·liquus+, remaining. 1. MA-, MAN-, measure. +Manus+, hand. +Man·dō+ [for _manus·dō_], commission. +Mani·pulus+, handful, maniple. +Mān·suētūdō+, gentleness. +Dī·mētior+, measure out. +Mōs+, custom. 2. MA-, MAD-, measure, moderate. +Modus+, manner. +Modo+, only. +Com·modē (conm-)+, easily. +Ad·com·modō (acconm-)+, fit. MAC-, MAG-, big. +Magis+ [for _magius_], more. +Māximē+, most. +Māgnus+, great. +Māgnitūdō+, greatness. +Māior+ [for _magior_], greater. +Magistrātus+, office. +Molestē+, in a troublesome manner. MAL-, crush, grind. +Male·ficium+, outrage. +Mulier+, woman. 1. MAN-, MEN-, man, mind, stay. +Moneō+, advise. +Dē·mōnstrō+, point out. +Clē·mentia+, kindness. 2. MAN-, MI-, small, less. +Minor+, smaller. +Minus+, less. +Minimē+, least. +Ad·ministrō+, execute. MĪL-, associate. +Mīlle+, thousand. +Mīles+, soldier. +Mīlitāris+, of war. MIS-, wretched. +Miser+, wretched. +Miseri·cordia+, pity. MIT-, send, throw. +Mittō+, send. +Ā·mittō+, lose. +Com·mittō (conm-)+, join together. +Dī·mittō+, despatch. +Ē·mittō+, let fly. +Inter·mittō+, halt. +Intrō·mittō+, send in. +O·mittō+ [for _ob·mittō_], neglect. +Per·mittō+, grant. +Prae·mittō+, send in advance. +Re·mittō+, send back. +Sub·mittō+, send as aid. 1. MV-, MOV-, move. +Moveō+, move. +Com·moveō+, startle. +Per·moveō+, rouse. +Prō·moveō+, move forward. +Mōbilitās+, nimbleness. +Com·mūtātiō+, change. 2. MV-, shut, fasten. +Com·mūnis (conm-)+, common. +Moenia+, walls. +Mūniō+, fortify. +Circum·mūniō+, blockade. +Mūnīmentum+, fortification. +Mūnītiō+, fortification. +Mūrus+ [old _moerus_], wall. NA-, no. +Nē+, that not, lest. +Ne·que+, and not. +Nē·ve+ or +Neu+, and that not. +Ni·hil+, nothing. +Ni·si+ [for _nē·si_], if not. +Nōn+ [for _ne·oenum (ūnum)_], not. +Nōn·dum+, not yet. +Quīn+ [for _quī·nē_], but that. 1. NEC-, NOC-, kill, hurt. +Inter·neciō+, annihilation. +Nox+, night. +Noctū+, by night. 2. NEC-, bind. +Necessitās+, necessity. +Necessārius+, necessary. NV-, now (pronominal stem). +Noster+, our. +Nunc+ [for _num·ce_], now. +Novus+, new, fresh. +Nūntius+ [for _noventius_, from obs. _noveō_, from _novus_], messenger. +Nūntiō+, report. +Re·nūntiō+, report. OL-, OR-, grow, rise. +Orior+, arise. +Ad·orior+, assault. +Ōrdō+, order. PA-, feed. +Pater+, father. +Patrius+, ancestral. +Pābulum+, fodder. PAC-, PAG-, PVG-, fix, peg. +Pāx+, peace. +Pācō+, subdue. +Pūgnō+, fight. +Ex·pūgnō+, storm. +Op·pūgnō (obp-)+, assault. +Op·pūgnātiō (obp-)+, assault. +Prō·pūgnō+, defend. PAL-, PEL-, PVL-, drive, scatter. +Pellō+, drive. +Ad·pellō (app-)+, accost. +Com·pellō (conp-)+, drive together. +Ex·pellō+, drive out. +Im·pellō (inp-)+, incite. +Re·pellō+, drive back. 1. PAR-, POR-, PER-, through, far, reach, try. +Pār+, equal. +Per+, through. +Ex·perior+, test. +Perīclitor+, test. +Perīculum+, danger. +Porta+, gate. +Portō+, bear. +Op·portūnus (obp-)+, suitable. +Paulis·per+, for a short time. 2. PAR-, POR-, part, breed. +Parātus+, ready. +Com·parō (conp-)+, get ready. +Pro·perō+, hasten. +Im·perātor (inp-)+, commander. +Im·perō (inp-)+, command. +Im·perium (inp-)+, command. +A·pertus+ [for _ab·partus_], open. +Re·periō+, find. +Pars+, portion. +Partim+, partly. +O·portet+ [for _ob·portet_], is necessary. PARC-, PLEC-, bind, weave, fold. +Du·plex+, two-fold. +Sup·plex (subp-)+, suppliant. +Sup·plicātiō (subp-)+, thanksgiving. +Prope+, near [with metathesis of _r_ and change of _c_ to _p_. Cf. roots SAC and SCAL]. +Proximus+ [_superl._ of _propior_], nearest. +Proximē+, last. +Propīnquus+, near. +Propīnquitās+, proximity. +Ad·propīnquō (app-)+, approach. +Propter+, near, on account of. +Propter·eā+, for the reason (that). 1. PAT-, go. +Passus+, step. +Pōns+, bridge. 2. PAT-, PAD-, spread, open. +Pateō+, extend. +Pate·faciō+, open. +Pandō+, extend. PAV-, little. +Paucus+, few. +Parvulus+, slight. +Paulum+, a little. +Paulō+, a little. +Paululum+, very slightly. +Paulātim+, gradually. +Paulis·per+, for a short time. PED-, tread. +Pēs+, foot. +Pedĕs+, foot-soldier. +Pedester+, of infantry. +Ex·pedītus+, unencumbered. +Im·pediō (inp-)+, hinder. +Im·pedīmenta (inp-)+, baggage. +Op·pidum+ [for _ob-pedum_], town. +Op·pidānus (obp-)+, townsman. PET-, fly. +Petō+, seek. +Im·petus (inp-)+, charge. PIS-, crush. +Pīlum+ [for _pislum_], spear. +Prīmi·pīlus+, first centurion of the _triarii_. PLAT-, spread, flat. +Latus+ [for _platus_], side. +Plānitiēs+ [for _platnitiēs_], plain. PLE-, PLO-, PLV-, fill. +Com·pleō (conp-)+, fill. +Plērus·que+, the most of. +Plūs+, more. +Plūrimum+, most. +Com·plūrēs (conp-)+, many. +Mani·pulus+, maniple. +Am·plius+, more. +Ampli·ficō+, enlarge. +?Pellis+, skin. +Populus+, people. +Pūblicus+ [for _populicus_], belonging to the state. PLV-, PLOV-, wash, flow. +Ex·plōrō+ [for _ex·ploverō_], reconnoitre. +Ex·plōrātor+, scout. POS-, behind. +Post+, after. +Post·eā+, afterwards. +Post·quam+, after. +Postrī·diē+ [for _posterō diē_], next day. POT-, master. +Potius+, rather. +Pos·sum+ [for _potis sum_], be able, can. +Potēns+, able. +Potestās+, power. +Potior+, gain. +Im·petrō (inp-)+, obtain. PREC-, pray. +Dē·precor+, petition against. +Poscō+ [for _porcscō_], demand. +Postulō+, demand. PRO-, PRI-, PRAE-, before. +Prō+, before. +Prior+, preceding. +Prius·quam+, sooner than. +Prīs·tinus+ [for _prius·tinus_], former. +Prīmus+, first. +Prīmum+, in the first place. +Prīmō+, in the first place. +Prīn·ceps+ [for _prīmi·ceps_], leader. +Prīmi·pīlus+, first centurion of the _triarii_. +Prae+, before. RA-, join, count. +Ratiō+, reason. +Rēs+, thing. RAP-, RVP-, snatch, break. +Dī·ripiō+ [for _dis·ripiō_], sack. +Ē·ruptiō+, sally. +Rūpēs+, cliff. REG-, RIG-, stretch, guide. +Por·rigō+ [for _prō·regō_], stretch out. +Regiō+, direction. +Rēx+, ruler. +Rēgnum+, control. 1. SA-, SI-, sow, strow, sift. +Pōnō+ [for _port·(prō) sinō_], place. +Dē·pōnō+, put off. +Prō·pōnō+, display. 2. SA-, SIM-, together, like. +Singulī+, one at a time. +Singulāris+, extraordinary. +Simul+, at the same time. +Cōn·similis+, altogether like. 3. SA-, pronominal stem. +Sī·c+ [for _sī·ce_], so. +I·pse+, self. 1. SAC-, SAG-, fasten. +Sagittārius+, archer. +Saepēs+ [with _p_ for _c_], hedge. 2. SAC-, SEC-, SCĪD-, CĪD-, split. +Saxum+, rock. +Sectiō+, booty. +Scientia+, knowledge. +Inter·scindō+, cut off. +Con·cīdō+, cut to pieces. +In·cīdō+, cut into. +Oc·cīdō+, kill. 3. SAC-, show. +Sīgnum+, signal. +Sīgni·fer+, standard-bearer. +Sīgni·ficō+, announce. +Sīgni·ficātiō+, signal. +Īn·sīgne+, sign. SAL-, SER-, save. +Salūs+, safety. +Sōlus+, alone. +Sōlum+, only. +Solli·citō (sōli)+, stir up. +Servō+, keep. +Cōn·servō+, preserve. SCAD-, CAD-, cover. +Castra+, camp. +Castellum+, redoubt. SCAL-, SCAR- (with _p_ for _c_, SPOL-), scrape. +Calamitās+, [for _scalamitās_], disaster. +Dē·spoliō+, deprive. +?Populor+, +Dē·populor+, ravage. SCAND-, climb. +A·scendō (adsc-)+, mount. +A·scēnsus (adsc-)+, ascent. SCARP-, SCALP-, cut, scratch. +Scrībō+, write. +Cōn·scrībō+, enroll. +Prae·scrībō+, dictate. SCV-, CV-, cover, hide. +Scūtum+, shield. +Custōdia+, guard. SEC-, follow. +Sequor+, follow. +Cōn·sequor+, attain. +Īn·sequor+, follow up. +Prō·sequor+, pursue. +Sub·sequor+, follow closely. +Secundus+, favorable. +Secundum+, according to. +Con-+ [for _scom-_], with. +Cum+, with. +Cōpia+ [for _com·opia_], supply. +Con·trā+, against. +Con·trārius+, opposite. SED-, SID-, sit. +Pos·sideō+ [for _prō·sideo_], own. +Īn·sidiae+, stratagem. +Ob·sĕs+, hostage. +Prae·sidium+, garrison. +Sub·sidium+, assistance. +Super·sedeō+, omit. +Cōn·sīdō+, settle. SEN-, old. +Senātor+, elder, senator. +Senātus+, senate. SENT-, feel. +Sententia+, opinion. +Cōn·sentiō+, agree. +Cōn·sēnsus+, agreement. 1. SER-, SVAR-, string, bind. +Dē·serō+, abandon. +Prae·sertim+, especially. +Servitūs+, slavery. 2. SER-, SVAL-, bright. +Sōl+, sun. +Silva+, forest. +Silvestris+, wooded. 1. SMAR-, MAR-, think. +Mora+, delay. +Moror+, delay. +Memoria+, remembrance. +Com·memorō (conm-)+, mention. 2. SMAR-, MER-, ascribe. +Meritum+, merit. +Mercātor+, trader. SOVO-, SVO-, own. +Suī+, of himself, _etc._ +Suus+, his, _etc._ +Cōn·suēscō+, be accustomed. +Cōn·suētūdō+, custom. +Mān·suētūdō+, gentleness. +Sed+, but. +?Sī+, if. +?Si·ne+, without. +?Ni·si+, if not. SPA-, PA-, draw, stretch. +Spatium+, space. +Spēs+, hope. +Dē·spērō+, give up hope. +?Studeō+, strive after. +?Studium+, eagerness. SPEC-, see, spy. +Cōn·spiciō+, espy. +Per·spiciō+, ascertain. +Re·spiciō+, look back. +Ex·spectō+, await. +Cōn·spicor+, espy. +Speciēs+, form. +Speculātor+, spy. +Cōn·spectus+, sight. +Dē·spectus+, view downward. +Prō·spectus+, view forward. STA-, stand, set. +Cōn·stanter+, uniformly. +Īn·stō+, press forward. +Prae·stō+, excel, show. +Cōn·sistō+, take position. +Dē·sistō+, stop. +Īn·sistō+, take a stand. +Re·sistō+, resist. +Statuō+, determine. +Cōn·stituō+, determine. +Statim+, at once. +Statiō+, picket. +Statūra+, stature. STER-, STRA-, STLA-, strow, spread. +Lātus+ [old, _stlātus_], broad. +Lātitūdō+, width. STRV-, spread, heap. +Ex·struō+, erect. +Īn·struō+, arrange. 1. TA-, TEN-, stretch. +Prīs·tinus+ [for _prius·tinus_], former. +Prō·tinus+, at once. +Tener+, tender. +Teneō+, hold. +Con·tineō+, restrain, keep. +Dis·tineō+, separate. +Ob·tineō+, hold. +Per·tineō+, extend to. +Re·tineō+, detain. +Sus·tineō+ [for _subs·tineō_], sustain. +Sus·tentō+ [for _subs·tentō_], hold out. +Tendō+, stretch. +Con·tendō+, hasten. +?Tempus+, time. 2. TA-, pronominal stem, third person, demonstrative. +Tam+, so. +Tantus+, so great. +Tantulus+, so trifling. +Tamen+, still. +Tot·idem+, just as many. +Tum+, then. Also the final element in _au·tem, au·t, i·ta, i·ta·que, u·t_. TAG-, touch, seize. +At·tingō (adt-)+, touch. +Red·in·tegrō+, renew. TARC- (TARP-), TREP-, turn, twist. +Tormentum+, engine for hurling. +Turpitūdō+, disgrace. +Trabs+, beam. TEC-, TAX-, weave, arrange. +In·texō+, weave in. +Tēlum+ (for _teclum_), spear. TEM-, TAN-, cut. +Con·temptus+, contempt. +Con·tumēlia+, insult. TER-, TREM-, TERS-, shake, scare. +Dē·terreō+, prevent. +Per·terreō+, thoroughly frighten. +Terror+, fright. TV-, TVM-, TAV-, TO-, swell. +Tumulus+, mound. +Tumultus+, uproar. +Tōtus+, whole. TVR-, harry, crowd. +Per·turbō+, throw into confusion. +Prō·turbō+, drive off, +?Turris+, tower. VAG-, VEH-, move, carry. +Vēxillum+, flag. +Vēxō+, harass. 1. VEL-, VAL-, VER-, cover, guard. +Vāllum+, rampart. +Inter·vāllum+, distance. +Vereor+, fear. 2. VEL-, VOL-, tear, pluck. +Vulnus+, wound. +Vulnerō+, wound. VER-, say. +Verbum+, word. +Vērō+, in truth. VERG-, VRG-, VALG-, slope, press. +Vergō+, incline. +Urgeō+, press. +Vulgō (volgō)+, generally. VERT-, turn. +Ā·vertō+, turn away. +Con·vertō+, turn around. +Re·vertō+, return. +Re·vertor+, return. +Versō+, turn about, _pass._ dwell. +Ad·versus+, opposite. +Dī·versus+, turned away. +Intr·ōrsus+ [for _intrō·versus_], within. +R·ūrsus+ [for _re·vorsus_], again. +Trāns·versus+, at right-angles. +Ūni·versus+, all. VET-, VIT-, year, old. +In·veterāscō+, grow old in. +Vetō+, forbid. VI-, VIC-, twine. +Vīnea+, covered shed. +Vīnum+, wine. +Vīmen+, willow, withe. VIC-, conquer. +Vincō+, conquer. +Vīctor+, victorious. +Prō·vincia+, province. +Vix+, barely. VID-, see. +Videō+, see. +In·videō+, envy. +Prō·videō+, procure. +Prū·dentia+ [for _prō·videntia_], wisdom. +Im·prō·vīsō (inp-)+, unexpectedly. VIR-, man. +Vir+, man. +Virtūs+, valor. VOC-, VAG-, call. +Con·vocō+, call together. +Re·vocō+, call back. +Vōx+, voice. VOL-, will, wish. +Voluntās+, wish. +N·ōlō+ [for _nē·vōlō_], be unwilling. +Quam·vīs+, howsoever. +At+, but. { +At·que+, and. { +Āc+, +Et+, and. +Et·iam+, even. +Ad+, to. +Ap·ud+, among. +Ex+, +Ē+, from, out of. +Extrēmus+, furthest. +Locus+ [for _stlocus_], place. +Con·locō (coll-)+, place. +Multus+, much. +Multitūdō+, large number. +Proelium+, battle. +Proelior+, fight. +Superior+, higher. +Summus+ [for _supimus_], highest +Suprā+, above. +Superō+, overcome. +Tardus+, slow. +Tardō+, retard. +Trēs+, three. +Trī·duum+, three days’ time. +Tribūnus+, military tribune. +Tertius+, third. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Errata (noted by transcriber) Missing or incorrect punctuation in the vocabulary lists was silently corrected when it did not affect meaning. Other errors are listed below. WILLIAM C. COLLAR, A.M. [_. after C invisible_] Chap. 25: et manipulos laxāre iūssit, [iūssit.] Notes: Chap. 6, Page 26: 24. ... notwithstanding A. & G., p. 389, Rem. [A. &. G.] Chap. 8, Line 7: ... Compare chap. 7, l. 8. [chap 7] Chap. 26, Page 36: 16. ... Compare +ab sinistra parte+, p. 35, l. 13 [_text has “p. 23”, using chapter number in place of page number_] Chap. 33, Page 40: 5. +ne quam ... iniūriam+: see p. 39, l. 28, and note [_note is to simplified text, Chap. 33, l. 5_] Vocabulary: +Con·diciō+, -ōnis, F., [DĪC-, DIC-] [_hyphen after DIC missing_] +Molestē+, adv. [MAC-, MAG-] [1 MAC-] +Proximē+ ..., _nearest; most recently [most, recently] +Trāns·gredior+, 3 ... go over [go, over] Etymology: PED-, tread ... +Ex·pedītus+, unencumbered [unemcumbered]. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Gate to Cæsar, by William C. Collar *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE GATE TO CÆSAR *** ***** This file should be named 29645-0.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Louise Hope, Ted Garvin and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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