The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Pansy, November 1886, Vol. 14, by Various

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Title: The Pansy, November 1886, Vol. 14

Author: Various

Editor: Pansy
        Isabella Alden

Release Date: June 7, 2015 [EBook #49156]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Produced by Emmy, Juliet Sutherland and the Online
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The Pansy, November 1886



Transcriber's Note: Many of the advertising images are linked to larger copies to enable the reading of the fine print and details.
woman holding cup on tray
Vanilla Chocolate,
Like all our chocolates, is prepared with the greatest care, and consists of a superior quality of cocoa and sugar, flavored with pure vanilla bean. Served as a drink, or eaten dry as confectionery, it is a delicious article, and is highly recommended by tourists.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
woman holding cup on tray
Breakfast Cocoa.

Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.

Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.

PRETTY KNIFE FREE to every boy and girl sending 8cts. in stamps for our book of samples of beautiful cards, and try to get orders for us. Splendid premiums for clubs. Only 8c. for cards with pocket knife free. Holly Card Co., Meriden, Ct.


Get Brainerd & Armstrong’s factory ends, called Waste Embroidery. 40c. will buy one ounce, which would cost One Dollar in Skeins. All good silk and beautiful colors. Designs for 100 styles of Crazy Stitches enclosed in each package. Send 40cts. in stamps or postal note to THE BRAINERD & ARMSTRONG SPOOL SILK CO., 621 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa., or 469 Broadway, N. Y.

The Great American Tea Company

Greatest inducements ever offered. Now's your time to get up orders for our celebrated Teas and Coffees and secure a beautiful Gold Band or Moss Rose China Tea Set, or Handsome Decorated Gold Band Moss Rose Dinner Set, or Gold Band Moss Decorated Toilet Set. For full particulars address

P. O. Box 289.       31 and 33 Vesey St., New York.
NEW Sample Book of beautiful cards, 14 Games, 12 tricks in magic, 436 Album verses. All for a 2c. stamp. STAR CARD CO., Station 15, Ohio.
Skates Barney and  Berry
Lactated Food FOR Infants and Invalids
The Physician’s Favorite.

A predigested, non-irritating, easily assimilated food, indicated in all weak and inflamed conditions of the digestive organs, either in infants or adults.

hand pointing  right It has been the positive means of saving many lives, having been successful in hundreds of cases where other prepared foods failed.

The Most Nourishing, Most Palatable, Most Economical of all Prepared Foods.
150 MEALS for an Infant for $1.00
At Druggists. 25c., 50c., $1.

hand pointing  right A valuable pamphlet on “The Nutrition of Infants and Invalids,” sent free on application.

Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.


2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.


2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.

LEWANDO’S.                 Price-List Free.
2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.


LEWANDO’S.                 Price-List Free.

2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.

LEWANDO’S.                 Price-List Free.

2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.

DRESSES Dyed Whole.
LEWANDO’S.                 Price-List sent Free.

2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.

LEWANDO’S.                 Price-List sent Free.

2 W. 14th Street, New York;
17 Temple Place, Boston.

$3 Printing Press

Excelsior printer DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! Card & label Press, $3. Larger sizes, $5 to $75. For old or young. Everything easy, printed directions. Send 2 stamps for Catalogue of Presses, Type, Cards, &c. to the factory. Kelsey & Co., Meriden, Conn.

FOR 1887.

hand pointing  rightWide Awake ... a periodical having, as I think, no superior, and probably no equal, in the world.”—A. J. Phipps, Superintendent of Schools.

hand pointing  rightBeyond praise. The illustrations rank with the best of our costliest art publications, the literature is supplied by the most capable and famous men and women. Will delight young and old alike. Tempting enough to fetch the necessary coin out of the pocket of the stingiest churl alive. No cost or trouble has been spared to make this work, in literary and artistic merit, and in the homelier matter of type and paper, as perfect as possible. It is simply impossible to give to one who has not seen it any idea of the good sense, rare fun, exquisite illustrations, and thorough healthiness of tone, which abound in this beautiful magazine.”—Sheffield Independent, England.


The Story of Keedon Bluffs. By Charles Egbert Craddock, author of “The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains,” “Down the Ravine,” etc. A dramatic serial of boy life in the Great Smokies, with new scenes and new characters, among the latter a jolly young mountaineer who sings original dialect songs full of wild humor. Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett.

Romulus and Remus. By Charles Remington Talbot. This story is not a tale of ancient Rome; instead, it is modern high comedy. Full of mirthful surprises. So far as known, the first strictly humorous serial prepared for a young folks’ magazine. Illustrations by Frank T. Merrill.

Montezuma’s Gold Mines. By Fred A. Ober, author of “The Silver City.” This serial of romantic adventure is based on Mr. Ober’s own search for the lost gold mines of Montezuma, which are firmly believed in Mexico to be still in existence, their precise locality a guarded secret among one or two tribes of mountain Indians, who inherit the precious knowledge, handing it down in turn to their children. The hero of the story is “John North,” the hero of “The Silver City,” and the serial opens on the mysterious island of Cozumel. The story has been written to satisfy the incessant demand and unappeasable desire of the readers, old as well as young, of “The Silver City.” Illustrations by Hy. Sandham.

The Secrets at Roseladies. By Mary Hartwell Catherwood, author of “Rocky Fork,” and “Old Caravan Days.” It is enough, perhaps, to reveal here, of Pen Bidgood, and Willie Bidgood, and “Sister” Bidgood, and little Honora Jones, and Aquilla Jones, and beautiful Sarah Roseladies, and Dan Marsh of the house-boat, that one of their secrets concerned the secrets of the Indian Mounds on the Lower Wabash. Illustrations by W. A. Rogers.

Howling Wolf and His Trick-Pony. By Mrs. Lizzie W. Champney. The hair-breadth adventures of a bright little Indian boy in search of the lost “medicine” of the Utes. An enchanting serial for Little Folks, which the big folks will equally enjoy. Illustrations by H. F. Farny, and from photographs.

Bird-Talk. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. For some time Mrs. Whitney has been making a study of our wild birds and their individual song expression; and from that study comes now a delicious group of poems, each descriptive of a bird and its haunts, and each including a metrical rendering of that bird’s song, based on the true vowel sounds in the notes of its melody. This dainty and amusing series will be as follows:

Jan.   In the Evergreens.   Chickadee.
Feb.   In the Thorn-Thicket.   Blue Jay.
Mar.   On the Bare Bough.   Song-Sparrow.
Apr.   In Open Fields.   Crow, Robin.
May   Hid in the Lilac.
On a Grass-Head.
June   In the Ash-Tree.
Under the Laurel Bush.
July   In the Cherry-Trees.
In the Birch Hollow.
Savanna Sparrow.
Aug.   In Deep Woods.   Small Fly-Catcher.
Hermit Thrush.
Sept.   In the Stubble.   Quail.
Oct.   Among Falling Leaves.   Tree-Sparrow.
Nov.   In Early Snow.   Goldfinch.
Dec.   From the Old Barn Gable.   Screech Owl.

In War-Times at La Rose Blanche. By Mrs. M. E. M. Davis. Twelve stories, written by a prominent New Orleans lady, the wife of a Confederate cavalry officer. They relate the adventures of a great Southern sugar-plantation household, whose men were in the army from the beginning to the end of the Civil War. The author was a little girl at the time—the “Miss Ma’y” of the stories—and was concerned in many little dramas, some humorous and some pathetic, in which both “Blue-coats” and “Gray-coats” were actors. “The Letter from the Front,” describing the Battle of the Wilderness, in which her brother of fifteen was a color-bearer in Hood’s Brigade, is said by both Union and Confederate officers to be one of the best descriptions ever written of what one soldier sees and feels in a battle. Some hundreds of “house and field hands” belonged to La Rose Blanche plantation, and the “dialect” is not one of the least of the charms of these stories. Illustrations by E. W. Kemble.

Ballads about Old-Time Authors. By Harriet Prescott Spofford. In twelve picturesque ballads Mrs. Spofford will relate some tender stories from the lives of the masters of the earlier English literature—that one of “Goldsmith’s Whistle,” and that one of Johnson doing penance in Uttoxeter Market, and of Milton blind, and of Lamb and his sister—and many another beautiful literary story with which young people ought to be made familiar. These ballads will be richly and authentically illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett.

Famous Pets. By Eleanor Lewis. A series of papers which have been in preparation at home and abroad for several years, comprising among their treasures rich contributions of facts, anecdotes, descriptions, engravings and photographs from many noted people who have owned interesting pets: for instance, the first paper, “Some Scotch Celebrities,” narrates an interesting talk with the old keeper of Grayfriar’s Churchyard, where the famous “Grayfriar’s Bobby” lived and died, and another chat with the sister of Dr. John Brown, author of “Rab and his Friends,” with an engraving from a charming photographed group of Dr. Brown, Dr. Peddie and “Dandie,” and half a dozen pictures from paintings, statues and photographs.

“Fairy Folk All.” By Louise Imogen Guiney. Twelve Papers. Researches in fairy-land, giving the natural history of brownies and bogles, of fays and elves, of necks, nixies and puckwudjies, of kelpies and kobolds—in short, of all the known races of “the little vanishing folk,” with accounts of their dress, haunts, habits, manners, customs and usages. Full of delicious anecdote and legend, and with bewitching pictures.


A New Department, called The Contributors and the Children, is to be the fireside and round-table corner of the magazine. There the famous Wide Awake writers will meet the young folks face to face as it were, and in social chats with them say a thousand bright and important little things which naturally cannot come into their stories and articles. It will be a cosey and notable spot—this Contributors’ Corner. Charming plans for it have already been carried out: at the Christmas (Dec.) gathering the young folks are to meet Mrs. James T. Fields, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, Margaret Sidney, Susan Coolidge and Sarah Orne Jewett. The New Year’s reception will be no less delightful.

Concord: Its Ways and By-Ways. By Margaret Sidney. A series of papers about this historic and literary Mecca, its picturesque waters, lanes and spots, its famous people and their famous homes and haunts—full of fresh anecdote and reminiscence. Mr. A. W. Hosmer, the accomplished amateur photographer, is now making negatives in and about Concord town, for the liberal illustration of these papers.

Christmas-Tide Stories. A Pretty Scarecrow, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Taffy and Buster Tied to a Christmas Tree, and Taffy and Buster at Niblo’s, two stories by Jessie Benton Frémont. A Christmas Masquerade, by Mary E. Wilkins. A Christmas Guest, by Sarah Orne Jewett. A Wee Wedding, by Sophie May. Why the Doll’s Name was never Changed, by Katherine McDowell. These stories will all appear in the Christmas and New Year’s numbers.

Some Educational Extremes. A Yankee Schoolmistress, by Mrs. H. G. Rowe; a Maine village school of 1800, and how Aunt Polly Shedd taught history and civics. “Cap’n Bos’ard’s Wife’s School,” by Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey; an amusing record of an Old Colony dame-school. A New England Summit, by Frona M. Brooks; how the Harvard Annex girls live and study.

The Quest of the Whipping-Boy. By Georgiana Washington. An extravaganza chronicling the suppositious adventures of an American school-girl, who, inspired by the “happy thought” of the early English kings in providing a Whipping-Boy to be punished for the sins of their young princes, set out on a journey to find a victim willing to bear all the consequences of the shortcomings of a seminary-full of modern school-girls.

Longfellow’s Boyhood. Also, Longfellow and the Children. Two articles by Rev. Samuel Longfellow. Reminiscences of the beloved “children’s poet,” as a child himself, and his relations with his own children and with other children through life. This beautiful paper for all children will appear in the Christmas number.

An Old House. By H. L. Bradley. Another Longfellow article, to appear in the New Year’s number. It describes the quaint old Longfellow house in Portland, where the poet wrote his first poems, and to which American boys and girls make pilgrimages. Many illustrations from photographs and drawings.

A “Lend-a-Hand” Group. A Helping Hand, by Mrs. James T. Fields. A Livelihood for Girls, by Margaret Sidney. The Boston Girls’ Friendly Society, by Mrs. Henry Whitman. From the Annals of the S. P. C. C., by Mrs. Kate Gannett Wells. Associated Charities Story: Kitty’s Gingerbread Store, and Jack’s Animals, by Mrs. Margaret Storer Warner.

Flowers I have Met. By Grant Allen. An interesting record of observations upon plants and flowers along New England and Canadian roadsides and fields, made by the eminent English scientist during his recent visit to America. Also animal papers.

Child Life in London. From Hyde Park to Whitehall. By Mrs. Elizabeth Robins Pennell, with many drawings by Joseph Pennell, the distinguished etcher. Both author and artist are now in London making special studies for this article.

The True Story of William Tell. By Sarah Loring Bailey. An historical and mythological research made at Altorf, Switzerland. Several interesting illustrations from photographs of localities, statues, etc.

Washington and his Playmates. By Wm. F. Carne, author of “Washington as a Burgher.” Interesting new material gathered from Virginia records, letters and recollections. Important illustrations.

The Luck of Edenhall. By Amanda B. Harris. The literary history of that famous fairy glass, so celebrated in ballad and story, together with the authentic family traditions and a correct description, kindly furnished to Wide Awake by the present family owners of this goblet of romance—the Musgraves of Edenhall, Cumberland, England.

A Day with Hans Andersen. By Jessie Benton Frémont. A delightful account of a visit in Copenhagen with the dear old Fairy-storyteller of the North. Another beautiful “Souvenir,” as faithful as a photograph.

Pictures of American Pastimes. By F. Childe Hassam. Stirring full-page pictures of American games, each depicting a picturesque crisis in the sport, and of a sort to make the boys toss their caps and shout “hurrah!” (and the girls long to do the same!) These pictures will include Lawn Tennis, Hockey, Bowling, Quoits, Archery, Foot Ball, Croquet, Polo, Lacrosse, and other popular plays that call for healthful exercise.

Little Classics of English Prose, Illustrated. With the purpose of interesting young people in English prose literature which is not all “story,” it is proposed to give occasional selections of brief masterpieces, accompanied by numerous illustrations.


Some Successful American Women. By Sarah K. Bolton. During the publication in the Readings for 1883-4 of Mrs. Bolton’s “little biographies” of successful American men, under the title “How Success is Won,” many parents requested that a series about successful women be prepared for their daughters; in accordance are given now the examples of a dozen bright, strong, and prosperous women who have succeeded in their chosen work. Twelve papers, with portraits.

Wonder-Wings, Mellangongs, Colossii, and Others. By C. F. Holder, of the N. Y. Central Park Museum of Natural History. Twelve marvel-chapters of animal life, as true as strange. Illustrations by J. Carter Beard.

A Young Prince of Commerce. By Selden R. Hopkins, Commercial Counsel. A well-known authority and writer on business practice and commercial usages has written for the young folks a serial story of a boy’s career, from a penniless youth to a young millionaire, as valuable as it is exciting and inspiring, showing that ledgers, stocks and bonds are as romantic and potent weapons in the hands of a young man with a knightly soul as ever were lance and shield in the days of old. The girls too come in for a good share of the young “prince’s” honor, and the story shows how many business ventures are made successful by the tender “power behind the throne.” Twelve chapters, with forms, laws and usages.

Our Asiatic Cousins. By Mrs. A. H. Lenowens, the Eastern traveller. Entertaining and instructive. Studies of our kindred in the far fatherland of the race, tracing the relationships and delineating the great family traits. With many illustrations.

Ways to Do Things. By various authors. Practical handiwork for young folks. The new series of these popular papers will open with a delightful needlework article, “Baby’s Shoe,” by Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont, to be followed by Mrs. Annie Sawyer Downs’ and Amanda B. Harris’ instructions (two articles), “How to Write a Composition.”

Search-Questions in Greek History. With Monthly Prizes. By Oscar Fay Adams. The value everywhere set upon the past two years’ work with Search-Questions in Literature, and the cordial help afforded to the young “searchers” by librarians, professors, editors, and literarians throughout the country, have led to a broad and careful plan for Historical Search-Questions which shall extend through several years’ Readings, thus giving “searchers” a systematic survey of the great Historical Periods. Each year’s work comprises Answers to twelve sets of questions, of twenty questions each. Standard books are given as prizes, particulars of which will be given in the C. Y. F. R. U. department.

Rare Stories and Poems and beautiful Pictures are on hand, really “too numerous to mention”: “My First Voyage,” a singular story, by Maurice Thompson, author of “The Witchery of Archery”; “How Ned Scaled Mt. Washington,” by Mary Rebecca Hart; “Besieged by Wolves,” by John Willis Hays; “The Shipwreck of the Cologne Bottle,” by Susan Coolidge; “Ph[oe]be Stout, Sculptor,” by M. B. Ryerson; “Jeremicky’s Sacrifice,” by Mrs. Katherine B. Foote; “A Manorial Pigeon Tower,” with a full-page picture by Henry Bacon, the painter-author, of Paris, etc., etc.


D. Lothrop and Company announce that, leading in the great literary movement toward lower prices, and large sales, they have made, without reducing quantity or quality, an extraordinary reduction in the price of Wide Awake, the best illustrated young folks’ magazine, 1000 quarto pages and 500 original pictures yearly, and will now receive subscriptions at the former wholesale price of only $2.40 a year.

D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, Mass., U. S. A.

FOR 1887.

Babyland will have two enticing new features for the babies and their mammas, in addition to the perennial pleasures of the countless little two-minute stories and verses with which the magazine always has abounded.

Especially calculated to merrily occupy the eyes and ears of the little ones are the monthly pictorial pages called


text and pictures by Margaret Johnson; and especially calculated to sweetly teach and charm are the home kindergarten delights called


by Emilie Poulsson, with dozens and dozens and dozens of bewitching picture-instructions by L. J. Bridgman. Every one who has the care of little nursery toddlers will bless Babyland for these two features.

Big bright pictures, large print, strong paper, and dainty gay cover. 50 cts. a year.

FOR 1887.

The Serial Story for the year, by that charming writer for children, Mrs. M. F. Butts, will be entitled,


It will be accompanied with twelve full-page drawings by Miss E. S. Tucker. The author of “Little Talks about Plants” and “Little Talks about Insects,” has prepared an amusing series about


in which she tells about ants and their wise and curious ways—how they work, how they harvest their grain, how they milk their cows, etc.


by Mrs. Helen E. Sweet, tells many interesting things about Indian boys and girls, their sports and their strange ways of living, so unlike the life of our little men and women. The History Chapters for the year will consist of


by Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey, following on from the voyages of Columbus, given last year, and relating the story of Ponce de Leon and his search in America for the Fountain of Youth, the romantic tale of De Soto and his burial in the Mississippi River, the exploits of Capt. John Smith in Virginia, etc., such incidents being chosen from the life of each as shall most interest little readers.

All these will be profusely illustrated, as also will be the verses and short stories by Mrs. Clara Doty Bates, Sara E. Farman, Mrs. Olive Howard, Charles E. Skinner, Bessie Chandler, H. R. Hudson, Anna R. Henderson, Henrietta K. Elliot, Emilie Poulsson, and other favorite writers.

The yearly numbers, as heretofore, will have seventy-five full-page pictures. $1.00 a year.

FOR 1887.

This illustrated monthly contains thirty-two to forty pages each number, of enjoyable and helpful literature and pictures, equally suited to Sundays and week days. The editor, “Pansy,” will furnish a new serial to run through the year,


The Golden Text Stories will be continued under the title of “A Dozen of Us.” Margaret Sidney will contribute a serial story called


telling how Jack and Cornelius and Rosalie earned money to help mother take care of the baby. There will be more “Great Men” and more “Remarkable Women.” Faye Huntington will write of flowers and plants in


Rev. C. M. Livingston will furnish stories of Great Events, People, Discoveries, Inventions, etc. A novel feature will be a story by eleven different authors. R. M. Alden will direct a new department of Church, Sabbath School and Missionary News. The present departments will continue, and new ones be opened. $1.00 a year.

Address all orders to

D. LOTHROP AND COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, Mass., U. S. A.


The special Holiday Book list of Messrs. D. Lothrop & Co. and their general Booklist for the season embrace volumes of fresh beauty, and also sterling works fully abreast with the growing demand for attractive books of some educational value. Their array of costly illustrated volumes includes seven Fine-Art issues. Foremost is the magnificent folio, Idyls and Pastorals, comprising twenty-four poems by Celia Thaxter written expressly for this work, accompanied by twenty-four superb fac-simile photogravures from paintings, water colors and line drawings by eminent American and foreign artists, including Kate Greenaway, Howard Pyle, Wm. T. Smedley, Edmund H. Garrett, F. Childe Hassam, Jessie Curtis Shepherd, Miss L. B. Humphrey, W. L. Taylor, Joseph Pennell, Thomas Hovenden, F. H. Lungren, T. W. Wood, N. A., Charles Volkmar, Hy. Sandham, F. T. Merrill and Henry Bacon. These photogravures are printed by hand, in colors, on the finest imported India paper. The book is bound in vellum cloth with designs in two metals, also in white calf embossed in imitation of antique carved ivory. A Popular Edition, octavo, with a selection, and fine wood engravings is bound both in cloth and embossed leather. Youth in Twelve Centuries is another de luxe folio, holding twenty-four bold picturesque drawings by Hassam of youthful race-types of both sexes, ranging from Egyptian, 1500 B. C., down through Chinese, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Gaul, to the Renaissance of the Medici and the American Colonial. These drawings are in hand-printed photogravures in twelve tones, and are accompanied by twenty-four poems by “M. E. B.” The book is in two styles of binding: in rich silk canvas from the New York Associated Artists’ art-fabrics with emerald calf corners and back, and in linen fabric overprinted in photogravure with a rich and mystic design. A Popular Edition of the same, with wood engravings, is bound in fine cloth. The Minute Man, by Margaret Sidney, is a Ballad of “the shot heard round the world;” it has drawings by Sandham printed with the text, also a strong water-color and three historic Concord views in toned photogravures. Beautiful binding. In Bye-o-Baby Ballads, the “color-book” of the House, the little folks have a volume as perfect in taste as the costly adult gift-books; the ballads are by Charles Stuart Pratt (editor of Wide Awake and Babyland), and the pictures, by Hassam, the popular water-color painter, include many strong charming full-pages and hundreds smaller, reproduced in exquisite colors by Buek & Co.; withal, the book is distinctively fresh and American. Sonnets from the Portuguese. The immortal love-sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning are so richly printed and bound as to become a standard presentation volume. New editions of recent favorite gift-books group with these new ones, notably Ideal Poems, Heroines of the Poets and Stabat Mater.

The Holiday Quartos in black-and-white for popular use are hardly less rich in their handsome bindings. First of course, are the regular Annuals, Wide Awake “U” and “V,” Babyland, Our Little Men and Women and The Pansy. Wide Awake “U” contains complete serials by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney and Margaret Sidney, “How the Middies Set up Shop” and “A New Departure for Girls;” “V” has the beautiful complete story of “A Girl and a Jewel,” by Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford. Our Little Men and Women has the delicious English serial written for it by L. T. Meade. Babyland has that dainty dozen of “Crib-Curtain Stories,” by Mrs. Ella Farman Pratt. Pansy has Margaret Sidney’s “St. George and the Dragon” and “Reaching Out,” by Pansy. A quarto volume of Children’s Ballads is particularly rich in historical stories. The new edition of the great encyclopædia of poetry, The Young Folks’ Golden Treasury, has several hundred illustrated original poems. Sights Worth Seeing is gorgeous with spectacles and carnivals, while the small quartos and the tiny books for the Christmas Stocking People are countless in their rainbowy profusions. One choice volume of short stories for adults is included in the Holiday List, Hester, and Other New England Stories, by Margaret Sidney. This is beautifully gotten up, the artistic covers being designed by Mrs. Henry Whitman; one choice historical novel for young folks, In Leisler’s Times, a story of Knickerbocker New York, by E. S. Brooks; and one beautiful Wonder Story for the little folks, The Bubbling Teapot, by Mrs. Lizzie W. Champney.

Among the new issues for popular reading are The Land of the Czar and the Nihilist, by Rev. J. M. Buckley, LL. D., an illustrated octavo of recent travel. All Among the Lighthouses, by Mrs. Crowninshield (the wife of Commander Crowninshield U. S. N.,) finely illustrated and uniform in size, price and importance with the famous Family Flights; and Souvenirs of My Time, by Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont, a large book crowded with personal reminiscences of famous people, at home and abroad, celebrated places and notable scenes and events.

Famous Stories, by those royal story tellers, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, David Ker and Charles R. Talbot, make a strong bid for the favor of boys and girls of from fourteen to sixteen; Bib and Tucker Folks, compiled by Mrs. Humphrey, is crammed full with illustrations, and the two volumes of the Fun for the Family Series is full of jolly stories and pictures. Then for the smaller ones there is Wonder People, which tells interesting stories about some curious folks; Baby’s Story Book; Jack, Jill and Tot; a collection of amusing stories under the title of So Funny; three charming books by Mrs. Humphrey either one of which would be a treasure to the little ones—Kings and Queens at Home, with twenty-four portraits and pictures; Queen Victoria at Home and Stories about Favorite Authors. All these are quartos in handsome cloth or chromo bindings.

Among the new issues in the regular library form are the issues in the Through the Year with the Poets Series, one of the choicest collections of poetry upon special themes ever made in this country: With Reed and Lyre, Clinton Scollard’s charming collection of poems; the enlarged edition of the poems of James Berry Bensel; Willis Boyd Allen’s Silver Rags, the second issue in the Pine Cone Series; Miss Ryder’s Hold up your Heads, Girls! and a very remarkable volume of sermons by the Rev. Reuen Thomas, under the title of Divine Sovereignty.

Besides these there are two new “Wonder Stories” forming additional volumes in the series of that name; the first volume being devoted to stories of history and the second to those of travel. Hosts of young readers will remember Plucky Boys, which had such a popularity a year ago. This year the publishers bring out a companion volume, Brave Girls, which will be every whit as popular. There is announced, too, a new story by Joaquin Miller, called “The Gold Miners of the Sierras;” an entertaining volume called Foreign Facts and Fancies, and a collection of Stories of Danger and Adventure.

The books of permanent and educational value for young folks include, Stories From American History, by Pansy; Real Fairy Folks; My Land and Water Friends, by Mary E. Bamford; Nelly Marlow in Washington, by Laura D. Nichols, chronicling the wonders of Chemistry; The Story Book of Science, by Mrs. Lydia Hoyt Farmer; Stories of Foreign Lands, by Pansy; and Adventures of Columbus, by Mrs. F. A. Humphrey; while for their entertainment there are Pansy’s Sunday Book, The Adventures of Ann (a colonial story), by Mary E. Wilkins; Two Modern Princes in the Tower, by Margaret Sidney; Polly, an illustrated quarto also by Margaret Sidney, and the great Golden Year quarto of short stories. All are beautifully illustrated and attractively and strongly bound.

The Greatest of Our Special Announcements!

The success which has attended our offer of WIDE AWAKE to
clubs at reduced prices has been so great that we have
decided to give the former wholesale price to

decoration lines
a year
From this date
Subscriptions to

for 1887 will be
received at the
net price of only

a year
decoration lines

The magazine will be somewhat enlarged
and improved in every particular—only an
enormous increase in circulation making possible the
wholesale reduction in price which is announced above.

D. LOTHROP & COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, Mass.


Volume 14, Number 1.        Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co.        November 6, 1886.
Girl walking down steps



And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin.

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore.

YOUNG Joseph sat on the side of his bed, one boot on, the other still held by the strap, while he stared somewhat crossly at a small green paper-covered book which lay open beside him.

“A dozen of them!” he said at last. “Just to think of a fellow making such a silly promise as that! A verse a month, straight through a whole year. Got to pick ’em out, too. I’d rather have ’em picked out for me; less trouble.

“How did I happen to promise her I’d do it? I don’t know which verse to take. None of ’em fit me, nor have a single thing to do with a boy! Well, that’ll make it all the easier for me, I s’pose. I’ve got to hurry, anyhow, so here goes; I’ll take the shortest there is here.”

And while he drew on the other boot, and made haste to finish his toilet, he rattled off, many times over, the second verse at the head of this story.

The easiest way to make you understand about Joseph, is to give you a very brief account of his life.

He was twelve years old, and an orphan. The only near relative he had in the world was his sister Jean aged sixteen, who was learning millinery in an establishment in the city. The little family though very poor, had kept together until mother died in the early spring. Now it was November, and during the summer, Joseph had lived where he could; working a few days for his bread, first at one house, then at another; never because he was really needed, but just out of pity for his homelessness. Jean could earn her board where she was learning her trade, but not his; though she tried hard to bring this about.

At last, a home for the winter opened to Joseph. The Fowlers who lived on a farm and had in the large old farmhouse a private school for a dozen girls, spent a few weeks in the town where Joseph lived, and carried him away with them, to be errand boy in general, and study between times.

Poor, anxious Jean drew a few breaths of relief over the thought of her boy. That, at least, meant pure air, wholesome food, and a chance to learn something.

Now for his promise. Jean had studied over it a good deal before she claimed it. Should it be to read a few verses in mother’s Bible every day? No; because a boy always forgot to do so, for a week at a time, and then on Sunday afternoon rushed through three or four chapters as a salve to his conscience, not noticing a sentence in them. At last she determined on this: the little green book of golden texts, small enough to carry in his jacket pocket! Would he promise her to take—should she say each week’s text as a sort of rule to live by?

No; that wouldn’t do. Joseph would never make so close a promise as that. Well, how would a verse a month do, chosen by himself from the Golden Texts?

On this last she decided; and this, with some hesitancy, Joseph promised. So here he was, on Thanksgiving morning, picking out his first text. He had chosen the shortest, as you see; there was another reason for the choice. It pleased him to remember that he had no lambs to feed, and there was hardly a possibility that the verse could fit him in any way during the month. He was only bound by his promise to be guided by the verse if he happened to think of it, and if it suggested any line of action to him.

“It’s the jolliest kind of a verse,” he said, giving his hair a rapid brushing. “When there are no lambs around, and nothing to feed ’em, I’d as soon live by it for a month as not.”

Voices in the hall just outside his room: “I don’t know what to do with poor little Rettie to-day,” said Mrs. Calland, the married daughter who lived at home with her fatherless Rettie.

“The poor child will want everything on the table, and it won’t do for her to eat anything but her milk and toast. I am so sorry for her. You know she is weak from her long illness; and it is so hard for a child to exercise self control about eating. If I had anyone to leave her with I would keep her away from the table; but every one is so busy.”[3]

Then Miss Addie, one of the sisters: “How would it do to have our new Joseph stay with her?”

“Indeed!” said the new Joseph, puckering his lips into an indignant sniff and brushing his hair the wrong way, in his excitement; “I guess I won’t, though. Wait for the second table on Thanksgiving Day, when every scholar in the school is going to sit down to the first! That would be treating me exactly like one of the family with a caution! Just you try it, Miss Addie, and see how quick I’ll cut and run.”

But Mrs. Calland’s soft voice was replying: “Oh! I wouldn’t like to do that. Joseph is sensitive, and a stranger, and sitting down to the Thanksgiving feast in its glory, is a great event for him; it would hurt me to deprive him of it.”

“Better not,” muttered Joseph, but there was a curious lump in his throat, and a very tender feeling in his heart toward Mrs. Calland.

It was very strange, in fact it was absurd, but all the time Joseph was pumping water, and filling pitchers, and bringing wood and doing the hundred other things needing to be done this busy morning, that chosen verse sounded itself in his brain: “He saith unto him, feed my lambs.” More than that, it connected itself with frail little Rettie and the Thanksgiving feast.

In vain did Joseph say “Pho!” “Pshaw!” “Botheration!” or any of the other words with which boys express disgust. In vain did he tell himself that the verse didn’t mean any such thing; he guessed he wasn’t a born idiot. He even tried to make a joke out of it, and assure himself that this was exactly contrary to the verse; it was a plan by means of which the “lamb” should not get fed. It was all of no use. The verse and his promise, kept by him the whole morning, actually sent him at last to Mrs. Calland with the proposal that he should take little Rettie to the schoolroom and amuse her, while the grand dinner was being eaten.

I will not say that he had not a lingering hope in his heart that Mrs. Calland would refuse his sacrifice. But his hope was vain. Instant relief and gratitude showed in the mother’s eyes and voice. And Joseph carried out his part so well that Rettie, gleeful and happy every minute of the long two hours, did not so much as think of the dinner.

“You are a good, kind boy,” said Mrs. Calland, heartily. “Now run right down to dinner; we saved some nice and warm for you.”

Yes, it was warm: but the great fruit pudding was spoiled of its beauty, and the fruit pyramid had fallen, and the workers were scraping dishes and hurrying away the remains of the feast, while he ate, and the girls were out on the lawn playing tennis and croquet, double sets at both, and no room for him, and the glory of everything had departed. The description of it all, which he had meant to write to Jean, would have to be so changed that there would be no pleasure in writing it. What had been the use of spoiling his own day? No one would ever know it, he couldn’t even tell Jean, because of course the verse didn’t mean any such thing.

“But I don’t see why it pitched into a fellow so, if it didn’t belong,” he said, rising from the table just as Ann, the dishwasher, snatched his plate, for which she had been waiting. “And, anyhow, I feel kind of glad I did it, whether it belonged or not.”

“He is a kind-hearted, unselfish boy,” said Mrs. Calland to her little daughter, that evening, “and you and mamma must see in how many ways we can be good to him.”


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THREE little boys talked together
One sunny summer day,
And I leaned out of the window
To hear what they had to say.
“The prettiest thing I ever saw,”
One of the little boys said,
“Was a bird in grandpa’s garden,
All black and white and red.”
“The prettiest thing I ever saw,”
Said the second little lad,
“Was a pony at the circus—
I wanted him awful bad.”
“I think,” said the third little fellow,
With a grave and gentle grace,
“That the prettiest thing in all the world
Is just my mother’s face.”
Eben E. Rexford, in Good Cheer.
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I drop I

IT was the day before Thanksgiving. Cold weather had come on early. The ground had been frozen solid for several days, and the country roads were “smooth as glass”; so Grandpa Kirke said when he came home from the post-office Tuesday afternoon. “But I shouldn’t wonder if we were to have snow before morning,” he added. And at this the little granddaughter Lucy L. clapped her hands gleefully. The boy Whittier said nothing, but presently a noise was heard up in the wood-house chamber, and Mrs. Kirke said in a startled tone, “What’s that?”

Grandpa stepped to the door and called, “Whittier!”

two children taking to man with bicycle

“Sir?” responded the boy quickly.

“Oh! you are there.”

“Coming in a minute; do you want anything?” said Whittier, and in less than a minute the boy appeared below stairs with his sled. “Looks pretty well to start on a second winter with!” he said, as he dusted and examined the treasure. “Say, Lucy Larcom, how will you like to ride to school on the Flyaway to-morrow morning?”

Grandma laughed, and said, “You seem to be counting on snow, for sure.”

“But you know grandpa said maybe it would snow, and when grandpa says maybe, it most always comes so,” said Lucy.

Sure enough snow lay on the ground, pure and white, to the depth of several inches when they looked out that morning before Thanksgiving Day. The children could scarcely be prevailed upon to eat their breakfast, so eager were they to get off to school with the Flyaway. Grandma said:

“This won’t last long; snow that falls upon frozen ground never stays. It is the snow that comes in the mud that makes sleighing to last.” This somewhat chilled their expectations, but[5] Lucy concluded that the snow would last until recess, anyway. As the two started off grandma, watching them from the window, said with a sigh, “How much Whittier looks like our John at his age!”

“God forbid that he should grow up to remind you of John!” replied Mr. Kirke, almost bitterly.

Mrs. Kirke washed the dishes and tidied the room in silence, then stepping to her husband’s side she laid her hand upon his shoulder, and said softly, “Joseph, to-morrow is Thanksgiving Day!”


“I have made the pies and the pudding and the plum cake that John always liked so well, and now if John should come home?”

“Well?” this time the monosyllable was spoken a trifle less impatiently.

“If he should come home you would receive him? Remember, Joseph, John is our first-born.”

“’Tain’t no ways likely he’ll come!”

“I don’t know; someway I’ve been thinking lik’sanyway he’ll be thinking about the old home when Thanksgiving comes round. Anyway, I’ve made them things for him, but then,” she added, more to herself than to her husband, “I’m always ready for him. The bed is always made up for him, and there is always something cooked that he likes.”

Meantime the children had gone on their way, Whittier drawing his sister upon the Flyaway, bending all his energies to the task, for the sledding was not very good, so it happened that Lucy was the first to spy a strange sight for that part of the country.

“Look, Whitty! what is that coming?” exclaimed his sister.

Then Whittier stopped, and Lucy in her excitement jumped off the sled and stood beside him, half-frightened.

“Why, that must be one of them things they call a bicycle!” said the boy; “I’ve read a lot about them, and Tom Green saw one in Galway when he was over there staying with his uncle. I guess this is the first one ever got around this way. My! how he skims along. But I wish he would stop, so we could see the machine better.”

As if divining the boy’s wish, the bicyclist came to a stand-still and dismounted as he reached the place where the children waited.

“Halloo, my boy! How’ll you swap? I think I’d like to go coasting this morning; those hills over there look as though they might give a chance for some sport.”

“Say,” continued the stranger without giving Whittier a chance to speak, “do you s’pose a fellow could get a breakfast anywhere around here?”

“I don’t know,” replied Whittier slowly. “I guess, though, that grandma would give you some. I’ve heard her say she never could find it in her heart to turn a tramp away because maybe uncle John might be wanting something to eat and she would want somebody to give him a meal.”

The stranger stooped down and seemed to be brushing the snow off the wheel, and when he spoke it was in a very quiet tone:

“Where does grandma live, and what is her name?”

“Her name is Grandma Kirke, and she lives over there in the white house you see by the red barn.”

“And is there a Grandpa Kirke?”

“Of course! we’d have to have a grandpa or we couldn’t get along, could we?” said Lucy, startled out of her shyness at the thought that there could be a house without a grandpa.

“There is just Grandpa and Grandma Kirke and us,” said Whittier; “we used to have an uncle John, though Lucy Larcom and I came here after he went away. He has been gone five years, but you better not say anything about him if you go there, because it always makes grandma cry.”

“And does grandpa cry?”

“No; he only looks sober, but I guess he feels awful bad about uncle John, for he says it was rum that made him go off, and grandpa hates rum like poison. He won’t have even cider in the house, and he always votes against rum too.”

“And don’t grandma make currant wine and keep it in the cellar for Thanksgiving and Christmas?” asked the stranger.

“My! no! grandma hates everything that has alcohol in it. She wouldn’t have it anywhere around; but she will give you a cup of coffee, I guess.”


“And you think she would be glad to see John?”

“I know she would!” Then as a thought flashed into his mind, the boy said suddenly, “Say, if you go riding around the country much on that machine maybe you’ll come across my uncle; if you do, just tell him grandma keeps things all ready for him, ’specting him to come, will you?”

“All right, I will; good-by!” and mounting his wheel the stranger rode off towards the little white house which Whittier had pointed out. “As if I didn’t know that house and every room in it!” he said, talking to himself. “And so grandma keeps things ready for her wandering son!” and here he lifted his hand to brush away something from his cheek.

It could not have been a fly that frosty morning, could it?

I have not space to tell you of the stranger’s reception at the farmhouse. There must have been joy in heaven over the returning repentant prodigal; and what a Thanksgiving that was! When the next day the sons and daughters gathered for the feast, and found this long-absent brother returned, their cup of joy and thanksgiving seemed to overflow. But I want to tell you of a bit of talk that took place when uncle John had gathered the children all about him in the afternoon.

They were examining the bicycle, and he had been telling them some incidents of his long journey, when suddenly he said, “Now, children, you think this is a nice thing, and you boys quite envy your old uncle its possession, don’t you?”

“Not quite that, I guess,” replied one of the older boys, “but I’d like to own one.”

“Well, perhaps your father will buy this; I want to sell it.” At this they all looked aghast to think their uncle would be willing to part with such a treasure.

“Just let me tell you something, boys,” he continued; “I am forty years old, and all I possess in the world is this bicycle and a very few dollars which I have earned since I became a sober man. I have thrown away the best part of my life. Here are my brothers with comfortable homes all their own, and I with nothing, and all because of rum! and I began by drinking cider over there at the mill. Boys, let it alone; don’t begin, and you will never be the slave of rum.”

“But, uncle John,” said one, “you are not a slave any more.”

“No; but I shall carry the marks of my fetters to the grave. I tell you it hasn’t paid. Forty years old, and nothing to show for my life! Sign the pledge, boys; sign the pledge, and you will not have to say that when you are forty years old. I trust you will have something more than a bicycle to show for it.”

Faye Huntington.

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“SOMETHING for me, dear mamma, write!”
Came with her kiss and sweet “good-night!”
So thinking, with a mother’s love,
Of all that waits below, above—
Each upward step, each earthward snare,
I breathe for her a mother’s prayer.
Father, I ask not cloudless day
To shine o’er all the untried way
Appointed for these tender feet
Ere they may walk the golden street;
Whate’er the path Thy love assign,
Hold fast this little hand in Thine.
I dare not say for this young heart
So much of earthly bliss impart;
From thine it caught its earliest thrill,
Each throb but answers to Thy will,
So in Thy tender love I rest—
Whate’er betide, Thou knowest best!
Not wealth I crave, its unseen “wings”
Rank it amid earth’s baseless things;
Not on the scroll of worldly fame
I ask to write this well-loved name;
One book I know than all more fair,
The “Book of Life,” oh! write it there.
Saviour of little ones, I bring
To Thee this priceless offering,
This one sweet lamb, nor let her stray
Far from thy heavenly fold away;
“By the still waters” cool and sweet,
“In pastures green” oh! guide her feet.
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R. M. Alden (Editor).

Greeting to all the Pansies! In this Department we are to have news from Churches, Sunday-schools, Mission Bands, and all such things. And we want to invite all the Pansies to contribute some news. If your Sunday-school or Mission Band has had an entertainment, write and tell us about it, or tell us about what you did last Christmas, Easter, or Children’s Day. Address, R. M. Alden, Winter Park, Orange County, Florida.

THE Arabic Bible is completed, and is said to be selling at a great rate, in Alexandria, Egypt.

The room in which the infidel Voltaire once predicted the speedy overthrow of Christianity, is now used as a Bible depository.

Three missionaries have been recently murdered: Rev. John Houghton and wife of Golbanti, East Africa, and Bishop Hannington.

Not long ago, a Mr. Green, president of a temperance society of England, destroyed the contents of his wine-cellar, valued at three thousand dollars.

We are glad to hear that the government of Japan has forbidden the lecturing against Christianity, by “Yaso Taiji,” or Jesus opposers, believing it to be damaging to the country.

We hear of a church in Iowa which is very new, and not yet furnished. Just now the Sunday-school scholars are seated on rough boards resting on boxes. But this is a good beginning.

A little over twenty-five years ago Sunday-schools were introduced into Sweden. Now there are two hundred thousand Sunday-school scholars and twenty thousand teachers in the country!

There is a saloon in the city of Cincinnati, called “The Spider Web,” with a picture on the sign of a spider in his web. How appropriate this is, when the business of the saloon is to entangle men’s souls and bodies!

Before the war, a slave was beaten terribly by his master for being “religious,” and the cruel man afterward exclaimed: “There! what will your religion do for you now?” “It will help me to forgive you, Massa,” was the reply.

A minister of Kansas said that he once took into the church, at one communion service, a Chinaman, a colored man, two Germans, an Irishman and some Americans. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.”

The Societies of Christian Endeavor, among the young people, are growing, all over the country. There is a thriving one in a little church in New York State, of which we know. They recently gave a “lawn party” and raised money to fresco, paint, carpet, and partially seat the chapel of the church. They also have an “envelope fund,” and each member brings weekly some regular amount. Half of this goes to regular church expenses, and half to anything for which they vote to use it.

In Southern Ohio last spring there was a little brick church, the wall-paper of which had peeled off. The walls were dirty, the matting in the aisles was dirty, the seats were ugly, and the chandeliers hung from the ceiling by ropes. The people were discouraged, and thought nothing could be done. But some money was raised, and the walls were re-papered, the seats oiled and grained, a new carpet put down, the chandeliers hung nicely, and now such a pretty little church as it is! If you could have seen it the Sunday before it was fixed, and the Sunday after, you would have thought it a wonderful transformation, indeed.

Rev. Mr. Meade, of New York State, who has been in the temperance work among the colored people of the South, says he was present at a conference of their church, when the ministers were bringing up the money from the churches. One man brought “all de money he could raise,” and then took a shining silver dollar. “Dat,” said he, “is from me, for de home missionary cause. And dat,” taking out another, “for the foreign missionary cause. And,” turning to Mr. Meade, “if I had another cent, I’d gib it to you, for de temperance work, but I have to walk home thirty miles now, widout money to pay my fare.” Mr. Meade gave him a chance to bring up a package from the depot, and he was delighted to earn twenty-five cents for “de temperance cause.”


large party mostly women and children and Chinese lanterns


Volume 14, Number 2.        Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co.        November 13, 1886.
baby looking at self in mirror



By Pansy.



MARGARET was washing the dishes; making a vigorous clash and spatter, and setting down the cups so hard that had they been anything but the good solid iron-stone which they were, they would certainly have suffered under the treatment.

Margaret was noisy in all things, but to-day the usual vigor of movement was manifestly increased by ill humor. There was an ominous setting of a pair of firm lips, and all her face was in a frown. The knives and forks, when their turn came, seemed to increase her ire. She rattled and flung them about with such reckless disregard of consequences that there landed, presently, a lovely tricolored globe of foam in the centre of John’s arithmetic, over which he was at this moment gloomily bending.

“Look here,” he said, half fiercely, half comically, “quit that, will you? This thing is dry enough, I know; but it will take more than soap suds to dampen it.”

“Take your book out of my way, then. What do you s’pose she would say to its being on the table and you bending double over it?”

“She may say just exactly what she pleases. It will stay on the table until I get ready to take it off.”

“O yes! you’re very brave until you hear her coming, and then you are as meek as Moses.”

“Now I say, Mag, that’s mean in you, when you know well enough that all I’m after is to try to keep the peace.”

“Peace! there isn’t enough of that article left in this house to make it worth while to try to save it. I’m sick to death of the whole thing.” And the knives bumped about against a plate in the dish-pan with such force that the plate rebelled and flew into three pieces in its rage.

“There goes another dish!” exclaimed West, from the window corner where he was busily whittling; “that makes the seventeenth this week, doesn’t it? Mag, you are awful, and no mistake.”

Then Margaret’s face flamed and her angry words burst their bounds: “I wish you would just mind your own business, Weston Moore! You think because you are eighteen months and seven days older than I, that you can order me around like a slave.”

“Whew! bless my eyes! How you do blaze out on a fellow! Who thought of ordering you around? I should as soon think of ordering a cyclone. I was only moralizing on the sweet and amiable mood you were in, and the nice comfortable times we have in this house.”

“Well, you may let my moods alone if you please; and my dishes too. I’ve a right to break them all if I choose, for all you. I’d rather blaze up in a rage, than be an everlasting tease and torment, like you.”

“Father’ll have a word to say about the dishes, I fancy, my lady; you might now and then think of him: he isn’t made of gold, I s’pose you know, and dishes cost money.”

“I do think of him a great deal oftener than you do, you great lazy, whittling, whistling boy! If it wasn’t for him I’d run away, and be rid of her and you, and all the other nuisances, dishes and all.”

She paused in her clatter long enough to dash away two or three great tears which were plashing down her hot red cheeks.

“As to that,” said the whittler, as he slowly closed his jack-knife, “perhaps you better seriously consider it. I’m not sure but it would be more comfortable for all concerned; especially the dishes.” Then he spied the tears; and seizing upon the dish towel which had been angrily flung across the back of a chair, he rushed toward his sister, exclaiming: “Here, let me wipe away those briny drops.”

Margaret’s hands were in the dishwater again, but she drew them forth all dripping with the greasy suds, and brought the right one with a resounding slap, about the curly head of the mocking boy.

Just how he would have received it will not be known; for the sudden jerk backwards of the left arm, came against the full dish-pan, already set too near the edge of the table, and over it went, deluging table, floor, and Margaret’s dress not only, but pouring a greasy flood over the rows of bread tins carefully covered, and set in a sheltered corner for the dough to rise.[11]

Margaret’s exclamation of dismay was suddenly checked, and the angry color flamed back into her eyes as the door leading into the hall opened, and a woman appeared on the scene—a tall, pale woman in a plain, dark, close-fitting calico dress, without a collar, and with dark, almost black hair combed straight back from a plain face. She gave a swift glance at the confusion, and took in the situation.

“Quarreling again! I might have known it. Were you three ever together in your lives, without it? John, let the book alone until it dries; if it had not been on the kitchen table where I told you never to have it, the dishwater wouldn’t have ruined it. And the bread too! I declare! This is too bad!” These last words came in detached sentences as the extent of the misfortune grew upon her.

A quick snatch of the carefully tucked cloth, now holding little pools of dishwater, a comprehension of the utter ruin of the many loaves of bread, and she turned upon the wrathful girl:

“Margaret, go upstairs this minute, and don’t venture down again until you are called. I’m sure I wish you need never come.”

“You can’t begin to wish it as I do.” This was Margaret’s last bitter word as she shot out of the door.

John stood dolefully surveying his soaking arithmetic, and his great sheet of now ruined examples, carefully worked out. The woman was already tucking up her calico dress ready for work, but she had a message for him.

“Now you go somewhere; don’t let me see you until dinner time. And mind, I shall tell your father you have disobeyed me again.”

As for Weston the tease, he had slipped swiftly and silently from the room with the entrance of the mother.

Yes, she was their mother. At least, she was their father’s wife, though none of the three had ever called her by the name of mother. A curious position she held in the home, bound by solemn pledge to do a mother’s duty by these three children, yet receiving from none of them a shred of the love, or respect, or true obedience, which the name mother ought to call forth.

Poor Mrs. Moore! I do hope you are sorry for her. Sorry for the children, are you? Well, so am I.

Indeed it is true, they every one need pity and help. The question is, Will they get what they need?

Upstairs, angry Margaret made haste to remove her much soiled dress, eyes flashing, and cheeks burning the while. Something more than the scenes we watched in the kitchen had to do with Margaret’s mood.

A green and prickly chestnut bur came whizzing into the room, landing in the middle of her bed.

It called forth an angry exclamation. Here was some more of that tormenting West’s work. She would not stand it! She made a rush for the window, but a low, merry laugh stopped her. This was not West’s laugh.

“Well,” said Hester Andrews, from under the chestnut-tree, “can you go?”

“No; of course I can’t. I should think you might know without asking. Do I ever go anywhere now days?”

“It is just too mean for anything!” declared Hester. “What reason does she give this time?”

There was a peculiar emphasis on the word “this,” which was meant to indicate that here was only one of the numberless times in which Margaret Moore had been shamefully treated, Margaret answered the tone as well as the words.

“Oh! father says he can’t have me out so late in the evening; it isn’t the thing for a little girl, and he doesn’t approve of sail boats, anyway. As if I didn’t know where all that stuff came from!”

“The idea! I declare, it’s a perfect shame. Wouldn’t you like to see your own mother keeping you at home from places, and treating you like a baby, or a slave, as she does?”

“Don’t you speak my mother’s name the same day you do hers,” said Margaret, with fierce voice and flashing eyes.

“Well, I’m sure I don’t wonder that you feel so,” was Hester’s soothing answer. “I’m just as sorry for you as I can be; I wonder sometimes that you don’t run away. Every one says it comes harder on you, because you are a girl: the boys can keep out of her sight. O Mag! I’m so sorry you can’t go. If your mother were only here, what lovely times we could have?”

And this was the help which Margaret’s most[12] intimate friend brought her! In point of fact, these two knew no more of what the mourned mother would have done, than did the squirrels up in the chestnut-tree. She had been lying in the cemetery for a year when Hester Andrews’ family moved into the town, and Margaret was only a busy little elf of not quite six, when she received with gleeful laughter her mother’s last kiss. What did she know how the mother would treat the thirteen-year-old girl’s longings for sail boats and evening parties?

Downstairs, Mrs. Moore left to solitude and bitter thoughts, worked with swift, skilled fingers, and set lips. Not long alone; some one came to help her—a sister, married, and living at ease in a lovely home only a few streets away; a younger sister who was sorry, so blindly and unwisely sorry for the elder’s harder lot, that she could not keep back her words of indignant sympathy.

younger woman standing in front of older seated woman

“It’s a shame!” she said, “just a burning shame, the way you are treated by those children. The idea of your being down on your knees mopping up the musses which they have made, on purpose to vex you. If I were you, Sophia, I wouldn’t endure it another day. It is a wonder to me that their father permits such a state of things. Henry and I were speaking of it last night.”

“Their father doesn’t know the half that goes on,” Mrs. Moore said, speaking quickly in defence of her husband. “What is the use? We live in an uproar all the time, as it is. And after all, Emma, they are his children.”

“I don’t care. You are his wife. You owe something to your self respect. Henry thinks so too; he thinks it is a shame. Why do you go on the floor and clean after them? Isn’t that girl as able to mop up her dishwater as you are?”

Mrs. Moore wrung the wet, greasy cloth with a nervous grip, letting some of the soiled drops trickle down her arm, in her haste, and answered with eyes that glowed:

“To tell the truth, I would scrub the floor after her all day, for the sake of getting her out of my sight for an hour.”

And this was the help Mrs. Moore received.

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VARIOUS exclamations greeted Nell Erwin as she entered the schoolroom and drew out her work—a coarse gray woollen sock.

It was “Fancy Friday” at Daisy Hill Seminary—something peculiar to the place. Three Fridays out of the month were spent in the customary elocutionary exercises, but the afternoon of the fourth was spent in a cosey, informal way, the girls, both day scholars and boarders, bringing their fancy work, and Madam Lane reading to them from some standard work.

At the present time she was in the midst of a translation of the Iliad, but I fear that in spite of Madam’s clear and beautiful rendition, “Jove, the cloud-gatherer,” “Juno, the ox-eyed,” and the other Homeric worthies, were less fascinating than “rick-rack” and “Kensington stitches.”

On this particular Friday, there was a brilliant display of fancy work. Helen Grant was embroidering a pair of slippers—splendid purple and yellow pansies; Lulu Fletcher a sofa pillow—a cluster of lilies on cardinal satin; Katie Lee was at work on an elaborate stand-spread; Mary Morse was crocheting a fleecy white shawl; Carrie Evans was making an applique bracket; a dozen or so girls were deep in the delightful mysteries of “crazy quilts”; and—but, dear me! I have not the time to enumerate all the beautiful things! Seats and desks were covered with a dazzling array of silks and worsteds.[13]

So you see it was no wonder that Nell’s humble gray sock created such a sensation. However, though she blushed a little at the pleasantries of her mates, she took her seat and courageously set to work.

“Why, Nell! I thought you were going to bring that lovely foot-rest!” said Helen Grant. “You told me yesterday that you were going to finish it to-day. Have you it already done?”

“O no!”

“Then why under the sun didn’t you bring it instead of this solemn old sock!”

Nell blushed still redder, then she said hesitatingly, “Well, you see, girls, I did think I’d bring the foot-rest. In fact I had it all done up in my work-bag, and then I remembered that I would need a pair of scissors. So I went to mother’s work-basket, and, girls, in rummaging around there, I got an idea!”

“An idea in a work-basket! How very remarkable! Now I shall know where to go when I am obliged to write a composition and can’t think of anything to say!” said Maude Hasket.

“What I mean is this,” said Nell earnestly; “I found that work-basket full—yes, full to overflowing—with things to mend, make and fix! There were Billy’s mittens to mend; the baby’s petticoats to be shortened; buttons to be sewed on Kitty’s apron; a patch in Tom’s jacket, and all for my dear little mother’s one pair of tired hands! And all to be done this afternoon or evening! I tell you, girls, I felt ashamed when I looked at my own nonsensical piece of fancywork! And then and there I made up my mind to do something towards lessening the contents of that basket. So I grabbed up this sock, for I remembered hearing mother say only a few days ago that father needed a new pair. I’m not much of a hand at knitting, but I’ll do all I can this afternoon, working on the leg, and when I get home to-night, mother’ll show me about fixing the heel.”

There was a short silence.

Presently Maude said, “Well, girls, I dare say the most of us have mothers whose work-baskets are in the condition of the one Nell has described! I’ve no doubt that I can find one in my own home! There are six of us children—four younger than myself. It would take one woman’s time to keep our little Ben in anything like decent order! He is a veritable Peggotty for button-bursting! And sister Flo is almost as bad! She’s a perfect Tomboy! Tears regular barn-door holes in her apron!”

“Well, it’s pretty much the same at our house,” observed Maggie Gray. “Of course there are not so many of us, but still mother’s sewing, mending and darning about all the time.”

“And mine too!” said Laura Harris. “It was only last evening that I heard father ask mother if she wouldn’t go to the lecture with him, and she said she would like to very much, but couldn’t go, because she had to patch Jack’s trousers so that he could wear them to school the next day. And I sat there like an unfeeling wretch, working on a silly, good-for-nothing lamp-mat! And mother did look so tired and wistful, poor darling! Father seemed disappointed too. Now I might have offered to do the patching, and so given her a chance to go. It would have done her so much good!”

“Well,” said Maude briskly, “I guess we’re all in the same fix! We have been going on and doing our own sweet wills, and I for one propose that we make a change! Suppose we all agree to go to our respective mother’s mending-basket and get work from it for our next Fancy Friday?”

“All right! We will!” chimed the others.

Further conversation on the subject was put an end to by the entrance of Madam, Iliad in hand, and for the next hour, the girls were regaled by the account of Achilles dragging the body of Hector nine times around the walls of Troy.

“Four!” chimed the great clock in the hall.

“Young ladies, you are dismissed,” said Madam, closing her book. “Next time, I think we will have a little prose instead of poetry. It will be a change, you know. Good afternoon!”

“Prose instead of poetry,” Maude repeated as they put on their wraps. “And we’ll have the prose of sewing instead of its poetry, won’t we?”

And Nell answered by a wave of the gray woollen sock. “You dear old sock!” she whispered as she rolled it up, “how I did hate to bring you this afternoon, for I was so afraid the girls would make piles of fun! But it all turned out nicely, after all, and you had a mission, didn’t you, you humble thing!”

M. E. Brush.

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TWO big houses broad and high,
Outlined against an autumn sky.
Set on two hills, the houses stand,
One grim and cheerless, one fair and grand;
One teems with life throughout its walls,
One silent in all its stately halls.
One is of wood, and one of stone,
Each set in broad acres all its own.
One is the almshouse, gaunt and gray,
One the beautiful home of Miss Marion Ray.
Miss Marion Ray—her kith and kin
All to their rest have entered in.
Now she dwells with servants in lonely state,
In the mansion behind the iron gate.
A lady tall, and sad, and fair,
With a quiet face and a gentle air—
A sweet, worn face, and hair of gray,
Has the lonely lady, Marion Ray.
Sometimes in the night, when all is still,
She has looked at the lights on the other hill,
And wondered much if ’twere sadder fate
To live in the house with the wooden gate.
But something happened, the other day,
That has stirred the heart of Miss Marion Ray:
A mother went out of the almshouse door,
Went out of it to go back no more;
Went out to be buried under the leaves,
While the wind of November moans and grieves,
And left a wee blossom with eyes of brown,
To the tender mercies of all the town.
Miss Marion has thought of the baby’s fate
Till love and pity have grown so great.
She has opened her Bible there to see:
“As ye did it to Mine, ye did it to Me;”
And so, on the morn of Thanksgiving Day
In the early morn, when the sky is gray,
At the almshouse door a carriage stands,
With shining horses in gleaming bands;
And into the eyes of the little child,
The sad-eyed lady looked and smiled.
On the silken shoulder the glittering head,
Then—“I love ’oo, lady,” the baby said,
Gathered close to the hungry heart,
The child and the lady never to part—
Carried home to the mansion grand,
The proudest and richest in all the land.
Never a pauper, the lovely child
Into whose face the lady smiled.
“Done to the least it is done to Me.”
What grander honor on earth could be?
Oh! a sweet and joyous Thanksgiving Day
Has come to the home of Miss Marion Ray.
Emily Baker Smalle.
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MISS RAINES was very earnest that day. Deb and Dora noticed as she bent over them and whispered, “Where two agree, just two, dear ones,” that her face was filled with a strange light.

They went home from Sabbath-school, wondering about that promise and why their teacher gave them such a tender look as she said “Two, remember; you are two, dear ones; haven’t you some great thing you’d like to ask of your Heavenly Father—something for Thanksgiving Day? Think now, won’t you? and then just you two agree to ask Him.”

And she gave each a kiss, and went her way;[15] they, theirs. But they turned about to catch one more sight of their “beautiful teacher.” She had turned, too, and was looking after them. She waved her hand with another kiss, and disappeared around the corner.

On they went their weary way and talked as to what they should agree to ask. They thought of a turkey and cranberries and mince pie as it used to be when papa was “right” and had work and brought home money, and mamma bought what she liked. But a turkey and no papa there to eat it with them, or, if there, to curse, and mamma crying! that would be no Thanksgiving for them. Besides, how could they expect a turkey with no money or friends? and they two walked on together, wondering what Miss Raines could mean. Then a thought struck them, and at once they stopped and their faces shone like Miss Raine’s, and there on the street they fairly leaped up and down for joy.

“What is it?” said Deb.

“And what is it, you?” answered Dora.

“Let’s ask Him,” said Deb.

“Let’s,” answered Dora, “but what?”

“To give us our own papa back again.”

“Agreed, Deb; and let’s begin now.”

And away they ran down, down the dirty street. Dogs barked; ragged boys laughed and hooted, but Deb and Dora were soon up the old stairs, into the little dark bedroom, on their knees.

Just one thing they plead, they two; first Deb, “Give back our papa,” then Dora, the same.

Then with radiant faces to poor mamma.

Wednesday they two went through the market.

Turkeys, chickens, ducks, by the ton. So many were buying, their eyes were hungry. But they could not buy one cent’s worth, not having even that. Still, somehow, they murmured not, nor charged God foolishly. They knew there was a good time coming. They looked from the fat stalls and smiled into each other’s face.

That evening it was a bare floor at their home, an almost empty grate, little or no bread, mamma sad as usual.

But Deb and Dora laughed and chatted joyously as though they were at a king’s banquet. They had come from their knees.

Then a knock, and the door slightly opened, and a turkey, ready for the oven, looked in and a hand came after it and—dear poor papa after the hand, and mamma sobbed out something. Deb and Dora seized the turkey and cranberries, then bounded into papa’s outstretched arms. Then they danced about the room as though they were mad.

Papa had that very morning signed the pledge and found work, and there was his wages—that turkey with needful sauce and vegetables.

He was trusted for half a ton of coal. Just then the coal man rapped at the door to know where to put it.

The next day was Thanksgiving. They four went to church. They were shown into a seat near Miss Raines.

Deb and Dora whispered to her. She whispered back, “Did not I tell you so?”

That day “poor papa” asked the blessing. And so ever after.

Rev. C. M. Livingston.

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SHE was four and he was six. She sat on the piano stool, and he stood beside her; and I, behind the curtain, heard their talk.

“I picked out the biggest one there was, and brought it on purpose for you and me.”

“But we mustn’t eat it, because mamma wouldn’t like it; you know she wouldn’t, Freddy.”

“She wouldn’t care if it didn’t hurt us, and it wouldn’t. Who ever heard of an apple hurting anybody? You just take a big bite, and then I will.”

“No, Freddy, I can’t, and you can’t. Mamma said if they were hard, we mustn’t.”

“That ain’t so very hard. Mamma is in a worry. Aunt Mag said it wouldn’t hurt us; she said mamma worried about things. If she doesn’t know, she can’t worry. Let’s go behind the curtain and eat it, then if mamma comes up, she won’t see us.”

“No, Freddy. God can see us behind the curtain, as well as he can in this room, and this apple is as hard as a rock. Now, Freddy, let’s be true.”

“Well,” said Freddy, “we will.”



two children looking out window


Volume 14, Number 3.        Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co.        November 20, 1886.
boy crying



GRANDPA sat in his big arm-chair,
At the close of a long, bright day,
Gathered closely about him
Robbie, Martie and Say.
“So you want another story!
What shall it be to-night?”
And Grandpa stroked Say’s shining head
Till it glowed in the fading light.
Chorused the sweet-voiced trio,
“Tell us something we don’t know:
Tell us something that happened
Ever so long ago.”
“Well,” said Grandpa slowly,
“I thought of something to-day,
Something that really happened,
But ’tis more for the boys than Say—
“Something about my own little boy,
Your grave good uncle Will,
He preaches to us each Sunday,
And the people all keep still.
The thing he wanted most to own,
When he was a little boy,
Was a big jack-knife, with four shining blades,
That was his dream of joy.
“And I meant to give him a beauty
For a grand birthday surprise;
I wanted to see his pleasure,
The laugh in his great blue eyes,
But I didn’t tell him, of course not,
And to get it he saw no way:
Once I heard him say so sadly,
‘When I get it I’ll be gray.’
“Now there was a good old carpenter
Who lived not far away,
And Will used to go quite often,
’Mong the shavings and chips to play—
That good old man is in Heaven
This many and many a year,
But I can see him as plainly now
As, children, I see you here.
“Such a knife as my Willie wanted
Was always by his side;
Sometimes it was under the shavings—
Seemed almost in play to hide.
Now I must tell you a sad, sad tale:
One day my little Will,
When the old man went to his dinner,
Crept there so sly and still,
“And stole the knife he wanted,
And carried it away
In his little inside pocket—
O sorrowful, sorrowful day!
But do you think he was happy?
Ah, no! and again, ah, no!
He could not use it or show it,
And nobody must know.
“So he grew sadder, and sadder,
My pitiful little man!
And shrank from me and his mother,
And was thin and pale and wan,
Till one day he told me the story
With many a bitter tear,
And laid the knife before me,
And sobbed on my shoulder, here.
“Then I told him he must carry it,
And tell the dear old man
How he stole it, and he was sorry.
It was hard, but he said, ‘I can.’
Then I told him his Heavenly Father,
He had sinned against Him too;
And Will asked Him to forgive him,
And I think Our Father knew.
“He says that the scent of new shavings;
Sickens him in the air,
And the sound of their rustle underfoot
To-day he cannot bear.
That year his birthday present
Wasn’t a big jack-knife—
I gave him something different;
But the lesson was for life.”
Then up spoke the little girlie:
“Grandpa, ’twas some for me;
I wanted a ribbon for kitty’s neck,
And I almost took it, you see.
Kitty is white and pretty,
And the ribbon was pretty and blue,
I wanted to do it, Grandpa,
And nobody ever knew.”[19]
“But then, you see you didn’t,
My darling little Say;
You triumphed over temptation,
And that is the very way.
Now, little folks, ’tis our bed-time:
Robbie and Martie, may you
Both grow to be like uncle Will,
As noble and as true.”
E. B. S.
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I  ONCE read a story that I want to tell the Pansies. A man brought some fine luscious peaches to his four boys and their mother. They had never seen any peaches before. That evening, he said, “Well, how did you like the peaches?” The elder answered, “Father, it was lovely; I kept the stone, and shall have a tree for myself some day.”

The father was well pleased with his boy’s thoughtfulness.

Then the youngest said: “I ate mine and threw away the stone; mother gave me half of hers.”

Another spoke up: “I picked up the stone my brother threw away, and ate the kernel. I sold my peach, and will buy a dozen with the money when I go to town.”

“And you, Edmund?” the father asked.

“I took mine to George, who is ill with fever. I laid it on his bed, and came away.”

“Now, who has done the best?” inquired the father.

“Brother Edmund,” they all exclaimed, and his mother embraced him with tears in her eyes.

From this fable you may learn many valuable lessons. The first is Prudence and Carefulness; for, if we all planted stones and trees, we should, like the Spaniards, have a great abundance of the good things of life; and we may likewise learn a lesson of unselfishness, and also be taught to have a kindly consideration for the sick, to whom little attentions are very gratifying.

Each one of us could do something to cheer the many sick-rooms if we faithfully endeavored so to do, and always kept in mind the motto of “The Pansy Society.” Let us take the story of “The Peaches” for our lesson.


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By Pansy.


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“YES,” said Mrs. Hammond, a little sigh in her voice as she spoke, “Mr. Hart is going with us; I don’t know how long he will stay. I’m afraid there is very little on Monteagle to hold him.”

Two children sat on the extreme end of the broken steps; one was pale, thin, hollow-eyed and sorrowful. The other was rosy-cheeked, chubby, and dirty. The pale one was perhaps twelve years old; the other, somewhat younger.

“Only hear that name!” said the hollow-eyed girl. “Monteagle! doesn’t it make you feel cool just to think it over?”

“I didn’t think it over,” said Rosy Cheek. “What is it, and where is it?”

“I don’t know where it is,” spoken very wearily, as though it was an effort to speak at all. “In Heaven, maybe; the word sounds like it. Monteagle! it must be high, and cool, and still. I wonder what it feels like to be cool and still? Oh! how hot it is! O dear me!”

There was such a world of longing and weariness in the sentence, that Mrs. Hammond turned and looked curiously at the girl; then uttered a little exclamation of surprise, and perhaps dismay.

“Who is that girl, and what is the matter with her?”

The man who was busy with a troublesome strap which had to do with Mrs. Hammond’s phaeton, glanced up for a moment, then said:

“That is my girl, ma’am, if you mean the pale one. There ain’t anything the matter with her now, only weakness, the doctor says. She’s had the fever—been dreadful sick. There was a spell when I thought she wouldn’t pull through, nohow, but she did, up to a certain p’int, there she stopped, and there she hangs—jest crawls about all day; doesn’t eat nothing, and doesn’t sleep nights, only off and on, you know. I dunno what to do with her.”

Mrs. Hammond looked again at the girl who had dropped into a listless attitude, a very photograph of discouraged weakness. The rosy-cheeked[20] younger one in a much soiled dress had slipped away. Mrs. Hammond looked from the girl to the low, small, tumble-down building on the steps of which she sat, imagined the room in which she must spend her nights, imagined the table at which she must sit down to eat her “nothing,” and murmured, “Poor thing!” with another long-drawn sigh.

How could one be expected to gain strength in such a home as that must be?

“Who takes care of you and your daughter?”

She had turned again to the man at the carriage. He gave a short half-laugh as he answered slowly: “Well, as to that, what care we get we have to give to ourselves. Her and me live alone; since the boy went to work for his board, at the meat market, I’ve took care of her the best I could, since she got on her feet again; and when she was sick, the neighbors was kind. The doctor was, too—uncommon kind; stayed the most of two nights himself, and brought his woman once or twice to see her; but she’s gone now, up to Monteagle, along with the rest of the world. I suppose it is cool up there, ma’am?”

“Yes,” said Mrs. Hammond, with another sigh. “It is cool there; poor thing! I don’t see how she is ever to get well in such a place.”

This last, in undertone; then louder: “She is Northern born, too, I think you said?”

“Who, ma’am, the girl? O yes; we’re from the North.”

It was the man’s turn to sigh now. “We come down here to try the climate for her[21] mother—but it didn’t do; we came too late, or something. The mother died the very next summer, and we’ve had to pull along alone. There, ma’am, I think that buckle is all right now; it won’t come out again of itself in a hurry. It’s lucky I happened to be around; it might have made you trouble. Why, no, ma’am, I don’t want no pay for a job like that; it didn’t take ten minutes, and it ain’t in my line anyhow.”

“What can she do when she is well?” asked Mrs. Hammond, holding out the shining silver.

“What, my girl? Why, as to that, I dunno as she can be said to know how to do anything. She works along as well as she can; and we make out to live, but you see it is pretty nigh four years since her mother died; and she was a young thing then. She ain’t had no chance. I ain’t got no change, Mis’ Hammond, and I don’t want no pay, neither.”

“I don’t want change, Mr. West; it is worth a dollar to me to know that all the buckles and straps are in order. I shall leave that matter of hauling the dirt in your hands, then. It can be done just as well while I am away; Mr. Hart will be back and forth, I presume, and he can direct you if you need any directions; good-morning!” And the little pony phaeton drove away.

As the fat little white pony carefully drew the carriage around the curve, his mistress heard a weak, petulant voice say: “O father, it is so hot; I don’t know what to do.”

“Poor thing!” said Mrs. Hammond for the third time, “I don’t know what she will do. It is very warm indeed. She thinks Monteagle sounds like Heaven. I presume it would seem almost like Heaven to her. If there was anything she could do”—and then Mrs. Hammond looked at her watch, and spoke sharply to the fat pony, and they went to the house at a brisk trot.

It was a lovely home. Before even the pony turned in at the tree-lined carriage drive which wound quite around the house, you would have known by the air of quiet elegance which hung gracefully over everything in sight, that you were coming to a home that commanded money and culture. In the wide handsome hall everything was in order, and the rooms opening from them were cool, and dark, and elegant. Yet Mrs. Hammond as she dropped sun hat and umbrella on a white sofa, and trailed her white morning shawl over the soft carpet toward an easy chair, said: “O dear! it is warm everywhere. I wish we were on the mountain this minute.” Even as she spoke, she thought of that hollow-eyed West girl again. When, after a few minutes of rest, she mounted the long winding flight of stairs to the nursery, the sight which met her eyes was not calculated to cool her.

Miss Ethel Hammond was on an investigating tour. At this particular minute she belonged in a wide white crib rolled into the coolest, shadiest corner of the northwestern veranda, eyes closed, lovely face shaded from intruding bugs and flies by a network of delicate creamy lace, and Jennette, the nurse, within easy range of the treasure. Where Jennette was just now, was not apparent, but Miss Ethel was certainly not in her crib. Her eyes were very wide open, and she had the room to herself.

toddler looking at clock

By dint of much energy, she had succeeded in pulling one of the heavy chairs before the object of her most intense desire, and, climbing in, was in the act of leaning forward to grasp it, when Mrs. Hammond opened the door. “It” was a rare and wonderfully mounted clock, heavy enough to put Ethel’s busy inquiring brain at rest forever, should the strong little hands succeed in pulling it over on her; or, failing in that, should she lose her balance and pitch head-first against the corner of the cruel marble.

No time for exclamations; rather, enough presence of mind to avoid them. With swift, silent steps she moved across the room; a long room, and seeming to the startled mother miles long, just then. A moment more and she had the wide-awake, energetic, struggling, disappointed baby in her arms. So near to its life-purpose only to be thwarted!

The first thing the mother did, was to kiss Ethel; though her mouth was wide open, and from it were issuing loud, disappointed yells.

The next thing was to think aloud: “That is as much confidence as I was afraid I could place in Jennette. She is good for ruffling, and tucking, and ironing the baby’s dresses, but not for watching her.”

The next was to say within her heart, “I should think she might be able to help keep a baby out of mischief.”

But this last thought was not about Jennette.

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BORN and reared in a Quaker home, educated in a Quaker school, and for many years holding her membership in the sect known by that name, Mrs. Smith has been characterized as “a Friend indeed.” Of her father and herself, this has been said: “He was a bright, cheery, joyous, yet Cromwellian soldier, clapped by mistake under the broad brim of a Quaker, but this extinguisher was never able to hide his gladsome piety, and the daughter is her father over again.”

Her husband is a partner in the firm of Whitall, Tatum & Co. And just here I want to tell you something which I learned the other day regarding the temperance principles of this firm. Their business is the manufacture of white glass; theirs being the largest establishment of the kind in the world. So consistent and loyal to the cause of temperance are these men, that no orders for glass ware are accepted from men who will use the bottles and glasses for rum in any of its guises!

Doubtless they sometimes lose money by refusing large orders, but it is a fact that it sometimes costs something to be consistent. Nevertheless, let us be consistent—it pays in the long run! Mrs. Smith is well known to the world of Christians as H. W. S. You may have seen in your mother’s workbasket, or found slipped between the leaves of her Bible or other favorite book of devotion, little tracts bearing this signature.

She has for many years been accustomed to give expositions of Scriptures, sometimes going to obscure country churches of a Sabbath evening, then again speaking to thousands gathered in an immense hall in London. Of her powers as a public speaker, an English paper says: “Her freshness, her profound insight, are as remarkable as her surprising fluency.”

I think it was in a little paper called Times of Refreshing, that an article appeared which described the effect of her addresses upon an audience as something remarkable. Saying that, however old and worn the topic, she by her vigorous way of presenting the truth seemed to make it over new, and the secret of her power is given in five words: “consecrated talent and careful research.”

One of her children says of her: “She seems to me perfectly unselfish, and this she carries into the smallest details.” Of how many of us can this be said, I wonder!

Speaking of the sorrows and the bereavements which Mrs. Smith has been called to bear, Miss Willard says: “To the praise of that dear name above all others, let it be said, this Christian heart knows, proves, illustrates, always, in all life’s changeful discipline, the victory that overcometh even faith. No sentence is so familiar to her friends from those dear smiling lips that open but to speak brave and tender words, as ‘I cannot be unhappy, for I always have God.’”

Mrs. Smith is also known to the world as the Superintendent of the Evangelistic Department of the W. C. T. U. Does that need explanation? You all know what sort of an organization the W. C. T. U. is. Well, one of the first questions which came to the noble Christians who banded themselves together to fight the monster vice of intemperance was this puzzling one, How shall we reach the masses? Men bound by the chains of the drink habit were not likely to come voluntarily within their influence. Then there was but one answer to the question: “Go to them!” And they went, and it is this work of carrying the Gospel story to the poor drunkard, that we call evangelistic work. Mrs. Smith tells us how she became identified with the W. C. T. U. At the time of the Crusade she was in England, engaged in her work of Bible exposition, but when she heard through the newspapers of the wonderful outpouring of God’s spirit upon her countrywomen, her soul was stirred, and she seemed to hear the voice of her Master calling upon her for a consecration to the work, and she says, “sitting before an English fire in our London house, I joined that Crusade.”

She said: “Those women are my sisters, and their work is my work from this time forward until my death.” Again she says: “I consider the W. C. T. U. one of the grandest instrumentalities for good the world has ever known.”

Can you tell why I have selected Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith to stand in this list of Remarkable Women?

Faye Huntington.

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I   HAVE written down the name of the “great man” which I have chosen to stand in this Alphabet, and here I pause as I reflect that to many of you his face and form and speech are familiar. You have seen him upon the platform and upon the avenues of Chautauqua and Framingham, and in other places. Some of you have welcomed him at your own homes; his smiles and his talks are among the things which will be always, so long as you live, a pleasant memory. What can I tell you about him that you do not already know? Yet I am not willing that another name should take the place of this, and therefore we will talk a little together of this friend of the young people, and idol of the older people.

Dr. Vincent’s early home was in the Sunny South. “In the land of orange blossoms and magnolia groves,” he first saw the light. Six years of his life were spent in the home of the flowers; then the family came North and settled in Pennsylvania. Like the mothers of many of our great men, John H. Vincent’s mother might fill a worthy place in our list of Remarkable Women.

She is described as “patient, amiable, living as though she belonged to heaven rather than earth. Often at the twilight hour, especially on Sundays, she would take her children to her own room, and there sweetly and tenderly tell them about the life to come, and point out their faults and spiritual needs.”

Mrs. Bolton in her sketch of Dr. Vincent published two or three years since, gives some amusing incidents of the childhood of our Great Man. I quote from memory, but I think it is she who tells the story of the boy of six years gathering the children of the neighborhood, and after getting them quiet by threatening them with the lash of a whip, he would preach to them. And so far did his zeal carry him, that upon one occasion he tore into several parts a small red-covered hymn book, which he valued as the gift of his pastor, and distributed the pieces through his audience, doubtless thinking it highly important that all should be supplied with hymn books. Whether they all sang together from the different parts of the book given them, we are not informed.

Very early in life the boy seems to have decided that he would do something with his life worth while; that he would do that which should help others, and realizing that there is a world to be saved, he grew up with the hope of one day becoming a minister. His studies were carried on for a time at home, afterwards at a neighboring academy. Later he engaged in teaching, continuing his studies by himself, and finally he had fitted himself for college. Not every boy would have the will and perseverance to carry on a course of study while teaching six hours or more each day. However, he did not finish his college course. Not for any want of persistence, neither did he consider such a course unimportant. But he was anxious to be about his Master’s work, and thus it was that before he was twenty-one years old he set out to preach “on a thirty-mile circuit, over the mountains and through the valleys of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.”

He travelled on horseback, studying and thinking out his sermons as he journeyed. Everybody, young and old, were glad to see his bright, smiling face and feel the warm grasp of his hand. It has been said that “he never shook hands with the tips of his fingers, nor preached dry sermons.”

It was during this period of his life that his mother whose parting words when he went out into the world were, “My son, live near to God; live near to God,” went to be with God. One near the throne in heaven, the other living near the throne on earth; is this the secret of John H. Vincent’s success in the Lord’s vineyard?

At length he became a pastor, preaching for a few years in New Jersey, afterwards in the vicinity of Chicago. But all the time he was busy with plans of an educational character. These plans which were at first carried out in the establishing of Saturday afternoon classes of young people, called Palestine Classes, with the purpose of studying about the Holy Land, have at length developed a Chautauqua. I need not tell you about Chautauqua; about the C. L. S. C., nor about the C. Y. F. R. U.; you do not need to be told about the town and country clubs, nor[24] about the society of Christian ethics. Many of you have listened to those Sunday afternoon talks in the Children’s Temple, and afterwards gone to the vesper service in the Hall of Philosophy.

I ought to tell you that although Dr. Vincent postponed his college course, he never gave it up, but outside college walls, he continued his studies by himself, even in the midst of a busy life, until by regular examinations he took his degrees, and also passed through the regular theological course of study of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which denomination he belongs.

To the boys especially I recommend the study of the life and character of Dr. Vincent. A gentleman remarked in my hearing the other day, “probably no man living is exerting a wider influence over the hearts and minds of the young people than Dr. Vincent!” And I thought, what a responsibility! and how thankful the fathers and mothers should be that he is just the man he is; that his influence is ever on the side of truth and right; that his aim is to uplift, and that Christ is ever the centre of his thought. To see and hear Dr. Vincent is to understand something of the secret of his power. The sympathy which manifests itself in every look and tone, the enthusiasm with which he enters into his work, and which tides him over the hard places, and the personal magnetism—which makes you, whether you will or not; these qualities, sanctified and consecrated, make the man a power for good.

Faye Huntington.

two dogs thin, short hair


Volume 14, Number 4.        Copyright, 1886, by D. Lothrop & Co.        November 27, 1886.
Three children in long coats and big hats



By Margaret Sidney.



THE old house on Cherryfield high road, back of the row of stiff poplars, with its queer little gnarled apple-trees at the back, looked for all the world just as it did one hundred years ago. It had no more paint on it now than when the children’s grandfather took home his young bride who thought it the most beautiful place in all the world to begin housekeeping in. Then it was a dingy yellow, with faded green blinds; and now the same forlorn attempt at coloring greeted all passers-by. To be sure it had been painted many times in the interim, but always the same hue was chosen, so that to the oldest inhabitant it was the best known landmark for miles around.

The “Brimmer Place” was known too, for something else than its antiquity; it was the cheeriest, home-iest old house that ever stood on any road, overflowing with good-will to everybody, especially to sick people and to little children. If anybody were in trouble and could reach her, Mrs. Brimmer always found just the right word of cheer to speak, while she tried to help in many other ways—and what she didn’t do, why, there were Jack, and Cornelius, and Rosalie, to say nothing of Primrose, the baby—four little comforters who made everybody just happy to look at them. And yet every one who lived in the big, hundred-year-old house was poor.

“It’s most dreadful to be poor,” said Rosalie one morning, in a burst of confidence to the boys, out in the woodshed. Cornelius stopped hacking at an old log to flash her a convincing “no” out of his black eyes.

“And it’s so very unagreeable,” continued Rosalie, smoothing down her apron while she seated herself on one end of the bench.

Disagreeable, you mean,” corrected Jack, picking up sticks over in the corner. “There, Corny, you let that old fellow alone; I’ll tackle him soon. He’s too tough for you.”

Corny, resenting the implication, let the hatchet fly on the back of the old log to show how strong he was in such a masterful style that the chips flew in every direction, and Rosalie paused to shake them from her apron, before she said,

“No; I’m quite sure it is unagreeable—I saw it in the dictionary.”

“Well, then, you didn’t see right,” said Jack. “It’s d-i-s; awful big letters too. Means hateful, and not nice.”

“Well, it’s not nice to be poor,” said Rosalie wisely waiving all further discussion as to the word; “that you must say anyway, Jack.”

But Jack’s lips were tight. Presently he straightened himself up, and gave his head a shake. “Well, what shall we do about it?”

“Do?” said Rosalie, in surprise, “why, I don’t know what you mean, Jack?”

“When things are not nice, there is no use in talking about them if you don’t do something to make them better,” said Jack philosophically. “Now I want to know what we are going to do to make ourselves rich.”

To make ourselves rich—O Jack!” cried Rosalie and Cornelius together.

“If we can earn some money, I suppose we shall be rich sometime,” observed Jack; “everybody was poor once, but they worked and got money. Now, how can we?”

The children were so possessed with the idea of their ever being rich, that no words came to their aid; and Jack went on without interruption.

“I’ve been thinking over something that, if we can do it, will be perfectly splendid, and help mammy take care of baby. Poor, dear mammy!”

He turned away for a moment, and then showed his face again, the same old Jack with the laughing eyes, and pleasant, honest mouth.

“Tell on,” said Cornelius, who had dropped his hatchet, and drawn near. “Be quick and tell us,” he added breathlessly.

“Well, there is the tool-house,” said Jack. “Funny old hole, but just the thing for us. Now what’s to hinder our setting up a shop in it, and selling things?”

“Real true-as-you-live things,” cried Rosalie, “with counters, string, and brown paper bags?” “And five cent pieces, and cents and quarters?” screamed Cornelius on his highest key. “Whickets! why didn’t we think of it before? But where’d we get the things to sell with?[27] Phoh! your news isn’t anything, after all; only just an old dried-up joke.” He was so disgusted, that he went back, picked up his hatchet, and fell to slowly hacking again. Jack flung himself up to Rosalie’s side on the bench.

“Now see here, both of you. The thing can be done, if we will all club together, and work hard. It’s not to be a success in a day, mind you, but we’ve got to pull hard, and at it all the time. Are you willing to do it for mammy’s sake?”

“Can’t we have any time for play?” asked Rosalie with a long face.

“Perhaps; but there won’t be much,” said Jack, “if we make a good thing of this.”

“Well, I s’pose you and I are the men of this family,” said Cornelius, over his log, “and so if you’ll just say how the money’s coming to begin with, why, I’ll give you my word, I’ll keep at it.”

“We want Rosalie,” said Jack, kindly; “we can’t do anything without her.”

“Why, she’s nothing but a girl,” said Cornelius, still pummeling; “it takes men to keep store and make money.”

“But there are ever so many things that a girl can do to help us,” said Jack, “so we must take her into partnership.”

“O Jack! how very fine and exquisite,” cried Rosalie, grasping his arm with excited little fingers. “I’ll wait on customers, and make change all alone, and help you fix up things and look nice.”

“She uses such terribly big words,” said Cornelius, in disfavor at the scheme, “and puts on airs, just like all the other girls. Jack, we can’t let her in; it’s no use to try.”

“Now, Corny,” cried Rosalie, slipping from her bench and standing quite tall. “I’m very big—nearly ten; and I know a great many things, and Jack says I may—so there.”

“Yes, she really ought,” said Jack, with a nod over at the smaller boy, “because you see it’s a family concern. We must make it Brimmer Brothers and Company.”

“Am I Company?” asked Rosalie, in subdued excitement.

“Yes,” said Jack. “Well, now I’ll tell you how we can make the money to buy the things that we are to sell. To begin with, Rosalie?”

“I?” cried the Company, with widened eyes.

“Yes,” Jack nodded at her very decidedly. “You can take care of Mrs. Prouty’s baby.”

“O Jack!” It was a tone of horror that came from the girl of the family, “you don’t ever mean that?”

“If we are really going to earn money to help mammy with, we must expect to do some disagreeable work,” said Jack gravely.

Rosalie hid her ashamed little face a moment, then said, “Very well, I’ll do it. But how do you know she wants me?”

“I heard her tell the cook when I carried the lettuce there this morning that she’d give fifty cents to any girl who would take care of the baby a week—just come in every day. Her cousin is going there to-morrow to visit, and she wants her time to herself. Just think, Rosalie, fifty bright new cents!”

The Company fairly clapped her hands. “Perhaps she’ll let me bring the baby over home, then I sha’n’t be away from Primrose.”

“She’d be only too glad to get him out of the way, I’ll be bound,” said Jack; “I sh’d be, if I owned that baby.”

“And Primrose is so sweet that any other baby would smile and be good, even if it was a great fat, big, crying, red-faced one like Mrs. Prouty’s,” said Rosalie, seeing some alleviation to her task of earning fifty cents. “Now what is Corny going to do?” she demanded, trying not to hope that his work was disagreeable also.

“Corny and I have to work together,” said Jack, with a little grimace he couldn’t help. “It’s to clean up Widow Brown’s pig-pen.”

“I sha’n’t clean up that old woman’s pig-pen, nor anybody’s pig-pen,” shouted Corny, with a vicious hack at the log; “no, sir!”

“Very well, sir,” cried Jack back again, “then I’ll do it alone.”

He didn’t say, “I would if I were you,” or anything of the persuasive sort, knowing that by no such ways could he manage Cornelius. He simply let him alone, as he always did, and did his own duty. The consequence was, the chubby young wood-chopper presently turned around, and said complacently, “When I get this log chipped up for mammy, I’ll join you.”

“If you don’t come till that log is done, I’ll have Widow Brown’s pig-pen in apple pie order,” cried Jack, in high good humor.

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G drop G drop G drop G

GRETCHEN VAN CORTLANDT was a little German mädchen, as you see by her name, and she lived in the great city of Berlin. She and her mother occupied two rooms in a tenement house on “Steinstrasse,” as her father had died when she was very young. Gretchen had very few play-things, and spent much of the time in helping her mother earn what little money she could.

One Sunday Gretchen went out for a walk, and while going along the crowded street, reached a large brick building, from which came the sound of singing. Above the door there was a sign which she spelled out, and found to be, “Wilkommen!” As that meant “Welcome!” to a little German girl, Gretchen hesitated, and finally pushed open the door, and walked in. It was a large room, with seats full of people, many of whom were poorly and even raggedly dressed. At one end was a desk, and behind it stood a man who was reading something out of a big book.

“Even Christ pleased not Himself.”

“My!” thought Gretchen, “I wonder why!” But the man was talking. There was a good deal he said that the little girl could not understand, but she found that there was once a very good Prince, the son of a good and great King, who had come from his palace and had gone around, through a great deal of trouble, trying to save people from harm. He did nothing to please only Himself, but wanted to please his Father and those who loved Him. Gretchen understood one other thing—that every one else could do as this Prince did, and help other people as He had done, because He loved them so. If they did this they would be pleasing Him.

So when she reached home, Gretchen told her mother what she had heard, and asked her to explain it.

“Truly, child,” said the Frau Van Cortlandt, “I remember very little that I used to hear about it, but it’s all true—what he said.”

“But, mother, how can we all, or a poor little mädchen like me, please this great Prince?” asked Gretchen.

“Ach, child!” said the good Frau, “I remember very little about it, but this I know—that every little boy and girl in the Fatherland, no matter how poor or small they are, can please this Prince, and the King, His Father, by doing something good and kind.”

“I should like to do something for Him, mother, if He is as good as the man said,” replied Gretchen.

That is the first part of the story. The next part came nearly a week later, when there was to be a great procession through the city. There were proclamations all over the city, saying that the “Kaiser Wilhelm,” their emperor, was to march through the streets, with his soldiers and guards in full uniform, and the drums were to beat, and the bugles were to blow, and the houses were to be decorated with flags, in honor of the procession.

Our little mädchen was, of course, in a flutter of delight about it, especially when she found they were to march down their street, and past their tenement-house, on the way to the Königstrasse. How delightful! She would see the great army of Germany, and the great Kaiser William, march by their door!

When the eventful morning came, everything was bright and gay-looking, and the sidewalks were crowded with people who wished to see the procession. When the Van Cortlandts’ bed had been made, the breakfast dishes cleared away, and the two rooms nicely swept and dusted (for it is to be believed that if the Frau Van Cortlandt had known the end of the world was to come in an hour, she would not have delayed her morning’s work a moment) Gretchen and her mother were ready to watch and wait, with the remainder of the city. But alas, and alas. No view was to be had from their windows, because of the crowd outside, and no room could be found outside. No one would give up their place. How much Gretchen wished for the Herr Van Breyck, their only friend, who would take her in his strong arms, and find a place for her, but he was away at Frankfort, and what should she do?

Suddenly she thought of the attic balcony! It was a little bit of a one, and would hold but one person. Gretchen’s mother could not go up the stairs, so she slipped up to the unoccupied garret, and out on the balcony, from which she[29] could look down over the heads of the people, and see the Emperor and his troops, as nicely as she could wish.

She was leaning lazily over the edge of the balcony when she chanced to see, in the middle of the road, a poor old woman, who was vainly trying to get a good place amid the crowd. Among those people there was little chance for her, and Gretchen pitied her.

statue of man on horseback

“Poor thing!” she said. “I think”—at this moment she suddenly stopped, startled by a thought which came into her mind, and remained silent quite a while. What she was thinking was something like this: “Suppose I should ask her to come up on the balcony? Then I couldn’t see the procession at all—and that wouldn’t do, after all my trouble to get a good place. I wonder if that would be doing what the man said—not pleasing myself? Maybe it would, but then it is such a little thing that I’m sure the King wouldn’t hear of it. If I could only please Him some great way, how nice it would be!”

But I am glad to tell you, and am sure you will be glad to hear, that after this talk with herself, the little girl made her way down to where the old lady was looking about her.

“Good Frau,” she said, as the old lady turned to look at her, “I have a place for you to see the procession; will you come with me?”

Through the door, up the three flights of stairs, went the little light figure, followed by the older and feeble one. “I am afraid, good Frau, these stairs will tire you,” said Gretchen, “but it is the only place there is.”

A chair was then brought up from the Frau Van Cortlandt’s own kitchen, on which the old lady seated herself, after which Gretchen went to the bedroom down-stairs, and throwing herself on the bed, burst into a flood of tears. “I can’t help it,” she sobbed; “I did so want to see the procession! But I am not sorry, if the Prince knows.” Then she dried her eyes and went to the door, where she could see nothing but the backs of the people in front of it.[30]

The Ellsworths had been in Berlin some weeks, and having seen all they wanted to of the city, were about ready to go back to America, but they stayed longer than they otherwise would have done, for the purpose of seeing the procession. And then, as Amelia said, “it was just perfectly horrid,” that, after all, the soldiers were not to pass in front of their hotel.

“I am determined to see the procession,” said Mrs. Ellsworth. “And so am I,” said Amelia. Nevertheless, they were acquainted with no one in Berlin who would offer them a place, and they couldn’t well stand in the streets, “with the rabble,” said Mrs. Ellsworth.

“Blees, your honors,” said Hans, their guide and interpreter, “I haf zomedings teu zay. Mein schwester hab ein house in der Steinstrasse, mit ein gut—vat you gall it—palgonie, vair you kon go, if blees you.”

“Let’s go, mother!” said Amelia, “anything is better than not seeing the procession, when we stayed in the city on purpose.”

And Hans, not in the least minding the doubtful compliment to his “schwester’s house,” agreed to drive them around there early enough to keep out of the crowd. So it came to pass that on the balcony of the Frau Krant’s house, across the street from the Frau Van Cortlandt’s, were seated, the morning of the procession, Mrs. Ellsworth, her daughter Amelia, and her sister Julia.

“Mamma,” said Amelia, “look at that cute little German girl across the street up on that mite of a balcony. See! she has gone down now.”

Sometime later, she had more remarks to make. “Mamma, that little girl went down and got a poor old woman to take her place on the balcony—see her up there—and she is down now where she can’t see a thing.”

“Is it possible!” said Mrs. Ellsworth; “that is an act of self-denial one doesn’t often see in a child. Are you sure she hasn’t a better place?”

“Yes, mamma, there she is, down by the door, where she can’t see anything, I know.”

“Then,” said Mrs. Ellsworth, “I am going to have her come up here. There is room between Julia and me. Hans!” and that individual, who had been talking with his “schwester” inside, appeared. “Tell that little German girl in the door across the road, that I would like to see her up here.”

“Mamma!” said Amelia.

“Ja!” said Hans, in his surprise returning to the use of his native tongue.

“She looks very neat and nice, Amelia,” said Mrs. Ellsworth.

So it happened that our heroine Gretchen was confronted by a dignified-looking personage of her race, who informed her that a Frau from America desired her presence in the balcony across the street. Gretchen was frightened, and vaguely wondered if she had in any way committed treason against the United States Government, but her trembling limbs carried her to the Frau Krant’s balcony, where Mrs. Ellsworth questioned her, through her interpreter.

The story all came out, in German and in English, how Gretchen had given up her place because of the King and his Son, whom she wanted to please. Said she, “I am only a little mädchen, but I thought He might know.”

By this time there came the sound of drum and fife and martial footsteps, from around the corner, and the eyes of all on Steinstrasse were turned toward the place whence the sound proceeded. Mrs. Ellsworth desired Hans to tell the little girl she could stay where she was until the procession passed, thus relieving her fears that she was to be arrested for treason, and she, in turn, committed her overwhelming thanks to the good Frau for a good place to stand.

That isn’t the end, though I am almost through. Gretchen says she would have been satisfied without a place on the balcony, or anything else, if she could have known that she pleased the King and his Son by not pleasing herself, but that didn’t hinder her being very thankful that she could see the Emperor and his troops, and Mrs. Ellsworth made up her mind that she wanted a nice little German girl to take home to America, and educate and help in various ways, in return for her services, and a nice German woman who could do her washing, and live with her, too.

So the week after the procession found the Frau Van Cortlandt and her daughter bidding the Herr Van Breyck good-by, as they boarded the steamer bound for America, at the Hamburg wharves.

Gretchen and her mother are still living with the Ellsworths, and though they are sometimes a little homesick for the “Fatherland,” they are enjoying their home in America very much.[31]

The week after they reached home they ate the Thanksgiving dinner, with a huge turkey and its regular belongings, and though they had never been used to the day at home, Gretchen and her mother were as thankful, they thought, as anyone could have been. And the way to be happy and thankful as they would tell you, is to try to make others so. “And it all came about,” said Mrs. Ellsworth, “because of that kind and unselfish act of yours, Gretchen.”

“I am only a little mädchen,” said Gretchen, “but I pleased not myself, and the King saw.”


dividing line


THE chestnut-tree at Mt. Etna, is one hundred and ninety-six feet in circumference, and its branches are like trees. For ages have pilgrims delighted to linger in its shadows. There is also a great chestnut-tree at Tamworth, England, and when Stephen was king, in 1135, it formed a boundary, called the “Great Chestnut-Tree.” I have also heard of one called the “Manna Tree;” they grow in Italy and Sicily. The bark of it is cut in August, and the manna flows out like water. It was used for medicine. It is unlike the manna mentioned in the Bible, called “Bread of Heaven,” upon which the Children of Israel were fed. That was a small grain, and fell early in the morning. It was made into paste, and baked.

The Bamboo is used mostly in making houses, in Sumatra, and when the great and good Dr. Judson was a missionary, his lovely wife, Anne Hasseltine, made themselves a bamboo cottage.

The India Rubber tree is also very useful. It grows in South America and India. In Quito it is made into cloth.

The Cocoa-tree gives the poor Indians bread, water, milk, honey, oil, sugar, needles, clothes, thread, cups, baskets, cordage, nails, roofs, etc.

The Bread-Tree of the Pacific Islands yields fruit for eight months of the year. Two or three trees will supply one person with sufficient food. It is very nourishing.

The Jaca resembles this tree; it grows in Asia. The fruit often weighs thirty pounds. When the tree is young it grows upon the twigs, later, on the trunk, when old, upon the roots.


Round the Family Lamp

Round the Family Lamp


THIS is a splendid game if well played. Form two lines, each facing the other. A leader goes down the centre asking the right-hand line, beginning at the head, “What do you like best?” Each one must answer just what he or she wishes to, funny objects of course adding to the jollity of the game. When Leader has finished, she turns around and goes up the centre, asking the left hand line, “What do you dislike most?” When all have answered, she claps her hands, and cries, “Now.” The two lines pass across each other, turn, and pass back again, turn to their original places, facing each other, when they remain still. As the lines are crossing, each player must sing “I love cheese,” or whatever he or she has professed to like, or, “I dislike cats,” or whatever he or she has professed to dislike, keeping distinct and clear, each his own utterance; no one must smile. After this is over, the leader must pass down and up the line, asking one side, “Why do you like it?” or, “Why do you dislike it?” Then the lines pass across, singing, “Because it is delightful,” or, “Because it is squealing,” or anything—turn, dance back again to places. The leader must then pass down and up the centre, asking each line, “What are you going to do with it?” When all have answered, the lines must pass across, singing their answers, turn, and pass back again, ending with each player singing “I like monkeys because they are funny, I’ll send them to school;” or, “I dislike pigs because they are squealing; I’ll cut off their heads;” or anything they choose. Pass across, turn, and pass[32] back again, when two opposite players take hold of hands, beginning at top, pass down centre, bow to each other, and go off to their seat, continuing till all are seated. Whoever smiles during this game must be conducted out of the line and made to stand up against the side of the room, with their faces to the wall, where they must remain as wall-flowers till the game is finished.

P. S. This game is so long, we could only print one this month. Send on the games, Pansies, as soon as you can, that you wish to have printed in this department.

Castle in distance people in street
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The P. S. Corner

The P. S. Corner


Terms of Subscription.

The price of The Pansy is One Dollar a year. New subscriptions may begin with the volume (November issue), or with any number desired.

The date following the subscriber’s name on the label shows the time to which the subscription is paid. Thus, Oct. ’87 means that the subscription is paid to and including the October, 1887, number.

If no request to discontinue the magazine is received, it is understood that its continuance is desired. The magazine will, however, be stopped at any time, if the subscriber so desires, provided all arrearages are paid as required by law.

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D. LOTHROP & CO., Publishers, Boston.

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My Dear Ones:

Here we are with November at the door! A new year for The Pansy. Greeting to you, every one. How have you treated the old year who has just shut the door on you all? Three hundred and sixty-five days since last November! Oh! the story of them. How ill it reads when you come to look it over! Oh! there is ever so much which you wish was blotted out? Is that what you say? I know, for I have to say the same. What a blessed thing for us all that we have a Friend, great and glorious, who has promised to do just that with the story of our mistakes and failures. “I will blot out their transgressions.” Have you been to Him to get them blotted out?

Well, we begin again. New faces join us; and we must do what we can to help them. They will do what they can to help us. A Thanksgiving Day is just ahead. Shall we each try to give some one something for which to be thankful? It may be that they need only a pleasant word, a loving smile, a kind “Good-morning!” Such easy things to give! Shall we look about us while the surly November winds blow over half the country, and the balmy November breezes glide over the other half, and whether Dame Nature smiles or frowns where we are, make all hearts light because of our brightness, and sympathy, and unselfishness? Try to spread sunshine, my Blossoms, so we may have real flowers all the year round.

What are we going to give you for 1887? Why, look through the November Pansy and see. “Monteagle.” Yes; that is a serial. I shall tell how it all happened, just as well as I can. I do hope you will like some of the people, for I do, very much. “She.” I know it is a queer title. It will be altogether a queer story. Something that happened, well known to seven different people, who intend to tell it as well as each of them know how. Who are the people? Why, their names will be at the head of the chapters which they write. You can see for yourselves. “All Along the Line.” I know you will like our new department. Young people always like to know what is really going on in this world; and of course you will enjoy the design, engraved especially for us, by an artist who is also one of our contributors, and who loves every Blossom of you. For the rest, the old friends, Faye Huntington, Rev. C. M. Livingston, Margaret Sidney, Paranete, etc., will continue to work for you; you have told me so many times that you thought they were “Just perfectly splendid,” and as they each intend to be more splendid than ever, this year, I have no fears for their places in your hearts.

There are other new features, which you will be able to see for yourselves. We mean, with your help, to make The Pansy for 1887 a great deal better than ever before. How many new Blossoms can you gather for our bed?

Another thing; will you remember that you have now a department of your own to look after? “Around the Family Lamp” has been thrown open for your use. We do hope you will be industrious and unselfish, and send on your thoughts as often as you have any. Keep your eyes open, and when you see other people[2] playing games which you think are pleasant, don’t be contented with simply copying their good times, but pass the word down the line for the rest of us.

That reminds me of the address: I wonder if there is any way in which I can get you to remember it? Winter Park, Orange Co., Florida. This, until further notice. Now please do not send your letters to Boston, nor to Cincinnati, nor to Chautauqua, nor anywhere else but to Winter Park. Understand? Of course when you want to subscribe for The Pansy, or order books, or transact any business which would naturally belong to the Publishers, you send to Boston, as usual. But for the “P. S. Department,” or “Around the Family Lamp,” or when you want a badge, or want to ask me any question, remember the Winter Park address. For anything pertaining to the new department, “All Along the Line,” address the Editor, R. M. Alden, at Winter Park, also. Who will be the first to give us some games for our Christmas number?


double line decoration

Gracie from Canada. Indeed, your letter was not too long. I enjoyed every word. You must have been a very industrious Pansy to get so many premiums. I knew a boy who used to trouble his mother very much by being late to breakfast. One morning when he came down to the dining-room half an hour after time, he found the table dishes all cleared away, and there was no breakfast for that boy until next morning. I don’t think he was late again for nearly two weeks. I am glad you are going to break yourself of that careless habit without any such help.

Mary Edith from Ohio. It is very easy to be cross, and brave to try to overcome the habit. I hope your badge will help you.

Ray Spencer from Turkey in Asia. We are very glad to welcome you. One who “tries to do things right the first time,” is a great comfort to his friends, and will be likely to grow into a good and wise man. It is a pleasure to have a letter from your far-away home. The Pansies would all be glad to hear something about the people of Turkey. Can’t you write us a little letter for the magazine?

Arthur from Iowa. You are right, my boy. What is generally meant by “talking back” does harm instead of good. The Bible says “a soft answer turneth away wrath.” But the trouble is, when people are saying things on purpose to vex us it is very hard to think of anything “soft” to say, or to be willing to say it if we could think of it. The One who has promised to “keep the door of our lips,” is the only Source of real help.

Harry from Ohio. Yes, indeed, a boy six years old may have a badge. I am sorry you did not tell us the name of the habit you were going to get rid of; but so long as you know its name, and are pledged against it, we will trust you.

Virginia from Louisiana. I hope you don’t think we put the letters of our Blossoms into the waste basket! I am always glad when I receive a pledge against “teasing.” I think it one of the most troublesome habits we have to deal with. So easy to form, so ready to grow, so hard to get rid of. Yet it can be conquered.

Fred from Illinois. I once knew a beautiful black-eyed boy who used to tell his mother he saw seventy-two cats down in the back yard, when he meant that he saw three. His mother used to laugh, and think such stories were amusing, so Eddie kept telling them, until, when he was nine years old, people said of him: “You cannot believe a word that boy says.” And yet I don’t think Eddie meant to tell what was false; he had simply formed a bad habit, and let it grow. I am glad to receive your pledge.

May from Georgia. Do you know the difference between “firmness” and “stubbornness?” The former we admire, and the latter is unpleasant to everybody. I asked a little girl the difference between the two, and she said, “Firmness was sticking to a thing because it was right, and you thought you ought; and obstinacy was sticking to it anyhow, because you wanted your own way, right or wrong.” Do you accept her definition?

Edward Mason. Now, my friend, you and I are both in trouble. You have sent a letter, asking for a badge, and giving your pledge, but you have not told me where you lived, neither town nor State! How can I get a badge to you? I am hoping your bright eyes will see[3] this printed letter, and that you will at once let me hear from you again.

Bernie from Missouri. If here isn’t another Blossom who bites her poor little finger-nails! How glad we are that she has resolved to stop it, and I hope by this time succeeded. Did the missing magazines reach you at last?

Ella from Nebraska. Oh! these tempers. I know all about them. It is astonishing how small a thing will ruffle them. Yet I know a lady of whom everybody says: “How lovely she is. One never hears her speak an ungentle word.”

And the lady told me herself that when she was a young girl she used to fly into a passion over the smallest things, and have to be locked into her room for hours! So, you see, the naughty tempers can be overcome.

May from Conn. Thirty-seven mistakes in my “queer letter!” I wonder if any of the Pansies will find more than that number? I am waiting to see. Your little poem gave me so much amusement I think I must copy it for all our family.

Harold and Laurence from New Mexico. Welcome to our Pansy Bed, my dear, brave boys! How do I know you are brave? Because people who own their faults and resolve to conquer them, have a right to that title. Don’t you know the Bible says: “He that ruleth his spirit, is greater than he that taketh a city?” Is that just the way it reads? I am quoting from memory. Look it up, won’t you, and see if I am exactly correct?

We would like to hear about the interesting things in New Mexico.

Lizzie from Illinois. Don’t get discouraged, my dear girl, even when things will not go just as you want them. Don’t you know the old couplet:

If at first you don’t succeed,
Try, try again.

It is a good motto to work by. If I were you, I would, by all means, try a “P. S.” in the new home. You may be able, through it, to do a great deal of good.

Marion from Conn. I hope our badge is helping you. Jealous people manage to get a great deal of unhappiness out of things which were intended for their pleasure. It is wise to get rid of that weed as fast as possible.

Minnie from Conn. I am glad to hear from you. Yes, it is hard to do right; but we have one comfort: it is, after all, a great deal harder to do wrong, because doing right grows easier as the days go by, while doing wrong makes life harder for us each day.

Ralph from Ohio. “My boy,” said an old gentleman, putting his hand on the head of a little fellow, “here is something to remember: other people may do your work, but no one can ever do your duty for you.” The boy is a man now, a grand one, and says he has always tried to live by that sentence which the old gentleman gave him. Your pledge made me think of this.

Stella from Nebraska. There are plenty of weeds in our bed, my dear; you need not think you are alone in that; but the beauty of it is, we are all trying to get rid of them. “I always count tardy obedience just the same as disobedience,” said a stern-faced mother to me the other day.

That seems rather hard, doesn’t it? I don’t think that is quite the way; but tardy obedience is a very disappointing kind. I know your mother must be glad that you intend to give no more of it.

Clarence from —— The truth is, my boy, I don’t really know where you are from. You forgot the State.

You are right about the mistakes. And did you correct them all without help? I should agree with you about the rabbit. I think we are often very cruel in trying to cage and make pets of animals and birds who are used to freedom.

Mattie from Tennessee. O, yes! I have been in Florida. In fact, while I am writing, I sit at this moment under an orange-tree in Orange Co., answering your letter. As I read it, I raise my voice and give Mr. Livingston, who is in his study overhead, your message. He is very glad to get it. It makes a minister’s heart glad to have a young listener say that he makes things plain, in the pulpit.

I hope you find your badge a reminder whenever you are tempted not to do the next thing promptly.[4]

Rufus and Mamie from Massachusetts. So glad to welcome these dear people to our garden! I think often of Rufus’ pleasant face, and of his tender care of Mamie. I wonder if that little Blossom is becoming less timid? Flowers often droop their heads, but the sweet, gentle dews make them look up and smile. I think the dew of gentleness will drop all around Mamie’s life and give her courage. Thank the dear mamma for her sweet, kind, strong words to me. When we all get home, what a happy time we shall have together.

George from Indiana. Oh! these tempers. I think I must have said that at least a dozen times this morning. I find so many of my Pansies tortured by that weed “anger.” If we were not sure we could succeed, how discouraging it would be! As it is, I rejoice over every new name I write in our great pledge book.

Emma from Dakota. I congratulate mamma. I know by experience just how trying it is to have to repeat the same direction several times before it is obeyed. If you read the answers to letters, you will notice how many of our Pansies are at work in the same line. We will take courage; the next men and women will be stronger and better than we.

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Dear Pansy:

I am a little girl ten years old. I have taken The Pansy for two years, and like it ever so much. I got some nice presents from the Publishers: a knitting machine, two balls of yarn, a box of Logomachy, and your picture. I think Nettie Decker was splendid. And Grandma Burton did tell such lovely stories! My grandma went to Heaven just a little while ago. She was eighty-four years old. Mamma thinks I am making my letter too long, but I cannot tell you all I want to in a little short letter. If you would only come to Wells Island I would go down there on purpose to see you; I think a great many other Pansies would do the same.

I have many faults to overcome. One is, not being up in time for breakfast; another is, not doing things quickly; and, not putting things in their places when I have done with them. My two little brothers want badges. One will try not to act cross when he can’t have things just as he wants them, and one will try to remember to take off his hat when he comes into the room.

Your loving friend,
Gracie Conger.

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Dear Pansy:

I really cannot think how to commence this letter. Oh! I want to tell you that I found thirty-seven misspelled words in the funny queer piece about babies. I hope none of them are mine. Once I made up some poetry; it is not very good, but I will write it to you. Here it is:

Many an Indian man
Intruded upon the colonial land.
But they never tried to massacre
The little people of Alaska.

I am very much interested in Nettie Decker, and, for that matter, in every story that there is in The Pansy.

May Finney.

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Dear Pansy:

I have taken your magazine for nearly two years. I like it very much. Ever since I began reading the letters, I have thought how I should like to join your band. Now I am going to, although I am afraid you will find me a weedy Pansy. I mean to try and pull out every weed. I have so many faults, I do not know which of them I need to overcome the worst. One of them is not to go right away when mamma calls, but to wait till I forget it.

How I should like to hear from you real often! But I know you have so many Pansies to write to, I will try to be real patient. Mamma likes to read The Pansy as well as I do. We are reading the New Testament together. Every morning when I get up, I take a verse from the Bible to live by, during the day. One verse I try to live by, is: “For even Christ pleased not himself.”

Your loving friend,
Stella Graham.

double line decoration

pionting handUntil further notice, the address of Mrs. G. R. Alden will be Winter Park, Orange Co., Florida.




Edition de luxe. This splendid folio is a sumptuous home gallery of poetry and art. The text consists of twenty-four original poems by Celia Thaxter, written expressly for this volume. The poems are accompanied by twenty-four beautiful photogravures by eminent artists here and abroad, including Kate Greenaway, Howard Pyle, W. T. Smedley, Edmund H. Garrett, F. Childe Hassam, Jessie Curtis Shepherd, Miss L. B. Humphrey, W. L. Taylor, Joseph Pennell, Thomas Hovenden, F. H. Lungren, T. W. Wood, N. A., Charles Volkmar, Hy. Sandham, F. T. Merrill, Henry Bacon. The photogravures are printed by hand, in colors, no two of the same tone, on the finest imported India paper, the text paper and the backing of the India being the best American plate paper, made expressly for this volume. Very handsomely bound in vellum cloth with design in two metals, gilt top, rough edges, price, $15.00. In white calf, embossed in imitation of antique carved ivory, price, $25.00.


Edition de luxe. This unique folio volume holds twenty-four picturesque drawings of youthful race types and national costumes of both sexes, from Egyptian 1500 B. C., Chinese 500 B. C., Greek, Roman—taking the various peoples at their eminence down through the centuries to the French of Louis XIV., to the colonial of our own land. These very striking pictures are reproduced in fac-simile by photogravure hand prints, in twelve tones; and the pictures are accompanied by twenty-four character poems by M. E. B. The book is printed on the finest plate paper made expressly for this volume, gilt top, rough edges, and the binding is likely to be the novelty of the year—the base being an imported vellum cloth, entirely covered by a rich and mystic design, over-printed in photogravure by hand in several tones, with lettering in dead gold, $10.00. In superb silk canvas (special manufacture of the Tiffany Associated Artists, New York) and emerald calf, price, $20.00.


Edition de luxe. This magnificent folio is unique among holiday volumes. The text consists of twelve poems by the most famous poets from Chaucer to Browning, and the heroines of these poems, in characteristic situations, are the subjects of a superb series of pictures by F. H. Lungren. In addition to the twelve “heroines,” the book has a beautiful frontispiece, vignettes, etc. But the notable feature of the book is the remarkable reproduction of the original drawings, which are masterpieces of photogravure, printed by hand on the finest imported India paper, mounted on the best American plate paper, no two pictures in the whole volume of the same color or tone. Very handsomely bound in cloth, gilt top, rough edges, with an exquisite inset in color and lettering in gold, $12.00. Leather binding, $15.00.


In this special holiday volume Mr. Butterworth describes in graphic prose ten famous historic events that have fallen on Christmas Day, which are the subjects of ten beautiful and dramatic pictures, by F. H. Lungren, who has also furnished the frontispiece, title and vignettes. Each volume is in a unique box; cloth, gilt edges, price, $1.75. In leather binding, $2.00.


The little folks have in this superb “color book” a volume as perfect in taste as the costly adult gift books of this and previous years. The ballads, by Charles Stuart Pratt (editor of Wide Awake and Babyland), are for children, not simply about them, and, between the songs of good-morning and good-night, cover the range of a child’s day and a child’s year. The pictures, by F. Childe Hassam, the popular water color painter, include many charming full pages and hundreds smaller, reproduced in exquisite colors by the eminent art lithographers, G. H. Buek & Co. Withal, the book is distinctively modern and American. In beautiful binding of colors and gold, price, $2.00.

SONNETS: From the Portuguese.

Though without illustrations, these immortal love sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning have been given so rich and exquisite a setting that the volume is likely to be one of the most favored gift books of the year. Edited with notes by W. J. Rolfe. Vellum, gilt top, rough edges, $1.50.


Homely poems for home lovers. The choicest poems from all sources and times. Selected and arranged by Arthur Gilman, M. A. It is a large and very elegant quarto, profusely and beautifully illustrated, and suitable for a birthday gilt, wedding present or Christmas remembrance. 8vo, leather, seal grain, or half calf, white vellum cloth, $6.00.


One hundred drawings by W. Parker Bodfish, with explanatory notes. These fine studies of the Spanish life of to-day have a special interest from their freshness, having been recently drawn from life. By exquisite printing in black on a delicate undertint the novel and rich effect of proof impressions on Japanese paper is secured. Espagnolia binding, $3.00.


By Amanda B. Harris. Sixty illustrations by Miss L. B. Humphrey. A charming chronicle of the rambles, explorations, and merry-makings of a gay household. 8vo, extra cloth, beautifully bound, gilt edges, $3.00. Morocco padded, limp, gilt edges, $4.00.

POETS’ HOMES. Pen and Pencil Pictures of American Poets and their Homes.

By R. H. Stoddard, Arthur Gilman and others. New complete edition. This collection of entertaining papers concerning the homes, habits and work of prominent American authors, is fully illustrated with views, interiors and portraits. First series, extra cloth, plain, $1.50; gilt, $1.75. Second series, extra cloth, plain, $1.50; gilt, $1.75. Two volumes in one, 8vo, cloth, plain, $2.50; gilt, $3.00.

FIELD, WOOD AND MEADOW. How we Went Bird’s-nesting.

By Amanda B. Harris. A charming volume which represents many years’ patient outdoor study. Twelve full-page landscape and figure engravings by George Foster Barnes. Quarto, extra cloth, gilt edges, $2.00.

Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston.




With an account of travels in Norway and Sweden including a view of the midnight sun from the North Cape. By J. M. Buckley, LL. D. Extra cloth, $3.50.

This book is fresh from the travels and observations of Dr. Buckley, who has made an extended tour in the countries named, and treats of what he saw there with all the power and brilliancy of this gifted author, who is well known as one of the talented and influential editors of the most widely circulated religious paper in America.


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BY E. E. Hale and Susan Hale. History, biography, personal incidents, natural scenery, are all made, by these facile pens, to administer to the pleasure of the readers. Each volume in double lithograph cover, $2.00; cloth, $2.50.



Golden West (The), as seen by the Ridgway Club.

By Margaret Sidney. This is a capital record of a journey, gathered from the author’s personal knowledge of the places mentioned. It is accurate, clearly written, and admirably fitted to instruct young people, and many older ones as well, on the localities, methods of travel, peoples and customs of our newer States and Territories, around which at present gathers so much interest. Everything in this volume is fresh and unhackneyed, and presented in the author’s fascinating style. Lithographed, $1.75. Cloth, ornate stamp, $2.25.

What The Seven Did; or, the doings of the Wordsworth Club.

By Margaret Sidney. Seven bright girls are the heroines of this volume for the young people; how they succeeded in doing many acts of charity with their little means, and how they all had a very good time, the author tells in a graphic and entertaining manner; profusely illustrated in the text, and with many full-page pictures. In a handsome lithographed cover, $1.75; cloth, gilt, $2.25.

Who Told It To Me.

By Margaret Sidney, author of “Five Little Peppers.” A charming story of country life and the best kind of country people, and so vivid are some of its touches that one can hardly believe it is all pure fiction. Beautifully illustrated and bound in chromo covers, $1.25; cloth, $1.75.


Two volumes in one including the Chautauqua Supplement. This massive quarto with its thousand double-columned pages and its hundreds of engravings is a book for a whole year’s delight. Its trifling price covers several volumes of popular stories. Cloth, $4.00.


The finest and most beautiful illustrated volume of poetry ever issued for young people. The illustrations are all original by our best artists. Very finely engraved. It contains many original poems by John G. Whittier, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Christina Rossetti and other famous English and American authors. Extra cloth, gilt edges, $5.00.


A book full of suggestions and hints for all young people interested either in the practice or literature of art. Narrating the amusing experiences of two New York boys in its earlier chapters, it goes on to give an account of an Art School for Children in New York City, and then furnishes biographies of twenty-four successful American artists, most of whom are now living, with portraits, engravings of paintings, and views of studios. Quarto, tinted edges, $2.00; cloth, gilt edges, $3.00.


Edited by Matthew Henry Lothrop. It has for its leading poem Whittier’s verses on Longfellow, which give title to the book. The different poems are the contributions of some of the finest writers in the country and are especially adapted to the tastes of young readers. Exquisite illustrations by such artists as Miss Humphrey, E. H. Garrett, and Jessie Curtis Sheppard. Cloth gilt, gilt edges, $3.00.


Edited by Clara Doty Bates. This is the most delightful and valuable child’s book ever issued. It contains child classics of all times, newly versified by Mrs. Bates, and more than two hundred original illustrations by American artists. Double lithograph cover, $2.00. Cloth, ornate stamps, $3.00.


Edited by William Blair Perkins, A. B. It contains original stories written expressly for us by the best living authors who have ever written for young folks. Illustrations by the best illustrators in America. Profusely illustrated and attractively bound. Quarto, cloth, $3.00.


Of stories. By famous authors. These favorite stories sold separately in 12mo volumes at $9.00 may here be bought in one elegant volume. Bound in elegant cloth, $3.00.


A collection of choice poems. Edited by Carrie A. Cooke. Border designs by M. J. Sweeney. The poems are for children’s reading, and the pictures will please the little ones; each page enclosed in a very pretty border in different colors, and composed of vines, flowers, and delicate tendrils, extra cloth, gilt edges, $3.00.


By Mary Bradford Crowninshield. Finely illustrated from photographs and original drawings. An attractive book for boys, giving the account of an actual trip along the coast of Maine by a lighthouse inspector with two wide awake boys in charge. The visits to the numerous lighthouses not only teem with incident, but abound in information that will interest every one. Extra cloth, quarto, $2.50.

Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston.





This beautiful volume is rich in stories, ballads, special illustrated articles, adventures, history and literature and art features representing the recent work of the most popular authors and artists. Among its commanding specialties are the “Popsy Stories” by H. H., the “Virginia Stories” by Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont, the “Old Colony Stories” by Miss Wilkins, the fine heliotype Memorial Portrait of General Grant, and a complete serial story, “How the Middies Set up Shop,” by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, etc., etc.


This magnificent annual is rich in special features: True War Stories, true stories of Perilous Adventure, richly pictorial Ballads, by Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Thaxter, Mrs. Spofford, Sarah Orne Jewett, Nora Perry and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, two beautiful full pages in colors, together with a charming serial by Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford, “A Girl and a Jewel,” largely descriptive of the author’s own childhood adventures and escapades.


Heroic stories from history, and hearth-legends, told in the musical verse that children remember and repeat; among these ballads are the stories of the Luck of Edenhall, Robert Bruce’s Bowl, The Marching of the Cock-Horse Regiment at Nuremburg, The Mission Tea given to Havelock’s Highlanders at Lucknow, etc., etc. Richly illustrated.


Graphic records of brilliant spectacles and foreign panoramas by those who saw them. “The Montreal Carnival,” “Child Life in Venice,” “Through the Heart of Paris,” “A Grand Peace-Meat,” etc., etc. Fully illustrated.


Versified by Mrs. Clara Doty Bates. Accompanied by the standard translations from the original Greek. Illustrated by E. H. Garrett, F. H. Lungren, F. Childe Hassam, George Foster Barnes, M. J. Sweeney. The striking originality and fine workmanship displayed in the illustrations make this volume a tempting one. Cloth, $1.75; gilt edges, $2.00.


Stories by famous New England authors; Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, Margaret Sidney, Nora Perry, Sarah O. Jewett, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, and others. This has become a standard story-book and will remain so for years. This new and enlarged edition is tastefully bound in an elegant cover lithographed by Julius Bien & Co. $1.75; cloth, $2.00.


Enlarged edition of one of the most attractive juvenile books. A selection of poetry for little folks, chosen with excellent taste, and beautifully printed and bound with two hundred illustrations. Cover lithographed by Julius Bien & Co. $1.75; cloth, $2.00.



A notable feature of this attractive annual is the large number of full-page pictures, seventy-four in all, two printed in colors, in addition to nearly two hundred smaller illustrations. The text is designed for the delight and information of youngest readers, including, along with short stories, poems, incidents of travel and curious bits of animal life, a complete serial in twelve chapters, entitled, “Me and My Dolls,” by the popular English writer, L. T. Meade, written expressly for this volume. Quarto, illuminated cover, from water color designs by Miss. C. A. Northam. $1.50; cloth, $2.00.


By Mary E. Bamford. The most novel and entertaining of outdoor books, giving delicious little autobiographic accounts of strange and familiar creatures, their ways of life and possible ways of thinking and talking, together with nearly two hundred original drawings by L. J. Bridgman, accurate enough for a scientific work, yet not lacking in fancy and quaint touches.


A Horn of Plenty sort of book, spilling over with charming family stories of all kinds for all varieties of weathers and moods. A taste for “good short stories” has been growing for the last two years, and this is one of the best of the collections. Every story is original. Illustrated.


Representative stories by Mary Hartwell Catherwood, David Ker, Charles R. Talbot and John Preston True. Each story is illustrated by more than twenty-five drawings by American artists.


Illustrated stories by American and English authors. With a poem by Henry Randall Waite. It is not often that so much that is varied and choice is brought together in a single collection. Boards, double cover, $1.50; cloth, tinted edges, in box, $2.00.


These delineations of child-life are thoroughly clear and natural; not only their looks, attitudes, costumes, and gestures, but what they do, say, think and feel. Double lithograph cover, $1.50; cloth, $2.00.


A choice volume of Natural History, giving the traits and habits of wild animals. Illustrated from designs by Joseph Wolf. The descriptions include the elephant, tiger, bear, puma, rabbit, wild boar, jaguar, bison or buffalo, ape, wolf, lion, deer, baboon, chamois, lynx, weasel, sea-gull, owl, crow, osprey.

Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston.



Good Housekeeping,
Conducted in the Interests of the Higher Life of the Household.
Volume IV. of Good Housekeeping will have among its other attractions,
HOUSEKEEPING, or Keeping House without Knowing
How, and Knowing How to Keep House Well.”
This serial will contain the much-called-for Daily Housekeepers’ Programme.
E. C. GARDENER will write on the important subject of
“Kitchen Comfort, Convenience and Economy,” with
drawings of a Model Kitchen, and some
detailed Kitchen Appurtenances.
MARIA PARLOA will continue her valuable series of
papers, which are prepared expressly for Good Housekeeping
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Good Housekeeping has so many wails from correspondents who find the matter of Carving a burden grievous to be borne, and who ask for detailed instructions in the Art of the Carving Knife, that we offer $25 for the best and most complete paper on Carving—practical, instructive and comprehensive—that may be sent us on or before November 1st, 1886. The name of the writer must accompany each paper in a sealed envelope, not to be opened until after the papers have been examined.


Every person sending us $2.50 before January 1st, 1887, will receive Good Housekeeping from November 13th, 1886—the commencement of Volume IV.—to January 1st, 1888, and Catherine Owen’s admirable serial, “Ten Dollars Enough, or How to Live Well on Ten Dollars a Week,” which has been published in a tasteful book of some 300 pages.

The able writers on practical household subjects, who have made so quickly and permanently an enviable position and established fame for Good Housekeeping, will continue to favor its readers with their contributions in the interests of the Higher Life of the Household, and it will be the aim of its Editor to make each issue better and more valuable than its predecessor, in the Homes of the World.

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We have printed nearly a million copies of

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Tressy’s Christmas,
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D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston.


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Under Ban. 12mo, 325 pages1 25
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Miscellaneous Publications.
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This volume contains the most valuable arguments, statistics, testimonies and appeals, showing the iniquity of the license system, and the right and duty of prohibition.

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Talmage on Rum. By T. De Witt Talmage, D.D. 12mo, 114 pages. Consisting of eight sermons by this eminent pulpit orator on the twin evils of rum and tobacco
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    This is an entirely new collection of articles in prose and verse from the pens of some of the best authors in the land.
National Temperance Almanac
    This admirable hand-book for 1887 is now ready, and full of interesting facts, figures and statistics. 72 pages on tinted paper.
Book of Dialogues, No. 1. By Rev. A. J. Davis. 12mo, 118 pages. Cloth, 60 cents; paper cover
    An entirely new book of 25 Dialogues, humorous, pathetic and instructive. Adapted for entertainments and literary exercises of all kinds.
The Brooklet Series. Six illustrated Story-books. Cloth binding, with chromo. 72 pages each. 226 wood engravings. Only 25 cents each
1 50


A monthly paper devoted to the interests of the Temperance Reform, containing articles upon every phase of the movement from the pens of some of the ablest writers in America.

Terms (cash in advance) including postage, $1.00 per year.


The National Temperance Society and Publication House publish a beautifully illustrated four-page Monthly Paper for Children and Youth, Sabbath-schools and Juvenile Temperance Organizations. Each number contains several choice engravings, a piece of music, and a great variety of articles from the pens of the best writers for children in America.

Terms: Monthly—Cash in advance, including postage. Single copies, one year, 25 cents; one hundred copies to one address, $12. For any number of copies over four to one address, at the rate of 12 cents per year.

Semi-Monthly—Single copies, one year, 40 cents; four copies and over to one address, 24 cents each.

Besides these, the Society publishes a large variety of Tracts, Cards, Song-Books, Books for Sunday-school Libraries, Text-Books, etc., etc. Catalogue sent free on application. Address

J. N. STEARNS, Publishing Agent,
58 Reade Street, New York.



WIDE AWAKE, $2.40.          THE PANSY, $1.00.          BABYLAND, 50 cts.


Those desiring to secure one or more of the valuable premiums offered in this list should read carefully the following:—

1. Send us ten cents (either by a postal note, or in stamps), and we will send you, as a canvassing outfit, specimen copies of the above magazines, prospectuses and “Hints about getting new Subscribers.” By following the directions given in the pamphlet, and devoting a little time and trouble, you can hardly fail to secure some new subscribers.

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Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Game of Words and Sentences

A sensible and interesting amusement for the entire family circle. Of all the various letter games under the names of Logomachy, War of Words, Word Making and Word Taking, etc., we believe Words and Sentences covers the ground more thoroughly and with greater range of interest than any other. This edition has very heavy tablets, water proof enameled, in a fine, polished wood box, and is an ornament to any table, and the tablets are a pleasure to handle. Price in wood box, 50 cents. We also have the same game in a cheaper form, in a neat paper box. Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

A card game printed in colors. Put up very neatly in paper box. The best child’s game published. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

One of the oldest and best juvenile games. This game was among the first that served to inaugurate the introduction of moral and instructive amusements into our homes, and is still a prime favorite. Price $1.00.

Checkered Game of Life board

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.


This Toy Village is superior in design, finish, variety, and construction to any ever offered. A large map or plan of a village, with streets, canals, river, harbor, etc., lithographed in colors, accompanies each set. The pieces consist of Church, Blocks, single Houses, Passenger Station, Freight Depot, Coal Sheds. Railroad Train, Canal Boats, Monitor, Passenger Steamer, Lighthouse, etc., etc., and in addition to the plan designated on the map, may be arranged in various other ways. With a box of sand, real hills, streets, etc., may be formed, and the buildings, etc., set in place, thus rendering it a summer as well as winter toy. The whole is packed in a strong, finely finished wooden box, with a large, elegant chromo-lithographed label covering the top. Price 1.00. Postage 12 cents extra.

game boards

These are nice checker boards, with polished wood frames, wood sides, and metal hinges. The peculiar construction of the frame protects the edges of the covering, so that a complete imitation of inlaid work is presented and great durability secured.

No. 1. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. An elegant moulded frame of polished cherry, with covering in imitation of inlaid rosewood and satin wood, very light, ornamental and desirable. Furnished with cups and checker men. Size, 8x14 when closed. Price $1.00.

No. 3. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50. A beautiful board with polished cherry frame and with sides imitation of mahogany and walnut inlaid. Furnished with cups and men. Size, 7x12 closed. Price 75 cents.

No. 5. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Polished wood frame, board sides, paper covering, brass hinges. A durable and handsome board. Furnished with cups and men. Size, 6x10½ closed. Price 50 cents.


This is one of the most popular games ever played, and although enjoyed as well centuries ago, is always new. Our American Jack Straws are the first ever made by machinery, and are very light and durable.

hand playing pickup sticks

The No. 1 Set contains 18 different pieces, and is given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Price 50 cents.

The No. 2 Set is given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents. It contains guns, serpents, arrows, lances, round straws and square straws. The game is as well played by one set as the other, but of course No. 1 is the more attractive. Price for No. 2, 25 cts.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

Parcheesi board

Parcheesi is designed in such a distinct and attractive manner that it is quickly comprehended by children, putting their wits on the alert at once, and engaging the excited interest of the oldest players for hours. It can be played by either two, three or four persons at a time.

It is bound in durable and handsome paper (imitation cloth), with labels printed in best gold bronze. A box containing eight dice, 16 counters of heavy pasteboard, and directions accompanying the board, the whole forming a complete and very attractive game. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 25 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The chess men are made of boxwood, and are in two colors, black and white. They are of good size and packed in a neat wooden box. Price 60 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

Looks like a skyscraper but is board semi open and standing on end

A splendid game for the young folks. Two, three or four can play at the same time. The older ones enjoy it too. One of the most popular games played. Tivoli, and Fox and Geese can also be played on the same board, thus making three games on one board. Price $1.25. Postage 25 cts.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents. This game is too well known to require description. It is very interesting, and serves to familiarize the young with the names of the most celebrated authors and their work.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

A most enjoyable collection of entertainments. An elegant box with illuminated label and containing an assortment of games, puzzles, charades, rebuses, tricks, conundrums, etc., in a convenient form for use at sociables, picnics, and evenings at seaside and mountain. The best thing for practical use ever published in this line. Any one who has tried to entertain a dull company knows that just when wanted all recollection of the details of suitable amusements is sure to take flight, all to be remembered when too late. This box fills the bill at the time. Price, each, 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents.

A collection of interesting puzzles in a neat box elegantly put up. Either one of the puzzles is worth the cost of the whole box for one evening. Price 15 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

battle scene

This toy is constructed on entirely new principles, and is not merely an ordinary dissected picture puzzle, but the design constituting the 40 pieces is so ingeniously made that the various parts will mismatch to form an almost unlimited number of different pictures, representing many of the most exciting incidents in Indian and frontier life. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

A large box containing pictures of animals cut up, each slice of the animal containing a letter of part of the same, so that as fast as the picture is put together the name of the animal is spelt. The box cover is ornamented with a most attractive picture label, printed in different colors. Price 50 cents. Postage 12 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

The pictures are printed in the highest colors, as far as possible imitating the natural colors of the birds themselves, and are very attractive. Price 50 cents. Postage 12 cents extra.

castle built of blocks

Box Z given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Box Z Z given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

A large number of plain blocks of the Kindergarten building forms in a box with brilliantly colored label. Just the blocks the mothers have been inquiring for, without paint or other injurious element. Nothing a child can be injured with. Z contains 25 blocks. Price 25 cents. Z Z contains 50 blocks. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing on Box Z 30 cents extra; on Box Z Z 60 cents extra—or sent at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.


These pictures are divided on the same plan as the Sliced Animals and Sliced Birds. The box contains the following objects: Yacht, engine, boat, car, fort, church, house, dam, bridge, coach, fountain, statue. Price 50 cents. Postage 12 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

The game of Old Maid has been standard in many forms for years. Our new edition “Improved” has several novel and attractive features never before introduced. The designs are new, by skilled artists, and in themselves very attractive and amusing. Price 25 cents.

Old Maid by Milton Bradley

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.


A large and elegant chromo-lithographic panorama, with thirty-two scenes, selected with great care for their attractive appearance and historical value. A new brief lecture embodies the principal events of American history which are illustrated, and altogether the toy forms a very attractive and instructive object lesson in history better than months of dry study for fixing the subject in the minds of the children. Price $1.00. Postage 10 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

A complete show for one hundred nights, with change of scenes every time. With pieces of card-board inserted in a simple wooden standard, shadows are cast upon a paper screen, producing silhouettes of a most pleasing character. The comical effect secured by the mere change of a hat on a figure is wonderful, and cannot be understood without a trial. With this toy a bright boy or girl may afford unlimited entertainments to an entire family circle, from the baby of two years to the grandparent of eighty. And still better, it affords occupation to the child in its preparation, and development to his inventive faculties in its exhibition. Price 25 cents. Postage 8 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

looks like ping pong paddle with carved out holes to catch marbles that you shoot off the handle

This will be found to be a very interesting game for children as well as for older persons.

Fasten the acrobat in position, and place the marble on his feet. By pressing a spring the figure is released, and will throw the marble down the incline into one of the numbered pockets. Full details of the game accompany each article. Handsomely bronzed, with figure appropriately painted. Price 25 cents. Postage and packing, 20 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

The games comprised in this collection are as follows:

Go Bang. A universally popular game. Game in box with folded papers for the board.

Beast, Bird, Fish. An amusing game, calculated to sharpen the wits and cultivate a cool, clear head. A new form of a game always popular in social circles when played.

Game of Fortunes. A simple game of character and fortune telling after the manner of the Gypsies which has always been so popular in our line.

Jack Straws. A neat set which will afford much pleasure. Put up in box with illuminated label.

Old Maid. A very attractive form of this always popular game.

Price of the full Set 25 cents. Postage 5 cents extra.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Changing tunes while spinning. The latest novelty in tops. By touching it while it is in motion, it produces a variety of beautiful tones, its melody at one time resembling the tender weird strains of an Æolian Harp, at another the rich deep notes of the church organ. It is strongly made. Price 30 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents.

This is a new article, and, as will be seen, very useful. No boy who, has a kite, should be without one. It is cheap and durable. Price 15 cents.

spool of string with handle and crank
The Animal's Picnic game

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Very amusing and novel. An original painting of a picnic of animals in the woods, so arranged that when properly cut into uniform sections, some animal’s head appears on nearly every piece or card.

This is printed in colors on heavy paper-board cards, which are dealt to the players and then in the process of the game the picture is reconstructed. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

board game for marble solitatre, four big holes in the corners

This Solitaire Board is made of varnished chestnut. The four large wells in the top serve as temporary receptacles for the marbles while in use, and a neat drawer underneath holds them. The marbles accompany the board. Price 50 cents. Postage 25 cents additional when purchased or sent as a premium.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

complicated looking toy illustrating and including the cow jumped over the moon rhyme

It is 12 by 6 inches in size. It is beautifully illustrated by lithograph in bright colors. Two wooden balls go with each game. In playing the ball is rolled across the floor.

If the ball strikes the left hand knob, the silver bell rings, which scores you five. If the ball hits the right hand knob, the gold bell rings and scores you ten. If the ball hits the centre knob, the cow jumps over the moon and lands at the right of the game in a standing position and scores twenty. The game is very popular; because it is very attractive; it is easy to play; it contains a surprise which makes the children shout and laugh when the cow goes sailing up over the moon. The interest in the game keeps up hour after hour. Price 50 cents. Receiver to pay express charges, or will be sent postage paid on receipt of 40 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

ring toss game with one spire

This style is made as shown in the illustrations, in which the box holding the posts and hoops is made to serve as a base when the game is set up. Very compact and convenient to carry to picnics or when traveling. The hoops are plaited with heavy colored thread, thus avoiding all possible injury to furniture. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 40 cents additional, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

a ring toss game iwth five spires

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

oh, come on, it's a slingshot

The improved Catapult or Pocket Gun requires no powder, no caps, is neatly finished, durable, and can be carried in the pocket. Will shoot shot or bullets with accuracy and force. The loop, strap, pocket and pulling-tip, are all moulded in one solid piece of the best kind of rubber. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.


This is a large and very nice whistle. It has a trill. Just the thing for signals. The illustration shows the whistle very much reduced in size. Price 30 cents.

Looks like a yoyo with a picture of children blowing bubbles on it

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

These balls are of the best goods and are colored and inflated. The diameter is 3 and ¼ in. They cannot injure anything, and will please the little ones. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

girl in front of two hanging blackboards

The marking surface is finished by our new process which neither crocks or rubs off. The frame is of ash or chestnut varnished. The board can be reversed so as to form a desk, without turning the frame. The size is 17 by 17 inches. Price 50 cents. Express charges to be paid by the receiver.


3 Books given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents. Each book contains an assortment of pictures. The pictures are transferable to any article by simply wetting with water. Price 15 cents for three.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $20.00; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $14.00 and $3.50 cash additional; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $5.50 cash additional.

It has the celebrated top snap action. By having the hammer in the centre of the frame, instead of on the side, it prevents the liability of missing fire, by striking a direct blow full in the centre of the cap. This Gun has the Safety Rebounding Lock, pistol grip stock, and the trimmings are all nickel-plated. It is a most superior gun in all respects. Price $15.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $24.00; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $15.00 and $4.50 cash additional; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $7.00 cash additional.

This Gun is the best weapon for the money now obtainable. It gives universal satisfaction, and both for close and strong shooting is equal to many of the Guns sold at double its price. The barrels of this Gun are of Fine Laminated Steel, and are absolutely safe. The action is the celebrated Lefaucheaux pattern, which for both reliability and wear is superior to any side lever action now made. The Stock is of solid Walnut, oil-finished, and full checkered. It is a Belgian (W. Scott) gun. It has size 12 bore, and 30 inch barrels. Weight, about 8½ pounds. Price $15.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

A Set of Reloading Tools sent for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Price 50 cents.


The Guns described below are all especially adapted to “Fourth of July” sports, from the fact that with them torpedos can be thrown with great accuracy, and, exploding as they strike, make a very loud report. What is known as the small “American” torpedo is the best.

These Guns are especially suitable for drilling purposes. Any boy will find it a very easy matter to secure enough subscriptions to earn the guns that may be needed for his company.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

It has an adjustable tension that can be regulated to suit the strength of any boy. This is a new gun, made on a new principle, and is the best arrangement for target shooting ever seen. It shoots with great force and accuracy. Three arrows go with each gun. It will also fire marbles, bullets, sticks or paper wads. The gun is nicely finished in all parts and is painted a bright red that will not fade, which makes it very handsome. It is three feet long, strong and durable, easy to adjust and load, and does not get out of order. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 15 cents extra.

Little Gem

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is a new gun, well finished and very effective. It possesses part of the patented features of the celebrated “Doctor Carver” gun, but is not as powerful. It is lighter and somewhat smaller than the “Doctor Carver” gun. Price 25 cents. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

Winchester Rifle

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

A new double-barrel gun. It has the patent “oscillating yoke” or yielding stop, same as the celebrated “Doctor Carver” gun and has a well-finished stock of proper shape. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

Wilcox Cross bow

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

It shoots with precision, is simple in construction, and finely finished. The bayonet is of wood, bronzed to imitate steel. Each gun is provided in the breech with a small pocket, in which will be found 5 metal-head arrows, and 2 paper targets. For drilling purposes, it can be readily changed to the form of an ordinary rifle. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.

The Arrow Guns are carefully packed to go by mail, and protected when necessary by wooden braces. But we cannot guarantee that the Post Office Department will deliver them in perfect condition. On receipt of 10 cents extra we will ensure the safe delivery of each gun.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00: or, for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 30 cents cash additional.

Texas Hunter

This is a valuable companion in the field; Oil Tempered, Hand Forged, Saber, Blades. It is ready for any use. The cut does not represent full size. The knife has stag horn handle, is full Nickeled Plated, and cannot rust. The Knife is specially valuable when fishing. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 25 cents cash additional.

Toledo Blade

No. 2332 Knife is perhaps the greatest favorite, owing to the shape of blades (see cut). It is very sharp at the point, and the fact of being made from the finest Razor Steel, Hand Forged, Nickel Plated, makes it a very durable knife for Carpenters, Farmers, or Wood-Workers. Price 75 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents and 15 cents cash additional.

Good Luck Knife

This is our Good Luck Knife; the cheapest and best ever made. It has two strong, hand-forged, razor steel blades; German silver bolsters; is brass lined; cocoa handle, round corners. This is a genuine “Boys” Knife, but is made from better material than most of the boys’ knives. Price 50 cts.


Given for new subscriptions amounting $2.00.

Congress Knife

Full pearl handle. This is a beautiful Knife, just right for pocket use; keen edge, crocus blades and the finest finish. The Knife does not have the name-plate as represented in the illustration. Price $1.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

look like scissors

We have now the most complete Button-Hole Cutter that has ever been manufactured. It satisfies the want of every lady, and gives perfect satisfaction. The illustration shows the improvement in the large gauge, which regulates the distance between each hole, and from the edge of the garment. It does away with all measures usually used in making button-holes. The small gauge or screw regulates size of hole. Price $1.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.


It is 8 inches in length, Japanned handle and plated blades. It is the best shear ever made for family use, and is fully warranted. Price 80 cts.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The Scissors are 4½ inches in length, and perfect in all respects. They are made of the best steel and nickeled plated. Price 80 cents.


Both given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

looks like newsboy hat

The Cap is made of Canton Flannel, lined, and has a stiff visor. In various colors. Price 25 cents.

The Belt is made of fine webbing, extra heavy. It has a double strap and buckle stitched. Price 25 cents.

Postage and packing on belt and cap 7 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cts.

collapsible cup

This cup is a great convenience, as well as a curiosity. A tin case goes with the cup, in which it can be placed when not in use. It is just the cup for tourists, for picnics, parties, etc. Price 20 cents.

boy fishing in pouring rain

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This outfit is put up especially for our use. It consists of a 12 foot jointed rod with brass tips and ferrules, 1 bob, 2 sinkers, 1 36 foot line, 1 dozen hooks assorted, 2 flies, 1 bait-box, 1 trolling hook for pickerel, and 2 hooks ganged (i. e., with hair or gut snell). Postage and packing 25 cents extra. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cts.

Book clamp with TRADE MARK

Watson’s Clamps improved. What every schoolboy wants. It is neat-looking, easily handled, and durable. Price 25 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 25 cents cash additional.

LD skate

This is, without exception, the strongest and neatest Skate ever offered. Made from the best grade of charcoal iron, Japan finish. Mounted with russet leather, patent lever buckles and nickeled heel bands. Clamps operated by a double right and left screw. Sizes—8, 8½, 9, 9½, 10 inches. Postage and packing 30 cents extra, or, sent by express at receiver’s expense. Price $1.50.

We will furnish the same skate with toe straps instead of clamps, if desired for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 20 cents cash additional.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and 75 cents cash additional.

LR skate

This is a very fine ladies’ skate and will give thorough satisfaction. The foot plates, clamps and brackets of this skate are made from crucible steel; blades fine finish, russet leather trimmings, and nickeled heel bands. Skate is secured to shoe by a thumb screw at heel operating toe clamps, and by strap over instep. Sizes 8 to 10 inches. Price $2.50. Postage 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 30 cents cash additional. Postage and package 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

Chamption keyless skate

Owing to special arrangements with the manufacturers we are enabled to offer our readers this very special inducement. Never before have we made so liberal an offer. Every boy should secure a pair of these skates at once.

This Skate is a fac-simile of the genuine Barney & Berry Keyless Skate, and is thoroughly made of the best material. It will give entire satisfaction. The heel plates, foot plates, toe clamps and brackets are made from crucible cast steel. The Blades are finely finished. Price $1.25. Postage and packing 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

We can supply the same Skate with nickeled blades for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50 and 75 cents cash additional. This finish gives the skate a nicer appearance. Price $2.00. Postage and packing 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

L roller skate

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00, and 25 cents cash additional.

These skates are finished with French polished, light-colored woods, black leather mountings, patent buckles, nickeled heel bands, steel axles and maple wheels, secured to axle by our patent washer. Sizes, 7 to 11 inches. Price $1.00. Postage 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Boys D skate

Made from the best grade of charcoal iron, japan finish, clamps operated by a double right and left screw. Sizes 8 to 11 inches. Price 50 cents. Postage 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and 60 cents cash additional.

This Skate is made from the best of material, blades of welded steel, tempered by Barney & Berry’s patent process. This Skate is adjusted to any size shoe by a thumb screw at heel, and is secured by a lever operated under instep. All parts can readily be removed and cleaned. The Skates are polished and nickeled. Sizes 8 to 12 inches. Price $4.50. Postage and packing 35 cents, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

round ball shown about three times the size of the team trying to kick it

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 35 cents cash additional.

This Foot Ball is made of heavy canvas, rubber coated, very strong, so as to be blown up with a key which goes with each one. It is 9 inches in diameter. This Foot Ball will give thorough satisfaction to our boy friends, and every school boy should secure one by clubbing with his comrades. There is no sport so healthy and invigorating as a well conducted foot ball game. Price $1.50. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

We will send a Foot Ball, No. 2, diameter 6 inches (circumference about 18 inches), for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $8.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00 and $1.25 cash extra; or for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $2.00 cash additional.

This season we offer to our subscribers the New Rogers’ Scroll Saw, which the manufacturers declare to be the best cheap saw ever offered to the public.


The latest improvements on this Saw are Pratt’s Rubber Positive Blower and a new Clamp for holding the Saw Blades.

The entire framework is made from Iron, painted and Japanned black, and ornamented with red and gilt stripes.

All parts made to interchange.

1. The Bearings to the Arms are carefully sized to bring them in perfect line. (This is a vital point in the construction of any Jig Saw).

2. Each machine is provided with a Dust Blower, which is a very great advantage.

3. Our machine has a jointed Stretcher Rod, which allows the operator to throw the upper arm out of the way when adjusting his work or saw. This joint also permits the machine to work much more freely than with a straight iron rod.

4. Our clamps have a hinged jaw which overcomes the disagreeable raking overthrow of the blade, which is unavoidable when the saws are secured rigidly to the arms. Saw blades are not nearly so liable to break when clamps have this joint. Thus a large percentage of the expense of running the saw is saved. Besides this the saw runs much easier, the swing coming at the hinge instead of bending the blade with each stroke of the saw.

5. The Balance Wheel is 4¼ inches in diameter, with a handsome spoke centre and Rim of Solid Emery (No. 70), ⅝ x ¾ in the No. 2 Saw.

6. The attachment for Drilling is on the Right Hand Side of the machine, which, for convenience, is an obvious advantage.

7. No Pins are used in the construction of this machine, as we prefer the durability of nicely fitted screws and bolts in securing each part.

While the New Rogers’ Saw is very rich, though not gaudy in appearance, it has been more especially our object to make, for the least possible money, a saw characterized for its Compactness, Strength and Durability, ease of action, and firmness when in operation.

With each machine we give six Saw Blades, Wrench, Sheet of Designs and three Drill Points. The Saw alone weighs 25 lbs.; Saw and Box together, 36 lbs.

Price of No. 2 Rogers’ Saw, $4.00. Receiver to pay express charges. This Saw is provided with a polished Tilting Table, heavily nickel-plated.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Postage 5 cents extra.

A complete and practical manual on Scroll Sawing, by Arthur Hope. This book is intended for the use of amateurs and others, explains fully and clearly how hand and machine scroll sawing is done, how to polish, overlay and inlay, make silhouettes, etc., etc.

It is illustrated with new and very beautiful full-sized designs engraved on wood and prepared expressly for this book.

The Designs include one bracket, three card photograph frames, two easels, two easels with separate panels for inlaying, five paper knives, one card case, two match boxes, one jewel case, one cigar holder, one wheelbarrow card receiver and twenty-six new and grotesque initial letters, entirely new and original. Price, paper, 50 cents.

saw and inside loop of saw a silhouette of someone using it and a frame

Given for $2.50 worth of new names.

This set is packed in a paper box, and embraces a Nickel-plated Spring Steel Saw Frame 5 x 12 inches, having Patent Clamps for holding the Saw Blades, with Rosewood handle. Fifty full size designs, embracing a great variety of fancy and useful articles; six Saw Blades, one Awl, one sheet of impression paper, and directions for using the saw. Price $1.25.

saw blad ad

One half Gross of either size 000 to 6 given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Price 50 cents.

One half gross of either size 7 to 10 given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50. Price 75 cents.

No. 1 steam engine

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This is a model Steam Engine, with solid brass boiler, plated fly wheel and cylinder, and metal pulley wheel for connecting and running small machinery, such as a circular saw, lathe, planer, etc. This little engine will run with great speed for one-half hour at one filling of the boiler. With proper care it will last a life time. It is perfectly safe for any child to handle; the self-acting safety valve renders explosion impossible.

A boy will find much amusement in constructing toy machinery to run by his engine, and will gain many practical ideas of the power and utility of steam. Price 50 cents.

Another steam engine.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

Length, 6 inches; height, 4½ inches; weight, 21 ounces; heavy brass boiler (no unsoldering), regular Safety Valve, Brass Pipe, connecting Boiler and Steam Chest, 1 inch stroke, cross head running on steel ways; more than 1000 revolutions per minute. Packed in a box complete, with lamp, funnel, etc.

An ingenious boy will find no difficulty in connecting the large wheel with the paddle wheels of a steamer, or with the driving wheels of a home-made locomotive.

Price $2.50. Postage 25 cents extra.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


Every Boy and Every Girl
"The Waterbury" actual size chain 2/3 actual size
boy running to school and watch back "Carry a Waterbury and you'll never be late"

We make a special offer of the famed Waterbury Watch (including a nickel-plated chain and whistle charm) as a special premium. We will give the watch and chain to any subscriber sending us new subscriptions to our magazines amounting to $5.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $1.25 cash additional.

The Waterbury Watch will be found a marvel of simplicity, accuracy and cheapness.

Accurate, because it will run twenty-four hours, and keep time equal to the better grade of watches.

Cheap, because it will wear for years, and is offered at a price within the reach of everybody.

Remember, the Waterbury Watch is not a toy, but a real watch, having less than one half the number of parts to be found in any other going watch in the world.

A Watch winding at the stem, and having a stop-work which prevents its being damaged by over-winding.

A Watch strong and durable in all its parts, and calculated to do good service for years.

For beauty, durability, accuracy, and economy the Improved Waterbury Watch is superior to any medium priced Silver watch on the market. Its reputation as a reliable time-keeper is thoroughly established.

This is one of the most liberal premium offers we have ever made, and our special reason for making it is that we wish you to obtain the necessary subscriptions from your own town or vicinity, and acquaint the subscribers with your satisfaction with the watch.

Every watch is perfect before leaving the factory and is tested a few days in our office before being sent away.

The Waterbury Watch is now carried by tens of thousands of boys and girls, men and women. Time itself has proven it to be the equal of watches costing many times its price.

Its cases are made from the new metal, Silverloid, which in appearance and durability is equal to the best Coin Silver. Each watch is packed in a nice satin-lined case.

The price of the watch is $3.50. Postage, packing and registry fee, 15 cents additional.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



One Doll and Outfit given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents; three Dolls and Outfits given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is a delightful little present for a little girl fond of dolls. The dress can be taken off the figure and can be changed with other figures. The doll is about eight inches long. The dress is made of tissue paper in various colors and designs. The upper part of the figure is printed in handsome colors, and is to be changed from one dress to another as may suit the possessor. Price 12 cents each.

high-chair with doll in it

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

It is a complete doll’s high chair, handsomely painted to represent cane-work and large enough to hold any doll. It is packed in a neat box. It is a very popular toy and will give great satisfaction to the little girls fond of dolls. Height when set up, 18 inches. Price 25 cents. Postage and packing 8 cents additional.

doll bed, chair, dresser and doll

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This is a particularly attractive toy for the girls. The set consists of a bed, dressing case, table, chair, and towel rack, all painted in colors on wood. They all pack in the body of the bed. This beautiful Toy is one of the most instructive and useful that the little girls can possess. Length, 17 inches; width, 8 inches; height, 12 inches. Price $1.00. Express charges to be paid by the receiver.

Looks like almost closed cabinet
Bed closed, Wardrobe in use.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

Two complete Toys in one. It cannot fail to please the girls, being on one side a wardrobe for the Doll’s clothes and on the other side a complete Folding Bed, which can be opened and used without in any way interfering with the Wardrobe. Made of Chestnut and neatly finished on the natural wood. Height of Bed when closed, 22 inches; length, 21 inches; width, 10½ inches. Price $1.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

Bed open.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

A very neat and tasty Swing Cradle. The Standards and rails are of chestnut, with slats of white-wood, making a very pretty appearance. Length outside, 21 inches; width, 8½ inches. Price $1.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

A very ornamental piece of Doll furniture. A Wardrobe with shelf for hats, etc., also a nice drawer at the bottom. Shelves at the sides, furnished with candlestick and candle, card receiver, etc. A neatly ornamented top-piece which makes a nice shelf for books. Height, 22 inches; width, 14 inches. Price $1.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

The great demand for our Dolls’ High Chair has encouraged us to make a small Folding Chair, with frame made of birch cloth seat, and fancy sawed back. Can be folded into very small space. Stands when set up, 11 inches high. Price 25 cents. Postage 5 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This pretty little piece of child’s furniture is made of Chestnut, finished on the natural wood. The top is neatly ornamented with the letters of the Alphabet. The dimensions are as follows: length, 14 in.; width, 8½ in., height, 10½ inches. Price 25 cents. Postage 5 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 10 cents cash additional.

This is a necessary piece of furniture for a little girl’s housekeeping. It is 12 inches long, 7¼ inches high, and 4 inches wide. There are 18 pieces in the set. The pump is an attractive feature. Price 65 cents. Postage and packing 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is a nice premium for the little girls. It has four pieces: tub, wringer, clothes-horse and washboard. The tub is 9½ inches in diameter, 4¾ inches high. The clothes-horse is 11 inches high and 7 inches wide. Price 30 cents. Postage and packing 30 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.
Beautiful Dolls Imported Expressly for Our Little Readers.
WAX DOLL, NO. 104.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 10 cents cash additional.

This lovely Doll will delight the hearts of all the girls. It has a fine rosy complexion and beautiful wavy hair. Its height is 20 inches. The little bonnet is trimmed with flowers and a bow. The eyes are of a beautiful color. The Doll is fully dressed in a pretty suit. Price $1.25.

Postage and packing 45 cents; or will be sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This is a very pretty Wax Doll, with rosy cheeks and fine light brown hair. The face is washable. The Doll has very pretty eyes. The length is 17 inches. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 25 cents extra; or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

doll's head and shoulders

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This is a beautiful head. It is made from French Bisque. The hair is of a lovely brown color, and also the eyes. The face has a very fine expression. The hair is very soft, long and wavy. The head is 3 inches high (from the throat) and 4 inches wide (from shoulder to shoulder). The style of the hair is just like that in the illustration. The eyes close when the doll is laid on its back and open again when placed in an upright position. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This Head is very similar to the No. 160, but the eyes are not movable. The face is very pretty and the hair very fine and thick. The Bisque Heads are much superior to Wax Heads in every way. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

dishes in box

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00 and 15 cents cash additional.

This is the finest and handsomest Toy Dinner Set we could obtain for our premium use. The illustration does not convey any idea of the beauty of this Set. There are 24 pieces. The dishes are large and deep. The plates are 3 inches in diameter. This is a dinner service, not a tea set. The China is a beautiful pearl-gray color with design in gold and brown. Price $1.25. Express charges to be paid by receiver; or if express charges are too heavy, we will send by mail in boxes, carefully wrapped, on receipt of $1.00 extra. The total weight is about 8 pounds. We do not hold ourselves responsible for breakage in any case.

TEA SET, NO. 105.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 15 cents cash additional.

This is a handsome Set and will make a little girl’s eyes glisten with pleasure. Every piece is richly decorated, and several are of quaint and unique shape. There are 21 pieces in the box. It is a very fine Tea Set in every respect. The illustration does not show the beauty of the set. Price $1.25. Express charges to be paid by the receiver; or will be sent by mail in boxes if express charges are heavy, carefully wrapped, on receipt of $1.00 extra. We do not hold ourselves responsible for breakage in any case.

You can easily ascertain from your express office the probable expense of the set by express.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This is a very fine Album for a low-priced one. It contains 64 pages good paper; size 9 inches by 12 inches. The cover has a beautiful design in black and gold with the word Scraps in the centre in handsome lettering. Price 50 cents. Postage 10 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

This is a fine Album, and will please every one. It has 120 pages of heavy paper. The size is 11¼ inches by 13½ inches. Price 75 cents. Postage and packing 15 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The corner of the paper is adorned with novel bronzed designs, four colors to each box. The paper is very heavy. We can supply this with the days of the week, if preferred to the bronzed designs. Price 50 cents. Postage 10 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents and 10 cents cash additional.

This box contains paper and envelopes of suitable size for children’s use. It is very nice in quality, and has decorative designs in the corner. Price 35 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This is a collapsing cup, superior to anything heretofore obtainable. When open, the cup is about two inches deep. When closed, it closely resembles a Watch Case, and is very convenient for the vest pocket. The cup is fastened to the case so that no part can get lost. Price 50 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

A handsome Album. The size of page is 6¾ by 4 inches. There are several engravings scattered through the Album. The cover has an elegant embossed design. The pages are tinted. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 12 cents additional.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

The size of page is 6¾ by 4 inches. The Album is neat and pretty and has the word Album on the side in gold, enriched with gold designs. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 8 cents additional.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


SPY GLASS, NO. 2275.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and 40 cents cash additional.


This is the best premium offer of a Spy Glass that we have ever made. This Glass has Rosewood body, and three draws. It is 15 inches in length when drawn out, 6 inches when closed. The object-glass is one inch in diameter. The power is 13 times.

How far can I see with this Spy Glass? The distance at which an observer can see objects depends upon two considerations: First, the power of the instrument; and second, the condition of the atmosphere. All that is needful is to multiply the distance at which the unassisted eye can see objects clearly, by the given power of the glass. For instance, the atmosphere being clear and steady, this Spy Glass will enable a person to make out an object one mile distant with the same distinctness that he can see it at a distance of 130 yards with the unassisted eye. It is an excellent instrument. Price $2.50. Postage and packing 12 cents extra.

SPY GLASS, NO. 2276.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00 and 25 cents cash additional.

This glass has Rosewood body and 3 draws. Length, 16 inches drawn out; 6 inches closed. Power 16 times. The object-glass is 1⅛ inches in diameter. Price $3.50. Postage and packing 13 cents extra.

SPY GLASS, NO. 2278.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and 50 cents cash additional.

Length 30 inches, drawn out, 10 inches closed. The object-glass is 1⅝ inches in diameter. Power 25 times. This is a powerful and excellent telescope. An object a mile distant will appear as though but a few rods away. Price $7.00. Postage and packing 50 cents extra, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $15.00 and 40 cents cash additional.

binoculars and case

This Glass has 6 lenses, and its object-glasses are achromatic. It is the best Field Glass for the price that is made. Complete with morocco case, with strap, sunshades, etc. Its power is 5½ times. Price $9.50. Postage and packing 30 cents extra.


One half dozen given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

The views we offer are assorted views of different places of interest, natural history scenes, etc. Price 50 cents for 6 views.

Excelsior press
Press with pretty border around it

All Excelsior Presses use ordinary printers type, as made in any part of the world. No Excelsior Press is cheaply made, but has steel bearings, best of screws, etc. All presses print within ⅛ inch of full size of chase as screws are used to lock up the forms.

Every Excelsior Press is fully warranted in every respect. With every press we send out is included full printed instructions on every point, by which any purchaser can manage type-setting, press-work, etc., successfully and satisfactorily.

Outfit A.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $8.50; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $1.20 cash additional; or for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00 and $2.00 cash additional.

A Self-Inking Press will be substituted in any of the above offers for additional subscriptions amounting to $2.00. Outfit A consists of

No. 1 Press, complete, 2½ x 3½ inches$3.00
Assortment of Furniture.10
Ink Roller, 3-inch, with handle.35
Can of Black Ink.20
Font of Type1.00
Type Case   .30
 Price, $5.00

(With a Self-Inking Press, price $1.00 additional.)

All Outfits sent by express at receiver’s expense.

Nothing in the world will give you so much pleasure, real enjoyment, and earn many a dollar at the same time, as a printing press.

Outfit B.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $16.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $2.50 cash additional; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $4.50 cash additional.

A Self-Inking Press will be substituted in any of the above offers for additional subscriptions amounting to $5.00. Outfit B consists of

No. 2 Press complete, 3⅛ x 5⅛ in.$5.00
Ink Roller, 2-inch, with handle.35
Can of Black Ink.20
Two Fonts of Type2.50
Extra Feed Table.30
Leads, Oil Can.30
Can of Cleaning Preparation.30
Set of Gauge Pins.20
Type Case   .55
 Price, $10.00

(With a Self-Inking Press, price $3.00 additional.) This Outfit will do work from the size of a postal card down.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

typewriter that does on letter at a time on a big rotating wheel

This Typewriter combines usefulness, amusement and instruction. It will write, and write well. It weighs but a few ounces, and is so simple that it will not easily get out of order. This Typewriter is used by business men, and yet it is so cheap that every boy and girl can have this novel little machine. The base is 9½ inches long; the height of the whole 3 inches. Price $2.00. Postage and packing 15 cents.

stereopiticon on a stand

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

This is a good article and will give satisfaction to our subscribers. It has a Walnut frame, Round Walnut Hood, and is mounted on a Stand. Price $1.25. Postage and packing 25 cents extra.

stereopticon with handle

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

It is the same as No. 2380, but without the stand. Price 75 cents. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.


Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Decorative Art Color-Box paint box and brushes

Water Color Painting is the most simple, most artistic, and most economical. The Art Color-Box of moist water colors offered by us meets the wishes of those desiring a reliable set of colors for a low price.

The Box is made of Japanned Tin, with ample room on the inside of cover for mixing paints. It contains three brushes and ten pans of moist water-colors, as follows: Indigo, Vermilion, Cobalt, Gamboge, Prussian Blue, Crimson Lake, Vandyke Brown, Yellow Ochre, Sepia and Light Red. Each box also contains directions for mixing colors. Price, 50 cents. Postage, 5 cents extra.

Every one obtaining the Tilton Art Color-Box should also send for

Introductory Lessons in Drawing and Painting in Water Colors,

By Marion Kemble. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

In this book the author explains just what to do and how to do it, assuming that the reader knows nothing about the subject. The book contains a number of outline sketches ready for coloring. Price 50cts.

In order that those who may not care to learn to draw may have an opportunity to practice painting, we have prepared the following six books of Outline Designs.

One Book of Designs

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Seven Times One are Seven. And other pictures to paint.

Outlines of Flowers.

Good-Night and Good-Morning. And other pictures to paint.

Jack in the Pulpit.

Outlines of Landscapes.

Twenty-four Pictures from Mother Goose.

The size of each picture is 6 x 6½ inches. Price of each Book, 50 cents. All of the colors that will be needed are in “Tilton’s Decorative Art Color-Box.”

Each book contains eighteen outline pictures.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.


Has six wells in the cover, for holding tints. One flap palette, for mixing tints. The box contains 16 Pans of superior Moist Water Colors, 1 Tube of Moist Chinese White, 1 Tube of Moist Sepia, and 4 Camel’s Hair Brushes. A very nice box of colors for practical use. Price $1.25. Postage and packing 12 cents.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 60 cents cash additional.

TAMMEN’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN CABINET. A set of 20 large Minerals, Gems and Petrifactions, systematically arranged in a polished hardwood case

This is unquestionably the best cabinet ever offered for the price. It will prove a source of continual pleasure and instruction. Price $1.35, postage paid.

Mineral Cabinet, No. 2. We have a companion set to the above, of equally fine specimens, and arranged in a polished wood case. Cabinet No. 2 contains specimens of Opal Agate, Aragonite, Milky Quartz, Cuprite (Red Copper Ore), Jasper, Galena, Sulphur, Crocidolite (Tiger Eye) surface polished, Selenite, Hematite, Feldspar, Fluorspar, Variscite, Argentite (silver glance), Chalcedony, Petrified Cedar Wood, Alabaster, Lead Carbonate, Telluride Ore, Muscovite (common mica). The forty specimens are different from each other. This cabinet is given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 60 cents cash additional. Price $1.35.

Both Cabinets will be sent to one address for new subscriptions amounting to $4.50; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50 and 75 cents cash additional. Price of both, $2.25.


5 tubes given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

These colors are the best in the world. We name a few of the most important colors: Burnt Sienna, Emerald Green, Flake White, Light Red, Naples Yellow, Permanent Blue, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Terra Verte, Vandyke Brown, Yellow Ochre, Ivory Black, Zinnober Green, medium. About seventy-five colors can be supplied on the above basis. If other colors are desired a full list will be sent, including the subscription amounts required to obtain more expensive colors. Price per tube, 10 cents. Two cents for postage and packing for each tube must be sent.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

This box of colors is the handiest, most compact, as well as cheapest outfit offered. It contains 12 tubes, as follows: Emerald Green, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Ivory Black, Raw Sienna, Flake White, Vandyke Brown, Chrome Yellow No. 2, Crimson Lake, Vermilion, Permanent Blue. Also, 6 brushes, palette, turpentine and drying-oil. Measures 5½ x 9 x 1 inches. Price $3.00. Postage and packing, 40 cents; or, sent by express at receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This box contains 26 crayons, assorted colors, Lefranc’s first quality. Nothing superior. Postage 15 cents. Price 80 cents.

Box No. 2 contains 42 crayons, assorted. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 15 cents cash additional. Postage 20 cents. Price $1.10.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


looks like a handheld optician's lens set

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

The three lenses can be combined into one of great power. It makes a very useful microscope, and when closed it can be carried in a small pocket. It will prove to be a convenient and serviceable microscope. We will send it postage paid, for 90 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.75.

looks like long camera lens and a thick magnifying glass

It has a glass to contain seeds, insects, bugs, etc., which can be examined while in motion. It can be so easily carried in the pocket that it will prove a very welcome companion when you are walking for pleasure, or on excursions. Price 85 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

magnifying glass on three legs to place over flora

This microscope will be found very serviceable and handy for examining flowers, etc. The frame is made of brass. Price 75 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50. This little microscope is very useful to take on excursions for examining flowers, insects, etc. Can easily be carried in the pocket. Price $1.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $15.00 and 50 cents cash additional; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $3.50 cash additional; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $7.00 and $5.00 cash additional.

This complete and powerful instrument has the essential parts and general design of a first-class modern Microscope. It is simple in construction and of convenient design, and is well adapted for teachers and students, as well as for family use, affording amusement and instruction to young and old.

The stand is eight inches in height, with hinged joint, allowing it to be inclined to any angle for convenience of observation. The base is of cast-iron, handsomely japanned, the compound body of finely lacquered brass, with draw-tube, for increasing the power of the object-glasses. The stage is of ample size, and is provided with spring clips for holding the object whilst under observation; beneath is a concave mirror, conveniently jointed, for the illumination of all transparent objects.

One great advantage consists of the rack and pinion adjustment for focus. It also has a condensing lens for giving a better illumination to opaque objects. The dividing Achromatic object-glass gives a range of powers from 75 to 290 diameters, (not times, which is area, remember), with an improved quality of definition. Two prepared objects, two glass slips and brass forceps accompany each instrument, and the whole is packed in a neat polished mahogany case.

N. B. Any one desiring this Microscope for immediate use, or as a present, can forward $12.00 and receive it, and afterwards make up a Premium Club for it, as above offered, deducting the proper amount from the $12.00. Price $12.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The Micrograph is a microscope which can be used for viewing all small objects, such as seeds, minerals, insects, etc., and for this purpose will be found very useful. There is also furnished with each instrument a set of 100 microscopic pictures photographed on glass. This instrument is beautifully polished and nickel-plated, with sliding tube for adjusting the focus and a reversible glass reflecting mirror. The price is $1.00 postage paid.

looks like lantern with slanting mirror in base

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

By Samuel Wells, Mary Treat and Frederick LeRoy Sargent. It gives suggestions as to outfits, preparation of objects, and methods of experiment. Mr. Sargent tells how home-made microscopes may be prepared and used. Price 60 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

long lens microscope looks like long camera lens

No one need be without a microscope. We have made special arrangements by which we can offer a Combination Microscope (or Floroscope), 2 inches in length, for new subscriptions amounting to only $1.00. It has in addition to a powerful microscope lens, a mineral glass for examining plants, minerals, etc. It is very convenient. It can be put into a vest pocket, and yet is as serviceable as many more expensive microscopes. Price 50 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


another old-fashoined microscope

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and 75 cents cash additional.

This instrument will show satisfactorily the larger animalcules in pond water, the scales from a butterfly’s wing, etc. The stand is of polished brass, handsomely lacquered, with one eye-piece and one object-glass, magnifying, when combined, about 40 diameters or 1600 times. One prepared object, two glass slips and a pair of brass forceps, are furnished with it; the whole is packed in a neat polished walnut-wood case. Price $2.50. Postage paid.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This compass is a watch pattern, with brass case, metal dial, glass face. It has a catch to secure the needle when one is travelling, and keeps the adjustment from being disturbed.

Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 15 cents cash additional.

This lantern will be found very useful by farmers, hunters, etc. It is very convenient to have when skating. Can be carried in the hand or adjusted to a belt. Diameter of the lens three inches. Price 75 cts.

Postage 20 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $1.00 cash additional.

magic lantern

This is the best Magic Lantern we have ever seen for so small an amount.

The Magic Lantern Outfit consists of 1 high power brilliant magic lantern, 14 beautiful views, photographed on glass, 10 German colored views hand-painted on glass, 72 exhibition tickets, 1 lecture book (describing views), 1 large show bill, and complete instructions. All packed in a strong wood box. Fine portraits of Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes and Tennyson, are included in the views we give, and a short sketch of the life of each will be found in the Lecture Book. We also include among the views a story of “The Lazy Ant,” in three chapters, “The Gobbler Gobbled,” “The Singing Lesson,” “Crossing the Ferry,” “Welcome,” “Good-Night.” A delightful entertainment for an evening, either at home or with friends, can be furnished by this splendid outfit.

With each Polyoptacon is included a Series of 30 Comic Card Views, “What Hans saw at the German Fair,” also a Comic Series called “Hans Breitmann’s Party,” 30 Views, and one Series, “Children at Play.”

There is no reason why our boys and girls cannot earn money by giving exhibitions. The entertainment can easily be given at your own home, or in the schoolroom, especially if the proceeds are for the benefit of your school library or school cabinets. Price $2.25. Postage and packing 30 cents, or sent by express at receiver’s expense.

very big stand of rocks that also holds ink

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 15 cents cash additional. Style J. J. This beautiful Inkstand is about 3 inches square, and resembles illustration on this page. The ink-well has a Bohemian cut glass top, ornamented with a spray of flowers. 75 selected minerals are studded around its sides and top. The filling is rich, bright, sparkling silver ore sands. The minerals consist of ores, petrified woods, spars, etc., arranged systematically. Price, postage-paid, $1.75.

very large compass thing

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents. It serves all the purposes of an ordinary ruler, and in addition, makes a perfect guide in drawing circles. Price 12 cts.

rectangular magnifying glass with handle

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This Glass has a German Silver frame, wood handle, double convex lens 3⅝ inches long by 1¾ wide. Price, $2.00. Postage 10 cts. extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

magnifying glass No. 2802

It has a German Silver frame, double convex lens 3 inches in diameter. Reading glasses are of great convenience and value to all in reading fine print. Aged persons especially appreciate such a gift as this on account of the ease with which they can read by its aid. Price $1.50. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


steam engine
The Engine is double the size of this cut.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50 and 50 cents cash additional.

We have made special arrangements whereby we are able to offer this Gem among engines for a very moderate amount. Every boy can have a great deal of pleasure and gain much practical information as well.

Description of the Engine.

The engine is 8½ inches high and 4½ inches in diameter. It is nickel-plated in all its parts, and each engine is packed in a wooden box.


It is impossible for the boiler to explode as the Engine has a perfect-working Safety-valve.


You will notice the location of the Steam-whistle by referring to the cut. The valve by which the whistle is operated is also shown.

The Throttle-Valve.

The Engine is started and stopped by means of the Throttle-valve. No other small engine has this attractive and important feature.

The Steam-Exhaust.

All oscillating Engines exhaust at the ports. This Engine exhausts into the smoke-stack, and thus the steam passes off into the air.

The Power of the Engine is sufficient for running toy machinery. So perfectly and so accurately is this Engine made that the screw-nuts on the cylinder head, and the rivet-heads on the boiler and fire-box are represented (see illustration of the Engine.) It is a Scientific Toy, nearer in appearance and operation to a large Engine than any heretofore made. It is both amusing and instructive. It is safe and easy to operate. It will run small Toys, and develop ingenuity. It is a simple and complete machine which will practically illustrate to the youthful mind that wonderful power so constantly at work on all sides in this age of Steam.

There are 41 pieces and over 400 operations in the manufacture of this Engine.

In this little Engine every means of safety has been provided, so that young beginners may take their first lesson without incurring any risk. The fuel to be used must in all cases be Alcohol as the lamp is not adapted for anything else.

Every Engine is Tested by running at the Factory. The price of the Engine is $1.35. Postage and packing 30 cents additional: or sent by express at the receiver’s expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

The set consists of Six Carving Tools, made of the best quality of steel, and fully warranted. With this outfit all can learn the fascinating art. They have Rosewood handles and are sharpened ready for use.

The process of carving is very simple, and easily learned. Many young ladies have learned this fascinating work and earn good salaries at it. Price $1.25. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

carving tools

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

looks like egg beater with drill tip

Bracket and Scroll Saw Workers will find this a very useful article. Price 75 cents. The Drill Stock is 8 inches in length. It is made of iron with rosewood handle, and has a brass chuck for holding the drill-points. With each drill stock we send a box containing six superior drill-points, of various sizes. Postage and packing 12 cents extra.


A Mechanical Toy to be run by the Weeden Engine.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This new mechanical toy is a working model of the interior of a village black-smith’s shop. The various tools usually found therein, together with the anvil, fireplace, bellows, etc., are all handsomely printed in colors. The mechanical arrangement is so constructed that when attached to the Weeden Engine the quiet scene instantly changes to one of intense activity. The Village Blacksmith hammers away upon his anvil, and the large bellows near the fireplace are indicated by the boy as he pulls upon its lever. An ingenious boy can easily attach other working toys. Price 50 cents. Postage 10 cents additional.

blacksmiths in shop

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

The Band consists of a Monkey leader, two Monkey violinists, and Monkey bass-viol. All in one piece. It is run by the Weeden Engine. Price 50 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

screwdriver with big hangle and three other tips

These tools are all made from the best quality of steel, and ready for use. The handle is made from Rosewood. The chuck is polished steel, nickeled, and will hold any tool from a pin to a large mill file. The Tool Holder is an actual necessity in every family, as it can be used for so many different repairs. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 10 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.


This tool will be very useful in every home. In making repairs about the house it will prove of great service many times. It can be adjusted to any table. The jaws will open 1½ inches. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 30 cents, or will be sent by express if preferred.

Knife, plane, corner square, awl

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This set of tools consists of a fine Block Plane, 1 Keyhole Saw, with detachable handle, 1 Try Square, and a good pocket knife. The outfit will prove extremely useful to boys with an ingenious turn of mind. Price 85 cents. Postage and packing 20 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.


This is a fine plane in every respect. It is made of first class materials throughout. The plane is what is technically called a “double-ender,” that is, the blade is reversible, and you can plane close up into corners. Price 85 cents. Postage and packing 30 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This Brace has the same style of jaws as the best steel Braces. The Sweep is made of steel, tumbled and not polished; the head and revolving handle are of hard maple. It is a good serviceable brace. It has a 10 inch sweep. Price 60 cents. Postage and packing 25 cents.

brace looks like hand drill
hand using glass cutter

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents.

This cut represents a new style of Glass Cutter. It is durable, being made of finely tempered steel and polished; combines a Glass Cutter and Graduated Glass Breaker. Price 15 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Knive that looks like pen

The easiest Knife in the world to open, no stiff joints, consequently no broken thumb nails. The blade moves out or in when pressure is applied on the end opposite the blade, according as that end is held down or up. The blade, entirely concealed in the case, is effectually protected from dirt and rust, and there are no sharp corners or projecting points to damage the pocket. A small pocket knife is a necessity with every one, and none better than this for either Lady or Gentleman has ever been produced. Price 25 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $8.00.

This well-known and popular lamp is without exception the best for office or household use. It is the safest because the oil is kept at a distance from the light. It gives the most agreeable light that can be obtained. The lamp is very ornamental looking, and although it looks light, is so well balanced as to be perfectly firm. Price $5.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00 and 25 cents cash additional.


This little Scale is made with Steel Bearings and Brass Beam, and weighs accurately any package from ½ oz. to 25 lbs. It is nicely adjusted, and an almost indispensable article for the Housekeeper. Price, $3.50. Receiver to pay express charges.


Three Binders given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is something that will bind loose papers and pamphlets in a substantial manner.

They are much more convenient to handle if they can be cut at the folds and yet kept in place for reading by the Ready Binder. It is made of two white wires joined in the centre, with slides on either end for pressing the wires together, thus holding the magazine together by pressure. Price 10 cts. each. 3 for 25 cts.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



We will send Wide Awake one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $8.00.

We will send The Pansy one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $3.00.

We will send Our Little Men and Women one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $3.00.

We will send Babyland one year, free, for new subscriptions to any of the four magazines (Wide Awake, The Pansy, Our Little Men and Women and Babyland) amounting to $1.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00.

pen and cap

Of the same superior workmanship and finish as the Stylographic Pens, and is fitted with the best quality Gold pen. Either octagon or round barrel. Price $2.00. Fountain Gold Pen, No. 3 will be given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00. Price, $3.00.


An automatic business pencil, given for new subscriptions amounting to 25 cents.

another pen no cap

The pencil has a nickel-plated point and enamelled handle. By simply turning the handle slightly to the right, the lead is propelled forward to the extent desired, and by turning to the left, the lead is drawn back into the pencil, protected from any breaking of the point. A very useful article. Price, 20 cents. Extra leads, 20 cts. a box.


No. 451. Plain. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00. No. 452. Gold mounted. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

pen and cap

This pen is an “indispensable luxury” to every one who writes. The pen can be held at any natural angle. When the writing is done, the cap is replaced over the pen, and it is ready to put in the pocket. It is especially suitable for travelling. Price plain, $2.00. Gold mounted, $2.50. Either round or octagon barrel.


No. 4. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Gold Plated Screw Pencil, beautifully engraved. Price 50 cents.

just looks like anohter pencil

No. 157. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. Price $1.00. Decorated Enamel Magic Pencil Charm, Hand Painted, Plated mounting.

another pen

No. 333. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50. Gold Plated Telescopic Desk Holder with solid Gold Pen, in Nickel box. Price $1.50.


No. 372. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.50. An elegant Ladies’ warranted Solid Gold Pen (14 karat) and Pearl Holder. In a fine morocco case silk lined. Price $2.25.

looks like another pen

No. 62. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. The pick is solid 10-karat Gold. Price $1.00.


No. 19. Given for new subscriptions amounting to 75 cents. Red Gold Plated Screw Pencil Charm. Price 50 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



One new Study and Writing Desk given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.50.


The inside of the Lid is covered with prepared silicate, thus forming a perfect blackboard. This Desk is for family use. It is a convenient addition to the furniture of a sitting-room. It can be used by any member of the family for reading, writing and study purposes. It is the right size to use with the ordinary house chair. The desk is made entirely of hard wood (ash), trimmed with walnut, and the top is covered with enameled leather giving a very finished look. It has a lock and key, and inside the desk are different apartments for papers, books, etc. Raise the lid and draw it forward to front of desk and you have an inclined blackboard. The Desk is strong and well made. The brace-rod is firmly screwed to the legs, which makes the desk very firm. We also recommend this Desk for school purposes.

A gentleman in Pennsylvania having charge of a private school ordered one desk as a sample, and on examination sent an order for six more saying “they were just what he wanted.”

Height, at lowest point, 29 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 19 inches. The cut is a good representation of the shape, proportion and style of the desk. For convenience and economy the legs and ornamental top are detached from the body of the desk in packing. By this arrangement, the cost of transportation is made very reasonable. Price $2.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


All given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00 and 25 cents cash additional.

another desk

By obtaining the complete desk (as above) and a table top (see illustration below), you can combine the two as seen in this illustration. When the table is needed for use, all that is necessary is to take off the desk; replacing the latter when through using the table. At a slight additional expense the use of two separate articles is secured. Price of the combination $2.75.

a table with a drawer

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 10 cents cash additional.

This Table will be found a desirable companion for ladies with their sewing, or children with their games. It has a drawer to hold needles and thread, or for dominoes, checkers, etc., when used for games. It is made of chestnut, finely finished, with cloth top. Size, 31 inches long, 19 inches wide, 27 inches high. Takes apart for convenience in shipping. Price $1.50. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.25.

One of the most useful premiums we offer. They are handsomely ornamented, and will wear well. The material of which each is made imitates rubber very closely. A very satisfactory premium. Price $1.15.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cts.

like a cinching mechanism

The best shawl or book strap or parcel carrier made. Finely finished. Price 25 cts.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

The bangles are of plain gold plate, each end terminating in a Roman ball. Price per pair $1.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

This Book-Rack has three shelves 18 inches long, and will hold 40 volumes of suitable size for students’ use. When folded it measures 18½ inches long, 7 inches wide and 2¼ inches thick, and can be put in a small trunk. Price 50 cents. Express charges to be paid by receiver; or will be sent by mail on receipt of 60 cents for postage and packing.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

another bookshelf

These book-racks are made upon an entirely new principle. The uprights go through the top and bottom shelves and the knobs screw on, thus holding them very firm, while the intermediate shelves can be changed to admit any size of book. They are always firm, and will not become loose and topple over by reason of any shrinkage of the shelves. Can be taken apart and put up again in a moment’s time. They are made strong and will stand firm on floor, table or desk, or may be suspended from a picture knob or hook on the wall.

This Book-Rack has four shelves 24 inches long, with capacity for holding eighty volumes of ordinary size, and when packed for removal will occupy a space only 26 inches long, 7 wide and 2½ deep, and weighs about 4 pounds. Price $1.00. Express charges to be paid by receiver, or will be sent by mail on receipt of 90 cents for postage and packing.

still anohter bookshelf but with a slanted topshelf

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This Book-Rack has about the same capacity as No. 424, but is far more stylish and artistic in design. The uprights are square with chamfered corners and ebonized finished. The shelves are held in position by a new and novel locking device, while the whole is surmounted with an ornamental balustrade. Size when packed, 24 inches long, 6 wide and 2½ deep. Price $1.50. Express charges to be paid by receiver, or will be sent by mail on receipt of 90 cents for postage and packing.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and 25 cents cash additional; or for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 60 cents cash additional.

Ladies, Make Your Own Stamping Patterns.

Pearl’s Perforating THE LITTLE WONDER Stamping OUTFIT PATENTED. NOV. 21st 1882.

This Sewing Machine Attachment makes Perforated Stamping Patterns, from the most elaborate and intricate designs, either original or those from Art Books. The design is placed over from 1 to 10 sheets of Linen paper and passed through the machine. Perforated duplicates are thereby obtained, each of which will stamp the design a hundred times. Designs may be taken from wall paper, cretonnes, carpets, laces, etc.

Patterns perforated in this way are superior in every way to those made by the old method. There is no rough side from which you are obliged to stamp; being alike on both sides one can stamp from either side. There is no possibility of the patterns “filling up” and thus becoming useless, for each perforation is made by actually removing an atom of the paper the size of the needle or punch used. Different sized punches are furnished so that the operator can choose a fine or a coarse line as best suits his work.

By setting the machine with a short stitch so the perforations come close together, beautiful stencils can be cut from card-board, paper, etc.

The “Little Wonder” is applicable to transferring designs for Embroidery, Braiding, Quilting, Ornamental Painting, Frescoing, Wood Carving, Fret-Sawing, and for instantly copying designs on the blackboard for the use of teachers illustrating lessons in Botany, Geography, Natural History, etc., etc.

Accompanying each outfit are instructions, showing how to perforate, how to stamp on any material without liquids (the simplest and most perfect method known) and how to set stamping on velvets and plush by steam; various minor uses to which the “Little Wonder” is applicable are also fully noted.

The “Little Wonder” Perforator can be furnished for the following Machines only:

Light-Running Domestic, Wheeler and Wilson No. 8, Remington No. 3, White, Household, double or single feed, Weed “New Hartford,” New Home, Singer, “New Family,” Singer Improved, Elias Howe, and New Howe “G.” In case you do not have one of the above machines, possibly your neighbor has, and would allow you to use it in exchange for some patterns.

We cannot supply them for any other machines. Name your machine with your order (and it must be one of the above), or we cannot send it.

Pearl’s Perforating and Stamping Outfit consists of 1 Patent Perforating Attachment, 3 small, 3 medium and 3 large Punches, 1 Box Pearl’s Perfect White Stamping Powder, 1 Box Blue Powder, 1 Improved Reversible Chamois Stamping Pad, together with a book of explicit instructions for its adaptation and use in perforating and stamping of every description, all enclosed in a handsome case. Price $2.00.

The “Little Wonder” Perforator (without the Outfit). Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 50 cents cash additional. Price $1.25.

One Quire Linen Perforating Paper, size 17 x 22. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Price 40 cents.

One Package Perforating Punches. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00. Each package contains one dozen punches. Price 40 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 40 cents cash additional.

Longfellow as older man sitting by fire


Hollyer’s Steel Plate engraving of “Longfellow in His Library,” is an accurate representation of the room which Longfellow used from 1837 until the time of his death, and it will undoubtedly be accepted as the favorite picture of the “American Popular Poet;” the likeness is good; the attitude and expression happily betoken a mind deeply occupied in the task before him; and everyone who admires and appreciates the writings of the great poet, will be pleased to see the appointments of the room in which he worked, together with a faithful portrait of him. The central figure is that of the Great Poet. He is seated on the right of a circular table, strewn with his books and writing materials. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Universal Monogram outfit Red Ink Black Ink Ink pads and monogram stamp

Heretofore monograms have been expensive and beyond the reach of our young people. We have had the whole series made, and can supply any letters desired.


The Monograms in Outfit 2 have two letters. The advantage of having an exclusive private mark for your books, clothing, etc., is of great importance, and a Monogram supplies the want better than any other mark. All of the materials used are of the finest quality and put up with care. Each outfit contains 1 Rubber Monogram Stamp, 1 Bottle Indelible Ink, 1 Bottle Bright Red Ink, 1 Ink Distributor, 1 Bottle Bronze, Ink Pads. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 5 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 15 cents cash additional.

This Outfit is similar to the above, except that the Monogram consists of three letters. Price 80 cents.

curved whisk broom and dustban without a handle

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50

The Tray is made of tin, handsomely painted and ornamented. Postage and packing 15 cents additional. Price 75 cents.

mirror with bracket behind to make it stand on table or dresser

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50

This exceedingly convenient mirror cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction. The frame is covered with silk plush. The glass is French plate with bevelled edge. Size of the mirror 4 inches by 6 inches. The adjustable handle is nickel plated, the whole making a very attractive addition to one’s room. Price 80 cts.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



A New and Superior Binder for Our Magazines.

PATENTED MARCH 28, 1882 MARCH 23, 1886

A and C are the two covers separated.

A-cover shows the paper filed on the wires, and the back or flap (B) which forms the back of the book.

C-cover has a metal hinge or clamping-bar, perforated for the wires, with lugs to hold the wires when bent down, and a pocket for the back to slide into.

D shows the complete book, made without the objectionable bulging back of other binders.

The back (B), when in the pocket, forms a complete book with one sheet or any thickness of paper placed in the binder. The wires are toughened by a process, and will not break.

We are gratified at being able to call the attention of our subscribers to an Improved Binder that we know will give entire satisfaction. It is made very strongly, of the best materials, and makes a handsome, finished-looking volume whether filled with the full number of magazines required, or with but one or two copies. The Binder is made in two sizes and two styles; one is adapted for Wide Awake and one for The Pansy. The name of each magazine is stamped in gold on the covers. Any magazine that is of the same size as either of the above may be bound, either permanently or for temporary preservation. For instance, Babyland or the C. Y. F. Journal will fit Wide Awake binder very well.

We can supply the binder for either magazine in full cloth, or in half Russia. An awl for punching holes in the magazines accompanies each Binder.

The Binder for The Pansy will contain a year’s numbers. The Binder for Wide Awake will contain a full volume (six numbers).

Universal Binders for Wide Awake or Pansy, full cloth, given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The Binder, in Half Russia, given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50 and 10 cents cash additional.

The Half Russia cover is preferable on account of the greater durability as well as the richer appearance.

Price, full cloth, 70 cents; half Russia, 80 cents. Postage and packing 15 cents extra, when purchased or sent as a premium.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.


The revolving floats or beaters turn on two different centres and interlace each other. This draws the egg into the beater, and away from the sides of the bowl, when it is thoroughly cut and aerated in a moment. This size will beat the whites of 2 eggs in 10 seconds. Price 50 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

lapboard ruler side
lapboard checkers side

It is in all respects the most desirable article of the kind. It is a light, durable and perfect board. With it one avoids the discomfort incident to holding a heavy board. The peculiar felting finish upon both sides, effectually prevents the slipping of the work from the board, also the slipping of the board from the lap. It is manufactured from a material specially adapted to this purpose. It will neither warp nor crack, and with proper care will last a life-time. The graduated scale entirely does away with the need of a yard-stick or tape-measure. The Checker-Board upon one side will be found very convenient for persons interested in either of the games of checkers or chess. Price $1.25. Receiver to pay express charges.


To Subscribers wishing their Numbers Bound:—We will bind any one year of Wide Awake (in two volumes), in handsome cloth covers, for any subscriber sending us new subscriptions amounting to $5.00. The magazines must be sent to us fully prepaid. We will return the volumes at our expense. We will bind a year’s numbers of either Babyland, The Pansy, or Our Little Men and Women, for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00, and return at our expense.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $15.00; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00 and $2.25 cash additional; or given for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $4.00 cash additional.


We have presumed that our subscribers desire a good Opera-Glass presented to their notice, or none at all. We have therefore secured the “Universal” from a reliable house as a premium. This Glass is supplied with lenses which have never been surpassed in any particular. The glass has a large field, perfect definition, and the frame is strong and rigid. We can recommend this glass as one which will not only give satisfaction when new, but after years of use. The height (closed) is 2⅞ inches. The glass is covered with black Morocco. A crush leather case is given with the glass. These Glasses are not to be confounded with the cheap opera-glasses usually offered as premiums. They are the best we can obtain for a reasonable price. Price $9.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

writing desk

This is a very fine case for scholars to use. It is very strong, and thoroughly made. It contains an Inkstand, Penholder, Lead and Slate Pencils, Rubber, Sponge, and a Pen-Knife. It has small compartments for various uses. It is about 7 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 1¼ inches deep. The case is fastened by a steel lock and key. Price $1.00. Postage 15 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This Case is about the same dimensions as the No. 41, but not so strong and durable. It is fastened with a catch instead of a lock. It has the same articles as case No. 41. Price 35 cents. Postage 10 cents extra.

looks like a lighthouse for a bottle of perfume

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is a neat and pretty little perfume case. Height, 6 inches; width, 1¾ inches; depth, 2 inches. The top and base are covered with rich plush. A mirror is at the back. One bottle goes with this case. Price 25 cents. Postage 8 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


THE PEARL RUG MAKER. (Used on all Sewing Machines or by Hand.)
Sewing machine

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 30 cents extra.


The easiest and most economical process ever invented for making Rag and Turkish Rugs, Ottoman Covers, etc. Every lady has enough material in her rag bag to make several handsome durable rugs. Any cloth, old or new, yarns, carpet waste, etc., can be used. Small pieces of Silk, too much worn for Patchwork, make pretty stool or ottoman covers. The Pearl Rug Maker is a set of Steel Forms and Tines, on which the material is wound, then sewed through the centre to a cloth foundation—with any sewing machine or by hand—forming loops, which are readily cut open, making a soft, close pile or tuft a half inch thick, all on the upper side. Rags when used do not have to be sewed together. Small pieces are cut in strips, on the bias. A handsome Rug 2 x 3 feet, with a border, can be made in a day. Folks who have talked hard times for years must have an abundance of old clothes. The Pearl Rug Maker is the only invention that will utilize them without being obliged to go to further expense than a spool of thread. With the scraps of cloth, odds and ends that accumulate in every home, you can make Rugs that will adorn any parlor. If you do not have enough bright colored pieces in your rag bag, you can color them at trivial expense. (See our Premium Offer of Diamond Dyes.) With the Pearl Rug Maker many ladies make an entire carpet.

The Pearl Rug Maker is made of Bessemer Steel, silver finish, and is put up in a handsome case, with explicit “Directions for making Rag and Tufted Rugs,” containing 14 illustrations, which will enable anyone to do the work. Price postpaid to any address, only $1.00.


Four packages (your choice of colors) given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.


Comparatively few persons are aware that many articles of personal and household use may be so renewed that they can be regarded as almost as good as ever for further service. By using these Dyes, colors that have become faded or dingy, or unfashionable, can be renewed; or the article may be changed in color and appearance so that they may again be made serviceable.

Looks like lady reading ticker tape but it's a ribbon

Each Dye is complete in itself, requiring no other articles to set the color. It is really for most colors no more difficult to dye any article a perfect color than to rinse or starch such an article, and the person making the trial for the first time will be delighted with the result. They are warranted to give complete satisfaction when directions are followed. Now at a trifling expense it can be done in any house, and any one can save many dollars every year by the extra wear they can get from garments that have been renewed in this way. After a lady has once felt the comfort of having a faded or dingy dress or garment made as good as new by these Dyes, she will not fail to use them often for these purposes.

Woman dying cloth


These articles are used by every lady, and are frequently made of white or very light colored material, and as a consequence very quickly become soiled or faded. Then they are usually discarded or given away. Now there is nothing easier than to color these articles, and thus make them as good as new. Simply follow the directions and they will come out all right.

The Diamond Dyes are unequalled for coloring Dresses, Cloaks, Coats, Wrappers and all garments; Shawls, Hoods, Scarfs, Yarn, Stockings, Carpet Rags, Feathers, Grasses, and many other articles of similar nature. Beautiful wood stains may be made from the Dyes.

List of colors: Yellow, Scarlet, Crimson, Magenta, Cardinal Red, Dark Green, Dark Wine, Plum, Black, Eosine (Pink), Bismarck, Old Gold, Orange, Maroon, Seal Brown, Violet, Brown, Dark Brown, Navy Blue, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Terra Cotta, Slate, Purple, Garnet, Olive Green, Drab Green. Cardinal, for cotton, Blue, for cotton, Yellow, for cotton, Green, for cotton, Scarlet, for cotton.

The Diamond Dyes of most colors work well on cotton, but for the colors specially mentioned above it is necessary to have Dyes specially prepared. In ordering, specify “for cotton,” if so desired. Price of Diamond Dyes, 10 cts. per package.

looks like a tv tray

To be given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 20 cents cash additional.

table folded

This is not a toy, but a useful and ornamental Sewing Table, very simple in construction, yet made very substantial, and capable of standing at eight different elevations varying from 23½ to 29 inches in height. Also, can be folded very compact, as shown in the engraving. The top is ornamented with a Checker Board; also has an eighteen-inch Measure across the front. Makes a splendid Card Table, or for use on lawns or piazzas. Size of top, 19 x 30 inches. Price, $1.25. Receiver to pay express charges.

contraption for holding two spools of thread and gets clamped to a table

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

It consists of a Work Holder, Thread Cutter, Needle Cushion and Spool Stand all combined in one article; made of Plated Metal; simple and durable. It can be quickly attached to any work table or top of sewing machine. The Work Holder consists of a movable jaw and spring which holds the work firmly (in place of the old method of pinning to the knee) and without any risk of soiling or tearing the finest fabric. Price, 35 cts.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

It has appropriate apartments for Books, Stationery, Pen and Ink, etc., with a Blackboard on the inside of the cover, which drops down as seen in the cut. Height 18 in.; length, 14 in.; width, 6 in. Price, $1.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

writing case

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

tape measure Haff Mfg. Co. NY

This measure will be found very convenient not only when sewing, but many times around the house. It is nicely made, and is durable. Price, 25 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 10 cents cash additional.


This Work Box is very pretty. The top is finely decorated with flowers. The inside of the cover is a mirror. The Box is divided into three compartments (one large, two small), and has two velvet cushions for pins, etc. Scissors, a needle case, bodkin, and thimble are included. The Box has a lock and key, and is covered with Japanese Lacquer. This is one of our best premiums for the girls. Price $1.25. Postage 25 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Cannot describe clasp keeping shawl in place

A very strong and durable Shawl Strap. Such straps are indispensable for carrying parcels of various kinds. This one has two long straps. The crossbar is solid and cannot bend. Price 50 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

looks like a purse

This Strap is very similar to the illustration, but is made of metal, nickel-plated. It has three straps. No. 176 is preferable for strength, but No. 118 is nicer looking, and has the extra strap. Price 50 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

A choice Portmonnaie, very finely made. The leather is a very fine imitation Alligator skin. The book has a patent clasp ornamented. For finish, quality and durability this book cannot be excelled for the money. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

four combs

This Set is an indispensable article to every lady and girl. The combs are of fine quality and put up in a neat case. Price 50 cents. Postage 7 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

toilette case

This will prove a very satisfactory premium. The case is 9⅓ inches long, 4½ inches wide and 3 inches high. The case is imitation Alligator skin of a very pretty tint. It has a nickel silver fastening. The lining is satine. The mirror and brush are made of a composition that cannot be distinguished from rubber, and are finely ornamented. The comb is rubber. Price $1.25. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.50.

This cut is an exact representation of the shape, proportion and style of the Cabinet. It is made of Rock Maple, finely finished, with polished brass trimmings, and enameled ornaments. Has lock and key; contains 2 shelves. It is sent packed flat, and is fastened by screwing on the little knobs in the cut. Dimensions: 30 in. high, 16 in. wide, 7 in. deep. Price $2.50. Receiver to pay express charges.

FINE CANVAS BAG, With leather Trimmings.
leather satchel

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

A flap with double buckles comes over the top to cover the contents from the rain, etc. It has a leather shoulder strap. Size 11 inches by 14 inches. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 10 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

looks like woven tote, nothing that says Vassar

This is a finely woven Cord Bag, size 10½ by 13 inches. The cord is of good size and quality, and woven close. The bag is lined with cloth. It makes a very neat bag for school children. Price 50 cents. Postage and packing 8 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.25.

Send the size of thimble desired when ordering. You cannot make a mother a more acceptable present than this.

Price 60 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

women making tissue flowers

This outfit is very complete. It contains a book of instructions, fully illustrated, giving every possible and minute detail in this beautiful art. The outfit contains a choice lot assorted colors of imported Tissue Paper, Wire, Rubber Stems, Leaves, Culots, Sprays, Flower Centres, a large variety of ready stamped Flowers, etc. All of the materials are of the best quality. Price of Outfit No. 1, 60 cents. Price of Outfit No. 2, $1.00.

Outfit No. 2 contains a a number of extra tools, and more material. Outfit No. 2 is given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

instrument PAT’D JAN. 12. 1881

This instrument has eight round keys, new style, and has a German silver top. The music is produced by blowing through the mouthpiece seen at the right. The music is very sweet. Price $1.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.


This is a genuine “Thie” Harmonica. The tone is very fine and sweet. It has 48 holes, with zinc reed plates. The covers are nickel. A very fine instrument. Price 90 cents. Postage 15 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

RICHTER harmonica

This is a genuine Richter Harmonica, of the best quality. It has 24 holes, with German Silver sides, and is a very fine instrument. Price 50 cents. Postage 7 cents extra.

GUITAR, NO. 144.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $13.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $8.00 and $2.00 cash additional.


A beautiful instrument, more easily learned than the piano. This one is handsome enough to please an accomplished musician, and has a fine tone. It is imitation rosewood, with patent head. Price $7.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

A fine quality pasteboard case supplied for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. Price $1.00.

music box with boy on cover

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This Music Box has one air, and may be supplied in either a round or square case. The Cylinder is turned with a crank. Price $1.00. Postage 5 cents extra.

BANJO, NO. 123.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00, and 40 cents cash additional.

This Banjo has eight brackets, a nickel-plated rim wood lined, ball brackets, calfskin head, imitation walnut arm, and is fretted. We send the Banjo in a strong pasteboard case. It is a very good instrument for so small a price. Price, complete, $4.00. Express charges to be paid by receiver.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

This is a fifteen string Musical Instrument, made in the new harp shape, nicely finished with ebonized ends, and is very handsome. A key for tuning accompanies each instrument. Each instrument packed in a strong paper box. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 20 cents additional.

harp zithern (think Spock)
VIOLIN, NO. 770.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $13.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $8.00 and $2.00 cash additional.

violin, no bow

This is an excellent instrument for a very reasonable price. We have had it selected especially for our use. It is an imported “Klotz” model, red shaded, ebony trimmed. A good bow accompanies the violin. Price $8.00.

A fine wood case, with hooks and handle, supplied for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00. Price $1.75. Receiver to pay express charges on both violin and case.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.


This is a Musical Instrument which discourses the sweetest music. It requires but a little practice to become an adept, and any tune can be played on it. It cannot get out of order—will last a lifetime. Makes a very handsome, useful and common sense present for a boy or girl. It has 22 notes. Postage and packing 35 cents, or sent by express at receiver’s expense. Price 60 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

gardening hand tools, trowel, hand rake, hand fork

This Set of Garden Tools is a necessity to every one having flowers. The Set consists of four pieces, neatly put up in a box. The pieces are as follows: steel hoe, steel trowel, iron rake, iron weeding fork. Price 25 cents. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

Box with two clear sides and two mirrored sides for displaying the fact that you have two bottles of perfume

A very nice article for personal use or as a present. The case is covered with handsome plush, and has two mirrors back of the bottles. The case is 6 inches high, and 3 inches from back to front. Two cut-glass bottles accompany the case. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

Send the size desired when ordering. The gold filled thimbles are much preferable to solid gold ones, as they wear much longer. Price $1.25.

one side for new and one side for burned matches, clever

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cts.

The only safe made showing a luminous word all night, and the only safe adapted for use of all kinds of matches. The Luminous Surface is the best known in the arts, and is warranted not to contain anything inflammable or injurious, to last many years unimpaired. The safe is made from sheet metal in a strong, compact form, intended not only to be a convenient receptacle for good and burnt matches, but to show during the night The Luminous Word “Matches,” as a guide to finding its contents in darkness. The design and finish are such that it serves during the day as an ornament, wherever it may be placed. Price 20 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Please note what is said on first Page of Premium List (section 18) as to registering articles.


To ascertain the size of the ring you wish, cut a piece of firm paper just long enough to go around your finger.

Nos. 1, 2, 3 or 4 in Heavy Rolled Gold Plate. Either given for $1.50 worth new names. Price $1.00 each, postage paid.

Nos. 1, 2, 3 or 4 in 14 karat Filled Gold. Either given for $2.00 worth new names. Price $1.25, postage paid.

four rings

No. 1 or 3, Solid Gold, given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00. Price $1.75.

No. 2. Solid Gold, given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00. Price $2.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This beautiful genuine Cameo Ring is a very nice present for a friend or for one’s self. The band is heavy gold plate. Price $1.75.

rectangle cameo ring

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This Ring is very similar to the No. 232, but the band is Solid Gold, and the Cameo is considerably smaller. Price $1.50.

ring with rectangular stone

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This is a very fine ring, the stone being genuine gold stone. The band is heavy gold plate. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This Ring has a genuine Amethyst stone setting. The band is Solid Gold. The stone is of medium size. Price $1.75.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

The description of the Amethyst Ring will apply to this one. The band is Solid Gold. Price $1.75.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This is a handsome Ring. The “Tiger Eye” stone has a peculiar flashing effect, when turned from side to side. The band is heavy Gold-Plate. Price $1.25.

rectangular cameo carved

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

bar pin

This handsome and attractive shawl pin is made of the best gold plate. The bar is ornamented and chased in various designs. As the styles are constantly changing, we cannot, perhaps, send this exact pattern; but what we send will be equally good in all respects. Price 75 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.


These bracelets have a nice design of flower-work and are of the buckle pattern. They are gold-plated. Very suitable for girls. Price $1.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

another bracelt

This is a very pleasing design, and will give satisfaction in all respects. Price $1.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00.

This pair of bracelets is really very handsome and rich looking. The designs are in various styles. The bracelets are of fine heavy gold plate, and each has a chain attached. Price $2.00.

carved rectangular charm

Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This is the best Watch Charm premium ever offered. We have ordered a very large quantity and only by so doing are we enabled to make such an offer. The charms consist of polished agate, jasper, onyx, blood-stone, etc., mounted in the finest gold plate. These charms will cost you from 50 to 75 cents at retail stores. The illustration is about one half the actual size of the charm. Price 40 cents.


A Handsome Coral Set of Drops and Pin, given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

The design is very pretty and will be sure to please. The coral is genuine, and the settings are heavily plated with fine gold. Price $1.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $12.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00 and $3.00 cash additional.

We can recommend this Watch as a good one for the price. It will keep fair time, and give good satisfaction. The case is made of Nickel Silver. Price $7.50. Postage and packing 10 cents extra.

watch charm

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

The Chain is intended especially for use with the Chatelaine Watch. Price $1.25.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

Glittering Gold Quartz pin

An entirely new Scarf Pin, the setting of which is made of Glittering Gold Quartz, (Auriferous Pyrite) taken from famous Gold bearing Mines only in the Rocky Mountains. Price 30 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

Every boy or girl collecting stamps needs such an Album as this. It enables the collector to properly classify his stamps, and keep them in a neat and systematic manner. The Album contains spaces for 2400 stamps, with the names of the countries above. With 264 illustrations of stamps. Price 50 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The size, number of spaces, and illustrations are the same as in No. 1. But it is bound in cloth, and has appended a complete descriptive catalogue, giving a description and value of all the stamps issued to date. The catalogue alone will be useful as an aid in making exchanges. Size of Stamp Album 6 inches by 9 inches. Price 75 cents.


One Hundred Stamps given for new subscriptions amounting to 50 cents.

This collection contains 100 assorted stamps. All are different and in good condition. Especially desirable for exchanging purposes. Price 25 cents.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



The well-known house of E. G. Webster & Bro., of New York, supply us with the beautiful articles of silverware offered in this list. All goods are warranted equal in every respect to the best.

bird on loop of silver above silver leaf on stand

To be given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50 and $1.00 cash additional.

This beautiful card receiver is at once useful and very ornamental. Price $3.00. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00 and $2.50 cash additional.

This Ice Pitcher is thoroughly made, and handsomely chased. It will prove a handsome and ornamental piece of ware for either sideboard or table.

Price, $6.00; receiver to pay express charges.

silver pitcher
silver cup

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and $1.25 cash additional.

Gilt lined, given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00. Price, $3.00.

The design is very pleasing and the shape of the cup novel and attractive. Price, $2.50. Postage, 10 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $1.25 cash additional.

One of the handsomest pieces of silverware ever offered by us. The glass may be had in Amber, Red or Crystal tints. Price, $3.50. Receiver to pay express charges.

sugar bowl

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $1.00 cash additional.

This handsomely shaped cream pitcher is made to match the Sugar described elsewhere. The glass may be obtained in the same tints as the Sugar. The chasing is modest in design, but rich and effective.

Price, $3.25. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $7.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $2.00 cash additional.

This is an elegant article, chased in a rich design. The butter dish has rests on the side for the knife.

Price, $4.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

round butter dish with cow on top
pickle jar, very tall handle

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

As the illustration shows, the glass is handsomely engraved. Also has a pair of tongs which hang from the side of the stand. The cover of the jar is also silver plated, and has a chased pattern around the top. It is a most complete and elegant looking jar for pickles, olives, etc., and will be an ornament to any table.

Price, $2.75. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

The cup is gold lined, suitable for a christening or Christmas gift. It is the best cup for the price ever offered. Price, $1.50. Postage, 10 cents.

another cup

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

In any of the styles given for spoons. With solid or flat handle. Price, $1.00.


The spoons and forks can be selected from any of the four patterns illustrated. They are guaranteed triple plated (12 dwts. to the doz.), on the best of 18 per cent. Nickel Silver, warranted, and in finish, style, and quality are excelled by none. They will give thorough satisfaction.


Given for subscriptions amounting to $5.50.

These spoons may be selected from either the French or Oval Thread patterns. Sent postpaid. Price, $2.50.

Or, for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00, we will send the set of six teaspoons in either the Harvard or Warwick patterns. Sent postpaid. Price, $3.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $9.00.

This offer is for the French or Oval Thread pattern. Price, $4.50. Sent postpaid.

Dessert spoons are the best size for general table use. The set of six Dessert spoons in Harvard or Warwick pattern, given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00.

Sent postpaid. Price, $5.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $10.00.

The forks are Dessert size, very convenient for general use. They may be selected from any of the patterns given. Sent postpaid. Price, $4.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $11.00.

They may be selected from any of the patterns given.

These forks are a size larger than the dessert. Sent postpaid. Price, $5.00.

Remember that these goods are the genuine triple plated silver ware. They will wear many years before needing replating.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.



Given for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00.


These knives can be selected from either the medium size or table size. They are guaranteed to be plated on the best of steel, with twelve pwts. of silver on each dozen, thus making a heavy, genuine triple plating. You can select either style desired, with rounded end (as in illustration) or with square end. The knives bear the stamp of E. G. Webster & Bro., as a guarantee of their fine quality. Price $3.00. Sent postpaid.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

folding knife

The blade and pick are of sterling silver. The handle is filled. This illustration is one half the actual size of the knife. Price $1.60. Postage paid.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

New York E. G. Webster and Brother

The illustration is one half the actual size of the knives. These knives are very convenient, being light, and sharp enough to cut fruit. No table should be considered complete without a set.

Price $2.00. Sent postage paid.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

An individual set is a very useful article for table use. This set comprises salt, pepper and mustard bottles. The bottles are furnished in either pink or blue porcelain, richly decorated. Price, $1.75. Postage and packing, 20 cents.

individual salt pepper and mustard bottles in little metal basket
condiment caddy

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $7.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00 and $1.00 cash additional.

This caster is of very pleasing design, handsomely chased. The bottles, five in number, are engraved with a pretty design. The caster is sixteen and one half inches in height. Price $4.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

CALL BELL, NO. 1600.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00. A handsome call bell, heavily plated throughout. Price, $1.50. Postage, 8 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 and 15 cents cash additional.

This beautiful set will give a child great pleasure, and it is exceedingly useful as well as necessary if you wish a child to learn quickly how to use table articles.

No better present can be made to a little relative or friend. The set is extra plated and will wear a long time. Price, $1.50. Postage, 10 cents.

E.G. WEBSTER & BRO. table set for child

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $6.00; or, for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00 and $1.00 cash additional.

glass bowl with handle

We can supply this beautiful dish in Blue, Amber, Canary and Crystal Glass.

Price, $3.50. Receiver to pay express charges.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.

napkin ring

This ring is of a pretty pattern, and has a plate for the name or initials. Price, 75 cents.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.

The box is blue lined and has strong corrugations to hold the picks in place. The picks are unique in appearance, and substantial in material and construction being made of steel throughout, chased with handsome designs, and heavily nickel-plated. Price 75 cents.

nut picks A, 2 and C, 2
NO. C, 2.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.

The picks are the same as in A, 2, but there is included a nut cracker, to match the picks in design. A very desirable article to have.

Price $1.50. Postage 10 cents.

We can furnish the Nutpicks with somewhat larger handles, put up in highly finished Black Walnut and Cherry cases at the following rates:

No. A, 1 given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50. This case contains six picks. Price, $1.25. Postage and packing, 8 cents extra.

No. C, 1 given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.50. This case contains six picks and a Nut Cracker. Price, $2.00. Postage and packing, 12 cents extra.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This is a very handsome butter knife. We can send it with either flat or solid handle; and if desired with either spoon or bent handle. It may be selected in any of the styles of handles given for spoons. Price $1.00.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


two owls on a branch

For Kensington, Outline and Ribbon Embroidery, Kensington and Lustra Painting, Braiding, etc.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 25 cents cash additional.

This superior Stamping Outfit contains 100 Stamping Patterns.

The Outfit offered by us last season contained only 35 patterns. We have given our subscribers the full benefit of this great increase in quantity without any increase in price. With this Outfit you can do your own stamping, and also stamping for others as a profitable business.

Our new Outfit contains a Complete Alphabet (26 beautiful Initials from 1½ inches to 2 inches in size) for Hat Bands, Napkins, etc., and, among others, these beautiful designs: Daisies 3x5 inches, Wild Roses 4½x5, Autumn Leaves 3x5, Holly 3x6, Half Wreath of Wild Roses 5x9, Vine and Scallop 2x7, Violet Strip 1½x7, Daisies and Ferns 2x6, Strip of Acorns 2 inches wide, Braiding Pattern 3x8, Peaches 3x3, Fuchsias 3x3, Rose and Forget-me-nots 2x7, Bird 4x4, Coxcomb and Ferns 5x6, Wheat, Bouquet of Forget-me-Nots, Lily-of-the-Valley and Wild Rose, Fish, Elephant, Butterfly, Anchor, Mouse, Kitten, Dog, Rosebud and Wheat, Girl with Muff, Tulip, Owls, Golden Rod, Rosebud, Buttercup, and other designs for Embroidery, Crazy Patchwork, etc.; in all 100 Perforated Patterns.

This Outfit also contains a Felt Tidy and Imported Silk to work it. Instruction Book for Stamping and Working, including Instructions for Indelible Stamping, Box Stamping Powder and Distributing Pad, and our new book: How to Use Fancy Work Materials. Price of the complete outfit, $1.00.

Every hammock is warranted by the manufacturers; and nothing but the best material and workmanship enter into their construction. Each grade is tested at a given number of pounds. They are warranted, when colored, not to soil the finest fabric.

THE HERCULES. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. This is the strongest hammock made, warranted to hold 1100 lbs. It is made of very heavy cord. Length, 13 feet; length of bed, 6 feet. Price $1.15. Postage and packing 30 cents additional.

CHILD’S HAMMOCK. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50. This is a nice hammock for the little ones. It has variegated colors in ends and body. Has a miniature Horseshoe for the fastening at the ends and safety cords at the sides. It is perfectly reliable and far preferable to a crib or cradle. Length, 7 feet; length of body, 3 feet. Price 75 cents. Postage and packing 15 cents extra.

B. B. HAMMOCK. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. This hammock is made better than ever before. The web is of extra heavy cord, and bright colors which are warranted fast. It is a splendid hammock. Length 11 feet; length of bed, 6⅓ feet. Price $1.00. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.

THE BOSTON. Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.50. A double-web hammock that is very popular. Length, 12½ feet; length of bed, 8 feet. Price $1.75. Postage and packing 20 cents extra.

With Russia Leather Trimmings.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

This folio is very ornamental, very light and convenient, and extremely durable. It is much superior to the old-fashioned leather portfolios. It contains four pockets of sizes appropriate for letter paper, envelopes, etc. It also has several sheets of very fine blotting paper fastened inside. The size is 8 inches by 11½ inches. Price $1.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.50.

A fine desk. It is made of solid walnut. It has inlaid design on top, beveled edges, and velvet lining inside. It has all the usual compartments. Price $1.50. Express charges to be paid by receiver.

open writing desk

The full set of 9 books described below, given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00; or for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 30 cents cash extra.

Manual of Fancy Work. 192 pages. This New Edition has 192 pages of Patterns and Instructions for Kensington Embroidery, Artistic Needle Work. Price 35 cents.

Colors of Flowers for Embroidery. It gives the Correct Colors and Shades for Embroidering Flowers, Wheat, Grasses, Ferns, etc. Price 35 cents.

Handbook of Crochet and Knitted Lace. New Edition. New Patterns! Price 30 cents.

Book of Darned Lace Patterns. Price 25 cts.

Book of Instructions and Patterns for Crazy and Fancy Patchwork. Price 15 cents.

Macrame Lace and Rick-Rack Book. Price 15 cents.

Worsted Cross Stitch Patterns. Price 25 cts.

New Book of Tidy and Point Russe Patterns. Price 25 cents.

Our New Fancy Work Book has directions for Dry and Wet Stamping, also Kensington, Lustra and Hand Painting, and a variety of Fancy Work Patterns. Price 15 cents.

The Retail Price of these 9 Books singly is $2.21.

We will send the set complete on receipt of $1.10.

How to use Florence Knitting SIlk No. 5, Nonotuck Silk Co.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.

The outfit consists of two balls (1 oz.) of Florence Knitting Silk, a set of imported Knitting Needles, and an illustrated book of 62 pages on Knitting, containing a valuable collection of original articles and rules for knitting mittens, wristers, ladies and gents’ hosiery, baby’s socks, purses, edgings, etc. In ordering state what color of silk you wish. Extra silk at 40 cents per ball (½ oz). Price of the Outfit $1.00. Postage paid by us.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00 and 10 cents cash additional.

We have never before offered so fine a Scrap Album for this amount. The size is 9 by 12 inches. The cover has a beautiful design in black and gold, with the word Album in large letters in the centre. The Album contains 60 pages of heavy paper with a delicate tint. Price 60 cents. Postage 10 cents extra.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


Section I.

Any book in this section given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.00.


By Elbridge S. Brooks.

With seventy-two pen and ink character drawings by Hassam. For the first time since the publication of “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” we have a wonder-story worthy to be placed alongside these famous classics. Price 75 cents.


Comprising a complete Manual of Instruction for preparing and preserving Birds, Animals and Fishes; with a chapter on Hunting and Hygiene; together with Instructions for preserving Eggs and making Skeletons, and a number of valuable recipes. By Walter P. Manton, author of “Field Botany,” and “Insects; how to catch and how to prepare them for the cabinet.” Illustrated. Price 50 cents.

moth pinned down. ew.

How to catch and how to prepare them for the Cabinet, Comprising a Manual of Instruction for the Field-Naturalist. By Walter P. Manton. Cloth, Illustrated. Price 50 cents.

The young naturalist will seize this book with avidity and study it with an earnestness proportioned to his delight in bug-catching.


A Handbook for the Collector. Containing Instructions for gathering and Preserving Plants, and the formation of Herbarium. Also complete Instructions in leaf Photography, Plant Printing, and the Skeletonizing of Leaves. By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. Price 50 cents.

From the first page to the last it is practical, and tells the young botanist exactly what it is most desirable to know.


Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Six of these contain three hundred pieces suitable for reading and speaking. Every school library should have a set. Any three of the Reading Club given for subscriptions as above. Paper, price 15 cents each.


By Mary Hartwell Catherwood.

A delightful story of neighborhood life in the West, with plenty of young heroes and heroines. Price, boards, 50 cents.


By Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey. With twenty-four portraits and pictures. Pretty stories of Royal Folks across the seas. Price 50 cents.


By David Ker.

A story of a daring American lad’s adventures in the Old World. With many pictures. The author is the well-known travelling correspondent of the N. Y. Times. Price, boards, 50 cents.


By Charles Kingsley.


By Sir Walter Scott.

These fully illustrated gift-books, bound in a new leather-like material, stamped in gold, or in heavy paper stamped in gold, price, $1.00 each.


By Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey.

With portraits of the English Royal Family, and views of the English Palaces. It was a happy thought to write a home biography of the “Good Queen” for children to read. The volume is charmingly anecdotal. The volume will remain of standard value especially for its large collection of portraits. Price 50 cents.

POLLY: Where she lived, what she said, and what she did.

By Margaret Sidney. With twelve full-page pictures by Margaret Johnson. The story of a funny parrot and two charming children. Price 50 cents.


By Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey.

With twelve portraits. Little literature lessons to make children acquainted with standard authors. Price 50 cents.


By Mrs. C. M. Livingston. One of the loveliest stories of bird life ever written. Fully illustrated, 60 cents.


By Pansy. Illustrated stories from Bible texts for the help of boys and girls in their school and home duties. 16mo, cloth, illustrated, 60 cents.


By Pansy. Here is a story of the haps and mishaps of the typical boy whose purposes are good, but whose impetuosity plunges him into all kinds of mischief, as the boy himself expresses it, “before he knows it.” The book will benefit and please every boy who reads it, to whom it is read. 16mo, 60 cents.


By Dr. D. A. Sargent.

This little handbook is worth its weight in gold, and should be found on the most convenient shelf of every family library. The author’s aim is to give such practical information as will aid to self-preservation in times of danger and to teach a few of the simplest methods of meeting the common accidents and emergencies of life. Illustrated. Price 60 cents.

Section II.

Any book in this section given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50, unless otherwise specified.


Arabian Nights’ Entertainment; Swiss Family Robinson; Children of the Abbey; Don Quixote; Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress; Ivanhoe; Paul and Virginia, Rasselas, Vicar of Wakefield; Scottish Chiefs; Thaddeus of Warsaw; Last Days of Pompeii; Andersen’s Fairy Tales; Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Gulliver’s Travels, Baron Munchausen; Dickens’ Child History of England; Æsop’s Fables, over 100 illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Price $1.00 per volume.


The new volume of these valuable annuals is the most tempting treasury of entertainment and education yet sent out between a single pair of covers. The titles of the series (12 articles in each) indicate the character and range: “Pleasant Authors for Young Folks” by Miss Harris, “My Garden Pets” by Mary Treat, “Souvenirs of My Time” (foreign) by Mrs. Frémont, “Italian Authors” by Mr. Vincent, “Strange Teas, Dinners, Weddings and Fêtes” by various authors, “Ways to Do Things” by various authors, “Search-Questions in English Literature” by Mr. Adams. Illustrated. Price $1.00.

BABYLAND, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Baby’s own library, full of everything that will keep baby sweet and winsome and happy. Lovely illustrations, elegant paper and exquisite cover by G. F. Barnes. The bound volume for 1886 is volume 10.

This edition is bound in handsome chromo covers. Price 75 cents.

In cloth binding, either volume given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00. Price $1.00.


A romance of Central American travel. By Fred A. Ober, author of “Young Folks’ History of Mexico.” While the story of this handsome volume is one of genuine and delightful romance, there is also valuable and instructive filling-in of the historic annals and traditions, the religious belief, descriptions of scenery, and natural productions of this most interesting and picturesque part of the world. Sure to be a favorite with the boys. 100 illustrations from descriptions and photographs, by W. P. Bodfish. Quarto, $1.00.


By Annie H. Ryder.

In the eleven chapters of which the contents consists there is more sound practical advice, sensibly put, on points of everyday interest to girls, than we have ever before seen put into the same number of pages. It is a book for study, for companionship, and the girl who reads it thoughtfully and with an intent to profit by it will get more real help and good from it than from a term at the best boarding-school in the country. $1.00.


By Margaret Sidney.

A brilliant practical story for girls who must, or desire to, work their way in the world. Illustrated. Price 75 cents.


Section II.

Any book in this section given for new subscriptions amounting to $1.50.


Edited by Pansy. A book entertaining and bright, that young people will read, of the early history of our country, its manners, customs and people. Price 75 cents.


Edited by Pansy. Bright sketches of foreign scenes, people and customs. Price 75 cents.


Arranged by Amanda B. Harris.

Original poems for each month by Longfellow, Whittier, Will Carleton, and others. Twenty-four full-page illustrations, cloth, tinted edges, $1.00.


Pen-and-ink drawings prepared for the children by George Foster Barnes, M. J. Sweeney, W. P. Bodfish, and J. E. Francis. The delight of the nursery and the drawing-room; while the designs tempt the little people to copy them, thus inciting to early practice with pencils and crayons, the wit of the conceptions certainly amuse and greatly entertain the older members of the family. Double Lithograph covers in nine colors by H. Bencke. Price $1.00.


By Mrs. Clara Doty Bates.

With seventy-two full-page illustrations by Garrett, Lungren, Sweeney, Barnes and Hassam. Boards, $1.00. Cloth, $1.75. Full gilt, $2.00.


Arranged by Amanda B. Harris.

Twelve full-page illustrations in color, and pictures for every day. Cloth, tinted edges, $1.00.


Edited by Oscar Fay Adams.

The contents are prefaced by a valuable index of authors, in which not only the names are given, but also the place and date of birth.

Each season, 3 volumes in a neat box. Each volume, plain cloth, 75 cents; half cloth, gilt, $1.00.


This is a very complete dictionary, and contains more matter than any other dollar dictionary. The book is finely printed, and handsomely bound. It has 600,000 words and 1400 illustrations. Price $1.00.


By Christina Goodwin.

Under the guise of an interesting story it gives a deal of information relative to housekeeping, or just that part of housekeeping which young people are capable of taking a hand in—sweeping, dusting, bed-making, sewing, plain cooking, with experiments in preserve and jelly making. Price 75 cents.

Section III.

Any book in this section given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00.


Ten Volumes now ready.

Tennyson’s Complete Poetical Works. With numerous illustrations, and containing all the writings of the “Poet-Laureate,” to date. The new edition is in double column, good type, and is the best one volume edition published.

Milton’s Poems. 576 pages, complete. Including the Sonnets, Psalms, and Latin and Italian Translations. With illustrations.

Burns’ Poems. 514 pages, with complete glossary, and copious marginal explanations of the Scotch words. Numerous illustrations.

Owen Meredith’s Poems. Containing “Lucille” complete, and all other popular poems of this favorite author. With illustrations.

Scott’s Poetical Works. Over 750 pages. With Memoir and Notes complete.

Byron’s Poems. 740 pages. Illustrated. With Memoir and Notes.

Browning’s Poems. The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Complete edition, from the last London edition. This new edition is in double column, good type, and is the best one-volume edition published.

Ingelow’s Poems. The Poetical Works of Jean Ingelow, including the “Shepherd Lady,” and other poems. Fully illustrated.

Procter’s Poems. The Poetical Works of Adelaide A. Procter. Complete edition, with an introduction by Charles Dickens. Fully illustrated. Large clear type.

Lucille. By Owen Meredith. The best edition of this beautiful word-painting of Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton). With numerous illustrations.

Each volume is printed on the finest laid paper. Price, full gilt sides and back, gilt top, $1.25; vellum cloth, gilt top, $1.00.


Edited by Pansy.

A perusal of these pages will enable the boy and girl to become acquainted with other boys and girls of corresponding countries and homes, as well as gain a knowledge of the manners and customs by which their individual lives are governed. Price $1.25.


Edited by Mrs. G. R. Alden.

Stories to be read in the quiet of the home Sabbath, when, the sermon and Sunday-school ended, the parents and young folks meet to exchange helpful thought and gain new courage for future work and study, which the tone and excellence of these tales impart. Price $1.25.


The “Lay of the Last Minstrel,” “Marmion,” the “Lady of the Lake.” Price $1.25.


By Lord Macaulay. Price $1.25.


By A Boy and His Friends.

A fascinating little volume full of practical ideas for the benefit of boys who are getting their first training in the use of tools. It will prove an admirable help in the direction of industrial training. Price $1.00.


By Abby Morton Diaz.

This is one of the most delightful of juvenile books, and is the work of a genius. The Illustrations by Boz are profuse and excellent. The emblematic cover is well worthy of special mention for its good taste and appropriateness. Price $1.25.


By Mrs. S. D. Power.

Of interest to all girls and young housekeepers. Price $1.00.

Cookery for Beginners

By Marion Harland, author of “Common Sense in the Household,” etc. Plain, practical lessons for girls and young housekeepers of small means. Its directions are to be relied upon, and its results are invariably delicate, wholesome, and delicious. It possesses the advantage of being perfectly adapted to the needs of beginners. 16mo, $1.00.


By Lizzie W. Champney.

The Girl who doesn’t thoroughly enjoy the story of the curious experiences of Little Flossy Tangleskein must be a very dull girl indeed. It is not a fairy story, and yet it is the next thing to it. One might call it a dream story, for the strange adventures of Flossy all took place during a series of naps in the studio of an artist friend, who was using her as a model in painting a picture of a Breton peasant child. Price $1.25.


By Some Friends of the Girls.

Of all the books that have been specially prepared for girls this is at once the most interesting and most practical. It is not, as one might perhaps imagine, a story, but, as the title page sets forth, it contains “plans and designs for work upstairs and down, and entertainments for herself and friend”; a book, in short, to show girls how they may make their rooms cosey and attractive with only a small outlay of money and time and work. Each of the twenty-four chapters deals with a special subject. Price $1.00.



By Willis Boyd Allen.

The adventures of several wide-awake Boston boys and girls in Maine during their Christmas vacation. In the opening chapter a wagon is overturned, and the whole party obliged to camp out in the woods over night, in the midst of a driving snowstorm. The book is profusely illustrated, and brimful of incident, adventure and fun. Cloth, illustrated, $1.00.

someone engraving

With practical Instructions in the Art for persons wishing to learn without an Instructor. Containing a Description of Tools and Apparatus used, explanations, etc. By William E. Emerson, Wood Engraver. New Edition, illustrated $1.00.


By Laura D. Nichols.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 ($2.50 cloth).

It replaces the old fairy stories of the under world with the more remarkable realities telling us of the genuine miners instead of gnomes. Price $1.25; cloth, $1.50.


By Annie Moore and Laura D. Nichols.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.00 (cloth, $2.50).

Prof. Waldo of Yale College in his introduction to this book, says it “covers up a primer of astronomy under the guise of a story.” Price $1.25; cloth, $1.50.


By Pansy.

Admirably suited to the needs of that large class of young folks who wish at times to read, or have read to them, the choicest of short tales. Mothers and older sisters will make a note of this, and for the twilight hour when the young folks clamor for “a story” will provide themselves with “In the Woods and Out.” Illustrated. Price, cloth, $1.00.


By E. E. Brown.

This biography of Grant is a plain and clearly told consecutive narrative, circumstantial, but not too much elaborated in detail. Price $1.50.

Section IV.

Any book in this section given for new subscriptions amounting to $2.50.


By Margaret Sidney.

Bright and sparkling, yet home-y and cosey, this book will be read to tatters, but never thrown aside. Thirty-six illustrations by Jessie Curtis. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.


By Margaret Sidney.

V. I. F. Series. It is a delightful story of New England life, drawn from close observation of the characteristics of its people of both sexes. 12mo, cloth. Price $1.25.

HONOR BRIGHT (The Story of).

By Magnus Merriweather.

Author of “Royal Lowrie.” A charming story full of intense life. Particularly interesting to the older “young folks,” and the old folks, too. 16mo, illustrated. Price $1.50.


By Mrs. Theodora R. Jenness.

A stirring, eventful description of a new prairie home. 36 illustrations, 12mo. Price $1.50.


By Charles R. Talbot.

A boy’s book. A grand, helpful story for boys. Large 16mo. Price $1.25.


By Charles R. Talbot.

A live story for boys. 16mo, illustrated. Price $1.25.


By Mrs. Mary Hartwell Catherwood.

Giving the exciting adventures and experiences of a family moving to Illinois, long before the time of Western railroads. With 36 illustrations by H. Pruett Share. 12mo, cloth. Price $1.25.


By Rev. Charles R. Talbot.

A stirring romance of the American Revolution, with illustrations made from careful studies of old Boston, by Share, Merrill, and Taylor. Extra cloth, 12mo. Price $1.25.

Any volume of the following


Cunning Workmen; Dr. Deane’s Way, and other stories; by Faye Huntington and Pansy; Grandpa’s Darlings, Miss Priscilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan, two stories in one attractive volume; Mrs. Deane’s Way, by Faye Huntington and Pansy; What She Said. Price $1.25 per vol.


By E. S. Brooks.

A stirring historical story of boy and girl life in early New York. Illustrations by W. T. Smedley. Price $1.50.


By Daniel Defoe.

An edition de luxe, printed on exquisite paper, with sixteen illustrations by Thomas Stothard, R. A., with an introduction by Austin Dobson. Fac-simile of the frontispiece and title-page of the original edition, original prefaces, extra cloth binding. Price $1.25.


By H. H. Clarke.

In this graphically written and wonderfully entertaining volume, boy life in the Navy of the United States is described by a navy officer, in a manner which cannot fail to satisfy the boys. 12mo, illustrated, $1.50.

or the Cats’ Arabian Nights. By Mrs. A. M. Diaz. Elegant and appropriate cover in colors and silver.

Nothing can be imagined funnier than this Cats’ Arabian Nights. The illustrations are drawn by Francis, Boz, Palmer, Cox and others, while the story is told in Mrs. Diaz’s best humor. There is no one in the family circle too young to appreciate it, or too old to enjoy it. Price $1.25.

Any one volume of


Young Folks’ History of Germany; Young Folks’ History of Greece; Young Folks’ History of Rome; Young Folks’ History of England; Young Folks’ History of France; Young Folks’ Bible History. Price $1.50 each.

Any one volume of


Edited by Arthur Gilman, A. M. Each volume has 100 illustrations.

India, by Fannie Roper Feudge; Egypt, by Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement; Spain, by Prof. James Albert Harrison; Switzerland, by Miss Harriet D. S. Mackenzie; Russia, by Nathan Haskell Dole. Price $1.50 each.


Representative stories by Mary Hartwell Catherwood, David Ker, Charles R. Talbot and John Preston True. Each story is illustrated by more than twenty-five drawings by American artists. Price $1.50.

ENGLAND: As Seen by an American Banker.

It is written in an off-hand, easy style which makes it peculiarly agreeable to read, and can be set down as one of the most notable books on English travel that we have had for the past half-dozen years. Price $1.50.[32]


By Charlotte Yonge, The Prince and Page. A story of the last Crusade. Lances of Lynwood. A story of the Days of Chivalry in England. The Little Duke. Richard the Fearless. Golden Deeds. Tales of brave and noble actions. Its fascinating manner and thrilling matter make a charming book. 4 volumes, 12 mo, illustrated, price $1.25 each.

Young Folks Historical Stories

This Periodical edited by Pansy (Mrs. G. R. Alden), has already greatly increased its subscription list. It is Pansy’s favorite, and all her friends are flocking to her support. The bound volumes for ’84, ’85 and 1886 appear in charming chromo lithograph covers and each volume contains more than 100 pages of the choicest literature for children and young people, and 300 fine illustrations. Price $1.25.

In handsome cloth binding given for new subscriptions amounting $3.00. Price $1.75.


Any one volume given for new subscription amounting to $2.50.

Price $1.50 per volume.

Who told it to me D. Lothrop

A charming story by Margaret Sidney, author of “What the Seven Did,” “Five Little Peppers,” etc., etc. Delightfully realistic, it is brilliant and strong, and written in the pure style for which this author is justly becoming so famous. Illustrated. $1.25.

Section V.

By Margaret Sidney.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This is a capital record of a journey gathered from the author’s personal knowledge of the places mentioned. Everything in this volume is fresh and unhackneyed, and presented in the author’s fascinating style. Price $1.75; cloth, $2.25.

What the Seven Did cover

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

By Margaret Sidney. Cover designed by “Champ.” Price $1.75; in extra cloth, given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00. Price $2.25.

The book is full of life. All the actors from the mature young man of three to the stately Miss Wigthorpe of Wigthorpe Place become our friends, and we too live in Fairburn. The Wordsworth Club led by President Cosy moves charmingly through the story, bringing old and young to their entertainments by their piquancy and the enjoyments of generous doings by their loving deeds.

Any volume of the following


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

An Endless Chain; A new Graft on the Family Tree; The Chautauqua Girls at Home; Divers Women, by Pansy and Mrs. Livingston; Echoing and Re-echoing, by Faye Huntington; Ester Ried Yet Speaking; Four Girls at Chautauqua; From Different Standpoints, by Pansy and Faye Huntington; The Hall in the Grove; Household Puzzles; Interrupted; Julia Ried; The King’s Daughter; Links in Rebecca’s Life; Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking on; The Man of the House; Modern Prophets, by Pansy and Faye Huntington; One Commonplace Day; The Pocket Measure; The Randolphs; Ruth Erskine’s Crosses; Spun from Fact; Sidney Martin’s Christmas; Those Boys; Three People; Christie’s Christmas; Ester Ried; Tip Lewis and his Lamp; Wise and Otherwise. Price $1.50 per volume.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00.

Bound Volumes. Any one volume (6 mos.) from Vol. A (July-Dec. ’75) to V (Dec.-May ’86). Each year consists of two volumes handsomely bound in cloth. Price per volume, $2.25.

JO’S BOYS, and How They Turned Out.
Jo's Boys cover

By Louisa M. Alcott.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $3.00.

This is Miss Alcott’s latest book for the young folks. It is a sequel to “Little Men,” and will be the last volume from her pen in connection with the “Little Men” and “Little Women” Series. The book is written in the same delightful vein as the preceding volumes of the series, and will fascinate all the young people, and older people as well. Price $1.50.


By Rev. E. E. Hale and Miss Susan Hale.

Given for new subscriptions amounting to $4.00 (boards), or for $5.00 (cloth, gilt).

A Family Flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland, A Family Flight over Egypt and Syria, A Family Flight through Spain, A Family Flight around Home, A Family Flight through Mexico. Illuminated board covers and linings, $2.00; cloth, $2.50.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $5.00.

Edited with a critical biography by William Michael Rossetti. A history of the Drama in England to the time of Shakespeare, by Arthur Gilman, M. A. A critical introduction to each play; an index to noteworthy scenes; an index to all the characters; a list of the songs in the plays; an index to familiar quotations and a carefully prepared glossary. Price $3.00.


Given for new subscriptions amounting to $22.00.


It has 118,800 Words, four Pages colored Plates, 3000 Engravings, and also contains a Biographical Dictionary, giving brief important facts concerning over 9700 noted Persons. Also a Gazeteer of the World. Price (sheep) $12.00. Receiver to pay express charges.

Read carefully the conditions on the first page of Premium List.


PATTERNS FREEbracket All that you wish to use during the year for nothing (a saving of from $3.00 to $4.00) by subscribing for

Containing Stories, Poems, and other Literary Attractions, combining Artistic, Scientific, and Household Matters.

Illustrated with Original Steel Engravings, Photogravures, Oil Pictures and Fine Woodcuts, making it the Model Magazine of America.

Each Magazine contains a coupon order entitling the holder to the selection of any pattern illustrated in the fashion department in that number, and in any of the sizes manufactured, making patterns during the year of the value of over three dollars. Mothers, and all those using patterns, will especially appreciate this great offer.

DEMOREST’S MONTHLY is justly entitled the World’s Model Magazine. The Largest in Form, the Largest in Circulation, and the best TWO Dollar Family Magazine issued. 1887 will be the Twenty-third year of its publication. It is continually improved and so extensively as to place it at the head of Family periodicals. It contains 72 pages, large quarto, 8¼ x 11½ inches, elegantly printed and fully illustrated.

Send twenty cents for the current number with Pattern Coupon order, and you will certainly subscribe Two Dollars for a year and get ten times its value.

W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, Publisher, 17 E. 14th St., New York.

Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters.

Patent Transfer Papers

A warm iron passed over the back of these PAPERS TRANSFERS the Pattern to a Fabric. Designs in Crewels, Embroidery, Braiding, and Initial Letters.

New book bound in cloth, showing all Briggs & Co.'s latest Patterns, sent on receipt of 25 cents.

Use Briggs & Co.'s Silk Crewels and Filling Silk, specially shaded for these patterns.

104 Franklin St.,
New York.

Retail by the leading Zephyr Wool Stores.


This new song and chorus, by W. S. Weller, has been greatly admired by all who have heard it. Price, 40c. Remit by postal note or stamps. Mention The Pansy.

WELLER & SON, Publishers New Church Independent.
144 37th Street, Chicago.

The Excelsior Every man his own printer card press $3.00 Circular sizes $8 Newspaper $4

Type setting, etc., easy, printed directions. For business, home use or money making. For old or young. Send 2 stamps for Catalogue of Presses, Type, Paper, Cards, &c. to the factory.

Kelsey & Co.,    
Meriden, Conn.

Get Your Christmas Money Now.

Who know Wide Awake, The Pansy, Babyland, or Our Little Men and Women

or secure some beautiful present, while bringing to their young friends a positive pleasure. They should read of the liberal prizes which D. LOTHROP & CO. give to every one who secures a new subscriber.

D. LOTHROP & COMPANY, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston.


Send one, two, three or five dollars for a retail box, by express, of the best Candies in the World, put up in handsome boxes. All strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Try it once.     Address

C. F. GUNTHER, Confectioner, 78 Madison Street, Chicago.


Ivory soap ad


Clara: “I have had a most refreshing bath. The Ivory Soap is, without exception, the most luxurious soap for bathing. It lathers freely and is so easily rinsed off, leaving a sense of comfort and cleanliness such as no other soap will.”

Louise: “Yes, and isn’t it nice to use soap that floats like the Ivory; for if you drop it, you don’t have to feel for it, but pick it off the top of the water.”


There are many white soaps, each represented to be “just as good as the ‘Ivory’;” they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for “Ivory” Soap and insist upon getting it.

Copyright 1886, by Procter & Gamble.

Transcriber’s Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired. This periodical is divided into three sections with three separate paginations. The advertising section at the front, the magazine section which is the Pansy Magazine itself and the Editor’s section that is included at the end of every Pansy magazine.

Magazine section:

Page 7, “chuches” changed to “churches” (money from the churches)

Page 12, “fascinanating” changed to “fascinating” (worthies, were less fascinating)

Page 21, “to the” added to the text (went to the house at a) although it’s possible “house” should be “home.”

Page 22, “evor” changed to “ever” (world has ever known)


Editor’s Section:

Page 3, “don’” changed to “don’t” (doesn’t it? I don’t)

Page 7, under WIDE AWAKE, Vol. U., “Fremont” changed to “Frémont” (Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont)

Page 8, “applicatien” changed to “application” (sent free on application. Address)

Premium List:

Page 3, “at at” changed to “at” (persons at a time)

Page 4, repeated word “the” removed from text (Just the thing for signals)

Page 6, “guage” changed to “gauge” twice (gauge, which regulates) (small gauge or screw)

Page 7, “subscripions” changed to “subscriptions” ($2.00; or for new subscriptions)

Page 9, “subscriptione” changed to “subscriptions” (new subscriptions amounting)

Page 12, “Guage” changed to “Guage” (Set of Gauge Pins)

Page 19, “chages” changed to “charges” (pay express charges)


Page 21, “BEATR” changed to “BEATER” (DOVER EGG BEATER PAT.)

Page 23, under FINE CANVAS BAG, “subscrip-scriptions” changed to “subscriptions” (Given for new subscriptions)

Page 27, under CALL BELL, “subecriptions” changed to “subscriptions” (Given for new subscriptions)

Page 29, “Cub” changed to “Club” (the Reading Club)

Page 29, “Rassalas” changed to “Rasselas” (Paul and Virginia, Rasselas)

Page 30, “Section II.” is repeated at the top of the first column of this page, continuing from the last column of the previous page.

Page 30, “Burn’s” changed to “Burns’” (Burns’ Poems)

Page 30, repeated word “a” removed from text. Original read (perhaps imagine, a a story)

Page 33, “one every” changed to “every one” (every one who secures)

End of Project Gutenberg's The Pansy, November 1886, Vol. 14, by Various


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