Project Gutenberg's Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian, by Various

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Title: Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian

Author: Various

Release Date: May, 2004 [EBook #5741]
[This file was first posted on August 20, 2002]
[Date last updated: June 1, 2005]

Edition: 10

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MUMU.................BY IVAN TURGENEV






MUMU...................Ivan Turgenev
THE SHOT...............Alexander Poushkin
ST. JOHN'S EVE.........Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol




From "Torrents of Spring."  Translated by Constance Garnett.

In one of the outlying streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white
columns and a balcony, warped all askew, there was once living a lady, a
widow, surrounded by a numerous household of serfs.  Her sons were in the
government service at Petersburg; her daughters were married; she went
out very little, and in solitude lived through the last years of her
miserly and dreary old age.  Her day, a joyless and gloomy day, had long
been over; but the evening of her life was blacker than night.

Of all her servants, the most remarkable personage was the porter,
Gerasim, a man full twelve inches over the normal height, of heroic
build, and deaf and dumb from his birth.  The lady, his owner, had
brought him up from the village where he lived alone in a little hut,
apart from his brothers, and was reckoned about the most punctual of her
peasants in the payment of the seignorial dues.  Endowed with
extraordinary strength, he did the work of four men; work flew apace
under his hands, and it was a pleasant sight to see him when he was
ploughing, while, with his huge palms pressing hard upon the plough, he
seemed alone, unaided by his poor horse, to cleave the yielding bosom of
the earth, or when, about St. Peter's Day, he plied his scythe with a
furious energy that might have mown a young birch copse up by the roots,
or swiftly and untiringly wielded a flail over two yards long; while the
hard oblong muscles of his shoulders rose and fell like a lever.  His
perpetual silence lent a solemn dignity to his unwearying labor.  He was
a splendid peasant, and, except for his affliction, any girl would have
been glad to marry him. . . But now they had taken Gerasim to Moscow,
bought him boots, had him made a full-skirted coat for summer, a
sheepskin for winter, put into his hand a broom and a spade, and
appointed him porter.

At first he intensely disliked his new mode of life.  From his childhood
he had been used to field labor, to village life.  Shut off by his
affliction from the society of men, he had grown up, dumb and mighty, as
a tree grows on a fruitful soil.  When he was transported to the town, he
could not understand what was being done with him; he was miserable and
stupefied, with the stupefaction of some strong young bull, taken
straight from the meadow, where the rich grass stood up to his belly,
taken and put in the truck of a railway train, and there, while smoke
and sparks and gusts of steam puff out upon the sturdy beast, he is
whirled onwards, whirled along with loud roar and whistle, whither--God
knows!  What Gerasim had to do in his new duties seemed a mere trifle to
him after his hard toil as a peasant; in half an hour all his work was
done, and he would once more stand stock-still in the middle of the
courtyard, staring open-mouthed at all the passers-by, as though trying
to wrest from them the explanation of his perplexing position; or he
would suddenly go off into some corner, and flinging a long way off the
broom or the spade, throw himself on his face on the ground, and lie for
hours together without stirring, like a caged beast.  But man gets used
to anything, and Gerasim got used at last to living in town.  He had
little work to do; his whole duty consisted in keeping the courtyard
clean, bringing in a barrel of water twice a day, splitting and dragging
in wood for the kitchen and the house, keeping out strangers, and
watching at night.  And it must be said he did his duty zealously.  In his
courtyard there was never a shaving lying about, never a speck of dust;
if sometimes, in the muddy season, the wretched nag, put under his
charge for fetching water, got stuck in the road, he would simply give
it a shove with his shoulder, and set not only the cart but the horse
itself moving.  If he set to chopping wood, the axe fairly rang like
glass, and chips and chunks flew in all directions.  And as for
strangers, after he had one night caught two thieves and knocked their
heads together--knocked them so that there was not the slightest need to
take them to the police-station afterwards--every one in the
neighborhood began to feel a great respect for him; even those who came
in the daytime, by no means robbers, but simply unknown persons, at the
sight of the terrible porter, waved and shouted to him as though he
could hear their shouts.  With all the rest of the servants, Gerasim was
on terms hardly friendly--they were afraid of him--but familiar; he
regarded them as his fellows.  They explained themselves to him by signs,
and he understood them, and exactly carried out all orders, but knew his
own rights too, and soon no one dared to take his seat at the table.
Gerasim was altogether of a strict and serious temper, he liked order in
everything; even the cocks did not dare to fight in his presence, or woe
betide them!  Directly he caught sight of them, he would seize them by
the legs, swing them ten times round in the air like a wheel, and throw
them in different directions.  There were geese, too, kept in the yard;
but the goose, as is well known, is a dignified and reasonable bird:
Gerasim felt a respect for them, looked after them, and fed them; he was
himself not unlike a gander of the steppes.  He was assigned a little
garret over the kitchen; he arranged it himself to his own liking, made
a bedstead in it of oak boards on four stumps of wood for legs--a truly
Titanic bedstead; one might have put a ton or two on it--it would not
have bent under the load; under the bed was a solid chest; in a corner
stood a little table of the same strong kind, and near the table a
three-legged stool, so solid and squat that Gerasim himself would
sometimes pick it up and drop it again with a smile of delight.  The
garret was locked up by means of a padlock that looked like a kalatch or
basket-shaped loaf, only black; the key of this padlock Gerasim always
carried about him in his girdle.  He did not like people to come to his

So passed a year, at the end of which a little incident befell Gerasim.

The old lady, in whose service he lived as porter, adhered in everything
to the ancient ways, and kept a large number of servants.  In her house
were not only laundresses, sempstresses, carpenters, tailors and
tailoresses, there was even a harness-maker--he was reckoned as a
veterinary surgeon, too,--and a doctor for the servants; there was a
household doctor for the mistress; there was, lastly, a shoemaker, by
name Kapiton Klimov, a sad drunkard.  Klimov regarded himself as an
injured creature, whose merits were unappreciated, a cultivated man from
Petersburg, who ought not to be living in Moscow without occupation--in
the wilds, so to speak; and if he drank, as he himself expressed it
emphatically, with a blow on his chest, it was sorrow drove him to it.
So one day his mistress had a conversation about him with her head
steward, Gavrila, a man whom, judging solely from his little yellow eyes
and nose like a duck's beak, fate itself, it seemed, had marked out as a
person in authority.  The lady expressed her regret at the corruption of
the morals of Kapiton, who had, only the evening before, been picked up
somewhere in the street.

"Now, Gavrila," she observed, all of a sudden, "now, if we were to marry
him, what do you think, perhaps he would be steadier?"

"Why not marry him, indeed, 'm?  He could be married, 'm," answered
Gavrila, "and it would be a very good thing, to be sure, 'm."

"Yes; only who is to marry him?"

"Ay, 'm.  But that's at your pleasure, 'm.  He may, any way, so to say, be
wanted for something; he can't be turned adrift altogether."

"I fancy he likes Tatiana."

Gavrila was on the point of making some reply, but he shut his lips

"Yes! . . . let him marry Tatiana," the lady decided, taking a pinch of
snuff complacently, "Do you hear?"

"Yes, 'm," Gavrila articulated, and he withdrew.

Returning to his own room (it was in a little lodge, and was almost
filled up with metal-bound trunks), Gavrila first sent his wife away,
and then sat down at the window and pondered.  His mistress's unexpected
arrangement had clearly put him in a difficulty.  At last he got up and
sent to call Kapiton.  Kapiton made his appearance. . . But before
reporting their conversation to the reader, we consider it not out of
place to relate in few words who was this Tatiana, whom it was to be
Kapiton's lot to marry, and why the great lady's order had disturbed the

Tatiana, one of the laundresses referred to above (as a trained and
skilful laundress she was in charge of the fine linen only), was a woman
of twenty-eight, thin, fair-haired, with moles on her left cheek.  Moles
on the left cheek are regarded as of evil omen in Russia--a token of
unhappy life. . . Tatiana could not boast of her good luck.  From her
earliest youth she had been badly treated; she had done the work of two,
and had never known affection; she had been poorly clothed and had
received the smallest wages.  Relations she had practically none; an
uncle she had once had, a butler, left behind in the country as useless,
and other uncles of hers were peasants--that was all.  At one time she
had passed for a beauty, but her good looks were very soon over.  In
disposition, she was very meek, or, rather, scared; towards herself, she
felt perfect indifference; of others, she stood in mortal dread; she
thought of nothing but how to get her work done in good time, never
talked to any one, and trembled at the very name of her mistress, though
the latter scarcely knew her by sight.  When Gerasim was brought from the
country, she was ready to die with fear on seeing his huge figure, tried
all she could to avoid meeting him, even dropped her eyelids when
sometimes she chanced to run past him, hurrying from the house to the
laundry.  Gerasim at first paid no special attention to her, then he used
to smile when she came his way, then he began even to stare admiringly
at her, and at last he never took his eyes off her.  She took his fancy,
whether by the mild expression of her face or the timidity of her
movements, who can tell?  So one day she was stealing across the yard,
with a starched dressing-jacket of her mistress's carefully poised on her
outspread fingers . . . some one suddenly grasped her vigorously by the
elbow; she turned round and fairly screamed; behind her stood Gerasim.
With a foolish smile, making inarticulate caressing grunts, he held out
to her a gingerbread cock with gold tinsel on his tail and wings.  She
was about to refuse it, but he thrust it forcibly into her hand, shook
his head, walked away, and turning round, once more grunted something
very affectionately to her.

From that day forward he gave her no peace; wherever she went, he was on
the spot at once, coming to meet her, smiling, grunting, waving his
hands; all at once he would pull a ribbon out of the bosom of his smock
and put it in her hand, or would sweep the dust out of her way.  The poor
girl simply did not know how to behave or what to do.  Soon the whole
household knew of the dumb porter's wiles; jeers, jokes, sly hints, were
showered upon Tatiana.  At Gerasim, however, it was not every one who
would dare to scoff; he did not like jokes; indeed, in his presence,
she, too, was left in peace.  Whether she liked it or not, the girl found
herself to be under his protection.  Like all deaf-mutes, he was very
suspicious, and very readily perceived when they were laughing at him or
at her.  One day, at dinner, the wardrobe-keeper, Tatiana's superior,
fell to nagging, as it is called, at her, and brought the poor thing to
such a state that she did not know where to look, and was almost crying
with vexation.  Gerasim got up all of a sudden, stretched out his
gigantic hand, laid it on the wardrobe-maid's head, and looked into her
face with such grim ferocity that her head positively flopped upon the
table.  Every one was still.  Gerasim took up his spoon again and went on
with his cabbage-soup.  "Look at him, the dumb devil, the wood-demon!"
they all muttered in undertones, while the wardrobe-maid got up and went
out into the maid's room.  Another time, noticing that Kapiton--the same
Kapiton who was the subject of the conversation reported above--was
gossiping somewhat too attentively with Tatiana, Gerasim beckoned him to
him, led him into the cartshed, and taking up a shaft that was standing
in a corner by one end, lightly, but most significantly, menaced him
with it.  Since then no one addressed a word to Tatiana.  And all this
cost him nothing.  It is true the wardrobe-maid, as soon as she reached
the maids' room, promptly fell into a fainting fit, and behaved
altogether so skilfully that Gerasim's rough action reached his
mistress's knowledge the same day.  But the capricious old lady only
laughed, and several times, to the great offence of the wardrobe-maid,
forced her to repeat "how he bent your head down with his heavy hand,"
and next day she sent Gerasim a rouble.  She looked on him with favor as
a strong and faithful watchman.  Gerasim stood in considerable awe of
her, but, all the same, he had hopes of her favor, and was preparing to
go to her with a petition for leave to marry Tatiana.  He was only
waiting for a new coat, promised him by the steward, to present a proper
appearance before his mistress, when this same mistress suddenly took it
into her head to marry Tatiana to Kapiton.

The reader will now readily understand the perturbation of mind that
overtook the steward Gavrila after his conversation with his mistress.
"My lady," he thought, as he sat at the window, "favors Gerasim, to be
sure"--(Gavrila was well aware of this, and that was why he himself
looked on him with an indulgent eye)--"still he is a speechless
creature.  I could not, indeed, put it before the mistress that Gerasim's
courting Tatiana.  But, after all, it's true enough; he's a queer sort of
husband.  But on the other hand, that devil, God forgive me, has only got
to find out they're marrying Tatiana to Kapiton, he'll smash up
everything in the house, 'pon my soul!  There's no reasoning with him;
why, he's such a devil, God forgive my sins, there's no getting over him
nohow . . . 'pon my soul!"

Kapiton's entrance broke the thread of Gavrila's reflections.  The
dissipated shoemaker came in, his hands behind him, and lounging
carelessly against a projecting angle of the wall, near the door,
crossed his right foot in front of his left, and tossed his head, as
much as to say, "What do you want?"

Gavrila looked at Kapiton, and drummed with his fingers on the window-
frame.  Kapiton merely screwed up his leaden eyes a little, but he did
not look down; he even grinned slightly, and passed his hand over his
whitish locks which were sticking up in all directions.  "Well, here I
am.  What is it?"

"You're a pretty fellow," said Gavrila, and paused.  "A pretty fellow you
are, there's no denying!"

Kapiton only twitched his little shoulders.  "Are you any better, pray?"
he thought to himself.

"Just look at yourself, now, look at yourself," Gavrila went on
reproachfully; "now, whatever do you look like?"

Kapiton serenely surveyed his shabby, tattered coat and his patched
trousers, and with special attention stared at his burst boots,
especially the one on the tiptoe of which his right foot so gracefully
poised, and he fixed his eyes again on the steward.


"Well?" repeated Gavrila.  "Well?  And then you say well?  You look like
Old Nick himself, God forgive my saying so, that's what you look like."

Kapiton blinked rapidly.

"Go on abusing me, go on, if you like, Gavrila Andreitch," he thought to
himself again.

"Here you've been drunk again," Gavrila began, "drunk again, haven't
you?  Eh?  Come, answer me!"

"Owing to the weakness of my health, I have exposed myself to spirituous
beverages, certainly," replied Kapiton.

"Owing to the weakness of your health! . . . They let you off too easy,
that's what it is; and you've been apprenticed in Petersburg. . . Much you
learned in your apprenticeship!  You simply eat your bread in idleness."

"In that matter, Gavrila Andreitch, there is One to judge me, the Lord
God Himself, and no one else.  He also knows what manner of man I be in
this world, and whether I eat my bread in idleness.  And as concerning
your contention regarding drunkenness, in that matter, too, I am not to
blame, but rather a friend; he led me into temptation, but was
diplomatic and got away, while I . . ."

"While you were left like a goose, in the street.  Ah, you're a dissolute
fellow!  But that's not the point," the steward went on, "I've something
to tell you.  Our lady . . ." here he paused a minute, "it's our lady's
pleasure that you should be married.  Do you hear?  She imagines you may
be steadier when you're married.  Do you understand?"

"To be sure I do."

"Well, then.  For my part I think it would be better to give you a good
hiding.  But there--it's her business.  Well? are you agreeable?"

Kapiton grinned.

"Matrimony is an excellent thing for any one, Gavrila Andreitch; and, as
far as I am concerned, I shall be quite agreeable."

"Very well, then," replied Gavrila, while he reflected to himself:
"There's no denying the man expresses himself very properly.  Only
there's one thing," he pursued aloud: "the wife our lady's picked out
for you is an unlucky choice."

"Why, who is she, permit me to inquire?"



And Kapiton opened his eyes, and moved a little away from the wall.

"Well, what are you in such a taking for? . . . Isn't she to your taste,

"Not to my taste, do you say, Gavrila Andreitch?  She's right enough, a
hard-working steady girl. . . But you know very well yourself, Gavrila
Andreitch, why that fellow, that wild man of the woods, that monster of
the steppes, he's after her, you know. . ."

"I know, mate, I know all about it," the butler cut him short in a tone
of annoyance: "but there, you see . . ."

"But upon my soul, Gavrila Andreitch! why, he'll kill me, by God, he
will, he'll crush me like some fly; why, he's got a fist--why, you
kindly look yourself what a fist he's got; why, he's simply got a fist
like Minin Pozharsky's.  You see he's deaf, he beats and does not hear
how he's beating!  He swings his great fists, as if he's asleep.  And
there's no possibility of pacifying him; and for why?  Why, because, as
you know yourself, Gavrila Andreitch, he's deaf, and what's more, has no
more wit than the heel of my foot.  Why, he's a sort of beast, a heathen
idol, Gavrila Andreitch, and worse . . . a block of wood; what have I done
that I should have to suffer from him now?  Sure it is, it's all over me
now; I've knocked about, I've had enough to put up with, I've been
battered like an earthenware pot, but still I'm a man, after all, and
not a worthless pot."

"I know, I know, don't go talking away. . ."

"Lord, my God!" the shoemaker continued warmly, "when is the end? when,
O Lord!  A poor wretch I am, a poor wretch whose sufferings are endless!
What a life, what a life mine's been come to think of it!  In my young
days, I was beaten by a German I was 'prentice to; in the prime of life
beaten by my own countrymen, and last of all, in ripe years, see what I
have been brought to. . ."

"Ugh, you flabby soul!" said Gavrila Andreitch.  "Why do you make so many
words about it?"

"Why, do you say, Gavrila Andreitch?  It's not a beating I'm afraid of,
Gavrila Andreitch.  A gentleman may chastise me in private, but give me a
civil word before folks, and I'm a man still; but see now, whom I've to
do with . . ."

"Come, get along," Gavrila interposed impatiently.  Kapiton turned away
and staggered off.

"But, if it were not for him," the steward shouted after him, "you would
consent for your part?"

"I signify my acquiescence," retorted Kapiton as he disappeared.

His fine language did not desert him, even in the most trying positions.

The steward walked several times up and down the room.

"Well, call Tatiana now," he said at last.

A few instants later, Tatiana had come up almost noiselessly, and was
standing in the doorway.

"What are your orders, Gavrila Andreitch?" she said in a soft voice.

The steward looked at her intently.

"Well, Taniusha," he said, "would you like to be married?  Our lady has
chosen a husband for you?"

"Yes, Gavrila Andreitch.  And whom has she deigned to name as a husband
for me?" she added falteringly.

"Kapiton, the shoemaker."

"Yes, sir."

"He's a feather-brained fellow, that's certain.  But it's just for that
the mistress reckons upon you."

"Yes, sir."

"There's one difficulty . . . you know the deaf man, Gerasim, he's courting
you, you see.  How did you come to bewitch such a bear?  But you see,
he'll kill you, very like, he's such a bear . . ."

"He'll kill me, Gavrila Andreitch, he'll kill me, and no mistake."

"Kill you . . . Well we shall see about that.  What do you mean by saying
he'll kill you?  Has he any right to kill you? tell me yourself."

"I don't know, Gavrila Andreitch, about his having any right or not."

"What a woman! why, you've made him no promise, I suppose . . ."

"What are you pleased to ask of me?"

The steward was silent for a little, thinking, "You're a meek soul!
Well, that's right," he said aloud; "we'll have another talk with you
later, now you can go, Taniusha; I see you're not unruly, certainly."

Tatiana turned, steadied herself a little against the doorpost, and went

"And, perhaps, our lady will forget all about this wedding by to-
morrow," thought the steward; "and here am I worrying myself for
nothing!  As for that insolent fellow, we must tie him down if it comes
to that, we must let the police know . . . Ustinya Fyedorovna!" he shouted
in a loud voice to his wife, "heat the samovar, my good soul . . ."  All
that day Tatiana hardly went out of the laundry.  At first she had
started crying, then she wiped away her tears, and set to work as
before.  Kapiton stayed till late at night at the gin-shop with a friend
of his, a man of gloomy appearance, to whom he related in detail how he
used to live in Petersburg with a gentleman, who would have been all
right, except he was a bit too strict, and he had a slight weakness
besides, he was too fond of drink; and, as to the fair sex, he didn't
stick at anything.  His gloomy companion merely said yes; but when
Kapiton announced at last that, in a certain event, he would have to lay
hands on himself to-morrow, his gloomy companion remarked that it was
bedtime.  And they parted in surly silence.

Meanwhile, the steward's anticipations were not fulfilled.  The old lady
was so much taken up with the idea of Kapiton's wedding, that even in
the night she talked of nothing else to one of her companions, who was
kept in her house solely to entertain her in case of sleeplessness, and,
like a night cabman, slept in the day.  When Gavrila came to her after
morning tea with his report, her first question was: "And how about our
wedding--is it getting on all right?"  He replied, of course, that it was
getting on first-rate, and that Kapiton would appear before her to pay
his reverence to her that day.  The old lady was not quite well; she did
not give much time to business.  The steward went back to his own room,
and called a council.  The matter certainly called for serious
consideration.  Tatiana would make no difficulty, of course; but Kapiton
had declared in the hearing of all that he had but one head to lose, not
two or three. . . Gerasim turned rapid sullen looks on every one, would
not budge from the steps of the maids' quarters, and seemed to guess
that some mischief was being hatched against him.  They met together.
Among them was an old sideboard waiter, nicknamed Uncle Tail, to whom
every one looked respectfully for counsel, though all they got out of
him was, "Here's a pretty pass! to be sure, to be sure, to be sure!"  As
a preliminary measure of security, to provide against contingencies,
they locked Kapiton up in the lumber-room where the filter was kept;
then considered the question with the gravest deliberation.  It would, to
be sure, be easy to have recourse to force.  But Heaven save us!  There
would be an uproar, the mistress would be put out--it would be awful!
What should they do?  They thought and thought, and at last thought out a
solution.  It had many a time been observed that Gerasim could not bear
drunkards. . . .  As he sat at the gates, he would always turn away with
disgust when some one passed by intoxicated, with unsteady steps and his
cap on one side of his ear.  They resolved that Tatiana should be
instructed to pretend to be tipsy, and should pass by Gerasim staggering
and reeling about.  The poor girl refused for a long while to agree to
this, but they persuaded her at last; she saw, too, that it was the only
possible way of getting rid of her adorer.  She went out.  Kapiton was
released from the lumber-room; for, after all, he had an interest in the
affair.  Gerasim was sitting on the curbstone at the gates, scraping the
ground with a spade. . . .  From behind every corner, from behind every
window-blind, the others were watching him. . . .  The trick succeeded
beyond all expectations.  On seeing Tatiana, at first, he nodded as usual,
making caressing, inarticulate sounds; then he looked carefully at her,
dropped his spade, jumped up, went up to her, brought his face close to
her face. . . .  In her fright she staggered more than ever, and shut her
eyes. . . .  He took her by the arm, whirled her right across the yard, and
going into the room where the council had been sitting, pushed her
straight at Kapiton.  Tatiana fairly swooned away. . . .  Gerasim stood,
looked at her, waved his hand, laughed, and went off, stepping heavily,
to his garret. . . .  For the next twenty-four hours he did not come out of
it.  The postilion Antipka said afterwards that he saw Gerasim through a
crack in the wall, sitting on his bedstead, his face in his hand.  From
time to time he uttered soft regular sounds; he was wailing a dirge,
that is, swaying backwards and forwards with his eyes shut, and shaking
his head as drivers or bargemen do when they chant their melancholy
songs.  Antipka could not bear it, and he came away from the crack.  When
Gerasim came out of the garret next day, no particular change could be
observed in him.  He only seemed, as it were, more morose, and took not
the slightest notice of Tatiana or Kapiton.  The same evening, they both
had to appear before their mistress with geese under their arms, and in
a week's time they were married.  Even on the day of the wedding Gerasim
showed no change of any sort in his behavior.  Only, he came back from
the river without water, he had somehow broken the barrel on the road;
and at night, in the stable, he washed and rubbed down his horse so
vigorously, it swayed like a blade of grass in the wind, and staggered
from one leg to the other under his fists of iron.

All this had taken place in the spring.  Another year passed by, during
which Kapiton became a hopeless drunkard, and as being absolutely of no
use for anything, was sent away with the store wagons to a distant
village with his wife.  On the day of his departure, he put a very good
face on it at first, and declared that he would always be at home, send
him where they would, even to the other end of the world; but later on
he lost heart, began grumbling that he was being taken to uneducated
people, and collapsed so completely at last that he could not even put
his own hat on.  Some charitable soul stuck it on his forehead, set the
peak straight in front, and thrust it on with a slap from above.  When
everything was quite ready, and the peasants already held the reins in
their hands, and were only waiting for the words "With God's blessing!"
to start, Gerasim came out of his garret, went up to Tatiana, and gave
her as a parting present a red cotton handkerchief he had bought for her
a year ago.  Tatiana, who had up to that instant borne all the revolting
details of her life with great indifference, could not control herself
upon that; she burst into tears, and as she took her seat in the cart,
she kissed Gerasim three times like a good Christian.  He meant to
accompany her as far as the town-barrier, and did walk beside her cart
for a while, but he stopped suddenly at the Crimean ford, waved his
hand, and walked away along the riverside.

It was getting towards evening.  He walked slowly, watching the water.
All of a sudden he fancied something was floundering in the mud close to
the bank.  He stooped over, and saw a little white-and-black puppy, who,
in spite of all its efforts, could not get out of the water; it was
struggling, slipping back, and trembling all over its thin wet little
body.  Gerasim looked at the unlucky little dog, picked it up with one
hand, put it into the bosom of his coat, and hurried with long steps
homewards.  He went into his garret, put the rescued puppy on his bed,
covered it with his thick overcoat, ran first to the stable for straw,
and then to the kitchen for a cup of milk.  Carefully folding back the
overcoat, and spreading out the straw, he set the milk on the bedstead.
The poor little puppy was not more than three weeks old, its eyes were
just open--one eye still seemed rather larger than the other; it did not
know how to lap out of a cup, and did nothing but shiver and blink.
Gerasim took hold of its head softly with two fingers, and dipped its
little nose into the milk.  The pup suddenly began lapping greedily,
sniffing, shaking itself, and choking.  Gerasim watched and watched it,
and all at once he laughed outright. . . .  All night long he was waiting
on it, keeping it covered, and rubbing it dry.  He fell asleep himself at
last, and slept quietly and happily by its side.

No mother could have looked after her baby as Gerasim looked after his
little nursling.  At first she--for the pup turned out to be a bitch--was
very weak, feeble, and ugly, but by degrees she grew stronger and
improved in looks, and, thanks to the unflagging care of her preserver,
in eight months' time she was transformed into a very pretty dog of the
spaniel breed, with long ears, a bushy spiral tail, and large,
expressive eyes.  She was devotedly attached to Gerasim, and was never a
yard from his side; she always followed him about wagging her tail.  He
had even given her a name--the dumb know that their inarticulate noises
call the attention of others.  He called her Mumu.  All the servants in
the house liked her, and called her Mumu, too.  She was very intelligent,
she was friendly with every one, but was only fond of Gerasim.  Gerasim,
on his side, loved her passionately, and he did not like it when other
people stroked her; whether he was afraid for her, or jealous--God
knows!  She used to wake him in the morning, pulling at his coat; she
used to take the reins in her mouth, and bring him up the old horse that
carried the water, with whom she was on very friendly terms.  With a face
of great importance, she used to go with him to the river; she used to
watch his brooms and spades, and never allowed any one to go into his
garret.  He cut a little hole in his door on purpose for her, and she
seemed to feel that only in Gerasim's garret she was completely mistress
and at home; and directly she went in, she used to jump with a satisfied
air upon the bed.  At night she did not sleep at all, but she never
barked without sufficient cause, like some stupid house-dog, who,
sitting on its hind-legs, blinking, with its nose in the air, barks
simply from dullness, at the stars, usually three times in succession.
No!  Mumu's delicate little voice was never raised without good reason;
either some stranger was passing close to the fence, or there was some
suspicious sound or rustle somewhere. . . .  In fact, she was an excellent
watch-dog.  It is true that there was another dog in the yard, a tawny
old dog with brown spots, called Wolf, but he was never, even at night,
let off the chain; and, indeed, he was so decrepit that he did not even
wish for freedom.  He used to lie curled up in his kennel, and only
rarely uttered a sleepy, almost noiseless bark, which broke off at once,
as though he were himself aware of its uselessness.  Mumu never went into
the mistress's house; and when Gerasim carried wood into the rooms, she
always stayed behind, impatiently waiting for him at the steps, pricking
up her ears and turning her head to right and to left at the slightest
creak of the door . . .

So passed another year.  Gerasim went on performing his duties as house-
porter, and was very well content with his lot, when suddenly an
unexpected incident occurred. . . .  One fine summer day the old lady was
walking up and down the drawing-room with her dependants.  She was in
high spirits; she laughed and made jokes.  Her servile companions laughed
and joked too, but they did not feel particularly mirthful; the
household did not much like it, when their mistress was in a lively
mood, for, to begin with, she expected from every one prompt and
complete participation in her merriment, and was furious if any one
showed a face that did not beam with delight; and secondly, these
outbursts never lasted long with her, and were usually followed by a
sour and gloomy mood.  That day she had got up in a lucky hour; at cards
she took the four knaves, which means the fulfilment of one's wishes
(she used to try her fortune on the cards every morning), and her tea
struck her as particularly delicious, for which her maid was rewarded by
words of praise, and by twopence in money.  With a sweet smile on her
wrinkled lips, the lady walked about the drawing-room and went up to the
window.  A flower-garden had been laid out before the window, and in the
very middle bed, under a rosebush, lay Mumu busily gnawing a bone.  The
lady caught sight of her.

"Mercy on us!" she cried suddenly; "what dog is that?"

The companion, addressed by the old lady, hesitated, poor thing, in that
wretched state of uneasiness which is common in any person in a
dependent position who doesn't know very well what significance to give
to the exclamation of a superior.

"I d . . . d . . . don't know," she faltered; "I fancy it's the dumb man's

"Mercy!" the lady cut her short; "but it's a charming little dog! order
it to be brought in.  Has he had it long?  How is it I've never seen it
before? . . . Order it to be brought in."

The companion flew at once into the hall.

"Boy, boy!" she shouted; "bring Mumu in at once!  She's in the flower-

"Her name's Mumu then," observed the lady; "a very nice name."

"Oh, very, indeed!" chimed in the companion.  "Make haste, Stepan!"

Stepan, a sturdy-built young fellow, whose duties were those of a
footman, rushed headlong into the flower-garden, and tried to capture
Mumu, but she cleverly slipped from his fingers, and with her tail in
the air, fled full speed to Gerasim, who was at that instant in the
kitchen, knocking out and cleaning a barrel, turning it upside down in
his hands like a child's drum.  Stepan ran after her, and tried to catch
her just at her master's feet; but the sensible dog would not let a
stranger touch her, and with a bound, she got away.  Gerasim looked on
with a smile at all this ado; at last, Stepan got up, much amazed, and
hurriedly explained to him by signs that the mistress wanted the dog
brought in to her.  Gerasim was a little astonished; he called Mumu,
however, picked her up, and handed her over to Stepan.  Stepan carried
her into the drawing-room, and put her down on the parquette floor.  The
old lady began calling the dog to her in a coaxing voice.  Mumu, who had
never in her life been in such magnificent apartments, was very much
frightened, and made a rush for the door, but, being driven back by the
obsequious Stepan, she began trembling, and huddled close up against the

"Mumu, Mumu, come to me, come to your mistress," said the lady; "come,
silly thing . . . don't be afraid."

"Come, Mumu, come to the mistress," repeated the companions.  "Come

But Mumu looked round her uneasily, and did not stir.

"Bring her something to eat," said the old lady.  "How stupid she is! she
won't come to her mistress.  What's she afraid of?"

"She's not used to your honor yet," ventured one of the companions in a
timid and conciliatory voice.

Stepan brought in a saucer of milk, and set it down before Mumu, but
Mumu would not even sniff at the milk, and still shivered, and looked
round as before.

"Ah, what a silly you are!" said the lady, and going up to her, she
stooped down, and was about to stroke her, but Mumu turned her head
abruptly, and showed her teeth.  The lady hurriedly drew back her
hand. . . .

A momentary silence followed.  Mumu gave a faint whine, as though she
would complain and apologize. . . .  The old lady moved back, scowling.
The dog's sudden movement had frightened her.

"Ah!" shrieked all the companions at once, "she's not bitten you, has
she?  Heaven forbid!  (Mumu had never bitten any one in her life.)  Ah!

"Take her away," said the old lady in a changed voice.  "Wretched little
dog!  What a spiteful creature!"

And, turning round deliberately, she went towards her boudoir.  Her
companions looked timidly at one another, and were about to follow her,
but she stopped, stared coldly at them, and said, "What's that for,
pray?  I've not called you," and went out.

The companions waved their hands to Stepan in despair.  He picked up
Mumu, and flung her promptly outside the door, just at Gerasim's feet,
and half an hour later a profound stillness led in the house, and the
old lady sat on her sofa looking blacker than a thundercloud.

What trifles, if you think of it, will sometimes disturb any one!

Till evening the lady was out of humor; she did not talk to any one, did
not play cards, and passed a bad night.  She fancied the eau-de-Cologne
they gave her was not the same as she usually had, and that her pillow
smelt of soap, and she made the wardrobe-maid smell all the bed linen--
in fact she was very upset and cross altogether.  Next morning she
ordered Gavrila to be summoned an hour earlier than usual.

"Tell me, please," she began, directly the latter, not without some
inward trepidation, crossed the threshold of her boudoir, "what dog was
that barking all night in our yard?  It wouldn't let me sleep!"

"A dog, 'm . . . what dog, 'm . . . may be, the dumb man's dog, 'm," he
brought out in a rather unsteady voice.

"I don't know whether it was the dumb man's or whose, but it wouldn't
let me sleep.  And I wonder what we have such a lot of dogs for!  I wish
to know.  We have a yard dog, haven't we?"

"Oh yes, 'm, we have, 'm.  Wolf, 'm."

"Well, why more? what do we want more dogs for?  It's simply introducing
disorder.  There's no one in control in the house--that's what it is.  And
what does the dumb man want with a dog?  Who gave him leave to keep dogs
in my yard?  Yesterday I went to the window, and there it was lying in
the flower-garden; it had dragged in nastiness it was gnawing, and my
roses are planted there . . ."

The lady ceased.

"Let her be gone from to-day . . . do you hear?"

"Yes, 'm."

"To-day.  Now go.  I will send for you later for the report."

Gavrila went away.

As he went through the drawing-room, the steward, by way of maintaining
order, moved a bell from one table to another; he stealthily blew his
duck-like nose in the hall, and went into the outer-hall.  In the outer-
hall, on a locker, was Stepan asleep in the attitude of a slain warrior
in a battalion picture, his bare legs thrust out below the coat which
served him for a blanket.  The steward gave him a shove, and whispered
some instructions to him, to which Stepan responded with something
between a yawn and a laugh.  The steward went away, and Stepan got up,
put on his coat and his boots, went out and stood on the steps.  Five
minutes had not passed before Gerasim made his appearance with a huge
bundle of hewn logs on his back, accompanied by the inseparable Mumu.
(The lady had given orders that her bedroom and boudoir should be heated
at times even in the summer.)  Gerasim turned sideways before the door,
shoved it open with his shoulder, and staggered into the house with his
load.  Mumu, as usual, stayed behind to wait for him.  Then Stepan,
seizing his chance, suddenly pounced on her, like a kite on a chicken,
held her down to the ground, gathered her up in his arms, and without
even putting on his cap, ran out of the yard with her, got into the
first fly he met, and galloped off to a market-place.  There he soon
found a purchaser, to whom he sold her for a shilling, on condition that
he would keep her for at least a week tied up; then he returned at once.
But before he got home, he got off the fly, and going right round the
yard, jumped over the fence into the yard from a back street.  He was
afraid to go in at the gate for fear of meeting Gerasim.

His anxiety was unnecessary, however; Gerasim was no longer in the yard.
On coming out of the house he had at once missed Mumu.  He never
remembered her failing to wait for his return, and began running up and
down, looking for her, and calling her in his own way. . . .  He rushed up
to his garret, up to the hay-loft, ran out into the street, this way and
that. . . .  She was lost!  He turned to the other serfs, with the most
despairing signs, questioned them about her, pointing to her height from
the ground, describing her with his hands. . . .  Some of them really did
not know what had become of Mumu, and merely shook their heads; others did
know, and smiled to him for all response; while the steward assumed an
important air, and began scolding the coachmen.  Then Gerasim ran right
away out of the yard.

It was dark by the time he came back.  From his worn-out look, his
unsteady walk, and his dusty clothes, it might be surmised that he had
been running over half Moscow.  He stood still opposite the windows of
the mistress's house, took a searching look at the steps where a group
of house-serfs were crowded together, turned away, and uttered once more
his inarticulate "Mumu."  Mumu did not answer.  He went away.  Every one
looked after him, but no one smiled or said a word, and the inquisitive
postilion Antipka reported next morning in the kitchen that the dumb man
had been groaning all night.

All the next day Gerasim did not show himself, so that they were obliged
to send the coachman Potap for water instead of him, at which the
coachman Potap was anything but pleased.  The lady asked Gavrila if her
orders had been carried out.  Gavrila replied that they had.  The next
morning Gerasim came out of his garret, and went about his work.  He came
in to his dinner, ate it, and went out again, without a greeting to any
one.  His face, which had always been lifeless, as with all deaf-mutes,
seemed now to be turned to stone.  After dinner he went out of the yard
again, but not for long; he came back, and went straight up to the hay-
loft.  Night came on, a clear moonlight night.  Gerasim lay breathing
heavily, and incessantly turning from side to side.  Suddenly he felt
something pull at the skirt of his coat.  He started, but did not raise
his head, and even shut his eyes tighter.  But again there was a pull,
stronger than before; he jumped up before him, with an end of string
round her neck, was Mumu, twisting and turning.  A prolonged cry of
delight broke from his speechless breast; he caught up Mumu, and hugged
her tight in his arms, she licked his nose and eyes, and beard and
moustache, all in one instant. . . .  He stood a little, thought a minute,
crept cautiously down from the hay-loft, looked round, and having
satisfied himself that no one could see him, made his way successfully
to his garret.  Gerasim had guessed before that his dog had not got lost
by her own doing, that she must have been taken away by the mistress's
orders; the servants had explained to him by signs that his Mumu had
snapped at her, and he determined to take his own measures.  First he fed
Mumu with a bit of bread, fondled her, and put her to bed, then he fell
to meditating, and spent the whole night long in meditating how he could
best conceal her.  At last he decided to leave her all day in the garret,
and only to come in now and then to see her, and to take her out at
night.  The hole in the door he stopped up effectually with his old
overcoat, and almost before it was light he was already in the yard, as
though nothing had happened, even--innocent guile!--the same expression
of melancholy on his face.  It did not even occur to the poor deaf man
that Mumu would betray herself by her whining; in reality, everyone in
the house was soon aware that the dumb man's dog had come back, and was
locked up in his garret, but from sympathy with him and with her, and
partly, perhaps, from dread of him, they did not let him know that they
had found out his secret.  The steward scratched his head, and gave a
despairing wave of his head, as much as to say, "Well, well, God have
mercy on him!  If only it doesn't come to the mistress's ears!"

But the dumb man had never shown such energy as on that day; he cleaned
and scraped the whole courtyard, pulled up every single weed with his
own hand, tugged up every stake in the fence of the flower-garden, to
satisfy himself that they were strong enough, and unaided drove them in
again; in fact, he toiled and labored so that even the old lady noticed
his zeal.  Twice in the course of the day Gerasim went stealthily in to
see his prisoner; when night came on, he lay down to sleep with her in
the garret, not in the hay-loft, and only at two o'clock in the night he
went out to take her a turn in the fresh air.

After walking about the courtyard a good while with her, he was just
turning back, when suddenly a rustle was heard behind the fence on the
side of the back street.  Mumu pricked up her ears, growled--went up to
the fence, sniffed, and gave vent to a loud shrill bark.  Some drunkard
had thought fit to take refuge under the fence for the night.  At that
very time the old lady had just fallen asleep after a prolonged fit of
"nervous agitation"; these fits of agitation always overtook her after
too hearty a supper.  The sudden bark waked her up: her heart palpitated,
and she felt faint.  "Girls, girls!" she moaned.  "Girls!"  The terrified
maids ran into her bedroom.  "Oh, oh, I am dying!" she said, flinging her
arms about in her agitation.  "Again, that dog, again! . . .  Oh, send for
the doctor.  They mean to be the death of me. . . .  The dog, the dog
again!  Oh!"  And she let her head fall back, which always signified a
swoon.  They rushed for the doctor, that is, for the household physician,
Hariton.  This doctor, whose whole qualification consisted in wearing
soft-soled boots, knew how to feel the pulse delicately.  He used to
sleep fourteen hours out of the twenty-four, but the rest of the time he
was always sighing, and continually dosing the old lady with cherrybay
drops.  This doctor ran up at once, fumigated the room with burnt
feathers, and when the old lady opened her eyes, promptly offered her a
wineglass of the hallowed drops on a silver tray.  The old lady took
them, but began again at once in a tearful voice complaining of the dog,
of Gavrila, and of her fate, declaring that she was a poor old woman,
and that every one had forsaken her, no one pitied her, every one wished
her dead.  Meanwhile the luckless Mumu had gone on barking, while Gerasim
tried in vain to call her away, from the fence.  "There . . . there . . .
again," groaned the old lady, and once more she turned up the whites of
her eyes.  The doctor whispered to a maid, she rushed into the outer
hall, and shook Stepan, he ran to wake Gavrila, Gavrila in a fury
ordered the whole household to get up.

Gerasim turned round, saw lights and shadows moving in the windows, and
with an instinct of coming trouble in his heart, put Mumu under his arm,
ran into his garret, and locked himself in.  A few minutes later five men
were banging at his door, but feeling the resistance of the bolt, they
stopped.  Gavrila ran up in a fearful state of mind, and ordered them all
to wait there and watch till morning.  Then he flew off himself to the
maids' quarter, and through an old companion, Liubov Liubimovna, with
whose assistance he used to steal tea, sugar, and other groceries and to
falsify the accounts, sent word to the mistress that the dog had
unhappily run back from somewhere, but that to-morrow she should be
killed, and would the mistress be so gracious as not to be angry and to
overlook it.  The old lady would probably not have been so soon appeased,
but the doctor had in his haste given her fully forty drops instead of
twelve.  The strong dose of narcotic acted; in a quarter of an hour the
old lady was in a sound and peaceful sleep; while Gerasim was lying with
a white face on his bed, holding Mumu's mouth tightly shut.

Next morning the lady woke up rather late.  Gavrila was waiting till she
should be awake, to give the order for a final assault on Gerasim's
stronghold, while he prepared himself to face a fearful storm.  But the
storm did not come off.  The old lady lay in bed and sent for the eldest
of her dependent companions.

"Liubov Liubimovna," she began in a subdued weak voice--she was fond of
playing the part of an oppressed and forsaken victim; needless to say,
every one in the house was made extremely uncomfortable at such times--
"Liubov Liubimovna, you see my position; go, my love, to Gavrila
Andreitch, and talk to him a little.  Can he really prize some wretched
cur above the repose--the very life--of his mistress?  I could not bear
to think so," she added, with an expression of deep feeling.  "Go, my
love; be so good as to go to Gavrila Andreitch for me."

Liubov Liubimovna went to Gavrila's room.  What conversation passed
between them is not known, but a short time after, a whole crowd of
people was moving across the yard in the direction of Gerasim's garret.
Gavrila walked in front, holding his cap on with his hand, though there
was no wind.  The footmen and cooks were close behind him; Uncle Tail was
looking out of a window, giving instructions, that is to say, simply
waving his hands.  At the rear there was a crowd of small boys skipping
and hopping along; half of them were outsiders who had run up.  On the
narrow staircase leading to the garret sat one guard; at the door were
standing two more with sticks.  They began to mount the stairs, which
they entirely blocked up.  Gavrila went up to the door, knocked with his
fist, shouting, "Open the door!"

A stifled bark was audible, but there was no answer.

"Open the door, I tell you," he repeated.

"But, Gavrila Andreitch," Stepan observed from below, "he's deaf, you
know--he doesn't hear."

They all laughed.

"What are we to do?" Gavrila rejoined from above.

"Why, there's a hole there in the door," answered Stepan, "so you shake
the stick in there."

Gavrila bent down.

"He's stuffed it up with a coat or something."

"Well, you just push the coat in."

At this moment a smothered bark was heard again.

"See, see--she speaks for herself," was remarked in the crowd, and again
they laughed.

Gavrila scratched his ear.

"No, mate," he responded at last, "you can poke the coat in yourself, if
you like."

"All right, let me."

And Stepan scrambled up, took the stick, pushed in the coat, and began
waving the stick about in the opening, saying, "Come out, come out!" as
he did so.  He was still waving the stick, when suddenly the door of the
garret was flung open; all the crowd flew pell-mell down the stairs
instantly, Gavrila first of all.  Uncle Tail locked the window.

"Come, come, come," shouted Gavrila from the yard, "mind what you're

Gerasim stood without stirring in his doorway.  The crowd gathered at the
foot of the stairs.  Gerasim, with his arms akimbo, looked down at all
these poor creatures in German coats; in his red peasant's shirt he
looked like a giant before them.  Gavrila took a step forward.

"Mind, mate," said he, "don't be insolent."

And he began to explain to him by signs that the mistress insists on
having his dog; that he must hand it over at once, or it would be the
worse for him.

Gerasim looked at him, pointed to the dog, made a motion with his hand
round his neck, as though he were pulling a noose tight, and glanced
with a face of inquiry at the steward.

"Yes, yes," the latter assented, nodding; "yes, just so."

Gerasim dropped his eyes, then all of a sudden roused himself and
pointed to Mumu, who was all the while standing beside him, innocently
wagging her tail and pricking up her ears inquisitively.  Then he
repeated the strangling action round his neck and significantly struck
himself on the breast, as though announcing he would take upon himself
the task of killing Mumu.

"But you'll deceive us," Gavrila waved back in response.

Gerasim looked at him, smiled scornfully, struck himself again on the
breast, and slammed to the door.

They all looked at one another in silence.

"What does that mean?" Gavrila began.  "He's locked himself in."

"Let him be, Gavrila Andreitch," Stepan advised; "he'll do it if he's
promised.  He's like that, you know. . . .  If he makes a promise, it's a
certain thing.  He's not like us others in that.  The truth's the truth
with him.  Yes, indeed."

"Yes," they all repeated, nodding their heads, "yes--that's so--yes."

Uncle Tail opened his window, and he too said, "Yes."

"Well, may be, we shall see," responded Gavrila; "any way, we won't take
off the guard.  Here you, Eroshka!" he added, addressing a poor fellow in
a yellow nankeen coat, who considered himself to be a gardener, "what
have you to do?  Take a stick and sit here, and if anything happens, run
to me at once!"

Eroshka took a stick, and sat down on the bottom stair.  The crowd
dispersed, all except a few inquisitive small boys, while Gavrila went
home and sent word through Liubov Liubimovna to the mistress that
everything had been done, while he sent a postilion for a policeman in
case of need.  The old lady tied a knot in her handkerchief, sprinkled
some eau-de-Cologne on it, sniffed at it, and rubbed her temples with
it, drank some tea, and, being still under the influence of the
cherrybay drops, fell asleep again.

An hour after all this hubbub the garret door opened, and Gerasim showed
himself.  He had on his best coat; he was leading Mumu by a string.
Eroshka moved aside and let him pass.  Gerasim went to the gates.  All the
small boys in the yard stared at him in silence.  He did not even turn
round; he only put his cap on in the street.  Gavrila sent the same
Eroshka to follow him and keep watch on him as a spy.  Eroshka, seeing
from a distance that he had gone into a cookshop with his dog, waited
for him to come out again.

Gerasim was well known at the cookshop, and his signs were understood.
He asked for cabbage soup with meat in it, and sat down with his arms on
the table.  Mumu stood beside his chair, looking calmly at him with her
intelligent eyes.  Her coat was glossy; one could see she had just been
combed down.  They brought Gerasim the soup.  He crumbled some bread into
it, cut the meat up small, and put the plate on the ground.  Mumu began
eating in her usual refined way, her little muzzle daintily held so as
scarcely to touch her food.  Gerasim gazed a long while at her; two big
tears suddenly rolled from his eyes; one fell on the dog's brow, the
other into the soup.  He shaded his face with his hand.  Mumu ate up half
the plateful, and came away from it, licking her lips.  Gerasim got up,
paid for the soup, and went out, followed by the rather perplexed
glances of the waiter.  Eroshka, seeing Gerasim, hid round a corner, and
letting him get in front, followed him again.

Gerasim walked without haste, still holding Mumu by a string.  When he
got to the corner of the street, he stood still as though reflecting,
and suddenly set off with rapid steps to the Crimean Ford.  On the way he
went into the yard of a house, where a lodge was being built, and
carried away two bricks under his arm.  At the Crimean Ford, he turned
along the bank, went to a place where there were two little rowing-boats
fastened to stakes (he had noticed them there before), and jumped into
one of them with Mumu.  A lame old man came out of a shed in the corner
of a kitchen-garden and shouted after him; but Gerasim only nodded, and
began rowing so vigorously, though against stream, that in an instant he
had darted two hundred yards way.  The old man stood for a while,
scratched his back first with the left and then with the right hand, and
went back hobbling to the shed.

Gerasim rowed on and on.  Moscow was soon left behind.  Meadows stretched
each side of the bank, market gardens, fields, and copses; peasants'
huts began to make their appearance.  There was the fragrance of the
country.  He threw down his oars, bent his head down to Mumu, who was
sitting facing him on a dry cross seat--the bottom of the boat was full
of water--and stayed motionless, his mighty hands clasped upon her back,
while the boat was gradually carried back by the current towards the
town.  At last Gerasim drew himself up hurriedly, with a sort of sick
anger in his face, he tied up the bricks he had taken with string, made
a running noose, put it round Mumu's neck, lifted her up over the river,
and for the last time looked at her. . . .  She watched him confidingly and
without any fear, faintly wagging her tail.  He turned away, frowned, and
wrung his hands. . . .  Gerasim heard nothing, neither the quick shrill
whine of Mumu as she fell, nor the heavy splash of the water; for him
the noisiest day was soundless and silent as even the stillest night is
not silent to us.  When he opened his eyes again, little wavelets were
hurrying over the river, chasing one another; as before they broke
against the boat's side, and only far away behind wide circles moved
widening to the bank.

Directly Gerasim had vanished from Eroshka's sight, the latter returned
home and reported what he had seen.

"Well, then," observed Stepan, "he'll drown her.  Now we can feel easy
about it.  If he once promises a thing . . ."

No one saw Gerasim during the day.  He did not have dinner at home.
Evening came on; they were all gathered together to supper, except him.

"What a strange creature that Gerasim is!" piped a fat laundrymaid;
"fancy, upsetting himself like that over a dog. . . .  Upon my word!"

"But Gerasim has been here," Stepan cried all at once, scraping up his
porridge with a spoon.

"How? when?"

"Why, a couple of hours ago.  Yes, indeed!  I ran against him at the gate;
he was going out again from here; he was coming out of the yard.  I tried
to ask him about his dog, but he wasn't in the best of humors, I could
see.  Well, he gave me a shove; I suppose he only meant to put me out of
his way, as if he'd say, 'Let me go, do!' but he fetched me such a crack
on my neck, so seriously, that--oh! oh!"  And Stepan, who could not help
laughing, shrugged up and rubbed the back of his head.  "Yes," he added;
"he has got a fist; it's something like a fist, there's no denying

They all laughed at Stepan, and after supper they separated to go to

Meanwhile, at that very time, a gigantic figure with a bag on his
shoulders and a stick in his hand, was eagerly and persistently stepping
out along the T--- high-road.  It was Gerasim.  He was hurrying on without
looking round; hurrying homewards, to his own village, to his own country.
After drowning poor Mumu, he had run back to his garret, hurriedly packed
a few things together in an old horsecloth, tied it up in a bundle,
tossed it on his shoulder, and so was ready.  He had noticed the road
carefully when he was brought to Moscow; the village his mistress had
taken him from lay only about twenty miles off the high-road.  He walked
along it with a sort of invincible purpose, a desperate and at the same
time joyous determination.  He walked, his shoulders thrown back and his
chest expanded; his eyes were fixed greedily straight before him.  He
hastened as though his old mother were waiting for him at home, as though
she were calling him to her after long wanderings in strange parts,
among strangers.  The summer night, that was just drawing in, was still
and warm; on one side, where the sun had set, the horizon was still light
and faintly flushed with the last glow of the vanished day; on the other
side a blue-gray twilight had already risen up.  The night was coming up
from that quarter.  Quails were in hundreds around; corncrakes were
calling to one another in the thickets. . . .  Gerasim could not hear them;
he could not hear the delicate night-whispering of the trees, by which his
strong legs carried him, but he smelt the familiar scent of the ripening
rye, which was wafted from the dark fields; he felt the wind, flying to
meet him--the wind from home--beat caressingly upon his face, and play
with his hair and his beard.  He saw before him the whitening road
homewards, straight as an arrow.  He saw in the sky stars innumerable,
lighting up his way, and stepped out, strong and bold as a lion, so that
when the rising sun shed its moist rosy light upon the still fresh and
unwearied traveller, already thirty miles lay between him and Moscow.

In a couple of days he was at home, in his little hut, to the great
astonishment of the soldier's wife who had been put in there.  After
praying before the holy pictures, he set off at once to the village
elder.  The village elder was at first surprised; but the hay-cutting had
just begun; Gerasim was a first-rate mower, and they put a scythe into
his hand on the spot, and he went to mow in his old way, mowing so that
the peasants were fairly astounded as they watched his wide sweeping
strokes and the heaps he raked together. . . .

In Moscow the day after Gerasim's flight they missed him.  They went to
his garret, rummaged about in it, and spoke to Gavrila.  He came, looked,
shrugged his shoulders, and decided that the dumb man had either run
away or had drowned himself with his stupid dog.  They gave information
to the police, and informed the lady.  The old lady was furious, burst
into tears, gave orders that he was to be found whatever happened,
declared she had never ordered the dog to be destroyed, and, in fact,
gave Gavrila such a rating that he could do nothing all day but shake
his head and murmur, "Well!" until Uncle Tail checked him at last,
sympathetically echoing "We-ell!"  At last the news came from the country
of Gerasim's being there.  The old lady was somewhat pacified; at first
she issued a mandate for him to be brought back without delay to Moscow;
afterwards, however, she declared that such an ungrateful creature was
absolutely of no use to her.  Soon after this she died herself; and her
heirs had no thought to spare for Gerasim; they let their mother's other
servants redeem their freedom on payment of an annual rent.

And Gerasim is living still, a lonely man in his lonely hut; he is
strong and healthy as before, and does the work of four men as before,
and as before is serious and steady.  But his neighbors have observed
that ever since his return from Moscow he has quite given up the society
of women; he will not even look at them, and does not keep even a single

"It's his good luck, though," the peasants reason, "that he can get on
without female folk; and as for a dog--what need has he of a dog? you
wouldn't get a thief to go into his yard for any money!"  Such is the
fame of the dumb man's Titanic strength.




From "Poushkin's Prose Tales."  Translated by T. Keane.


We were stationed in the little town of N--.  The life of an officer in
the army is well known.  In the morning, drill and the riding-school;
dinner with the Colonel or at a Jewish restaurant; in the evening, punch
and cards.  In N--- there was not one open house, not a single
marriageable girl.  We used to meet in each other's rooms, where, except
our uniforms, we never saw anything.

One civilian only was admitted into our society.  He was about thirty-
five years of age, and therefore we looked upon him as an old fellow.
His experience gave him great advantage over us, and his habitual
taciturnity, stern disposition, and caustic tongue produced a deep
impression upon our young minds.  Some mystery surrounded his existence;
he had the appearance of a Russian, although his name was a foreign one.
He had formerly served in the Hussars, and with distinction.  Nobody knew
the cause that had induced him to retire from the service and settle in
a wretched little village, where he lived poorly and, at the same time,
extravagantly.  He always went on foot, and constantly wore a shabby
black overcoat, but the officers of our regiment were ever welcome at
his table.  His dinners, it is true, never consisted of more than two or
three dishes, prepared by a retired soldier, but the champagne flowed
like water.  Nobody knew what his circumstances were, or what his income
was, and nobody dared to question him about them.  He had a collection of
books, consisting chiefly of works on military matters and a few novels.
He willingly lent them to us to read, and never asked for them back; on
the other hand, he never returned to the owner the books that were lent
to him.  His principal amusement was shooting with a pistol.  The walls of
his room were riddled with bullets, and were as full of holes as a
honeycomb.  A rich collection of pistols was the only luxury in the
humble cottage where he lived.  The skill which he had acquired with his
favorite weapon was simply incredible: and if he had offered to shoot a
pear off somebody's forage-cap, not a man in our regiment would have
hesitated to place the object upon his head.

Our conversation often turned upon duels.  Silvio--so I will call him--
never joined in it.  When asked if he had ever fought, he dryly replied
that he had; but he entered into no particulars, and it was evident that
such questions were not to his liking.  We came to the conclusion that he
had upon his conscience the memory of some unhappy victim of his
terrible skill.  Moreover, it never entered into the head of any of us to
suspect him of anything like cowardice.  There are persons whose mere
look is sufficient to repel such a suspicion.  But an unexpected incident
occurred which astounded us all.

One day, about ten of our officers dined with Silvio.  They drank as
usual, that is to say, a great deal.  After dinner we asked our host to
hold the bank for a game at faro.  For a long time he refused, for he
hardly ever played, but at last he ordered cards to be brought, placed
half a hundred ducats upon the table, and sat down to deal.  We took our
places round him, and the play began.  It was Silvio's custom to preserve
a complete silence when playing.  He never disputed, and never entered
into explanations.  If the punter made a mistake in calculating, he
immediately paid him the difference or noted down the surplus.  We were
acquainted with this habit of his, and we always allowed him to have his
own way; but among us on this occasion was an officer who had only
recently been transferred to our regiment.  During the course of the
game, this officer absently scored one point too many.  Silvio took the
chalk and noted down the correct account according to his usual custom.
The officer, thinking that he had made a mistake, began to enter into
explanations.  Silvio continued dealing in silence.  The officer, losing
patience, took the brush and rubbed out what he considered was wrong.
Silvio took the chalk and corrected the score again.  The officer, heated
with wine, play, and the laughter of his comrades, considered himself
grossly insulted, and in his rage he seized a brass candlestick from the
table, and hurled it at Silvio, who barely succeeded in avoiding the
missile.  We were filled with consternation.  Silvio rose, white with
rage, and with gleaming eyes, said:

"My dear sir, have the goodness to withdraw, and thank God that this has
happened in my house."

None of us entertained the slightest doubt as to what the result would
be, and we already looked upon our new comrade as a dead man.  The
officer withdrew, saying that he was ready to answer for his offence in
whatever way the banker liked.  The play went on for a few minutes
longer, but feeling that our host was no longer interested in the game,
we withdrew one after the other, and repaired to our respective
quarters, after having exchanged a few words upon the probability of
there soon being a vacancy in the regiment.

The next day, at the riding-school, we were already asking each other if
the poor lieutenant was still alive, when he himself appeared among us.
We put the same question to him, and he replied that he had not yet
heard from Silvio.  This astonished us.  We went to Silvio's house and
found him in the courtyard shooting bullet after bullet into an ace
pasted upon the gate.  He received us as usual, but did not utter a word
about the event of the previous evening.  Three days passed, and the
lieutenant was still alive.  We asked each other in astonishment: "Can it
be possible that Silvio is not going to fight?"

Silvio did not fight.  He was satisfied with a very lame explanation, and
became reconciled to his assailant.

This lowered him very much in the opinion of all our young fellows.  Want
of courage is the last thing to be pardoned by young men, who usually
look upon bravery as the chief of all human virtues, and the excuse for
every possible fault.  But, by degrees, everything became forgotten, and
Silvio regained his former influence.

I alone could not approach him on the old footing.  Being endowed by
nature with a romantic imagination, I had become attached more than all
the others to the man whose life was an enigma, and who seemed to me the
hero of some mysterious drama.  He was fond of me; at least, with me
alone did he drop his customary sarcastic tone, and converse on
different subjects in a simple and unusually agreeable manner.  But after
this unlucky evening, the thought that his honor had been tarnished, and
that the stain had been allowed to remain upon it in accordance with his
own wish, was ever present in my mind, and prevented me treating him as
before.  I was ashamed to look at him.  Silvio was too intelligent and
experienced not to observe this and guess the cause of it.  This seemed
to vex him; at least I observed once or twice a desire on his part to
enter into an explanation with me, but I avoided such opportunities, and
Silvio gave up the attempt.  From that time forward I saw him only in the
presence of my comrades, and our confidential conversations came to an

The inhabitants of the capital, with minds occupied by so many matters
of business and pleasure, have no idea of the many sensations so
familiar to the inhabitants of villages and small towns, as, for
instance, the awaiting the arrival of the post.  On Tuesdays and Fridays
our regimental bureau used to be filled with officers: some expecting
money, some letters, and others newspapers.  The packets were usually
opened on the spot, items of news were communicated from one to another,
and the bureau used to present a very animated picture.  Silvio used to
have his letters addressed to our regiment, and he was generally there
to receive them.

One day he received a letter, the seal of which he broke with a look of
great impatience.  As he read the contents, his eyes sparkled.  The
officers, each occupied with his own letters, did not observe anything.

"Gentlemen," said Silvio, "circumstances demand my immediate departure;
I leave to-night.  I hope that you will not refuse to dine with me for
the last time.  I shall expect you, too," he added, turning towards me.
"I shall expect you without fail."

With these words he hastily departed, and we, after agreeing to meet at
Silvio's, dispersed to our various quarters.

I arrived at Silvio's house at the appointed time, and found nearly the
whole regiment there.  All his things were already packed; nothing
remained but the bare, bullet-riddled walls.  We sat down to table.  Our
host was in an excellent humor, and his gayety was quickly communicated
to the rest.  Corks popped every moment, glasses foamed incessantly, and,
with the utmost warmth, we wished our departing friend a pleasant
journey and every happiness.  When we rose from the table it was already
late in the evening.  After having wished everybody good-bye, Silvio took
me by the hand and detained me just at the moment when I was preparing
to depart.

"I want to speak to you," he said in a low voice.

I stopped behind.

The guests had departed, and we two were left alone.  Sitting down
opposite each other, we silently lit our pipes.  Silvio seemed greatly
troubled; not a trace remained of his former convulsive gayety.  The
intense pallor of his face, his sparkling eyes, and the thick smoke
issuing from his mouth, gave him a truly diabolical appearance.  Several
minutes elapsed, and then Silvio broke the silence.

"Perhaps we shall never see each other again," said he; "before we part,
I should like to have an explanation with you.  You may have observed
that I care very little for the opinion of other people, but I like you,
and I feel that it would be painful to me to leave you with a wrong
impression upon your mind."

He paused, and began to knock the ashes out of his pipe.  I sat gazing
silently at the ground.

"You thought it strange," he continued, "that I did not demand
satisfaction from that drunken idiot R---.  You will admit, however, that
having the choice of weapons, his life was in my hands, while my own was
in no great danger.  I could ascribe my forbearance to generosity alone,
but I will not tell a lie.  If I could have chastised R--- without the
least risk to my own life, I should never have pardoned him."

I looked at Silvio with astonishment.  Such a confession completely
astounded me.  Silvio continued:

"Exactly so: I have no right to expose myself to death.  Six years ago I
received a slap in the face, and my enemy still lives."

My curiosity was greatly excited.

"Did you not fight with him?" I asked.  "Circumstances probably separated

"I did fight with him," replied Silvio; "and here is a souvenir of our

Silvio rose and took from a cardboard box a red cap with a gold tassel
and embroidery (what the French call a bonnet de police); he put it on--
a bullet had passed through it about an inch above the forehead.

"You know," continued Silvio, "that I served in one of the Hussar
regiments.  My character is well known to you: I am accustomed to taking
the lead.  From my youth this has been my passion.  In our time
dissoluteness was the fashion, and I was the most outrageous man in the
army.  We used to boast of our drunkenness; I beat in a drinking bout the
famous Bourtsoff [Footnote: A cavalry officer, notorious for his drunken
escapades], of whom Denis Davidoff [Footnote: A military poet who
flourished in the reign of Alexander I] has sung.  Duels in our regiment
were constantly taking place, and in all of them I was either second or
principal.  My comrades adored me, while the regimental commanders, who
were constantly being changed, looked upon me as a necessary evil.

"I was calmly enjoying my reputation, when a young man belonging to a
wealthy and distinguished family--I will not mention his name--joined
our regiment.  Never in my life have I met with such a fortunate fellow!
Imagine to yourself youth, wit, beauty, unbounded gayety, the most
reckless bravery, a famous name, untold wealth--imagine all these, and
you can form some idea of the effect that he would be sure to produce
among us.  My supremacy was shaken.  Dazzled by my reputation, he began to
seek my friendship, but I received him coldly, and without the least
regret he held aloof from me.  I took a hatred to him.  His success in the
regiment and in the society of ladies brought me to the verge of
despair.  I began to seek a quarrel with him; to my epigrams he replied
with epigrams which always seemed to me more spontaneous and more
cutting than mine, and which were decidedly more amusing, for he joked
while I fumed.  At last, at a ball given by a Polish landed proprietor,
seeing him the object of the attention of all the ladies, and especially
of the mistress of the house, with whom I was upon very good terms, I
whispered some grossly insulting remark in his ear.  He flamed up and
gave me a slap in the face.  We grasped our swords; the ladies fainted;
we were separated; and that same night we set out to fight.

"The dawn was just breaking.  I was standing at the appointed place with
my three seconds.  With inexplicable impatience I awaited my opponent.
The spring sun rose, and it was already growing hot.  I saw him coming in
the distance.  He was walking on foot, accompanied by one second.  We
advanced to meet him.  He approached, holding his cap filled with black
cherries.  The seconds measured twelve paces for us.  I had to fire first,
but my agitation was so great, that I could not depend upon the
steadiness of my hand; and in order to give myself time to become calm,
I ceded to him the first shot.  My adversary would not agree to this.  It
was decided that we should cast lots.  The first number fell to him, the
constant favorite of fortune.  He took aim, and his bullet went through
my cap.  It was now my turn.  His life at last was in my hands; I looked
at him eagerly, endeavoring to detect if only the faintest shadow of
uneasiness.  But he stood in front of my pistol, picking out the ripest
cherries from his cap and spitting out the stones, which flew almost as
far as my feet.  His indifference annoyed me beyond measure.  'What is the
use,' thought I, 'of depriving him of life, when he attaches no value
whatever to it?'  A malicious thought flashed through my mind.  I lowered
my pistol.

"'You don't seem to be ready for death just at present,' I said to him:
'you wish to have your breakfast; I do not wish to hinder you.'

"'You are not hindering me in the least,' replied he.  'Have the goodness
to fire, or just as you please--the shot remains yours; I shall always
be ready at your service.'

"I turned to the seconds, informing them that I had no intention of
firing that day, and with that the duel came to an end.

"I resigned my commission and retired to this little place.  Since then
not a day has passed that I have not thought of revenge.  And now my hour
has arrived."

Silvio took from his pocket the letter that he had received that
morning, and gave it to me to read.  Some one (it seemed to be his
business agent) wrote to him from Moscow, that a CERTAIN PERSON was
going to be married to a young and beautiful girl.

"You can guess," said Silvio, "who the certain person is.  I am going to
Moscow.  We shall see if he will look death in the face with as much
indifference now, when he is on the eve of being married, as he did once
with his cherries!"

With these words, Silvio rose, threw his cap upon the floor, and began
pacing up and down the room like a tiger in his cage.  I had listened to
him in silence; strange conflicting feelings agitated me.

The servant entered and announced that the horses were ready.  Silvio
grasped my hand tightly, and we embraced each other.  He seated himself
in his telega, in which lay two trunks, one containing his pistols, the
other his effects.  We said good-bye once more, and the horses galloped


Several years passed, and family circumstances compelled me to settle in
the poor little village of M---.  Occupied with agricultural pursuits, I
ceased not to sigh in secret for my former noisy and careless life.  The
most difficult thing of all was having to accustom myself to passing the
spring and winter evenings in perfect solitude.  Until the hour for
dinner I managed to pass away the time somehow or other, talking with
the bailiff, riding about to inspect the work, or going round to look at
the new buildings; but as soon as it began to get dark, I positively did
not know what to do with myself.  The few books that I had found in the
cupboards and storerooms I already knew by heart.  All the stories that
my housekeeper Kirilovna could remember I had heard over and over again.
The songs of the peasant women made me feel depressed.  I tried drinking
spirits, but it made my head ache; and moreover, I confess I was afraid
of becoming a drunkard from mere chagrin, that is to say, the saddest
kind of drunkard, of which I had seen many examples in our district.

I had no near neighbors, except two or three topers, whose conversation
consisted for the most part of hiccups and sighs.  Solitude was
preferable to their society.  At last I decided to go to bed as early as
possible, and to dine as late as possible; in this way I shortened the
evening and lengthened out the day, and I found that the plan answered
very well.

Four versts from my house was a rich estate belonging to the Countess
B---; but nobody lived there except the steward.  The Countess had only
visited her estate once, in the first year of her married life, and then
she had remained there no longer than a month.  But in the second spring
of my hermitical life a report was circulated that the Countess, with
her husband, was coming to spend the summer on her estate.  The report
turned out to be true, for they arrived at the beginning of June.

The arrival of a rich neighbor is an important event in the lives of
country people.  The landed proprietors and the people of their
households talk about it for two months beforehand and for three years
afterwards.  As for me, I must confess that the news of the arrival of a
young and beautiful neighbor affected me strongly.  I burned with
impatience to see her, and the first Sunday after her arrival I set out
after dinner for the village of A---, to pay my respects to the Countess
and her husband, as their nearest neighbor and most humble servant.  A
lackey conducted me into the Count's study, and then went to announce
me.  The spacious apartment was furnished with every possible luxury.
Around the walls were cases filled with books and surmounted by bronze
busts; over the marble mantelpiece was a large mirror; on the floor was
a green cloth covered with carpets.  Unaccustomed to luxury in my own
poor corner, and not having seen the wealth of other people for a long
time, I awaited the appearance of the Count with some little
trepidation, as a suppliant from the provinces awaits the arrival of the
minister.  The door opened, and a handsome-looking man, of about thirty-
two years of age, entered the room.  The Count approached me with a frank
and friendly air; I endeavored to be self-possessed and began to
introduce myself, but he anticipated me.  We sat down.  His conversation,
which was easy and agreeable, soon dissipated my awkward bashfulness;
and I was already beginning to recover my usual composure, when the
Countess suddenly entered, and I became more confused than ever.  She was
indeed beautiful.  The Count presented me.  I wished to appear at ease,
but the more I tried to assume an air of unconstraint, the more awkward
I felt.  They, in order to give me time to recover myself and to become
accustomed to my new acquaintances, began to talk to each other,
treating me as a good neighbor, and without ceremony.  Meanwhile, I
walked about the room, examining the books and pictures.  I am no judge
of pictures, but one of them attracted my attention.  It represented some
view in Switzerland, but it was not the painting that struck me, but the
circumstance that the canvas was shot through by two bullets, one
planted just above the other.

"A good shot that!" said I, turning to the Count.

"Yes," replied he, "a very remarkable shot. . . .  Do you shoot well?" he

"Tolerably," replied I, rejoicing that the conversation had turned at
last upon a subject that was familiar to me.  "At thirty paces I can
manage to hit a card without fail,--I mean, of course, with a pistol
that I am used to."

"Really?" said the Countess, with a look of the greatest interest.  "And
you, my dear, could you hit a card at thirty paces?"

"Some day," replied the Count, "we will try.  In my time I did not shoot
badly, but it is now four years since I touched a pistol."

"Oh!" I observed, "in that case, I don't mind laying a wager that Your
Excellency will not hit the card at twenty paces; the pistol demands
practice every day.  I know that from experience.  In our regiment I was
reckoned one of the best shots.  It once happened that I did not touch a
pistol for a whole month, as I had sent mine to be mended; and would you
believe it, Your Excellency, the first time I began to shoot again, I
missed a bottle four times in succession at twenty paces.  Our captain, a
witty and amusing fellow, happened to be standing by, and he said to me:
'It is evident, my friend, that your hand will not lift itself against
the bottle.'  No, Your Excellency, you must not neglect to practise, or
your hand will soon lose its cunning.  The best shot that I ever met used
to shoot at least three times every day before dinner.  It was as much
his custom to do this as it was to drink his daily glass of brandy."

The Count and Countess seemed pleased that I had begun to talk.

"And what sort of a shot was he?" asked the Count.

"Well, it was this way with him, Your Excellency: if he saw a fly settle
on the wall--you smile, Countess, but, before Heaven, it is the truth--
if he saw a fly, he would call out: 'Kouzka, my pistol!'  Kouzka would
bring him a loaded pistol--bang! and the fly would be crushed against
the wall."

"Wonderful!" said the Count.  "And what was his name?"

"Silvio, Your Excellency."

"Silvio!" exclaimed the Count, starting up.  "Did you know Silvio?"

"How could I help knowing him, Your Excellency: we were intimate
friends; he was received in our regiment like a brother officer, but it
is now five years since I had any tidings of him.  Then Your Excellency
also knew him?"

"Oh, yes, I knew him very well.  Did he ever tell you of one very strange
incident in his life?"

"Does Your Excellency refer to the slap in the face that he received
from some blackguard at a ball?"

"Did he tell you the name of this blackguard?"

"No, Your Excellency, he never mentioned his name, . . .  Ah!  Your
Excellency!" I continued, guessing the truth: "pardon me . . . I did not
know . . . could it really have been you?"

"Yes, I myself," replied the Count, with a look of extraordinary
agitation; "and that bullet-pierced picture is a memento of our last

"Ah, my dear," said the Countess, "for Heaven's sake, do not speak about
that; it would be too terrible for me to listen to."

"No," replied the Count: "I will relate everything.  He knows how I
insulted his friend, and it is only right that he should know how Silvio
revenged himself."

The Count pushed a chair towards me, and with the liveliest interest I
listened to the following story:

"Five years ago I got married.  The first month--the honeymoon--I spent
here, in this village.  To this house I am indebted for the happiest
moments of my life, as well as for one of its most painful recollections.

"One evening we went out together for a ride on horseback.  My wife's
horse became restive; she grew frightened, gave the reins to me, and
returned home on foot.  I rode on before.  In the courtyard I saw a
travelling carriage, and I was told that in my study sat waiting for me
a man, who would not give his name, but who merely said that he had
business with me.  I entered the room and saw in the darkness a man,
covered with dust and wearing a beard of several days' growth.  He was
standing there, near the fireplace.  I approached him, trying to remember
his features.

"'You do not recognize me, Count?' said he, in a quivering voice.

"'Silvio!' I cried, and I confess that I felt as if my hair had suddenly
stood on end.

"'Exactly,' continued he.  'There is a shot due to me, and I have come to
discharge my pistol.  Are you ready?'

"His pistol protruded from a side pocket.  I measured twelve paces and
took my stand there in that corner, begging him to fire quickly, before
my wife arrived.  He hesitated, and asked for a light.  Candles were
brought in.  I closed the doors, gave orders that nobody was to enter,
and again begged him to fire.  He drew out his pistol and took aim. . . .
I counted the seconds. . . .  I thought of her. . . .  A terrible minute
passed!  Silvio lowered his hand.

"'I regret,' said he, 'that the pistol is not loaded with cherry-
stones . . . the bullet is heavy.  It seems to me that this is not a duel,
but a murder.  I am not accustomed to taking aim at unarmed men.  Let us
begin all over again; we will cast lots as to who shall fire first.'

"My head went round. . . .  I think I raised some objection. . . .  At last
we loaded another pistol, and rolled up two pieces of paper.  He placed
these latter in his cap--the same through which I had once sent a
bullet--and again I drew the first number.

"'You are devilish lucky, Count,' said he, with a smile that I shall
never forget.

"I don't know what was the matter with me, or how it was that he managed
to make me do it . . . but I fired and hit that picture."

The Count pointed with his finger to the perforated picture; his face
glowed like fire; the Countess was whiter than her own handkerchief; and
I could not restrain an exclamation.

"I fired," continued the Count, "and, thank Heaven, missed my aim.  Then
Silvio . . . at that moment he was really terrible . . . Silvio raised his
hand to take aim at me.  Suddenly the door opens, Masha rushes into the
room, and with a loud shriek throws herself upon my neck.  Her presence
restored to me all my courage.

"'My dear,' said I to her, 'don't you see that we are joking?  How
frightened you are!  Go and drink a glass of water and then come back to
us; I will introduce you to an old friend and comrade.'

"Masha still doubted.

"'Tell me, is my husband speaking the truth?' said she, turning to the
terrible Silvio: 'is it true that you are only joking?'

"'He is always joking, Countess,' replied Silvio: 'once he gave me a
slap in the face in a joke; on another occasion he sent a bullet through
my cap in a joke; and just now, when he fired at me and missed me, it
was all in a joke.  And now I feel inclined for a joke.'

"With these words he raised his pistol to take aim at me--right before
her!  Masha threw herself at his feet.

"'Rise, Masha; are you not ashamed!' I cried in a rage: 'and you, sir,
will you cease to make fun of a poor woman?  Will you fire or not?'

"'I will not,' replied Silvio: 'I am satisfied.  I have seen your
confusion, your alarm.  I forced you to fire at me.  That is sufficient.
You will remember me.  I leave you to your conscience.'

"Then he turned to go, but pausing in the doorway, and looking at the
picture that my shot had passed through, he fired at it almost without
taking aim, and disappeared.  My wife had fainted away; the servants did
not venture to stop him, the mere look of him filled them with terror.
He went out upon the steps, called his coachman, and drove off before I
could recover myself."

The Count was silent.  In this way I learned the end of the story, whose
beginning had once made such a deep impression upon me.  The hero of it I
never saw again.  It is said that Silvio commanded a detachment of
Hetairists during the revolt under Alexander Ipsilanti, and that he was
killed in the battle of Skoulana.




From "St. John's Eve."  Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.


[Footnote: This is one of the stories from the celebrated volume
entitled "Tales at a Farmhouse near Dikanka."]


Thoma Grigorovitch had a very strange sort of eccentricity: to the day
of his death he never liked to tell the same thing twice.  There were
times when, if you asked him to relate a thing afresh, behold, he would
interpolate new matter, or alter it so that it was impossible to
recognize it.  Once on a time, one of those gentlemen (it is hard for us
simple people to put a name to them, to say whether they are scribblers
or not scribblers: but it is just the same thing as the usurers at our
yearly fairs; they clutch and beg and steal every sort of frippery, and
issue mean little volumes, no thicker than an ABC book, every month, or
even every week),--one of these gentlemen wormed this same story out of
Thoma Grigorovitch, and he completely forgot about it.  But that same
young gentleman in the pea-green caftan, whom I have mentioned, and one
of whose Tales you have already read, I think, came from Poltava,
bringing with him a little book, and, opening it in the middle, shows it
to us.  Thoma Grigorovitch was on the point of setting his spectacles
astride of his nose, but recollected that he had forgotten to wind
thread about them, and stick them together with wax, so he passed it
over to me.  As I understand something about reading and writing, and do
not wear spectacles, I undertook to read it.  I had not turned two
leaves, when all at once he caught me by the hand, and stopped me.

"Stop! tell me first what you are reading."

I confess that I was a trifle stunned by such a question.

"What! what am I reading, Thoma Grigorovitch?  These were your very

"Who told you that they were my words?"

"Why, what more would you have?  Here it is printed: RELATED BY SUCH AND

"Spit on the head of the man who printed that! he lies, the dog of a
Moscow pedler!  Did I say that?  'TWAS JUST THE SAME AS THOUGH ONE HADN'T
HIS WITS ABOUT HIM.  Listen.  I'll tell it to you on the spot."

We moved up to the table, and he began.

          *          *          *          *

My grandfather (the kingdom of heaven be his! may he eat only wheaten
rolls and makovniki [FOOTNOTE: Poppy-seeds cooked in honey, and dried in
square cakes.] with honey in the other world!) could tell a story
wonderfully well.  When he used to begin on a tale, you wouldn't stir
from the spot all day, but keep on listening.  He was no match for the
story-teller of the present day, when he begins to lie, with a tongue as
though he had had nothing to eat for three days, so that you snatch your
cap and flee from the house.  As I now recall it,--my old mother was
alive then,--in the long winter evenings when the frost was crackling
out of doors, and had so sealed up hermetically the narrow panes of our
cottage, she used to sit before the hackling-comb, drawing out a long
thread in her hand, rocking the cradle with her foot, and humming a
song, which I seem to hear even now.

The fat-lamp, quivering and flaring up as though in fear of something,
lighted us within our cottage; the spindle hummed; and all of us
children, collected in a cluster, listened to grandfather, who had not
crawled off the oven for more than five years, owing to his great age.
But the wondrous tales of the incursions of the Zaporozhian Cossacks,
the Poles, the bold deeds of Podkova, of Poltor-Kozhukh, and
Sagaidatchnii, did not interest us so much as the stories about some
deed of old which always sent a shiver through our frames, and made our
hair rise upright on our heads.  Sometimes such terror took possession of
us in consequence of them, that, from that evening on, Heaven knows what
a marvel everything seemed to us.  If you chance to go out of the cottage
after nightfall for anything, you imagine that a visitor from the other
world has lain down to sleep in your bed; and I should not be able to
tell this a second time were it not that I had often taken my own smock,
at a distance, as it lay at the head of the bed, for the Evil One rolled
up in a ball!  But the chief thing about grandfather's stories was, that
he never had lied in all his life; and whatever he said was so, was so.

I will now relate to you one of his marvellous tales.  I know that there
are a great many wise people who copy in the courts, and can even read
civil documents, who, if you were to put into their hand a simple
prayer-book, could not make out the first letter in it, and would show
all their teeth in derision--which is wisdom.  These people laugh at
everything you tell them.  Such incredulity has spread abroad in the
world!  What then?  (Why, may God and the Holy Virgin cease to love me if
it is not possible that even you will not believe me!)  Once he said
something about witches; . . .  What then?  Along comes one of these head-
breakers,--and doesn't believe in witches!  Yes, glory to God that I have
lived so long in the world!  I have seen heretics, to whom it would be
easier to lie in confession than it would to our brothers and equals to
take snuff, and those people would deny the existence of witches!  But
let them just dream about something, and they won't even tell what it
was!  There's no use in talking about them!

          *          *          *          *


No one could have recognized this village of ours a little over a
hundred years ago: a hamlet it was, the poorest kind of a hamlet.  Half a
score of miserable izbas, unplastered, badly thatched, were scattered
here and there about the fields.  There was not an inclosure or decent
shed to shelter animals or wagons.  That was the way the wealthy lived;
and if you had looked for our brothers, the poor,--why, a hole in the
ground,--that was a cabin for you!  Only by the smoke could you tell that
a God-created man lived there.  You ask why they lived so?  It was not
entirely through poverty: almost every one led a wandering, Cossack
life, and gathered not a little plunder in foreign lands; it was rather
because there was no reason for setting up a well-ordered khata (wooden
house).  How many people were wandering all over the country,--Crimeans,
Poles, Lithuanians!  It was quite possible that their own countrymen
might make a descent, and plunder everything.  Anything was possible.

In this hamlet a man, or rather a devil in human form, often made his
appearance.  Why he came, and whence, no one knew.  He prowled about, got
drunk, and suddenly disappeared as if into the air, and there was not a
hint of his existence.  Then, again, behold, he seemed to have dropped
from the sky, and went flying about the streets of the village, of which
no trace now remains, and which was not more than a hundred paces from
Dikanka.  He would collect together all the Cossacks he met; then there
were songs, laughter, money in abundance, and vodka flowed like
water. . . .  He would address the pretty girls, and give them ribbons,
earrings, strings of beads,--more than they knew what to do with.  It is
true that the pretty girls rather hesitated about accepting his
presents: God knows, perhaps they had passed through unclean hands.  My
grandfather's aunt, who kept a tavern at that time, in which Basavriuk
(as they called that devil-man) often had his carouses, said that no
consideration on the face of the earth would have induced her to accept
a gift from him.  And then, again, how avoid accepting?  Fear seized on
every one when he knit his bristly brows, and gave a sidelong glance
which might send your feet, God knows whither; but if you accept, then
the next night some fiend from the swamp, with horns on his head, comes
to call, and begins to squeeze your neck, when there is a string of
beads upon it; or bite your finger, if there is a ring upon it; or drag
you by the hair, if ribbons are braided in it.  God have mercy, then, on
those who owned such gifts!  But here was the difficulty: it was
impossible to get rid of them; if you threw them into the water, the
diabolical ring or necklace would skim along the surface, and into your

There was a church in the village,--St. Pantelei, if I remember rightly.
There lived there a priest, Father Athanasii of blessed memory.
Observing that Basavriuk did not come to church, even on Easter, he
determined to reprove him, and impose penance upon him.  Well, he hardly
escaped with his life.  "Hark ye, pannotche!" [Footnote: Sir] he
thundered in reply, "learn to mind your own business instead of meddling
in other people's, if you don't want that goat's throat of yours stuck
together with boiling kutya."  [Footnote: A dish of rice or wheat flour,
with honey and raisins, which is brought to the church on the
celebration of memorial masses]  What was to be done with this
unrepentant man?  Father Athanasii contented himself with announcing that
any one who should make the acquaintance of Basavriuk would be counted a
Catholic, an enemy of Christ's church, not a member of the human race.

In this village there was a Cossack named Korzh, who had a laborer whom
people called Peter the Orphan--perhaps because no one remembered either
his father or mother.  The church starost, it is true, said that they had
died of the pest in his second year; but my grandfather's aunt would not
hear to that, and tried with all her might to furnish him with parents,
although poor Peter needed them about as much as we need last year's
snow.  She said that his father had been in Zaporozhe, taken prisoner by
the Turks, underwent God only knows what tortures, and having, by some
miracle, disguised himself as a eunuch, had made his escape.  Little
cared the black-browed youths and maidens about his parents.  They merely
remarked, that if he only had a new coat, a red sash, a black lambskin
cap, with dandified blue crown, on his head, a Turkish sabre hanging by
his side, a whip in one hand and a pipe with handsome mountings in the
other, he would surpass all the young men.  But the pity was, that the
only thing poor Peter had was a gray svitka with more holes in it than
there are gold-pieces in a Jew's pocket.  And that was not the worst of
it, but this: that Korzh had a daughter, such a beauty as I think you
can hardly have chanced to see.  My deceased grandfather's aunt used to
say--and you know that it is easier for a woman to kiss the Evil One
than to call anybody a beauty, without malice be it said--that this
Cossack maiden's cheeks were as plump and fresh as the pinkest poppy
when just bathed in God's dew, and, glowing, it unfolds its petals, and
coquets with the rising sun; that her brows were like black cords, such
as our maidens buy nowadays, for their crosses and ducats, of the Moscow
pedlers who visit the villages with their baskets, and evenly arched as
though peeping into her clear eyes; that her little mouth, at sight of
which the youths smacked their lips, seemed made to emit the songs of
nightingales; that her hair, black as the raven's wing, and soft as
young flax (our maidens did not then plait their hair in clubs
interwoven with pretty, bright-hued ribbons) fell in curls over her
kuntush.  [Footnote: Upper garment in Little Russia.] Eh! may I never
intone another alleluia in the choir, if I would not have kissed her, in
spite of the gray which is making its way all through the old wool which
covers my pate, and my old woman beside me, like a thorn in my side!
Well, you know what happens when young men and maids live side by side.
In the twilight the heels of red boots were always visible in the place
where Pidorka chatted with her Petrus.  But Korzh would never have
suspected anything out of the way, only one day--it is evident that none
but the Evil One could have inspired him--Petrus took it into his head
to kiss the Cossack maiden's rosy lips with all his heart in the
passage, without first looking well about him; and that same Evil One--
may the son of a dog dream of the holy cross!--caused the old graybeard,
like a fool, to open the cottage-door at that same moment.  Korzh was
petrified, dropped his jaw, and clutched at the door for support.  Those
unlucky kisses had completely stunned him.  It surprised him more than
the blow of a pestle on the wall, with which, in our days, the muzhik
generally drives out his intoxication for lack of fuses and powder.

Recovering himself, he took his grandfather's hunting-whip from the
wall, and was about to belabor Peter's back with it, when Pidorka's
little six-year-old brother Ivas rushed up from somewhere or other, and,
grasping his father's legs with his little hands, screamed out, "Daddy,
daddy! don't beat Petrus!"  What was to be done?  A father's heart is not
made of stone.  Hanging the whip again upon the wall, he led him quietly
from the house.  "If you ever show yourself in my cottage again, or even
under the windows, look out, Petro! by Heaven, your black moustache will
disappear; and your black locks, though wound twice about your ears,
will take leave of your pate, or my name is not Terentiy Korzh."  So
saying, he gave him a little taste of his fist in the nape of his neck,
so that all grew dark before Petrus, and he flew headlong.  So there was
an end of their kissing.  Sorrow seized upon our doves; and a rumor was
rife in the village, that a certain Pole, all embroidered with gold,
with moustaches, sabres, spurs, and pockets jingling like the bells of
the bag with which our sacristan Taras goes through the church every
day, had begun to frequent Korzh's house.  Now, it is well known why the
father is visited when there is a black-browed daughter about.  So, one
day, Pidorka burst into tears, and clutched the hand of her Ivas.  "Ivas,
my dear!  Ivas, my love! fly to Petrus, my child of gold, like an arrow
from a bow.  Tell him all: I would have loved his brown eyes, I would
have kissed his white face, but my fate decrees not so.  More than one
towel have I wet with burning tears.  I am sad, I am heavy at heart.  And
my own father is my enemy.  I will not marry that Pole, whom I do not
love.  Tell him they are preparing a wedding, but there will be no music
at our wedding: ecclesiastics will sing instead of pipes and kobzas.
[Footnote: Eight-stringed musical instrument.] I shall not dance with my
bridegroom: they will carry me out.  Dark, dark will be my dwelling,--of
maple wood; and, instead of chimneys, a cross will stand upon the roof."

Petro stood petrified, without moving from the spot, when the innocent
child lisped out Pidorka's words to him.  "And I, unhappy man, thought to
go to the Crimea and Turkey, win gold and return to thee, my beauty!  But
it may not be.  The evil eye has seen us.  I will have a wedding, too,
dear little fish, I too; but no ecclesiastics will be at that wedding.
The black crow will caw, instead of the pope, over me; the smooth field
will be my dwelling; the dark blue clouds my roof-tree.  The eagle will
claw out my brown eyes: the rain will wash the Cossack's bones, and the
whirlwinds will dry them.  But what am I?  Of whom, to whom, am I
complaining?  'T is plain, God willed it so.  If I am to be lost, then so
be it!" and he went straight to the tavern.

My late grandfather's aunt was somewhat surprised on seeing Petrus in
the tavern, and at an hour when good men go to morning mass; and she
stared at him as though in a dream, when he demanded a jug of brandy,
about half a pailful.  But the poor fellow tried in vain to drown his
woe.  The vodka stung his tongue like nettles, and tasted more bitter
than wormwood.  He flung the jug from him upon the ground.  "You have
sorrowed enough, Cossack," growled a bass voice behind him.  He looked
round--Basavriuk!  Ugh, what a face!  His hair was like a brush, his eyes
like those of a bull.  "I know what you lack: here it is."  Then he
jingled a leather purse which hung from his girdle, and smiled
diabolically.  Petro shuddered.  "He, he, he! yes, how it shines!" he
roared, shaking out ducats into his hand: "he, he, he! and how it
jingles!  And I only ask one thing for a whole pile of such shiners."--
"It is the Evil One!" exclaimed Petro: "Give them here!  I'm ready for
anything!"  They struck hands upon it.  "See here, Petro, you are ripe
just in time: to-morrow is St. John the Baptist's day.  Only on this one
night in the year does the fern blossom.  Delay not.  I will await thee at
midnight in the Bear's ravine."

I do not believe that chickens await the hour when the woman brings
their corn with as much anxiety as Petrus awaited the evening.  And, in
fact, he looked to see whether the shadows of the trees were not
lengthening, if the sun were not turning red towards setting; and the
longer he watched, the more impatient he grew.  How long it was!
Evidently, God's day had lost its end somewhere.  And now the sun is
gone.  The sky is red only on one side, and it is already growing dark.
It grows colder in the fields.  It gets dusky and more dusky, and at last
quite dark.  At last!  With heart almost bursting from his bosom, he set
out on his way, and cautiously descended through the dense woods into
the deep hollow called the Bear's ravine.  Basavriuk was already waiting
there.  It was so dark, that you could not see a yard before you.  Hand in
hand they penetrated the thin marsh, clinging to the luxuriant thorn
bushes, and stumbling at almost every step.  At last they reached an open
spot.  Petro looked about him: he had never chanced to come there before.
Here Basavriuk halted.

"Do you see, before you stand three hillocks?  There are a great many
sorts of flowers upon them.  But may some power keep you from plucking
even one of them.  But as soon as the fern blossoms, seize it, and look
not round, no matter what may seem to be going on behind thee."

Petro wanted to ask--and behold he was no longer there.  He approached
the three hillocks--where were the flowers?  He saw nothing.  The wild
steppe-grass darkled around, and stifled everything in its luxuriance.
But the lightning flashed; and before him stood a whole bed of flowers,
all wonderful, all strange: and there were also the simple fronds of
fern.  Petro doubted his senses, and stood thoughtfully before them, with
both hands upon his sides.

"What prodigy is this? one can see these weeds ten times in a day: what
marvel is there about them? was not devil's-face laughing at me?"

Behold! the tiny flower-bud crimsons, and moves as though alive.  It is a
marvel, in truth.  It moves, and grows larger and larger, and flushes
like a burning coal.  The tiny star flashes up, something bursts softly,
and the flower opens before his eyes like a flame, lighting the others
about it.  "Now is the time," thought Petro, and extended his hand.  He
sees hundreds of shaggy hands reach from behind him, also for the
flower; and there is a running about from place to place, in the rear.
He half shut his eyes, plucked sharply at the stalk, and the flower
remained in his hand.  All became still.  Upon a stump sat Basavriuk, all
blue like a corpse.  He moved not so much as a finger.  His eyes were
immovably fixed on something visible to him alone: his mouth was half
open and speechless.  All about, nothing stirred.  Ugh! it was horrible!--
But then a whistle was heard, which made Petro's heart grow cold within
him; and it seemed to him that the grass whispered, and the flowers
began to talk among themselves in delicate voices, like little silver
bells; the trees rustled in waving contention;--Basavriuk's face
suddenly became full of life, and his eyes sparkled.  "The witch has just
returned," he muttered between his teeth.  "See here, Petro: a beauty
will stand before you in a moment; do whatever she commands; if not--you
are lost for ever."  Then he parted the thorn-bush with a knotty stick,
and before him stood a tiny izba, on chicken's legs, as they say.
Basavriuk smote it with his fist, and the wall trembled.  A large black
dog ran out to meet them, and with a whine, transforming itself into a
cat, flew straight at his eyes.  "Don't be angry, don't be angry, you old
Satan!" said Basavriuk, employing such words as would have made a good
man stop his ears.  Behold, instead of a cat, an old woman with a face
wrinkled like a baked apple, and all bent into a bow: her nose and chin
were like a pair of nut-crackers.  "A stunning beauty!" thought Petro;
and cold chills ran down his back.  The witch tore the flower from his
hand, bent over, and muttered over it for a long time, sprinkling it
with some kind of water.  Sparks flew from her mouth, froth appeared on
her lips.

"Throw it away," she said, giving it back to Petro.

Petro threw it, and what wonder was this? the flower did not fall
straight to the earth, but for a long while twinkled like a fiery ball
through the darkness, and swam through the air like a boat: at last it
began to sink lower and lower, and fell so far away, that the little
star, hardly larger than a poppy-seed, was barely visible.  "Here!"
croaked the old woman, in a dull voice: and Basavriuk, giving him a
spade, said: "Dig here, Petro: here you will see more gold than you or
Korzh ever dreamed of."

Petro spat on his hands, seized the spade, applied his foot, and turned
up the earth, a second, a third, a fourth time. . . .  There was something
hard: the spade clinked, and would go no farther.  Then his eyes began to
distinguish a small, iron-bound coffer.  He tried to seize it; but the
chest began to sink into the earth, deeper, farther, and deeper still:
and behind him he heard a laugh, more like a serpent's hiss.  "No, you
shall not see the gold until you procure human blood," said the witch,
and led up to him a child of six, covered with a white sheet, indicating
by a sign that he was to cut off his head.  Petro was stunned.  A trifle,
indeed, to cut off a man's, or even an innocent child's, head for no
reason whatever!  In wrath he tore off the sheet enveloping his head, and
behold! before him stood Ivas.  And the poor child crossed his little
hands, and hung his head. . . .  Petro flew upon the witch with the knife
like a madman, and was on the point of laying hands on her. . . .

"What did you promise for the girl?" . . . thundered Basavriuk; and like a
shot he was on his back.  The witch stamped her foot: a blue flame
flashed from the earth; it illumined it all inside, and it was as if
moulded of crystal; and all that was within the earth became visible, as
if in the palm of the hand.  Ducats, precious stones in chests and
kettles, were piled in heaps beneath the very spot they stood on.  His
eyes burned, . . . his mind grew troubled. . . .  He grasped the knife like
a madman, and the innocent blood spurted into his eyes.  Diabolical
laughter resounded on all sides.  Misshaped monsters flew past him in
herds.  The witch, fastening her hands in the headless trunk, like a wolf
drank its blood. . . .  All went round in his head.  Collecting all his
strength, he set out to run.  Everything turned red before him.  The trees
seemed steeped in blood, and burned and groaned.  The sky glowed and
glowered. . . .  Burning points, like lightning, flickered before his eyes.
Utterly exhausted, he rushed into his miserable hovel, and fell to the
ground like a log.  A death-like sleep overpowered him.

Two days and two nights did Petro sleep, without once awakening.  When he
came to himself, on the third day, he looked long at all the corners of
his hut; but in vain did he endeavor to recollect; his memory was like a
miser's pocket, from which you cannot entice a quarter of a kopek.
Stretching himself, he heard something clash at his feet.  He looked, . . .
two bags of gold.  Then only, as if in a dream, he recollected that he
had been seeking some treasure, that something had frightened him in the
woods. . . .  But at what price he had obtained it, and how, he could by no
means understand.

Korzh saw the sacks,--and was mollified.  "Such a Petrus, quite unheard
of! yes, and did I not love him?  Was he not to me as my own son?"  And
the old fellow carried on his fiction until it reduced him to tears.
Pidorka began to tell him how some passing gypsies had stolen Ivas; but
Petro could not even recall him--to such a degree had the Devil's
influence darkened his mind!  There was no reason for delay.  The Pole was
dismissed, and the wedding-feast prepared; rolls were baked, towels and
handkerchiefs embroidered; the young people were seated at table; the
wedding-loaf was cut; banduras, cymbals, pipes, kobzi, sounded, and
pleasure was rife . . .

A wedding in the olden times was not like one of the present day.  My
grandfather's aunt used to tell--what doings!--how the maidens--in
festive head-dresses of yellow, blue, and pink ribbons, above which they
bound gold braid; in thin chemisettes embroidered on all the seams with
red silk, and strewn with tiny silver flowers; in morocco shoes, with
high iron heels--danced the gorlitza as swimmingly as peacocks, and as
wildly as the whirlwind; how the youths--with their ship-shaped caps
upon their heads, the crowns of gold brocade, with a little slit at the
nape where the hair-net peeped through, and two horns projecting, one in
front and another behind, of the very finest black lambskin; in
kuntushas of the finest blue silk with red borders--stepped forward one
by one, their arms akimbo in stately form, and executed the gopak; how
the lads--in tall Cossack caps, and light cloth svitkas, girt with
silver embroidered belts, their short pipes in their teeth--skipped
before them, and talked nonsense.  Even Korzh could not contain himself,
as he gazed at the young people, from getting gay in his old age.
Bandura in hand, alternately puffing at his pipe and singing, a brandy-
glass upon his head, the gray-beard began the national dance amid loud
shouts from the merry-makers.  What will not people devise in merry mood!
They even began to disguise their faces.  They did not look like human
beings.  They are not to be compared with the disguises which we have at
our weddings nowadays.  What do they do now?  Why, imitate gypsies and
Moscow pedlers.  No! then one used to dress himself as a Jew, another as
the Devil: they would begin by kissing each other, and ended by seizing
each other by the hair. . . .  God be with them! you laughed till you held
your sides.  They dressed themselves in Turkish and Tartar garments.  All
upon them glowed like a conflagration, . . . and then they began to joke
and play pranks. . . .  Well, then away with the saints!  An amusing thing
happened to my grandfather's aunt, who was at this wedding.  She was
dressed in a voluminous Tartar robe, and, wine-glass in hand, was
entertaining the company.  The Evil One instigated one man to pour vodka
over her from behind.  Another, at the same moment, evidently not by
accident, struck a light, and touched it to her; . . . the flame flashed
up; poor aunt, in terror, flung her robe from her, before them all. . . .
Screams, laughter, jest, arose, as if at a fair.  In a word, the old
folks could not recall so merry a wedding.

Pidorka and Petrus began to live like a gentleman and lady.  There was
plenty of everything, and everything was handsome. . . .  But honest people
shook their heads when they looked at their way of living.  "From the
Devil no good can come," they unanimously agreed.  "Whence, except from
the tempter of orthodox people, came this wealth?  Where else could he
get such a lot of gold?  Why, on the very day that he got rich, did
Basavriuk vanish as if into thin air?"  Say, if you can, that people
imagine things!  In fact, a month had not passed, and no one would have
recognized Petrus.  Why, what had happened to him?  God knows.  He sits in
one spot, and says no word to any one: he thinks continually, and seems
to be trying to recall something.  When Pidorka succeeds in getting him to
speak, he seems to forget himself, carries on a conversation, and even
grows cheerful; but if he inadvertently glances at the sacks, "Stop,
stop!  I have forgotten," he cries, and again plunges into reverie, and
again strives to recall something.  Sometimes when he has sat long in a
place, it seems to him as though it were coming, just coming back to
mind, . . . and again all fades away.  It seems as if he is sitting in the
tavern: they bring him vodka; vodka stings him; vodka is repulsive to
him.  Some one comes along, and strikes him on the shoulder; . . . but
beyond that everything is veiled in darkness before him.  The
perspiration streams down his face, and he sits exhausted in the same

What did not Pidorka do?  She consulted the sorceress; and they poured
out fear, and brewed stomach ache,[Footnote: "To pour out fear," is done
with us in case of fear; when it is desired to know what caused it,
melted lead or wax is poured into water, and the object whose form it
assumes is the one which frightened the sick person; after this, the
fear departs.  Sonyashnitza is brewed for giddiness, and pain in the
bowels.  To this end, a bit of stump is burned, thrown into a jug, and
turned upside down into a bowl filled with water, which is placed on the
patient's stomach: after an incantation, he is given a spoonful of this
water to drink.]--but all to no avail.  And so the summer passed.  Many a
Cossack had mowed and reaped: many a Cossack, more enterprising than the
rest, had set off upon an expedition.  Flocks of ducks were already
crowding our marshes, but there was not even a hint of improvement.

It was red upon the steppes.  Ricks of grain, like Cossacks' caps, dotted
the fields here and there.  On the highway were to be encountered wagons
loaded with brushwood and logs.  The ground had become more solid, and in
places was touched with frost.  Already had the snow begun to besprinkle
the sky, and the branches of the trees were covered with rime like
rabbit-skin.  Already on frosty days the red-breasted finch hopped about
on the snow-heaps like a foppish Polish nobleman, and picked out grains
of corn; and children, with huge sticks, chased wooden tops upon the
ice; while their fathers lay quietly on the stove, issuing forth at
intervals with lighted pipes in their lips, to growl, in regular
fashion, at the orthodox frost, or to take the air, and thresh the grain
spread out in the barn.  At last the snow began to melt, and the ice rind
slipped away: but Petro remained the same; and, the longer it went on,
the more morose he grew.  He sat in the middle of the cottage as though
nailed to the spot, with the sacks of gold at his feet.  He grew shy, his
hair grew long, he became terrible; and still he thought of but one
thing, still he tried to recall something, and got angry and ill-
tempered because he could not recall it.  Often, rising wildly from his
seat, he gesticulates violently, fixes his eyes on something as though
desirous of catching it: his lips move as though desirous of uttering
some long-forgotten word--and remain speechless.  Fury takes possession
of him: he gnaws and bites his hands like a man half crazy, and in his
vexation tears out his hair by the handful, until, calming down, he
falls into forgetfulness, as it were, and again begins to recall, and is
again seized with fury and fresh tortures. . . .  What visitation of God is

Pidorka was neither dead nor alive.  At first it was horrible to her to
remain alone in the cottage; but, in course of time, the poor woman grew
accustomed to her sorrow.  But it was impossible to recognize the Pidorka
of former days.  No blush, no smile: she was thin and worn with grief,
and had wept her bright eyes away.  Once, some one who evidently took
pity on her advised her to go to the witch who dwelt in the Bear's
ravine, and enjoyed the reputation of being able to cure every disease
in the world.  She determined to try this last remedy: word by word she
persuaded the old woman to come to her.  This was St. John's Eve, as it
chanced.  Petro lay insensible on the bench, and did not observe the new-
comer.  Little by little he rose, and looked about him.  Suddenly he
trembled in every limb, as though he were on the scaffold: his hair rose
upon his head, . . . and he laughed such a laugh as pierced Pidorka's heart
with fear.  "I have remembered, remembered!" he cried in terrible joy;
and, swinging a hatchet round his head, he flung it at the old woman
with all his might.  The hatchet penetrated the oaken door two vershok
(three inches and a half).  The old woman disappeared; and a child of
seven in a white blouse, with covered head, stood in the middle of the
cottage. . . .  The sheet flew off.  "Ivas!" cried Pidorka, and ran to him;
but the apparition became covered from head to foot with blood, and
illumined the whole room with red light. . . .  She ran into the passage in
her terror, but, on recovering herself a little, wished to help him; in
vain! the door had slammed to behind her so securely that she could not
open it.  People ran up, and began to knock: they broke in the door, as
though there was but one mind among them.  The whole cottage was full of
smoke; and just in the middle, where Petrus had stood, was a heap of
ashes, from which smoke was still rising.  They flung themselves upon the
sacks: only broken potsherds lay there instead of ducats.  The Cossacks
stood with staring eyes and open mouths, not daring to move a hair, as
if rooted to the earth, such terror did this wonder inspire in them.

I do not remember what happened next.  Pidorka took a vow to go upon a
pilgrimage, collected the property left her by her father, and in a few
days it was as if she had never been in the village.  Whither she had
gone, no one could tell.  Officious old women would have despatched her
to the same place whither Petro had gone; but a Cossack from Kief
reported that he had seen in a cloister, a nun withered to a mere
skeleton, who prayed unceasingly; and her fellow villagers recognized
her as Pidorka, by all the signs,--that no one had ever heard her utter
a word; that she had come on foot, and had brought a frame for the ikon
of God's mother, set with such brilliant stones that all were dazzled at
the sight.

But this was not the end, if you please.  On the same day that the Evil
One made way with Petrus, Basavriuk appeared again; but all fled from
him.  They knew what sort of a bird he was,--none else than Satan, who
had assumed human form in order to unearth treasures; and, since
treasures do not yield to unclean hands, he seduced the young.  That same
year, all deserted their earth huts, and collected in a village; but,
even there, there was no peace, on account of that accursed Basavriuk.
My late grandfather's aunt said that he was particularly angry with her,
because she had abandoned her former tavern, and tried with all his
might to revenge himself upon her.  Once the village elders were
assembled in the tavern, and, as the saying goes, were arranging the
precedence at the table, in the middle of which was placed a small
roasted lamb, shame to say.  They chattered about this, that, and the
other,--among the rest about various marvels and strange things.  Well,
they saw something; it would have been nothing if only one had seen it,
but all saw it; and it was this: the sheep raised his head; his goggling
eyes became alive and sparkled; and the black, bristling moustache,
which appeared for one instant, made a significant gesture at those
present.  All, at once, recognized Basavriuk's countenance in the sheep's
head: my grandfather's aunt thought it was on the point of asking for
vodka. . . .  The worthy elders seized their hats, and hastened home.

Another time, the church starost [Footnote: Elder] himself, who was
fond of an occasional private interview with my grandfather's brandy-
glass, had not succeeded in getting to the bottom twice, when he beheld
the glass bowing very low to him.  "Satan take you, let us make the sign
of the cross over you!" . . .  And the same marvel happened to his better-
half.  She had just begun to mix the dough in a huge kneading-trough,
when suddenly the trough sprang up.  "Stop, stop! where are you going?"
Putting its arms akimbo, with dignity, it went skipping all about the
cottage. . . .  You may laugh, but it was no laughing-matter to our
grandfathers.  And in vain did Father Athanasii go through all the
village with holy water, and chase the Devil through all the streets
with his brush; and my late grandfather's aunt long complained that, as
soon as it was dark, some one came knocking at her door, and scratching
at the wall.

Well!  All appears to be quiet now, in the place where our village
stands; but it was not so very long ago--my father was still alive--that
I remember how a good man could not pass the ruined tavern, which a
dishonest race had long managed for their own interest.  From the smoke-
blackened chimneys, smoke poured out in a pillar, and rising high in the
air, as if to take an observation, rolled off like a cap, scattering
burning coals over the steppe; and Satan (the son of a dog should not be
mentioned) sobbed so pitifully in his lair, that the startled ravens
rose in flocks from the neighboring oak-wood, and flew through the air
with wild cries.




From "The Invaders."  Translated by N. H. Dole.


(Prince Nekhiludof Relates how, during an Expedition in the Caucasus,
he met an Acquaintance from Moscow)

Our division had been out in the field.  The work in hand was
accomplished: we had cut a way through the forest, and each day we were
expecting from headquarters orders for our return to the fort.  Our
division of fieldpieces was stationed at the top of a steep mountain-
crest which was terminated by the swift mountain-river Mechik, and had
to command the plain that stretched before us.  Here and there on this
picturesque plain, out of the reach of gunshot, now and then, especially
at evening, groups of mounted mountaineers showed themselves, attracted
by curiosity to ride up and view the Russian camp.

The evening was clear, mild, and fresh, as it is apt to be in December
in the Caucasus; the sun was setting behind the steep chain of the
mountains at the left, and threw rosy rays upon the tents scattered over
the slope, upon the soldiers moving about, and upon our two guns, which
seemed to crane their necks as they rested motionless on the earthwork
two paces from us.  The infantry picket, stationed on the knoll at the
left, stood in perfect silhouette against the light of the sunset; no
less distinct were the stacks of muskets, the form of the sentry, the
groups of soldiers, and the smoke of the smouldering camp-fire.

At the right and left of the slope, on the black, sodden earth, the
tents gleamed white; and behind the tents, black, stood the bare trunks
of the platane forest, which rang with the incessant sound of axes, the
crackling of the bonfires, and the crashing of the trees as they fell
under the axes.  The bluish smoke arose from tobacco-pipes on all sides,
and vanished in the transparent blue of the frosty sky.  By the tents and
on the lower ground around the arms rushed the Cossacks, dragoons, and
artillerists, with great galloping and snorting of horses as they
returned from getting water.  It began to freeze; all sounds were heard
with extraordinary distinctness, and one could see an immense distance
across the plain through the clear, rare atmosphere.  The groups of the
enemy, their curiosity at seeing the soldiers satisfied, quietly
galloped off across the fields, still yellow with the golden corn-
stubble, toward their auls, or villages, which were visible beyond the
forest, with the tall posts of the cemeteries and the smoke rising in
the air.

Our tent was pitched not far from the guns on a place high and dry, from
which we had a remarkably extended view.  Near the tent, on a cleared
space, around the battery itself, we had our games of skittles, or
chushki.  The obliging soldiers had made for us rustic benches and
tables.  On account of all these amusements, the artillery officers, our
comrades, and a few infantry men liked to gather of an evening around
our battery, and the place came to be called the club.

As the evening was fine, the best players had come, and we were amusing
ourselves with skittles [Footnote: Gorodki].  Ensign D., Lieutenant O.,
and myself had played two games in succession; and to the common
satisfaction and amusement of all the spectators, officers, soldiers,
and servants [Footnote: Denshchiki ] who were watching us from their
tents, we had twice carried the winning party on our backs from one end
of the ground to the other.  Especially droll was the situation of the
huge fat Captain S., who, puffing and smiling good-naturedly, with legs
dragging on the ground, rode pickaback on the feeble little Lieutenant

When it grew somewhat later, the servants brought three glasses of tea
for the six men of us, and not a spoon; and we who had finished our game
came to the plaited settees.

There was standing near them a small bow-legged man, a stranger to us,
in a sheepskin jacket, and a papakha, or Circassian cap, with a long
overhanging white crown.  As soon as we came near where he stood, he took
a few irresolute steps, and put on his cap; and several times he seemed
to make up his mind to come to meet us, and then stopped again.  But
after deciding, probably, that it was impossible to remain irresolute,
the stranger took off his cap, and, going in a circuit around us,
approached Captain S.

"Ah, Guskantinli, how is it, old man?" [Footnote: Nu chto, batenka,]
said S., still smiling good-naturedly, under the influence of his ride.

Guskantni, as S. called him, instantly replaced his cap, and made a
motion as though to thrust his hands into the pockets of his jacket;
[Footnote: Polushubok, little half shuba, or fur cloak.] but on the side
toward me there was no pocket in the jacket, and his small red hand fell
into an awkward position.  I felt a strong desire to make out who this
man was (was he a yunker, or a degraded officer?), and, not realizing
that my gaze (that is, the gaze of a strange officer) disconcerted him,
I continued to stare at his dress and appearance.

I judged that he was about thirty.  His small, round, gray eyes had a
sleepy expression, and at the same time gazed calmly out from under the
dirty white lambskin of his cap, which hung down over his face.  His
thick, irregular nose, standing out between his sunken cheeks, gave
evidence of emaciation that was the result of illness, and not natural.
His restless lips, barely covered by a sparse, soft, whitish moustache,
were constantly changing their shape as though they were trying to
assume now one expression, now another.  But all these expressions seemed
to be endless, and his face retained one predominating expression of
timidity and fright.  Around his thin neck, where the veins stood out,
was tied a green woollen scarf tucked into his jacket, his fur jacket,
or polushubok, was worn bare, short, and had dog-fur sewed on the collar
and on the false pockets.  The trousers were checkered, of ash-gray
color, and his sapogi had short, unblacked military bootlegs.

"I beg of you, do not disturb yourself," said I when he for the second
time, timidly glancing at me, had taken off his cap.

He bowed to me with an expression of gratitude, replaced his hat, and,
drawing from his pocket a dirty chintz tobacco-pouch with lacings, began
to roll a cigarette.

I myself had not been long a yunker, an elderly yunker; and as I was
incapable, as yet, of being good-naturedly serviceable to my younger
comrades, and without means, I well knew all the moral difficulties of
this situation for a proud man no longer young, and I sympathized with
all men who found themselves in such a situation, and I endeavored to
make clear to myself their character and rank, and the tendencies of
their intellectual peculiarities, in order to judge of the degree of
their moral sufferings.  This yunker or degraded officer, judging by his
restless eyes and that intentionally constant variation of expression
which I noticed in him, was a man very far from stupid, and extremely
egotistical, and therefore much to be pitied.

Captain S. invited us to play another game of skittles, with the stakes
to consist, not only of the usual pickaback ride of the winning party,
but also of a few bottles of red wine, rum, sugar, cinnamon, and cloves
for the mulled wine which that winter, on account of the cold, was
greatly popular in our division.

Guskantini, as S. again called him, was also invited to take part; but
before the game began, the man, struggling between gratification because
he had been invited and a certain timidity, drew Captain S. aside, and
began to say something in a whisper.  The good-natured captain punched
him in the ribs with his big, fat hand, and replied, loud enough to be

"Not at all, old fellow [Footnote: Batenka, Malo-Russian diminutive,
little father], I assure you."

When the game was over, and that side in which the stranger whose rank
was so low had taken part, had come out winners, and it fell to his lot
to ride on one of our officers, Ensign D., the ensign grew red in the
face: he went to the little divan and offered the stranger a cigarette
by way of a compromise.

While they were ordering the mulled wine, and in the steward's tent were
heard assiduous preparations on the part of Nikita, who had sent an
orderly for cinnamon and cloves, and the shadow of his back was
alternately lengthening and shortening on the dingy sides of the tent,
we men, seven in all, sat around on the benches; and while we took turns
in drinking tea from the three glasses, and gazed out over the plain,
which was now beginning to glow in the twilight, we talked and laughed
over the various incidents of the game.

The stranger in the fur jacket took no share in the conversation,
obstinately refused to drink the tea which I several times offered him,
and as he sat there on the ground in Tartar fashion, occupied himself in
making cigarettes of fine-cut tobacco, and smoking them one after
another, evidently not so much for his own satisfaction as to give
himself the appearance of a man with something to do.  When it was
remarked that the summons to return was expected on the morrow, and that
there might be an engagement, he lifted himself on his knees, and,
addressing Captain B. only, said that he had been at the adjutant's, and
had himself written the order for the return on the next day.  We all
said nothing while he was speaking; and notwithstanding the fact that he
was so bashful, we begged him to repeat this most interesting piece of
news.  He repeated what he had said, adding only that he had been
staying at the adjutant's (since he made it his home there) when the
order came.

"Look here, old fellow, if you are not telling us false, I shall have to
go to my company and give some orders for to-morrow," said Captain S.

"No . . . why . . . it may be, I am sure," . . . stammered the stranger,
but suddenly stopped, and, apparently feeling himself affronted, contracted
his brows, and, muttering something between his teeth, again began to
roll a cigarette.  But the fine-cut tobacco in his chintz pouch began to
show signs of giving out, and he asked S. to lend him a little
cigarette.  [Footnote: PAPIROSTCHKA, diminished diminutive of PAPIROSKA,
from PAPIROS.]

We kept on for a considerable time with that monotonous military chatter
which every one who has ever been on an expedition will appreciate; all
of us, with one and the same expression, complaining of the dullness and
length of the expedition, in one and the same fashion sitting in
judgment on our superiors, and all of us likewise, as we had done many
times before, praising one comrade, pitying another, wondering how much
this one had gained, how much that one had lost, and so on, and so on.

"Here, fellows, this adjutant of ours is completely broken up," said
Captain S.  "At headquarters he was everlastingly on the winning side; no
matter whom he sat down with, he'd rake in everything: but now for two
months past he has been losing all the time.  The present expedition
hasn't been lucky for him.  I think he has got away with two thousand
silver rubles and five hundred rubles' worth of articles,--the carpet
that he won at Mukhin's, Nikitin's pistols, Sada's gold watch which
Vorontsof gave him.  He has lost it all."

"The truth of the matter in his case," said Lieutenant O., "was that he
used to cheat everybody; it was impossible to play with him."

"He cheated every one, but now it's all gone up in his pipe;" and here
Captain S. laughed good-naturedly.  "Our friend Guskof here lives with
him.  He hasn't quite lost HIM yet: that's so, isn't it, old fellow?"
[Footnote: Batenka] he asked, addressing Guskof.

Guskof tried to laugh.  It was a melancholy, sickly laugh, which
completely changed the expression of his countenance.  Till this moment
it had seemed to me that I had seen and known this man before; and,
besides the name Guskof, by which Captain S. called him, was familiar to
me; but how and when I had seen and known him, I actually could not

"Yes," said Guskof, incessantly putting his hand to his moustaches, but
instantly dropping it again without touching them.  "Pavel Dmitrievitch's
luck has been against him in this expedition, such a veine de malheur"
he added in a careful but pure French pronunciation, again giving me to
think that I had seen him, and seen him often, somewhere.  "I know Pavel
Dmitrievitch very well.  He has great confidence in me," he proceeded to
say; "he and I are old friends; that is, he is fond of me," he
explained, evidently fearing that it might be taken as presumption for
him to claim old friendship with the adjutant.  "Pavel Dmitrievitch plays
admirably; but now, strange as it may seem, it's all up with him, he is
just about perfectly ruined; la chance a tourne," he added, addressing
himself particularly to me.

At first we had listened to Guskof with condescending attention; but as
soon as he made use of that second French phrase, we all involuntarily
turned from him.

"I have played with him a thousand times, and we agreed then that it was
strange," said Lieutenant O., with peculiar emphasis on the word STRANGE
[Footnote: Stranno].  "I never once won a ruble from him.  Why was it,
when I used to win of others?"

"Pavel Dmitrievitch plays admirably: I have known him for a long time,"
said I.  In fact, I had known the adjutant for several years; more than
once I had seen him in the full swing of a game, surrounded by officers,
and I had remarked his handsome, rather gloomy and always passionless
calm face, his deliberate Malo-Russian pronunciation, his handsome
belongings and horses, his bold, manly figure, and above all his skill
and self-restraint in carrying on the game accurately and agreeably.
More than once, I am sorry to say, as I looked at his plump white hands
with a diamond ring on the index-finger, passing out one card after
another, I grew angry with that ring, with his white hands, with the
whole of the adjutant's person, and evil thoughts on his account arose
in my mind.  But as I afterwards reconsidered the matter coolly, I
persuaded myself that he played more skilfully than all with whom he
happened to play: the more so, because as I heard his general
observations concerning the game,--how one ought not to back out when
one had laid the smallest stake, how one ought not to leave off in
certain cases as the first rule for honest men, and so forth, and so
forth,--it was evident that he was always on the winning side merely
from the fact that he played more sagaciously and coolly than the rest
of us.  And now it seemed that this self-reliant, careful player had been
stripped not only of his money but of his effects, which marks the
lowest depths of loss for an officer.

"He always had devilish good luck with me," said Lieutenant O.  "I made a
vow never to play with him again."

"What a marvel you are, old fellow!" said S., nodding at me, and
addressing O.  "You lost three hundred silver rubles, that's what you
lost to him."

"More than that," said the lieutenant savagely.

"And now you have come to your senses; it is rather late in the day, old
man, for the rest of us have known for a long time that he was the cheat
of the regiment," said S., with difficulty restraining his laughter, and
feeling very well satisfied with his fabrication.  "Here is Guskof right
here,--he FIXES his cards for him.  That's the reason of the friendship
between them, old man" [Footnote: BATENKA MOI] . . . and Captain S.,
shaking all over, burst out into such a hearty "ha, ha, ha!" that he
spilt the glass of mulled wine which he was holding in his hand.  On
Guskof's pale emaciated face there showed something like a color; he
opened his mouth several times, raised his hands to his moustaches, and
once more dropped them to his side where the pockets should have been,
stood up, and then sat down again, and finally in an unnatural voice
said to S.:

"It's no joke, Nikolai Ivanovitch, for you to say such things before
people who don't know me and who see me in this unlined jacket . . .
because--" His voice failed him, and again his small red hands with
their dirty nails went from his jacket to his face, touching his
moustache, his hair, his nose, rubbing his eyes, or needlessly
scratching his cheek.

"As to saying that, everybody knows it, old fellow," continued S.,
thoroughly satisfied with his jest, and not heeding Guskof's complaint.
Guskof was still trying to say something; and placing the palm of his
right hand on his left knee in a most unnatural position, and gazing at
S., he had an appearance of smiling contemptuously.

"No," said I to myself, as I noticed that smile of his, "I have not only
seen him, but have spoken with him somewhere."

"You and I have met somewhere," said I to him when, under the influence
of the common silence, S.'s laughter began to calm down.  Guskof's mobile
face suddenly lighted up, and his eyes, for the first time with a truly
joyous expression, rested upon me.

"Why, I recognized you immediately," he replied in French.  "In '48 I had
the pleasure of meeting you quite frequently in Moscow at my sister's."

I had to apologize for not recognizing him at first in that costume and
in that new garb.  He arose, came to me, and with his moist hand
irresolutely and weakly seized my hand, and sat down by me.  Instead of
looking at me, though he apparently seemed so glad to see me, he gazed
with an expression of unfriendly bravado at the officers.

Either because I recognized in him a man whom I had met a few years
before in a dresscoat in a parlor, or because he was suddenly raised in
his own opinion by the fact of being recognized,--at all events it
seemed to me that his face and even his motions completely changed: they
now expressed lively intelligence, a childish self-satisfaction in the
consciousness of such intelligence, and a certain contemptuous
indifference; so that I confess, notwithstanding the pitiable position
in which he found himself, my old acquaintance did not so much excite
sympathy in me as it did a sort of unfavorable sentiment.

I now vividly remembered our first meeting.  In 1848, while I was staying
at Moscow, I frequently went to the house of Ivashin, who from childhood
had been an old friend of mine.  His wife was an agreeable hostess, a
charming woman, as everybody said; but she never pleased me. . . .  The
winter that I knew her, she often spoke with hardly concealed pride of
her brother, who had shortly before completed his course, and promised
to be one of the most fashionable and popular young men in the best
society of Petersburg.  As I knew by reputation the father of the
Guskofs, who was very rich and had a distinguished position, and as I
knew also the sister's ways, I felt some prejudice against meeting the
young man.  One evening when I was at Ivashin's, I saw a short,
thoroughly pleasant-looking young man, in a black coat, white vest and
necktie.  My host hastened to make me acquainted with him.  The young man,
evidently dressed for a ball, with his cap in his hand, was standing
before Ivashin, and was eagerly but politely arguing with him about a
common friend of ours, who had distinguished himself at the time of the
Hungarian campaign.  He said that this acquaintance was not at all a hero
or a man born for war, as was said of him, but was simply a clever and
cultivated man.  I recollect, I took part in the argument against Guskof,
and went to the extreme of declaring also that intellect and cultivation
always bore an inverse relation to bravery; and I recollect how Guskof
pleasantly and cleverly pointed out to me that bravery was necessarily
the result of intellect and a decided degree of development,--a
statement which I, who considered myself an intellectual and cultivated
man, could not in my heart of hearts agree with.

I recollect that towards the close of our conversation Madame Ivashina
introduced me to her brother; and he, with a condescending smile,
offered me his little hand on which he had not yet had time to draw his
kid gloves, and weakly and irresolutely pressed my hand as he did now.
Though I had been prejudiced against Guskof, I could not help granting
that he was in the right, and agreeing with his sister that he was
really a clever and agreeable young man, who ought to have great success
in society.  He was extraordinarily neat, beautifully dressed, and fresh,
and had affectedly modest manners, and a thoroughly youthful, almost
childish appearance, on account of which you could not help excusing his
expression of self-sufficiency, though it modified the impression of his
high-mightiness caused by his intellectual face and especially his
smile.  It is said that he had great success that winter with the high-
born ladies of Moscow.  As I saw him at his sister's I could only infer
how far this was true by the feeling of pleasure and contentment
constantly excited in me by his youthful appearance and by his sometimes
indiscreet anecdotes.  He and I met half a dozen times, and talked a good
deal; or, rather, he talked a good deal, and I listened.  He spoke for
the most part in French, always with a good accent, very fluently and
ornately; and he had the skill of drawing others gently and politely
into the conversation.  As a general thing, he behaved toward all, and
toward me, in a somewhat supercilious manner, and I felt that he was
perfectly right in this way of treating people.  I always feel that way
in regard to men who are firmly convinced that they ought to treat me
superciliously, and who are comparative strangers to me.

Now, as he sat with me, and gave me his hand, I keenly recalled in him
that same old haughtiness of expression; and it seemed to me that he did
not properly appreciate his position of official inferiority, as, in the
presence of the officers, he asked me what I had been doing in all that
time, and how I happened to be there.  In spite of the fact that I
invariably made my replies in Russian, he kept putting his questions in
French, expressing himself as before in remarkably correct language.
About himself he said fluently that after his unhappy, wretched story
(what the story was, I did not know, and he had not yet told me), he had
been three months under arrest, and then had been sent to the Caucasus
to the N. regiment, and now had been serving three years as a soldier in
that regiment.

"You would not believe," said he to me in French, "how much I have to
suffer in these regiments from the society of the officers.  Still it is
a pleasure to me, that I used to know the adjutant of whom we were just
speaking: he is a good man--it's a fact," he remarked condescendingly.
"I live with him, and that's something of a relief for me.  Yes, my dear,
the days fly by, but they aren't all alike," [Footnote: OUI, MON CHER,
original.] he added; and suddenly hesitated, reddened, and stood up, as
he caught sight of the adjutant himself coming toward us.

"It is such a pleasure to meet such a man as you," said Guskof to me in
a whisper as he turned from me.  "I should like very, very much, to have
a long talk with you."

I said that I should be very happy to talk with him, but in reality I
confess that Guskof excited in me a sort of dull pity that was not akin
to sympathy.

I had a presentiment that I should feel a constraint in a private
conversation with him; but still I was anxious to learn from him several
things, and, above all, why it was, when his father had been so rich,
that he was in poverty, as was evident by his dress and appearance.

The adjutant greeted us all, including Guskof, and sat down by me in the
seat which the cashiered officer had just vacated.  Pavel Dmitrievitch,
who had always been calm and leisurely, a genuine gambler, and a man of
means, was now very different from what he had been in the flowery days
of his success; he seemed to be in haste to go somewhere, kept
constantly glancing at everybody, and it was not five minutes before he
proposed to Lieutenant O., who had sworn off from playing, to set up a
small faro-bank.  Lieutenant O. refused, under the pretext of having to
attend to his duties, but in reality because, as he knew that the
adjutant had few possessions and little money left, he did not feel
himself justified in risking his three hundred rubles against a hundred
or even less which the adjutant might stake.

"Well, Pavel Dmitrievitch," said the lieutenant, anxious to avoid a
repetition of the invitation, "is it true, what they tell us, that we
return to-morrow?"

"I don't know," replied the adjutant.  "Orders came to be in readiness;
but if it's true, then you'd better play a game.  I would wager my
Kabarda cloak."

"No, to-day already" . . .

"It's a gray one, never been worn; but if you prefer, play for money.
How is that?"

"Yes, but . . . I should be willing--pray don't think that" . . . said
Lieutenant O., answering the implied suspicion; "but as there may be a
raid or some movement, I must go to bed early."

The adjutant stood up, and, thrusting his hands into his pockets,
started to go across the grounds.  His face assumed its ordinary
expression of coldness and pride, which I admired in him.

"Won't you have a glass of mulled wine?" I asked him.

"That might be acceptable," and he came back to me; but Guskof politely
took the glass from me, and handed it to the adjutant, striving at the
same time not to look at him.  But as he did not notice the tent-rope, he
stumbled over it, and fell on his hand, dropping the glass.

"What a bungler!" exclaimed the adjutant, still holding out his hand for
the glass.  Everybody burst out laughing, not excepting Guskof, who was
rubbing his hand on his sore knee, which he had somehow struck as he
fell.  "That's the way the bear waited on the hermit," continued the
adjutant.  "It's the way he waits on me every day.  He has pulled up all
the tent-pins; he's always tripping up."

Guskof, not hearing him, apologized to us, and glanced toward me with a
smile of almost noticeable melancholy, as though saying that I alone
could understand him.  He was pitiable to see; but the adjutant, his
protector, seemed, on that very account, to be severe on his messmate,
and did not try to put him at his ease.

"Well, you're a graceful lad!  Where did you think you were going?"

"Well, who can help tripping over these pins, Pavel Dmitrievitch?" said
Guskof.  "You tripped over them yourself the other day."

"I, old man, [Footnote: batiushka]--I am not of the rank and file, and
such gracefulness is not expected of me."

"He can be lazy," said Captain S., keeping the ball rolling, "but low-
rank men have to make their legs fly."

"Ill-timed jest," said Guskof, almost in a whisper, and casting down his
eyes.  The adjutant was evidently vexed with his messmate; he listened
with inquisitive attention to every word that he said.

"He'll have to be sent out into ambuscade again," said he, addressing
S., and pointing to the cashiered officer.

"Well, there'll be some more tears," said S., laughing.  Guskof no longer
looked at me, but acted as though he were going to take some tobacco
from his pouch, though there had been none there for some time.

"Get ready for the ambuscade, old man," said S., addressing him with
shouts of laughter.  "To-day the scouts have brought the news, there'll
be an attack on the camp to-night, so it's necessary to designate the
trusty lads."  Guskof's face showed a fleeting smile as though he were
preparing to make some reply, but several times he cast a supplicating
look at S.

"Well, you know I have been, and I'm ready to go again if I am sent," he
said hastily.

"Then you'll be sent."

"Well, I'll go.  Isn't that all right?"

"Yes, as at Arguna, you deserted the ambuscade and threw away your gun,"
said the adjutant; and turning from him he began to tell us the orders
for the next day.

As a matter of fact, we expected from the enemy a cannonade of the camp
that night, and the next day some sort of diversion.  While we were still
chatting about various subjects of general interest, the adjutant, as
though from a sudden and unexpected impulse, proposed to Lieutenant O.
to have a little game.  The lieutenant most unexpectedly consented; and,
together with S. and the ensign, they went off to the adjutant's tent,
where there was a folding green table with cards on it.  The captain, the
commander of our division, went to our tent to sleep; the other
gentlemen also separated, and Guskof and I were left alone.  I was not
mistaken, it was really very uncomfortable for me to have a tete-a-tete
with him; I arose involuntarily, and began to promenade up and down on
the battery.  Guskof walked in silence by my side, hastily and awkwardly
wheeling around so as not to delay or incommode me.

"I do not annoy you?" he asked in a soft, mournful voice.  So far as I
could see his face in the dim light, it seemed to me deeply thoughtful
and melancholy.

"Not at all," I replied; but as he did not immediately begin to speak,
and as I did not know what to say to him, we walked in silence a
considerably long time.

The twilight had now absolutely changed into dark night; over the black
profile of the mountains gleamed the bright evening heat-lightning; over
our heads in the light-blue frosty sky twinkled the little stars; on all
sides gleamed the ruddy flames of the smoking watch-fires; near us, the
white tents stood out in contrast to the frowning blackness of our
earth-works.  The light from the nearest watch-fire, around which our
servants, engaged in quiet conversation, were warming themselves,
occasionally flashed on the brass of our heavy guns, and fell on the
form of the sentry, who, wrapped in his cloak, paced with measured tread
along the battery.

"You cannot imagine what a delight it is for me to talk with such a man
as you are," said Guskof, although as yet he had not spoken a word to
me.  "Only one who had been in my position could appreciate it."

I did not know how to reply to him, and we again relapsed into silence,
although it was evident that he was anxious to talk and have me listen
to him.

"Why were you . . . why did you suffer this?" I inquired at last, not being
able to invent any better way of breaking the ice.

"Why, didn't you hear about this wretched business from Metenin?"

"Yes, a duel, I believe; I did not hear much about it," I replied.  "You
see, I have been for some time in the Caucasus."

"No, it wasn't a duel, but it was a stupid and horrid story.  I will tell
you all about it, if you don't know.  It happened that the same year that
I met you at my sister's I was living at Petersburg.  I must tell you I
had then what they call une position dans le monde,--a position good
enough if it was not brilliant.  Mon pere me donnait ten thousand par an.
In '49 I was promised a place in the embassy at Turin; my uncle on my
mother's side had influence, and was always ready to do a great deal for
me.  That sort of thing is all past now.  J'etais recu dans la meilleure
societe de Petersburg; I might have aspired to any girl in the city.  I
was well educated, as we all are who come from the school, but was not
especially cultivated; to be sure, I read a good deal afterwards, mais
j'avais surtout, you know, ce jargon du monde, and, however it came
about, I was looked upon as a leading light among the young men of
Petersburg.  What raised me more than all in common estimation, c'est
cette liaison avec Madame D., about which a great deal was said in
Petersburg; but I was frightfully young at that time, and did not prize
these advantages very highly.  I was simply young and stupid.  What more
did I need?  Just then that Metenin had some notoriety--"

And Guskof went on in the same fashion to relate to me the history of
his misfortunes, which I will omit, as it would not be at all

"Two months I remained under arrest," he continued, "absolutely alone;
and what thoughts did I not have during that time?  But, you know, when
it was all over, as though every tie had been broken with the past, then
it became easier for me.  Mon pere,--you have heard tell of him, of
course, a man of iron will and strong convictions,--il m'a desherite,
and broken off all intercourse with me.  According to his convictions he
had to do as he did, and I don't blame him at all.  He was consistent.
Consequently, I have not taken a step to induce him to change his mind.
My sister was abroad.  Madame D. is the only one who wrote to me when I
was released, and she sent me assistance; but you understand that I
could not accept it, so that I had none of those little things which
make one's position a little easier, you know,--books, linen, food,
nothing at all.  At this time I thought things over and over, and began
to look at life with different eyes.  For instance, this noise, this
society gossip about me in Petersburg, did not interest me, did not
flatter me; it all seemed to me ridiculous.  I felt that I myself had
been to blame; I was young and indiscreet; I had spoiled my career, and
I only thought how I might get into the right track again.  And I felt
that I had strength and energy enough for it.  After my arrest, as I told
you, I was sent here to the Caucasus to the N. regiment.

"I thought," he went on to say, all the time becoming more and more
animated,--"I thought that here in the Caucasus, la vie de camp, the
simple, honest men with whom I should associate, and war and danger,
would all admirably agree with my mental state, so that I might begin a
new life.  They will see me under fire.  [Footnote: On me verra au feu.] I
shall make myself liked; I shall be respected for my real self,--the
cross--non-commissioned officer; they will relieve me of my fine; and I
shall get up again, et vous savez avec ce prestige du malheur!  But, quel
desenchantement!  You can't imagine how I have been deceived!  You know
what sort of men the officers of our regiment are."

He did not speak for some little time, waiting, as it appeared, for me
to tell him that I knew the society of our officers here was bad; but I
made him no reply.  It went against my grain that he should expect me,
because I knew French, forsooth, to be obliged to take issue with the
society of the officers, which, during my long residence in the
Caucasus, I had had time enough to appreciate fully, and for which I had
far higher respect than for the society from which Mr. Guskof had
sprung.  I wanted to tell him so, but his position constrained me.

"In the N. regiment the society of the officers is a thousand times
worse than it is here," he continued.  "I hope that it is saying a good
deal; J'ESPERE QUE C'EST BEAUCOUP DIRE; that is, you cannot imagine what
it is.  I am not speaking of the yunkers and the soldiers.  That is
horrible, it is so bad.  At first they received me very kindly, that is
absolutely the truth; but when they saw that I could not help despising
them, you know, in these inconceivably small circumstances, they saw
that I was a man absolutely different, standing far above them, they got
angry with me, and began to put various little humiliations on me.  You
haven't an idea what I had to suffer.  [Footnote: CE QUE J'AI EUA
SOUFFRIR VOUS NE FAITES PAS UNE IDEE.] Then this forced relationship
with the yunkers, and especially with the small means that I had--I
lacked everything; [Footnote: AVEC LES PETITS MOYENS QUE J'AVAIS, JE
MANQUAIS DE TOUT] I had only what my sister used to send me.  And here's
a proof for you!  As much as it made me suffer, I with my character, AVEC
MA FIERTE J'AI ECRIS A MON PERE, begged him to send me something.  I
understand how living four years of such a life may make a man like our
cashiered Dromof who drinks with soldiers, and writes notes to all the
officers asking them to loan him three rubles, and signing it, TOUT A
VOUS, DROMOF.  One must have such a character as I have, not to be mired
in the least by such a horrible position."

For some time he walked in silence by my side.

"Have you a cigarette?" [Footnote: "Avez-vous un papiros?"] he asked me.

"And so I stayed right where I was?  Yes.  I could not endure it
physically, because, though we were wretched, cold, and ill-fed, I lived
like a common soldier, but still the officers had some sort of
consideration for me.  I had still some prestige that they regarded.  I
wasn't sent out on guard nor for drill.  I could not have stood that.  But
morally my sufferings were frightful; and especially because I didn't
see any escape from my position.  I wrote my uncle, begged him to get me
transferred to my present regiment, which, at least, sees some service;
and I thought that here Pavel Dmitrievitch, qui est le fils de
l'intendant de mon pere, might be of some use to me.  My uncle did this
for me; I was transferred.  After that regiment this one seemed to me a
collection of chamberlains.  Then Pavel Dmitrievitch was here; he knew
who I was, and I was splendidly received.  At my uncle's request--a
Guskof, vous savez; but I forgot that with these men without cultivation
and undeveloped,--they can't appreciate a man, and show him marks of
esteem, unless he has that aureole of wealth, of friends; and I noticed
how, little by little, when they saw that I was poor, their behavior to
me showed more and more indifference until they have come almost to
despise me.  It is horrible, but it is absolutely the truth.

"Here I have been in action, I have fought, they have seen me under
fire," [Footnote: On m'a vu au feu.] he continued; "but when will it all
end?  I think, never.  And my strength and energy have already begun to
flag.  Then I had imagined la guerre, la vie de camp; but it isn't at all
what I see, in a sheepskin jacket, dirty linen, soldier's boots, and you
go out in ambuscade, and the whole night long lie in the ditch with some
Antonof reduced to the ranks for drunkenness, and any minute from behind
the bush may come a rifle-shot and hit you or Antonof,--it's all the
same which.  That is not bravery; it's horrible, c'est affreux, it's
killing!"  [Footnote: Ca tue]

"Well, you can be promoted a non-commissioned officer for this campaign,
and next year an ensign," said I.

"Yes, it may be: they promised me that in two years, and it's not up
yet.  What would those two years amount to, if I knew any one!  You can
imagine this life with Pavel Dmitrievitch; cards, low jokes, drinking
all the time; if you wish to tell anything that is weighing on your
mind, you would not be understood, or you would be laughed at: they talk
with you, not for the sake of sharing a thought, but to get something
funny out of you.  Yes, and so it has gone--in a brutal, beastly way, and
you are always conscious that you belong to the rank and file; they
always make you feel that.  Hence you can't realize what an enjoyment it
is to talk a coeur ouvert to such a man as you are."

I had never imagined what kind of a man I was, and consequently I did
not know what answer to make him.

"Will you have your lunch now?" asked Nikita at this juncture,
approaching me unseen in the darkness, and, as I could perceive, vexed
at the presence of a guest.  "Nothing but curd dumplings, there's none of
the roast beef left."

"Has the captain had his lunch yet?"

"He went to bed long ago," replied Nikita, gruffly, "According to my
directions, I was to bring you lunch here and your brandy."  He muttered
something else discontentedly, and sauntered off to his tent.  After
loitering a while longer, he brought us, nevertheless, a lunch-case; he
placed a candle on the lunch-case, and shielded it from the wind with a
sheet of paper.  He brought a saucepan, some mustard in a jar, a tin
dipper with a handle, and a bottle of absinthe.  After arranging these
things, Nikita lingered around us for some moments, and looked on as
Guskof and I were drinking the liquor, and it was evidently very
distasteful to him.  By the feeble light shed by the candle through the
paper, amid the encircling darkness, could be seen the seal-skin cover
of the lunch-case, the supper arranged upon it, Guskof's sheepskin
jacket, his face, and his small red hands which he used in lifting the
patties from the pan.  Everything around us was black; and only by
straining the sight could be seen the dark battery, the dark form of the
sentry moving along the breastwork, on all sides the watch-fires, and on
high the ruddy stars.

Guskof wore a melancholy, almost guilty smile as though it were awkward
for him to look into my face after his confession.  He drank still
another glass of liquor, and ate ravenously, emptying the saucepan.

"Yes; for you it must be a relief all the same," said I, for the sake of
saying something,--"your acquaintance with the adjutant.  He is a very
good man, I have heard."

"Yes," replied the cashiered officer, "he is a kind man; but he can't
help being what he is, with his education, and it is useless to expect

A flush seemed suddenly to cross his face.  "You remarked his coarse jest
this evening about the ambuscade;" and Guskof, though I tried several
times to interrupt him, began to justify himself before me, and to show
that he had not run away from the ambuscade, and that he was not a
coward as the adjutant and Capt. S. tried to make him out.

"As I was telling you," he went on to say, wiping his hands on his
jacket, "such people can't show any delicacy toward a man, a common
soldier, who hasn't much money either.  That's beyond their strength.  And
here recently, while I haven't received anything at all from my sister,
I have been conscious that they have changed toward me.  This sheepskin
jacket, which I bought of a soldier, and which hasn't any warmth in it,
because it's all worn off" (and here he showed me where the wool was
gone from the inside), "it doesn't arouse in him any sympathy or
consideration for my unhappiness, but scorn, which he does not take
pains to hide.  Whatever my necessities may be, as now when I have
nothing to eat except soldiers' gruel, and nothing to wear," he
continued, casting down his eyes, and pouring out for himself still
another glass of liquor, "he does not even offer to lend me some money,
though he knows perfectly well that I would give it back to him; but he
waits till I am obliged to ask him for it.  But you appreciate how it is
for me to go to him.  In your case I should say, square and fair, vous
etes audessus de cela, mon cher, je n'ai pas le sou.  And you know," said
he, looking straight into my eyes with an expression of desperation, "I
am going to tell you, square and fair, I am in a terrible situation:
pouvez-vous me preter dix rubles argent?  My sister ought to send me some
by the mail, et mon pere--"

"Why, most willingly," said I, although, on the contrary, it was trying
and unpleasant, especially because the evening before, having lost at
cards, I had left only about five rubles in Nikita's care.  "In a
moment," said I, arising, "I will go and get it at the tent."

"No, by and by: ne vous derangez pas."

Nevertheless, not heeding him, I hastened to the closed tent, where
stood my bed, and where the captain was sleeping.

"Aleksei Ivanuitch, let me have ten rubles, please, for rations," said I
to the captain, shaking him.

"What! have you been losing again?  But this very evening, you were not
going to play any more," murmured the captain, still half asleep.

"No, I have not been playing; but I want the money; let me have it,

"Makatiuk!" shouted the captain to his servant, [Footnote: Denshchik.]
"hand me my bag with the money."

"Hush, hush!" said I, hearing Guskof's measured steps near the tent.

"What?  Why hush?"

"Because that cashiered fellow has asked to borrow it of me.  He's right

"Well, if you knew him, you wouldn't let him have it," remarked the
captain.  "I have heard about him.  He's a dirty, low-lived fellow."

Nevertheless, the captain gave me the money, ordered his man to put away
the bag, pulled the flap of the tent neatly to, and, again saying, "If
you only knew him, you wouldn't let him have it," drew his head down
under the coverlet.  "Now you owe me thirty-two, remember," he shouted
after me.

When I came out of the tent, Guskof was walking near the settees; and
his slight figure, with his crooked legs, his shapeless cap, his long
white hair, kept appearing and disappearing in the darkness, as he
passed in and out of the light of the candles.  He made believe not to
see me.

I handed him the money.  He said "Merci," and, crumpling the bank-bill,
thrust it into his trousers pocket.

"Now I suppose the game is in full swing at the adjutant's," he began
immediately after this.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"He's a wonderful player, always bold, and never backs out.  When he's in
luck, it's fine; but when it does not go well with him, he can lose
frightfully.  He has given proof of that.  During this expedition, if you
reckon his valuables, he has lost more than fifteen hundred rubles.  But,
as he played discreetly before, that officer of yours seemed to have
some doubts about his honor."

"Well, that's because he . . . Nikita, haven't we any of that red Kavkas
wine [Footnote: Chikir] left?" I asked, very much enlivened by Guskof's
conversational talent.  Nikita still kept muttering; but he brought us
the red wine, and again looked on angrily as Guskof drained his glass.
In Guskof's behavior was noticeable his old freedom from constraint.  I
wished that he would go as soon as possible; it seemed as if his only
reason for not going was because he did not wish to go immediately after
receiving the money.  I said nothing.

"How could you, who have means, and were under no necessity, simply de
gaiete de coeur, make up your mind to come and serve in the Caucasus?
That's what I don't understand," said he to me.

I endeavored to explain this act of renunciation, which seemed so
strange to him.

"I can imagine how disagreeable the society of those officers--men
without any comprehension of culture--must be for you.  You could not
understand each other.  You see, you might live ten years, and not see
anything, and not hear about anything, except cards, wine, and gossip
about rewards and campaigns."

It was unpleasant for me, that he wished me to put myself on a par with
him in his position; and, with absolute honesty, I assured him that I
was very fond of cards and wine, and gossip about campaigns, and that I
did not care to have any better comrades than those with whom I was
associated.  But he would not believe me.

"Well, you may say so," he continued; "but the lack of women's society,--
I mean, of course, FEMMES COMME IL FAUT,--is that not a terrible
deprivation?  I don't know what I would give now to go into a parlor, if
only for a moment, and to have a look at a pretty woman, even though it
were through a crack."

He said nothing for a little, and drank still another glass of the red

"Oh, my God, my God!  [Footnote: AKH, BOZHE MOI, BOZHE MOI.] If it only
might be our fate to meet again, somewhere in Petersburg, to live and
move among men, among ladies!"

He drank up the dregs of the wine still left in the bottle, and when he
had finished it he said: "AKH!  PARDON, maybe you wanted some more.  It
was horribly careless of me.  However, I suppose I must have taken too
much, and my head isn't very strong.  [Footnote: ET JE N'AI PAS LA TETE
FORTE.] There was a time when I lived on Morskaia Street, AU REZ-DE-
CHAUSSEE, and had marvellous apartments, furniture, you know, and I was
able to arrange it all beautifully, not so very expensively though; my
father, to be sure, gave me porcelains, flowers, and silver--a wonderful
lot.  Le matin je sortais, visits, 5 heures regulierement.  I used to go
and dine with her; often she was alone.  Il faut avouer que c'etait une
femme ravissante!  You didn't know her at all, did you?"


"You see, there was such high degree of womanliness in her, and such
tenderness, and what love!  Lord!  I did not know how to appreciate my
happiness then.  We would return after the theatre, and have a little
supper together.  It was never dull where she was, toujours gaie,
toujours aimante.  Yes, and I had never imagined what rare happiness it
was.  Et j'ai beaucoup a me reprocher in regard to her.  Je l'ai fait
souffrir et souvent.  I was outrageous.  AKH!  What a marvellous time that
was!  Do I bore you?"

"No, not at all."

"Then I will tell you about our evenings.  I used to go--that stairway,
every flower-pot I knew,--the door-handle, all was so lovely, so familiar;
then the vestibule, her room. . . .  No, it will never, never come
back to me again!  Even now she writes to me: if you will let me, I will
show you her letters.  But I am not what I was; I am ruined; I am no
longer worthy of her. . . .  Yes, I am ruined for ever.  Je suis casse.
There's no energy in me, no pride, nothing--nor even any rank. . . .
[Footnote: Blagorodstva, noble birth, nobility.]  Yes, I am ruined;
and no one will ever appreciate my sufferings.  Every one is indifferent.
I am a lost man.  Never any chance for me to rise, because I have fallen
morally . . . into the mire--I have fallen. . . ."

At this moment there was evident in his words a genuine, deep despair:
he did not look at me, but sat motionless.

"Why are you in such despair?" I asked.

"Because I am abominable.  This life has degraded me, all that was in me,
all is crushed out.  It is not by pride that I hold out, but by
abjectness: there's no dignite dans le malheur.  I am humiliated every
moment; I endure it all; I got myself into this abasement.  This mire has
soiled me.  I myself have become coarse; I have forgotten what I used to
know; I can't speak French any more; I am conscious that I am base and
low.  I cannot tear myself away from these surroundings, indeed I cannot.
I might have been a hero: give me a regiment, gold epaulets, a
trumpeter, but to march in the ranks with some wild Anton Bondarenko or
the like, and feel that between me and him there was no difference at
all--that he might be killed or I might be killed--all the same, that
thought is maddening.  You understand how horrible it is to think that
some ragamuffin may kill me, a man who has thoughts and feelings, and
that it would make no difference if alongside of me some Antonof were
killed,--a being not different from an animal--and that it might easily
happen that I and not this Antonof were killed, which is always UNE
FATALITE for every lofty and good man.  I know that they call me a
coward: grant that I am a coward, I certainly am a coward, and can't be
anything else.  Not only am I a coward, but I am in my way a low and
despicable man.  Here I have just been borrowing money of you, and you
have the right to despise me.  No, take back your money."  And he held out
to me the crumpled bank-bill.  "I want you to have a good opinion of me."
He covered his face with his hands, and burst into tears.  I really did
not know what to say or do.

"Calm yourself," I said to him.  "You are too sensitive; don't take
everything so to heart; don't indulge in self-analysis, look at things
more simply.  You yourself say that you have character.  Keep up good
heart, you won't have long to wait," I said to him, but not very
consistently, because I was much stirred both by a feeling of sympathy
and a feeling of repentance, because I had allowed myself mentally to
sin in my judgment of a man truly and deeply unhappy.

"Yes," he began, "if I had heard even once, at the time when I was in
that hell, one single word of sympathy, of advice, of friendship--one
humane word such as you have just spoken, perhaps I might have calmly
endured all; perhaps I might have struggled, and been a soldier.  But now
this is horrible. . . .  When I think soberly, I long for death.  Why
should I love my despicable life and my own self, now that I am ruined for
all that is worth while in the world?  And at the least danger, I suddenly,
in spite of myself, begin to pray for my miserable life, and to watch
over it as though it were precious, and I cannot, je ne puis pas,
control myself.  That is, I could," he continued again after a minute's
silence, "but this is too hard work for me, a monstrous work, when I am
alone.  With others, under special circumstances, when you are going into
action, I am brave, j'ai fait mes epreuves, because I am vain and proud:
that is my failing, and in presence of others. . . .  Do you know, let me
spend the night with you: with us, they will play all night long; it
makes no difference, anywhere, on the ground."

While Nikita was making the bed, we got up, and once more began to walk
up and down in the darkness on the battery.  Certainly Guskof's head must
have been very weak, because two glasses of liquor and two of wine made
him dizzy.  As we got up and moved away from the candles, I noticed that
he again thrust the ten-ruble bill into his pocket, trying to do so
without my seeing it.  During all the foregoing conversation, he had held
it in his hand.  He continued to reiterate how he felt that he might
regain his old station if he had a man such as I were to take some
interest in him.

We were just going into the tent to go to bed when suddenly a cannon-
ball whistled over us, and buried itself in the ground not far from us.
So strange it was,--that peacefully sleeping camp, our conversation, and
suddenly the hostile cannon-ball which flew from God knows where, the
midst of our tents,--so strange that it was some time before I could
realize what it was.  Our sentinel, Andreief, walking up and down on the
battery, moved toward me.

"Ha! he's crept up to us.  It was the fire here that he aimed at," said

"We must rouse the captain," said I, and gazed at Guskof.

He stood cowering close to the ground, and stammered, trying to say,
"Th-that's th-the ene-my's . . . f-f-fire--th-that's--hidi--."  Further he
could not say a word, and I did not see how and where he disappeared so

In the captain's tent a candle gleamed; his cough, which always troubled
him when he was awake, was heard; and he himself soon appeared, asking
for a linstock to light his little pipe.

"What does this mean, old man?" [Footnote: Batiushka] he asked with a
smile.  "Aren't they willing to give me a little sleep to-night?  First
it's you with your cashiered friend, and then it's Shamyl.  What shall we
do, answer him or not?  There was nothing about this in the instructions,
was there?"

"Nothing at all.  There he goes again," said I.  "Two of them!"

Indeed, in the darkness, directly in front of us, flashed two fires,
like two eyes; and quickly over our heads flew one cannon-ball and one
heavy shell.  It must have been meant for us, coming with a loud and
penetrating hum.  From the neighboring tents the soldiers hastened.  You
could hear them hawking and talking and stretching themselves.

"Hist! the fuse sings like a nightingale," was the remark of the

"Send for Nikita," said the captain with his perpetually benevolent
smile.  "Nikita, don't hide yourself, but listen to the mountain

"Well, your honor," [Footnote: VASHE VUISOKOBLAGORODIE.  German,
HOCHWOHLGEBORENER, high, well-born; regulation title of officers from
major to general] said Nikita, who was standing near the captain, "I
have seen them--these nightingales.  I am not afraid of 'em; but here was
that stranger who was here, he was drinking up your red wine.  When he
heard how that shot dashed by our tents, and the shell rolled by, he
cowered down like some wild beast."

"However, we must send to the commander of the artillery," said the
captain to me, in a serious tone of authority, "and ask whether we shall
reply to the fire or not.  It will probably be nothing at all, but still
it may.  Have the goodness to go and ask him.  Have a horse saddled.  Do it
as quickly as possible, even if you take my Polkan."

In five minutes they brought me a horse, and I galloped off to the
commander of the artillery.  "Look you, return on foot," whispered the
punctilious captain, "else they won't let you through the lines."

It was half a verst to the artillery commander's, the whole road ran
between the tents.  As soon as I rode away from our fire, it became so
black that I could not see even the horse's ears, but only the watch-
fires, now seeming very near, now very far off, as they gleamed into my
eyes.  After I had ridden some distance, trusting to the intelligence of
the horse whom I allowed free rein, I began to distinguish the white
four-cornered tents and then the black tracks of the road.  After a half-
hour, having asked my way three times, and twice stumbled over the tent-
stakes, causing each time a volley of curses from the tents, and twice
been detained by the sentinels, I reached the artillery commander's.
While I was on the way, I heard two more cannon shot in the direction of
our camp; but the projectiles did not reach to the place where the
headquarters were.  The artillery commander ordered not to reply to the
firing, the more as the enemy did not remain in the same place; and I
went back, leading the horse by the bridle, making my way on foot
between the infantry tents.  More than once I delayed my steps, as I went
by some soldier's tent where a light was shining, and some merry-andrew
was telling a story; or I listened to some educated soldier reading from
some book while the whole division overflowed the tent, or hung around
it, sometimes interrupting the reading with various remarks; or I simply
listened to the talk about the expedition, about the fatherland, or
about their chiefs.

As I came around one of the tents of the third battalion, I heard
Guskof's rough voice: he was speaking hilariously and rapidly.  Young
voices replied to him, not those of soldiers, but of gay gentlemen.  It
was evidently the tent of some yunker or sergeant-major.  I stopped

"I've known him a long time," Guskof was saying.  "When I lived in
Petersburg, he used to come to my house often; and I went to his.  He
moved in the best society."

"Whom are you talking about?" asked the drunken voice.

"About the prince," said Guskof.  "We were relatives, you see, but, more
than all, we were old friends.  It's a mighty good thing, you know,
gentlemen, to have such an acquaintance.  You see he's fearfully rich.  To
him a hundred silver rubles is a mere bagatelle.  Here, I just got a
little money out of him, enough to last me till my sister sends."

"Let's have some."

"Right away.--Savelitch, my dear," said Guskof, coming to the door of
the tent, "here's ten rubles for you: go to the sutler, get two bottles
of Kakhetinski.  Anything else, gentlemen?  What do you say?" and Guskof,
with unsteady gait, with dishevelled hair, without his hat, came out of
the tent.  Throwing open his jacket, and thrusting his hands into the
pockets of his trousers, he stood at the door of the tent.  Though he was
in the light, and I in darkness; I trembled with fear lest he should see
me, and I went on, trying to make no noise.

"Who goes there?" shouted Guskof after me in a thoroughly drunken voice.
Apparently, the cold took hold of him.  "Who the devil is going off with
that horse?"

I made no answer, and silently went on my way.

End of Project Gutenberg's Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian, by Various


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