HDLC controller


HDLC controller features

System specifications and interfaces

Check the system spec and interaces or you can download the PS file or PDF file

Core top block diagram


The VHDL code is ready in the opencores CVS. The code needs verification contact me if you are intrested in helping me.

Resource usage

Rx Channel Block: which includes HDLC Framing extraction, zero removal and conversion from serial to parallel.
Vendor Device Size Frequency  Board Tested Functional Test Notes
Altera EP20K100BC356-3 108 LCs 91.48MHz - - No optimization was peroformed, using Quartus II

Tx Channel Block: which includes HDLC Frame generation, zero insertion and conversion from parallel to serial.
Vendor Device Size Frequency  Board Tested Functional Test Notes
Altera EP20K100BC356-3 100 LCs 112.42MHz - - No optimization was peroformed, using Quartus II

HDLC controller Block: which includes both the Rx and Tx channels, FCS-16 generation and checking, 128 byte buffering for each direction and Wishbon SOC bus interface and controller registers.
Vendor Device Size Frequencies (MHz) Board Tested Functional Test Notes
Altera EP20K100BC356-3 630 LCs, 2 ESBs CLK_I=74.02,RxClk=101.86,TxClk=106.42 - - No optimization was peroformed, using Quartus II




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