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Re: [oc] Ethernet Mac

Jason Abele wrote:
> After a few weeks of lurking about the list, I am curious if there is a
> team organized to work on the Ethernet MAC yet.  If there is I would
> like to offer to assist.  I have some vhdl knowledge along with a strong
> background in software engineering.  If no one has started on this core
> yet I would be willing to start/lead a team for the MAC core.  I am a
> member of a university research lab that does system on a chip and mixed
> signal design.  We are very interested in the development of opencores
> and I will be badgering^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpursuading some of the others
> to lend a hand where possible.
> As for tools, any suggestions/comments on the usefulness of Alliance,
> SAVANT, and FreeHDL, aside from the fact that none of them can
> synthesize to Xilinx bitstreams? (my computer setup does not include M$
> products anymore than absolutely necessary)

Like the video core, I volunteer to help out with the development of the
[chip register] specification, and also volunteer to develop a Linux
kernel driver for an opencores Ethernet MAC chip...

After writing or hacking on lots of device drivers under Linux, I have
some pretty strong feelings about what _not_ to do when designing
hardware :)


Jeff Garzik              | Tact is the ability to tell a man 
Building 1024            | he has an open mind when he has a
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       | hole in his head.  (-random fortune)