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RE: [oc] cores wish list

MP3 has patent issues but the new Ogg format does not and no chips exist yet
to handle it.  This is an opportunity to start sharpening the edge :) have a
look at http://www.xiph.org/ogg/index.html for info.

	cya,	Andrew...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Liao Junwei [SMTP:scriabin@pacific.net.sg]
> Sent:	Saturday, July 15, 2000 9:56 AM
> To:	cores@opencores.org
> Subject:	[oc] cores wish list

> 3) MP3 decompression core - I do like portable MP3 players, but they cost
> way too much. If perhaps they cost US$50 or less I may consider...

> I run out of ideas for the moment. I hope others will contribute to other
> features. Maybe opencores should start a wishlist.