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[oc] problem with OCRP1 vendor

As mentioned in previous mail, we received our OCRP1 boards
(still waiting for an answer on the Mentor source...), but 
there was a snafu in the shipment and we didn't get the 
connector sets we ordered.  That's not a problem; people make
mistakes.  What *is* a problem is that we've made repeated 
efforts (more than half a dozen pieces of mail remain unanswered, 
I understand) to contact

Wilhelm Mikroelektronik GmbH http://www.wilhelm.de
   Sueggelstr. 31  -  44532 Luenen  -  Germany
  phone ++49 2306 928280  fax: ++49 2306 928289

and have received no replies.

Anyone know what's going on with these folks and why they've
suddenly clammed up?  We still want the connectors.

