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[oc] Newbie here, just introducing myself

Hello everyone!

An introduction:

My name is Richard Everett.  I work at Newton Research Labs.  I am new to
this group, and I have really just started to learn Verilog.  My target
device right now is the XC2S200, and I am using the Xilinx Webpack software
and a development board from http://www.burched.com.au/bedspartan2.html

I am currently studying:  Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and
Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar.  This was recommended to me by a friend as a
good introduction to Verilog, although he (and I now) note that it is not
heavy on actual synthesis.  I am not sure where to proceed from this book to
realize my designs...perhaps extensive reading of various Xilinx documents
will be required.

I am interested FPGA cores for motor control, image processing and pci bus
interfacing.  Anyway, thank you for reading this introduction.
