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[oc] I2C core for Altera, Xilinx and PLDs in Verilog, VHDL, Xilinx

Excellent I2C core for Altera, Xilinx and PLDs for $50.00. Im a FPGA 
designer and wacked off about two weeks from developing my own I2C 
interface. The great thing about the product was that unlike alot of 
the other I2C cores I tried the darn thing fit in an already 90% full 
Altera 7256 and worked great in interfacing to the slave PLD 
devices. This is the kind of core you can put in the smallest Xilinx 
or Altera family PLD and have a cheap interface from any 
microprocessor-microcontroller to all your I2C slave parts through 
simple registers. It will keep your microcontroller from being 
bogged down doing the I2C operation via software. Or you can 
integrate the whole thing in you larger FPGA design. The great part 
is that Im a consulting engineer and I can reuse the code without 
repaying for license fees of the I2C core I bought, and there is no 
per product royalty for using it.
The link to the company is at:

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