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Re: [oc] SDRAM controller

You should be able to do it in a large CPLD or a small FPGA.
That would cost about $25 to $35 dollars. The cost of the memory
would be about $5 for one 16Mb chip. The most expensive part would be
having the PCB done. There is a company that gives you the software
free and you upload the CAD design and they lay the board out for
$100, 2 sided.
Good luck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Daniel Haensse <daniel.haensse@a... > 
To: "cores@o... " <cores@o... > 
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 13:02:16 +0200 
Subject: [oc] SDRAM controller 

> Hi list, 
> how much would it cost to build an SDRAM controller with an FPGA to 
> work on 
> an 80186. We would need 8MB of SDRAM. 
> Thanks Dani 
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