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RE: [oc] project browser

here are my two cents
> My suggestion is that project page should display only 
> project categorys
> (Comm. controllers, Microprocessors, Video controllers,...). After
> selecting category you get a list of projects and quite detailed
> information about each project: short description, 
> programming language,
> activity and like somebody already suggested me, a progress 
> bar - image
> that would show project status. 

If you do that, then you should have on the project page also
the recent changes. Lets say you have Video controllers
and under the header there are lines with the projects that
have changed ( from coding to done etc. ) in the last weeks.
This way the project page would be shorter and one would be
able to see at a glance what has changed at opencollector
without coing to the sub pages.
with kind regards

Klaus Leiss
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