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How to increase SNR? (was Re: [oc] very very urgent)

> I hardly read this mailing list anymore, ...

This is a shame, since Rudi has contributed much to

How do we increase the signal to noise ratio of the list?

One radical option is to unsubscribe people who only
post requests to get their homework done.  The
removal could be accompanied by a polite email
explaining why they have been removed and that THEY
point is important.  The idea is not to completely
eliminate these people, but to drive home the point
that this forum involves give as well as take.
If the person is so lazy they won't do their own
homework, they will probably be too lazy subscribe

Yes, the above is extreme.  I'm not sure that I agree
with it myself!  Hopefully it will prompt someone
to come up with a better idea.

A second option is for a group of people to step forward
to educate those who abuse the list.  In my capacity
as FAQ maintainer, I went through a (brief) period of
replying to all 'homework requests', and similar, pointing
out that such emails violated the aims of the list.  It
didn't last long due to the amount of my time it chewed
up.  Perhaps if the load could be spread among more people?
An excessive work load is also a major disadvantage of idea
number one, above.

How to stop people who subscribe and make a once off
posting the day before their project is due?  My guess
is reason will not stop these people, as they are
selfish, desperate, and couldn't give a damn about
opencores and working as part of a community.  I have no
answers here.

<mount soapbox>
The SNR could also be increased by people generally using their
brain before posting to this list.  Before you send that
amazingly witty comment, sit on it for a few hours and
then realise how stupid it really is.  This is all basic
email etiquette.  Treat every email as if you are talking
to a job interviewer, or your boss.  Remember, there are
public archives of this list.  Any comments you make are
there forever, and stand a good chance of being read in
the future by those you want to impress.  Shirking homework
responsibilities or sending insults will not impress these
<umount soapbox>

Maybe that is the way to clean up this list?

1) Require every new subscriber to acknowledge the existence
   of the public archive, and for them to agree that their
   comments will be published in the archive, with no time limit.

2) Set up an auto-post, once a month, reminding people that
     a) the public archives exist
     b) the world is watching
     c) they have agreed that all postings to this list may be archived.
     d) there is *NO* way to have a posting removed from the archive.

To unsubscribe from cores mailing list please visit http://www.opencores.org/mailinglists.shtml