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RE: [ethmac] Status of Open Ethernet MAC Core / Eventual Contribution
Can you explain what you had to change.
Did you put the code to the cvs?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ethmac@opencores.org [mailto:owner-ethmac@opencores.org]On
> Behalf Of 97024 Hendra Gunawan
> Sent: 25. maj 2001 3:42
> To: Igor Mohor (uni-mb)
> Cc: Ethmac@Opencores. Org
> Subject: [ethmac] Status of Open Ethernet MAC Core / Eventual
> Contribution
> hi'
> i've already test all modules of Rx, it works, but i've made a
> litte change in rx_mac.v.
> i've made a little change on the sequence of the code, cause
> when i simulate Rx module using MOdelSim 5.4a, it didn't works, so i
> tried to made a change till it works.