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RE: [ethmac] Bug in internal DMA interface with zero-wait state slave?
Without going into details what went wrong I must tell you to update
ethernet files. eth_wishbone.v was updated just few days ago. And I had
some errors exactly there. Besides that you didn't say anything about
clock (wishbone clock, rx, tx clock).
I noticed that when wishbone clock and and tx/rx clocks are close, there
might be some difficulties due to the synchronization. I'm working on that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ethmac@opencores.org [mailto:owner-ethmac@opencores.org]On
> Behalf Of janick@opencores.org
> Sent: 22. julij 2002 19:20
> To: ethmac@opencores.org
> Subject: [ethmac] Bug in internal DMA interface with zero-wait state
> slave?
> The following MAC frame was injected through the system (wishbone)
> side:
> dst=48'hda838741157f, src=48'h833c831fdb9f, len/typ=16'h0000
> tag=16'h8100 pri=3'd1 cfi=1 vlan=12'h01c
> dsap=8'h4c, ssap=8'hfc, ctl=16'hd255
> length=0, data=
> pad=38, data= 0xe9 0xc1 0xb9 0x78 0x82 0x2e .. 0x90 0x96
> fcs=32'h6052a574 (good)
> And the following frame was received on the MII side:
> dst=48'hda838741da83, src=48'h8741157f833c, len/typ=16'h831f
> length=54, data= 0xdb 0x9f 0x81 0x00 0x30 0x1c .. 0x87 0x41
> fcs=32'h8e01eea8 (good)
> Notice how the first 4 bytes (of the dst MAC address) are repeated
> in the frame that was received on the MII interface.
> http://members.rogers.com/janick/virsim.pdf shows the waveform on the
> wishbone interface to the DMA RAM. The first read cycle is sampled
> twice, at the location of each cursors.
> Subsequent read cycles are fine.
> If I increase the number of wait state in my wishbone RAM slave model
> to >0, then everything is fine.
> My reading of the wishbone interface spec says that a zero-wait-state
> answer is perfectly valid.
> --
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