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RE: [openip] wan to join develpoers list
Hi Ashwani,
Glad to hear from you... this list has been very quiet since I registered.
I am implementing the IEEE 802.11a on an FPGA, most likely a Virtex II.
Right now I am working on the transmitter portion which is easier than the
receiver side. This standard uses a convolutional code as the FEC. If you
have or know where I can get a fast Viterbi decoder, pls inform me. This is
one of the most difficult block in this WLAN.
Looking forward to hear more about ur project!!
Chi Van
-----Original Message-----
From: soniya ku [mailto:ashwa77@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 6:48 PM
To: openip@opencores.org
Subject: [openip] wan to join develpoers list
respected sir/madam;
i am very much interested in joining the developers
group u just tell me the procedure i have to follow.
i am senior ASIC design engg.
so ple tell me in detail what type of project ur doing
and how i can contribute in that or suggest my
ideas.hope to see positive response from u .
with regards
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