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[openrisc] or32 gcc bug

The following program cannot be linked correctly (using the binutils and
gcc from open cores cvs, 02/07/2001).

int main() {

char *fmt;
int base;
                switch (*fmt) {
                case 's':
                case 'p':

                case 'n':

                case '%':

                case 'o':
                        base = 8;
                case 'd':
                case 'i':
                case 'u':

The compile command is: (libc.o is needed for __main).

17:02:57:~/c/openrisc/emu$ or32-coff-gcc -nostdlib -o switchtest \
switchtest.c libc.o
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x5c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L7'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x60):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x64):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x68):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x6c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x70):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x74):switchtest.c: more undefined references to
`L3' follow
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x158):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L9'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x15c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x160):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x164):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x168):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x16c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L10'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x170):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x174):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x178):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x17c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x180):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L6'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x184):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L8'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x188):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L6'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x18c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x190):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x194):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L6'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x198):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L3'
/tmp/ccCfa3Hu.o(.text+0x19c):switchtest.c: undefined reference to `L11'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

It seems that the problem is in gcc and not ld, since compiling with old
gcc and current ld, works, while current gcc and older ld gives the same

Matan Ziv-Av.                         matan@svgalib.org

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