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[pci] Re: Config Space


    I have FIFO design almost ready. I'm still having some difficulties on
how to implement two FIFOs in one Block SelectRAM+ for FPGA. Let me
For 40 bit wide FIFO, i need 3x16 bits ( or 2x16 + 1x8  - which is still 3 )
of width. ( widest RAM in FPGA is 16). If I do separate blocks for separate
FIFOs, there would be 12 block RAMs used - that's too much since smaller
FPGAs don't provide that many.
Off course, I could use normal memory for FIFOs, but that takes up LUTs
which means poor depth, and less space for logic.
I think I have the solution now - I just have to test it. If my solution
doesn't work, I'll come back to you for advice. ;-)

I can see, that you are more interested in PCI than WISHBONE side of the
bridge. Ovidiu said, that he'll do both master and target interfaces (
that's cool ), but no one is working on verification yet. Would you be
interested in that ( master and target compliance tests and so on )?

Have fun!

    Miha Dolenc

----- Original Message -----
From: <oliver.amft@ch.abb.com>
To: <tadej@opencores.org>; <mihad@opencores.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Config Space

> Hi Miha & Tadej
> Thanks for your response. I'm still trying to get a bit more in depth with
> specification - I've seen a lot of blocks already work in progress or
> to someone. Maybe I should stay with the advisory for the moment.
> BTW how is it going with the fifo block? Do you already have some more
> block specifications for this? Status signaling, chosen the counter
> let me know, if I can help!
> Cheers,
> Oliver
> |---------->
> |          |
> |          |
> |---------->
>   |Tadej <tadej@opencores.org>@iza.mr2.si
>   |2001-05-29 14:18
> Sent by:  tadejm@iza.mr2.si
> To:   Oliver Amft <oam@gmx.net>, pci@opencores.org
> cc:
> Subject:  Re: Config Space
> Security Level:?         Internal
> Hi Oliver!
> I talked to Miha and we will have one more DEFINE command for that. If
> you chose to have a HOST device, you can also chose not to use IMAGE 1
> for accessing the "configuration registers". that way, you can use all
> images (1 - 6) from PCI to WB.
> Thanx for suggestion
> Regards Tadej
> "Miha Dolenc" <mihad@opencores.org>@opencores.org
> 2001-05-29 10:03
> Hello!
>     About your question:
> If I understood you well, we are talking about access to extended
> configuration space when the bridge is configured as Host (WISHBONE is
> bus in a system). WISHBONE processor will take full responsibility of
> configuring the bridge and any other device residing on PCI bus. WISHBONE
> conf space BA is fixed and cannot be changed, while PCI BA must be set (by
> WISHBONE processor) to provide Read Only Access for conf space to PCI
> on certain address (default is 0x00000000). As it is, we didn't think of
> disabling this read only access to conf space.
> Maybe - we could implement Address mask register for Configuration space
> too.
> All bits, except bit 31 (enable bit) would be fixed, and Read Only access
> could be disabled by software if it wrote a value of 0 to this bit. By
> read only access for opposite side of the bridge would be disabled. (That
> would go for Host as well as Guest bridges).
> What do you think? Are we even talking about the same thing ;-) ?
> Have fun,
>         Miha Dolenc