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RE: [pci] WebPack 5.2 project files

Hi all!

I have put 'project file' and the 'ucf' to the CVS. On the PCI project page
is also a link to both files (path: pci/apps/crt/syn/webpack/).

Best regards,

>>>>> "Tadej" ==   <tadej@opencores.org> writes:

    Tadej> Hi!  Probably I missed that mail somehow. I'm sorry. Please, can
    Tadej> you send it to me too, and I'll put it to PCI project page.

    Tadej> Best regards, Tadej

    Tadej> NB: my mail is tadej@opencores.org

Here comes the project file and the ucf.
Uwe Bonnes                bon@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

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