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[usb] dout of usb 1.1 function core


I am a little confused with your USB 1.1 Function IP Core.In usb1_core.v,

// In endpoints only
always @(posedge clk_i)
	case(ep_sel)	// synopsys full_case parallel_case
	   4'h0:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep0_dout;
	   4'h1:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep1_din;   // why not ep1_dout?
	   4'h2:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep2_din;
	   4'h3:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep3_din;
	   4'h4:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep4_din;
	   4'h5:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep5_din;
	   4'h6:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep6_din;
	   4'h7:	tx_data_st <= #1 ep7_din;

epn_din is input wire,which should not connected to assigned to an output 
port,isn't it?I think the data stream will flow from epn_dout to PL module 
via tx_data_st.

Similar dout to the following code in the same file.

assign ep1_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep2_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep3_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep4_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep5_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep6_dout = rx_data_st;
assign ep7_dout = rx_data_st;

Please clarify them.



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