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Re: [usb] Handshake to OUT transaction
** Proprietary **
from ur mail, i feel u r the user(on OS side) of that core.
as far as i understand, core functionality might be like below.
whenever the FIFO is full, a FIFO full signal(let's say fifo_full) will be active. this signal might be causing an interrupt to the core processor(CPU). upon receivng this interrupt, CPU might be halting it's present operation and responding to this interrupt by jumping to a sub-routine(Interrupt Service Routine). in that ISR, NAK reply instructions might be present. so, u r seeing this NAK as a reply to the last 64byte OUT transaction. "fifo_full" signal will not be active if only 63 bytes are sent.
now the question is why it has to NAK? the answer can be as follows.
normally cores provide FIFO depth which is greater than their max packet size. here it's 256 though max packet size is 64. it's necessary because core might be slower than the USB speed i.e., core might not have processed the 1st 64 bytes while the next 64bytes arrive. instead of NAKing the 2nd packet, it might retain(since FIFO depth is larger than max packet size) the 2nd one also by ACKing. similarly with 3rd packet also. now when 4rth packet arrives, core might not have finished processing the 1st packet still. that's why core might want to take a precautionary measure at this point of time by NAKing.
hope u have understood the probable functionality of the core.
from the user point of view, u can't do anything if above is the case except that u have to change the core logic according to ur requirements.
...Vikas Rao.
>>> Ilja_Alekssev@mail.ru 01/16/03 06:19PM >>>
i can't understud this phenomen:
my configuration of EndPoint:
EP1 -IN Bulk MaxPacket size - 64
size of EP1 FIFO 256 byte
EP2 -OUT Bulk MaxPacket size - 64
size of EP2 FIFO 256 byte
when i write OUT in EP2 3 packet with PID sequence DATA0-1-0 core say
me with
ACK handshake. and all 3 packet (total 64*3 bytes) fit in EP2 FIFO
after that in EP2 FIFO is 64 bytes free space.
and when i write OUT to EP2 packet with PID DATA1 (size of packet: 64
byte) core
say me NAK! But all last 64 byte (from last packet) in EP2 FIFO fit
in write-time(EP2_WE is Hi) of last byte in Last packet EP2_Full is
If i make 3 time write 64 bytes and 1 time 63 byte, core say me 4 time
ACK and
64*3+63 bytes fit in EP2 FIFO.
256 byte sucessfuly writed to EP2 FIFO but USB core say me NAK to last
transaction ! is this right?
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