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Re: [video] Conversion ITU601/656

Sorry, I cannot help you but may be u can help me. Could you forward 
me ITU656 specifications today, if possible. I need for an interview 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "masty" <masty73@l... > 
To: <video@o... >, "Federico" 
<federico.paolobello@a... > 
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 22:14:30 +0100 
Subject: [video] Conversion ITU601/656 

> Hello, 
> I'm a student in electronic engineering, I've recently begun my 
> thesis work that consists in a video digital system. 
> I've a problem and maybe someone of you could help me. 
> I've a 16 bit ITU-601 13,5Mhz digital stream available in the input 
> of my video system with Horizontal Sync, Vertical Sync, and Field 
> Sync. I need to convert it into an 8 bit ITU-601 27MHz digital 
> stream with separated H-Sync, V-Sync, Field-Sync or, alternatively, 
> into a ITU-656 27Mhz stream. 
> My idea is to use an 8bit-MUX 2:1 that alternatively takes the 
> Cr-Y-Cb-Y samples from the 2x8 bits input stream. The problem is 
> the syncronization: I need that the first 8 bit sample of the field 
> must be the sample Cr0, and the mux could change the first sample 
> into Y0 randomly. 
> I also need a microchip who could convert an ITU656 into DVI to 
> drive an LCD monitor. Does anybody knows something? 
> Thanks in advance for your help, 
> masty73@l...  
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