DeSiDeRaTa: Resource and QoS Management for Dynamic, Scalable, Dependable Real-Time Systems

(manual for use of distributed QoS and resource management middleware)

Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Real-time Systems

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of Texas at Arlington


This work was sponsored in part by DARPA/NCCOSC contract N66001-97-C-8250, and by NSWC/NCEE contracts NCEE/A303/41E-96 and NCEE/A303/50A-98.

1 Introduction *

2 DeSiDeRaTa System Architecture *

3 Installation *

3.1 System Requirements *

3.2 Setup for Windows NT *

4 Running the Resource Management Software * 4.1 NT Platform * 5 Readme files * 5.1 Name Server *

5.2 Program Control *

5.3 Startup Daemon *

5.4 System Broker *

5.5 Hardware Monitor *

5.6 Hardware Broker *

5.7 Hardware Analyzer *

5.8 Resource Manager *

5.9 QoS Manager *

5.10 QoS Manager HCI *

6 Appendix: The Dynamic Real-time Path Paradigm *

7 Desiderata (a poem) *

8 Computing Desiderata (another poem) *

  1. Introduction

  2. The DeSiDeRaTa project is producing technology to enable the engineering of the emerging generation of distributed real-time systems. Such systems have rigorous Quality of Service (QoS) objectives. They must behave in a dependable manner, respond to threats in a timely fashion and provide continuous availability within hostile environments. Furthermore, resources should be utilized in an efficient manner, and scalability must be provided to address the ever-increasing complexity of scenarios that confront such systems. To provide the desired QoS in such a context, efforts are focusing on the following aspects: i) QoS specification, ii) QoS metrics, iii) dynamic QoS management, and iv) benchmarking. The project is called DeSiDeRaTa, for its applicability to Dynamic, Scalable, Dependable, Real-Time systems.

    The DeSiDeRaTa project is providing innovative QoS management technology which incorporates knowledge of needs in the distributed shipboard computing systems domain. The technology includes a specification language and dynamic QoS management software that support dynamic, path-based systems. Additionally, knowledge of the shipboard computing domain is being used to produce a distributed shipboard computing benchmark.

    "Dynamic paths" have proven useful for manual QoS assessment and resource allocation during the engineering of the Navy's distributed AAW prototype within the HiPer-D testbed. Thus, DeSiDeRaTa technology supports the dynamic path concept for automated QoS assessment and resource allocation. A dynamic path is a very large-grain entity which has evolved from the study of distributed shipboard computing systems. Dynamic paths typically consist of sensors, actuators, and control software for filtering, evaluating, and acting. The paths may have timing constraints, may have widely varying dynamic behavior, may be scalable and fault tolerant. DeSiDeRaTa provides a solution for dynamic QoS management for systems composed of dynamic paths (see Appendix for definition of the dynamic path paradigm).

    Path-level QoS specification is used by the adaptive resource allocator, to determine if the current configuration is achieving the desired QoS and to assist in selecting new configurations to improve QoS. This is significantly different than other approaches to assessment in the sense that it is performed dynamically, and is performed at a much larger granularity.

    DeSiDeRaTa differs from previous work in that it accounts for the complex features of dynamic real-time systems. These features include previously overlooked issues with respect to granularity, variable periods, sporadic processes, priorities, fault management and scalability.

    The logical architecture of the DeSiDeRaTa QoS management software is shown in Figure 1. It behaves as follows. The application programs of real-time control paths send time-stamped events to the QoS metrics component, which calculates path-level QoS metrics and sends them to the QoS monitor. The monitor checks for conformance of observed QoS to required QoS, and notifies the QoS diagnosis component when a QoS violation occurs. The diagnoser notifies the action selection component of the cause(s) of poor QoS and recommends actions (e.g., move a program to a different host or LAN, shed a program, or replicate a program) to improve QoS. Action selection ranks the recommended actions, identifies redundant actions, and forwards the results to the allocation analysis component; this component consults resource discovery for host and LAN load index metrics and determines a good way to allocate the hardware resources in order to perform the actions, and requests the actions be performed by the allocation enactment component.

    Figure 1. Logical architecture of the resource and QoS management software.


  3. DeSiDeRaTa System Architecture

The evaluation copy of the DeSiDeRaTa software (see Figure 2) consists of the following components:

The evaluation copy of the middleware has been developed on the distributed testbed shown in Figure 3. An example mapping of the middleware to the hardware is shown in Figure 4. The DynBench benchmark has been used to test the middleware. A mapping of a portion of the benchmark applications is shown in Figure 5. The use of the middleware for benchmark startup, dynamic QoS and resource management, and survivability management is shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8, respectively.


  1. Installation
    1. System Requirements
The Windows NT components are installed via an installation disk.
    1. Setup for Windows NT file contains window?s setup program. Unzip the file using WinZip and run the setup program. This setup program will create a directory structure as shown below.







The names of the directories have been defined to be self-explanatory. The directories of greatest importance are desiderata/bin, desiderata/specfiles, and desiderata/docs. The executables of the DeSiDeRaTa middleware are contained in the 'bin' directory. Following installation, the spec-files in the specfiles directory must be changed to reflect the configuration of the distributed hardware which is to be managed by the resource manager (for information on how to do this, refer to the manual for D-Spec, DeSiDeRaTa?s specification language.). The setup program will also create a folder on your desktop containing shortcuts to all of the programs.

  1. Running the Resource Management Software



    1. NT Platform
  1. Set the environment variable "RMSPECDIR" to "c:\Desiderata\specfiles" or the name you used during installation. ( in "control panel" select "system" and then click on "Environment" and add the variable "RMSPECDIR".)
  2. Update the specfiles to meet your hardware profiles, for further instruction please read the D-spec manual.
  3. Update the command line arguments for each shortcut in the "DesiderataX_X" folder. You should only need to change the "nameserver host" to the actual host name where you will run the "NameServer" program. For further help on command line arguments read the man page on "NameServer".
  4. To run the Middle-Ware manually follow these steps.
After about a 10 second delay you should see the tracks in the RadarConsole. Also read the Desiderata Manuals on how to use the HCI to see the latencies of the programs.

5. To run the Middle-Ware automatically follow these steps.

After about a 10 second delay you should see the tracks in the RadarConsole. Also read the Desiderata Manuals on how to use the HCI to see the latencies of the programs
  1. Readme files



    1. Name Server

    2. NAME

      NS - Name Server


      NS <port>


      The Name Server records the host name on which each program is running. Additionally, it keeps track of the communication ports used by each program. When programs initialize, they register with the name server, and when they establish communications with other programs, they first determine the locations and port numbers of those programs by consulting the name server.


      <port> - the port on which the name server listens.

    3. Program Control

    4. NAME

      PC - program control


      PC [unique-name] [resource-mgr name]

      [name server host] [name server port]


      When resource manager needs to start/stop a program on a particular host, it informs program control, which requests the startup daemon on that host to start (or stop) the program. When a program terminates abnormally, program control is notified by the startup daemon which started the program; subsequently, program control notifies resource manager.


      [unique-name] is the name that will identify PC.

      [resource-mgr name] the name of the resource manager.

      [name server host] the host on which the name server is running.

      [name server port] The port number on which name server is listening.

    5. Startup Daemon

    6. NAME

      SD - Starup Daemon


      SD [program control] [name-server host]

      [name-server port]


      Start and stop application programs under direction of program control. There is one startup daemon on each host.


      [program control] the name of the program control application.

      [name-server host] the host were the name server is running.

      [name-server port] the port were the name server is listening.

    7. System Broker

    8. NAME

      SB - System Broker


      SB <unique-name> <name-server-host> <name-server-port>


      A server that provides to clients information from the system specification.


      unique-name : Unique name given to the System Broker

      that will be used by the clients to connect to it (e.g., SB).

      name-server-host : The host name of the name server host.

      name-server-port : The port that binds the name server service.

    9. Hardware Monitor

    10. NAME

      HM - Hardware Monitor


      Run program. Select ?hostmon? from the System menu. Enter the following parameters <name_server_host> <name_server_port> <Hostbroker_name> <reporting interval>


      A daemon that resides on each host. Periodically gathers elementary load metrics for hosts and LANS, and passes this information to the Hardware Broker. Metrics gathered include: CPU queue length, free memory, context switches, CPU idle percentage, Unix load average, communication in, and communication out.


      reporting_interval: The report interval time, in seconds.

      server_name: The name of Hardware Broker (the server to which

      data is periodically sent).

      name_server_host: The host name of the name server host

      name_server_port: The port that binds to name server service

    11. Hardware Broker

    12. NAME

      HB - Hardware Broker


      HB <unique-name> <reporting-interval>

      <name-server-host> <name-server-port>


      Collects elementary load metrics from hardware monitors, and uses these to calculate an (aggregate) load index for each host. Periodically sends the host load indexes to the hardware analyzer.


      unique-name: The unique name of Hardware Broker

      reporting_interval: The periodic report interval, in seconds

      name_server_host: The host name of the name server host

      name_server_port: The port that binds to name server service

    13. Hardware Analyzer

    14. NAME

      HA - Hardware Analyzer


      HA <name_server_host> <name_server_port>

      <resource-manager> <hardware-broker> [-log]


      Provides a sorted list of host load indexes in response to client requests.


      name_server_host: The host name of the name server host

      name_server_port: The port that binds to name server service

      resource-manager: The unique name of resource manager

      hardware-broker: The unique name of hardware-broker


      -log: Log all messages and actions to analyzer.dat for debug


    15. Resource Manager

    16. NAME

      RM - Resource Manager


      RM <unique-name> <Name-server-host>

      <name-server-port> <algorithm choice>


      It is activated when programs die and when time-constrained control paths are missing their deadlines. In response to these events, it determines how to reallocate hardware resources to improve the real-time and survivability qualities of service.


      unique-name : A unique name give to the resource manager that will be

      used by all the clients to connect to it (e.g., RM).

      name_server_host: The host name of the name server host

      name_server_port: The port that binds to name server service

      algorithm choice: There are various algorithms implemented in RM.

      7 must be selected. This is a facility for

      allowing a choice of diagnosis algorithms.

      Only one algorithm is provided in the evaluation copy.

    17. QoS Manager

    18. NAME

      QM - QoS Manager


      QM QM running_mode RM SB nameserver-hostname

      nameserver-port# pathID forecasting_flag



      Detects if a real-time application path becomes unhealthy (misses its deadline), diagnoses the cause of poor health, and suggests corrective action (such as moving or replicating an application program) to the resource manager.


      QM - The unique name of the QoS Manager.

      running_mode - The running mode is set to P for profiling and is set to N for no

      profiling. In profiling mode, QM does not report to RM and a log file regarding path performance is generated. This can be used to profile applications usage.

      RM - The unique name of the Resource Manager.

      SB - The unique name of the System Broker.

      nameserver-hostname - The name of the host on which the name server is


      nameserver-port# - The port on which the name server is listening, e.g., 7300.

      pathID - The fully qualified identifier of the path that the QoS Manager is to

      monitor,e.g., D:B:Sensing.

      forecasting_flag - There are two options of this flag; use ?F? for forecasting to be performed; use ?N? for forecasting not to be performed.

      Connection_to_RM - Y or N. By default it is set to Y ( QM connects to RM )


      1. The following is an example using QM to monitor a sensing path (D:B:Sensing), no profiling, with the name server running on nujersy, port 7300.

      example% QM N RM SB nujersy 7300 D:B:Sensing

    19. QoS Manager HCI

    HCI - Human Computer Interface


    HCI runs on a Windows NT machine. It establishes communication

    connections (as a server) with Resource Manager, QoS Managers, and System Broker. It displays data pertaining to host-program allocation, dynamic real-time path structure and QoS (required and actual), and host load information. It also allows control over the benchmark applications---they can be terminated individually through the HCI "host" window.

    TO USE

    Instructions for starting and using the QoS Manager HCI are contained in the following pages.

    NOTE: Before starting the HCI, make sure you have registered the dGraph.ocx with Windows NT. (The installation program will register this OCX file for you, but if you change its path/directory later, you need to re-register it by yourself.) Use the "regsvr32 dGraph.ocx" command in the appropriate directory to do this, and you only need to register once.

    Step 1:

    Start the HCI program (via the windows run menu, or by double-clicking the HCI icon).

    Select File|Connect menu (see Figure 9).

    Step 2:

    Input name server's host name and port number and connect to System Broker. After connecting successfully, you can see menu items in the pull-dpwn menus for Subsystems, Paths and Networks.

    Step 3:

    Select Hosts|Host View menu to invoke Host View window. Then you can view all available hosts defined in the networks. And you can see "hci connected" message in RM?s Xterm console.

    Step 4:

    Select StartSystems|[SystemName] menu to start a system. Then you will see RM start all applications of that system .

    Step 5:

    Select Path|[PathName] menu to invoke path window. Then you will see all applications of the sample path.

    Step 6:

    To view dynamic plotting of path-level real-time QoS, in the Path window, press the right mouse button to invoke the context menu; select Plot Dynamic Data.

    Step 7:

    To view text messages pertaining to resource management (RM) decision-making, select the Console|RM Events menu option.

    The window below shows the result of the previous steps. It also shows how to kill a benchmark application program. A kill is done by selecting a program in the host view window, clicking the right mouse button to invoke the context menu, and selecting Kill from the menu.

  3. Appendix: The Dynamic Real-time Path Paradigm

  4. This section presents the dynamic real-time path paradigm. A path-based real-time subsystem (see Figure 16) typically consists of a situation assessment path, an action initiation path and an action guidance path. The paths interact with the environment via evaluating streams of data from sensors, and by causing actuators to respond (in a timely manner) to events detected during evaluation of sensor data streams. The system operates in an environment that is either deterministic, stochastic or dynamic. A deterministic environment exhibits behavior that can be characterized by a constant value. A stochastic environment behaves in a manner that can be characterized by a statistical distribution. A dynamic environment (e.g., a war-fighting environment) depends on conditions which cannot be known in advance.

    A (partial) air defense subsystem can be modeled using three dynamic paths: threat detection, engagement, and missile guidance. The threat detection path examines radar sensor data (radar tracks) and detects potential threats. The path consists of a radar sensor, a sensor data stream, a filtering program and an evaluation program. When a threat is detected and confirmed, the engagement path is activated, resulting in the firing of a missile to engage the threat. After a missile is in flight, the missile guidance path uses sensor data to track the threat, and issues guidance commands to the missile. The missile guidance path involves sensor hardware, software for filtering, software for evaluating & deciding, software for acting, and actuator hardware.

    The remainder of this section describes the features of dynamic real-time paths. Recall that a path may be one of three types: situation assessment, action initiation, or action guidance. The first path type, situation assessment, continuously evaluates the elements of a sensor data stream to determine if environmental conditions are such that an action should be taken (if so, the action initiation path is notified). Thus, this type of path is called continuous. Typically, there is a timeliness objective associated with completion of one review cycle of a continuous path, i.e., on the time to review all of the elements of one instance of a data stream. (Note: A data stream is produced by sampling the environment. One set of samples is called a data stream instance.)

    The threat detection path of the air defense system is an example of a continuous path. It is a sensor-data-stream-driven path, with desired end-to-end cycle latencies for evaluation of radar track data. If it fails to meet the desired timeliness Quality of Service in a particular cycle, the path must continue to process track data, even though desired end-to-end latencies cannot be achieved. Peak loads cannot be known in advance for the threat detection path, since the maximum number of radar tracks can never be known. Furthermore, average loading of the path is a meaningless notion, since the variability in the sensor data stream size is very large (it may consist of zero tracks, or it may consist of thousands of tracks).

    The second path type, action initiation, is driven by a stream of events sent by a continuous (situation assessment) path. It uses inputs from sensors to determine which actions should be taken and how the actions should be performed, notifies actuators to start performing the actions, and informs the action guidance path that an action has been initiated. We call this type of path transient, since it performs work in response to events. Typically, a timing objective is associated with the completion of the initiation sequence. The importance of the timing objective for a transient path is often very high, since performance of an action may be mission-critical or safety-critical.

    For example, the engagement path of the air defense example is a transient path. It is activated by an event from the threat detection path, and has a QoS objective of end-to-end timeliness. The real-time QoS of this path has a higher priority than the real-time QoS of the continuous threat detection path.

    The third path type, action guidance, is activated by an action initiation event, and is deactivated upon completion of the action. Action guidance repeatedly uses sensor inputs to monitor the progress of an actuator, to plan corrective actions needed to guide the actuator to its goal, and to issue commands to the actuator. This type of path is called quasi-continuous, since it behaves like a continuous path when it is active. A quasi-continuous path has two timeliness objectives: (1) cycle completion time: the duration of one iteration of the "monitor, plan, command" loop, and (2) action completion time (or deactivation time): the time by which the action must complete in order for success. Note that it is more critical to perform the required processing before the action completion deadline than it is to meet the completion time requirement for every cycle (although the two deadlines are certainly related). Thus, it is acceptable for the completion times of some cycles to violate the cycle deadline requirement, as long as the desired actions are successfully completed by the deactivation deadline.

    The missile guidance path of the air defense example is a quasi-continuous path. It is activated by the missile launch event. Once activated, the path continuously issues guidance commands to the missile until it detonates (the deactivation event). The required completion time for one iteration is dynamically determined, based on characteristics of the threat. If multiple threat engagements are active simultaneously, the threat engagement path is responsible for issuing guidance commands to all missiles that have been launched.


  5. Desiderata (a poem)

  6. Go placidly amid the noise and the haste

    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender,

    be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly

    and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant.

    They too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

    they are vexations to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others

    you may become vain or bitter,

    for always there will be greater

    and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

    Keep interested in your own career, however humble,

    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs,

    for the world is full of trickery.

    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is.

    Many persons strive for high ideals,

    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.

    Especially do not feign affection

    neither be cynical about love,

    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,

    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune

    but do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentile with yourself.

    You are a child of the universe

    no less than the trees and the stars;

    you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you,

    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,

    whatever you conceive him to be,

    and whatever your labors and aspirations,

    in the noise and confusion of life,

    keep peace in your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,

    it is still a beautiful world.

    Be cheerful,

    Strive to be happy.

    ["Desiderata" was written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann (1872-1945).]

  7. Computing Desiderata (another poem)
Go placidly amid the hardware faults and the QoS violations

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender,

be on good terms with all users .

Speak your resource management policies quietly and clearly

and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant.

They too have their policies.

Avoid malicious and aggressive programs,

they are vexations to the system .

If you compare yourself with others

you may become vain or bitter,

for always there will be greater

and lesser algorithms than yours.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own computer, however humble,

it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your network transactions,

for the internet is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is.

Many persons strive for high ideals,

and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.

Especially do not feign affection

neither be cynical about love,

for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the Microsoft,

gracefully surrendering the things of Unix.

Nurture redundancy of resources to shield you in sudden misfortune

but do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

Many fears are born of over-utilization and idleness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentile with your applications.

You are a child of the information age

no less than the microwaves and the palm pilots;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the age is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with your computing paradigm,

whatever you conceive it to be,

and whatever your requirements and objectives,

in the noise and confusion of dynamic computing environments,

maximize QoS in your system.

With all its unpredictability, faults and violated QoS requirements,

it is still a beautiful domain.

Be optimal,

Strive to have happy applications and users.