2013/10/05 08:24:52 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Motorway exit 42 Nattvalkrysset (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.15503&mlon=10.18682&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2013/10/05 08:24:52 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Motorway exit null (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.43415&mlon=10.66521&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2013/10/05 08:24:52 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Motorway exit null (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.51386&mlon=10.20364&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Style uses tag 'display_name' which is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use the new tag 'mkgmap:display_name' instead. 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Roundabout 79897260 direction is wrong - reversing it (see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.42211&mlon=10.67618&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Roundabout 38834172 has reverse oneway tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.12777&mlon=10.14163&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Roundabout 38834021 has reverse oneway tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.12593&mlon=10.14611&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Roundabout 122649122 has reverse oneway tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.13552&mlon=10.21280&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Roundabout segment 122649122 direction looks wrong (see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.13552&mlon=10.21280&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way Teigenveien (OSM id 4442245) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.37979&mlon=10.74974&zoom=17 2013/10/05 08:24:54 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013590.osm.pbf: Pruning point[9]