2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Way Hochburger Straße (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/39065843) has short arc (4.78m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.12012&mlon=7.85576&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Way (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/135204375) has short arc (2.39m) at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.30779&mlon=7.86621&zoom=17 - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes! 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 288857054 replaced by ignored CoordPOI 1245229212 in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/48337369 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 2046101171 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/194297585 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: CoordPOI 2046101202 replaced by simple coord in way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/194297586 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way (OSM id 40472194) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.26350&mlon=7.72103&zoom=17 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Pruning point[4] 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way (OSM id 40471920) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.26442&mlon=7.72107&zoom=17 2013/11/01 05:15:23 WARNING (StyledConverter): 70013006.osm.pbf: Pruning point[3]