Below you find MD5 Checksum and exact File Size to verify your gmapsupp_contours_austria10m.7z download. These contourlines have 10m equidistance and resolution 24 as starting level. If you clicked on MD5 in error - the actual download is by clicking on the country name left of MD5 How to find out the MD5 Checksum of a file: Windows: you can check with many tools e.g. Linux or Mac OSx: you can use md5sum or shasum command in Terminal to check md5 checksum. i.e.: 'md5sum gmapsupp_contours_austria10m.7z' MD5 Checksum: a2d1a364ae86d39858423a07f17ccc8f gmapsupp_contours_austria10m.7z Date last modified: Filesize in bytes: 2023-06-05 23:03:08 CEST 228204211 gmapsupp_contours_austria10m.7z