// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/pim/pim_mfc.hh,v 1.7 2004/06/10 22:41:30 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __PIM_PIM_MFC_HH__ #define __PIM_PIM_MFC_HH__ // // PIM Multicast Forwarding Cache definitions. // #include "mrt/mifset.hh" #include "mrt/mrt.hh" // // Constants definitions // // // Structures/classes, typedefs and macros // class IPvX; class PimMre; class PimMrt; class PimNode; // PIM-specific Multicast Forwarding Cache class PimMfc : public Mre<PimMfc> { public: PimMfc(PimMrt& pim_mrt, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group); ~PimMfc(); // General info: PimNode, PimMrt, family, etc. PimNode& pim_node() const; PimMrt& pim_mrt() const { return (_pim_mrt); } int family() const; const IPvX& rp_addr() const { return (_rp_addr); } void set_rp_addr(const IPvX& v); void uncond_set_rp_addr(const IPvX& v); uint16_t iif_vif_index() const { return (_iif_vif_index); } void set_iif_vif_index(uint16_t v) { _iif_vif_index = v; } const Mifset& olist() const { return (_olist); } const Mifset& olist_disable_wrongvif() const { return (_olist_disable_wrongvif); } bool is_set_oif(uint16_t vif_index) const { return (_olist.test(vif_index)); } void set_olist(const Mifset& v) { _olist = v; } void set_olist_disable_wrongvif(const Mifset& v) { _olist_disable_wrongvif = v; } void set_oif(uint16_t vif_index, bool v) { if (v) _olist.set(vif_index); else _olist.reset(vif_index); } void recompute_rp_mfc(); void recompute_iif_olist_mfc(); bool recompute_update_sptbit_mfc(); void recompute_spt_switch_threshold_changed_mfc(); void recompute_monitoring_switch_to_spt_desired_mfc(); void install_spt_switch_dataflow_monitor_mfc(PimMre *pim_mre); int add_mfc_to_kernel(); int delete_mfc_from_kernel(); int add_dataflow_monitor(uint32_t threshold_interval_sec, uint32_t threshold_interval_usec, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall); int delete_dataflow_monitor(uint32_t threshold_interval_sec, uint32_t threshold_interval_usec, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall); int delete_all_dataflow_monitor(); bool entry_try_remove(); bool entry_can_remove() const; void remove_pim_mfc_entry_mfc(); bool is_task_delete_pending() const { return (_flags & PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_PENDING); } void set_is_task_delete_pending(bool v) { if (v) _flags |= PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_PENDING; else _flags &= ~PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_PENDING; } bool is_task_delete_done() const { return (_flags & PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_DONE); } void set_is_task_delete_done(bool v) { if (v) _flags |= PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_DONE; else _flags &= ~PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_DONE; } bool has_idle_dataflow_monitor() const { return (_flags & PIM_MFC_HAS_IDLE_DATAFLOW_MONITOR); } void set_has_idle_dataflow_monitor(bool v) { if (v) _flags |= PIM_MFC_HAS_IDLE_DATAFLOW_MONITOR; else _flags &= ~PIM_MFC_HAS_IDLE_DATAFLOW_MONITOR; } bool has_spt_switch_dataflow_monitor() const { return (_flags & PIM_MFC_HAS_SPT_SWITCH_DATAFLOW_MONITOR); } void set_has_spt_switch_dataflow_monitor(bool v) { if (v) _flags |= PIM_MFC_HAS_SPT_SWITCH_DATAFLOW_MONITOR; else _flags &= ~PIM_MFC_HAS_SPT_SWITCH_DATAFLOW_MONITOR; } bool has_forced_deletion() const { return (_flags & PIM_MFC_HAS_FORCED_DELETION); } void set_has_forced_deletion(bool v) { if (v) _flags |= PIM_MFC_HAS_FORCED_DELETION; else _flags &= ~PIM_MFC_HAS_FORCED_DELETION; } private: PimMrt& _pim_mrt; // The PIM MRT (yuck!) IPvX _rp_addr; // The RP address uint16_t _iif_vif_index; // The incoming interface Mifset _olist; // The outgoing interfaces Mifset _olist_disable_wrongvif;// The outgoing interfaces for which // the WRONGVIF kernel signal is // disabled. // PimMfc _flags enum { PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_PENDING = 1 << 0, // Entry is pending deletion PIM_MFC_TASK_DELETE_DONE = 1 << 1, // Entry is ready to be deleted PIM_MFC_HAS_IDLE_DATAFLOW_MONITOR = 1 << 2, // Entry has an idle dataflow monitor PIM_MFC_HAS_SPT_SWITCH_DATAFLOW_MONITOR = 1 << 3, // Entry has a SPT-switch dataflow monitor PIM_MFC_HAS_FORCED_DELETION = 1 << 4 // Entry is forced to be deleted }; uint32_t _flags; // Various flags (see PIM_MFC_* above) }; // // Global variables // // // Global functions prototypes // #endif // __PIM_PIM_MFC_HH__