// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/pim/pim_mre_task.hh,v 1.6 2004/06/10 22:41:31 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __PIM_PIM_MRE_TASK_HH__ #define __PIM_PIM_MRE_TASK_HH__ // // PIM Multicast Routing Entry task definitions. // #include <list> #include "libxorp/time_slice.hh" #include "pim_mre.hh" #include "pim_mre_track_state.hh" // // Constants definitions // // // Structures/classes, typedefs and macros // class PimMrt; // Task for PIM-specific Multicast Routing Entry class PimMreTask { public: PimMreTask(PimMrt& pim_mrt, PimMreTrackState::input_state_t input_state); ~PimMreTask(); // General info: PimNode, PimMrt, family, etc. PimNode& pim_node() const; PimMrt& pim_mrt() const { return (_pim_mrt); } int family() const; void schedule_task(); bool run_task(); bool run_task_rp(); bool run_task_wc(); bool run_task_sg_sg_rpt(); bool run_task_mfc(); void perform_pim_mre_actions(PimMre *pim_mre); void perform_pim_mre_sg_sg_rpt_actions(PimMre *pim_mre_sg, PimMre *pim_mre_sg_rpt); void perform_pim_mfc_actions(PimMfc *pim_mfc); void perform_pim_mfc_actions(const IPvX& source_addr, const IPvX& group_addr); void add_pim_mre(PimMre *pim_mre); void add_pim_mre_delete(PimMre *pim_mre); void add_pim_mfc(PimMfc *pim_mfc); void add_pim_mfc_delete(PimMfc *pim_mfc); // // (*,*,RP) state setup // void set_rp_addr_rp(const IPvX& rp_addr) { _rp_addr_rp = rp_addr; _is_set_rp_addr_rp = true; } void set_rp_addr_prefix_rp(const IPvXNet& rp_addr_prefix) { _rp_addr_prefix_rp = rp_addr_prefix; _is_set_rp_addr_prefix_rp = true; } // // (*,G) state setup // void set_group_addr_wc(const IPvX& group_addr) { _group_addr_wc = group_addr; _is_set_group_addr_wc = true; } void set_rp_addr_wc(const IPvX& rp_addr) { _rp_addr_wc = rp_addr; _is_set_rp_addr_wc = true; } void set_group_addr_prefix_wc(const IPvXNet& group_addr_prefix) { _group_addr_prefix_wc = group_addr_prefix; _is_set_group_addr_prefix_wc = true; } // // (S,G) and (S,G,rpt) state setup // void set_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt(const IPvX& source_addr) { _source_addr_sg_sg_rpt = source_addr; _is_set_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt = true; } void set_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt(const IPvX& group_addr) { _group_addr_sg_sg_rpt = group_addr; _is_set_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt = true; } void set_source_addr_prefix_sg_sg_rpt(const IPvXNet& addr_prefix) { _source_addr_prefix_sg_sg_rpt = addr_prefix; _is_set_source_addr_prefix_sg_sg_rpt = true; } void set_rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt(const IPvX& rp_addr) { _rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt = rp_addr; _is_set_rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt = true; } // // PimMfc state setup // void set_source_addr_mfc(const IPvX& source_addr) { _source_addr_mfc = source_addr; _is_set_source_addr_mfc = true; } void set_group_addr_mfc(const IPvX& group_addr) { _group_addr_mfc = group_addr; _is_set_group_addr_mfc = true; } void set_source_addr_prefix_mfc(const IPvXNet& addr_prefix) { _source_addr_prefix_mfc = addr_prefix; _is_set_source_addr_prefix_mfc = true; } void set_rp_addr_mfc(const IPvX& rp_addr) { _rp_addr_mfc = rp_addr; _is_set_rp_addr_mfc = true; } // // Other related setup // void set_pim_nbr_addr_rp(const IPvX& v) { _pim_nbr_addr = v; _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_rp = true; } void set_pim_nbr_addr_wc(const IPvX& v) { _pim_nbr_addr = v; _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_wc = true; } void set_pim_nbr_addr_sg_sg_rpt(const IPvX& v) { _pim_nbr_addr = v; _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_sg_sg_rpt = true; } void set_vif_index(uint16_t v) { _vif_index = v; } void set_addr_arg(const IPvX& v) { _addr_arg = v; } // // Misc. information // uint16_t vif_index() const { return (_vif_index); } const IPvX& addr_arg() const { return (_addr_arg); } PimMreTrackState::input_state_t input_state() const { return (_input_state); } private: void time_slice_timer_timeout(); // Private state PimMrt& _pim_mrt; // The PIM MRT list<PimMreAction> _action_list_rp; // The list of (*,*,RP) actions list<PimMreAction> _action_list_wc; // The list of (*,G) actions list<PimMreAction> _action_list_sg_sg_rpt; // The list of (S,G) and // (S,G,rpt) actions list<PimMreAction> _action_list_mfc; // The list of MFC actions TimeSlice _time_slice; // The time slice const PimMreTrackState::input_state_t _input_state; // The input state // Timer to schedule the processing for the next time slice. XorpTimer _time_slice_timer; // // (*,*,RP) related state // bool _is_set_rp_addr_rp; IPvX _rp_addr_rp; bool _is_set_rp_addr_prefix_rp; IPvXNet _rp_addr_prefix_rp; list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_rp_list; // (*,*,RP) entries to process list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_rp_processed_list; // (*,*,RP) processed entries list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_rp_delete_list; // (*,*,RP) entries to delete // State to continue the processing with the next time slice bool _is_processing_rp; bool _is_processing_rp_addr_rp; IPvX _processing_rp_addr_rp; // // (*,G) related state // bool _is_set_group_addr_wc; IPvX _group_addr_wc; bool _is_set_rp_addr_wc; IPvX _rp_addr_wc; bool _is_set_group_addr_prefix_wc; IPvXNet _group_addr_prefix_wc; list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_wc_list; // (*,G) entries to process list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_wc_processed_list; // (*,G) processed entries list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_wc_delete_list; // (*,G) entries to delete // State to continue the processing with the next time slice bool _is_processing_wc; bool _is_processing_rp_addr_wc; IPvX _processing_rp_addr_wc; bool _is_processing_group_addr_wc; IPvX _processing_group_addr_wc; // // (S,G) and (S,G,rpt) related state // bool _is_set_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_set_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_set_source_addr_prefix_sg_sg_rpt; IPvXNet _source_addr_prefix_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_set_rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt; list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_list; // (S,G) entries to process list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_processed_list; // (S,G) processed entries list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_delete_list; // (S,G) entries to delete list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_rpt_list; // (S,G,rpt) entries to process list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_rpt_processed_list;// (S,G,rpt) processed entries list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_rpt_delete_list; // (S,G,rpt) entries to delete // State to continue the processing with the next time slice bool _is_processing_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_processing_sg_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _processing_sg_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_processing_sg_rpt_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _processing_sg_rpt_source_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_processing_sg_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _processing_sg_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_processing_sg_rpt_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _processing_sg_rpt_group_addr_sg_sg_rpt; bool _is_processing_rp_addr_sg; bool _is_processing_rp_addr_sg_rpt; IPvX _processing_rp_addr_sg_sg_rpt; // // PimMfc related state // bool _is_set_source_addr_mfc; IPvX _source_addr_mfc; bool _is_set_group_addr_mfc; IPvX _group_addr_mfc; bool _is_set_source_addr_prefix_mfc; IPvXNet _source_addr_prefix_mfc; bool _is_set_rp_addr_mfc; IPvX _rp_addr_mfc; list<PimMfc *> _pim_mfc_list; // PimMfc entries to process list<PimMfc *> _pim_mfc_processed_list; // PimMfc processed entries list<PimMfc *> _pim_mfc_delete_list; // PimMfc entries to delete // State to continue the processing with the next time slice bool _is_processing_mfc; bool _is_processing_source_addr_mfc; IPvX _processing_source_addr_mfc; bool _is_processing_group_addr_mfc; IPvX _processing_group_addr_mfc; bool _is_processing_rp_addr_mfc; IPvX _processing_rp_addr_mfc; // // (*,*,RP), (*,G), (S,G), (S,G,rpt) PimNbr related state // bool _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_rp; bool _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_wc; bool _is_set_pim_nbr_addr_sg_sg_rpt; IPvX _pim_nbr_addr; bool _is_processing_pim_nbr_addr_rp; bool _is_processing_pim_nbr_addr_wc; bool _is_processing_pim_nbr_addr_sg; bool _is_processing_pim_nbr_addr_sg_rpt; // The 'occasionally-used' argument(s). uint16_t _vif_index; IPvX _addr_arg; }; // // Global variables // // // Global functions prototypes // #endif // __PIM_PIM_MRE_TASK_HH__