Source: ../../pim/pim_nbr.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/pim/pim_nbr.hh,v 1.10 2004/06/10 22:41:32 hodson Exp $

#ifndef __PIM_PIM_NBR_HH__
#define __PIM_PIM_NBR_HH__

// PIM router neighbors definitions.

#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"
#include "pim_proto_join_prune_message.hh"

// Constants definitions

// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros

class PimVif;

class PimNbr {
    PimNbr(PimVif& pim_vif, const IPvX& primary_addr, int proto_version);
    void	reset_received_options();
    PimNode&	pim_node()	const	{ return (_pim_node);	}
    PimVif&	pim_vif()	const	{ return (_pim_vif);	}
    uint16_t	vif_index()	const;
    const IPvX&	primary_addr()	const	{ return (_primary_addr); }
    void	set_primary_addr(const IPvX& v) { _primary_addr = v; }
    const list<IPvX>& secondary_addr_list() const { return _secondary_addr_list; }
    void	add_secondary_addr(const IPvX& v);
    void	delete_secondary_addr(const IPvX& v);
    void	clear_secondary_addr_list() { _secondary_addr_list.clear(); }
    bool	has_secondary_addr(const IPvX& secondary_addr) const;
    bool	is_my_addr(const IPvX& addr) const;
    int		proto_version() const { return (_proto_version); }
    void	set_proto_version(int v) { _proto_version = v; }
    uint16_t	hello_holdtime() const { return (_hello_holdtime); }
    void	set_hello_holdtime(uint16_t v) { _hello_holdtime = v; }
    uint32_t	genid()		const	{ return (_genid);	}
    void	set_genid(uint32_t v) { _genid = v; }
    bool	is_genid_present() const { return (_is_genid_present); }
    void	set_is_genid_present(bool v) { _is_genid_present = v; }
    uint32_t	dr_priority() const { return (_dr_priority); }
    void	set_dr_priority(uint32_t v) { _dr_priority = v; }
    bool	is_dr_priority_present() const {
	return (_is_dr_priority_present);
    void	set_is_dr_priority_present(bool v) {
	_is_dr_priority_present = v;
    bool	is_tracking_support_disabled() const {
	return (_is_tracking_support_disabled);
    void	set_is_tracking_support_disabled(bool v) {
	_is_tracking_support_disabled = v;
    uint16_t	lan_delay() const { return (_lan_delay); }
    void	set_lan_delay(uint16_t v) { _lan_delay = v; }
    uint16_t	override_interval() const { return (_override_interval); }
    void	set_override_interval(uint16_t v) { _override_interval = v; }
    bool	is_lan_prune_delay_present() const {
	return (_is_lan_prune_delay_present);
    void	set_is_lan_prune_delay_present(bool v) {
	_is_lan_prune_delay_present = v;
    void	pim_hello_holdtime_process(uint16_t holdtime);
    void	pim_hello_lan_prune_delay_process(bool lan_prune_delay_tbit,
						  uint16_t lan_delay,
						  uint16_t override_interval);
    void	pim_hello_dr_priority_process(uint32_t dr_priority);
    void	pim_hello_genid_process(uint32_t genid);
    bool	is_nohello_neighbor() const { return (_is_nohello_neighbor); }
    void	set_is_nohello_neighbor(bool v) { _is_nohello_neighbor = v; }
    int		jp_entry_add(const IPvX& source_addr, const IPvX& group_addr,
			     uint8_t group_mask_len,
			     mrt_entry_type_t mrt_entry_type,
			     action_jp_t action_jp, uint16_t holdtime,
			     bool new_group_bool);
    const XorpTimer& const_neighbor_liveness_timer() const {
	return (_neighbor_liveness_timer);
    const TimeVal& startup_time() const { return _startup_time; }
    void	set_startup_time(const TimeVal& v) { _startup_time = v; }
    list<PimMre *>& pim_mre_rp_list()	{ return (_pim_mre_rp_list); }
    list<PimMre *>& pim_mre_wc_list()	{ return (_pim_mre_wc_list); }
    list<PimMre *>& pim_mre_sg_list()	{ return (_pim_mre_sg_list); }
    list<PimMre *>& pim_mre_sg_rpt_list() { return (_pim_mre_sg_rpt_list); }
    list<PimMre *>& processing_pim_mre_rp_list() {
	return (_processing_pim_mre_rp_list);
    list<PimMre *>& processing_pim_mre_wc_list() {
	return (_processing_pim_mre_wc_list);
    list<PimMre *>& processing_pim_mre_sg_list() {
	return (_processing_pim_mre_sg_list);
    list<PimMre *>& processing_pim_mre_sg_rpt_list() {
	return (_processing_pim_mre_sg_rpt_list);
    void	init_processing_pim_mre_rp();
    void	init_processing_pim_mre_wc();
    void	init_processing_pim_mre_sg();
    void	init_processing_pim_mre_sg_rpt();
    void	add_pim_mre(PimMre *pim_mre);
    void	delete_pim_mre(PimMre *pim_mre);
    friend class PimVif;
    void	neighbor_liveness_timer_timeout();
    void	jp_send_timer_timeout();
    // Fields to hold information from the PIM_HELLO messages
    PimNode&	_pim_node;		// The associated PIM node
    PimVif&	_pim_vif;		// The corresponding PIM vif
    IPvX	_primary_addr;		// The primary address of the neighbor
    list<IPvX>	_secondary_addr_list;	// The secondary addresses of the neighbor
    int		_proto_version;		// The protocol version of the neighbor
    uint32_t	_genid;			// The Gen-ID of the neighbor
    bool	_is_genid_present;	// Is the Gen-ID field is present
    uint32_t	_dr_priority;		// The DR priority of the neighbor
    bool	_is_dr_priority_present;// Is the DR priority field present
    uint16_t	_hello_holdtime;	// The Holdtime from/for this nbr
    XorpTimer	_neighbor_liveness_timer; // Timer to expire the neighbor
    // LAN Prune Delay option related info
    bool	_is_tracking_support_disabled; // The T-bit
    uint16_t	_lan_delay;		// The LAN Delay
    uint16_t	_override_interval;	// The Override Interval
    bool	_is_lan_prune_delay_present;// Is the LAN Prune Delay present
    bool	_is_nohello_neighbor;	// True if no-Hello neighbor
    XorpTimer	_jp_send_timer;		// Timer to send the accumulated JP msg
    PimJpHeader _jp_header;
    TimeVal	_startup_time;		// Start-up time of this neighbor
    // The lists of all related PimMre entries.
    // XXX: note that we don't have a list for PimMfc entries, because
    // they don't depend directly on PimNbr. For example, PimMfc has
    // a field for the RP address, therefore PimRp contains a list of
    // PimMfc entries related to that RP.
    list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_rp_list;	// List of all related (*,*,RP) entries
					// for this PimNbr.
    list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_wc_list;	// List of all related (*,G) entries
					// for this PimNbr.
    list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_list;	// List of all related (S,G) entries
					// for this PimNbr.
    list<PimMre *> _pim_mre_sg_rpt_list;// List of all related (S,G,rpt)
					// entries for this PimNbr.
    list<PimMre *> _processing_pim_mre_rp_list;	// List of all related
					// (*,*,RP) entries for this PimNbr
					// that are awaiting to be processed.
    list<PimMre *> _processing_pim_mre_wc_list;	// List of all related
					// (*,G) entries for this PimNbr
					// that are awaiting to be processed.
    list<PimMre *> _processing_pim_mre_sg_list;	// List of all related
					// (S,G) entries for this PimNbr that
					// are awaiting to be processed.
    list<PimMre *> _processing_pim_mre_sg_rpt_list;// List of all related
					// (S,G,rpt) entries for this PimNbr
					// that are awaiting to be processed.

// Global variables

// Global functions prototypes

#endif // __PIM_PIM_NBR_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:31 2004, using kdoc $.