Source: ../../rib/register_server.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/rib/register_server.hh,v 1.10 2004/06/10 22:41:38 hodson Exp $


#include <map>
#include <list>

#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "libxorp/ipv4.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipnet.hh"

#include "xrl/interfaces/rib_client_xif.hh"

class XrlRouter;
class NotifyQueueEntry;

typedef XrlRibClientV0p1Client ResponseSender;

 * @short Queue of route event notifications
 * A NotfiyQueue holds a queue of route event notifications waiting
 * transmission to the XORP process that registered interest in route
 * changes that affected one or more routes.  When a lot of routes
 * change, we need to queue the changes because we may generate them
 * faster than the recipient can handle being told about them.
class NotifyQueue {
     * NotifyQueue constructor
     * @param module_name the XRL module target name for the process that
     * this queue holds notifications for.  
    NotifyQueue(const string& module_name);

     * Add an notification entry to the queue.
     * @param e the notification entry to be queued.
    void add_entry(NotifyQueueEntry* e);

     * Send the next entry in the queue to this queue's XRL target.
    void send_next();

     * Flush is an indication to the queue that the changes since the
     * last flush can be checked for consolidation.  Several add_entry
     * events might occur in rapid succession affecting the same
     * route.  A flush indicates that it is OK to start sending this
     * batch of changes (and to consolidate those changes to avoid
     * thrashing, but we don't currently do this).
    void flush(ResponseSender* response_sender);

     * XRL transmit complete callback.  We use this to cause the next
     * item in the queue to be sent.  
     * @param e the XRL completion status code. 
    void xrl_done(const XrlError& e);

    typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr XrlCompleteCB;

    string		_module_name;
    list<NotifyQueueEntry* > _queue;
    bool		_active;
    ResponseSender*	_response_sender;

 * Base class for a queue entry to be held in a @ref NotifyQueue.
class NotifyQueueEntry {
     * The type of notifcation: either the data (nexthop, metric,
     * admin_distance) associated with the registered route changed,
     * or the data has changed enough that the registration has been
     * invalidated and the client needs to register again to find out
     * what happened.
    typedef enum EntryType { CHANGED, INVALIDATE };

     * NotifyQueueEntry constructor
    NotifyQueueEntry() {}

     * NotifyQueueEntry destructor
    virtual ~NotifyQueueEntry() {};

     * Send the queue entry (pure virtual)
    virtual void send(ResponseSender* response_sender,
		      const string& module_name,
		      NotifyQueue::XrlCompleteCB& cb) = 0;

     * @return The type of queue entry
     * @see NotifyQueueEntry::EntryType
    virtual EntryType type() const = 0;


 * Notification Queue entry indicating that a change occured to the
 * metric, admin_distance or nexthop of a route in which interest was
 * registered.
 * The template class A is the address family: either the IPv4 class
 * or the IPv6 class.
template <class A>
class NotifyQueueChangedEntry : public NotifyQueueEntry {
     * NotifyQueueChangedEntry Constructor
     * @param net the destination subnet of the route that changed.
     * @param nexthop the new nexthop of the route that changed.
     * @param metric the new routing protocol metric of the route that changed.
     * @param admin_distance the adminstratively defined distance of the
     * routing protocol this routing entry was computed by.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param multicast true indicates that the change occured in the
     * multicast RIB, false indicates that it occured in the unicast
     * RIB.
    NotifyQueueChangedEntry(const IPNet<A>& net, const A& nexthop,
			    uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
			    const string& protocol_origin, bool multicast)
    : _net(net), _nexthop(nexthop), _metric(metric),
      _admin_distance(admin_distance), _protocol_origin(protocol_origin),
      _multicast(multicast) {}

     * @return CHANGED
     * @see NotifyQueueEntry::EntryType
    EntryType type() const { return CHANGED; }

     * Actually send the XRL that communicates this change to the
     * registered process.
     * @param response_sender the auto-generated stub class instance
     * that will do the parameter marchalling.
     * @param module_name the XRL module target name to send this
     * information to.
     * @param cb the method to call back when this XRL completes.
    void send(ResponseSender* response_sender,
	      const string& module_name,
	      NotifyQueue::XrlCompleteCB& cb);

    IPNet<A>	_net;	// The route's full subnet (not the valid_subnet)
    A		_nexthop;	// The new nexthop of the route
    uint32_t	_metric;	// The metric of the route
    uint32_t	_admin_distance; // The administratively defined distance of
				// the routing protocol this routing entry
				// was computed by
    string	_protocol_origin; // The name of the protocol that originated
				  // this route
    bool	_multicast;	// If true, a change occured in multicast RIB,
				// otherwise it occured in the unicast RIB

 * Notification Queue entry indicating that a change occured which has
 * caused a route registration to become invalid.  The client must
 * re-register to find out what actually happened.
 * The template class A is the address family: either the IPv4 class
 * or the IPv6 class.
template <class A>
class NotifyQueueInvalidateEntry : public NotifyQueueEntry {
     * NotifyQueueInvalidateEntry Constructor
     * @param net the valid_subnet of the route registration that is
     * now invalid.
     * @param multicast true indicates that the change occured in the
     * multicast RIB, false indicates that it occured in the unicast
     * RIB.  
    NotifyQueueInvalidateEntry(const IPNet<A>& net, bool multicast)
	: _net(net), _multicast(multicast) {}

     * @return INVALIDATE
     * @see NotifyQueueEntry::EntryType
    EntryType type() const { return INVALIDATE; }

     * Actually send the XRL that communicates this change to the
     * registered process.
     * @param response_sender the auto-generated stub class instance
     * that will do the parameter marchalling.
     * @param module_name the XRL module target name to send this
     * information to.
     * @param cb the method to call back when this XRL completes.
    void send(ResponseSender* response_sender,
	      const string& module_name,
	      NotifyQueue::XrlCompleteCB& cb);

    IPNet<A>	_net;	// The valid_subnet from the RouteRegister
			// instance.  The other end already knows the
			// route's full subnet.
    bool	_multicast;	// If true, a change occured in multicast RIB,
				// otherwise it occured in the unicast RIB

 * @short RegisterServer handles communication of notifications to the
 * clients that registered interest in changes affecting specific
 * routes.
 * RegisterServer handles communication of notifications to the
 * clients that registered interest in changes affecting specific
 * routes.  As these notifications can sometimes be generated faster
 * than the recipient can handle them, the notifications can be queued
 * here. 
class RegisterServer {
     * RegisterServer constructor
     * @param xrl_router the XRL router instance used to send and
     * receive XRLs in this process.
    RegisterServer(XrlRouter* xrl_router);

     * RegisterServer destructor
    virtual ~RegisterServer() {}

     * send_route_changed is called to communicate to another XRL
     * module that routing information in which it had registered an
     * interest has changed its nexthop, metric, or admin distance.
     * @param module_name the XRL target name of the module to notify.
     * @param net the destination subnet of the route that changed.
     * @param nexthop the new nexthop of the route that changed.
     * @param metric the new routing protocol metric of the route that changed.
     * @param admin_distance the new admin distance of the route that changed.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param multicast true indicates that the change occured in the
     * multicast RIB, false indicates that it occured in the unicast
     * RIB.
    virtual void send_route_changed(const string& module_name,
				    const IPv4Net& net,
				    const IPv4& nexthop,
				    uint32_t metric,
				    uint32_t admin_distance,
				    const string& protocol_origin,
				    bool multicast);
    virtual void send_invalidate(const string& module_name,
				 const IPv4Net& net,
				 bool multicast);

     * send_route_changed is called to communicate to another XRL
     * module that routing information in which it had registered an
     * interest has changed its nexthop, metric, or admin distance.
     * @param module_name the XRL target name of the module to notify.
     * @param net the destination subnet of the route that changed.
     * @param nexthop the new nexthop of the route that changed.
     * @param metric the new routing protocol metric of the route that changed.
     * @param admin_distance the new admin distance of the route that changed.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param multicast true indicates that the change occured in the
     * multicast RIB, false indicates that it occured in the unicast
     * RIB.
    virtual void send_route_changed(const string& module_name,
				    const IPv6Net& net,
				    const IPv6& nexthop,
				    uint32_t metric,
				    uint32_t admin_distance,
				    const string& protocol_origin,
				    bool multicast);

     * send_invalidate is called to communicate to another XRL module
     * that routing information in which it had registered an interest
     * has changed in some unspecified way that has caused the
     * registration to become invalid.  The client must re-register to
     * find out what really happened.
     * @param module_name the XRL target name of the module to notify.
     * @param net the valid_subnet of the route registration that is
     * now invalid.
     * @param multicast true indicates that the change occured in the
     * multicast RIB, false indicates that it occured in the unicast
     * RIB.  
    virtual void send_invalidate(const string& module_name,
				 const IPv6Net& net,
				 bool multicast);

     * @see NotifyQueue::flush
    virtual void flush();

    void add_entry_to_queue(const string& module_name, NotifyQueueEntry* e);
    map<string, NotifyQueue* > _queuemap;
    ResponseSender _response_sender;


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:37 2004, using kdoc $.