Source: ../../bgp/route_table_cache.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/bgp/route_table_cache.hh,v 1.20 2005/03/25 02:52:45 pavlin Exp $


#include <queue>
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"
#include "route_table_base.hh"
#include "libxorp/ref_trie.hh"
#include "peer_handler.hh"

 * Used in CacheTable to store a SubnetRoute and the genid of the
 * RibIn that generated the route.

template<class A>
class CacheRoute {
    CacheRoute(const SubnetRoute<A>* route, uint32_t genid) 
	: _routeref(route), _genid(genid) {}
    inline const SubnetRoute<A>* route() const {return _routeref.route();}
    inline uint32_t genid() const {return _genid;}
    SubnetRouteConstRef<A> _routeref;
    uint32_t _genid;

class EventLoop;

 * @short specialized BGPRouteTable that stores routes modified by a
 * FilterTable.
 * The XORP BGP is internally implemented as a set of pipelines
 * consisting of a series of BGPRouteTables.  Each pipeline receives
 * routes from a BGP peer, stores them, and applies filters to them to
 * modify the routes.  Then the pipelines converge on a single
 * decision process, which decides which route wins amongst possible
 * alternative routes.  After decision, the winning routes fanout
 * again along a set of pipelines, again being filtered, before being
 * transmitted to peers.
 * Typically there are two FilterTables for each peer which modify
 * routes passing down the pipeline, one in the input branch from that
 * peer, and one in the output branch to that peer.  A FilterTable
 * does not store the routes it modifies, so a CacheTable is placed
 * downstream of a FilterTable to store routes that are modified.
 * In the current code, a CacheTable isn't strictly necessary, but it
 * simplifies life for all downstream tables, because they know that
 * all routes they receive are stored in stable storage and won't go
 * away without explicit notification.  
 * In the future, it is likely that the CacheTables in the outgoing
 * branches will be removed, as they waste quite a bit of memory for
 * very little gain.  However, they have not yet been removed because
 * their internal sanity checks have served as a valuable debugging
 * device to ensure consistency in the messages travelling down the
 * outgoing branches.

template<class A>
class CacheTable : public BGPRouteTable<A>  {
    CacheTable(string tablename, Safi safi, BGPRouteTable<A> *parent,
	       const PeerHandler *peer);
    int add_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg,
		  BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
    int replace_route(const InternalMessage<A> &old_rtmsg,
		      const InternalMessage<A> &new_rtmsg,
		      BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
    int delete_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg, 
		     BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
    int push(BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
    int route_dump(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg,
		   BGPRouteTable<A> *caller,
		   const PeerHandler *dump_peer);

    void flush_cache();
    const SubnetRoute<A> *lookup_route(const IPNet<A> &net,
				       uint32_t& genid) const;
    void route_used(const SubnetRoute<A>* route, bool in_use);

    RouteTableType type() const {return CACHE_TABLE;}
    string str() const;

    /* mechanisms to implement flow control in the output plumbing */
    bool get_next_message(BGPRouteTable<A> *next_table);

    int route_count() const {
	return _route_table->route_count();
    EventLoop& eventloop() const;

    RefTrie<A, const CacheRoute<A> > *_route_table;
    const PeerHandler *_peer;

 * @short Delete nodes in the cache table trie.
 * Only one instance of this class exists at any time.
template<class A>
class DeleteAllNodes {
    typedef RefTrie<A, const CacheRoute<A> > RouteTable;
    typedef queue<RouteTable *> RouteTables;

    DeleteAllNodes(const PeerHandler *peer, RouteTable *route_table)
	: _peer(peer) {

 	    bool empty = _route_tables.empty();

 	    if (empty) {
 	    } else {
 		delete this;
     * Background task that deletes nodes in trie.
     * @return true if there are routes to delete.
    void delete_some_nodes() {
	RouteTable *route_table = _route_tables.front();
	typename RouteTable::iterator current = route_table->begin();
	for(int i = 0; i < _deletions_per_call; i++) {
	    // In theory if current is invalid then it will move to a
	    // valid entry. Unlike the STL, which this isn't.
	    if (current == route_table->end()) {

	if (_route_tables.empty()) {
	    delete this;

	_deleter =  _peer->eventloop().


     * @return true if route tables exist and are still being deleted.
    static bool running() {
	return !_route_tables.empty();
    static RouteTables _route_tables;	// Queue of route tables to delete.
    XorpTimer _deleter;			// 
    const PeerHandler *_peer;		// Handle to the EventLoop.
    static int _deletions_per_call;	// Number of nodes deleted per call.


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Apr 13 21:53:16 2005, using kdoc $.