class ElementFactory

A factory for creating elements based on their type. More...

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Public Types

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Detailed Description

Elements are created via their string represented type. They are initialized via a c-style string. If this string is null, then a default value is assigned to the element.

Functions that perform the creation are registered with the factory at run-time.

An exception is throw on element creationg failure.

Similar to Dispatcher.

typedef Element*  (*Callback) (const char*)


typedef map<string,Callback> Map


 ElementFactory ()


UnknownElement (class)


When creating an element of a type which has no registered creation callback with the factory.

void  add (const string& key, Callback cb)


Register a callback with the factory.


keythe element id/type. Must be unique.
cbfunction to be called when the element must be created.
Element*  create (const string& key, const char* arg)


Create an element.


keythe type of element that needs to be created.
arginitial value of element. If null, a default is assigned.

Returns: the requested element. Caller is responsible for deletion.

template<class T> Element*  createSet (const set<T>& s)


Create a set from an STL set.

The objects contained in the set are converted to a string representation via an ostringstream.


sSTL set to be converted to ElemSet.

Returns: the requested ElemSet.

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