Source: ../../policy/common/element.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/policy/common/element.hh,v 1.2 2005/03/25 02:54:15 pavlin Exp $


#include <string>

#include "libxorp/ipv4.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipnet.hh"
#include "element_base.hh"
#include "policy_exception.hh"
#include "policy_utils.hh"

 * @short 32bit signed integer.
class ElemInt32 : public Element {
     * The identifier [type] of the element.
    static const char* id;

    ElemInt32() : Element(id) {}

     * Construct via c-style string.
     * This is necessary in order to create elements via the ElementFactory.
     * If c_str is null, then the element is assigned a default value. Null
     * c_str is used by the semantic checker, to obtain "dummy" elements for
     * validity checks.
     * @param c_str initialize via string, or assign default value if null.
    ElemInt32(const char* c_str) : Element(id) {
	    _val = strtol(c_str,NULL,10);
	    _val = 0;
    ElemInt32(const int32_t val) : Element(id), _val(val) {}

     * @return string representation of integer
    string str() const {
	return policy_utils::to_str(_val);

     * @return value of the element.
    int32_t val() const { return _val; }

    int32_t _val;

 * @short 32bit unsigned integer.
class ElemU32 : public Element {
    static const char* id;
    ElemU32() : Element(id) {}
    ElemU32(const char* c_str) : Element(id) {
	    _val = strtoul(c_str,NULL,10); 
	    _val = 0;
    ElemU32(const uint32_t val) : Element(id), _val(val) {}

    string str() const {
	return policy_utils::to_str(_val);

    uint32_t val() const { return _val; }

    uint32_t _val;

 * @short string element.
class ElemStr : public Element {
    static const char* id;
    ElemStr() : Element(id) {}

    ElemStr(const char* val) : Element(id) {
	    _val = val;
	    _val = "";

    ElemStr(const string& str) : Element(id), _val(str) {}

    string str() const { return _val; }

    string val() const { return _val; }

    string _val;

 * @short boolean element.
class ElemBool : public Element {
    static const char* id;
    ElemBool() : Element(id) {}
    ~ElemBool() {}
    ElemBool(const char* c_str) : Element(id) {
	if(c_str && (strcmp(c_str,"true") == 0) )
	    _val = true;
	    _val = false;
    ElemBool(const bool val) : Element(id), _val(val) {}

    string str() const {
	    return "true";
	    return "false";

    bool val() const { return _val; }

    bool _val;

 * @short Generic Element wrapper for existing classes.
 * Classes being wrapped need to provide a str() method and must have a c-style
 * string constructor.
 * They also must support various relational operators such as ==.
template<class T>
class ElemAny : public Element {
     * @short exception thrown if c-stype string initialization fails.
    class ElemInitError : public PolicyException {
	ElemInitError(const string& err) : PolicyException(err) {}

    static const char* id;

    ElemAny() : Element(id), _val() {}
    ElemAny(const T& val) : Element(id), _val(val) {}

     * If the c-style constructor of the wrapped class throws and exception,
     * it is caught and an ElemInitError exception is thrown. The original
     * exception is lost.
    ElemAny(const char* c_str) : Element(id), _val() {
	if(c_str) {
	    try {
		_val = T(c_str);
	    } catch(...) {
		string err = "Unable to initialize element of type ";
		err += id;
		err += " with ";
		err += c_str;

		throw ElemInitError(err);

	// else leave it to the default value

     * Invokes the == operator on the actual classes being wrapped.
     * @return whether the two values are equal.
     * @param rhs element to compare with.
    bool operator==(const ElemAny<T>& rhs) const {
	return _val == rhs._val;
     * Invokes the str() method of the actual class being wrapped.
     * @return string representation of element.
    string str() const { return _val.str(); }

     * @return the actual object of the class being wrapped.
    const T& val() const { return _val; }

    T _val;

// User defined types
typedef ElemAny<IPv4>		ElemIPv4;
typedef ElemAny<IPv6>		ElemIPv6;
typedef ElemAny<IPNet<IPv4> >	ElemIPv4Net;
typedef ElemAny<IPNet<IPv6> >	ElemIPv6Net;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Apr 13 21:53:12 2005, using kdoc $.