Source: ../../mld6igmp/mld6igmp_group_record.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/mld6igmp/mld6igmp_group_record.hh,v 1.20 2007/02/16 22:46:36 pavlin Exp $


// IGMP and MLD group record.

#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"

#include "mld6igmp_source_record.hh"

// Constants definitions

// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros

class Mld6igmpVif;

 * @short A class to store information about multicast group membership.
class Mld6igmpGroupRecord {
     * Constructor for a given vif and group address.
     * @param mld6igmp_vif the interface this entry belongs to.
     * @param group the multicast group address.
    Mld6igmpGroupRecord(Mld6igmpVif& mld6igmp_vif, const IPvX& group);
     * Destructor.

     * Get the vif this entry belongs to.
     * @return a reference to the vif this entry belongs to.
    Mld6igmpVif& mld6igmp_vif()	const	{ return (_mld6igmp_vif);	}
     * Get the multicast group address.
     * @return the multicast group address.
    const IPvX&	group() const		{ return (_group); }

     * Get the corresponding event loop.
     * @return the corresponding event loop.
    EventLoop& eventloop();

     * Test whether the filter mode is INCLUDE.
     * @return true if the filter mode is INCLUDE.
    bool is_include_mode() const	{ return (_is_include_mode); }

     * Test whether the filter mode is EXCLUDE.
     * @return true if the filter mode is EXCLUDE.
    bool is_exclude_mode() const	{ return (! _is_include_mode); }

     * Set the filter mode to INCLUDE.
    void set_include_mode()		{ _is_include_mode = true; }

     * Set the filter mode to EXCLUDE.
    void set_exclude_mode()		{ _is_include_mode = false; }

     * Test whether the entry is unused.
     * @return true if the entry is unused, otherwise false.
    bool is_unused() const;

     * Find a source that should be forwarded.
     * @param source the source address.
     * @return the corresponding source record (@ref Mld6igmpSourceRecord)
     * if found, otherwise NULL.
    Mld6igmpSourceRecord* find_do_forward_source(const IPvX& source);

     * Find a source that should not be forwarded.
     * @param source the source address.
     * @return the corresponding source record (@ref Mld6igmpSourceRecord)
     * if found, otherwise NULL.
    Mld6igmpSourceRecord* find_dont_forward_source(const IPvX& source);

     * Get a reference to the set of sources to forward.
     * @return a reference to the set of sources to forward.
    const Mld6igmpSourceSet& do_forward_sources() const { return (_do_forward_sources); }

     * Get a reference to the set of sources not to forward.
     * @return a reference to the set of sources not to forward.
    const Mld6igmpSourceSet& dont_forward_sources() const { return (_dont_forward_sources); }

     * Process MODE_IS_INCLUDE report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_mode_is_include(const set<IPvX>& sources,
				 const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process MODE_IS_EXCLUDE report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_mode_is_exclude(const set<IPvX>& sources,
				 const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_change_to_include_mode(const set<IPvX>& sources,
					const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_change_to_exclude_mode(const set<IPvX>& sources,
					const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_allow_new_sources(const set<IPvX>& sources,
				   const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES report.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_block_old_sources(const set<IPvX>& sources,
				   const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Lower the group timer.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the timer should be lowered to.
    void lower_group_timer(const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Lower the source timer for a set of sources.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the timer should be lowered to.
    void lower_source_timer(const set<IPvX>& sources, const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Take the appropriate actions for a source that has expired.
     * @param source_record the source record that has expired.
    void source_expired(Mld6igmpSourceRecord* source_record);

     * Get the number of seconds until the group timer expires.
     * @return the number of seconds until the group timer expires.
    uint32_t	timeout_sec()	const;
     * Get the address of the host that last reported as member.
     * @return the address of the host that last reported as member.
    const IPvX& last_reported_host() const { return (_last_reported_host); }

     * Get a refererence to the group timer.
     * @return a reference to the group timer.
    XorpTimer& group_timer() { return _group_timer; }

     * Schedule periodic Group-Specific and Group-and-Source-Specific Query
     * retransmission.
     * If the sources list is empty, we schedule Group-Specific Query,
     * otherwise we schedule Group-and-Source-Specific Query.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
    void schedule_periodic_group_query(const set<IPvX>& sources);

     * Record that an older Membership report message has been received.
     * @param message_version the corresponding protocol version of the
     * received message.
    void received_older_membership_report(int message_version);

     * Test if the group is running in IGMPv1 mode.
     * @return true if the group is running in IGMPv1 mode, otherwise false.
    bool	is_igmpv1_mode() const;

     * Test if the group is running in IGMPv2 mode.
     * @return true if the group is running in IGMPv2 mode, otherwise false.
    bool	is_igmpv2_mode() const;

     * Test if the group is running in IGMPv3 mode.
     * @return true if the group is running in IGMPv3 mode, otherwise false.
    bool	is_igmpv3_mode() const;

     * Test if the group is running in MLDv1 mode.
     * @return true if the group is running in MLDv1 mode, otherwise false.
    bool	is_mldv1_mode() const;

     * Test if the group is running in MLDv2 mode.
     * @return true if the group is running in MLDv2 mode, otherwise false.
    bool	is_mldv2_mode() const;

     * Get the address family.
     * @return the address family.
    int		family() const { return; }

     * Calculate the forwarding changes and notify the interested parties.
     * @param old_is_include mode if true, the old filter mode was INCLUDE,
     * otherwise was EXCLUDE.
     * @param old_do_forward_sources the old set of sources to forward.
     * @param old_dont_forward_sources the old set of sources not to forward.
    void calculate_forwarding_changes(bool old_is_include_mode,
				      const set<IPvX>& old_do_forward_sources,
				      const set<IPvX>& old_dont_forward_sources) const;

     * Timeout: one of the older version host present timers has expired.
    void	older_version_host_present_timer_timeout();

     * Timeout: the group timer has expired.
    void	group_timer_timeout();

     * Periodic timeout: time to send the next Group-Specific and
     * Group-and-Source-Specific Queries.
     * @return true if the timer should be scheduled again, otherwise false.
    bool	group_query_periodic_timeout();

     * Set the address of the host that last reported as member.
     * @param v the address of the host that last reported as member.
    void set_last_reported_host(const IPvX& v) { _last_reported_host = v; }

    Mld6igmpVif& _mld6igmp_vif;		// The interface this entry belongs to
    IPvX	_group;			// The multicast group address
    bool	_is_include_mode;	// Flag for INCLUDE/EXCLUDE filter mode
    Mld6igmpSourceSet _do_forward_sources;	// Sources to forward
    Mld6igmpSourceSet _dont_forward_sources;	// Sources not to forward

    IPvX	_last_reported_host;	// The host that last reported as member

    // Timers indicating that hosts running older protocol version are present
    XorpTimer	_igmpv1_host_present_timer;
    XorpTimer	_igmpv2_mldv1_host_present_timer;

    XorpTimer	_group_timer;		// Group timer for filter mode switch
    XorpTimer	_group_query_timer;	// Timer for periodic Queries
    size_t	_query_retransmission_count; // Count for periodic Queries

 * @short A class to store information about a set of multicast groups.
class Mld6igmpGroupSet : public map<IPvX, Mld6igmpGroupRecord *> {
     * Constructor for a given vif.
     * @param mld6igmp_vif the interface this set belongs to.
    Mld6igmpGroupSet(Mld6igmpVif& mld6igmp_vif);
     * Destructor.

     * Find a group record.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @return the corresponding group record (@ref Mld6igmpGroupRecord)
     * if found, otherwise NULL.
    Mld6igmpGroupRecord* find_group_record(const IPvX& group);

     * Delete the payload of the set, and clear the set itself.
    void delete_payload_and_clear();

     * Process MODE_IS_INCLUDE report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_mode_is_include(const IPvX& group, const set<IPvX>& sources,
				 const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process MODE_IS_EXCLUDE report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_mode_is_exclude(const IPvX& group, const set<IPvX>& sources,
				 const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_change_to_include_mode(const IPvX& group,
					const set<IPvX>& sources,
					const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_change_to_exclude_mode(const IPvX& group,
					const set<IPvX>& sources,
					const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_allow_new_sources(const IPvX& group,
				   const set<IPvX>& sources,
				   const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Process BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES report.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param last_reported_host the address of the host that last reported
     * as member.
    void process_block_old_sources(const IPvX& group,
				   const set<IPvX>& sources,
				   const IPvX& last_reported_host);

     * Lower the group timer.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the timer should be lowered to.
    void lower_group_timer(const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Lower the source timer for a set of sources.
     * @param group the group address.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the timer should be lowered to.
    void lower_source_timer(const IPvX& group, const set<IPvX>& sources,
			    const TimeVal& timeval);

    Mld6igmpVif& _mld6igmp_vif;		// The interface this set belongs to

// Global variables

// Global functions prototypes


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Mar 21 11:23:28 2007, using kdoc $.