Source: ../../contrib/olsr/link.hh

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// $XORP: xorp/contrib/olsr/link.hh,v 1.2 2008/07/23 05:09:51 pavlin Exp $

#ifndef __OLSR_LINK_HH__
#define __OLSR_LINK_HH__

class Neighbor;
class Neighborhood;

 * @short Logical link used to reach a directly reachable Neighbor.
 * LogicalLink is so named because it is mostly independent of the
 * underlying link layer. OLSR uses link-layer broadcasts or multicasts
 * for the purposes of neighbor discovery, and links are created through
 * the exchange of HELLO messages. LogicalLink may be associated with
 * link-layer specific state, e.g. that of an 802.11s mesh portal.
class LogicalLink {
    LogicalLink(Neighborhood* tm,
	 EventLoop& eventloop,
	 const OlsrTypes::LogicalLinkID id,
	 const TimeVal& vtime,
	 const IPv4& remote_addr,
	 const IPv4& local_addr);

     * @return the ID of this link.
    inline OlsrTypes::LogicalLinkID id() const { return _id; }

     * @return the ID of the neighbor at the far end of this link.
    inline OlsrTypes::NeighborID neighbor_id() const { return _neighborid; }

     * Set the ID of the neighbor at the far end of this link.
     * @param neighborid the ID of the neighbor.
    inline void set_neighbor_id(OlsrTypes::NeighborID neighborid) {
	_neighborid = neighborid;

     * @return the cached Neighbor pointer.
    inline Neighbor* destination() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(0 != _destination);	// Pilot error if we get here.
	return _destination;

     * Set the cached neighbor pointer.
     * @param n the Neighbor pointer.
    inline void set_destination(Neighbor* n) { _destination = n; }

     * @return the ID of the local interface where this link resides.
    inline OlsrTypes::FaceID faceid() const { return _faceid; }

     * Set the ID of the local interface where this link resides.
     * @param faceid the ID of the local interface.
    inline void set_faceid(OlsrTypes::FaceID faceid) {
	_faceid = faceid;

     * @return the protocol address of the local interface.
    inline IPv4 local_addr() const { return _local_addr; }

     * @return the protocol address of the neighbor's interface.
    inline IPv4 remote_addr() const { return _remote_addr; }

     * @return the near end ETX measurement.
    inline double near_etx() const { return _near_etx; }

     * @return the far end ETX measurement.
    inline double far_etx() const { return _far_etx; }

     * Update the link timers, based on the information present
     * in a HELLO message.
     * Section 7.1.1, 2: HELLO Message Processing.
     * @param vtime The validity time present in the HELLO message.
     * @param saw_self true if the neighbor advertised our own address.
     * @param lc the link code with which our address was advertised.
    void update_timers(const TimeVal& vtime,
		       bool saw_self = false,
		       const LinkCode lc = LinkCode());

     * Determine the current state of the link.
     * Section 6.2, 1: HELLO Message Generation, Link Type.
     * @return The link type code representing this link's state.
    OlsrTypes::LinkType link_type() const;

     * @return true if this link is symmetric.
    inline bool is_sym() const {
	return link_type() == OlsrTypes::SYM_LINK;

     * @return the amount of time remaining until the SYM timer fires.
    inline TimeVal sym_time_remaining() const {
	TimeVal tv;
	return tv;

     * @return the amount of time remaining until the ASYM timer fires.
    inline TimeVal asym_time_remaining() const {
	TimeVal tv;
	return tv;

     * @return the amount of time remaining until the DEAD timer fires.
    inline TimeVal time_remaining() const {
	TimeVal tv;
	return tv;

     * Determine if a link is pending (i.e. not yet established).
     * @return true if the link is pending.
    inline bool pending() const { return _is_pending; }

     * Callback method to: service a LogicalLink's SYM timer.
    void event_sym_timer();

     * Callback method to: service a LogicalLink's ASYM timer.
    void event_asym_timer();

     * Callback method to: service a LogicalLink's LOST timer.
    void event_lost_timer();

     * Callback method to: service a LogicalLink's DEAD timer.
     * This is immediately passed to the parent Neighborhood as
     * the link may be deleted.
    void event_dead_timer();

    Neighborhood*	_nh;
    EventLoop&		_eventloop;

     * Unique identifier of link.
    OlsrTypes::LogicalLinkID	    _id;

     * ID of interface where this link resides.
    OlsrTypes::FaceID	    _faceid;

     * ID of neighbor at other end of link.
    OlsrTypes::NeighborID   _neighborid;

     * Cached pointer to Neighbor.
    Neighbor*		    _destination;

     * L_neighbor_iface_addr protocol variable.
     * The protocol address of the neighbor's interface.
    IPv4		    _remote_addr;

     * L_local_iface_addr protocol variable.
     * The protocol address of our local interface.
    IPv4		    _local_addr;

    // Link state timers.

     * L_SYM_time protocol variable.
    XorpTimer		    _sym_timer;

     * L_ASYM_time protocol variable.
    XorpTimer		    _asym_timer;

     * L_LOST_LINK_time protocol variable.
    XorpTimer		    _lost_timer;

     * L_time protocol variable.
    XorpTimer		    _dead_timer;

    // Link etx fields.

     * L_link_pending protocol variable.
    bool		    _is_pending;

     * L_link_etx protocol variable.
    double		    _near_etx;

     * ETX far-end measurement.
    double		    _far_etx;

#endif // __OLSR_LINK_HH__

Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:13 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.