Source: ../../contrib/olsr/twohop.hh

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// $XORP: xorp/contrib/olsr/twohop.hh,v 1.2 2008/07/23 05:09:53 pavlin Exp $

#ifndef __OLSR_TWOHOP_HH__
#define __OLSR_TWOHOP_HH__

class Neighbor;
class Neighborhood;

// From now on, N1 is shorthand for "one-hop neighbor", and
// N2 is shorthand for "two-hop neighbor".

 * @short A two-hop neighbor.
 * When the last link expires, the entire instance expires.
class TwoHopNeighbor {
    TwoHopNeighbor(EventLoop& ev,
		   Neighborhood* parent,
		   const OlsrTypes::TwoHopNodeID id,
		   const IPv4& main_addr,
		   const OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID tlid);

    inline OlsrTypes::TwoHopNodeID id() const { return _id; }
    inline IPv4 main_addr() const { return _main_addr; }

     * Associate this N2 with an N1, using an instance of
     * the association class TwoHopLink.
     * @param tlid the ID of a two-hop link.
    void add_twohop_link(const OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID tlid);

     * Delete the given N1 from the set of Neighbors which may
     * be used to reach this N2.
     * @param tlid the ID of a two-hop link.
     * @return true if the last link to the TwoHopNeighbor was removed.
    bool delete_twohop_link(const OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID tlid);

    size_t delete_all_twohop_links();

    inline const set<OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID>& twohop_links() const {
	return _twohop_links;

     * Add the given neighbor as an MPR which covers this node.
     * @param nid the N to count as one of this N2's covering nodes.
    void add_covering_mpr(const OlsrTypes::NeighborID nid);

     * Withdraw the given neighbor as an MPR which covers this node.
     * @param nid the N to count as one of this N2's covering nodes.
    void withdraw_covering_mpr(const OlsrTypes::NeighborID nid);

     * Reset the MPR coverage state for this N2 node.
    void reset_covering_mprs();

     * @return The number of MPRs which cover this node.
    inline uint32_t coverage() const { return _coverage; }

     * @return true if this N2 is covered by at least N1.
    inline bool is_covered() const { return _coverage > 0; }

     * @return The number of MPR candidates which cover this node.
     * This is not computed here but by Neighborhood, the parent.
     * Note: This is NOT the same as a neighbor's reachability.
    inline uint32_t reachability() const { return _reachability; }

     * Set this N2's reachability.
    inline void set_reachability(uint32_t value) { _reachability = value; }

     * @return true if this N2 is reachable.
    inline bool is_reachable() const { return _reachability > 0; }

     * @return true if this N2 is strict.
     * An N2 is strict if it appears only in the
     * two-hop neighborhood, and not in the one-hop neighborhood.
    bool is_strict() const { return _is_strict; }

     * Set if this N2 is a strict two-hop neighbor.
     * @param is_strict true if this N2 does NOT also appear as an N1.
    void set_is_strict(bool is_strict) {
	_is_strict = is_strict;

     * @return the set of two-hop links pointing to this N2 node.
    const set<OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID>& twohop_links() {
	return _twohop_links;

    EventLoop&		    _ev;
    Neighborhood*	    _parent;

     * Unique ID of this N2 node.
    OlsrTypes::TwoHopNodeID	_id;

     * N_2hop_addr protocol variable.
     * Main protocol address of this N2 node.
    IPv4		    _main_addr;

     * true if this N2 is NOT also an N1 node.
    bool		    _is_strict;

     * The number of strict N1 which can
     * reach this strict N2, and which have been
     * selected as MPRs by the Neighborhood.
    uint32_t		    _coverage;

     * The number of strict N1 which can reach this strict N2.
    uint32_t		    _reachability;

     * Links by which this two-hop neighbor is reachable.
    set<OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID>	    _twohop_links;

 * @short A link between a Neighbor and a TwoHopNeighbor.
 * Association class between TwoHopNeighbor and Neighbor.
 * TwoHopNeighbor cannot exist without TwoHopLink. Like Link and Neighbor,
 * there is a co-dependent relationship. Both TwoHopNeighbor and TwoHopLink
 * cannot exist without Neighbor.
 * TwoHopLinks are uniquely identified by the ID of the two-hop neighbor
 * at the far end, and the Neighbor at the near end. When the last
 * TwoHopLink associated with a TwoHopNeighbor is deleted, the
 * TwoHopNeighbor MUST be deleted, to conform to the relations in the RFC.
class TwoHopLink {
    TwoHopLink(EventLoop& ev, Neighborhood* parent,
	       OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID tlid,
	       Neighbor* nexthop, const TimeVal& vtime);

     * @return A unique identifier for this link in the two-hop
     * neighborhood.
    inline OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID id() const { return _id; }

     * @return A pointer to the strict one-hop neighbor at the
     * near end of this link.
    inline Neighbor* nexthop() const { return _nexthop; }

     * @return A pointer to the strict two-hop neighbor at the
     * far end of this link.
    inline TwoHopNeighbor* destination() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(0 != _destination);	    // Catch programming errors.
	return _destination;

     * Set the cached destination pointer.
     * @param destination the TwoHopNeighbor at the end of this link.
    inline void set_destination(TwoHopNeighbor* destination) {
	// Invariant: set_destination() should only be called once,
	// immediately after the TwoHopLink has been created, to
	// associate it with a TwoHopNeighbor.
	XLOG_ASSERT(0 == _destination);
	_destination = destination;

     * @return The ID of the interface where the advertisement of this
     * TwoHopLink was last heard by a Neighbor.
    inline OlsrTypes::FaceID face_id() const { return _face_id; }

     * @return ETX measurement at near end of link.
    inline double near_etx() const { return _near_etx; }

     * @return ETX measurement at far end of link.
    inline double far_etx() const { return _far_etx; }

     * Set the ID of the interface where this link was last heard.
     * @param faceid the ID of the interface.
    inline void set_face_id(const OlsrTypes::FaceID faceid) {
	_face_id = faceid;

     * Set the ETX measurement at near end of link.
     * @param near_etx near end ETX measurement.
    inline void set_near_etx(const double& near_etx) {
	_near_etx = near_etx;

     * Set the ETX measurement at far end of link.
     * @param far_etx far end ETX measurement.
    inline void set_far_etx(const double& far_etx) {
	_far_etx = far_etx;

     * @return the amount of time remaining until this two-hop link expires.
    inline TimeVal time_remaining() const {
	TimeVal tv;
	return tv;

     * Update this link's expiry timer.
     * @param vtime the amount of time from now til when the link expires.
    void update_timer(const TimeVal& vtime);

     * Callback method to: tell the parent that this two-hop link
     * has now expired.
    void event_dead();

    EventLoop&			_ev;
    Neighborhood*		_parent;

     * A unique identifier for this object.
    OlsrTypes::TwoHopLinkID	_id;

     * The strict one-hop neighbor used to reach the two-hop neighbor
     * referenced by _far_id.
    Neighbor*			_nexthop;

     * The two-hop neighbor at the end of this link.
    TwoHopNeighbor*		_destination;

     * The ID of the interface where the advertisement of this link
     * was last heard.
    OlsrTypes::FaceID		_face_id;

     * The time at which this two-hop link expires.
    XorpTimer			_expiry_timer;

     * The ETX as measured at the near end of this link.  Optional.
    double			_near_etx;

     * The ETX as measured at the far end of this link.  Optional.
    double			_far_etx;

#endif // __OLSR_TWOHOP_HH__

Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:13 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.