// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // vim:set sts=4 ts=8 sw=4: // Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/contrib/olsr/vertex.hh,v 1.2 2008/07/23 05:09:53 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __OLSR_VERTEX_HH__ #define __OLSR_VERTEX_HH__ /** * @short A vertex in the shortest path tree. */ class Vertex { public: Vertex(); explicit Vertex(const Neighbor& n); explicit Vertex(const TwoHopNeighbor& n2); explicit Vertex(const IPv4& main_addr); explicit Vertex(const TopologyEntry& tc); /** * Compare two Vertex instances for less-than ordering. * * Collation order for sort: * 1. Main address; always unique. * * XXX The following two can't be relied upon... because differentiating * them at all means we can't look up nodes purely by their address! * 2. Is origin vertex: true, false. * 3. Vertex type: origin, onehop, twohop, tc. * * @param other node to compare with. * @return true if this node comes before the other node. */ inline bool operator<(const Vertex& other) const { #if 0 if (_main_addr == other.main_addr()) { if (_is_origin == other.is_origin()) return _t < other.type(); return _is_origin > other.is_origin(); } #endif return _main_addr < other.main_addr(); } /** * Compare two Vertex instances for equality. * * Comparison is performed solely on the main address of the node, * which is always unique. * * @param other node to compare with. * @return true if this node and the other node are equal. */ inline bool operator==(const Vertex& other) const { return _main_addr == other.main_addr(); } inline void set_main_addr(const IPv4& main_addr) { _main_addr = main_addr; } inline IPv4 main_addr() const { return _main_addr; } void set_nodeid(uint32_t nid) { _nodeid = nid; } uint32_t nodeid() const { return _nodeid; } void set_is_origin(bool v) { _is_origin = v; } /** * @return true if this node represents this router. */ bool is_origin() const { return _is_origin; } void set_producer(const IPv4& producer) { _producer = producer; } IPv4 producer() const { return _producer; } void set_faceid(const OlsrTypes::FaceID fid) { _faceid = fid; } OlsrTypes::FaceID faceid() const { return _faceid; } /** * @return the LogicalLink associated with a one-hop neighbor. */ const LogicalLink* link() const { return _link; } void set_link(const LogicalLink* l) { XLOG_ASSERT(_t == OlsrTypes::VT_NEIGHBOR); _link = l; } /** * @return the TwoHopLink associated with a two-hop neighbor. */ const TwoHopLink* twohop_link() const { return _twohop_link; } void set_twohop_link(const TwoHopLink* l2) { XLOG_ASSERT(_t == OlsrTypes::VT_TWOHOP); _twohop_link = l2; } void set_type(const OlsrTypes::VertexType t) { _t = t; } OlsrTypes::VertexType type() const { return _t; } string str() const { string output = "OLSR"; output += c_format(" Node %s", cstring(_main_addr)); output += c_format(" Type %u", XORP_UINT_CAST(type())); output += c_format(" ID %u", XORP_UINT_CAST(nodeid())); return output; } private: /** * @short true if this Vertex represents this OLSR router. */ bool _is_origin; /** * The type of node in the OLSR link state databases from which * this Vertex is derived. */ OlsrTypes::VertexType _t; /** * ID of the Neighbor, TwoHopNeighbor or TopologyEntry responsible * for the creation of this vertex. */ uint32_t _nodeid; /** * The main protocol address of the OLSR node is used as the unique * node identifier in the shortest-path tree. */ IPv4 _main_addr; /** * The main protocol address of the OLSR node from where this vertex * was learned. In the routing CLI this is referred to as the origin; * it is NOT the origin of the SPT graph. */ IPv4 _producer; // XXX: union candidate. /** * If the OLSR node which this vertex represents is directly * connected to the origin, this is the FaceID which should be * used to reach the next hop. */ OlsrTypes::FaceID _faceid; /** * If this is a one-hop neighbor vertex, this is the link which * was chosen to reach the neighbor. */ const LogicalLink* _link; /** * If this is a two-hop neighbor vertex, this is the link which * was chosen to reach it. */ const TwoHopLink* _twohop_link; }; /** * Default constructor for Vertex. */ inline Vertex::Vertex() : _is_origin(false), _t(OlsrTypes::VT_UNKNOWN), _nodeid(OlsrTypes::UNUSED_NEIGHBOR_ID), _faceid(OlsrTypes::UNUSED_FACE_ID) { } // There are several explicit constructors for Vertex. These are used // to populate Vertex with the information which we will need when // plumbing routes to the policy engine for redistribution, after the // SPT computation. /** * Explicit constructor to: * Create a Vertex from a Neighbor. * * A neighbor vertex is learned from the neighbor itself, so mark it * as the producer. * * @param n the Neighbor represented by this Vertex. */ inline Vertex::Vertex(const Neighbor& n) : _is_origin(false), _t(OlsrTypes::VT_NEIGHBOR), _nodeid(n.id()), _main_addr(n.main_addr()), _producer(n.main_addr()), _faceid(OlsrTypes::UNUSED_FACE_ID) { } /** * Explicit constructor to: * Create a Vertex from a TwoHopNeighbor. * * The producer of a two-hop vertex is the one-hop neighbor which * advertised the link we choose to reach it, which we set after * creation using set_producer(). * * The face ID is not known until the SPT calculation has run and * paths have been chosen; it will be that of the path selected at * radius = 1. * * @param n2 the TwoHopNeighbor represented by this Vertex. */ inline Vertex::Vertex(const TwoHopNeighbor& n2) : _is_origin(false), _t(OlsrTypes::VT_TWOHOP), _nodeid(n2.id()), _main_addr(n2.main_addr()), _faceid(OlsrTypes::UNUSED_FACE_ID) { } /** * Explicit constructor to: * Create a Vertex from a protocol address. * * Typically used for sanity checking when populating the SPT from * OLSR's TC database. */ inline Vertex::Vertex(const IPv4& main_addr) : _is_origin(false), _t(OlsrTypes::VT_TOPOLOGY), _main_addr(main_addr) { } /** * Explicit constructor to: * Create a Vertex from a topology control tuple. * * The producer of a TC vertex is the OLSR node which advertised * the TC entry from which the vertex has been created. */ inline Vertex::Vertex(const TopologyEntry& tc) : _is_origin(false), _t(OlsrTypes::VT_TOPOLOGY), _nodeid(tc.id()), _main_addr(tc.destination()), _producer(tc.lasthop()) { } #endif // __OLSR_VERTEX_HH__