Source: ../../libxipc/xrl_pf_stcp_ph.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version
// 2.1, June 1999 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Redistribution and/or modification of this program under the terms of
// any other version of the GNU Lesser General Public License is not
// permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, a copy of
// which can be found in the XORP LICENSE.lgpl file.
// XORP, Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/libxipc/xrl_pf_stcp_ph.hh,v 1.19 2008/10/02 21:57:25 bms Exp $


// major and minor maybe defined on system, undefine them
#ifdef major
#undef major

#ifdef minor
#undef minor

// STCP Packet Type enumerations

enum STCPPacketType {
    STCP_PT_HELO	= 0x00,
    STCP_PT_HELO_ACK	= 0x01,
    STCP_PT_REQUEST	= 0x02,

// Flag masks
#define FLAG_BATCH_MASK	 0x1
#define FLAG_BATCH_SHIFT   0

// STCP Packet Header.
class STCPPacketHeader {
    STCPPacketHeader(uint8_t* data);

    static const size_t SIZE = 24;	// STCP Packet Header size

    void initialize(uint32_t		seqno,
		    STCPPacketType	type,
		    const XrlError&	err,
		    uint32_t		xrl_data_bytes);

    static size_t header_size()		{ return STCPPacketHeader::SIZE; }

    bool is_valid() const;

    uint32_t fourcc() const;

    uint8_t  major() const;

    uint8_t  minor() const;

    STCPPacketType type() const;

    uint32_t seqno() const;

    uint32_t error_code() const;

    uint32_t error_note_bytes() const;

    uint32_t xrl_data_bytes() const;

    uint32_t payload_bytes() const;

    // Sum of header, error note, and payload bytes.
    uint32_t frame_bytes() const;

    bool batch() const;
    void set_batch(bool batch);

    // The STCP packet header has the following content:
    // fourcc (4 bytes): fourcc 'S' 'T' 'C' 'P'
    // major  (1 byte):  Major version
    // minor  (1 byte):  Minor version
    // seqno  (4 bytes): Sequence number
    // flags  (1 byte):  Bit 0 = batch.
    // type   (1 byte):  Bits [0:1] hello/req./resp.
    // error_code (4 bytes): XrlError code
    // error_note_bytes (4 bytes): Length of note (if any) assoc. w/ code
    // xrl_data_bytes (4 bytes): Xrl return args data bytes

    uint8_t* _data;		// The buffer data with the header

    // Pointers to the header fields
    uint8_t* _fourcc;		// fourcc 'S' 'T' 'C' 'P'
    uint8_t* _major;		// Major version
    uint8_t* _minor;		// Minor version
    uint8_t* _seqno;		// Sequence number
    uint8_t* _flags;		// Flags
    uint8_t* _type;		// [0:1] hello/req./resp.
    uint8_t* _error_code;	// XrlError code
    uint8_t* _error_note_bytes;	// Length of note (if any) assoc. w/ code
    uint8_t* _xrl_data_bytes;	// Xrl return args data bytes

    // Sizes of the header fields
    static const size_t _fourcc_sizeof = 4;
    static const size_t _major_sizeof = 1;
    static const size_t _minor_sizeof = 1;
    static const size_t _seqno_sizeof = 4;
    static const size_t _flags_sizeof = 1;
    static const size_t _type_sizeof = 1;
    static const size_t _error_code_sizeof = 4;
    static const size_t _error_note_bytes_sizeof = 4;
    static const size_t _xrl_data_bytes_sizeof = 4;

    // Offsets for the header fields
    static const size_t _fourcc_offset = 0;
    static const size_t _major_offset = _fourcc_offset + _fourcc_sizeof;
    static const size_t _minor_offset = _major_offset + _major_sizeof;
    static const size_t _seqno_offset = _minor_offset + _minor_sizeof;
    static const size_t _flags_offset = _seqno_offset + _seqno_sizeof;
    static const size_t _type_offset = _flags_offset + _flags_sizeof;
    static const size_t _error_code_offset = _type_offset + _type_sizeof;
    static const size_t _error_note_bytes_offset = _error_code_offset + _error_code_sizeof;
    static const size_t _xrl_data_bytes_offset = _error_note_bytes_offset + _error_note_bytes_sizeof;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:28:54 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.