Source: ../../libxorp/asyncio.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version
// 2.1, June 1999 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Redistribution and/or modification of this program under the terms of
// any other version of the GNU Lesser General Public License is not
// permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, a copy of
// which can be found in the XORP LICENSE.lgpl file.
// XORP, Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/asyncio.hh,v 1.35 2008/10/22 00:26:47 pavlin Exp $


#include "libxorp/xorp.h"

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include "libxorp/xorpfd.hh"
#include "libxorp/callback.hh"
#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"

struct iovec;

// Asynchronous file transfer classes.  These utilize XORP EventLoop
// and the IoEvent framework to read / write files asynchronously.  The
// user creates and AsyncFile{Reader,Writer} and adds a buffer for
// reading / writing with add_buffer().  A callback is provided with
// each buffer is called every time I/O happens on the buffer.
// Note that in case of AsyncFileWriter the user can use add_data() to
// add the data to write/send, and that data will be stored/buffered
// internally by AsyncFileWriter itself.
// Reading/Writing only begins when start() is called, and normally
// continues until there are no buffers left.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AsyncFileOperator - Abstract base class for asynchronous file operators.

 * @short Base class for asynchronous file transfer operations.
 * Asynchronous file transfer operations allow data to be transferred
 * to or from user supplied buffers.  A callback is invoked on each
 * transfer.  Transfer stops when the available buffers are exhausted.
class AsyncFileOperator {
    enum Event {
	DATA = 1,		// I/O occured
	FLUSHING = 2,		// Buffer is being flushed
	OS_ERROR = 4,		// I/O Error has occurred, check error()
	END_OF_FILE = 8,	// End of file reached (applies to read only)
	WOULDBLOCK = 16		// I/O would block the current thread

     * Callback type user provides when adding buffers to sub-classes
     * AsyncFileOperator.  Callback's are on a per buffer basis and
     * invoked any time some I/O is performed.  The offset field
     * refers to the offset of the last byte read, or written, from
     * the start of the buffer.
     * Callback has arguments:
     * 		ErrorCode	e,
     *		uint8_t*	buffer,
     * 		size_t 		buffer_bytes,
     *          size_t 		offset

    typedef XorpCallback4<void, Event, const uint8_t*, size_t, size_t>::RefPtr Callback;
     * @return the number of buffers available.
    virtual size_t 	buffers_remaining() const = 0;

     * Stop asynchronous operation and clear list of buffers.
    virtual void	flush_buffers() = 0;

     * Start asynchronous operation.
     * @return true on success, false if no buffers are available.
    virtual bool	start() = 0;

     * Stop asynchronous operation.
    virtual void	stop()  = 0;

     * Resume stopped asynchronous operation.
     * @return true on success, false if no buffers are available.
    bool		resume()		{ return start(); }

     * @return true if asynchronous I/O is started.
    bool		running() const 	{ return _running; }

     * @return file descriptor undergoing asynchronous operation.
    XorpFd		fd() const		{ return _fd; }

     * @return the last error code returned by the underlying OS.
    int			error() const		{ return _last_error; }

    AsyncFileOperator(EventLoop& e, XorpFd fd, 
		      int priority = XorpTask::PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
	: _eventloop(e), _fd(fd), _running(false),
	  _last_error(0), _priority(priority)
	int fl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
	assert(fl & O_NONBLOCK);
    virtual ~AsyncFileOperator();

    EventLoop&		_eventloop;
    XorpFd		_fd;
    bool		_running;
    int			_last_error;
    int			_priority;

 * @short Read asynchronously from a file.
class AsyncFileReader : public AsyncFileOperator {
     * @param e EventLoop that object should associate itself with.
     * @param fd a file descriptor to read from.
    AsyncFileReader(EventLoop& e, XorpFd fd,
		    int priority = XorpTask::PRIORITY_DEFAULT);

     * Add an additional buffer for reading to.
     * Note that the buffer with the data is managed by the user.
     * @param buffer pointer to buffer.
     * @param buffer_bytes size of buffer in bytes.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_buffer(uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes, const Callback& cb);

     * Add an additional buffer for reading to.
     * Note that the buffer with the data is managed by the user.
     * @param buffer pointer to buffer.
     * @param buffer_bytes size of buffer in bytes.
     * @param offset starting point for read operation.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_buffer_with_offset(uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes,
				size_t offset, const Callback& cb);

     * Start asynchronous operation.
     * @return true on success, false if no buffers are available.
    bool start();

     * Stop asynchronous operation.
    void stop();

     * @return the number of buffers available.
    size_t buffers_remaining() const { return _buffers.size(); }

     * Stop asynchronous operation and clear list of buffers.
    void flush_buffers();

    class BufferInfo {
	BufferInfo(uint8_t* b, size_t bb, Callback cb)
	    : _buffer(b), _buffer_bytes(bb), _offset(0), _cb(cb) {}
	BufferInfo(uint8_t* b, size_t bb, size_t off, Callback cb)
	    : _buffer(b), _buffer_bytes(bb), _offset(off), _cb(cb) {}

	void dispatch_callback(AsyncFileOperator::Event e) {
	    _cb->dispatch(e, _buffer, _buffer_bytes, _offset);

	uint8_t* buffer() { return (_buffer); }
	size_t buffer_bytes() const { return (_buffer_bytes); }
	size_t offset() const { return (_offset); }
	void incr_offset(size_t done) { _offset += done; }

	BufferInfo();					// Not implemented
	BufferInfo(const BufferInfo&);			// Not implemented
	BufferInfo& operator=(const BufferInfo&);	// Not implemented

	uint8_t*	_buffer;
	size_t		_buffer_bytes;
	size_t		_offset;
	Callback	_cb;

    void read(XorpFd fd, IoEventType type);
    void complete_transfer(int err, ssize_t done);

    list<BufferInfo *> _buffers;

    void disconnect(XorpFd fd, IoEventType type);

    XorpTask		_deferred_io_task;
    bool		_disconnect_added;

 * @short Write asynchronously to non-blocking file.
class AsyncFileWriter : public AsyncFileOperator {
     * @param e EventLoop that object should associate itself with.
     * @param fd a file descriptor marked as non-blocking to write to.
     * @param coalesce the number of buffers to coalesce for each write()
     *        system call.
    AsyncFileWriter(EventLoop& e, XorpFd fd, uint32_t coalesce = 1,
		    int priority = XorpTask::PRIORITY_DEFAULT);


     * Add an additional buffer for writing from.
     * Note that the buffer with the data is managed by the user.
     * @param buffer pointer to buffer.
     * @param buffer_bytes size of buffer in bytes.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_buffer(const uint8_t*	buffer,
		    size_t		buffer_bytes,
		    const Callback&	cb);

     * Add an additional buffer for writing from by using sendto(2).
     * Note that sendto()-buffers are never coalesced with other buffers.
     * @param buffer pointer to buffer.
     * @param buffer_bytes size of buffer in bytes.
     * @param dst_addr the destination address to send the data to.
     * @param dst_port the destination port (in host order) to send the
     * data to.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_buffer_sendto(const uint8_t*	buffer,
			   size_t		buffer_bytes,
			   const IPvX&		dst_addr,
			   uint16_t		dst_port,
			   const Callback&	cb);

     * Add an additional buffer for writing from.
     * @param buffer pointer to buffer.
     * @param buffer_bytes size of buffer in bytes.
     * @param offset the starting point to write from in the buffer.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_buffer_with_offset(const uint8_t*	buffer,
				size_t		buffer_bytes,
				size_t		offset,
				const Callback&	cb);

     * Add additional data for writing from.
     * Note that the data is stored to write is stored internally by
     * AsyncFileWriter.
     * @param data the data to write.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_data(const vector<uint8_t>&	data,
		  const Callback&		cb);

     * Add additional data for writing from by using sendto(2).
     * Note that the data is stored to write is stored internally by
     * AsyncFileWriter.
     * Note that sendto()-buffers are never coalesced with other buffers.
     * @param data the data to send.
     * @param dst_addr the destination address to send the data to.
     * @param dst_port the destination port (in host order) to send the
     * data to.
     * @param cb Callback object to invoke when I/O is performed.
    void add_data_sendto(const vector<uint8_t>&	data,
			 const IPvX&		dst_addr,
			 uint16_t		dst_port,
			 const Callback&	cb);

     * Start asynchronous operation.
     * @return true on success, false if no buffers are available.
    bool start();

     * Stop asynchronous operation.
    void stop();

     * @return the number of buffers available.
    size_t buffers_remaining() const { return _buffers.size(); }

     * Stop asynchronous operation and clear list of buffers.
    void flush_buffers();

    AsyncFileWriter();					// Not implemented
    AsyncFileWriter(const AsyncFileWriter&);		// Not implemented
    AsyncFileWriter& operator=(const AsyncFileWriter&);	// Not implemented

    class BufferInfo {
	BufferInfo(const uint8_t* b, size_t bb, const Callback& cb)
	    : _buffer(b), _buffer_bytes(bb), _offset(0), _dst_port(0),
	      _cb(cb), _is_sendto(false) {}
	BufferInfo(const uint8_t* b, size_t bb, const IPvX& dst_addr,
		   uint16_t dst_port, const Callback& cb)
	    : _buffer(b), _buffer_bytes(bb), _offset(0), _dst_addr(dst_addr),
	      _dst_port(dst_port), _cb(cb), _is_sendto(true) {}
	BufferInfo(const uint8_t* b, size_t bb, size_t off, const Callback& cb)
	    : _buffer(b), _buffer_bytes(bb), _offset(off), _dst_port(0),
	      _cb(cb), _is_sendto(false) {}

	BufferInfo(const vector<uint8_t>& data, const Callback& cb)
	    : _data(data), _buffer(&_data[0]), _buffer_bytes(_data.size()),
	      _offset(0), _dst_port(0), _cb(cb), _is_sendto(false) {}
	BufferInfo(const vector<uint8_t>& data, const IPvX& dst_addr,
		   uint16_t dst_port, const Callback& cb)
	    : _data(data), _buffer(&_data[0]), _buffer_bytes(_data.size()),
	      _offset(0), _dst_addr(dst_addr), _dst_port(dst_port),
	      _cb(cb), _is_sendto(true) {}

	void dispatch_callback(AsyncFileOperator::Event e) {
	    _cb->dispatch(e, _buffer, _buffer_bytes, _offset);

	const uint8_t* buffer() const { return (_buffer); }
	size_t buffer_bytes() const { return (_buffer_bytes); }
	size_t offset() const { return (_offset); }
	void incr_offset(size_t done) { _offset += done; }
	const IPvX& dst_addr() const { return (_dst_addr); }
	uint16_t dst_port() const { return (_dst_port); }
	bool is_sendto() const { return (_is_sendto); }

	BufferInfo();					// Not implemented
	BufferInfo(const BufferInfo&);			// Not implemented
	BufferInfo& operator=(const BufferInfo&);	// Not implemented

	const vector<uint8_t>	_data;		// Local copy of the data
	const uint8_t*		_buffer;
	size_t			_buffer_bytes;
	size_t			_offset;
	const IPvX		_dst_addr;
	const uint16_t		_dst_port;
	Callback		_cb;
	bool			_is_sendto;

    void write(XorpFd, IoEventType);
    void complete_transfer(ssize_t done);

    uint32_t		_coalesce;
    struct iovec* 	_iov;
    ref_ptr<int>	_dtoken;
    list<BufferInfo *> 	_buffers;

    void disconnect(XorpFd fd, IoEventType type);

    XorpTask		_deferred_io_task;
    bool		_disconnect_added;

#endif // __LIBXORP_ASYNCIO_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:28:45 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.